#ludivine sauvillier
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throuple-tournament · 2 years ago
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Image of Rielle/Audric/Ludivine found by @locksleyofrobin.
Characters Nathan/Vlad/Ursula created by @thebibliosphere.
Description provided by @powerpolyculeshowdown 's submissions.
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Description provided by Anon.
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beccas-books · 3 years ago
Things I liked:
-       I did like that the ending was very hopeful for all the characters.  That Simon and Eliana are going to get there chance to be together in a good way.  That did make me very happy.  
Things I didn't like:
-     I was very sad that Remy and Eliana did not get to be together as siblings in the end.  Like I wish Auric and Rielle would have both been together long enough to have a second kid and that would be Remy.  
-     Every time I reached a Rielle chapter I wanted to scream.  Her and Corien are some of the worst characters ever in my opinion.  Like they are just annoying and each chapter they are in is just them doing the same things over and over again.  
-       This book is just too long and have way to many POV’s going on.  The story is all over the place.  It's so slow in some parts that you feel like you're wading through mud.  A lot of the characters are less than likable. And its just so disappointing because I loved Furyborn so much.  But both Kingsbane and Lightbringer both were just such let downs.  I am happy that I went back and finished the series though.  Just because now its like I finished it and can move on with my life lol.  Overall it was just an ok book that was too long and couldn't pick a lane to drive in.  
- Rating: 2/5
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inspiredbyabook · 6 years ago
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the empirium trilogy by claire legrand ↝ lady ludivine sauvillier
the truth was that she wasn’t like them, that she had lied to them...
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So the whole I see a god in the shape of a girl thing was TOP TIER aka would do again in a heartbeat
And just-- Corien has my heart but not in real life lol like I wanna say that he's morally gray because in my head he has some sweet moments like at the beginning with Simon (oh my god the parallel between this part and Eliana) and with Rielle but then my brain goes who tf are you kidding because they aren't that sweet are they?
Because yeah at the start with Simon he gets a semblance of being kind and caring but that's not actually the truth because he just went their because there was a disturbance (which tbf you cant really say is kind or not because im pretty sure he wouldn't know if the disturbance was a person or not) but then after that hes really just trying to get Simon to be dependant on him so he can manipulate him easily so he will be the perfect specimen to use later on. Simon is just a tool.
And then his infatuation with Rielle is not healthy although I'm here for it if you get what I mean. I mean even with Rielle he is just manipulating her. He literally makes her dependant on his presence inside her mind, makes her addicted to it, and before this situation he almost seemed to be torturing her mentally by all the times he would infiltrate her head and tell her so many things that she just had to believe him to stay sane. And obviously her childhood has a big impact in how she grows up bitch she's still basically a child but equally she was surrounded by people who were good to her - yes they had their conflicts but if you don't have conflict in any relationship in your life, chances are someone doesn't feel able to say their thought openly / proper communication isn't being achieved. And in these relationships that Rielle has they actually communicate quite well, I know shocker. But because of this I feel like Rielles spiral into "madness" is made so much more impactful. Most relationships in fiction create rising tension by miscommunication / the lack of communication then have the conflict created by fighting due to this and then finally resolve the issue by talking openly and then they all lived happily ever after you know the story. With this, however, or at least what I know of, the ends Kind of switch. Yes, Rielle doesn't tell Audric everything, yes, Rielle lies, but for the most part the story starts with them talking. Like yes they have their crush moments but that's normal for anything. They then have their Rielle's small moments of not telling each other things but tbh she does tell Ludivene Ludivine (I know, I pronounce her name wrong probably lol) for the most part and it's more just the denial that's hard. These moments of the rising conflict aren't really spurred on by the usual suspects because it's pretty much because Corien's manipulating her. He's constantly telling her all these things, you're worth so much more, these people don't appreciate you, you can never reach your full potential here, you're being used by these people, you'll never have free will if you stay here, you would be better by my side, I see a god in the shape of a girl, they see a monster and constantly telling her that everyone she loves and cares about will never be able to understand her and will hate her once they find out even a spec of who she truly is, while comparing them to himself, who would never do such a thing. To a girl like Rielle, these statements would plant the seed of guilt and paranoia into her thoughts if I happened once, let alone on a 24 hour replay. So because of this, I'm going to say that the rising tension and the resolution are kind of switched around in this story's case: at the start they are communicating, they do have a healthy relationship. It's just that the impactful inner conflict starts in Rielle when Corien arrives and starts to take control of Rielle and then this presents itself outwardly as she begins to internalise these ideas and thoughts (btw a thing that I thought was actually really interesting that isn't explored a lot is that Rielles childhood did shape her into the person she is and it changed her and it tempered her but it also made her so much more vulnerable to manipulation, and Corien's a master manipulater, which I think is such a cool thing for a character to be just-- I love it!) Then obviously the conflict is borne from this inner turmoil and pulls them all apart and Rielle is even more dependent on Corien because of this, and then after this, we know, I think?? who knows if the time travel changed this, the fighting / miscommunication happens as the "resolution" to the story, which I think is so amazing!
Also! I just absolutely love the covers and also the fact that the spine doesn't break!
And Dardenne is such a lovely last name like its just so good to pronounce like its just so right it has the right weight and the right shape just-- yes. I can't explain it but yes.
I'm gonna get my thoughts about Lightbringer out here because I'm surrounded by ✨people who don't like to read books✨
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katetrish · 7 years ago
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Ludivine Sauvillier by Kate Trish (For preorder character cards for Claire Legrand’s Furyborn— released May 22nd!) See all of the Furyborn character portraits at KateTrish.com
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beccas-books · 4 years ago
Things I liked:
-      Im obsessed with multiple POV books, and the fact that the POVs in this book happen in different times was so good.  It really keeps the story going in a way that some books don't really utilize in this setup.  And keeping the POV’s to two people makes it very easy to follow.  
-      Eliana is my favorite out of the the two main characters.  She is very different form Rielle, and much more interesting to read about.  She loves her family and will do anything to save them, which I can appreciate.  
Things I didn't like:
-     Rielle is kind of really annoying for most of the book.  I don't know if its Corien’s influence that makes her annoying or just the fact that she's whiny.  She doesn't seem to know what she wants to do at any given point and it was annoying.  
-     Both relationships between Simon and Eliana and then Harkan and Eliana feel out of place.  Neither of them really seem like a relationship that makes sense.  Its not like the classic Good Boy vs. Bad Boy setup, both seem to be pretty middle of the road in the morals department.  Simon may be slightly more “bad” but I don't see the point in either relationship at this moment in time.  
-       This was a really good book!  It took me a minute to get used to the different time periods set up, but once I got past it I was in love!  The whole magic system was really complex but also easy to understand.  Eliana and Remy are my favorite characters so far.  My least favorites have to be Rielle and Audric.  They are just really boring and whiny for some reason.  And I can't stand characters that just seem to whine on and on about how terrible their lives are.  Im very excited for the rest of the series, and to see if they throw and fun twits in!
- Rating: 4.5/5
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beccas-books · 4 years ago
Current Read
Kingsbane by Claire Legrand 
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beccas-books · 4 years ago
Current Read
Furyborn by Claire Legrand 
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beccas-books · 4 years ago
Things I liked:
-      Eliana was fine int his book.  She was definitely better then Rielle and the only reason I even finished the book.  I wish the boo would go back and forth each chapter.  I would prefer to hear more from on of the girls than having to go from one to another all the time. 
Things I didn't like:
-     Rielle ruined this whole book for me.  Eventually it got to a point where I would just read the dialog in her chapters to get the most important info.  She was annoying the whole time.  The whiny back and forth about how sad she is, how she doesn't want to be bad but loves being bad.  It was just plain bad.  
-       I did not like this book at all.  Which is super disappointing cause I loved the first book so much! I wish Rielle was not in this book at all.  She adds nothing to this book besides being annoying and whiny.  It ruined the whole story for me. I honestly cannot remember anything from this book because I was so mad about Rielle’s chapters.  I have the third one but I will not be reading it right now.  I will hopefully get back around to it by the end of the year.  
- Rating: 2/5
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The true protagonist is Atheria
I would live for her <3
I'm gonna get my thoughts about Lightbringer out here because I'm surrounded by ✨people who don't like to read books✨
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No offence to Audric but maybe don't be a bitch and throw Ludivine off Atheria?? And maybe dont only choose to not do that because you might be able to help you find Rielle?? Like she's one of your closest friends?? As in you wanted to have a threesome with her because you loved her??
I was like oh he's recognised that it's all good and then he 'hoped I suffocated her' like wtf?? Audric you're being angsty lol. I mean he's hurting and feels alone and all but still - bit dramatic lol. Equally anger is fine and thoughts are fine, it's just that actions are where it gets iffy and he's not actually being consumed by his anger to the point of unreasonable hostility and being a cunt so he's all good lol
Also the contrast in what 'home' is for Audric and Rielle
I feel like out of everyone Audric is the healthiest character in terms of how he is mentally. Like this boy is able to cope quite well with his anger and knows when to settle and when to strive for more. He also respects Rielle, unlike some people; he actively notes and makes sure to chide himself when he unintentionally thinks of Rielle as "something to be won" (he's thinking of how to win Rielle's alleigence, and although this probably wouldn't be an issue with most other things in this context, however bad that sounded, they have a different dynamic than ruler than ruler so that has a big difference)
And the fact that he's not letting the issue with Ludivine just hide away in a corner, tucked behind "the greater good", and how she also had quite a big part in Rielle's spiral into madness and is actively bringing it up rather than letting it simmer and boil into something more.
And also he's addressing the jem / matthew situation with His Great Sin. Sometimes it's better to share someone's secret than let it destroy them from the inside out.
Also 'the wind nearly swallowed her words' WHAT DOES THIS MEAN???? Like I feel like it's there to emphasise the fact that her resolve on the I won't apologise bit was not a lot but yeah I think thats a cool bit :)
And also the fact that he's not trusting the I did it all for love idea!
Edit But Not Really: the contrast and similarity in what Audric and Rielle define as home
I'm simping for Queen Bazati ngl even though she was on like 2 pages
The way Atheria being cheerful and content with her bird to eat made Audric so upset was just so impactful - was it the juxtaposition between what should've happened and what didn't happen after seeing Atheria? Was it the juxtaposition between Atheria and what Audric felt at the sight of Atheria being happy, the sentiment attached to her, the tragedy that the simple sight of anything but terrible was too much of a shock to his own system for Audric to bear?
Also the way Audric's complete collapse of composure just hit a spot right in me. I hate that he felt like that and I hate that feeling altogether. It just reminded me of the moments that I sometimes have, albeit not because of the same reasons lol, but because of the utter despair and lack of anything but this falling weight inside of yourself that only gains mass as it travels and is void of energy, but also the desire to have this feeling, for something tragic and bad to happen to you just to feel validated, to feel as though youre worthy of attention.
And also I'm a whore is that the right word?? for when characters are being vulnerable and soft and especially when they're crying / upset and are being comforted but also allowed to feel that way and not shamed so this was great for my heart but also not really because my precious boy is hurting and the way Audric and Ludivine had more of a connection in this scene <3
I'm gonna get my thoughts about Lightbringer out here because I'm surrounded by ✨people who don't like to read books✨
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