#luke is just a source of sound pollution
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jflashandclash · 5 years
Tales From Mount Othrys
Fidget Spinners IV
           Once they were aboard the Ferry of the Dead, riding down the River Styx with Charon in his proper creepy and grim black robe, Alabaster stopped vomiting. The ship was an old Greek vessel, something Matthias could have identified immediately. They sat as far from the stern as possible. Apparently this boat was usually brimming with ghosts, but Charon had shoved the three of them aboard in such a hurry, less ghosts had flooded the space.
         This gave them the room to sit on the edge of the boat so Pax, Lou Ellen, and Alabaster could stare off at the inky, polluted river. They wanted to be as far from the ferryman as possible. Charon was cursing under his breath, something about children being electrocuted in bathtubs and getting into car accidents.
         Maybe, in a normal tour, Pax might have been excited by the black stalactites and terrifying horror movie set. For now, all he could do was rub Alabaster’s back. Lou Ellen sat on his other side, pulling one finger off and putting it back in a different one’s place, frequently messing it up. This was her way of acting concerned.
         After he was certain Charon couldn’t overhear them, Pax whispered, “You died coming after us?!”
         Before now, he couldn’t process what was happening enough to ask. The sight of Alabaster with his intestines dragging on the floor and blood spewing out of his mouth—it was enough to make Pax tremble more. And he was already trembling pretty hard in this cold cavern.
         “Of course I died!” Alabaster’s voice rose, making Pax and Lou Ellen flinch. “How else would I be in the Underworld?!”
         Tears threatened to spill down Pax’s cheeks. He could hear Lou Ellen sniffling. Crying would really make her missing-eye illusion less believable.
         Alabaster sighed. Pax thought he was reaching for something in his pocket.
         Alabaster wasn’t. He grabbed the end of his intestines. Casually, the child of Hecate wound them up around one wrist. Once he got towards the end, he ripped off a chunk.
         Pax shrieked.
         “Be quiet,” Alabaster snarled. Softer, he grumbled, “And Mercedes thinks you can keep it cool in enemy territory.”
         Pax wanted to point out that enemies (hopefully) wouldn’t be ripping off pieces of their organs. Was that a thing they did in Camp Half-Blood? Did Percy Jackson, in fact, an organ-eating zombie?
         Before Pax could withdraw his hand, Alabaster shoved the chunk into Pax’s palm.
         Pax almost screamed again. Maybe this was an experience he should have smiled upon—after all, it isn’t every day that your crush tries to hand you an organ, granted, a heart might be better.
         “I knew you idiots wouldn’t bring enough snacks,” Alabaster hissed, shoving another chunk into Lou Ellen’s hands.
         “Oh my mother…” Lou Ellen whispered.
         Pax didn’t want to watch as she held up the chunk for investigation. Then he saw what she saw. The scent of iron vanished like it had been a whiff from a distant breeze. That chunk had some kind of label covered in blood—not blood.
         Pax sniffed.
         The scent of barbeque sauce became overwhelming.
         He rubbed his own chunk with his thumb. The sauce smeared to reveal a packaged sausage, like the kind you’d have on a cheese platter. There was even a bright label on the protective packaging.
         Pax stared at his hand. The spell had been so convincing.
         Lou Ellen made a low whistle. “You’re good,” she said, “Titans, can you teach me how to do that?”
         “When you have enough discipline to pull off your nose instead of your chin,” Alabaster scolded.
         Pax couldn’t think about the spell or the sausage.
         He threw his arms around Alabaster.
         Alabaster made a grunt of annoyance.
         Slowly and firmly, as though not to draw attention to them, Alabaster removed Pax’s arms. There was an embarrassed hue to his pale cheeks as he scowled from Pax to Lou Ellen. “You didn’t come to me to devise this plan?” he demanded.
         “We thought you’d be mad,” Lou Ellen meeped. She sheepishly poked at the fake dent in her head. By comparison to Alabaster’s effects, hers looked like something out of a D-rate horror movie.
         “Oh, I am mad. When we get back, I’m killing you, and then you’ll have to march right back in there and explain to Charon how you’ve shown up twice, then you’ll have to see what he does with you,” Alabaster said.
         Pax couldn’t help but grin. Threats aside, he couldn’t handle looking at this very-much-alive Alabaster. It was cute thinking about it: Alabaster finding their, “Went to Underworld. Will bring back souvenirs,” note and stuffing a bunch of sausage links into his shirt, cussing at the confused centaur that could swear he just took Alabaster and Lou Ellen off the ship. He really cared. At least about Lou Ellen.
         “Are you making us go back?” she whispered, shuffling away from a wandering soul and closer to her brother. Pax understood. Everything here was cold. Touching another warm person was a nice reminder of the above world.
         “How, pray tell, am I to make you go back in our current situation?” Alabaster closed his eyes and rubbed his eyelids. “Mercedes warned me you’d want to go after Axel. I didn’t think the two of you would be stupid enough to throw away your life chasing him or smart enough to get off the boat undetected.”
         Lou Ellen and Pax exchanged a glance over Alabaster’s shoulders. Neither could decide if the comment was more compliment or insult.  
         “So, we’re going after Axel?” Pax clarified.
         “We’re certainly not going back the way we came. I have no interest in angering Charon on his own boat,” Alabaster said.
         That meant that Alabaster had come down here with his own plan. Even if he didn’t have one when he left, trying to catch them before they went into DOA Recording Studios, he would have come up with one by now. Before Pax could hear any awesome details, their ship pulled up along black sand.
         Pax guessed that Hades hadn’t heard the memo—that pink was the new black. If Pax ever got scared while he was down here, he would have to remember to visualize the Underworld in various shades of Easter egg with magenta stalactites meeting a sparkling, rose floor. His stomach dropped about what shade of pink the river would be with its thick eddies. That went too Mayan in his head.
         Alabaster tossed the plastic-wrapped suit backwards into the boat, quickly shuffling the younger two off. They didn’t wait to hear what Charon thought of the contents.
         They walked towards the airport-like security with ghoulish attendants separating people into various lines. There were signs above the lines, ones that Pax couldn’t read since the letters jumbled into incomprehension.
         A low whine, like that of an injured puppy, echoed around the chamber. Yea, there were wails too, but those were human wails. Pax was way less interested in those. He couldn’t find the source of the animal noises until Lou Ellen tugged furiously on his jacket.
         Pax didn’t know how he missed the view before. Unlike Alabaster, Lou Ellen, and Axel, he struggled to see through the Mist. Even so, the Mist deserved a pay raise.
         A few yards ahead of them was a massive Rottweiler with three heads. Maybe the truck-sized dog would have normally been intimidating; Pax had heard some intimidating stories about Cerberus. Instead, the dog just looked pathetic, curled up and nursing a paw. Pax could see why.
         There was a sword imbedded between two toes.
         “He’s hurt!” Pax cried.
         “Ajax, no,” Alabaster growled.
         Lou Ellen joined in the cry, “We have to help him.”
         “What part of—”
         “Please!” Pax and Lou Ellen said together.
         “Grant me the patience of the Furies,” Alabaster said under his breath.
         One of the heads must have caught their scent. It perked up and glanced in their direction, growling.
         The other two were licking at the injured paw still. He looked cute, the way a monster truck might if painted with bambis and rabbits.
         Alabaster stopped in his tracks. He fumbled with his intestines—sausages. Pax really needed to stop thinking of sausage as intestines. “Who do you think stabbed him?” he asked in his you’re stupid if you can’t answer this question and I know you too well to let you play dumb. “See many stray demigods wandering down here with blades?”
         “It wasn’t Axel,” Pax said. Axel was obsessed with mythical creature rights and would have known Cerberus was just doing his job. One caged animal to another—Axel would have likely tried to play-wrestle with the beast. “I’ll bet it was Luke.”
         “Yea, Luke’s an asshole,” Lou Ellen said.
         The two of them vigorously nodded their heads towards Alabaster.
         “Lou Ellen,” Alabaster chided, “I expect more creative insults than vulgarity. And you aren’t going to win me over by insulting Castellan.”
         Despite him saying that, the corner of his lips twitched into a smile. Until then, Pax hadn’t realized how glad he was to have Alabaster along. The Witch Boy would know his way around the Underworld, or Pax guessed he would. Alabaster held that easy calm, even amongst the dead.
         Pax and Lou Ellen would have feigned calm confidence. But, uh, that would have only lasted so long as they got closer to the line’s attendants.
         Another of Cerberus’ heads noticed their movement. It raised and joined in the low growl.
         The noise didn’t seem to bother Alabaster. “How were you planning on getting past?” he asked, gathering the rest of the sausages from his waist—he must have wrapped them under his shirt, and withdrawing them like a towel around a hand wound.
“We brought a chew toy,” Lou Ellen said. Pax could tell that she wanted to sound proud, but had realized a flaw in their plan. There were three heads and only one chew toy.
“Seriously?” Alabaster’s growl chimed in with Cerberus’.
“I heard it worked for Annabeth,” Pax said.
         Although Pax couldn’t see it, he could feel Alabaster roll his eyes. “The amount of inconvenience that girl has caused,” he said under his breath.
         Pax hesitated. Cerberus’ growls were making his body vibrate. This dog was massive, the size of a truck. Pax didn’t even come up to Cerberus’ chest and Cerberus was half-laying down. One of his heads still licked the sword hilt imbedded in his paw. Focus on that, Pax thought, and not on how his teeth are about as long as that sword.
         “We have a treat for you!” Alabaster called. His voice was way too cold for dealing with a ball of cute fluffiness and death. Pax had a feeling that Alabaster had never been allowed pets as a child. Other than Axel and Pax. Pax was fairly certain that they were pets to Alabaster.
         Cerberus stood up. When he applied pressure to his front paw, all three heads whimpered. They pulled the paw up slightly, to alleviate the pressure.
         “Go fix his paw if you wish. I can only hold him for a few moments with this,” Alabaster said. “If you take too long or are sloppy, you’ll get yourself killed.”
         For an instant, Pax wondered if Alabaster was nervous. The Witch Boy unwrapped a link of sausage and tossed it into the air towards Cerberus.
         The two heads less affected by the wound snapped at it, nipping at each other to bite it to pieces, probably the same way they would do with Pax’s limbs if he was caught.  
         Its breath flooded over them, almost as bad as Pax’s little brother’s, Hiro’s breath.
         “You suck at this,” Lou Ellen said, pulling a link from Alabaster. “You heard him, Pax. Have fun getting that sword out. Hey puppers! Look what I got for you puppers!”
         Her voice raised in pitch and excitement. The sentiment worked. Cerberus sat upright, letting his butt drop back onto the ground. From what Pax had heard of Annabeth’s interactions with this dog, he thought their red ball plan might have worked with Lou Ellen’s charm. Uh—natural charm. No witchy charm required.
         Pax puffed up his cheeks and popped them, realizing Lou Ellen had volunteered him for the harder job. His heartbeat pounded in his head. It’s just a cute, injured puppy, he told himself, It just so happens that it wouldn’t need to chew to swallow you.
         Alabaster gave Lou Ellen a look that might have been reproachful or approving. He handed her the rest of the sausage as Cerberus’ short tail thumped against the black sand, echoing around the chamber. Pax thought it was weird that interacting with this dog wasn’t a red flag for the Underworld Security. What dead person wanted to poke at the landowner’s attack dog?
         Alabaster made a few signs in the air around Pax’s head, muttering in Latin. Was he making him invisible? Or at least making him blend in with the stone? Or smell less like a delicious treat? Pax hoped all of the above. When Pax glanced down at his hands, they still looked visible and potentially delicious to a monster.
         “We don’t have enough sausages for you to hesitate,” Lou Ellen said.
         Pax swallowed. He thought about Juana, Axel’s jaguar. Their father bought it for him a few months after they were forced back “home.” Axel warned his siblings not to go near Juana without him, since she could tear them to shreds. Juana was a tenth the size of Cerberus.
         From what he knew of Juana, there was no point in trying to sneak up. He approached Cerberus’ injured paw, hands outstretched in attempt to look non-threatening. Not that a 4’7 rail of cuteness could look threatening.
The other two heads were locked on Lou Ellen, or fighting over bits of sausage she threw.
         The last head faced him. The eyes didn’t quite focus on Pax, showing Alabaster’s spell must have done something. Pax heartbeat thudded in his head as he took the last few steps to Cerberus’ foot. The dog hadn’t batted him out of existence yet.
         The head whimpered and pulled its paw closer to its body.
         “It’s okay,” Pax said, the way he did when his littlest brother had a nightmare. “I just want to help. It’ll be quick, like ripping off a Band Aid.”
         That felt like a threat to Pax. Just gonna take that sharp, pointy thing in your paw and move it around a bit.
         “Pax,” Alabaster said in warning.
         Pax didn’t look over to see why. He figured it had to do with how the middle head had turned to sniff furiously in his direction.
         Now or to Xibalba, Pax thought. He wrapped his fingers around the cold metal of the hilt and pulled up, trying not to twist the blade or yank at an angle.
         It slid out easily.
         Pax wanted to gloat about the Sword in the Paw and how he’d be king of the Cerberi.
         His mouth went dry instead.
         When he wretched the blade out, dark liquid splattered up from the paw. Something clear and goopy dropped on his head from above—saliva.
Pax puffed up his cheeks and popped them, looking up. The other two heads glowered down at him. Their teeth were barred within inches of his face. Their low growl rattled his skull.
He trembled, thinking at least one good thing would come out of this: if he died in the Underworld, he didn’t need to worry about going through Charon’s Waiting Room again.  
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! And I hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe!
Stay tuned next week for part X!
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diaryofachurchboy · 4 years
More On Noise Pollution
Diary of a Church Boy (S01 E17)
Owwteebee continues discussions on noise pollution
Last week I introduced an issue of concern, one that shouldn’t even be named amongst us as Christians
Owwteebee here. This is ‘Diary of a Church Boy’ - and we conclude a discussion about the nuisance that places of worship can sometimes be.
Let’s do this.
Did you know that the human ear is extremely sensitive and never rests? We may not be aware of it but even when we are asleep our ears are working.
Our ears are constantly picking up sounds from our environment that are filtered, transmitted to and interpreted by our brain. 
Undeniably, hearing empowers us to stay connected to other people and other worlds but when what we hear becomes noise, it affects us negatively - physically and mentally.
Health problems associated with noise include stress, poor concentration, hearing loss, fatigue from lack of sleep and the attendant productivity loss, et cetera.
Noise pollution is a serious health concern worthy of our attention and such as prevent or interrupt sleep is nearly a universal complaint but places of worship should not be named amongst its list of sources. No!
Remember the complaint from the last episode? Well, here’s a corroboration from another respondent:
I wish I could say I haven’t had these experiences myself. I’ve had to walk to a church nearby and ask them if they genuinely think Jesus would applaud them for disturbing the neighborhood the way they were.
I’m not kidding. This can really be annoying and one of experiences I miss the most from the lockdown, if you ask me, is that we didn’t have to deal with this insensitivity from people who’ve chosen to be so inconsiderate.
We actually reached out to some legal practitioners to get their opinion on how one can go about addressing this. I’ll just read out some of their responses verbatim:
I think your best bet is to contact an NGO that is involved in this area. They are likely to have lawyers who have the laws at their fingertips. Other lawyers don't just have all laws available to dish out off the cuff. It is after they are retained that they dig up the law and get paid, except for a lawyer who has done this before and may be willing to offer it pro-bono.
Hhmmm. Another one:
Such loud noises constitutes nuisance and this is an aspect of the law of tort. Check the relevant tort law of your state.Further, such nuisance offends the peace and tranquillity of the environment. This is also an aspect of environmental noise pollution. For further info, let me send my account details.
Na wa o!
Anyways, while I’ll continue to search for an expert who will help us find solutions to this concern, let’s think about this.
Though not explicitly stated in the Bible, the Golden Rule has been a way of referring to the words of Jesus in Luke 6: 31. It is a simple yet powerful way of urging us to imbibe what I’d call a culture of consideration. It encourages us to put ourselves in other people’s shoes and not do to them what we would prefer not to happen to us.
But with regards to this, wouldn’t’ it be a shame that we have to get the government to get the places of worship to obey the golden rule? Shouldn’t it be common sense to represent Jesus in ways that would draw men unto Him?I’ll leave us with the Contemporary English Version of that bible verses and hope that we will take it to heart - as we should: “Treat others just as you want to be treated.” (Luke 6:31 Contemporary English Version).
That’ll be all on this for now.
This podcast is a digital audio diary of my reflections on church-life and faith and you’ll find links to its transcripts on each episode’s show note. ‘Diary of a Church Boy’ is listener supported and you can support for a dollar or its equivalent every month on Patreon through the link also on each episode’s show note.
If this was recommended to you and you like the content, please share it with someone else! Subscribe, rate and review on your preferable podcast app so that we can reach more people with this. Follow @diaryofachurchboy (that’s one word) on Instagram and feel free to send your voice note contributions via direct message. 
See you on the next one!
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Water Revitalizer
For those individuals looking to go beyond purification and who are open to the possibility that water conveys energy, I carry the Original Water Revitalizer.  Installed after one of my whole house water purification systems - the tandem brings you truly remarkable water. 
Principles Of the Original Water Revitalizer
The theory behind the principles of the water revitalizer originate with a fellow by the name of Viktor Schauberger, an Austrian whose work was published in 1932 and 1933.  His work can be reviewed in "The Water Wizard: The Extraordinary Properties of Natural Water".  As I understand his point, Schauberger claims that water in a natural state, as in a stream flowing down a hill, contains a natural vortex energy, due in no small part to the way that it flows in its natural environment.  All of you have seen water flow in a stream and I'm sure you've seen the way water shimmers as it flows. 
This theory that water contains a natural energy vortex, a 'living water', makes sense to me.  It makes sense that water in a stream or spring is, in its original unpolluted form, healthy 'living' water that we as inhabitants of that environment originally adapted to.  It also makes sense to me that we remove this natural energy from water as we put it in pipes, confining it and depriving it of its ability to move or flow.  Recall the scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid where the mine operator asked the Kid to shoot without letting him draw is gun as he was accustomed to.  He couldn't do it.  Schauberger is saying that we've modified the natural health of our water by the way we convey it and because of this it does not function naturally when we use it: we've deprived it of it's natural energy and modified its molecular structure.
The Original Water Revitalizer, by using the power of vortex energy fields via "flow form dynamics", is said to transform your water by restoring this original energy.  The manufacturer claims that the vortex energy is created by a double spiral flow form within the pipe that restores this natural energy in your water.  Another important claim is a significant increase in the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water.  The Water Revitalizer is constructed based upon the principals described and illustrated by Schauberger.
According to the manufacturer, normal tap water, in most cases, shows low frequencies because it has been damaged.  I do know that some natural mineral waters resonate at a high frequency and that these vary from different sources.  Even high quality water at the source loses its natural energy and molecular crystalline structure as it is conveyed through pipes from its source to your home.   I also know that revitalized water demonstrates this higher frequency.
The idea of water containing energy or being made up of a particular crystalline shaped molecular structure is one that is familiar to us all.  We've all witnessed the crystalline structure of snowflakes.  It has also been shown that healthy water is molecularly distinct from polluted water. 
As a scientist, I can't say whether Schauberger's theories are correct or not.  As an ecologist and naturalist, I can appreciate the notion that water in the natural environment carries an energy vortex that is subsequently lost when that water is conveyed through pipes and no longer allowed to flow naturally.  As I sit at my desk and talk to each one of you on the phone when you call, I am watching my own section of the Santa Clara flow past.  The river's constant swirling motion keeps me rooted in remembering that we all hope to achieve healthy, natural water.  I also understand that this is a difficult concept to convey or prove. 
The water revitalizer is said to restore the natural energy of water by running it through a double spiral process that imparts a vortex flow form, or twist.  It really is quite fascinating.  What I am noticing so far is that deposition or scale formation from water hardness is decreased substantially and my plants seem to be thriving. 
Through the revitalizing process using the OWR, your water's frequency is said to be raised to a level which is natural for water. This process is said to be experienced as being very different and the water is experienced as being extremely light when swallowed. 
I must say that I am intrigued by this concept of restoring water's natural frequencies.  For that reason I am offering the OWR as an add on to install after my whole house purification system, thus first cleansing your water and then 'energizing' it with the OWR.  I've had some customers tell me that my endorsement sounds tepid or luke warm at best.  On the contrary, I like and recommend this product.  But I'm not going to tell you that it performs in ways that I can't verify.
I have installed the OWR in my home (installed 1-4-05).  What I noticed immediately is that the water coming from my faucets and shower swirls, it flows just as it does in the revitalizer itself.  And if I look closely I can see a shimmer to it, almost a dance, as in a reflection of light that was not there before.  I'm also noticing a definite decrease in hard water deposition.  My customers who have the Revitalizer always notice bubbles when they fill a glass which then immediately dissipate.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: home water filtration systems, best water filter, whole house water filter, water filtration system, whole house water filters.
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politicalfilth-blog · 6 years
You Won’t Believe What We Found In Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal!
In this video, we give you the latest breaking news on the Green New Deal that was presented by Ocasio-Cortez in resolution form. Is it as outrageous as everyone says?
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Well first we had ManBearPig and Al Gore and now we have Alexandria ocasio-cortez and the brand deal that is. Yeah it’s kind of off the charts and it’s lunacy aside from a lot of things I’m going to pick a part it’s not new it’s not really a deal for any of the people and the facts. They tried to put out that they were going to promote this phone has what resolution cuz it’s not a bill let’s get that clear right now it’s not a bill actually did have the unwilling to work they weren’t sure whether they were going to get rid of supposed how far to an airplane’s in 10 years kind of insane language and the resolution when you pick it apart again is no better route so it is nuts yeah I’m hearing a lot of crazy details coming out of this that are just unbelievable I’m like. There’s no way that’s it.
Oh yeah they’re actually calling everyone of course the saying that this is impossible but the plan was to take the money that is collected through taxes it and spend it on this kind of thing but everyone says it’s virtually impossible but that’s why I’m here in High-Speed Rail that makes a lot of sense but then when you get into the nitty-gritty about replacing airplanes with speed rails and heavier than sand rail Cassio Court.
Is kind of well-meaning but my own and Ford of you and I know me and you disagree with this on Jason is that she’s kind of coming coming on saying well this is a big problem with government which is something I know so let’s start with that right as you can see here are green New Deal is actually a paper that was put together in 2008 for a lot of proponents of what he coil and carbon taxes and trading Loop this thing is littered with it littered with it now somewhere really more upsetting things about this is actually some truth in it for instance you know they talk about the financial crisis they talk about the corrupt banking system they talk about the current Financial system inflation a lot of real things. And then it’s kind of warped into the situation where they’re going to tell you that we need 0 Greenhouse emissions by 2050 and that are 2010 levels all right and this is actually even mentioned in the resolution by the way guys I don’t know if you know where in 2019 I don’t know if I were so worried about the level we’re going to affect that but it needs to be a story to 60% decrease of greenhouse gas emissions from Human sources that is a direct quote from the actual resolution which is a separate document about that folks what are greenhouse gas emissions that means you have to drive your car to 60% less that means you literally have to breathe for you to 60% carbon tax and you emit carbon dioxide be evil the evil greenhouse gas that needs to be packed and then somehow globally. We got the US on pork Luke but we’re going to have met 0. By 2050 I hope you live in 2050 I know you do too I don’t live in Imaginationland I think that’s possible. Government but I think we do agree on is that yes our environment is being destroyed and that there are certain of it because if you really look at the bigger back between taking care of the environment the US military industrial complex as one of the bigger picture here we have to counter in China Africa and India and their pollution in the plastic kind of our environment or four of the. A lot of police use this kind of global warming kind of talking points to say we need a carbon tax to say we need to punish regular form of control and another form of just biased information being thrown at you being like you the individual responsible for the governor of New York, who sang all this is a great idea let’s propose our own going down in financial ruin steri soon as it is incredible what’s happening here but do you know the problem portable Solution that’s going to make things that much worse and this is why. I want to highlight some of the other lunacy in this thing is it all sounds great on paper right we’re going to meet 100% of the power to man in the United States through clean renewable and 0 I mean when sore you name it we’re going to do it I am all for that I honestly believe there are a lot of suppressed Technologies out there but it’s another biggest you not talked about a huge issue. Of course oil cartels have been suppressing and keeping down with of course government so I don’t think I’m at all the time text bigger time is of course.
What’s your address at all sorry go ahead Jason sounds great on paper I was just saying there’s a great possibility of suppressed technology.
Tells out there that control the oil industry the natural gas industry in the Solar industry now to some extent you know these big businesses now we’re in full control of that but I want to say that they go beyond that they say they’re going to fix every single problem in the world I’m going to read this passage word for word of this is in the resolution and it is so far beyond reality that we think we can do this at 8 to it speaks for itself. They’re going to put on quote promote Justice and Equity by stopping current preventing future and repairing they’re going to repair historic oppression of indigenous peoples communities of color vibrant communities as communities are depopulated rural communities for low-income workers women the elderly. Resolution as the front line and vulnerable Community let me explain what they just said they’re going to fix every problem ever and they’re going to repair everything you’ve ever done that’s wrong historically they lick every oppressed group they don’t say how they’re going to do it they can think about what that says I mean they actually included women in their eyes half the global population in history we’re going to fix all the wrongs ever two women Luke. Are we going to be this is a bigger issue here because they come up with some of the problems and we’re going to give you this for free Nothing is for free in the United States is in so much debt and I honestly I honestly this is I believe that’s a whole different topic. Call fear because there’s also important aspects of this because there’s actually the physical writings there’s also some talking points ever leaked let us know obviously know where does it matter that it’s post sponsored by Corey the fake Booker running for 2020 president does not matter because again once you look into this thing again peak oil promoted by this organization but. Although she said unwilling to work in the document itself Loop it clearly states they’re going to guarantee jobs to everybody let’s read that is so people can understand again how ridiculous these promises are there going to be guaranteeing a job with Ace family sustaining. Adequate Family and Medical Leave paid vacations you don’t get paid vacation. This guy not most people in this country anymore pretty to all people of the United States that’s a guarantee to a level it doesn’t matter your education level you are now guaranteed a retirement plan medical benefits does it matter if you want to show up I guess 20 hours to work 5 hours 1 hour maybe you want to call it in I don’t know when I read this crap but I do know that this green New Deal the bigger document gear lube actually calls for a at one point a carbon army yes a carbon Army and we have to remember in the actual document does get where we’re going to differentiate from the nonsense talking points that got leaked to the public that are just totally bad that ass crazy. To the fan. But they say that they’re going to create every single building in this country as a power station upgrading all existing buildings in the United States and building new buildings to achieve maximum Energy Efficiency water efficiency safety affordability comfort and durability including through electrification and you’d probably smart grids and you control systems by the government with keypad direct people would wake up there’s also bigger Factor here that allows raw elements metals that actually caused a lot of environmental destruction are actually one of the resources used in Wildhorse real free energy is being suppressed out there and they say Alexandria Democratic Party. Institution most people would just wake up and if you guys are there my box miss my flight so folks again you have to read this for yourself to put this up on screen just so people can read it they want to create and train a carbon Army of workers to provide the human resources for vast environmental reconstruction program if that’s not scary I don’t know what is remember we are truly Independent Media, you’re not from the left from the right but straightforward with the truth with the documents so please support us get out of town subscribestar describes the backup Channel and if you can please subscribe to our page newsletter lot of free content there and help support this media organization thank you very much. Stay tuned for a lot more here on youtube.com we are change.
The post You Won’t Believe What We Found In Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal! appeared first on We Are Change.
from We Are Change https://wearechange.org/you-wont-believe-what-we-found-in-ocasio-cortezs-green-new-deal/
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paullassiterca · 6 years
Will Leaf Blowers Jeopardize Your Hearing?
Inside your inner ear are tiny hair-like structures vital to your hearing. As you age, these cells begin to degrade, reducing your sensitivity to sound. However, you may also suffer damage to your hearing from exposure to loud noises.
As James Fallows, staff writer at The Atlantic discusses in this short video, dangers to your hearing don’t have to come from loud music, entertainment or massive construction machinery. The seemingly inconsequential gas-powered leaf blower may play a pivotal role increasing your risk of hearing damage and loss.
Even minor hearing loss is associated with negative consequences. After controlling for education and other important demographic factors, hearing loss is independently associated with economic hardship and underemployment.1
Social rejection, loneliness and avoidance or withdrawal from organized social situations triggered by hearing loss also increases the risk for depression,2 and since hearing loss reduces the ability to be alert to environmental cues that may signal dangerous situations, your risk of an accident also increases.
Researchers from Johns Hopkins University3 found a strong link between the degree of hearing loss and the risk for dementia. Hearing loss may also complicate the diagnosis and prognosis of those suffering from dementia.
Hearing and Loud Noise
Hearing is a complex function that begins in the outer ear and ends once sound waves are converted into neurological signals and transmitted to your brain. These electrical impulses are created in the cochlea after sound has vibrated your eardrum, moving a tiny group of bones in your middle ear, called the malleus, incus and stapes.
These bones are collectively known as the ossicles and amplify sound force, passing them to your inner ear and cochlea. Inside the cochlea, a conch shell-shaped structure, are 20,000 to 30,000 small hair-like fibers.4 The movement from these cells sends an electrical impulse through the cochlear nerve, which is in turn transmitted to the cerebral cortex in your brain where sound is interpreted.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO),5 more than 1.1 billion teens and young adults are at risk of losing their hearing due to unsafe levels of recreational noise. Nearly half of those aged 12 to 35 are exposed to unsafe sound levels from personal audio devices, and they estimate over 43 million young people worldwide are currently living with disabling hearing loss.
WHO recommends levels no higher than 85 decibels (dB) for a maximum of eight hours in the workplace in order to protect against hearing loss. However, they note many are exposed to levels of 100 dBs or more in entertainment venues. As a comparison, the American Hearing Research Foundation compiled a chart of approximate levels of common sounds, including:6
30 dB — whisper in a quiet library
60 dB — normal conversation
90 to 100 dB — lawnmower, shop tools, truck traffic, chain saw, snowmobile; two hours maximum exposure without protection
115 dB — sandblasting, rock concert, auto horn; 15 minutes per day maximum exposure without protection
140 dB — gun blast, jet engine; brief exposure injures unprotected ears
The Sound of Fall Weather
Fall weather used to herald the sounds of metal or plastic rakes against dry leaves and lawn debris. With the invention of the backpack gas engine leaf blower, the sound of fall has gotten noticeably louder. And, unfortunately, while these leaf blowers are highly productive, they also damage your ears and the hearing of those who happen to be nearby.
According to Nancy Napolitano, interim director of audiology at St Luke’s University Health Network, more people are arriving with noise-induced hearing loss than in years past, many of them in their 50s and younger.7 According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), hearing loss is the third most common chronic health condition.8
Nearly twice as many report having hearing loss as suffering from diabetes or cancer. The more often people are exposed to loud noises over 90 dBs, the greater the damage. Nearly 53 percent of those between the ages of 20 and 69 who have hearing damage report they had no on-the-job exposure to loud noise, indicating their exposure may have occurred at home or at entertainment venues.9
Approximately 20 percent of adults with no job exposure to loud sound have hearing damage. It is believed hearing damage is triggered at 85 dB of exposure for approximately eight hours. To compare, traffic noise inside your car measures 80 dB, while a leaf blower can measure between 90 and 115 dBs depending on the device. Exposure to 90 dBs of noise for two hours can trigger hearing damage.
Nearly 7 percent of those between the ages of 20 and 29 report hearing loss. The prevalence rises with age, reaching 50 percent by age 50 and 68 percent by age 60.10
Noisy work environments, medications that affect your hearing, being over the age of 40 and a male are also risk factors. As discussed earlier, hearing loss is more than just an inconvenience. It can lead to cognitive decline, depression and anxiety, social isolation and even loss of income.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor,11 an estimated $242 million is spent each year on workers’ compensation for hearing loss disability. The first year of treatment in older adults is projected to increase more than 500 percent from $8 billion spent in 2002 to an estimated $51 billion in 2030.12
Tinnitus May Signal Hearing Damage and Future Losses
Many have experienced ringing in their ears, especially after being in a loud environment. Also called tinnitus, this perception of noise is not triggered by a source in the environment but, rather, is related to damage in the inner ear.13
In the past year, roughly 10 percent of U.S. adults have experienced tinnitus and more than a third of those have nearly constant symptoms. The exact experience differs from person to person. Some describe it as a ringing in their ears, while others as a high pitched hissing, low-pitched roar, chirping, screeching or even musical sounds.
Tinnitus may be experienced in one or both ears; it may remain constant or be intermittent; and some only hear tinnitus if they’re in a completely quiet setting.14 In the past, the majority of cases were diagnosed after the age of 50, but recent data demonstrates it is becoming common in youth, likely due to an increased exposure to environmental noise.
In a study15 of 170 students between the ages of 11 and 17, researchers from McMaster University in Canada found “risky listening habits,” including exposure to loud noise at parties or concerts, were the norm. More than half the participants experienced tinnitus in the past, considered a warning sign for hearing damage.
Nearly 29 percent of the students had already developed chronic tinnitus measured by a psychoacoustic examination in a sound booth. Those with tinnitus had a reduced tolerance for loud noises, a sign of damage to the auditory nerves. When damaged, they prompt the brain to increase sensitivity to noise, essentially making sounds seem louder than they really are.
Tinnitus is also associated with coexisting anxiety and those with tinnitus have a higher risk of suffering depression and anxiety disorders. In one study, emotional exhaustion — or the feeling of being drained due to chronic stress — was a strong predictor of symptom severity.16
Age-Related Hearing Loss May Be Positively Impacted by Exercise and Nutrition
Hearing loss reported in those over 60 may be affected by age-related cell damage in the cochlea. While benefits from exercise range from weight loss, improved bone density and cardiovascular fitness to supporting your immune system, research has also linked aerobic exercise with a lower risk for hearing loss with age.
Using an animal model,17 research data showed sedentary mice lost important auditory structures in the cochlea affecting their hearing. Those who exercised experienced 5 percent hearing loss during their lifetime while sedentary mice experienced an average of 20 percent hearing loss.
Researchers estimated 70 percent of hearing loss in people over 70 is related to the loss of these structures. As your auditory system never stops working, it requires a high level of energy and a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients.
It is not surprising to also find nutritional imbalances may be another significant causative factor in hearing loss. Nutrients found to be most beneficial for protecting and improving your hearing are:18,19,20,21
Carotenoids, especially astaxanthin and vitamin A
Folate (vitamin B9)
Nutrients function by protecting against oxidative stress and preventing free radical damage. This improves blood flow and reduces the damage to the cochlea related to a compromised vascular system. Those affected by noise-induced tinnitus may benefit from higher folate levels.
Folate lowers homocysteine,22 high levels of which have been associated with age-related hearing loss.23 The ideal way to raise your vitamin levels is through your diet. Folate can be found in fresh, raw (ideally organic) leafy green vegetables, asparagus, spinach, turnip greens and broccoli.
There is a difference between folic acid typically found in supplements, and folate. In order for folic acid to be used by your body it must first be activated into a biologically active form to cross the blood-brain barrier.
It’s estimated nearly half of all Americans have difficulty converting folic acid because of a genetic reduction in enzyme activity. For this reason, if you take a B vitamin supplement, ensure it contains natural folate rather than synthetic folic acid.
Gas Powered Leaf Blowers Present Yet Another Risk
Aside from hearing damage, wearing a leaf blower strapped to your back may also increase your risk of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF). The most dangerous pollution affecting you today is likely the invisible sea of EMF your body swims through daily. Your risk of exposure increases with your proximity to the source.
When the leaf blower is worn as a backpack, this places the source of EMF pollution directly against your body. According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences,24 EMFs are “invisible areas of energy, often referred to as radiation, that are associated with the use of electrical power.”
Damage from EMF begins at the cellular level. Martin Pall, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of biochemistry and basic medical sciences at Washington State University, has identified and published several papers on the subject.25,26 
For an end in-depth discussion of how EMF exposure affects the development of chronic diseases, see my previous article, “Reduce EMF Exposure.” These are important concepts as they relate to your close contact exposure when using a gas powered leaf blower harnessed on your back.
Protect Your Ears and Reduce Your Risk of Hearing Loss
If you’re a homeowner or work in the landscape business, a leaf blower is likely the most effective way to remove leaves and debris from the property. But, before shouldering an engine-powered yard machine, consider switching to a hand-held, cordless, battery-powered option.
These are lighter weight, easier to handle and are not directly attached to your body over a large surface area — your back. If you must use an engine-powered leaf blower, it is vital you use ear muffs rated at least up to 120 dB. Although ear plugs are available, Napolitano recommends ear muffs as they are much easier to use, and provide better protection.27
It is also important to eat a diet high in nutrient-rich, organic, whole foods to protect your hearing. Foods high in nutrients important to your hearing include dark leafy greens, orange colored vegetables, quinoa, avocado and pastured, non-GMO, organic dairy products.28,29,30
The effects of noise pollution also extend to reduced sleep quality, increased risk of heart disease and rising stress levels. For a discussion of these effects and more, see my previous article, “Quieting Down Could Save Billions in Heart Disease Costs.”
from Articles http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/11/28/gas-powered-leaf-blower-triggers-hearing-damage.aspx source https://niapurenaturecom.tumblr.com/post/180577560036
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thejesusreport · 6 years
More Reasons We Need Jesus!
More Reasons We Need Jesus! Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. (Romans 1:22) Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Timothy 3:7) For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. (1 Corinthians 3:19) 'Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.' (Romans 1:29-32) I wrote of all the problems people and the planet face in the 21st century in my previous article and how people felt that they are able to take care of themselves. I pointed to the many problems our society faces but I failed to address the reason so many of our middle-class, average’ folks do not see the need for the help of the Savior. Having done a lot of door-to-door canvassing in past years, I see a lot of neighborhoods, yards and houses. Most of those in the middle class or upper-middle neighborhoods are amazingly pristine, well-manicured, landscaped and decorated. These yards and homes are like “little heavens”. The large amounts of time and money put into these “castles” point to a problem. How many hours of hard-work, away from the family, are these bread-winners, male and female, putting in to afford their “little slice of heaven”? How many hours of traffic jams commuting? How many missed little-league games, soccer games, school plays, etc.? America has a culture which is based on the faulty Protestant work ethic. That ethic says if you are financially and otherwise successful you demonstrate your worthiness as a Christian. In other words, work very hard in order to be saved-- but in Ephesians we learn that we are saved through grace, not from works, lest any many should BOAST. (See Ephesians 2:8 - 9) What are spectacular yards but items to be boasted of! Materialism and greed have become rampant in this post biblical, post-modern, post- Judeo-Christian society. Are we becoming a new corrupt, decadent, ultra-materialistic Roman Empire where false Gods merely are there to provide us with material comforts and to defeat our perceived enemies? We are making a hell out of our planet, the only we one know, by trying to sell our souls to have just a little heaven in our personal “castles”. “Home despots” (my father’s term) are those that are selfish and fail to love their neighbors and enemies. Back to the initial passages from above. We are so arrogant that we really think we are wise! Not only are we fools, but we try to learn more and more nonsense while ignoring the Truth that is right in front of us. “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (2 Timothy 3:7) When I came to be born again, I realized that I didn’t know everything!!! Learning is fine, but we need to be pointed in the right direction. Science is trying hard to destroy God and to discredit even intelligent design, let alone creationism. I’m studying a college-level Biology book at the moment, and the first few chapters, I’ve found at least three allusions to attacks on intelligent design as foolish malarkey. Luckily, there are a minority of scientists (like the late Albert Einstein) who at least leave open the possibility of God and higher spiritual truths. Corrupted Government Our so-called elected government is so corrupt and arrogant that they expect payment for special consideration by special interests in order to “justify” going against the moral and public good. Look at the oil, gas and coal industries. Look at the gun manufacturers’ puppet NRA. The former oppose all attempts to shift away from carbon pollution to alternative energy sources, and the latter wants to arm citizens with cop-killer bullets. And give teachers M-16s so they can kill intruders armed most likely with weapons they shouldn't even possess!! Back in the 50s, Taylor Caldwell wrote of ancient Rome around the time of and just after Christ in this way. “Rome is not my Rome, the Rome of my ancestors. The Founding Fathers are forgotten, or mentioned only when some politician wishes more infamy. The days of fortitude, faith, and character are gone forever, and the days of courage and discipline. Why then do I struggle? Because it is in the nature of a free man to struggle against slavery and lies. If he falls, then he has fallen in a good fight, if hopeless.” Caldwell, Taylor, Dear and Glorious Physician, p. 177. Likewise, I come to you with the hard Truth to struggle against lies and hypocrisy. The Namby-Pamby Fearful World of Political Correctness and Other Pretensions For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7) Our conventional culture is become more and more fearful and politically correct. Any celebrity or person of note who dares make the mistake of saying something which can be construed as controversial risks losing their job and their very livelihood and reputation! I’ve spoken before of Al Franken, drummed out of the Senate, and now even Roseanne Barr is ostracized from Hollywood for one seemingly racist tweet! Even Seventh Heaven’s Stephen Collins has been blackballed because he admitted that many years ago he touched a child inappropriately. Is there no “statute of limitations” on destroying one’s reputation and career? Could we chastise or otherwise punish them without destroying their entire career and reputation in one fell swoop? Who among their accusers is sinless? As I’ve tweeted and attributed to my earthly father, “I’ll show you a man (or woman) who never made a mistake and I’ll show you someone who never did anything.” Remember the Prodigal Son? And the adulterous woman who was being stoned? They were forgiven. Jesus forgave his tormentors and murderers on the Cross at Calvary and God forgave us all through faith in His Son and the power of the Resurrection. Stephen forgave his persecutors who were stoning him to death! Paul was forgiven for his persecution of the early Christians in Israel and was made the chief apostle to the Gentiles! Peter denied Christ three times and misunderstood the necessity of Scriptural fulfillment, but he was not only forgiven but given the keys to the early Church. Fear has a way of making otherwise rational and sensible people do terrible things to their neighbors. Let alone that we’re to love our enemies! There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. (1 John 4:18) So therefore, the fearful are not just to be pitied but will end up with eternal punishment! But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. (Revelation 21:8) Do you think we might need Jesus? Do we want to reduce public life to carefully scripted sound bites and dull, programmatic and censored dialogue or do we want robust, honest debate on controversial issues? I for one must rebuke the #MeToo and other judgmental and condemning approaches to punishing past sins as ridiculous, anti-Christian and terribly wasteful of legitimate talent. We should forgive as we are forgiven, said Jesus in the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew, chapter 6). People are becoming afraid to speak their mind and to risk public approbation. Enough is enough. God knows our failings and sins and even gross and repeated mistakes. We can weigh the crimes and sins of others and be merciful just as we expect our sins and failings to be met with mercy and forgiveness. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: (Luke 6:37) Those fearful, busybodies who publicly and privately criticize everyone and everything have led to the “Donald Trump revolution” and we are the worse as a culture for its horrible occurrence. Remember, Al Franken was a champion of women’s and minorities civil rights. Who replaces him? And who after this believes we don’t need a Savior? Signed, Stephen M. Theriault Stephen M. Theriault is the author of The Practical Guide to Real Christianity and is organizer/founder of International Citizens Against Corruption and Overdevelopment, one of many groups he has begun. (on Facebook) and Avenger-Equalizer blog. Avenger/Equalizer Blog: www.theavenger.us (also on Facebook and Tumblr, as well as TheJesusReport blog found only on Tumblr.) I am @stevetheriault9 on Twitter.com. Steve recently threw his hat into the ring, unsuccessfully, as a petitioning/independent/unaffiliated candidate for CT State Senate, 16th District with his website: www.stevetforstatesenate16.org
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More Reasons We Need Jesus!
More Reasons We Need Jesus! \
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. (Romans 1:22) 
 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Timothy 3:7)
 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. (1 Corinthians 3:19)
 'Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.' (Romans 1:29-32) 
 I wrote of all the problems people and the planet face in the 21st century in my previous article and how people felt that they are able to take care of themselves. I pointed to the many problems our society faces but I failed to address the reason so many of our middle-class, average’ folks do not see the need for the help of the Savior. Having done a lot of door-to-door canvassing in past years, I see a lot of neighborhoods, yards and houses. Most of those in the middle class or upper-middle neighborhoods are amazingly pristine, well-manicured, landscaped and decorated. These yards and homes are like “little heavens”. The large amounts of time and money put into these “castles” point to a problem. How many hours of hard-work, away from the family, are these bread-winners, male and female, putting in to afford their “little slice of heaven”? How many hours of traffic jams commuting? How many missed little-league games, soccer games, school plays, etc.? America has a culture which is based on the faulty Protestant work ethic. That ethic says if you are financially and otherwise successful you demonstrate your worthiness as a Christian. In other words, work very hard in order to be saved-- but in Ephesians we learn that we are saved through grace, not from works, lest any many should BOAST. (See Ephesians 2:8 - 9) What are spectacular yards but items to be boasted of! Materialism and greed have become rampant in this post biblical, post-modern, post- Judeo-Christian society. Are we becoming a new corrupt, decadent, ultra-materialistic Roman Empire where false Gods merely are there to provide us with material comforts and to defeat our perceived enemies? We are making a hell out of our planet, the only we one know, by trying to sell our souls to have just a little heaven in our personal “castles”. “Home despots” (my father’s term) are those that are selfish and fail to love their neighbors and enemies. Back to the initial passages from above. We are so arrogant that we really think we are wise! Not only are we fools, but we try to learn more and more nonsense while ignoring the Truth that is right in front of us. “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (2 Timothy 3:7) When I came to be born again, I realized that I didn’t know everything!!! Learning is fine, but we need to be pointed in the right direction. Science is trying hard to destroy God and to discredit even intelligent design, let alone creationism. I’m studying a college-level Biology book at the moment, and the first few chapters, I’ve found at least three allusions to attacks on intelligent design as foolish malarkey. Luckily, there are a minority of scientists (like the late Albert Einstein) who at least leave open the possibility of God and higher spiritual truths. 
 Corrupted Government 
 Our so-called elected government is so corrupt and arrogant that they expect payment for special consideration by special interests in order to “justify” going against the moral and public good. Look at the oil, gas and coal industries. Look at the gun manufacturers’ puppet NRA. The former oppose all attempts to shift away from carbon pollution to alternative energy sources, and the latter wants to arm citizens with cop-killer bullets. And give teachers M-16s so they can kill intruders armed most likely with weapons they shouldn't even possess!! Back in the 50s, Taylor Caldwell wrote of ancient Rome around the time of and just after Christ in this way. “Rome is not my Rome, the Rome of my ancestors. The Founding Fathers are forgotten, or mentioned only when some politician wishes more infamy. The days of fortitude, faith, and character are gone forever, and the days of courage and discipline. Why then do I struggle? Because it is in the nature of a free man to struggle against slavery and lies. If he falls, then he has fallen in a good fight, if hopeless.” Caldwell, Taylor, Dear and Glorious Physician, p. 177. Likewise, I come to you with the hard Truth to struggle against lies and hypocrisy. 
 The Namby-Pamby Fearful World of Political Correctness and Other Pretensions 
 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
Our conventional culture is become more and more fearful and politically correct. Any celebrity or person of note who dares make the mistake of saying something which can be construed as controversial risks losing their job and their very livelihood and reputation! I’ve spoken before of Al Franken, drummed out of the Senate, and now even Roseanne Barr is ostracized from Hollywood for one seemingly racist tweet! Even Seventh Heaven’s Stephen Collins has been blackballed because he admitted that many years ago he touched a child inappropriately. Is there no “statute of limitations” on destroying one’s reputation and career? Could we chastise or otherwise punish them without destroying their entire career and reputation in one fell swoop? Who among their accusers is sinless? As I’ve tweeted and attributed to my earthly father, “I’ll show you a man (or woman) who never made a mistake and I’ll show you someone who never did anything.” Remember the Prodigal Son? And the adulterous woman who was being stoned? They were forgiven. Jesus forgave his tormentors and murderers on the Cross at Calvary and God forgave us all through faith in His Son and the power of the Resurrection. Stephen forgave his persecutors who were stoning him to death! Paul was forgiven for his persecution of the early Christians in Israel and was made the chief apostle to the Gentiles! Peter denied Christ three times and misunderstood the necessity of Scriptural fulfillment, but he was not only forgiven but given the keys to the early Church. Fear has a way of making otherwise rational and sensible people do terrible things to their neighbors. Let alone that we’re to love our enemies! There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. (1 John 4:18) So therefore, the fearful are not just to be pitied but will end up with eternal punishment! But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. (Revelation 21:8) Do you think we might need Jesus? Do we want to reduce public life to carefully scripted sound bites and dull, programmatic and censored dialogue or do we want robust, honest debate on controversial issues? I for one must rebuke the #MeToo and other judgmental and condemning approaches to punishing past sins as ridiculous, anti-Christian and terribly wasteful of legitimate talent. We should forgive as we are forgiven, said Jesus in the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew, chapter 6). People are becoming afraid to speak their mind and to risk public approbation. Enough is enough. God knows our failings and sins and even gross and repeated mistakes. We can weigh the crimes and sins of others and be merciful just as we expect our sins and failings to be met with mercy and forgiveness. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: (Luke 6:37) Those fearful, busybodies who publicly and privately criticize everyone and everything have led to the “Donald Trump revolution” and we are the worse as a culture for its horrible occurrence. Remember, Al Franken was a champion of women’s and minorities civil rights. Who replaces him? And who after this believes we don’t need a Savior?
 Signed, Stephen M. Theriault 
 Stephen M. Theriault is the author of The Practical Guide to Real Christianity and is organizer/founder of International Citizens Against Corruption and Overdevelopment, one of many groups he has begun. (on Facebook) and Avenger-Equalizer blog. Avenger/Equalizer Blog: www.theavenger.us (also on Facebook and Tumblr, as well as TheJesusReport blog found only on Tumblr.) I am @stevetheriault9 on Twitter.com. Steve recently threw his hat into the ring, unsuccessfully, as a petitioning/independent/unaffiliated candidate for CT State Senate, 16th District with his website: www.stevetforstatesenate16.org
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tamibruce121 · 7 years
12 Ways To Throw An Eco-Friendly Wedding
Have you set any Earth-saving resolutions for the new year? Getting married myself in 2018, we’re combining a big wedding production while keeping goals to reduce our carbon footprint even more this year. The task has required a bit of extra creativity and care, but after a little research, throwing an eco-friendly wedding is proving surprisingly easy!
From choosing responsible vendors, reducing waste and giving back, you too can have a wedding that is not only environmentally friendly, but may even help restore this beautiful earth of ours (and who doesn’t wish for that?!)
We’ve spoken in the past about giveback weddings in general, but here’s 12 wedding tips to give back to our planet.
Photo by SV Photograph via Bridal Musings
1. Hire Responsible Wedding Vendors
We vote with our money – who we hire and give our money to sets the standards we want for the wedding industry. By giving more of our business to eco-friendly, responsible wedding vendors, it sends the message to other vendors that ethical choices will help their business.
How do you tell who’s a responsible wedding vendor? When chatting with potential venues, ask what kind of carbon footprint they leave, if they use wind power, solar power, recycle, or have any stamps of approval by environmental agencies. Chances are if they are proud of their environmental impact, it will be listed on their website and brochures.
Villa Santa Cruz
Our venue in Todos Santos, Villa Santa Cruz, is solar powered (so cool!), has simple ways to conserve water, and asks that we shut down our major power users at midnight – like large lights and amps. Sound like a buzz kill? Understanding their own business, they allow us to continue the party on the beach with a bonfire and our own smaller speakers.
Photo by Corinne Graves
For other vendors, look for any “giving back” info on their websites. We hired a wedding photographer, Corinne Graves, who gives a portion of her yearly profits to an animal sanctuary or wildlife rehabilitation center. While her photos caught our eye, her commitment to giving back won us over when choosing between our top photographers.
2. Send Paperless Invites
As an old-school romantic & lover of all wedding goods, I can understand how forgoing the paper invite might sound a bit heartbreaking. So many talented designers, pretty papers, and cool embellishments exist these days for gorgeous invitation suites.
But, if that trendy flat lay stationery shot is low on your wedding priority, perhaps consider emailing your save the dates and invitations. You can still support graphic designers by having it custom designed or customizing a paperless suite from a website like Paperless Post.
Spend that time you would have used designing paper invites on your cool, interactive website (your friends and family will love you for it!) Not only will you save some trees (and CO2 from the delivery trucks!) but you’ll save some green in your wallet as well.
3. Carefully Plan Your Floral Design
Photo by Saje Photography via Bridal Musings
Ten weddings per year for the better part of a decade, I’ve seen countless bouquets and floral arrangements dumped in the trash. It’s a heartbreaking truth: it’s just not that easy to repurpose those quickly wilting beauties when you’re running off on your honeymoon.
Try contacting a company that rents bouquets to multiple weddings per weekend, giving those beautiful buds a full and worthy lifetime. Or, rather than ordering centerpieces, repurpose those bridesmaid bouquets as your dinner table centerpieces after portraits are done (your girls will likely not miss carrying them around on the dancefloor). Less bouquets means less money, and less flowers in the trash later.
If you can, hand off your flowers at the end of the night to guests who live nearby to use in their houses. Florists like Framed Florals will press & frame your bouquet or even use the petals to hand dye silks to save forever.
Ultimately the best tip is to buy local, and choose flowers in season, to save carbon emissions from shipping from faraway tropical climates.
4. Use Biodegradable Products
Photo via Wedding Chicks
This idea arrived to us when solving a wedding problem of ours, that was coincidentally solved by an eco-friendly answer. We didn’t know who to hire to clean dishes at the end of the night (obviously not us!) and didn’t want to waste tons of water in the desert of the Baja.
A friend mentioned how much prettier disposable plates and utensils are these days, and we found so many chic styles of bamboo, biodegradable dining sets. Bamboo grows two feet a day, making it an excellent inexpensive and renewable resource.
Not only will we save water, but our dinnerware won’t sit for centuries in a landfill somewhere. And, they’re so much cheaper than renting dinnerware! Win, win, win!
5. Reduce Your Wedding Waste
Photo by 1985 Luke Photography via Bridal Musings
Wedding favors can be so thoughtful and so fun! But for us, throwing a destination wedding (and being that guilty guest who never takes home wedding favors) we’ll forgo the goodie bags to save us from bringing goods that could likely end up in the trash.
How can you still treat your guests and reduce waste? Rather than buying wedding favors, perhaps spend that money on extra food or events for your guests, (or go open bar if you’re not already!) If you still have your heart set on offering favors for your day, make packets from recycled paper of seeds of your favorite flowers. Then, your special favor will add to the environment, and if any accidentally end up in the trash, they can plant themselves!
6. Buy Vintage & Recycled Dresses & Attire
Photo by Darin Images via Bridal Musings
Buying vintage bridal and bridesmaid dresses saves the earth from textile waste, production and often shipping emissions. Whether you decide to buy at your local vintage boutique or online on sites like Nearly Newly Wed & Still White, you’re giving a gown another life, and saving the Earth just a bit more waste.
You can also buy new gowns from designers that use recycled fabrics and use ethical business practices. The Reformation gives you the stats on what recycled fabrics they used, and how many pounds of CO2, water and waste you save by ordering each dress.
If you must order that new 2018 wedding gown (sorry, that’s me!) consider buying vintage accessories, shoes or bridesmaid dresses. Mixing your attire with new and vintage pieces still helps our environment plenty.
7. Choose An Ethical Ring
Ashley Rae Photography via Bridal Musings
Thankfully, with so many organizations certifying jewelers these days, it’s easy to search for eco-friendly engagement and wedding rings. From ethically sourced diamonds and gems, to recycled precious metals, you can make a good environmental impact with your ring purchases. Even the box you receive your ring in could be considered, whether from recycled wood or from a vintage goods shop.
8. Find A Farm-To-Table Caterer
Photo by Retrospect Images via Bridal Musings
Going local for your food not only tastes vibrant and fresh, but saves emissions from shipping ingredients from faraway farms. If no farm-to-table cater to your venue, try choosing a caterer who uses organic produce (saving our farms from pesticides) and fish and meat that are sourced ethically.
9. Get Thrifty!
Photo by Your Adventure Wedding via Bridal Musings
Similar to buying vintage attire, thrift shopping for your wedding decor saves new from needing production, and gives your fab thrift store treasures a second life. Search for vintage cake plates, paint a variety of candle holders all a cohesive color, or save money on dinnerware rentals and mix and match with vintage china.
10. Dance Under The Stars
Photo by Rad + In Love via Bridal Musings
Choose a time late into your party to cut down on light pollution. You don’t have to end your party, it just means saving a bit of electricity and seeing more stars! Personally, I find a lot of my wedding parties’ dancefloors to be far too bright and uncomfortable for booyging down anyway. Dim the lights, turn down generators, and party on.
11. Make A Charity Wedding Registry
Photo by Amy Caroline Photography via Bridal Musings
Have you been living together for years and want for nothing in regards to home furnishings? Set up a charity wedding registry to your favorite cause to help the environment. Browse through Charity Watch to see which organizations use most of your donation for good, and then link your favorite cause to your wedding website & mention in your invitations.
12. Plan A Wild Giveback Day
Photo by Bekah Kay Creative via Bridal Musings
Planning a destination wedding and looking for events to invite your friends and family to? Giveback days disguised as wildlife excursions can be a fun party that gives back to our beautiful earth.
Locals and tourists alike volunteer to help baby turtles return to the sea at the beach where Jack and I will say “I do” and I know plenty of my friends want it on that. Search for what wildlife volunteering may be available near your wedding so that you can plan a day that is both enriching for the soul, and would actually sound enticing to your guests.
Looking for more ways to make your wedding day impactful for the world? Check these 5 ideas for a giveback wedding.
Feature Image: Corinne Graves
Feature Image: Corinne Graves
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Water Revitalizer
For those individuals looking to go beyond purification and who are open to the possibility that water conveys energy, I carry the Original Water Revitalizer.  Installed after one of my whole house water purification systems - the tandem brings you truly remarkable water. 
Principles Of the Original Water Revitalizer
The theory behind the principles of the water revitalizer originate with a fellow by the name of Viktor Schauberger, an Austrian whose work was published in 1932 and 1933.  His work can be reviewed in "The Water Wizard: The Extraordinary Properties of Natural Water".  As I understand his point, Schauberger claims that water in a natural state, as in a stream flowing down a hill, contains a natural vortex energy, due in no small part to the way that it flows in its natural environment.  All of you have seen water flow in a stream and I'm sure you've seen the way water shimmers as it flows. 
The idea of water containing energy or being made up of a particular crystalline shaped molecular structure is one that is familiar to us all.  We've all witnessed the crystalline structure of snowflakes.  It has also been shown that healthy water is molecularly distinct from polluted water. 
This theory that water contains a natural energy vortex, a 'living water', makes sense to me.  It makes sense that water in a stream or spring is, in its original unpolluted form, healthy 'living' water that we as inhabitants of that environment originally adapted to.  It also makes sense to me that we remove this natural energy from water as we put it in pipes, confining it and depriving it of its ability to move or flow.  Recall the scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid where the mine operator asked the Kid to shoot without letting him draw is gun as he was accustomed to.  He couldn't do it.  Schauberger is saying that we've modified the natural health of our water by the way we convey it and because of this it does not function naturally when we use it: we've deprived it of it's natural energy and modified its molecular structure.
As a scientist, I can't say whether Schauberger's theories are correct or not.  As an ecologist and naturalist, I can appreciate the notion that water in the natural environment carries an energy vortex that is subsequently lost when that water is conveyed through pipes and no longer allowed to flow naturally.  As I sit at my desk and talk to each one of you on the phone when you call, I am watching my own section of the Santa Clara flow past.  The river's constant swirling motion keeps me rooted in remembering that we all hope to achieve healthy, natural water.  I also understand that this is a difficult concept to convey or prove. 
The Original Water Revitalizer, by using the power of vortex energy fields via "flow form dynamics", is said to transform your water by restoring this original energy.  The manufacturer claims that the vortex energy is created by a double spiral flow form within the pipe that restores this natural energy in your water.  Another important claim is a significant increase in the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water.  The Water Revitalizer is constructed based upon the principals described and illustrated by Schauberger.
According to the manufacturer, normal tap water, in most cases, shows low frequencies because it has been damaged.  I do know that some natural mineral waters resonate at a high frequency and that these vary from different sources.  Even high quality water at the source loses its natural energy and molecular crystalline structure as it is conveyed through pipes from its source to your home.   I also know that revitalized water demonstrates this higher frequency.
The water revitalizer is said to restore the natural energy of water by running it through a double spiral process that imparts a vortex flow form, or twist.  It really is quite fascinating.  What I am noticing so far is that deposition or scale formation from water hardness is decreased substantially and my plants seem to be thriving. 
Through the revitalizing process using the OWR, your water's frequency is said to be raised to a level which is natural for water. This process is said to be experienced as being very different and the water is experienced as being extremely light when swallowed. 
I must say that I am intrigued by this concept of restoring water's natural frequencies.  For that reason I am offering the OWR as an add on to install after my whole house purification system, thus first cleansing your water and then 'energizing' it with the OWR.  I've had some customers tell me that my endorsement sounds tepid or luke warm at best.  On the contrary, I like and recommend this product.  But I'm not going to tell you that it performs in ways that I can't verify.
I have installed the OWR in my home (installed 1-4-05).  What I noticed immediately is that the water coming from my faucets and shower swirls, it flows just as it does in the revitalizer itself.  And if I look closely I can see a shimmer to it, almost a dance, as in a reflection of light that was not there before.  I'm also noticing a definite decrease in hard water deposition.  My customers who have the Revitalizer always notice bubbles when they fill a glass which then immediately dissipate.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: home water filtration systems, best water filter, whole house water filter, water filtration system, whole house water filters.
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hg2 · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://hg2.com/magazine/five-ways-detox-this-summer/
Five Ways to Detox this Summer
Every summer the media goes mad for the best ways to get ‘beach body ready’, but it’s not all about shedding those pounds. As consummate hedonists, we want to make sure that we are all thoroughly detoxed, before we start the retox. So, here are our five favourite ways to detox this summer.
THE INTENSE GUT DETOX – The Original FX Mayr Health Center, Austria
For the ultimate in gut detoxification, there’s nowhere better than The Original FX Mayr Health Center in Austria. It is the original source of the FX Mayr cure, a balanced combination of detoxifying treatments, relaxation and medical expertise to support and revitalise the gut, which directly impacts the immune system. Guests begin their detoxifying wellness journey with a medical examination before being nurtured and healed both inside and out with specifically designed therapies including: immune infusions, massages, lymph drainage and tests to determine Vitamin D status, acid-alkaline balance and urine analysis. One of the principle aims of the traditional FX Mayr Cure is to help cleanse and repair. Located on the beautiful Lake Wörthersee, the fresh alpine air, tranquil atmosphere and expert guidance make for a perfect location to stock-up on some energy and resilience.
DESTINATION SPA DETOX – Yogic Detox at Ananda in the Himalayas 
A luxury destination spa located in the foothills of the Indian Himalayas, Ananda in the Himalayas is set among 100 acres of virgin forest. With breathtaking views over the holy town of Rishikesh and the River Ganges, the 24,000 square foot Ananda Spa is a complete wellness experience offering over 80 treatments.
One of the only yogic cleansing retreats in India, the Yogic Detox program at Ananda uses Hatha yogic cleansing techniques (Shatkriyas), to detox in a natural and effective way and balance the body’s three doshas. If you aren’t sure what yogic detoxification actually is, it takes the Hatha yoga positions, alongside the breathing techniques, combined with meditation and an Ayurvedic diet to give a deep spiritual and physical cleanse as the body becomes at one with itself.
All wellness programmes offered at Ananda are overseen by consultants, nutritionists and experienced therapists to create a personalised therapy and activity schedule, designed to meet individual needs and health goals. The delicious Ayurvedic cuisine (with menus personalised according to your dosha or body type) ensures successful weight loss or healing and rejuvenation.
ULTIMATE DIGITAL DETOX FESTIVAL – Restival, Arizona (14–25 September 2017)
Positioning itself as somewhere between a ‘retreat’ and a ‘festival’, Restival has been designed to truly get away from it all and totally rejuvenate with an intimate group of people in nature. Taking place this September, Restival Arizona is the ultimate digital detox in the heart of the Nevada desert.
Offering more than just an amazing travel experience, Restival is filled with specially curated workshops and fun activities. Unplug, unwind and restore your physical and mental equilibrium in a truly incredible setting. Above all else, embrace a rare opportunity to reimagine the world from a fresh and fascinating perspective.
A unique programme has been curated with the Navajo People, including Navajo Horsemanship sessions, Navajo sweat lodges, astrology sessions and tours of the surrounding sacred homeland of the Navajo tribe.
Other workshops and activities include Qigong and Peacemaking sessions, as well as jewellery and mask making, art and writing workshops, and sunset sound immersion meditation. Stay in sustainable, eco-camps for a true detox and disconnection from modern life.
THE HOME DETOX – Grace Belgravia’s Health Home Delivery Programme
Offering the ideal way to keep up your detox at home, Grace Belgravia’s Grace at Home is a food delivery service designed by Grace’s in-house expert Nutritionists and Head Chef Marcin. The Grace Healthy Home Delivery Programmes offer six menus designed to meet your individual dietary requirements.
Each menu offers gluten-, dairy- and refined sugar-free choices and provide nutritious, deliciously healthy food that will leave you feeling and looking your very best. Entirely flexible, you can do as many or as few days as you like. The choices include: Soup and Juice Cleanses, Fitness, Pre- and Post-Natal menus, as well as detoxes and plans from The Organic Pharmacy and Gabriela Peacock.
For a complete detox try the Ultimate 10 Day Detox with the Organic Pharmacy, which includes daily meals from the Cleanse menu alongside Organic Pharmacy supplements. Designed to support your body’s ability to neutralise chemicals from pollution, alcohol and diet, the nutrient dense food is filled with antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals. The programme assists your body in removing unwanted toxins that stop cells from functioning optimally, providing better quality of sleep, excess weight loss, more energy and a refreshed and revitalised feeling.
DETOX IN A BOTTLE – Wild Fizz Kombucha
Wild Fizz Kombucha is a new, raw sparking tea, made with 100% natural and organic ingredients and packed full of gut-friendly live cultures, vitamins, and antioxidants. Made using only the finest Japanese sencha tea, organic cane sugar, herbs and raw pressed pressed juices, Wild Fizz Kombucha is unpasteurised and without preservatives to ensure it remains as natural as possible.
The brand has strong eco credentials, using completely recyclable materials, so it’s good for the planet too. Founded by Gina Geoghegan and Luke Montgomery-Smith, Wild Fizz Kombucha is hand brewed, bottled and boxed in their north London brewery.
Wild Fizz Kombucha is available in three flavours, each offering distinct health benefits. Cleansing and uplifting ‘Jasmine Dreams’ is naturally high in antioxidants and bursting with fresh, clean and pure flavours. Jasmine tea helps to reduce cholesterol, as well as being antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.
‘Lavender Fields’ is mood enhancing and detoxifying. It is made with rosemary which has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and antiseptic properties – and lavender, which is good for digestion, improved sleep and reducing stress. Both herbs are great mood boosters, while the raw pressed lemon, beetroot and apple juices add in a healthy dose of vitamin C to help with detoxifying.
Finally, ‘Gingers Rule’ is good for energy and pain relief. Combining ginger and turmeric with black pepper, it makes for a tasty anti-inflammatory drink which can reduce joint pain. Full of antioxidants, ginger helps lower cholesterol, relieve pain and indigestion as well as being a strong antibacterial agent and great energy booster.
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Whole House Water Treatment System
Water Revitalizer
For those individuals looking to go beyond purification and who are open to the possibility that water conveys energy, I carry the Original Water Revitalizer.  Installed after one of my whole house water purification systems - the tandem brings you truly remarkable water.
Principles Of the Original Water Revitalizer
The theory behind the principles of the water revitalizer originate with a fellow by the name of Viktor Schauberger, an Austrian whose work was published in 1932 and 1933.  His work can be reviewed in "The Water Wizard: The Extraordinary Properties of Natural Water".  As I understand his point, Schauberger claims that water in a natural state, as in a stream flowing down a hill, contains a natural vortex energy, due in no small part to the way that it flows in its natural environment.  All of you have seen water flow in a stream and I'm sure you've seen the way water shimmers as it flows.
This theory that water contains a natural energy vortex, a 'living water', makes sense to me.  It makes sense that water in a stream or spring is, in its original unpolluted form, healthy 'living' water that we as inhabitants of that environment originally adapted to.  It also makes sense to me that we remove this natural energy from water as we put it in pipes, confining it and depriving it of its ability to move or flow.  Recall the scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid where the mine operator asked the Kid to shoot without letting him draw is gun as he was accustomed to.  He couldn't do it.  Schauberger is saying that we've modified the natural health of our water by the way we convey it and because of this it does not function naturally when we use it: we've deprived it of it's natural energy and modified its molecular structure.
As a scientist, I can't say whether Schauberger's theories are correct or not.  As an ecologist and naturalist, I can appreciate the notion that water in the natural environment carries an energy vortex that is subsequently lost when that water is conveyed through pipes and no longer allowed to flow naturally.  As I sit at my desk and talk to each one of you on the phone when you call, I am watching my own section of the Santa Clara flow past.  The river's constant swirling motion keeps me rooted in remembering that we all hope to achieve healthy, natural water.  I also understand that this is a difficult concept to convey or prove.
It is my opinion that we are only beginning to understand the natural properties of water and that healthy water is a complex issue.
The Original Water Revitalizer, by using the power of vortex energy fields via "flow form dynamics", is said to transform your water by restoring this original energy.  The manufacturer claims that the vortex energy is created by a double spiral flow form within the pipe that restores this natural energy in your water. Another important claim is a significant increase in the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water.  The Water Revitalizer is constructed based upon the principals described and illustrated by Schauberger.
According to the manufacturer, normal tap water, in most cases, shows low frequencies because it has been damaged.  I do know that some natural mineral waters resonate at a high frequency and that these vary from different sources.  Even high quality water at the source loses its natural energy and molecular crystalline structure as it is conveyed through pipes from its source to your home.   I also know that revitalized water demonstrates this higher frequency.
The idea of water containing energy or being made up of a particular crystalline shaped molecular structure is one that is familiar to us all.  We've all witnessed the crystalline structure of snowflakes.  It has also been shown that healthy water is molecularly distinct from polluted water.
The water revitalizer is said to restore the natural energy of water by running it through a double spiral process that imparts a vortex flow form, or twist.  It really is quite fascinating.  What I am noticing so far is that deposition or scale formation from water hardness is decreased substantially and my plants seem to be thriving.
Through the revitalizing process using the OWR, your water's frequency is said to be raised to a level which is natural for water. This process is said to be experienced as being very different and the water is experienced as being extremely light when swallowed.
I must say that I am intrigued by this concept of restoring water's natural frequencies.  For that reason I am offering the OWR as an add on to install after my whole house purification system, thus first cleansing your water and then 'energizing' it with the OWR.  I've had some customers tell me that my endorsement sounds tepid or luke warm at best.  On the contrary, I like and recommend this product.  But I'm not going to tell you that it performs in ways that I can't verify.
I have installed the OWR in my home (installed 1-4-05).  What I noticed immediately is that the water coming from my faucets and shower swirls, it flows just as it does in the revitalizer itself.  And if I look closely I can see a shimmer to it, almost a dance, as in a reflection of light that was not there before.  I'm also noticing a definite decrease in hard water deposition.  My customers who have the Revitalizer always notice bubbles when they fill a glass which then immediately dissipate.
Whether or not the OWR makes your water more healthy, or more available to your cells, or does anything else, I do not know.  The following are Kirlian photographs of the same water source, before and after being revitalized by the OWR.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at kitchen water filters, home water purification system, whole house water treatment system
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Water Revitalizer Part – 1
For those individuals looking to go beyond purification and who are open to the possibility that water conveys energy, I carry the Original Water Revitalizer.  Installed after one of my whole house water purification systems - the tandem brings you truly remarkable water.
Principles Of the Original Water Revitalizer
The theory behind the principles of the water revitalizer originate with a fellow by the name of Viktor Schauberger, an Austrian whose work was published in 1932 and 1933.  His work can be reviewed in "The Water Wizard: The Extraordinary Properties of Natural Water".  As I understand his point, Schauberger claims that water in a natural state, as in a stream flowing down a hill, contains a natural vortex energy, due in no small part to the way that it flows in its natural environment.  All of you have seen water flow in a stream and I'm sure you've seen the way water shimmers as it flows.
This theory that water contains a natural energy vortex, a 'living water', makes sense to me.  It makes sense that water in a stream or spring is, in its original unpolluted form, healthy 'living' water that we as inhabitants of that environment originally adapted to.  It also makes sense to me that we remove this natural energy from water as we put it in pipes, confining it and depriving it of its ability to move or flow.  Recall the scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid where the mine operator asked the Kid to shoot without letting him draw is gun as he was accustomed to.  He couldn't do it.  Schauberger is saying that we've modified the natural health of our water by the way we convey it and because of this it does not function naturally when we use it: we've deprived it of it's natural energy and modified its molecular structure.
As a scientist, I can't say whether Schauberger's theories are correct or not.  As an ecologist and naturalist, I can appreciate the notion that water in the natural environment carries an energy vortex that is subsequently lost when that water is conveyed through pipes and no longer allowed to flow naturally.  As I sit at my desk and talk to each one of you on the phone when you call, I am watching my own section of the Santa Clara flow past.  The river's constant swirling motion keeps me rooted in remembering that we all hope to achieve healthy, natural water.  I also understand that this is a difficult concept to convey or prove.
The Original Water Revitalizer, by using the power of vortex energy fields via "flow form dynamics", is said to transform your water by restoring this original energy.  The manufacturer claims that the vortex energy is created by a double spiral flow form within the pipe that restores this natural energy in your water. Another important claim is a significant increase in the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water.  The Water Revitalizer is constructed based upon the principals described and illustrated by Schauberger.
According to the manufacturer, normal tap water, in most cases, shows low frequencies because it has been damaged.  I do know that some natural mineral waters resonate at a high frequency and that these vary from different sources.  Even high quality water at the source loses its natural energy and molecular crystalline structure as it is conveyed through pipes from its source to your home.   I also know that revitalized water demonstrates this higher frequency.
The idea of water containing energy or being made up of a particular crystalline shaped molecularstructure is one that is familiar to us all.  We've all witnessed the crystalline structure of snowflakes.  It has also been shown that healthy water is molecularly distinct from polluted water.
The water revitalizer is said to restore the natural energy of water by running it through a double spiral process that imparts a vortex flow form, or twist.  It really is quite fascinating.  What I am noticing so far is that deposition or scale formation from water hardness is decreased substantially and my plants seem to be thriving.
Through the revitalizing process using the OWR, your water's frequency is said to be raised to a level which is natural for water. This process is said to be experienced as being very different and the water is experienced as being extremely light when swallowed.
I must say that I am intrigued by this concept of restoring water's natural frequencies.  For that reason I am offering the OWR as an add on to install after my whole house purification system, thus first cleansing your water and then 'energizing' it with the OWR.  I've had some customers tell me that my endorsement sounds tepid or luke warm at best.  On the contrary, I like and recommend this product.  But I'm not going to tell you that it performs in ways that I can't verify.
I have installed the OWR in my home (installed 1-4-05).  What I noticed immediately is that the water coming from my faucets and shower swirls, it flows just as it does in the revitalizer itself.  And if I look closely I can see a shimmer to it, almost a dance, as in a reflection of light that was not there before.  I'm also noticing a definite decrease in hard water deposition.  My customers who have the Revitalizer always notice bubbles when they fill a glass which then immediately dissipate.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at home water filtration, water purification system, house water filter, reverse osmosis system, home water purification systems
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Water Revitalizer
For those individuals looking to go beyond purification and who are open to the possibility that water conveys energy, I carry the Original Water Revitalizer.  Installed after one of my whole house water purification systems - the tandem brings you truly remarkable water.
Principles Of the Original Water Revitalizer
The theory behind the principles of the water revitalizer originate with a fellow by the name of Viktor Schauberger, an Austrian whose work was published in 1932 and 1933.  His work can be reviewed in "The Water Wizard: The Extraordinary Properties of Natural Water".  As I understand his point, Schauberger claims that water in a natural state, as in a stream flowing down a hill, contains a natural vortex energy, due in no small part to the way that it flows in its natural environment.  All of you have seen water flow in a stream and I'm sure you've seen the way water shimmers as it flows.
This theory that water contains a natural energy vortex, a 'living water', makes sense to me.  It makes sense that water in a stream or spring is, in its original unpolluted form, healthy 'living' water that we as inhabitants of that environment originally adapted to.  It also makes sense to me that we remove this natural energy from water as we put it in pipes, confining it and depriving it of its ability to move or flow.  Recall the scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid where the mine operator asked the Kid to shoot without letting him draw is gun as he was accustomed to.  He couldn't do it.  Schauberger is saying that we've modified the natural health of our water by the way we convey it and because of this it does not function naturally when we use it: we've deprived it of it's natural energy and modified its molecular structure.
As a scientist, I can't say whether Schauberger's theories are correct or not.  As an ecologist and naturalist, I can appreciate the notion that water in the natural environment carries an energy vortex that is subsequently lost when that water is conveyed through pipes and no longer allowed to flow naturally.  As I sit at my desk and talk to each one of you on the phone when you call, I am watching my own section of the Santa Clara flow past.  The river's constant swirling motion keeps me rooted in remembering that we all hope to achieve healthy, natural water.  I also understand that this is a difficult concept to convey or prove.
The Original Water Revitalizer, by using the power of vortex energy fields via "flow form dynamics", is said to transform your water by restoring this original energy.  The manufacturer claims that the vortex energy is created by a double spiral flow form within the pipe that restores this natural energy in your water. Another important claim is a significant increase in the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water.  The Water Revitalizer is constructed based upon the principals described and illustrated by Schauberger.
According to the manufacturer, normal tap water, in most cases, shows low frequencies because it has been damaged.  I do know that some natural mineral waters resonate at a high frequency and that these vary from different sources.  Even high quality water at the source loses its natural energy and molecular crystalline structure as it is conveyed through pipes from its source to your home.   I also know that revitalized water demonstrates this higher frequency.
The idea of water containing energy or being made up of a particular crystalline shaped molecularstructure is one that is familiar to us all.  We've all witnessed the crystalline structure of snowflakes.  It has also been shown that healthy water is molecularly distinct from polluted water.
The water revitalizer is said to restore the natural energy of water by running it through a double spiral process that imparts a vortex flow form, or twist.  It really is quite fascinating.  What I am noticing so far is that deposition or scale formation from water hardness is decreased substantially and my plants seem to be thriving.
I must say that I am intrigued by this concept of restoring water's natural frequencies.  For that reason I am offering the OWR as an add on to install after my whole house purification system, thus first cleansing your water and then 'energizing' it with the OWR.  I've had some customers tell me that my endorsement sounds tepid or luke warm at best. On the contrary, I like and recommend this product.  But I'm not going to tell you that it performs in ways that I can't verify.
I have installed the OWR in my home (installed 1-4-05).  What I noticed immediately is that the water coming from my faucets and shower swirls, it flows just as it does in the revitalizer itself.  And if I look closely I can see a shimmer to it, almost a dance, as in a reflection of light that was not there before.  I'm also noticing a definite decrease in hard water deposition.  My customers who have the Revitalizer always notice bubbles when they fill a glass which then immediately dissipate.
Whether or not the OWR makes your water more healthy, or more available to your cells, or does anything else, I do not know.  The following are Kirlian photographs of the same water source, before and after being revitalized by the OWR.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at whole house water filtration, whole house water filtration system, home water filtration, home water purification system, kitchen water filters
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