#lukas hemmings
lukasadss · 5 months
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Taken from the vid I sent my friend to show the progress but, almost done with Dream's vest thing from the hell scene :)
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strawberri-yan · 11 months
Yan vampire slayer x vampire! Reader
Tw:non con, revenge sex,
A/n: I got a lil too into castlevania but here is my treat for you guys for Halloween !
As a vampire of noble rank, you had lived for centuries, reveling in your immortality and the luxurious life it offered you. There were endless nights of elegant banquets and the fine blood of high-society donors that had never ceased your amusement. It was a cushy and enjoyable lifestyle that you have grown accustomed to.
Yet on a fateful night, you embarked on a hunt with your fellow companions. Descending upon a quiet village, your insatiable thirst for blood drove you all to slaughter the unsuspecting, human villagers. The night air was filled with screams and anguish, nearly all of the townspeople met a gruesome bloody end.
But amidst the chaos, you stumble upon a scrawny human boy hiding in a closet, tears streaming down his face as he stared at you in horror. Yet, having your fill of bloodlust and being in a particularly good mood, you decided to spare the child.
But unknowingly to you, the boy was adopted into a feared clan of a formidable vampire slayers. As the years passed, he trained tirelessly, honing his skills to perfection until he was the best out of all of them. He was a force to be reckoned with, a dangerous man who made it his life's mission to hunt and kill vampires.
Luka tracked down the vampires that had slaughtered his village, a relentless pursuit driven by a thirst for revenge. As he cornered and slaughtered the vampires responsible, he had left you the only one alive, not out of mercy but as a twisted gesture of thanks for sparing his life all those years ago.
The sounds of panting, moaning and the furious creaking of the bed filled the room as Luka lays comfortably on his back cigarette in hand as he watches smugly as the little vampire lord bounce on his cock, force to wear a brightly colored, frill-laced outfit of his choosing. You were told by your new master to hold up the hems in front your dress so that could see the view of your quivering, leaking pussy squelching around his shaft. A punishment fit for a bloodsucker like you, reduced from a mighty vampire noble to a pet who cockwarms his master as he slaughters your kind.
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Lukesse writings, again
in which Lukas tends to an accident-prone Jesse’s wounds. because they are the meaning of hurt/comfort <33 cw for minor wound/pain descriptions
I’m partially delirious when I open the door to let myself in. There’s no sign of Lukas downstairs, which is good; I don’t want him worrying about me. I keep my arms crossed over the wound so that it’s mostly concealed on the chance that I do see him on the way to the bathroom. Up the stairs, I close the bathroom door halfway once I get myself in and root through the medicine cabinets for the gauze. We really ought to keep this thing more organized.
“Jesse?” I hear Lukas call my name from down the hallway and curse under my breath. “You home?”
“Yeah!” I call back, and I hope that’s enough to satisfy him.
But I hear his footsteps down the hall. I panic and shut the cabinet door, stuffing the gauze underneath my arm.
“Jesse?” He pushes the bathroom door slightly open. “Whatcha doing in here?”
“Uh . . .” I hadn’t thought up a lie for this, I realize. “Just . . . wanted to wash my hands. Y’know, long day at work, sweaty hands.” I shrug and immediately regret it as pain sears through my abdomen.
Lukas frowns. “Are you okay?”
I blink. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You’re wincing and . . . twitching.”
“I’m . . . tired,” I say in a tone I know is incredibly unconvincing.
He knits his eyebrows, and I can see his eyes focus on my inconspicuously crossed arms. “Jesse . . .” He reaches out for me, and I jerk away from him. I cry out in pain as my arms push into my wound, and I lose control of my body; my legs give out from under me, and I crumple to the floor.
Lukas’ eyes widen. “Whoa— Jesse!” He falls to his knees beside me. The blood on the white fabric of my shirt glares like redstone in the dark; there’s no hiding it now. “What happened?”
I sigh, resting my head on the floor. “We were running low on some things in the town — monster loot, mostly — so I went out to scavenge for some. I . . . didn’t think my armor would break so quickly.”
“Jesse, you could’ve asked me to come with you! Or Radar, or at least somebody for backup!”
“I can handle myself against some measly mobs!” I protest. “Unless . . . the zombies have diamond swords.”
“They had diamond swords?”
“One of them did,” I correct quickly. “He, uh, snuck up behind me and, well . . .” I draw my hand across my ribs with a slicing motion.
“My gosh . . .” Lukas grabs the gauze that I had dropped on the floor, and then takes bandages out of the cabinet along with several washcloths which he wets in the sink.
I start to sit myself up against the wall. “Lukas, I can get that—”
“Absolutely not,” he says firmly as he kneels beside me again, holding out a hand to stop me from moving further. “I’ve got you, Jesse.”
I hesitate but yield a small smile as I attempt to relax myself. He gently lifts the hem of my shirt until he can see the whole thing — a cut no deeper than a centimeter running along the underside of my chest. It almost looks like he gets dizzy for a moment upon seeing it, but he’s quick to gather his bearings. He begins to wipe away the blood with the washcloths, slowly to start but more hastily as more begins to trickle out. I tense, and my hand flies to his shoulder, squeezing tightly. “Easy, easy . . . ,” he says softly, and somehow, his voice does make the pain more bearable.
When the blood is almost gone from my skin, he lays a clean towel on the wound while he readies the bandages. “I’m gonna have to apply pressure, okay?” I nod, and he unwraps two large bandages and places them over the cut. With one hand, he pushes down, and the other he lifts to my face, wiping away my tears with his thumb. “You’re doing so well, Jesse,” he says. I hold onto his arm, squeezing more tightly than I mean to. Staring into his eyes is comforting; he smiles at me, but I can tell he’s only putting on a brave face for me by the way his forehead is creased with worry.
With the bleeding slowed, he wraps a length of gauze around my abdomen, securing the bandages in place and soaking up any remaining blood that seeps through. “There,” he says finally. He looks at me. “You okay?”
I nod feebly; my head is spinning, and my vision is blurrier than I remember it being. Lukas crawls around to the my other side and sits against the wall next to me. I collapse onto his shoulder. He takes my hand. “Promise me, the next time you do anything like that, you’ll take me with you.”
I sigh. “I will.”
“Good.” His hand goes lax as if he expects me to take mine back, but I keep holding on, and so he does, too. “You know you’re important to me, Jesse. I don’t want to lose you.”
“Hey, I’ve taken down a world-devouring monster, an all-knowing super computer, and the creator of the universe.” I nestle into his shoulder with a contented smile. “I’m not going anywhere.”
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olivernothere · 3 months
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NAME: Oliver Castellioa Solace-Di Angelo
ALIAS: Ollie, Ol, Olive Tree (sigh), Olive (ONLY Iggy)
AGE: 16 years old, 6th of January
WEAPON(S): A dagger made out of celestial bronze, 20 centimeters
POWER(S): He can enter peoples dreams, and watch what’s happening from afar. He can also change their dreams to however he’d like, this tends to drain him very much though.
PERSONALITY: He’s a bit rude and cold, sometimes shy, in the start, but if you get to know him, he’ll warm up. Once you know him, he’ll be the most caring person, he’s a bit loud sometimes, he’s a little overprotective of his family, even though hems the youngest, he ignores rude comments and such in public, he doesn’t know how to say no, so you never really know if he wants something or not. He’s REALLY scared of adults (sometimes even Will and Nico), and WILL call them sir, miss, ma’am, etc., he can and will sometimes isolate himself from everyone if he’s having one of his “episodes”.
FATAL FLAW: Thinking that he’ll never be good enough for anyone and it’s why his mother disowned him
HOBBIES: I like to paint, mostly landscapes and such, sometimes I write poems I guess? Oh and I love to spend time with my cat, is that considered a hobby?
FAMILY: Nico Di Angelo (Papa), William Andrew Solace (Dad), Daphne Naria Solace-Di Angelo (Sister), Hades (Grandfather), Maria Di Angelo (Grandmother), Apollo (Grandfather), Naromi Solace (Grandmother), Morpheus (Father A stranger to me.), Allison Castellioa (Mother Who is this?)
People I know (!!):
@ghost-king-and-thebones - Nico Di Angelo, my wonderful papa!! <3
@daffy-not-a-duck - Daphne Naria Solace-Di Angelo, my lovely sister!! (STAY AWAY FROM EPHIE)
@doctor-sunshine-andcarebears - William Andrew Solace, my awesome dad!!!
@drea-and-nico - Andrea and Nicolas Lilith, Children of Hades, my aunt and uncle, but Drea is like a sister to me
@iggy-mini-miny-moe - Ignis Grace, a child of Jason Grace and Leo Valdez, my boyfriend fjbfjgbekd<33, DON'T let him near bleach
@chasing-that-jackson - Charlotte Sally Chase-Jackson, a child of Perseus Jackson and Annabeth Chase, please stop dying
@ineedtoescapefromreality - Echo and Rosalyn Mclean, children of Piper Mclean and Shel
@hey-guys-its-sam - Samantha Zhang, a child of Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque
@violent-cinnamonroll - Aria Nicole La Rue, a child of Clarisse La Rue and Silena Baeuregard
@notwillingtobefound - William Valdez, a child of Jason Grace and Leo Valdez, Iggy’s brother
@not-a-panda - Pandora Stoll, a child if Travis Stoll amd Katie Gardner, she has a cute cat!!
@morningstar-of-the-night - Kallisto Danica Arrelano-Grace, a child of Reyna Ramirez-Arellano and Thalia Grace
@daredevil-larue - Lucine La Rue, a child of Clarisse La Rue and Silena Beauregard
@overwhelmingly-his-son - Lukas Castellan, a grandchild of May Castellan, he's cool
@the-poison-and-the-sky - Belladonna Chase-Jackson, a child of Perseus Jackson and Annabeth Chase-Jackson, from another Universe
@praetor-ambrose-asher - Ambrose Asher, a legacy of Primordial Khaos
@leo-repairguy-valdez - Leo Valdez, father to Iggs and William, married (?) to Jason Grace
@percy-jackson-xxx - Perseus Jackson, father to Charlie and Cassie, married to Annabeth Chase
@sincerely-anniejackson - Annabeth Chase-Jackson, mother to Charlie and Cassie, married to Perseus Jackson
ACC IS RAN BY: @moonssong
#Oliver arrived - In character Oliver
#Oliver died - ooc
#Ephie supremacy - About his cat
#Oliver rants - something random ic Oliver
#Sister tag☀️ - When he interacts with his sister
#Death and fire - Oliver and Iggy (They’re shipped)
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amuhav · 9 months
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     Agreeing to get there in fifteen minutes was stupid! Their apartment was on the far side of town! Agreeing at all was stupid, anyway. Her siblings would kill her if they knew she was meeting a guy, practically a stranger, in the middle of the night, like, what was she even thinking—      She saw Lukas ahead, and all that thinking just went away. He smiled warmly as Mist got close, and now she just felt stupid for making him worry.       “I’m so sorry, you really didn’t have to do this. I’m fine, really,” she rambled, and he laughed.      “You didn’t ask, I offered, dummy.”      “Well, yeah, but...” She trailed off, fidgetting with the hem of her shorts.      “You been on the beach yet?” He nudged her shoulder, and she glanced up with a smile, then shook her head. He flicked his head in that direction, and after a brief hesitation, she followed him onto the sand. “Me neither.”       She narrowed her eyes at him. “No? Not even for fresher’s week?”      He laughed. “Naaaah.”      “Really? That surprises me.”      “Because I look like a beach party guy?” he asked, brow raised in amusement.      Mist flushed. “Kinda,” she mumbled.      “It’s the tan and the blonde hair, right?”      Don’t answer that. Still, he chuckled at her noticeable silence.       “You’re half right,” Lukas admitted. “Love the beach, hate the people on it. Drunk people even more so.”      “Alcohol and unpredictable water does sound like a terrible combination,” Mist reasoned. “Especially at night. A recipe for disaster, really.”      “Exactly. And I wouldn’t be able to stop myself telling people to cool it, ya know? I’d just ruin their fun, so I stay away.”
|<Previous | Beginning | Next>| 
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theguardianace · 16 days
I need eneichment. Tell me about some favourite hcs / thought up scenarios of yours :3
im drawing a luka piece right now so i'll give ya some of mine for her!!! never done this i think haha
ok so first of all luka is NOT 5'3". she is at MINIMUM 5'8". MINIMUM. she is a tall girl she is cool and elegant and amazing and most of all TALL. fight my crypton future media
i like drawing her with a more athletic build than her official designs do. a bit more muscle from carrying the entire world on her back because vibes. also i think she's squishy
OH i wanted to do a "my headcannons for each sekai" for luka but never did?? anyways speedrun: l/n luka has blue streaks in her hair and is a bit more choppy, otherwise canon did her right. mmj luka has a bit more body fat on her (she's canonically squishy!! :D) and i would put some blue in her idol costume. vbs luka wears a ponytail and i do not take critisism. wxs luka has very curly, sheep-like hair and is the shortest of the bunch. n25 luka always has little braids in her hair from convincing the others to do her hair (she needs enrichment)
and also recent thought that idk if ill draw or not but its funny. winter outfits for the lukas. vs luka has a long, formal black coat with white fuzzies on the hems, and wears matching earmuffs with fuzzies too. l/n luka is similar, but her coat is shorter and more athletic in nature. l/n luka has cool winter boots. mmj luka has a very soft/fluffy pink fleece and wears a scarf. vbs luka wears a poofy jacket that's a bit short but well insulated. wxs luka has a big fluffy scarf and an oversized jacket she pretty much drowns in. its soft and fluffy. and n25 luka wears shorts and a t shirt to piss people off.
that's all ive got right now! live laugh love luka.
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whorekneecentral · 1 year
okay same anon who was screaming about the sergio ramos window inspo pic… could we get something based off that? maybe he got jealous and then fucks you against a window saying like he’s gonna show everyone who you belong to😩😩i literally love him so much🫶🏻🫶🏻
I love that inspo!! the moment I saw it, I'm like this is soooo him
"Why do you do that shit?" He grumbles, your back turned to him as you looked out the window.
"What did I do?" you call back to him, not really paying attention to him. You knew exactly what you did. You did it on purpose too; you liked to rile him up.
The two of you had joined a few of his old teammates from Real Madrid for dinner, Sergio was wrapped up in a conversation with Luka so you turned to your left and started talking to Vini. The two of you got along well, there was an instant connection between you two.
The conversation wasn't necessarily flirty, but you were leant into the man trying to hear him over the noise of the restaurant. Sergio misread the context and assumed you were flirting with his old teammate.
And your husband is nothing if not a jealous man.
He turns you to face him, your back against the glass as you looked up at him. "Need something?" You asked sweetly, Sergio rolls his eyes.
"You are so irritating."
"Says the man who was too busy with his husband all night that he didn't notice his wife."
You felt his hand snake under the hem of your dress. “No,” you wiggled in his grasp, your husband only holding you tighter.
“Relax, darling. Want everyone to see who you belong too.” He tells you, kissing you.
Sergio would never pressure you into anything so if you really didn’t want to do this, he’d stop but from the way you were holding onto him, he knew you did.
Your husband’s hand wanders further under your dress, all the way between your legs and you can’t help but spread them a bit, giving him better access. 
Your head falls back into his shoulder when you feel his thumb press to your clit. his fingers slip between your entrance. “So wet hm?” he says, leaning into you and his lips on your neck, “all for me baby?”
“Mhm hm.” 
His eyes catch the reflection in the window; Sergio's free arm hooked around you and held you in place. His eyes studying your face, his fingers buried in your cunt and your head tipped back, eyes closed and your hair falling over your shoulders.
"That's it, that's my girl."
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xariarte · 3 days
lukabook & when i get you alone
ask game
Luka tapped Devin on the shoulder, then tried to disappear before he turned around — only to feel him grab the hem of his shirtsleeve. He turned and gave him a brilliant smile, the one he usually gave to fans that he wanted to charm, but Devin saw right through him and rolled his eyes, mock annoyance flashing through his features.
“You know, Book,” Luka said, leaning all the way in so that Devin could hear his whisper. “Later, when I get you alone, you know what we’re gonna do.”
Familiar pink hues of embarrassment appeared across Devin's face in response to his words, blooming across his cheeks and spreading over his nose.
“You don’t need to say that shit in public, man,” Devin muttered, but that didn’t stop Luka from saying a couple more things about what exactly he was about to do with him later — only shutting up when Devin finally took over their dialogue with a string of curses and threats that he didn’t mean in the end.
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luv6r · 4 months
sooo, i'm looking for discord 1x1's currently!! i am a 3-3-3, adv. literate writer who enjoys delving into darker themes and content matter with my muses. for a feel of a few established muses i have, check out my muses page. i'll also list some wanted fcs + plots under the cut. feel free to hmu for my discord. <3
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wanted (to play): sabrina carpenter, diamonte harper, sydney sweeney, alyssa stephens (latto777), indyah polack, nessa barrett, mariah buckles, madelyn cline, alexa tiziani, ariana fletcher, samaria davis, raven tracy (soooraven) // key glock, jacob elordi, lukas gage, rudy pankow, luke hemmings, brent faiyaz, duke dennis, central cee
wanted (opposites): alexa demie, rubi rose, maggie lindemann, jayda cheaves, kylie jenner, sydney sweeney, madison beer // jacob elordi, chase stokes, rudy pankow, jayson tatum, travis kelce, all aforementioned names
plots: rich kids with fucked up dispositions and more money than they know what to do with, enemies to lovers, celeb/non-celeb plots, crime plots, angst angst ANGST just check my plots tag !
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quickspinner · 1 year
Lukanette prompt: Luka models for Marinette and she learns that he looks amazing in a ball gown.
Let's Rock This Runway
“What do you mean, she’s gone?” Marinette screeched. She tried not to yell at her employees, she really did, but this was not news that she could take calmly.
“She just said she had somewhere else to be and left,” her assistant said, too upset herself to be cowed by Marinette’s tone. 
Marinette wrung her hands to keep from pulling her carefully styled hair. “She’s the finale piece! It’s the lynchpin of the entire show, I can’t pull it! We—we have to put one of the other models in it, pull a different look—”
“There’s no time! Even if we tried, none of the other models is tall enough!”
“How could she just leave?” Marinette moaned. “This can’t be happening. It—it has to be sabotage, or something, a showcase model doesn’t just leave—”
“I’ll do it.” 
Marinette jumped and whirled at the voice behind her, and then looked up into Luka’s serious face. “W-what?” she stammered.
“I’ll do it.” He took a step back from her and pulled his shirt over his head. “I live with Juleka, I know the drill. I’ve helped coach her for years. I’ll wear it. You don’t have anybody else, right?” Luka grinned at her. “Time to make it work.” 
Marinette stared at him as he dropped the shirt and began unfastening his jeans. Mercifully he stopped there, waiting for her answer. 
“B-but your publicist—” she began, trying not to stare at the bright pink boxers peeking out from his open fly. He wasn’t even part of the show, he was only back here because he was her friend, and what would his agent think about his rising rock star wearing a ballgown in a highly publicized fashion show?
“They can deal. That's their job, after all.” Luka raised his eyebrows and sat down on a nearby chair to pull off his combat boots. “Well? Clock’s ticking.” He said it kindly, but Marinette knew he was right. She glanced at the clock and panic resurged. 
Marinette looked at him, and at the dress, and back, mind racing. It could work, she realized. The laced corset bodice meant there wouldn't be any problem with a zipper. The dress was sleeveless so Luka’s arms, which though lean sported far more muscle than Annie’s, wouldn't be a problem, nor his broader shoulders. Obviously Luka didn't have anything to fill the top out, but really, neither did Annie, so it shouldn't be a big deal. 
And really, what choice did she have?
“Let's do it,” she decided, motioning frantically to her dressers. They brought the dress over, and Marinette quickly turned to her assistant as Luka shimmied out of his jeans. “Get me a makeup kit and send Gerrold over here now. Threaten him, bribe him, I don’t care. Luka!” she called over her shoulder. “Can you walk in heels?” The hem was going to be too short for him no matter what they did, there was no way around that except to own it. 
“Better than you,” came Luka’s teasing reply, and Marinette rolled her eyes, still keeping her back to him. “Tell Yvette your shoe size. Yvette, get him the highest heels you can find that can match the dress. You know what, get a backup pair of flats too, I don’t want to deal with his agent if he breaks an ankle. Make sure he can walk in the high ones and if he looks unsteady, put him in the flats.” 
“How’s it look, boss?” called one of her dressers, and Marinette turned around. The full skirt of the princess style ballgown poofed out dramatically, just as it was mean to, and the corset molded to Luka’s torso as Devine laced it up in the back. Luka’s broad shoulders actually emphasized the narrow waist, making the silhouette even more dramatic, and he had enough muscle in his chest that the front didn’t gape. 
He looked…really good, actually. The deep red of the dress looked fantastic against his darkly tanned skin. Gerrod had arrived and was busy applying product, gelling Luka’s hair into an artistic mess that would mesh well with her other models, while giving him an androgynous look. 
“Makeup,” her assistant said at her elbow, and Marinette took the kit from her, reaching over the wide skirt to hand the kit to Luka. 
“I know you can do it faster than me,” she told him. “Just don’t get any on the dress.” The dressers were already frantically draping him in scrap fabric to keep Gerrold’s products from dripping. Luka went to work on his face, and Marinette turned away for a moment to make sure everything else was ready. Her other models were already lining up according to the directions of the stage crew, right behind—Lila. She was waiting for her cue but Marinette thought she caught a malicious smirk before Lila disappeared through the curtains. 
Marinette pressed her lips together. She was willing to bet every garment in the show that Lila had paid off Annie to leave early, or something similar. 
Underestimating Marinette, as always. 
She was so lucky to have people she could depend on. Marinette checked the other models, made a few last minute adjustments, whispered a few words of encouragement where they seemed to be needed, and then turned back to check on Luka. 
He was walking towards her, carefully holding out the full skirt, navigating the high black pumps Yvette had found for him with an ease that justified his confidence. His hair was side-swept and tousled perfectly, giving him a touch of androgyny that he had leaned into with his makeup work. Even so, he was every inch a man, and not really what she had intended for this look, but…
But it looked good. He looked good. His painted lips parted in a smirk as he saw her approving look. “Told you,” he teased. “Your clothes look good on anyone.” 
“I think it might just be that anything looks good on you,” Marinette said, hands reaching out to adjust the fall of the fabric across his chest, and smooth imaginary flaws from the skirt. “Thanks so much for doing this, Luka.”
Luka’s hands caught hers. “Hey. Anything for you, you know that.” He smiled as she met his eyes. “It’ll be okay, Marinette. I promise.” 
She couldn’t help believing him when he looked at her like that. Marinette raised his hands to her lips and kissed his knuckles. Luka took his place in line and Marinette ran to obey the stage hands directions, barely keeping her grip on the microphone he handed her before shoving her out on stage.
Somehow, Marinette managed to announce her line—for once her insistence on over-rehearsing was justified. The crowd applauded, and Marinette fled back behind the curtain as the music started. She had to force herself to watch the monitor instead of the line of models behind her. 
Marinette’s heart leapt into her throat as Luka stomped onto the runway as confidently as any model she’d ever seen. The crowd went totally silent for several full seconds before cheers and applause erupted. Don’t fall, don’t fall, don’t fall, Marinette chanted in her head as Luka made his way down the runway. She held her breath as he did his pose-and-turn, staring into the camera with eyes so intense the dress almost seemed redundant. Marinette’s heart skipped a beat and she watched Luka’s mostly-bare back ripple under the lights as he walked back. 
Then he was backstage again, and extending a hand to her. Marinette barely had the presence of mind to take it (God he towered over her in those heels) and join the models on their final walk. 
“Smile,” Luka whispered urgently, just as they stepped out together on the runway. They followed the line of models, still hand in hand, Marinette belatedly remembering to wave to the audience and cameras—
And then it was over. They were all backstage again in a confused mass as the stage hands tried to herd them out of the way for the next line of models. 
Marinette kept an iron grip on Luka’s hand until they were back in their own dressing area. The dressers swept in and began undressing the models and calling instructions. Marinette found herself and Luka left alone in a little eddy of calm for a moment. 
“Are you all right?” Luka asked her, cupping her cheek with his free hand. “You look like you might pass out.”
“I might,” Marinette said faintly, and then she threw herself at Luka, bursting into tears. 
“Woah,” he caught her, stumbling for the first time in his heels. She felt him shrink as he stepped out of them, and wrapped his arms around her. “Shhh, shhh, it’s okay, you made it. Don’t drip makeup all over this dress. Someone very important to me worked really hard on it,” he teased gently. He reached around her to grab a tissue from a vanity and dabbed at her face. 
The tears went as quickly as they came and Marinette caught his hand. “Luka you were amazing,” she told him. “Thank you so much, you have no idea—well, yes you do, but I—oh, Luka!” Reaching up, she grabbed his face and pulled him down to slam her mouth against his, heedless that she was crushing the skirt of his gown. Her mouth slid on the slickness of his lipstick, but he quickly adjusted to meet her. His arms slid down and under her butt to lift her up against him. Marinette wrapped her legs against his waist and buried her hands in his hair before she remembered his back and shoulders were uncovered, and her hands slid down to trace the muscles gone hard with the effort of holding her up. 
It was the first time the tabloids would be right about her making out with one of her models after the show. The incongruous thought made her break away from Luka to giggle. 
“It’s a shame you can’t model for me again,” she said breathlessly. “You’re really, really good at it.” 
“I might be persuaded,” Luka rasped, and cleared his throat. 
“Nope,” Marinette shook her head. “Not possible. I don’t date my employees.” 
She barely had time to see his grin before he was kissing her again. 
AO3 Works | Fiction Master Post 
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miraculouslybroadway · 9 months
Multibug & Vipercat Snippets:
It was Halloween. Marinette had been working on commissions all of October for celebrities, and didn’t have the time to put together a costume of her own.
On Halloween morning Luka stopped by just as she was finishing up a fitting.
“Come in!” She called when he knocked on the door.
“Hey Mari, I brought you coffee and lunch. I checked your schedule and I wanted to make sure you ate.” Luka entered her room balancing a few things in his arms. 
His girlfriend was scurrying around the room, pins in her mouth and her hair in a messy bun. 
Standing in the center of the room was Clara Nightingale, dressed as a stylized nightingale. Elegantly arranged on her dress was an assortment of brown and cream colored feathers, and her wings stretched out, attached to her arms. 
“Hey Lu.” Marinette didn’t look up from her hemming.
Luka set the things down and started straightening up. Her room was covered in assorted feathers and scales (Jagged’s crocodile costume was insane), and her personal belongings were currently scattered between the floor and any available surface.
By the time Clara’s dress had been hemmed, zipped up into a carrier bag for safe transportation, and then leaving with Clara, Luka had already been there for an hour.
Marinette was still working, updating her website with new pictures. She stopped when she felt Luka’s arms wrap around her waist. It was cold out, but she kept the room warm so his sweater was tied around his waist, revealing the band of tattoos wrapped around his arms.
“Hey Mel, you can’t save the world if you don’t eat.”
“I have to update my website. And then after I have to clean…Lu! You cleaned my room for me? You didn’t have to do that!”
Luka chuckled, “Like I said, you can’t save the world on an empty stomach. It was the least I could do love.”
“I love you.” She angled her head to kiss underneath his jaw before taking the sandwich he brought and finishing her website update. 
“I love you too. You want me to let the kwamis out?”
“Can you? I think they’ve been getting antsy. All month I’ve had people in this room so they’ve had less time to stretch. Luckily it’s…HOW IS IT ALREADY HALLOWEEN! I didn’t have time to make a costume!”
Luka kissed the top of her forehead. “Shhh, finish your lunch and we’ll figure it out together.”
Once she’d calmed down, and Luka let the kwamis out of the box, he showed her the bag he’d brought.
“Now I know this isn’t a fancy costume, but we didn’t have anything planned so I thought we’d just stay in tonight and watch some Halloween movies. But, I saw these at the store the other day and I thought they were perfect.” 
Marinette peaked inside the bag and squealed. “Luka you didn’t!” She jumped into his lap to hug him. “They’re so cute! Stitch and Angel! I love you!”
Luka grinned. “Anything for you Melody.”
That evening, once her room was clean, the kwamis had a few pieces of candy and then decided to go back in the box and give them some space, and Marinette’s parents had closed up shop, they were cuddled in bed in matching onesies watching Hocus Pocus.
“I really can’t thank you enough Luka! Not just for today, but for everything you’ve done for me over the past few years. You’re my partner. I wouldn’t be able to save the world without you. I wouldn’t have been able to graduate early or start university or build my brand without you!”
Luka just shrugged and pulled her closer to him. “I love you Marinette. Someone as incredible as you just needed a little help to get where you were destined to go. I’m happy to be that person for you.”
Marinette stopped for a moment, and then paused the movie. “Luka I’m serious.” She angled herself so they were looking at each other. She bit her lip before saying, “Lu, will you marry me?”
Luka’s eyes went wide before softening. “I thought you’d never ask. And hey, if you love them so much, can we get married in these onesies too?”
Marinette’s face twisted to a horrified expression. “I just proposed to you in pajamas! This wasn’t how it was supposed to go I didn’t even have a plan! Luka I’m sorry but I’m going to have to take it back-“
He cut her off with a quick kiss. “I’m sorry Melody but you can’t take it back. I have already said yes to becoming Mr. Dupain-Cheng. When people ask we’re just going to have to say you proposed while we were wearing onesies.”
Her eyebrows furrowed. “So…we’re getting married?”
“Hell yeah we are.”
“Hey, if you want to I’m free tomorrow.”
“No we can’t I have a meeting.”
“Can I bring Marc?”
“I was going to bring Juleka. She’s probably going to bring Rose though.”
“Well that’s okay. Marc was probably going to bring Nath.”
“Alix might as well show up with Chloe at this rate. And you know that Kagami won’t be far behind.”
“So, Thursday?”
“I can’t wait.”
“Oh and Lu?”
“There is no way we’re getting married in these onesies.”
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celestiall0tus · 11 months
Miraculous Salvation - Chapter 15 - Bored
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Tikki stared blankly at the TV screen. She huffed and turned it off, bored of the color vomit and repetitive songs. She floated around the house. Juleka and Adrien were still gone, leaving her with Luka. She checked on him, but he was in the same spot as he always was. She growled as she flew over and removed his earbuds. He blinked and looked at her.
            “Is everything alright?” Luka asked.
            “I’m bored!”
            “What happened to the show I put on for you?”
            “What part of bored do you not understand?”
            “Well, what do you want to do?”
            Tikki grinned. “I want to go out.”
            “Why don’t you then?”
            Tikki deadpanned. “It’s more fun with a companion, i.e. you!”
            “Do I have to?”
            Tikki’s eye twitched as her grin turned manic. She hovered above Luka’s work and glared at him.
            “That’s funny, really. You know, I could go out on my own. Perhaps I’ll leave you here in a creative stupor, unable to make your mediocre, subpar, works that not even a scam artist would use. That would make it even better.”
            Luka let out a frustrated sigh. “Fine. Let’s go.”
            Tikki cheered. She flew away from the desk and transformed into a human teen girl with tan skin and black hair pinned up in massive curly pigtails tied together with red ribbons that stood up like antennae. She wore a short, red halter dress with a black section around her chest and dots that lined her under bust, waist, and hem of the skirt. Black gloves with a single red ring at the top of them covered both hands. She had on a pair of red platform dress shoes and black crew socks with a red ring at the top. She looked back at Luka with bright purple eyes.
            “C’mon, let’s go! We have a whole city to cause trouble in.”
            Luka rushed after Tikki as she galloped out. He caught up with her as they reached the ramp to the streets.
            “Hold up, I have questions,” Luka said.
            “Then you can ask while we walk. Just don’t expect the answers you want,” Tikki warned.
            “How are you able to look like this? Human, I mean.”
            Tikki giggled. “You sure you want to tackle this subject out here? Who knows who’s listening.”
            “Do you care?”
            “No, but as long as you don’t mind. We aren’t as limited as you might think. There’s a lot that we can do. So much that this is just a mere fraction of our powers.”
            Luka hummed. He watched as the crowd they surfed through parted ways before Tikki as she danced and jumped about. They shot her glances before they looked at him. He flinched under their judgement glances.
            “Can’t you act a little normal?” Luka asked.
            “Geez, you’re such a stiff. I wish you were more like Juleka. At least she knows how to live. Oh! Why don’t we go find her?”
            Luka huffed and messaged Juleka. “I know how to live, just so you know.”
            Tikki giggled. “You’re funny.”
            “I’m serious.”
            Tikki laughed. “See? Hilarious.”
            Luka looked at his phone. Juleka responded immediately, saying that they were heading to a nearby café with Marc to chat and unwind.
            “Juleka’s nearby at a café.”
            Tikki stopped and heel turned, facing Luka. “Café? As in sugary sweets and all that good stuff?”
            Tikki beamed. “You are now my map. Let’s go!”
            Tikki scooped up Luka and held him over her head. Luka protested as he flailed about, but she kept her hold on him. He attempted to argue, but she ignored him as she asked for directions. He gave them as he felt all eyes on them. His face flushed as embarrassment encumbered him. He didn’t like this feeling. He didn’t like all eyes on him like this. He shut his eyes tight, wanting it all to end.
            “We’re here! We’re here!” Tikki cheered.
            Tikki dropped Luka on his butt and ran inside. Luka took several deep breaths before he stood. He felt lingering eyes on him as he headed inside. He cringed seeing Tikki dancing around the others with all eyes on her. He stepped back to retreat, but she charged towards him, pulling him over to the display cases. He frowned as he felt all eyes on him again.
            “How’d you get him out of his room?” Juleka asked.
            “Huh? Oh. I’ll tell you, but you need to do something for me,” Tikki said.
            “Which treat do you want?” Juleka asked.
            Tikki grinned. She let go of Luka and took Juleka’s as they browsed the pastries. Adrien and Marc approached Luka. Luka looked at them, then looked away with a slight blush.
            “Why are you dressed like that?” Luka asked.
            Marc looked away while Adrien shrugged.
            “Is there a problem?” Adrien asked.
            Luka didn’t answer. He could feel eyes on them as he heard the whispers surely directed towards them.
            “It is a little… uncomfortable,” Marc whispered.
            “What is?” Adrien asked.
            Marc’s eyes darted to the patrons. Adrien glanced over and raised a brow.
            “Don’t like the attention?”
            Luka and Marc shook their heads. Adrien frowned, then smiled. He opened his mouth to speak, but Tikki tackled Luka.
            “Man, you’ll never be a star if you don’t get over that, Luka. Granted you need to make better pieces than whatever you want to call those half-baked compositions,” Tikki remarked.
            Luka flinched and stared at the ground.
            “That wasn’t very nice,” Adrien pointed out.
            “The truth often isn’t, but someone had to say it,” Tikki countered.
            “You could have said it nicer,” Adrien spat.
            “Oh. Someone’s getting spicy. What’s caught your tail, Kitten? Did I say something about the piece of cardboard that offended you? Tell me, Kitten, is there something I would love to know?” Tikki mused.
            “Just that you can say the truth in a nicer way that doesn’t hurt someone’s feelings. Luka is just starting out, but he will get better. And with the endless work he puts in, he’ll succeed. But not with your nasty remarks.”
            A small smile tugged at Luka as his heart beat faster and his mood lifted. He stole a glance at Adrien, then looked back at the ground when Tikki looked at him.
            Tikki hummed. “That’s cute and all, but I don’t believe in sugar coating things like that. Your kind may prefer it, but the way we see it, it’s just another form of deception. And I know someone here would agree with me.”
            Tikki looked over at Marc. He flinched at her gaze. She smiled seeing an invisible fox kwami floating around him. Her smile twisted into a malicious smirk, then a big grin.
            “Awe! Look at you! Aren’t you the most adorable boy I’ve ever seen!” Tikki cooed. She bounded over and lifted Marc up.
            Marc’s breath caught as he heard the new whispers of the patrons. They questioned what Tikki said. They wondered if he was really a boy, questioned his mental state, and gossiped how could a young man be comfortable wearing girl’s clothes in public. A few laid the blame for the group he was with, saying the girls likely forced him to wear such clothes. The barest of whispers slipped through that remarked how he must have been born wrong, how his mother must have wanted a girl and forced him into such attire and sneered that he must be one of the “queers.”
            “P-p-please put me down,” Marc begged.
            “Awe, do I do have to? You’re just so cute! Like a lovely little doll to dress up in the prettiest of clothes. Would you like that? I bet you would,” Tikki remarked.
            Adrien grabbed Tikki’s shoulder. “Put him down!”
            Tikki glanced over her shoulder. Her eyes wide and her pupils constricted. “Did you just give me an order?”
            Adrien opened his mouth, but Juleka stepped in the way. She held out Tikki’s coffee and bag of snacks.
            “He was suggesting you put him down because your order is ready,” Juleka said.
            Tikki smirked and dropped Marc on his butt. She took the items and leaned in close to Juleka. “You better chase after him.”
            Juleka furrowed her brow when Marc took off running with Adrien chasing after him. She started after the boys when Rose grabbed Juleka’s arm.
            “Trust Adrien to help Marc. And, Tikki, why don’t you go see Marinette?”
            Tikki perked up. “Oh, of course! I should check on my darling pet. Where is she?”
            “Le Grand Paris. From there you should be able to find out what room she’s in,” Rose answered.
            Tikki cupped Rose’s face. “Excellent. You’ll get a little reward later, little bunny. Come along, Luka!”
            Tikki dragged Luka behind her as they headed for Le Grand Paris. She didn’t release him until they were outside Marinette’s room.
            Luka winced hearing Marinette, Alya, and Bridgette’s voices inside. They sounded like they were having an important conversation and he and Tikki shouldn’t get involved. Tikki created a key and unlocked the door. She barged in with Luka right behind.
            Marinette and Bridgette looked up in surprise while Alya remained neutral. Bridgette scurried and put a blanket around Marinette, who wore a yellow and black fuzzy bra with yellow striped black short shorts. Luka blushed and immediately looked away, covering his face. Bridgette wrapped Marinette up, then stood between her and Tikki.           
            “What do you want?” Bridgette demanded.
            Tikki waved her off dismissingly as she placed Luka on the couch. “What else? I wanted to come see darling Pet. Am I not allowed to see my little favorite pet?”
            “Then go see your cat,” Bridgette hissed.
            “Oh, if only I could. I can only imagine the strain he’s enduring being trapped on that girl’s body. So, I came to see you. After all, you did have a nasty run in with the spider,” Tikki remarked.
            Marinette looked away.
            “I mean, what are you going to do, pet? You’re going to be incredibly weak now. You certainly are lucky to have one person still devoted to you. You know what’d happen if you didn’t, right?”
            Marinette remained silent.
            “So, what are you going to do, Pet? You can’t stay like this. Not after being on a high for so long.”
            “I don’t care,” Marinette whispered.
            “About what, dear Pet? Do tell.”
            Marinette glanced at Luka, then sighed. “I’m not going to ruin other people’s lives just to feel powerful again. I won’t have them all devoted to just me. I’ll make do with my fans and Alya.”
            “Oh, but that’ll never be enough. If you’re not careful, you’ll go through withdraw symptoms. A dangerous thing for a concept like yourself. It’s like expecting Delight to be surrounded by anger or sorrow, or even Sorrow to be surrounded by joy. I wonder how long before you snap. How many will you bind to you just to satisfy your need for devotion? How far will you go to secure them?” Tikki questioned.
            “What are you going on about?” Luka asked.
            “That’s right, you don’t know. Well, Pet, this is your chance. Who do you want to tell him?”
            Marinette grumbled. She placed her right foot on the couch and moved the blanket away. On the inside of her thigh was a large gold ring tattoo with a bee and cherry blossoms flowers in the hoop.
            “I’m the avatar of devotion,” Marinette whispered.
            “Ding, ding! Correct. And you know what that means, right? No? Well, little Pet here is drawn to all manner of devotion, as is her concept. She lives for the bonds of loyalty produced by love, respect, and everything in between. It’s what gives her strength. At least until the mean old spider comes along and destroys those bonds. What do you think happens at that point?” Tikki explained.
            “It doesn’t-!” Marinette started.
            “She loses herself. First, it’s her body, then her mind. Once her mind is gone, deprived of the nourishment it needs, she snaps. And when she snaps, oh boy! No one is safe from her. She’ll take what and who she wants, forcing them to be utterly devoted to her. I do wonder who she’ll take.”
            “I would never-!” Marinette attempted.
            “Oh, what if you put the black cat holder under your spell? I dunno how the girl swings, but it’d be incredible to see the cat that tried to kill the bee fall madly for her prey. Or perhaps you’d like that hunky blonde that tried to kill Luka? I imagine you could use some arm candy, Pet. Oh, or you’ll reel back in that defiant little cat who thinks it can boss me around,” Tikki mused.
            “Enough! Why does it have to be in that kind of way? You know there are different kinds of bonds that come from devotion!” Marinette roared, the air filling with an angry buzzing.
            “And do you know that yourself?” Tikki countered.
            Marinette pursed her lips, remaining silent.
            “Maybe you should listen to Creation, Cousin? We can’t afford the luxuries of hesitation. We hesitate and our enemy wins. I mean, for fuck’s sake, you saw the spider! She has her fucking avatar form. Neither you nor Alya have that yet and are completely vulnerable. Even I can’t protect from the shit she did today. What if she does it again? I can’t protect you if she does!” Bridgette screamed.
            “I don’t want any repeats like what I did with you,” Marinette yelled back.
            “You certainly will if you go into withdraw. What then? How many people will it take to sate your appetite? How many lives will you ruin then?”
            “That’s not going to happen,” Marinette argued.
            “Yeah? How? Why don’t you tell me that? Because, at this point, all I see is we wouldn’t be in this mess if you fucking listened to me in the first place. You need people devoted to you. You need to be around other people devoted to each other. If you don’t do this, then you will snap and see your own fears fulfilled.”
            “Bridgette is right,” Alya said.
            “But-!” Marinette started.
            “You need your strength. As we all do. We are facing avatars with more to be on the way. We cannot afford such luxuries anymore,” Alya stated.
            “Fucking… fine! Since you two seem to know-it-all, where should I even start?” Marinette demanded.
            “I have a suggestion,” Tikki said.
            “Yeah? What would that be?” Marinette asked.
            Tikki pulled Luka off the sofa and held him up.
            “Uh, I don’t know about this,” Luka said.
            “Listen, listen. This is a fantastic idea. You’ll have your first friend,” Tikki cooed.
            “I have friends,” Luka argued.
            “Your sister has friends. Now this is your chance,” Tikki pointed out.
            “Fine, but only if this is what Marinette wants too,” Luka said.
            “Is this what you want, Pet? Another friend you can count on to be your pillar?” Tikki pushed.
            Marinette considered, then placed a hand over her heart. A golden light shone from her heart as threads emerged from it. She spun them around Luka’s heart, that shared the same glow. The threads and the glow vanished. Tikki put him down as he held a hand over his heart.
            Luka didn’t feel any different. Even when looking at Marinette, there wasn’t anything too special. He did feel as if he was looking at an old friend that he trusted completely, but nothing else.
            “So, what now?” Luka asked.
            “Now she should do the same with me,” Bridgette said.
            “I already told you, no,” Marinette spat.
            Tikki moved away as Marinette and Bridgette got into another argument. She watched Luka step in and attempt to play mediator while she approached Alya. Alya looked at Tikki and altered the area directly around them.
            “You wish to speak with me, Creation?” Alya asked.
            “Yes, indeed. I need to punish a little certain feline. He got a little saucy with me earlier, thinking he could order me around,” Tikki said.
            “How does it involve me?”
            “Easy. Let him be seen. Let the enemy find him,” Tikki ordered.
            “But I made a promise to protect him,” Alya argued.
            Tikki smiled. She grabbed Alya’s face and squeezed it. Alya gasped and clawed at Tikki’s hand.
            “Now, what were you saying?”
            Alya nodded and dismissed her powers on Adrien.
            Tikki released Alya. “See? Was that so hard?”
            Tikki moved out of the area before Alya could answer. She tapped Luka’s shoulder. “I’m bored. Can I play on your phone?”
            Luka sighed and handed over his phone.
            Tikki gleefully took it and trotted over to the bed. She laid on her stomach and opened Luka’s social media. She grinned as she waited for the show to begin.
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miraculousalamode · 1 year
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cake decorators, we need your help! our bakers (writers) have been working hard in the kitchen preparing something delicious, but now we need your help to make it look as good as it tastes!
throughout the week, we will be posting snippets and summaries from our bakers with a fic ID attached to them in order to keep the writer anonymous. please write down the fic IDs of the fics that you would be willing to work with, as well as the fic IDs of the fics you would absolutely not under any circumstance want to collaborate with.
at the end of all of these posts, we will post the artist applications for you to submit your answers!
Pairing: Luka/Marinette
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: None
Summary: She’s been hunting him for the whole night— chasing him across rooftops, almost cornering him on many alley walls and having her way with him, only for him to distract her enough to teasingly escape. But she’s caught him, finally, and now there is nowhere left to run.
Lady Noire latches onto him the second he opens his door to his room.
How she’s fit through that porthole, Luka has no idea— but one moment he’s shouldering through the squeaky hinges of a door that’s barely older than him, and the next— he’s backed up against the wall with a tongue in his mouth and a warm body against his.
He’d expected this. She’s been hunting him for the whole night— chasing him across rooftops, almost cornering him on many alley walls and having her way with him, only for him to distract her enough to teasingly escape.
But she’s caught him, finally.
There’s barely a light on in his room except of the flicker of his laptop, because he can’t figure out how to get the screensaver to turn off after more than an hour of being idle, and it’s been at least five hours since he’s touched it— and it still blinks impassively in the dark of the room. But he doesn’t need to see.
He knows its her— her— because the last thing he saw before the back of his head made contact with the wall and made his eyesight go hazy was a blur of neon green. His hands make it to her waist with a groan— and there’s such a pretty line to her spine, now, as she fists the fabric of his jean jacket with a purr as she continues to greet and have a conversation with the back of his throat with her tongue.
“Try not to make my clothes into a scratching post, pretty kitty.” He groans when she lets him breathe— choosing instead to assault the skin below his mouth with nips to his jaw.
“You don’t want me to give you an authentic distressed feel to your clothes?” Her voice sounds like heat— his vision goes hazy again when her hands rub up and down his shirt— teasingly slipping underneath the hem to trace nonsensical patterns onto the skin of his abs. “What a shame— I was looking for something to get my hands on tonight. I’m so pent up I could tear up steel with my teeth alone. Why don’t I use you instead?”
“Lady Noire using a civilian as a cat toy?” he gasps out— and nearly goes blind entirely when she lifts his shirt up enough so that she can nip at his sternum, and then lower, and then lower— the poor little kitten. She’s hungry, it seems— he’s kept her starving for hours during patrol— and nothing of his own miraculous being just as predatory as hers can stop the way he’s powerless and rooted to the spot from the way her eyes glow at him in the dark.
“Maybe even more, if you’re lucky enough,” He can’t see the glint of her teeth and she smiles at him, but he knows it’s there. He groans at the feeling of her mouth against his hip— the feeling of her fangs pressing into his skin enough to make him shock himself into moving.
“You can’t be too loud.”
“There’s no one home,” she purrs, licking his thigh so softly and so sweetly it should be considered a sin. “You’re all mine tonight, Vai.”
Because of course Noire’s checked for noise as soon as she’d come in. She eases him out of his jeans so easily that it almost feels wrong, and pulls the fabric down to his knees. She ignores his arousal in favor of teething his thighs, humming to herself, pressing her chest into his calf. Her claws are as delicate with him as they possibly can be— which is to say his head hits back against the door frame again when he feels her drag those sharp points lightly against his skin to the point he’s seeing stars. 
“Make it hurt,” he hisses.
“I wouldn’t do that to you,” she whispers, but she grins nonetheless. He can feel her smile against his thigh— how she presses her teeth into the tenseness of his muscle as she cups his balls. He pants, head hitting the door again, helpless to do nothing but swallow as she laughs.
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msweebyness · 1 year
DuPont School for Monstrous Youths- Juleka Couffaine
Here’s our Vampire Queen, flying into the scene! Thanks as always to @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27!
Species: Vampire
Appearance/Attire: Long straight black hair with purple streaks, blood red eyes, deathly pale skin, sharp fangs. Onyx bat clips holding back her bangs, black leather jacket with amethyst studs on shoulders, red choker with black bat charm, blood red v-neck with chains at the hem, layered chain belt, ankle-length black skirt with slit up right leg, violet heeled combat boots.
Bio: A proud but reserved vampire, Juleka is not one to speak unless she has something to say. Thankfully, her presence says everything it needs to with her regal but mischievous air. She’s a kind girl who serves as the voice of reason in her class more often than not. She loves to take flight in her bat form, especially on moonless nights. She is strongly against drinking blood from humans or other monsters, sticking to her blood packs. She adores her girlfriend Rose, who she performs with in their band, music being a passion she shares with her brother Luka.
“I’m having a bloody good time, fangs for asking!”
"Rosie, you make my heart batty with joy!"
"I'd take Marceline over Edward any day!”
“I normally don't drain humans or other monsters, but l'll make an exception if you take one step closer!"
"As long as there's no garlic, I'm always down for a slice of pizza."
"Let's rock their fangs off!"
Don’t worry, she won’t bite! Leave thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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evereinefaust · 1 year
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Romania (Vladimir Popescu) X afab!Reader
Sypnosis: Spending time with a particular blonde Romanian was always been such a pleasure, especially when he is your boyfriend. After a long day, a date is always in order in his book. Though, an unexpected surprise was also in order...
Word Count: 2,465
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You were sitting on a chair inside the library, reading a fiction book your friend recommended to you. You've been inside the library for 1 hour, using your free time to get the stress out from school.
"Hey..." A certain blonde came to your table and sat beside you. "Hi, Vlad" You turned to him and gave a sweet smile. The smile that would melt his heart. "What's up?" You asked him, turning your attention back to the book you're reading. "Oh, nothing really. I've been wondering if you want to go out for dinner tonight?" He asked casually, not a hint of being nervous at all. "Sure, a date then" You chuckled, closing the book then fixed your things.
Vladimir Popescu, one of the popular males in your school, is now your 2-year boyfriend. You actually had a crush on him when you first met him. He also had a crush on you the very first time he set an eye on you. Though he can't express his feelings for you because he might think that you won't like him. You're popular with men, after all. Most of your friends are male. That's because you are intelligent, beautiful, sweet, kind, caring, and friendly toward others.
Even his two best friends, Lukas and Arthur, are close to you. Knowing about his feelings towards you, Lukas and Arthur helped him to make you answer him. And of course, you did! The two of you started dating by the time you answered him on your birthday.
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"Okay, girl. This day is more special than any other, so we will do our best to make you beautiful during your date" Your Hungarian friend stated, walking back and forth. "Elizabeta, you always say that" You sighed. "And how can you say that this day can be more special than any other 'special day'?" You asked.
You are currently inside your room, getting ready for your date tonight. And Elizabeta Hedervary is there to assist you in getting ready. She is your best friend, and she is the one you can count on. "Okay, which of these two is more appropriate?" You asked the female, showing her two dresses in your hands.
In your left hand, a black dress with a white hem, sash and bow behind the dress. On the other hand, you held a pinkish-white strapless dress with a white sash. It has a pink bow behind the dress. "Hm...? How about the white one. Since your date is at night, I want you to be the focus on the date. Meaning that Vladimir will not break his attention off you" She winked at you as you blushed pink.
After you finished changing clothes, Elizabeta put on light makeup on you and then combed your hair. "You know Elizabeta, it seems that you've become my older sister," You told her, blushing slightly while she tied your hair into (favorite hairstyle). "Yup! Actually, I wanted to have a younger sister. And by the fact that you're younger than me and as well as my best friend, I felt that you're my younger sister from the start" Elizabeta smiled as she continued to tie your hair.
After you finished preparing for the date, the brown-haired female dragged your downstairs and then pushed you outside your house. "Enjoy!" She yelled as she slam the door close, with you standing on your doorstep. "Hey, beautiful" Vladimir appeared out of nowhere and greeted you. he was standing in front of you, very close to your face. "Hey Vlad, I'm sorry I took long" You greeted back then apologized, kissing his nose. "And it seems that Elizabeta pushed you outside the house, even though it was your house" He chuckled then lead you towards his car. "Yeah, I know" You chuckled with him.
Vladimir drove the car to a place you don't even know. When the two of you got to the place, he stopped the car and then assisted you outside. The place was near the river and the buildings from the other side gave light to the place. The garden was decorated with (favorite flower)-flowered bushes and there are fireflies flying around the place. There is a white table in the middle of the garden with two white chairs around it.
"Beautiful..." You breathed in awe after seeing the wonderful place before you. "Do you like it?" Your boyfriend asked you. "No, I love it!" You shook your head then gave him another heart-melting smile. "Well then, let's settle down" He pulled you towards the table and then let you sit on the white chair. "Um... Vlad? I was wondering..." You called him, looking down at your lap with fingers fiddling.
"Yeah? What's the matter?" He asked worriedly. "I was wondering, what is this place? We've never been here for as long as I know, and you never told me about this" You said, looking at the surprised but later smiling Romanian. You blushed red then steam came out from your head. "You're cute when you blush" He complimented, palm on his cheeks while looking at you with a smile. "J-just answer the question already!" You pressed the question back as you blushed even redder then placed your hands on your face, covering your flushed face.
"Alright, alright" He chuckled. "We planned that we will have our date here, in this place" He answered your question. "'We'?" You removed your hands from your face and then raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. Lukas, Arthur, and me. Additionally to that, Elizabeta also helped us with it" He said. "I see, no wonder she kept saying that this night will be special" You shrugged and then sighed. "Anyways, do you want to see some magic?" He asked you. "Oh, sure!" You replied, interested.
"Here it goes..." Vladimir raised his wand and then waved it in the air. Some sparkles appeared as well as glowing blue and green light near his wand. He pointed at the middle of the table then magically, a candle stand with three lit candles appeared, together with (favorite flower) around the candle stand.
"Amazing..." You breathed as your eyes widened in awe, looking at the object before your eyes. "There is still more to that," The blonde said, earning your attention. You looked at him and he gave a smirk, his fang was shown. He waved his wand again then pointed at the ark that was above the table the two of you were sitting. Then, (favorite flower) appeared and decorated the whole ark, and the fragrance of the flower entered your nose.
"You're full of surprises, Vlad," You told him, placing both of your elbows on the table. You rested your chin on top of your entwined hands, admiring the well-known 'vampire' before you. Sometimes, just admiring his looks made your heart flutter, feeling way head over heels for him. He noticed that you were looking at him then smiled, you broke out of your trance and then blinked a few times. When you realized what you are doing, you removed your elbow from the table and then flushed red. Somehow, the red-eyed blonde managed to make you blush several times now. You thought that it was all magic, that you might be under his spell. Even though it is, you don't want to break that spell, you wanted him.
"So, are you hungry, [Name]?" He asked as he put his wand away. "Yes, I am" You replied while playing with the fireflies that flew near you. "Well then..." You heard Vladimir say, smirking in the process. After a while, a plate was placed in front of you. You looked up to who is it then noticed that it was Arthur, Vladimir's British best friend.
"Arthur? Why are you here?" You asked, surprised that you didn't notice the Brit earlier. "I'm here to help Vladimir with his date" He replied bluntly. "So it means that you are our waiter this night?" You joked, chuckling a bit. He growled a bit as Vladimir chuckled with you. "Yes, but I was forced into this place, after all," He said, glaring at the Romanian who just gave him a grin, revealing his fang again. Arthur sighed. "Anyways, just enjoy the two of you. The faster the two of you finished, the faster I can go home and practice some magic" He grumpily said then walked away.
"He's such in a bad mood, what happened?" You asked your boyfriend. "He had issues with Francis and Alfred, and now I forced him to agree to this which made him more grumpier" He explained, imitating a grumpy troll when he mentioned 'grumpier'. You laughed at his jokes then took the spoon from the side and started to eat your dinner.
"Wait" You suddenly said, pausing yourself from eating. Noticing your actions, Vladimir wore a worried expression on his face as he also paused from eating. "What's the matter? Is something wrong?" He asked you worriedly, placing the spoon down. "You forced Arthur to be the waiter for this night, but does that mean that he made this food?" You asked him. You always knew that Arthur is bad at cooking, and that's why you kept your distance from him when he was cooking because he always let you taste his cooking. But because you are afraid to hurt his feelings when you say that it's gross, you would say okay instead.
The blonde laughed with his eyes closed, earning confusion from you. "What's funny?" You asked. "Nothing. Do you really need to guess that Arthur would cook this? You know how burnt and gross it would look like when he cook, right?" He asked while still laughing, you thought for a second. "Hey! I heard that!" You heard Arthur's loud voice from a distance. It seems that he's been listening to your conversation for the whole time. You paled for a while when you heard his voice, you might hurt his feelings even more if he know that you always lie to him with his cooking.
"Um..." You sweat-dropped then decided to ask Vladimir again. "So who cooks this then?" You asked, he finally stopped laughing and then wiped his tears away. "Elizabeta cooked this. I told you that she helped us with this date, right?" He answered, getting the spoon again then started eating. "Oh, I see then" You smiled then also started to eat. "It's delicious! I never thought that she can make this kind of food!" You beamed after tasting the meal. "Is it? Elizabeta always cooks food for her boyfriend. And she is the one who teaches Feliciano how to cook too" Vladimir said, taking another bite of his meal. "Oh, I see" You smiled and then resumed eating.
While eating, the two of you chatted and laughed, enjoying the date your boyfriend gave you. After finishing dinner, Arthur came back to take the dirty dishes with a scowl on his face. You would say that he is pretty annoyed and mad by now, so you just prayed to God that he would have plenty of patience left to deal with his friends. A moment later, after the Brit left, you heard a slow playing of the violin. "Is that...?" You started then turned around to find the source of sound. "Yup, it is Lukas" Vladimir replied to your unfinished questions, placing a hand on his cheek then resting his elbow on the table, admiring his girlfriend's beautiful features.
He never regrets having you as his girlfriend, you are nice, kind, sweet, caring, intelligent, friendly, and beautiful. He loves the way you would pout, even though it is rarely seen. He loves your blushing red face, your cuteness, and your innocence. He is mischievous alright, but he had this romantic side of him that makes you wanna fall for him again and again.
"How about we watch the beautiful scenery over there?" He suggested to the girl, pointing at the railings in the garden. "Sure, I'd love to" You agreed, giving a warm smile. The blonde got up from his seat and then went to your side, he helped you stand up as the two of you went over the garden railings. Vladimir always treat you like a princess, and you enjoyed that, even though you sometimes thought that he might spoil you, and you didn't want that to happen. "It's so beautiful..." You are mesmerized by the shining, shimmering crystal lights of the buildings. Vladimir snaked his arms around your waist as he pulled you closer to his body. "It sure is," He said, smiling to himself.
The couple stood there for a few moments, watching the beautiful scenery before them. The Norwegian is still playing the violin which made the moment even more romantic, with the two of you sharing each other's warmth. "[Name]..." Your boyfriend called on you, looking at your petite figure. "Hm? What is it?" You asked, looking at him and meeting his blood-red eyes. "You wanna see more magic?" He asked, smirking a bit. "Definitely" You replied, giving off a smile. "Okay, here it goes!" He got out his wand and waved it in the air. After a few minutes of waving, there were fireworks skyrocketing in the sky, blasting off its wonderful colors. "Wow..." Your eyes widened at the scene.
Several fireworks made words, spelled as "Happy Birthday [Name]!" with a red heart on the side. You can't believe that you forgot your birthday today, and everyone kept it a secret to surprise you tonight. You placed your hands on your mouth as you tried to hold back tears that threatened to fall. "Do you like it?" He asked, looking at you. "No. I love it, Vladimir!" You shook your head then hugged him, and he hugged back. "I'm glad about it," He said in the crook of your neck. "Yeah, thank you very much! You guys made me happy on my birthday!" You said, now sobbing because of joy. "We made this just for you" He smiled.
The two of you broke apart as Vladimir held your shoulders, slowly leaning down for a kiss. You also leaned up to kiss him as you closed your eyes. Once your lips touched him, you felt passion and love from him, melting into the kiss. While you enjoyed your moment with him, the background made a large firework blast that was shaped like a huge red heart, and the fireflies that flew around the garden gathered around the two of you and also formed a heart. You enjoyed the best birthday gift you could receive from your beloved boyfriend and friends, especially when they made it just 'For You'.
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tibatibaffaan · 6 months
Faceclaim Recommendations
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➡️ MALE ⬅️
Kelly Oubre Jr.
Jordan Poole
Jayson Tatum
Shai Gilgeous Alexander
Ja Morant
Luka Doncic
Klay Thompson
Nikola Jokic
Hughes Brothers (Jack, Luke, Quinn)
Mat Barzal
Andrei Svechnikov
Mitch Marner
Sidney Crosby
Cale Makar
David Pastrnak
Jeremy Swayman
Roope Hintz
Brady Skjei
Auston Matthews
— Football
Trent Alexander-Arnold
Dominik Szoboszlai
Brahim Diaz
Fede Valverde
Aurelien Tchouameni
Phil Foden
Jack Grealish
Marcus Rashford
Declan Rice
Darwin Nunez
Alejandro Garnacho
— Tennis
Carlos Alcaraz
Andrey Rublev
Taylor Fritz
Jannik Sinner
Jack Draper
Ben Shelton
Casper Ruud
Alex De Minaur
Daniil Medvedev
— Formula One
Daniel Ricciardo
Carlos Sainz Jr.
Lance Stroll
Oscar Piastri
Charles Leclerc
Alex Albon
George Russell
Lando Norris
Fernando Alonso
— Actors
Michael B Jordan
Keith Powers
Dylan Minnette
Dylan O’Brien
Tom Hardy
Jacob Elordi
Hero Fiennes Tiffin
Robert Pattinson
Nicholas Galitzine
Drew Starkey
Paul Mescal
Logan Lerman
Theo James
Callum Turner
— Musician
Calum Hood
Matt Champion
Dominic Fike
Blake Richardson
Reece Bibby
George Smith
A$AP Rocky
Luke Hemmings
Zayn Malik
Kevin Abstract
Jaden Smith
Boy Pablo
➡️ FEMALE ⬅️
— Athletes
Elena Rybakina
Paula Badosa
Aryna Sabalenka
Katie Boulter
Camila Giorgi
Zehra Gunes
Alexandra Bøjeg
Lily Muni He
Emma Raducanu
Caroline Garcia
Iga Swiatiek
— Actress
Margot Robbie
Lola Tung
Ayo Edebiri
Sydney Sweeney
Alexandra Daddario
Alexa Demie
Hunter Schafer
Jenna Ortega
Anne Heathaway
Florence Pugh
Jennifer Lawrence
Angelina Jollie
Ana de armas
Halle Bailey
Elle Fanning
Emma Stone
Lily Rose-Depp
Camila Mendes
— Musician
Gracie Abrams
Dua Lipa
Suki Waterhouse
Phoebe Bridgers
Ariana Grande
Billie Eilish
Lauren Jauregui
Pink Pantheress
Olivia Rodrigo
Willow Smith
Tate McRae
Danna Paola
Jorja Smith
Reneé Rapp
Kali Uchis
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