spooky-z · 4 years
In your pack au it says that the Fam know about everything since the pack thought that it would be easier this way instead of having to explain everything later, but what about the other superheros? What would happen if on a mission Damian is captured or hurt and the other heros/JL/Teen Titans members are panicking only to have this group of FERAL animal themed heros bust in to save the day?
Here it is. 1.3k of badass pack!
Warning: blood. Lots of blood and violence. Gore (I think) and Dark.
There was blood, a lot of blood.
Damian's blood.
Damian, who was as limp as a rag doll in Bruce's arms after being hit by a bullet.
Weak pulse, unconscious.
Everyone was fighting and she should be doing the same, but the sight of Damian, fragile and broken, was glued to her eyes. Burning like fire soaked in alcohol.
Everything Marinette was capable of feeling; anger running through every part of her body, from the sole of her foot, to the root of her hair. The fear of losing someone she loved. Impotence for not being able to prevent it from happening ...
She was ready.
Ready to finish.
To destroy.
To avenge.
And the pack, like her, wanted blood.
They wanted to hunt, bite, tear, crush, vaporize those responsible for this.
Viperion looked at Ladybug, he was barely able to control himself, wanting permission. A signal. Chat Noir had its claws embedded in the concrete. Queen Bee buzzed like an angry beehive. Ryuko had smoke coming out of her nose. Pegase and Roi Singe had murderous expressions.
They were waiting for the alpha prime command.
And Ladybug was already tired of waiting for Batman's signal.
They were losing.
A green hero - whom she vaguely resembles Damian calling him Garfield - had been knocked out by two villains. The shadowy girl in the cloak was overwhelmed looking after another group while trying to protect him.
Nightwing, Red Robin, Red Hood and Blue Beetle were trapped and injured by dozens of men.
Star Fire fought and tried to cover Batman, who protected Damian.
Meanwhile, the man who had shot Damian, watched everything as if it were the best comedy film he had ever seen.
"... Leave him to me." She says, her voice clinical and emotionless. “Make them regret hurting what's belongs the pack. I want them to suffer.”
It didn't take much more words for the group to come out of hiding and attack.
Chat Noir's cataclysm vaporized dozens at once; Queen Bee paralyzed everyone she could, while Roi Singe and Pegase destroyed them; Ryuko cremated everyone who dared to get close; Viperion took no care in breaking necks.
They paved the way for alpha prime to reach her goal.
American heroes - and aliens - looked horrified by the bloodbath. The mad eyes. The cruel smiles when blood spilled and the henchman fell dead on the floor.
"My God." Nightwing whispered, incredulous of what he was watching.
Children who were once pure sun and rainbows were now bloodthirsty demons looking for revenge. He felt his stomach churn.
Red Robin believed that it could only be a hallucination induced by some toxin, because it couldn't be real.
Red Hood had sat on the floor, worn out and not at all surprised. He knew what potentialized hatred was capable of doing to even the best of men.
Blue Beetle, Raven and Beast Boy - who had woken up - retreated amid the carnage. That group was an uncertain and unstable group, they didn't know if they could be trusted.
Star Fire was in a defensive position, even though she knew who they were, instinct speaking louder than reason. Her tension grew when one of them, all in green with scales, approached her and Batman.
The whole place froze watching the scene.
He held out his arms to the man, paying no attention to her.
"Give him to me." Demanded.
Batman stepped back as if to hide Robin from the other hero, but the angry whistle and the icy gaze held him in place.
"I said, give him to me." He waved his hands. “You don't want to face the fury of the pack, Batsy. We are not in our best mood right now, so you better cooperate.”
Batman hesitated for a moment, but ended up handing Robin over to the other hero.
"What-" Star Fire murmured confused when Robin was placed on the floor.
The boy did not seem to have heard her as he bent over Robin's body, placing his left hand over the bullet wound in the kevlar.
For a moment, she thought he was mourning over his body, but then his hand began to shine and the glow began to envelop the vigilant’s entire body. The light show didn't last barely five seconds before it went out and Robin stood up in panic, choking on the air.
The chest, where there should have been a bullet hole, now fully healed. No traces of blood.
He looked confused at everyone, before his gaze landed on the scaly hero.
“Viperion? What are you doing here?"
The hero sighed in relief and smiled.
"We came to take what was ours, Ure."
"We...?" And then he noticed the unusual color in the place.
Queen Bee strangling the last henchman on the floor.
"Did you come to Gotham because of me?!" He complained.
Viperion opened his mouth to reply, but was interrupted.
"We would go to hell for the pack, my love." Ladybug replied.
She was standing in the center of all the carnage. The red-spattered face and the black gloves of the suit, dripping blood on the concrete floor. At her feet, Harvey Dent – Two-Face - lay dead. The jaw completely broken, the left eye missing and the right arm at an unnatural angle.
Damian's heart raced at the sight.
His angel had become a demon and all he could think about was how he wanted to kiss her breathlessly.
"We have a rule of not killing, Ms. Ladybug." Batman cut Robin's line of thought. "You and your... pack... just killed thirty men without mercy."
The pack made a mocking sound.
Ladybug raised an eyebrow at the man.
"And...?" Her voice was icy. “They took what is mine. They hurt and almost killed him.” The Parisian heroes - except Viperion, who still held Robin - approached her. "No one who hurts the pack, survives to tell a story."
Batman sighed tightly.
"Even so. We don't do that in Gotham.”
Ladybug put a finger to her chin, eyes away; seeming to ponder the man's words before focusing on him again. The face contorted in an animalistic expression.
"So, the next time Robin is sent on a solo mission, keep in mind that if he suffers any serious injury, it will happen again." She smiled bestially. “You're lucky that I'm not around your neck, Batsy. Because that's what I want to do.”
And everyone felt the truth in those words.
She was prepared to burn the whole world if the pack was attacked.
"Bro, Robin's girlfriend is scary like him." Beast Boy whispered to Blue Beetle.
"Her friends too." The bluish hero replied. “And what is this about a pack? Does it have to do with those animal suits?”
They didn't notice the presence behind them, until it was too late.
"You are very curious, huh." Chat Noir put his arms around the shoulders of the two heroes, who jumped in fright. He had a smile that would seem docile, if it weren't for the sharp look. “But I think it's better if you keep that curiosity for yourself. It's just like that proverb: curiosity killed the cat and I'm sure you don't want to die, right?"
Beast Boy and Blue Beetle nodded violently.
Chat Noir smiled even more.
"Great!" He released both of them and clapped his hands, passing them. “It was nice to finally meet the other Ure partners. I hope to be able to fight alongside you again in the future. Have to go now! Bye!" He waved and a portal opened in front of him, swallowing the hero and disappearing.
The american heroes were paralyzed by what had happened.
"I really hope I don't have to meet them again."
"I agree."
I hope I have met your expectations.
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Lukadrene 🐈🐍
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