#luke and ryan and sophie
diver5ion · 1 year
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Ever watch a horror movie?
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salylockheart · 2 years
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I'm making sample pages on Batwoman for practice. I got two those two pages for now^^
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talas-first-lady · 5 months
The characters of Batwoman have been allotted one use of the word "fuck" per season.
Wow, season 3 was really light on characters! I used Luke's suit and I didn't even get to 11 options.
Bonus points if you share the episode/scene/line they should use it in.
Other seasons
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lands-of-fantasy · 1 year
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Batwoman in posters
Season 1
S1 Character Poster
Crisis on Infinite Earths
Season 2
S2 Character Poster
Season 3
The Flash: Armageddon
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newgenog · 2 years
Notes first: I've been working on this #Wildmoore #FanFic for a while, and decided to release it in time for #WildmooreWeek.
This fic is an AU based on the ABC tv series #Revenge. I felt like there were a lot of really cool parallels between the characters, and thought it would be fun to reimagine #Batwoman so that Ryan Wilder had a more deliberate pursuit for vengeance. If you're familiar with the show and the characters, you should be able to see who's who, but I'll try to spell out the matches in the end notes when I can (without creating too many spoilers). Finally, all I'm sharing for #wmw23 is chapter one, but I'm going to break it up and post it here over the 7 days (because it's pretty long). I'll pull everything together and post it on Ao3 on Day 7. I'll probably continue in this fashion for the length of the story, because it takes me a while to write the chapters, and I don't want to keep you all waiting too long. And, without further ado...
Summary: Robyn Wilde, formerly Ryan Wilder, makes connections and sets the stage for her revenge. Wildmoore Week Prompt: Nanny
Ryan is standing on the Gotham City Yacht Club deck, looking through a pair of binoculars down at the yacht party where her mark is located. Every step she takes towards her destination will be made with intention. She needs to know who is already on the boat compared to who RSVP’d to attend, and those most likely to crash but who haven't arrived yet. She knows every face and background, and has a prepared conversation for anyone she might encounter. However, her plan is to only interact with specific people that will lead her to Kate Kane. 
It’s a rare, beautiful summer day, without even a breeze running from the water to Amusement Mile. While planning a yacht party in the typically gray city was always a risk, this time of year tended to behave favorably. So, the Kanes played the odds and continued with their annual Soiree. Everyone who was anyone, or wanted to be someone was in attendance. The party was invite-only, but guests were allowed to bring others, because more people meant more press. So, if you knew someone who knew someone, you could spend the afternoon indulging in top-of-the-line champaign and the highest quality Hors D'oeuvres that money could buy. 
The Kanes were well known, and admired by as many as they were judged by. They made regular contributions to charities, including the donations that came out of their summer Soiree - invited guests were expected to bid on various offerings from local businesses, or to make sizable grants to the foundations promoted during the event if they preferred that to what was being auctioned. This kept those who would loudly criticize them for their lavish, nanny and waitstaff-filled lives at bay, because the community had become dependent on contributions from the event over the years. Nonetheless, it was clearly all for show, because they never frequented those businesses, and had no relationships with the individuals who operated them. All of it was handled by the event planners to generate positive PR for social media and news outlets. 
Ryan’s pathway to infiltrating the Kanes begins with their playgirl daughter, Kate, who she’s spotted talking with her step sister Mary Hamilton and a woman she didn’t expect to see. A tall, modelesque Black woman in a wide brimmed hat and oversized sunglasses that make her look like she belongs with them even though her demeanor suggests she’s uncomfortable. Reading body language, and anticipating a person’s feelings and reactions is a critical skill that Ryan has honed. The long-legged woman in a tangerine blazer and short set, with caramel braids falling down her back isn’t sure she should be at this party. Ryan can’t really afford any detours from her plan, but she is confident that she can handle one small variable. She tucks the binoculars back into her duffle bag, and heads to the yacht club's locker room to store her gear and give herself one last look before she begins her journey towards revenge. 
Luke carries an extra large box through the brown door with glazed windows, into Ryan’s new penthouse loft. While it shouldn’t be new, because she almost lived here once before, that chance had been taken from her almost 13 years ago. At the time, this was a two bedroom apartment that she and her mom were moving into. It has since been renovated and opened up to become a one bedroom with a huge master closet and a relatively open floor plan, with the exception of a couple of glass walls separating the kitchen and living area.
Luke: “Aren’t you the one who’s been training to take down a linebacker for the better part of a decade? Why am I stuck with the big box?”
Ryan gently places her wooden box with the symbol for unconditional love etched into its lid and filled with everything her mom passed down to her before her life was brutally taken, onto the kitchen counter, while Luke all but drops the box onto the floor. 
Ryan: “Because we need to keep up appearances. And break it, you buy it.” 
Luke: “What’s even in it? Bricks?”
Ryan: “Equipment.” 
Luke: “That’s not mysterious…”
Ryan opens the smaller box and looks at the last picture she has with her mom, which will never get hung in this place. 
Ryan: “We’re home, Mama.” 
Luke comes up behind her and looks at the picture. 
Luke: “Probably weird to be back here…”
Ryan quickly places the picture back in the box, closes the lid, and slides it in the empty cupboard above the stove where a vent would typically be, but the built-in microwave serves that purpose now. She turns to face Luke, with a determined expression on her face.
Ryan: “No…She wanted this place for us. And not coming back would just be letting them keep what they tried to take from us. I’m going to get it all back for her.” 
Luke: “So, where do we start?”
Evan: “Knock knock?”
Ryan quickly shifts her expression into one with ease and lightness. 
Ryan: “Right here, right now…EVAN! You made it!” 
Evan: “Robyn! This place is incredible! Modern vintage? Your agent must be amazing to have found such a gem before it was even listed!”
Instead, Ryan had one of her contacts offer the prior renter a job out of the country that started in the same week that she was beginning her own new job. When the renter said they’d be breaking a lease and would need a sign-on bonus to cover the cost, their boss-to-be agreed to their counter offer, and also said they knew of someone who was moving to Gotham and urgently looking for an apartment. The switch was seamless. 
Ryan met Evan earlier that morning while getting an iced coffee with oat milk at their favorite Java spot, where they went every single morning at 7AM sharp. She’d ordered right before them, paying with cash, and leaving her change to pay for the coffee of the person behind her. Evan caught her at the napkin and sugar bar, sprinkling brown sugar on top of her drink, and came over to introduce themselves, having never seen her before after months of the same daily routine. 
Evan: “Evan Blake, they/them. Thanks for the coffee newbie.”  Ryan: “Robyn Wilde, she/her. You’re welcome, and it’s nice to meet you!”
Ryan, of course already knew who they were, and that they would be there, and how to make them fall in love with her so that they'd be instant best friends who absolutely had to hang out before the day was over. 
Ryan: “I think it was just meant to be.”
Evan: “Just like us, new bestie! And who’s this handsome gentleman with excellent taste in suits?”
Ryan: “You said your name was Larry?”
Luke rolled his eyes, and reached out his hand to shake Evan’s. 
Luke: “Luke. We just met downstairs.”
Ryan: “That’s right! Luke offered to help me carry this box upstairs when he saw me get it out of my trunk.”
Evan: “Honey, you know Robyn’s into the ladies, right? But I’m free tonight.” 
Luke: “Thank you, but she and I have the same taste, and I was just offering because the box looked big enough for her to fit inside of it.”
Ryan: “We’ve known each other for five minutes, and you’re already making short jokes?”
Evan: “I find a sense of humor very sexy.” 
Luke: “Robyn, Evan, it was nice to meet you, but I’ve got to get back to work.” 
Evan gets close to Ryan and speaks in a hushed tone.
Evan: “He’s working somewhere pretty fancy in that Armani suit.” 
Ryan: “It was nice to meet you, Luke. Thanks for the help! And, speaking of work, I appreciate you breaking from your bitchy boss to spend your lunch with me.”
Evan: “Please. It’s so intense over there right now, I’m glad for the break. I just told her I’d be checking in on some of the vendors for the event next week while I was here. So she’s not expecting me back for a while, anyway.” 
Ryan: “What’s the event again? And you said they were the Cranes?” 
Evan: “The Kanes. Girl, you’re going to need to get better at names if you’re going to be spending time with the wasps in this part of Gotham. Anyway, it’s their annual, Memorial Day Soiree. The event that kicks off all of the good deed events for the summer.” 
The Kanes are at the top of the one percenters in Gotham, with Jacob Kane being the founder of The Crows, which was initially private security for the rich and famous, but expanded beyond its scope of governance because the GCPD wasn’t keeping the local riff-raff far enough away from its clients. To add to their wealth and comforts, Jacob had married Catherine Hamilton, CEO of Hamilton Dynamics, the leading defense company that backed The Crows when it came to fruition. An arm of the company was working to make strides in how technology was leveraged for healthcare. Their designs were so advanced and required such high-quality materials that only those with the greatest access and means had ever benefited from their creations. And, because what wealthy family doesn't also own more property than they can live in, if for nothing else besides for tax write-offs, they'd also bought and managed apartments and condos under the brand Kane Properties, though that had dwindled down to this last building, which Ryan was now residing in.
Ryan still can't believe that this building, that used to be in one of the most overlooked areas of Gotham, where cops might not even come in time to save you if you needed them at the wrong time of day or you weren’t the right person making the call, had been gentrified to the point that she was neighbors with people who drive Jaguars as their commuter cars. When the Kanes realized that the area was turning and that they couldn't ignore this building anymore, they decided to flip it.
Ryan: “Good deed events?” 
Evan: “Yes! The rich love to make a big show of giving their money away to us little folks as an excuse to throw fancy events while the sun’s out. They started them back up when both of their twins came home, to cover up the misdeeds of the bad twin and show off the glory of the good twin. And their youngest, who’s really the best of them and is on her way to being an MD, is almost of no concern to them, which is a huge miss since her social media following is at least a quarter of the attendees with big pockets.” 
Ryan: “There’s a good twin and a bad twin? Why does this sound like a Lindsay Lohen movie?” 
Evan: “More like the Olsens. There’s a Mary, a Kate, AND a Beth!” 
Ryan: “You’re kidding!! Too bad there’s no Ashley. What’s their mom’s name?”
Evan: “I am not! Except, the twins are Kate and Beth. And Catherine Hamilton is actually Mary’s mom. Their father, Jacob Kane, married her just a short year after their mom’s car was driven off of the road by a big, yellow school bus, and over a bridge with them inside of it. Kate was able to grab her sister and swim to safety, but Beth always wished Kate had saved their mother instead.” 
Ryan: “Well, you’re certainly well informed.” 
Evan: “Oh yeah, we go way back! Kate and I were really close in high school. She’s always been unapologetically out, and she was the only person I could talk to when I figured out being referred to as him all of the time felt like being called out of my name. She was my prom date! And Mary has been fighting for attention by being a perfect angel forever, and all it does is make them ignore her more, but she’s absolutely lovely. Beth is evil incarnate.” 
Ryan: “But you work for their mom? Planning these events?” 
Evan: “Among other things. I’m a scholarship kid who went to school with all of them, so I have to actually work my way up to CEO, no offense.” 
Ryan: “None taken.” 
Evan: “I’ve got goals, honey! I’m an entrepreneur. They’ll all see how fabulous I make the Kanes look, and be begging me to do the same for them in no time. Then I’ll hire a team, and I can be the queen of my own ship!” 
Ryan: “So, what’s going to make you look your best at this event?”
Evan: “Besides my Dior, making them have such a fantastic time, and feel so competitive from the richness they’re surrounded by that they want to spend all of their money to remind everyone they have it. It costs a grand to even walk through the door, but I need them to drop at least ten of those, or I’m going to have to spend my summer chasing them down and convincing them to give back to the community that they don’t actually give two shits about.” 
Ryan: “Hey, you know at least one person who does actually care, and that you wouldn’t have to chase down.” 
Evan: “Seriously? You would come? It would make it soooo much more fun for me if you were there!”
Ryan: “Of course I’d come. I’ve gotta start putting faces to all of these names at some point, anyway.” 
And just like that, Ryan’s plan was in motion. 
Ryan: “Mama, why don’t we have the same last name?”  Cora Lewis had just finished signing the leasing agreement and collecting the keys for their new apartment that sat above the restaurant she had recently opened. She had been working for the Kane family as their personal chef, and had managed the catering for their frequent, large events until she’d saved enough money to open her own restaurant. She’d named it Big Bellies, because she wanted everyone who walked in to walk out feeling stuffed. Cora had spent so many years taking care of The Kanes, that when she’d informed them she was interested in opening her restaurant in the building, they suggested she and her daughter move into the apartment that sat above it, and they even discounted her lease for both properties to help her get a head start (and as an early Christmas gift). It was the perfect way for her and Ryan to start this next chapter of their lives.  Ryan had clearly been chewing on a question as they’d begun their climb up the stairway. Cora: “I’ve actually been waiting to see if you’d ever ask about it. Honestly, I didn’t want to take the choice from you. Your birth mother named you Ryan Wilder, and that’s a connection you still have to her. You and I have been able to make lots of other connections in these 14 years.” Ryan: “I guess that makes sense. It is nice to know I keep some part of her with me. But, do you ever feel bad that we don’t have the same name?” Cora: “Not at all. I met your mother, and while she couldn’t keep you, she did love you very much. I’m glad she was able to name you, and I think she chose a name that fits you well. But you know if you ever want to change your name, I think Lewis would fit you well too, in any way you might want to incorporate it.”  Ryan grinned, and Cora could tell that she was going to sit with that idea for a bit before coming to a conclusion. Ryan: “I figured out that I want a yellow comforter for my bed.”  Cora: “That sounds about right.”  Ryan: “Are you trying to say I’m predictable?” Cora: “Do you think I’ve suddenly forgotten my daughter’s favorite color? And I’ll bet you’d like a plaid pattern, too.” Ryan: “Okay, okay. You’ve made your point.” When they arrived in front of their new brown door with glazed windows, Cora slid the key into the lock, turned the knob, and quickly swung the door open, enthusiastically greeting their new apartment. And then all hell broke loose! Because The Kanes owned the building, one of their twin daughters, Beth Kane and her friends (who went by the Wonderland Gang and nicknamed Beth Alice because of her access to hallucinogenic drugs such as snakebite) would party in the vacant apartment. The unit was in a lower income area, and their parents’ friends wouldn’t be aware of their comings and goings. The teenagers (panicked and under the influence) overreacted to Cora and Ryan’s seemingly abrupt entrance into the apartment, and several of them attacked the two ladies. Ryan’s instincts kicked in, and she tried to fight the teenager’s back, to protect her mama. Completely unexpectedly, one of the teenagers pulled a revolver on Ryan.  Ryan: “Come on. You’re not really going to use that thing!”  The kid cocked the gun as a final warning, and Cora jumped in between them, unable to risk her daughter’s life. Startled, the kid pulled the trigger, and Cora was shot in close range. The property manager was still downstairs packing up his things. He called the police when he heard the gunshot. Beth watched the confrontation between her friends and the new tenants go down from a corner of the room. When Cora’s body hit the floor, and Ryan dropped to her knees screaming, Beth yelled for her friends to run. Everyone who followed her orders escaped. When the police arrived, they tried to pull Ryan away from her mother and she lost it, flailing frantically and demanding that they let her go. She and a couple of the more intoxicated children who did not leave with the rest of their friends were apprehended. 
To be continued...
End Notes:
I hope you gathered that Ryan is Robyn, and only Luke knows that's her real name. ;)
If you're curious about who's who (or just want confirmation because you think you've figured it out), you'll have to wait until Day 7 for any specific matching.
All #Batwoman things I do now are also in the name of #SaveBatwoman. Go follow all the social handles and support the cause, please.
*NEW NOTE* I'm trying to make sure I can spread this out over 7 days, so I moved the last section that was previously in part one to part two, in case you're re-reading and confused.
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Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: Batwoman (TV 2019), Batwoman (Comics), Batwoman (TV 2019) RPF Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Sophie Moore/Ryan Wilder, Angelique Martin/Ryan Wilder, Luke Fox & Ryan Wilder, Sophie Moore & Ryan Wilder, Jada Jet & Ryan Wilder, Cora Lewis & Ryan Wilder, Diane Moore & Sophie Moore, Jordan Moore & Sophie Moore, Mary Hamilton & Ryan Wilder Characters: Ryan Wilder, Sophie Moore, Jada Jet, Jordan Moore, Angelique Martin, Cora Lewis, John Diggle (DCU), Diane Moore, Tyler | Sophie Moore's Husband, Luke Fox, Mary Hamilton (DCU), Kate Kane (DCU), Iris West, Victor Zsasz, Jacob Kane, Renee Montoya, Russell Tavaroff Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Religious Conflict, Internalized Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Character Death, Modern Royalty, Special Ops: Lioness - Freeform, Alternate Universe, Undercover Missions, Slow Build, Slow Burn, Female Characters, Alternate Universe - Military, Women in the Military, Fluff and Angst, First Meetings, Mother-Daughter Relationship, War, Blood and Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Child Soldiers Series: Part 4 of Wildmoore Summary:
AU based on Special Ops: Lioness – follows Ryan Wilder, a boisterous but passionate Marine who escapes out of Gotham and is recruited to join the Birds Of Prey Engagement Team. Her mission: befriending the woman linked to high-value CIA targets in Southern Africa in order to gather intel and eliminate them at the right moment. Enter Sophie Moore, the Zambesi Princess battling with her family’s expectations, and the spanner in the works to Ryan’s ability to see her mission completed. Two wholly different worlds collide, shaking up everything they thought they knew about themselves.
Very Slow Burn.
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dragonbinx · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batwoman (TV 2019) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sophie Moore/Ryan Wilder Characters: Sophie Moore, Ryan Wilder, Luke Fox, Mary Hamilton (DCU), Beth Kane | Alice Additional Tags: 5+1 Things, Public Display of Affection, Coitus Interruptus, Team as Family Series: Part 15 of Pride Fics 2024! 🌈 Summary:
Luke was happy for Ryan and Sophie.  Really, truly, he was.  They both smiled so much more these days, laughed more, too, and he didn’t miss all the sniping they used to do one bit.
But he could do without the flirting over comms, especially when he was perched on a crate in the back room of a club, eavesdropping on a meeting of some of Gotham’s most notorious mob bosses.
Sophie and Ryan aren't great at boundaries now that they're together, and the Bat Team isn't happy about it.
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scorbleeo · 8 months
TV Series Discussion: Batwoman
Season 2 (2021)
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Source: Google Images
Three years after Batman mysteriously disappeared, Gotham is a city in despair, and it's under the watch of Jacob Kane and his military-grade Crows Private Security, which now protects the city with omnipresent firepower and militia. When the Alice in Wonderland gang targets the firm, Kane's daughter Kate returns home, deciding that if she wants to help her family and her city, she'll have to become the one thing her father loathes, a dark knight vigilante. With the help of her stepsister Mary and the crafty Luke Fox, the son of Wayne Enterprises' tech guru Lucius Fox, Kate Kane continues the legacy of her missing cousin, Bruce Wayne. Armed with a passion for social justice and a flair for speaking her mind, Kate soars through the shadowed streets of Gotham as Batwoman.
Source: HBO (2019)
Not Bad, For A Major Cast Change
When news first dropped of Ruby Rose leaving this project, I remember being absolutely disappointed. I was still going to watch the subsequent seasons, but I really only enjoyed season 1 for Ruby Rose being Batwoman, so how much can I enjoy season 2?
First of all, I loved the storyline the writers decided to use to explain a change in Batwoman. Regardless of why they came out with this storyline, it made sense which already impressed me.
Then, I got introduced to Ryan Wilder. Don't get me wrong, I will forever love Kate Kane but Ryan brings a level of unseriousness to being a vigilante. Her sass as Ryan and as Batwoman was truly fun to watch. As much as I like Batwoman 1.0 more, Batwoman 2.0 is not so bad herself. I mean, Ryan Wilder's a pretty endearing character. And her friendships with the team? I really thought I was going to dislike season 2 yet all in all, I think I actually enjoyed this season over its predecessor.
Honestly, the Bat Team was great in this season. Even Alice was amazing. What fell short was the villains. Something I liked in season 1 was them having the villain-of-the-episode concept more. Sadly, season 2 focused so much on Safiyah and Roman, there was too little villain-of-the-episode. Moreover, Safiyah and Roman's villain plots were just not it because come on, this is Gotham and Gotham's villains do much worse.
The biggest shock of finishing Batwoman Season 2 was realising I enjoyed this season more than season 1.
Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3.5/5)
More Arrowverse here: Black Lightning Season 4 | Superman & Lois Season 1
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youngerdrgrey · 2 years
you’re it, you’re the ultimatum au // a wildmoore fanfic, chapter 7
summary: in short, thanks to a reality dating show, Kate gave Sophie an ultimatum, and Ryan gave Angelique one, and soon enough, Ryan and Sophie will spend three weeks in an ‘accelerated’ marriage for this dating show. But first, they have to choose each other. chapter 7 summary: Truth or Drink continues as the girls deal with the aftermath of Angelique's pestering. + read on ao3
The doors barely close behind Sophie before Ryan’s on her feet. She doesn’t chase after Sophie this time. No, she steps straight across to tower over Angelique. They may have a lifetime worth of fights and arguments, but the rage and despair wafting off of Ryan is new to the rest of the group. They recoil, leaning back into their seats, eyes averting to their drinks before drawn back up to Ryan like a magnet.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Ryan snaps.
Angelique has the nerve to laugh. “It’s a show, Ry. We’ve all seen reality TV.”
“And we’ve all seen arrests too! You’re bragging about stuff that you don’t talk about in front of just anybody.”
Angelique stares up at Ryan. “I don’t give a fuck about anybody. I care about you.” Ryan scoffs, but Angelique keeps going. “I have always cared about you, and I always will. I’m tired of acting like I have to earn you all the time. That’s why we’re on the show, right? So I can ‘grow up’ and be who you want me to be.” She stands up herself. They’re damn near face to face as Ange nearly begs, “What about who I want you to be?”
“You want me to be messy.”
“I want you to be fun, Ry! We’ve been together since sixth grade. I have trusted you and loved you through every bit of our lives since then, but you’re acting like that’s not enough anymore.”
How could it possibly be enough? At twelve, all Ryan needed was someone to read her comic books with. Someone who didn’t laugh at her, or push her away. She has different needs now.
Ryan reminds her, “You can’t be the same person you were back then.”
“I’m not!”
“And I’m not either.”
Angelique sneers, “Yeah, it shows.” The air goes cold between them, but the heat comes off of Ange’s breath clear as day. “The Ryan I knew would’ve never brought us into this. And I don’t know if I can trust this Ryan not to destroy our lives over what other people think of us.”
“When have I ever cared what other people think?”
Angelique’s eyes drop to Ryan’s hand full of rings, particularly Mama Cora’s class ring. A mid-sized silver band with an engraving Ryan feels more than she sees. A comfort item that she doesn’t even break out often. But she wore it today. Ryan’s jaw tenses. Angelique sighs.
Angelique takes a step back. Her legs bump into the couch as she says, “You wanted us to come here. Do you like who it’s turning us into?”
The question alone makes Ryan’s head hurt. “We’ve barely started.”
“And what? You think it’ll get better? What did you think would happen? We’d just date other people and be fine?” Angelique sounds bitter. Condescending. Furious and shaken in a way that Ryan hasn’t heard since Angelique got clean. “Or-or maybe you thought we’d be so miserable that we’d know that we’re It. But I already know, Ry. You’re the one falling in love with another woman.”
Ryan interjects, “I barely know her.”
“But you want to. Right? You want to pick her and play house in her Crow’s nest—“
“I want to do what we came here to do. That’s what I want. You wanted to have fun lives. You wanted to not be boring. Well, here’s your wish.” Ryan turns to the rest of the group. “I’m sorry about this. About her.”
Angelique shakes her head. “Don’t apologize for me. I’m not sorry for telling everybody how fucking ridiculous this show is. But if you all want to stay here, be my guest.” She drops down onto the couch. “It’s not my turn anymore, right? Somebody go.”
The tense silence echoes. Ryan cuts her eyes to Luke. “Can I go to the bathroom?”
Production can’t legally go into the bathroom with Sophie. It’s the one comfort she has while she tries to pull herself together in the bathroom stall. As ragged breaths rip through her, as the larger bathroom door opens with a creak and thuds closed behind someone. Soft feet, flats, not heels. It could be her producer, or a P.A. But then a soft, familiar knock sounds on the stall door, and Sophie’s chest aches all over again.
Kate clears her throat on the other side of the stall. “Sophie, my love, can you talk to me before people get the wrong idea?”
And what exactly is the wrong idea? That Sophie’s upset? That Kate’s in the dog house just before they’re meant to spend three whole weeks living with other women? That this whole show — this whole fucking idea — is tearing them apart before they even fully separate? The only wrong thing about any of it is that Sophie’s actually surprised.
She should’ve known that Kate would tell someone about how Sophie’s mom rejected her. It’s the one thing that Kate knows broke Sophie more than anything else. She cried for months over that. She still aches. But Kate told a jealous girlfriend exactly how to hurt Sophie.
“I shouldn’t have done that,” Kate says. “But, you’ve got to stop acting like your mom’s shit behavior is some kind of reflection of you. It’s only embarrassing if you keep letting it affect you.”
Sophie scoffs. Wise words from someone who wouldn’t know embarrassment if it flew through the window in a latex suit. “You don’t get it.”
Kate steps closer to the door. Her Converse poke into Sophie’s little safety bubble. “Then help me get it.”
“How, Kate?” Sophie’s voice cracks as she asks. “You came out to a twin who already knew and a dad who was more concerned about whether you would follow in his footsteps than who you were taking to prom.” Sophie spits out the next words, “A dad, mind you, who encouraged me to choose my family all those years ago. I didn’t leave you for fun.”
“No, you left me for your family, and look how that turned out.” The words are barely out Kate’s mouth before she curses. “Shit, I-I didn’t mean it like that.”
But she’s right. She’s already lost her mom and now her pride is on the line too. Her future. Sophie unlocks the stall and pushes out past Kate. Kate at least has the good sense to step back to let Sophie out.
Sophie goes to the sink to wash her hands. Stares down at the soap and the water and not at the woman she thought she’d be with forever. “However you meant it,” Sophie starts while reaching for the paper towels, “maybe these three weeks apart are exactly what we need.”
Ryan fidgets in the corner of the lounge. She can still hear Angelique if she tries hard enough. If she turns her head, she can see where the other participants keep drinking and chatting on the other side of the glass doors. But if Ryan goes back in there, she’ll just pick back up the fight with Angelique. So testimonial it is.
Luke stands slightly to the right of the cameras pointed at her. “Just a few more, and then you can go to your room.”
“Do you think I’m making a mistake?” Ryan asks. Luke hesitates. “I’m serious. It’s week one, and I’m fighting with my girlfriend in front of everyone. Including the women I’m supposed to be flirting with. I don’t know what I thought this would be, but this… is not it.”
Luke nods. “Yeah, I, uh, I get that. You know, I actually got into M.I.T.” Ryan’s eyes bug out, and Luke laughs in a light, humble way. “Yeah, I am kind of a genius. But then, my dad died, and I….” Lost himself a bit. Ryan smiles sadly at that. Then Luke nods again because, if anyone’s going to get the way the loss of a parent can change things, it would be Ryan. “The last thing I wanted to do was think. I started helping my mom with my sister, Tiffany, and we would watch these God awful reality shows together. It helped to see the worst of people right up there with the best of them. And I figured, somebody’s gotta be looking out for those people. Somebody’s gotta be the guy in the chair who makes sure that they’re getting what they want out of this and aren’t being exploited by a system that doesn’t see them for who they are.”
“So you’re not exploiting me?”
He chuckles. “Not entirely. I want you to find love, Ryan. I want this experiment to work out, and I really think that you could have an amazing time over the next three weeks.”
She waits for the next part of his sentence. For how this ties to the question of her making a mistake. It could be amazing, “…But?”
“But that’ll only happen if you stop letting Angelique call the shots.”
Ryan sits up straight. “I did this. I gave her the ultimatum, okay?”
“And ever since, you’ve been making up for it. I know you asked if you were making a mistake. If you ruined everything, but what if… what if it needed to be ruined? What if going on a show like ‘The Ultimatum’ means it’s already broken in the first place?”
She tries to talk around the lump that settles in her throat. “Damn, what happened to believing in love?”
Luke makes sure to hold eye contact to tell her, “It’s not love that makes relationships work. It’s the people inside them. You’re clearly a great person, Ryan. Is Angelique?”
Sophie’s admittedly worn the fuck out by the time she goes to get into her bed. She’s cried over Kate and this weird situation with Ryan and over her mom and the fact that the whole world will know everything. This was a mistake, but Sophie Moore doesn’t back down from mistakes. Sophie Moore pushes through. Sophie Moore prevails.
There’s a knock on her door. She gets up and opens it, and Julia’s there with two camera operators. “We’ve got something to film. It’ll take five minutes. Ten tops.” Sophie lets Julia and one camera in. The other stays back as Julia explains, “You’ll get back into bed. As you were. I’ll knock, you come open it. Alright?”
Easy enough. “It’s not Kate, is it?”
Julia shakes her head, then shuts the door as Sophie sits down on her bed. The camera operator sets up the shot they need. Something natural, candid-esque, before the knock on the door comes.
Sophie plays along with minimal eye-rolling. “Wonder what that is.” She crosses to the door in time to see a small envelope slipped under. She can’t help the thrill in her heart as she spots Crowphie written on it.
“Really, Ryan?” She holds it up to the camera and reads the note. Julia mouths, aloud. “‘Sorry about Angelique. As weird as these last few days have been, just know that she doesn’t speak for me. I get how not having the support of those closest to you can mess with you. Can we talk tomorrow?’” A little grin slips onto Sophie’s lips. Shit. Wow. “She, uh, wants to talk tomorrow.”
Julia verbally nudges. “And tomorrow is….”
Sophie corrects herself. “The day before the Choice. Ryan wants to talk to me before The Choice.”
“And what do you think she wants to talk about? Do you think she still wants to pick you?”
“I think that Ryan wants to talk about what we’re doing here, and whether we should choose each other, or choose somebody else. Our partners clearly see us as a threat, which is…” thrilling, confusing, overwhelming. Sophie shakes her head. “Something. But this can’t be about them. It’s about us. Each of us. Individually.”
“So….” Julia circles her hand behind the camera.
Sophie grins over at it, and she kind of feels shy almost. “So I’ll see her tomorrow.”
end of chapter 7!
see you soon for chapter 8!
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Which season of Batwoman had you going 'I'm Done' for one reason or another?
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hotmusketeerspoll · 23 days
Here stand the current entrants for the Magnificent Musketeer Tournament - updated
Submissions are still open, so if one of your favourite characters isn't here yet, make sure you send them in.
Also, if there's a character already here that you have strong feelings about, you can submit them yourself!
Quite a few characters have no text propaganda or photos, here's a list of those that need some help.
On to the list!
All contestants are listed chronologically, from oldest to newest
Douglas Fairbanks
Max Linder (Dart-In-Again)
Gene Kelly
Jean-Paul Belmondo
Jean-Pierre Cassel
Jeremy Brett
Michael York
Jean Valmont
Chris O’Donnell
Gabriel Byrne
Hugh Dancy
Logan Lerman
Luke Pasqualino
Tamaki Ryou
Malachi Pullar-Latchman
François Civil
Oliver Reed
Keifer Sutherland
John Malkovich
Matthew Macfadyen
Tom Burke
Uzuki Hayate
Vincent Cassel
Richard Chamberlain
Igor Starygin
Charlie Sheen
Jeremy Irons
Luke Evans
Santiago Cabrera
Miya Rurika
Romain Duris
Brian Blessed
Frank Finlay
Oliver Platt
Gerard Depardieu
Ray Stevenson
Howard Charles 
Pio Marmaï
Lana Turner
Faye Dunaway
Margarita Terekhova
Rebecca de Mornay
Milla Jovovich
Maimie McCoy
Mollie Hindle
Preeya Kalidas
Eva Green
Marguerite de la Motte
June Allyson
Raquel Welch
Julie Delpy
Gabriella Wilde
Tamla Kari
Lyna Khoudri
Nigel de Brulier
Vincent Price
Charlton Heston
Bernard Haller
Aleksandr Trofimov
Tim Curry
Christoph Waltz
Peter Capaldi
Guy Delorme
Christopher Lee
Boris Klyuev
Michael Wincott
Mads Mikkelsen
Marc Warren
Anne of Austria
Angela Lansbury
Geraldine Chaplin
Catherine Jourdan
Gabrielle Anwar
Anne Paurillard
Sheena Easton
Juno Temple
Alexandra Dowling
Vicky Krieps
King Louis XIII
Hugh O’Conor
Ryan Gage
Louis Garrel
Hugo Speer
Marc Barbé
Duke of Buckingham
Simon Ward
Orlando Bloom
Jacob Fortune-Lloyd
Roy Kinnear
James Corden
William Phillips
Matthew McNulty
Ángel del Pozo
Michael Gothard
Madame Chevreuse
Sophie Craig
Madame Coquenard
Jennifer Matter
Louis XIV
Louis Hayward
Richard Chamberlain
Leonardo DiCaprio
Robert Sheehan
Louis Hayward
Richard Chamberlain
Leonardo DiCaprio
Maria Theresa
Joan Bennett
Vivien Merchant
Kristina Krepela
Cardinal Mazarin
Gigi Proietti
Gerard Depardieu
Michael Ironside
C. Thomas Howell
Peter Sarsgaard
Lousie de la Valliere
Jenny Agutter
Michael Gothard
Kim Cattrall (Justine de Winter)
51 notes · View notes
salylockheart · 1 year
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18 notes · View notes
talas-first-lady · 5 months
The characters of Batwoman have been allotted one use of the word "fuck" per season.
Bonus points if you share the episode/scene/line they should use it in.
Other seasons
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dalekofchaos · 7 months
Life Is Strange fancast(new)
Already did a LIS fancast before, but since some of them were too old, I think it's time to do a new one
my other LIS fancasts
LIS BTS fancast
LIS 2 fancast
LIS TC Fancast
Thomasin McKenzie as Max Caulfield
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Sophie Thatcher as Chloe Price
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Kristine Froseth as Rachel Amber
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Elle Fanning as Kate Marsh
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Wyatt Oleff as Warren Graham
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Reneé Rap as Victoria Chase
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Austin Abrams as Nathan Prescott
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Aaron Eckhart as William Price
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Robin Wright as Joyce Price
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Ving Rhames as Principal Raymond Wells
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Yvette Nicole Brown as Michelle Grant
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Douglas M. Griffin as Samuel Taylor
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David Harbour as David Madsen
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Norman Reedus as Frank Bowers
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Bryan Cranston as Sean Prescott
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Dewon Sawa as Mark Jefferson
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Barbie Ferreira as Alyssa Anderson
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Brianne Tju as Brooke Scott
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Jacob Batalon as Daniel DeCosta
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Ryan Potter as Evan Harris
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Jenna Ortega as Stella Hill
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Jolie Vanier as Dana Ward
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Kelli Berglund as Juliet Watson
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Ross Lynch as Luke Parker
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Charlie Rowe as Justin Williams
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Noah Centineo as Trevor Yard
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Stefanie Scott as Taylor Christensen
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Tiffany Espensen as Courtney Wagner
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Mason Gooding as Hayden Jones
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Justin Prentice as Zachary Riggs
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Because of tumblr's new layout with the 30 picture limit, I cannot add more pictures, so here's the rest.
Dylan Minnette as Logan Robertson
Angourie Rice as Samantha Myers
Mischa Collins as Skip Matthews
Mark Hamill as Travis Keaton
48 notes · View notes
newgenog · 2 years
Notes: This is part two of chapter one. Please stop and read part one if you haven't already. This fic is an AU based on the ABC tv series #Revenge. I felt like there were a lot of really cool parallels between the characters, and thought it would be fun to reimagine #Batwoman so that Ryan Wilder had a more deliberate pursuit for vengeance. 
*NEW NOTE* I'm trying to make sure I can spread this out over 7 days, so I moved the last section that was previously in part one to the start of part two, and am doing the same with the last part of part two, moving it to the start of part three, in case you're re-reading and confused.
Summary: Robyn Wilde, formerly Ryan Wilder, continues to make connections that set the stage for her revenge. Wildmoore Week Prompt: Hidden Talent
Sophie: “You’re late, Jordan. We’ve talked about this.”
Jordan: “Sophie, no one is here. What exactly am I late for?”
Sophie: “Your commitment to be here by 11AM. It’s 30 minutes after, and people will be here soon for lunch.”
Jordan: “This is not Point Rock. No one is going to die or have to do burpees if I’m a few minutes late to roll silverware for the lunch crowd. Also, it’s a Wednesday. It’s not like people are going to be beating down the door to get in here, like they do on - oh wait, they never do!” 
Just then, Luke walks through the doors that seem to rarely be locked. He looks around the empty restaurant and bar, as if he isn’t there for one, singular purpose. The bright space, with high ceilings, and tables and chairs encircling the bar, so that the bartenders have nearly a 360 view of the restaurant, are not yet prepared with their usual place settings. There are three exits at the back: one leading into the kitchen, and two on either side of their doors leading out of the bar area. Sophie and Jordan stand at the counter, where Sophie had begun rolling the silverware into linen cloths. 
Sophie: “See…? One customer couldn’t even wait until we opened! You never know what the day might bring. It’s always better to be prepared.”
Jordan: “Luke is not a customer.” 
Sophie: “Listen Jordan, just because no one is going to die, that doesn’t mean there won’t be any consequences. I’m trying to help you develop some work ethic, and take responsibility for yourself. Mom needs our help, I’m not always going to be around to take care of you, and if Luke is here to buy something, that does make him a customer!”
Sophie had played a big part in taking care of her younger, half-sister Jordan from the time she was born until Sophie graduated from high school, when Jordan was 11. Sophie was an ROTC kid, and was recruited to join Point Rock’s military academy after graduation. The time away caused some strain on the sisters’ relationship. She was in her last year of her reserves, and she’d served the first 3 years in Metropolis. The DEO recruited her for field work, and she’d always admired Alex Danvers. When the Crows got word of her quickly moving up in the ranks, under Director Danvers’ mentorship, they tried to poach her for Gotham, reminding her that her hometown needed more help than Metropolis did. 
Sophie was considering taking the Crows up on their offer, because she did miss her sister, and she could feel Jordan pulling away through their calls and texts, which were becoming less frequent. Her mom sounded frustrated with Jordan’s rebellion and irresponsibility. That wasn’t the sister she’d left, who was head strong, but looked up to Sophie and wanted to make her proud. But Sophie had missed out on too many of Jordan’s in-between moments. She would show up for the big ones, such as prom and and graduation, but she wasn’t around for Jordan to climb into her bed when she went through her first real breakup, or to drop her off at school when she was having a hard time with some of her classmates, or to defend her when her mom was being so strict that she had to sneak out to go to the school dance.
Since Sophie returned, Jordan has been resentful of her for trying to snap back into her quazy guardian role, just because now it fits into her life again, all of the sudden. Unfortunately, once she got back, she realized her mom was frustrated by more than just Jordan. Her health seemed to be declining, and she wasn’t keeping up with the restaurant and bar. There were overdue bills stacked in the office, and Sophie asked the Crows for more time, because she needed to help get their house in order.
Jordan: “Always? You just got back. I’ve been taking care of myself just fine, thank you. And I'm not a kid. I don’t need you or anyone else to take care of me.” 
Sophie: “Seriously Jordan? You’re still on that? You’re really punishing me for pursuing my career? And if you don’t want to be treated like a kid, stop acting like one!” 
Jordan: “We’re not talking about me. What was any of it even for if you’re still here, running this bar? You left me alone, and now you’re not using that oh so important field training or whatever.”
Luke: “It looks like now’s a bad time. Maybe I should come back.”
Both of them stop and stare at Luke, realizing they’d completely forgotten he was there. 
Jordan: “No, you stay, I’ll go.” 
Jordan walks to the back, into the kitchen, and Sophie drops her head in her hands, exhausted and completely at a loss. She is not prepared to deal with an angry teenager.
Sophie: “I swear, I don’t know what I’m going to do with her. I know I didn’t live here, but she acts like I completely disappeared. I came back as often as I could. I called, facetimed, texted. I’ve been as present as I could be.”
Luke: “She’ll come around. Just give her a little time to adjust. She wants you here, and that’s why she’s lashing out.”
Sophie looks up appreciatively at her sort of friend, who is growing on her, though she isn’t sure she’s ready to tell him that. Initially, she judged Luke for being Kate’s errand boy. She and Kate had history, and she knew how privileged and unaware she could be. Luke is a genius, and more deserving than she is, but he acts like Kate’s lackey, and Sophie finds herself wanting to shake him every time he walks through their bar as a messenger boy. The fact that Kate could also speak for herself, but chooses to send her carrier pigeon instead of facing Sophie means that Luke often has to receive her annoyance in response. 
Sophie: “Yeah, well, sorry you had to see that, though I’m not sure you won’t have to see it again. I feel like this road might be a long one. Anyway, what’s Kate want, now?”
Luke: “What if I just wanted to come see my friend, Sophie?”
Sophie: “Then maybe we could actually call ourselves friends, but my money’s on Kate sent you.” 
Luke: “Can’t it be both?”
Sophie: “I haven’t decided yet. But if you keep walking in on family arguments, I might not have a choice…” 
Luke: “I don’t know whether or not to hope for that, so I guess we’ll just play it by ear.” 
Luke pulls an envelope out of his suit pocket and slides it across the bar counter. It has Sophie written across in calligraphy. Sophie laughs to herself, because he really was becoming the metaphor, and she can’t help but finally unload her thoughts. She’s on a roll, anyway. Might as well keep with the theme.  
Sophie: “Why do you do this for her? You’re her head of security. There’s no one else she can send, or that you can send?” 
Luke: “I don’t think she trusts anyone else... And, I don’t run all of her errands, just the ones that bring me here. I’ve spent too much time around them, and being here, around you…I get to relax a little, if you catch my drift.” 
In other words, Luke likes hanging out at this Black owned business, and is glad to not have to code switch for a while. Sophie can appreciate that. 
Luke Cell: I got a hit on his corporate card for a deposit at The Royal Hotel. And she put a block on his calendar from 11AM to 2PM tomorrow.
Luke had hacked into Candice Long’s computer, Jacob Kane’s secretary, so that he had access to both of their emails and their calendars. He’d also placed alerts on Jacob’s, Catherine’s, and Candice’s credit cards, so he was notified about all transactions. It would be pretty difficult for Jacob Kane to do anything without Luke knowing about it.
Ryan Cell: Do we have eyes there?
Luke Cell: Just tapped into their security cameras. I’m also on the hotel’s booking system, assigning them a room where a traffic light is angled towards that window. 
Ryan Cell: Curtains?
Luke Cell: This old hotel only has those sheer things that aren’t even worth closing. We’ll get them going in, and we should be able to see enough to make your point. 
Ryan puts her cell phone down, and places her computer on her lap. She rewatches the news interview of Candice Long taken after the trial that landed her in Kane County Juvenile Detention Center. Jacob Kane was a witness, as the building’s owner and one of Beth Kane’s parents. 
A couple of the kids who had been arrested at the scene with Ryan had been convinced to name as many of the other kids as they could if they didn’t want to be considered accessories to the crime. The GCPD was trying to collect everyone’s story, to get as close to the truth as they could. However, by the time the other kids were brought in for questioning, they’d all been coached by their expensive lawyers to tell the same story: that Cora pulled a gun out, one of the kids tried to disarm her, and the loaded gun was fired in the struggle. 
Candice had been in the audience, holding Catherine’s hand while they watched Ryan’s public defender question Jacob. They hugged with relief when the jury decided that Ryan was solely to blame for Cora Lewis’s death, because she had supposedly broken into the building and organized the party. Later, Ryan would be sentenced to 18 months in juvie for trespassing and possession of drugs, and the other kids would be assigned community service for participating in the events that led to the trial. 
The news correspondent was waiting outside of the courthouse to speak to anyone who would respond, and Candice couldn’t resist the chance to capitalize on a few minutes of importance and fame. She called upon one of her hidden talents, and organized her face into the most concerned expression she could muster.  Correspondent: “Ma’am? How do you feel about the judgment? Do you feel justice was served?” Candice: “It’s just so sad that these foster kids can’t find more suitable homes, with people who will raise them well, you know? To think, this girl was living with someone who would try to shoot a kid, and exposed her to such violence that she would try to fight the people who are meant to protect her. It’s really awful. I hope they’re able to rehabilitate her, so that she can still have some sort of life at the end of her sentence.” 
Listening to this woman speak so ignorantly and lie on her mother made Ryan see red. 
Candice, or Candy, was not only Jacob’s secretary but Catherine’s best friend. No one else understood Catherine’s husband as well as she did, and it served them both to be able to negotiate his schedule and whereabouts. Candy always made sure Catherine received exactly what she wanted for birthdays, Christmas, and anniversaries, and Candy received a personal invitation to keep Catherine company at every waspy event in return. Even though she was compensated better than any other administrative assistant she knew, Candy still didn’t make a fraction of what it took to coexist with her wealthy friends. So, when Beth complained about her head killing her aloud one evening, when her parents weren’t in the room, Candy offered her a Vicodin for the pain. She’d developed carpel tunnel in her wrists from years of administrative work, and a corrective surgery left her with nerve damage that resulted in an open prescription for pain meds. 
When Beth told her friends that she felt better than numb after taking the pill, all of them wanted in on the action. Purchased pills eventually evolved into stronger drug sales, and the kids referring to Beth’s dealer as The Candy Lady. Beth loved the power that came with being the source for her friends’ entertainment. So only she knew where to get the goods, which meant Ryan had to get really crafty about finding the person who had supplied the kids the drugs that made one of them take her mom’s life, so she could take their life too.
She slammed her laptop shut, and pulled out the journal that held one of the letters she'd read hundreds of times from the open wooden box sitting beside her.
Dear Daughter, I'm starting this journal for you because there are so many things I want you to know, and thoughts don't always come when you need them, or when the timing is right. Instead, whenever they come to me, I'll save them for you here. And when the timing is right for you, or when you need to hear these words the most, they'll be waiting for you, ready for you to read as often or as little as you want.  If nothing else, the most important thing I need you to always know is how loved and cherished you are. And not just by me, Ryan. There are people you've yet to meet who would give anything they could to see you happy. I'm not only talking about the people you'll encounter in the future who will fall in love with you as naturally as I did, but the people who knew you before you were whatever version of yourself you are today. They love you fully and completely as the beautiful human you are.  I imagine being adopted might sometimes make you feel like you were given up. Like someone else didn't want to be your parent. On those days, I ask you to consider if they knew what a gift you are, and that blessing someone else with the opportunity to know and raise you was actually the kindest and most generous thing they could do. As a mother, I can't imagine the difficulty in deciding to trust someone else to give my child everything she needs and deserves. That I was chosen is something I have never taken for granted. And daughter, that you also chose to love me back means more than I will ever be able to express to you.  No matter where this life takes us, we will know that we were given the gift of each other. It's a gift that is undoable, and will always be ours to keep.  I can't wait to share everything I can with you. I love you. Your Mama, Cora
Luke Cell: They’re in the room. 
Ryan Cell: On my way.
Ryan had arranged for Evan to meet her at The Royal Bar in the hotel for day drinks. She was going to create her very own meet cute with Candice Long. When she reaches the bottom of the outside set of stairs from her loft, she is approached by a black cat that seems to know her. It has a crook near the end of its tail, and is small for a cat its age. 
Ryan remembers her immediately. This is the cat she rescued her first week as a freshman in high school. A hawk had swooped down right in front of her, and caught the kitten by its tail. The kitten clawed and tried to wrangle away, slowing the hawk down, and automatically, Ryan dove after it, catching the baby cat and wrapping it into her arms. The hawk was not deterred, and tried to get the cat out of Ryan’s arms. She was rolling on the ground, trying to kick it away. A classmate who’d seen the whole thing ran over to save her, swatting the large bird with her backpack. Sophie Moore was two grades older than Ryan, but they still managed to end up in PE together as their last class for the day. Ryan had been leaving out of the locker room when the whole thing happened, and Sophie had left just shortly after her. 
Sophie: “Oh my god, are you okay?” Ryan: “Nothing a little Neosporin won’t fix. I’m more worried about this kitty. She’s so freaked out.”  Sophie: “That was pretty brave, and a little stupid.”  Ryan: “Sounds like me.”  Sophie knelt down next to Ryan and began petting the kitten’s head. Sophie: “What are you going to do with her?”  Ryan: “I don’t know. I know if I take her to animal rescue, they’re just going to put her down. Cats aren’t exactly a limited commodity around here.” Sophie: “Can you keep her?” Ryan: “Nah, my mom and I live in an apartment. Pretty sure they don’t allow pets.” Sophie looked around, hoping for an idea. And sure enough she got one. Sophie: “I might know a place.”  She stood up, and reached out to take Ryan’s hand. Ryan clasped it and let Sophie help her up. Then she started walking, with determination, back towards the gym, and Ryan followed as closely as she could, taking two steps for every one of Sophie’s. Ryan: “Where are we going?” Sophie: “Ever been on the roof of the gym?” Ryan: “No. Have you?”  Sophie: “Kicked a soccer ball up there once, and ran up to get it.”  Ryan: “That was one hell of a kick! But I guess with legs like that…”  Ryan let the sentence trail off, not really sure how the older student would feel about Ryan noticing her that way. Sophie couldn’t help but blush at the compliment.  When they made it onto the roof, Sophie took them over to a small but empty storage closet.  Sophie: “I think they forgot this was up here. I found the ball next to it, and the door was swinging open and shut. My neurosis wouldn’t let me leave it like that.”  Sophie took her sweater out of her backpack and made a small bed for the kitten. The storage had vents built into it that would allow for a little light and ventilation, but they’d have to figure out how to fix it up. Ryan bent down, and carefully placed the little black cat who seemed undernourished on its temporary bed.  Ryan: “You’re going to be okay Selina.”  Sophie: “Selina? Like Catwoman?” Ryan: “Do you hate it?” Sophie: “Nope. She’s a fighter, just like this little one, and just like her mom. It’s perfect.”  Ryan smiled at the idea of being a fur mom.  Ryan: “Moms. She’s yours, too. You saved us.” Sophie matched Ryan’s smile. She got the feeling this girl would be a bit of trouble... And yet, like a moth, she felt drawn to the foolishly courageous flame sitting next to her. Sophie: “Moms then.”
Sophie: “Selly, there you are!” 
Sophie approaches Ryan, grateful to know what happened to her cat. Ryan is holding her, and she is burrowed into her neck, purring. 
Ryan: “Sophie Moore, right?”
Sophie: “Yeah! Thanks for saving my cat. She ran off when I was trying to change her into this Pride Month collar. How do you know my name?”
Ryan: “I rented the loft upstairs - took over the lease for Reagan. She told me all about the family who ran The Hold Up. Apparently she’s a fan of yours.” 
Sophie: “Of mine? I thought she was into…you know what, never mind. Welcome to the building. Man, Selly really loves you. She never lets anyone hold her. She’s kinda a scardy cat.” 
Ryan pulls her up to face her. She taps her nose to the cat's nose like old times.
Ryan: “Hi Selly.” 
The cat purrs back at her. 
Sophie: “It’s short for Selina.”
Ryan: “Pride Month doesn’t start for a few days. You’re starting early.” 
Sophie: “Kinda needed something to cheer me up. But, hey, you should come by the bar sometime. You can have a drink on the house as thanks for saving her. What’s your name? I’ll put it down in case I’m not there.” 
Ryan is mostly relieved and only a little sad that she isn’t recognizable. With the right attire, hair, and makeup, people can be easily distracted. 
Ryan: “That’s very kind of you, but totally unnecessary. The pleasure was all mine, Selly. And hey, it was nice to meet you too, but I’ve gotta run.” 
Ryan passes the cat back to Sophie and quickly struts to her car. She has no idea how she’s going to pull off being this close to her first crush, and the person she spent months co-parenting a cat with, but she does know she’s not ready to get too far down this path of lies she has to weave for her mission. Not today at least.
To be continued...
Note: As a reminder, I'm sharing chapter one for @wildmooreweek, but I'm going to break it up and post it here over the 7 days. I'll pull everything together and post it on Ao3 on Day 7. I'll probably continue in this fashion for the length of the story, because it takes me a while to write the chapters, and I don't want to keep you all waiting too long.
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companion-showdown · 5 months
Family Feud Nominations, Who is the Best Doctor Who Family
If I've missed a character out of one of the families let me know (within reason, I imagine all these families are massive in the EU, so prioritise tv or significant characters)
Currently, the only rule is no families may inculde anyone who is even ambiguously The Doctor, it'll get super complicated super fast imo
Any characters, eg River, who can link up multiple different families to create a single massive family unit will be treated on a case by case basis. If it is possible to pick one of the smaller family units that they are a part of to include them in while not including them in any of the others (in a way everyone will agree at least makes sense) they will be included in that family only, otherwise they will not be included
Please bare in mind when you are nominating that I am hoping to keep the number of nominations under 64 to run this as a mini-tournament. This is not a hard rule so if nominations do exceed 64 its not a big deal, just something I'd like everyone to bare in mind
Foreman-Campbell (Susan, David, Alex)
Chesterton-Wright (Ian, Barbara, implied to be married after they leave)
McCrimmon (Jamie, Heather, V.M.McCrimmon, various others)
Waterfield (Victoria, Edward (father))
Lethbridge-Stewart (Kate, The Brigadier, Doris (Brig's wife in Battlefield), Archibald Hamish (TUAT), Gordon (Kate's son in Downtime), Kadiatu, The Great Intelligence, Lucy Wilson)
Grant/Jones (Jo, Cliff, Santiago (Jo's grandson in Death of the Doctor))
Smith (Sarah-Jane, Lavinia (aunt), Brendan Richards, Luke, Sky, Mr Smith, K9 (they are her family and I will not be hearing otherwise), Barbara, Eddie (parents in Temptation of Sarah-Jane Smith))
Leela, Andred, Veega, Rayo
Adric and Varsh (brothers)
Nyssa, Tremas, and Kassia (daughter, father, step-mother)
Jovanka (Tegan, Vanessa (aunt in Logopolis), Colin (cousin in Arc of Infinity))
Turlough (Vislor, Malkon (brother in Planet of Fire))
McShane (Ace, Audrey (mother), Kathleen (grandmother), Liam (brother))
Tyler (Rose, Jackie, Pete, Tony (baby mentioned in Journey's End), no I will not be adding the metacrisis to this list)
Another Smith (Mickey, Rita (grandmother))
Harkness (Jack, Grey, parents, Alice Carter (daughter), Steven Carter(grandson))
Isolas (Fear Her)
Jones (Martha, Francine, Clive, Tish, Leo, Leo has a baby as well, Adeola Oshodi)
The Family of Blood
Redfern-Smith (Joan, John (various), possible dream children and grandchildren)
Shafe Kanes (from Utopia, Kristane, Beltone)
Mott-Noble-Temple (Donna, Sylvia, Wilf, Shaun, Rose)
The Adipose
Pond-Williams (Amy, Rory, River, Brian, Anthony, Amy's aunt and parents)
Owens: (Craig, Sophie, Stormageddon Dark Lord of All)
Gillyflower (Mrs Gillyflower, Ada)
Paternoster (Jenny, Vastra, Strax)
Oswald (Clara, Ellie, Dave (parents), grandmother, and I'm going to say Danny makes the cut, Orson)
Potts (Bill, Mother, Moira (foster mother))
O'Brien-Sinclair (Graham, Ryan, Grace, Aaron (Ryan's father))
Khan (Yaz, Najia (mother), Hakim (father), Sonya (sister), Umbreen (grandmother))
Lewis (Dan, Eileen (mother), Neville (father))
Swarm and Azure
Bel, Vinder and their as yet unborn child
Sunday (Ruby, Carla, Cherry, many many foster siblings)
The TARDIS and Lolita
Little House of Cwej
The House of Lungbarrow (Grandfater Paradox, Qenceus, Inocet, various cousins, Irving Braxiatel, Maggie Matsumoto, Ulysses, Penelope GAte, Anna Joyce)
The House of Dvora (Morbius, The War King, Thessalia, Romana, various others)
Langer (Clyde, Carla (mother), Paul (father))
Jackson (Maria, Alan, Chrissie)
Chandra (Rani, Haresh, Gita)
The Wu Diaspora (Cindy Wu and her clones)
Munmeth and Mutmunna (Medicine Man)
Ada and Alice Obiefune
Who (Susan, Barbara, Louise)
Jones-Davies (Ianto, Rhiannon, Johnny, David, Mica)
Summerfield (Bernice, Issac, Claire, Jason Kane, Peter, Wolsey, Keith, Rebecca, Cousin Eliza, Benedict I-IV, Christine)
Miller (Lucie, Pat (aunt))
Schofield (Hex, Cassie, Hilda)
House of Witforge (Narvin, Lenaris, Helico, Narvin's father, Rexin)
Faction Paradox
Pollard (Charley, Louisa, Richard, Margaret, Edward Grove, The Sound Creature)
Mesh Cos, Lon Shel, Julian White Mammoth Tusk
Cooper-Williams (Gwen, Rhys, Anwen, Geraint, Mary (Gwen's parents))
Chenka (Liv, Tula, Kal, Garlon Rosh)
Sinclair (Helen, Albie, Trev Bailey)
Proctor (Cleo, Jordan, parents)
Nominations will be open until Midday Friday (03/05, 12:00 BST (GMT/UTC +1)), I will try and give a more specific time then
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