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mikesfilmtalk · 3 months ago
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duranduratulsa · 5 months ago
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Up next on my 90's Fest Movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 marathon...Mars Attacks! (1996) on classic DVD 📀! #movie #movies #scifi #comedy #marsattacks #Topps #timburton #JackNicholson #GlennClose #AnnetteBening #piercebrosnan #dannydevito #martinshort #sarahjessicaparker #michaeljfox #rodsteiger #riprodsteiger #JoeDonBaker #paulwinslow #olanjones #jackblack #christinaapplegate #lisamarie #LukasHaas #NataliePortman #sylviasidney #ripstlviasidney #tomjones #JimBrown #PamGrier #DVD #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas4thannual90sfest
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ginalover · 2 years ago
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ginagershon What a pleasure it was to act with the one and only John Travolta again- we havent seen each other since “Face Off “!!! He is is still as sweet kind gorgeous and wonderful as ever!!! Glad we finished shooting before the strike!!! What a great cast and crew- thanks @randallemmettfilms #cashout2 #biloximississippi @johntravolta @lukashaas @natalie_yura #crew #stunts
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lukashaaa · 3 months ago
Hello my friend, I am a hadiah from Gaza.
Can you help my children and donate evetn a little
I was working as a lawyer to bring justice, and now you are the ones who will bring justice to me...We lost our jobs, our homes, all our belongings, we became homeless.. Asking for help is not easy, but saving lives on the front lines
I have children. I suffer from a hernia, diaphragm, stomach bacteria, and infections, and I need continuous treatment...it is expensive.
In the name of humanity and not participating in genocide.I ask you to re-share my story and help my children if possible. Ten dollars is enough to save my children.
Please do what you can.
I want my children to live in safety and peace. Please don't neglect to do what you can to  participate or donate
Link in bio
My Hello my friend, I am a hadiah from Gaza.
Can you help my children and donate evetn a little
I was working as a lawyer to bring justice, and now you are the ones who will bring justice to me...We lost our jobs, our homes, all our belongings, we became homeless.. Asking for help is not easy, but saving lives on the front lines
I have children. I suffer from a hernia, diaphragm, stomach bacteria, and infections, and I need continuous treatment...it is expensive.
In the name of humanity and not participating in genocide.I ask you to re-share my story and help my children if possible. Ten dollars is enough to save my children.
Please do what you can.
I want my children to live in safety and peace. Please don't neglect to do what you can to  participate or donate
My campaing vetted by @90-ghost
Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #136 )
Ask lukashaa a question
Can’t donate, can share!
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markagus723 · 2 years ago
Check it out
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cultcelebrities · 5 years ago
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Brick (2005) 
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josephfrady · 5 years ago
#musicbox #1989 DIR #costagavras CAST #arminmuellerstahl #lukashaas #movie #drama DP #patrickblossier (à Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6MMBZ-IcIJ/?igshid=syuakb4g6rld
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llpodcast · 3 years ago
Season 5: Episode 248 - The 80s: One Dark Night (1983)/Lady in White (1988)
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droppedculture · 4 years ago
Testament (1983) The Dropped Culture Thankskilling Special Part 3
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tsuchicool · 6 years ago
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いざ。 #TheFirstMan #ファーストマン #DamienChazelle #デイミアンチャゼル #RyanGosling #ライアンゴズリング #ClaireFoy #クレアフォイ #JasonClarke #ジェイソンクラーク #KyleChandler #カイルチャンドラー #CoreyStoll #CiaránHinds #PatrickFugit #LukasHaas #PabloSchreiber #Apollo #アポロ計画 #NASA #movie #cinéma #映画 (TOHOシネマズ 新宿 (TOHO CINEMAS Shinjuku)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuB9OO3gx9A/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5x8lwzkn3r1l
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mikesfilmtalk · 6 months ago
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duranduratulsa · 2 years ago
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Now showing on my 90's Fest Movie 🎥 marathon...Mars Attacks! (1997) on classic DVD 📀! #movie #movies #scifi #comedy #marsattacks #Topps #timburton #JackNicholson #GlennClose #AnnetteBening #piercebrosnan #dannydevito #martinshort #sarahjessicaparker #michaeljfox #rodsteiger #riprodsteiger #JoeDonBaker #paulwinslow #olanjones #jackblack #christinaapplegate #lisamarie #LukasHaas #NataliePortman #sylviasidney #ripstlviasidney #JimBrown #tomjones #PamGrier #dvd #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas3rdannual90sfest
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renegade2026 · 8 years ago
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Tom in Los Angeles 2/8/2017 on a night out with pal Lukas Haas at Madeo Ristorante
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drakesfavoritebbw · 8 years ago
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#Day14 a song you would love played at your Wedding 👰 👰. Because Why the fuck not😸 this song is #iconic Af #Outkast and #Ugk. Have you seen the damn music video my god and its shot as a #wedding video. But not a regular ass wedding but a hood ass wedding you got side chicks fighting at the reception n shit. Pimps and hoes in the church watching this act of holy matrimony. #whenwillyourfaveever #UndergroundKingz #UGK4Life #longlivethepimp #RipPimpC #RipMamaPimp #intlplayersanthem #InternationalPlayersAnthem #ichooseyou #three6Mafia #DjPaul #JuicyJ #UncleChad #RipChadButler #andre3000 #bunb #BigBoi #bishopdonmagicjuan #Chamillionaire #Tpain #fonzworthbentley #davidbanner #kardinaloffishall #kattwilliams #BigGipp #DerayDavis #lukashaas #putSomesouthinyaMouth
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13thhr · 8 years ago
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#Solarbabies: currently watching ... yes, there is cheese in this film. Loads of it slathered all over by one of those cheese whiz cans that sputtered out that neon orange goo that probably causes cancer or something. There's lots of it here, but is that such a bad thing? Me thinks no. I'll do a full podcast EP in it shortly. For no, alI I gotta say is this is some sweet cover art. In this era of blocky text and photographic stock images, they don't make 'em like this anymore! @m_sheldrake and I talk about this in an upcoming podcast. Stay tuned! #podcast #80s #80smovies #postapocalyptic #jasonpatric #jamigertz #lukashaas #melbrooks #coverart #fantasyart #scifi #fantasy #guiltypleasure
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myleshamshaenettefan · 5 years ago
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