#luis von schneeplestein
docheros · 2 years
Okay so I know you didn't ask for Dochero but-
Imagine Jackie dressing up as the Easter Bunny to entertain the kids (before they knew that Henrik was seeing someone). They almost pulled his bunny ears ears off, but at least they were happy. AND they got to see Hen kiss the Easter Bunny behind the gardening shed.
YEAAAH, luis would be so annoying because of this like "oh your mom kissed santa claus? my dad kissed the EASTER BUNNY. you know how many people did this? zero. my dad is clearly on another level"
jasper i love love this your ideas are always amazing
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f0dapracrl · 4 years
Ok ontem eu não consegui escrever meus hc de família nos egos do (A)CU
Jackie: Irmane mais velhe de Chase e estadunidense. Toda a família delu está nos Estados Unidos. Elu tem pai e mãe vivos, mas os avós paternos e maternos (os quais elu era muito apegade) já morreram.
Chase: Irmão mais novo de Jackie e estadunidense. Toda a família dele está nos Estados Unidos. Ele tem pai e mãe vivos, mas os avós paternos e maternos (os quais ele era muito apegado) já morreram. Tem uma filha de seu namoro com a Stacy, uma garota chamada Isabelle Akiyama Brody de 06 anos.
Marvin: Ele é francês, mas o pai dele é brasileiro. A família por parte de mãe tá na França, a por parte de pai tá no Brasil, e os pais dele estão nos Estados Unidos com os 2 filhos mais novos. Ele nunca foi muito apegado aos seus parentes.
Henrik: toda a família dele está na Alemanha, sendo 2 tios e 3 primos por parte de mãe, 3 tios e 5 primos por parte de pai e apenas os avós maternos estão vivos. Ele tem os pais separados e 4 irmãos (sendo ele o 3° filho mais velho), recentemente sua mãe morreu de AVC. Ele é muito apegado aos primos. Tem 2 filhos de seu casamento com Lindsay, uma moça adotada chamada Helena Von Schneeplestein, de 15 anos, e um garoto de sangue chamado Luis Von Schneeplestein de 07 anos.
Jameson: Ele descobriu que é parente distante do Marvin, mas todos de sua família próxima estão mortos (porque eles são de 1900 né). Ele tinha 5 irmãos (3 homens e 2 mulheres) e era o mais novo. Ele perdeu seu avô e seus 2 irmãos mais velhos na 1° grande Guerra. Depois que foi levado para o futuro em 1935, não teve mais notícias deles.
Anti: ele não tem família de sangue, mas considera seus amigos como uma família de coração.
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docheros · 3 years
Egoshipmas day 3: playing outside
"Henrik lay down in the fluffy snow, not caring if he was going to get dirty or not. Jackie stood beside him, hands on hips."
Pairing: Jackie/Henrik (dochero)
Word counting: 447
A/N: kinda a weak and cheesy one i admit 💀 but it's alright
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— I'm tired!
Henrik lay down in the fluffy snow, not caring if he was going to get dirty or not. Jackie stood beside him, hands on hips.
— What is it now, Hen? — he giggled.
— I'm too old, I don't have any more energy for these children — he sighed — go take care of them for me, go.
— Laziness is a sin… — He chuckled, sitting beside him.
— Like I care about sins.
— They've quieted down more, they're making snowmen — The hero looked at Schneep's children, frowning — Actually, I think it's a snow town…
— At least they're not running around anymore.
— You should join an academy.
— Only if you were my personal trainer — He glanced at Jackie, who chuckled, rolling his eyes.
— Perhaps in another universe…
The two remained there, watching the clouds pass in the clear blue sky. They had funny shapes, the hero smiled when 2 clouds seemed to hug.
— You know — he lay down beside Henrik, putting his arms behind his head — I hadn't gone outside to play in the snow for a long time.
— Not even with your dog?
— He doesn't like snow, he prefers summer.
— Looks like his owner — He smiled, pushing himself to his boyfriend's side.
— I am happy. Your kids called me stepfather.
— Really?
— Yeah. When I picked them up from school today, I overheard Helena telling her friends that I'm her stepfather — he smiled wider — I've finally gone from "Jackie, dad's boyfriend" to "Jackie, our stepfather"!
— They consider you family, Jackie. And you are! — He turned to face him — they love you as much as I love you.
— Stop it, I'm going to cry right here — The German laughed aloud.
— How sensitive this man is
— Hey! — They heard a thin voice and the sounds of approaching footsteps — are you making snow angels and you didn't even call us?
— Weren't you making a snow town? — Jackie smiled, sitting up.
— Luis kept destroying my houses — Helena huffed, lying down beside her father.
— But I was Godzilla!
— And I was trying to make houses!
— Okay kids, okay, don't fight — Henrik intervened — let's make snow angels, hm? Then we can stop by a café and have something to eat.
— Could it be that one with the super heroes theme? — Jackie proposed excitedly, his and Luis's eyes twinkling.
— Are you my third child now? — The doctor laughed, shaking his head — yes, we can go there.
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yes i just sprinkled here the personal trainer au because i'm just like this
tagging: @dapperstein @glass-trash-bab @the-pastel-kitsune @theprinceofflies @unpredictably-ghostly :]
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docheros · 3 years
sorry it wasn't a fic i just wanted to show my gacha designs because GOD it took time to make them. yeah i know "gacha is an app" but there's adjustments and boy
and like i'm actually proud of them but i showed my gacha so many times on this blog and i always cringe later so to avoid that i put in a read more. yeah
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in order (even if it's kinda of recognizable lmao): anti - marvin - jackie - henrik - chase - jj - angus - robbie - stacy - linda - jacques - shawn - helena - luis - isabelle
anyway some fun facts
jj, marvin and angus are the tallest. i can't remember who is/are the shortest (not counting the kids) but it's probably anti and/or henrik
marvin's eyes are actually brown he just uses contact lenses. and the pointy ear is fake but shh don't tell anybody
i SWEAR henrik and luis have a nose it's just really light
please notice helena's trans bracelet. i didn't know i could do this and when i saw i was like "holy shit"
hdhsgsg jacques and angus my beloveds <3
anti uses turtleneck to hide his wound. oh god i need to do maria
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docheros · 3 years
thinking a story where luis goes to henrik's room like "dad can i sleep here i had a nightm- what are you guys doing" and sees jackie on top of henrik, panicking out jackie says "playing twister" (henrik just facepalms) and luis accept it
10 years later he's talking with his friends and says "yeah one time i caught my dad and his boyfriend playing twister at night, weird stuff" and then one says "twister... at night?" and luis goes through all 5 stages of grief at once and softly says "they weren't playing twister."
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docheros · 3 years
before anything i want to share some bangers i found in my notebooks just now
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i was going to answer one of jasp's ask with a drawing i found but i lost it,, but found these on the way lmao
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docheros · 3 years
Egoshipmas day 18: family
Pairing: Jackie/Henrik (dochero)
"This was one of the best, if not the best, vacations of his life; [...] The only person left to make everything perfect was his boyfriend."
Word counting: 839
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— Henrik — Aunt Karina walked behind him, handing Helena a cup of hot chocolate — you urgently need to introduce us to the Hottie.
— Auntie, do you need to call Jackie that? — he laughed.
— Until I see him in person and convince myself he's not a paid actor, he'll be called Hottie!
— Exactly — Joanne, his aunt's 2nd wife, put down her newspaper — you know very well the story of your cousin Carla!
 — You speak as if you were there...
— Henrik — his aunt tugged at his ear, making him laugh louder — more respect for your aunt.
 — Just this way to make dad relax… — Helena elbowed her brother, who covered his mouth full of cookies to laugh.
— I can hear you — their father said without taking his eyes off the ceiling — you better know that I'm the most relaxed man in Germany!…
This was one of the best, if not the best, vacations of his life; the rest of his extended family could go to hell, his father had welcomed him with open arms and his aunts offered him a guest room for him and the children, his siblings? The worst of them wouldn't be for Christmas and the rest was just sme talk! The only person left to make everything perfect was his boyfriend.
Which, incidentally, his aunts kept asking about. Even though Henrik explained everything and the kids agreed, they still have their doubts, "You can't explain things, Henrik"? How? Absurd!
— Tell me, is he at least handsome? — Aunt Karina asked again.
— Yes — he smiled.
— And does he treat you well?
— A lot, sometimes I think he thinks I'm made of glass!
— And… — Before Joanne could ask her question, the doorbell rang — Henrik, be a sweet and go open the door, go. It must be my crochet friend...
— Ook.
Schneep got up from his comfortable armchair, headed for the door and unlocked it; he would usually ask who it was first, but his hometown was small enough for him to know everyone, possibly even Joanne's crochet friends. But, when he opened it, he expected anyone, even Angela Merkel, except Jackie.
In Germany.
With a bouquet.
— …what?
— Hi Henny! — he waved his free hand — did you miss me? I missed you! And the kids! Ah! Take it, take it — he handed him the bouquet of red roses — I bought it at the last minute, I don't know much about flowers, but I think these are good! So, where are your aunts?
— Wait, wait, rewind the tape — he held up his palm for Jackie to stop — are you speaking German? — he nodded — fluently? — he nodded again — and you're in Germany, in my hometown? How did you end up here?
— Surprise! — He smiled broadly — May I come in?
— Henrik — Karina spoke up, her glasses on the tip of her nose — who's the boy?
—Uh… — he closed the door — aunt, Joanne, this is Jackie, my boyfriend.
— …yeah, the hottie… — he replied embarrassed, hearing a weak laugh from his boyfriend.
— Ma'ams — he shook hands with both of them — It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Henrik talks a lot about you!
— Not to be annoying, but weren't you bad at German? —  Joanne asked.
— Apparently I'm not.
— Wait, wait a minute — the doctor left the bouquet on the entrance table, putting his hands on his hips — that's very poorly explained AND there's your finger — he pointed at his children — in the middle, you're too quiet.
They looked at him, blinking twice. They kept eye contact while eating their chocolate cookies, until a small grin appeared on both of their faces.
— Liked the surprise? — Helena giggled— I gave him the coordinates for getting here!
— And I came up with the idea! — Luis raised his arm.
— And I'm the one who went back to training German — Jackie hugged him from behind — which I happened to quit when I was twenty. Heh, sorry to hide this liiittle detail from my life.
— You know I'm not very fond of surprises — Henrik smiled, crossing his arms — so may I know the reason for this one?
— I just wanted to make you happy — the hero shrugged, kissing his ear — you always wanted to introduce me to your family but you never had the opportunity, so this trip was the perfect time! You and the kids traveling first was part of the plan…
— You guys are terrible — he stood on tiptoe, holding his boyfriend's face and kissing his cheek — I love you all.
— ...do you understand what they're talking? — Aunt Karina whispered to her wife.
— No idea.
— Oh. We switched to english.
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hdhsghag i love them
tagging: @the-pastel-kitsune @unpredictably-ghostly @glass-trash-bab @dapperstein @theprinceofflies
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docheros · 3 years
luis, finding a picture of a young girl:
luis: dad who is this?
henrik: that's me when i was around your age
luis: father why did you never tell me you were my brother
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docheros · 3 years
henrik: c'mon luis walk faster, we need to come home early
luis: dad i CAN'T do this i'm GAY
henrik, sighing: you're not gay, i am gay
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docheros · 3 years
i’m working on a jjstein story for egoshipmas that involves luis and his friends, and i can absolutely see jameson as the “gay crush i didn’t realize it was a crush” of one of the boys. like luis and felipe and max in the future talking with each other about queer things and felipe asks “what was something gay you were obsessed with that should be a warning that you are not straight?” and max goes “hm... omg luis i guess it was your stepfather” and both luis and felipe go “JAMESON???”
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docheros · 3 years
jackie, with isabella on one arm, luis on the other and helena in front of him: i can't i'm a father now
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docheros · 3 years
something for Mother’s day with Linda and the kids <3 this ended longer than I expected, and if there’s anything wrong tell me please!
It’s Linda’s first Mother’s day, at least as a mother. Comments are appreciated
— Mom?
Helena and Luis sat by their mother’s side on the sofa, the boy’s round eyes looking directly at her and the girl snuggling her. Linda cracked a smile, messing Luis’ hair and hugging Hel’s neck.
— Yes, meine Lieblinge?
— We kinda forgot to make something for mother’s day… — the teenager started, curling her finger in her hair — but we-
— Oh no no no! You forgot! — the kid pointed his finger at his sister, his nose wrinkling — I made a pretty pink and blue card for mom!
— Yeah yeah, I forgot…
The children continued to fight, but Linda wasn’t paying attention. When Helena said “mother’s day”, she remembered: that was her first Mother’s day… as a mother, not as a father. That was finally her day, and she could finally fully enjoy with her kids.
And to think about this, of how far she came, this is a beautiful thought.
— Mom? — the black girl waved her hand in front of the mom’s face, making her snap back to reality — were you listening?
— Aah, no no, sorry — she laughed, changing her position — what did you say?
— Luis brought his drawing.
The woman looked at her son, holding a paper with a big smile. The drawing showed all of them holding hands and smiling, there was green grass and a bright yellow sun wearing sunglasses. Linda’s and Helena’s dress in the drawing were blue, pink and white, like the flowers and the big “HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY” wrote in crooked letters. Her eyes gleamed with tears as she took the drawing in her shaking hands.
— This, this is really beautiful! — she gasped, coughing before she could continue — I love it, thank you Luis. You’re an artist!
— Better than Uncle Jacques?
— Huh, way better — she rolled her eyes, smiling, cleaning the tears with the back of her hand — why don’t we make something to eat? It’s been so long since I cooked something!
— Are you sure? Last time we tried to cook for holidays we burned the food — Helena crossed her legs, leaning on the couch — me and the stove are great enemies.
— That was only because Henrik kept saying we would burn the food! — She got up — Search for something on the internet, I’ll put this drawing on my drawer!
Hope you liked it!! I really don’t have much to say but I love Linda :D
I had one for Stacy too, but it wasn't that good 😔
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docheros · 3 years
the first time alexandre goes to helena's house, luis says "i will ask some questions for them" and the only thing he asks is if they run fast enough. alex says "uh yeah, kind of?" and luis goes "good. dad becomes tired real fast and he's getting slower" and henrik screams "i'm OLD"
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docheros · 3 years
jackie, coming into henrik's house: where is your dad
luis, watching peppa pig on the living room and drinking juice box: taking a shower, are you hurt again
jackie, sitting by his side: no, just wanted to talk with him
luis: he takes a lot of time on the shower
jackie: no because these past months have been so weird and i think i'm conflicted with my feelings and [proceeds to tell how they over-analyzed their whole relationship with henrik for like, 30 minutes] ...and i think i might like him
luis: cool big hero can you make me a sandwich
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docheros · 3 years
linda: hey what about we go to the beach tomorrow
stacy: ah good idea! i'd love to :D
isabelle hearing them: m. moms. can i go too
stacy: of course sweetie!
luis: hey if she can go can i go too
linda: yes my prince
isabelle: can we take dad too? :D
linda: well i mean if he agrees
[they calling chase]
chase: uh i don't have anything so why not?
jackie, hearing through the phone: CAN I GO TOO
linda: wha-
anti: going to what
jackie: the beach
anti: yo i want too
linda, sighing: ok let's all go to the beach
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docheros · 3 years
I would love it if you rambled about the Personal Trainer AU 🥺👉👈
well tumblr mutual jasper of the pastel kitsune, you actually got me because i don't have any lore to offer you at the moment ;0;
oh well. we're going with the random information + random headcanons route aren't we
to anyone who doesn't remember, henrik wants to go back to the gym after a year of not going, but him and basically everyone knows he can't go to the gym alone or he'll just walk around
so he contacts his old gym and asks if they have a personal trainer. they have a few. who is henrik's personal trainer? yeah jackie boy of a man
*points at henrik* this twink is gay *points at jackie * this himbo is also gay
anyway. anti and chase are henrik's friends and chase works as a nurse on his hospital. anti is... anti
i did not think about marvin and jameson
helena and luis are almost convinced their dad invented a imaginary personal trainer. the way he talks about him and the fact they never saw him makes them go 🤨
chase is. tired of henrik's bullshit. the minute hen started talking about jackie chase went "*bonks* go to horny jail"
henrik IS horny. who wouldn't be with a ripped off man with a white shirt without sleeves. jackie sweats a bit and his whole abdomen is out
maybe jackie does this intentionally. maybe he doesn't. he is, in fact, an attention whore. maybe just a whore
henrik was actually pretty nervous around jackie. the moment jackie took off his mask and smiled henrik was like 😳
which led to some events. henrik would trip on nothing, would hit on his own furniture, there was a moment he stepped on jackie's foot. jackie hated him but just a moment
henrik is literally that tag of yours (jasp) that goes something like "oh hello *lays on expensive car* *washes dishes* *rakes leaves*"
after the work out is over, henrik will literally lay on the floor and jackie will sit by his side to keep him company
jackie looks like idk, an ex-militar, but he actually works in a pet shop. and his house is almost a zoo with 2 cats, 1 big dog, 1 bunny, 2 parrots and a turtle (we can't forget flash). he somehow makes it and his house doesn't look messy all the time
he usually jokes his only built like that because of hours spent cleaning the house
everytime they go out on a date and they pass in front of a gym, jackie says "well that reminds me of that you didn't finish your-" and henrik is like "no no don't look that side look at me look how i'm handsome what about a kiss so you close your eyes and stop looking at that devil's place"
after The Incident and the kids were conviced jackie wasn't imaginary, they absolutely loved him. luis asks for piggybacks and helena wants to be carried like a princess. he does it but then there's no arm for henrik
they actually tried this once. luis on his neck, helena on his back and henrik on his arms. they almost fell but it was worth because luis felt he was on top of the world
everytime jackie stays over (which is rare because of his personal zoo) and henrik offers him something to eat, jackie is like "i'll just eat because you're cute. but this could actually kill you" "jackie just eat this and shut up"
jackie tries to flirt but fails miserably. one time he said "After all this time, I thought happiness started with an ‘H’. I just figured out that it actually starts with... wait your name starts with H"
ok ig that's enough KFJSHXKFJ hope you liked it :DD
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