sullina-nnt · 1 year
Imagine a modern au, the demons and goddesses are rival companies, and are deciding to collaborate on something or another. Now obviously, there’s tension between the two companies, so to smooth the way for not just themselves but also to not seem suspicious to the rest of the world (for whatever reason), they decide that marriage is the way to go.
Only, who do they marry?
Obviously, the ones next in line for the seats of CEO: Meliodas and Ludociel
Why not Elizabeth? Well, Elizabeth didn’t agree with company policies, so she “wasn’t suitable”.
Now obviously, there couldn’t be any worse candidates than Meliodas and Ludociel. The two hate each others guts, but the DK and SD don’t care, obviously. They just want the money, which is just about the only thing they can agree on.
Meliodas and Ludociel are unwilling to step down, solely to spite the other. But obviously, they don’t wanna marry the other either, but they can’t exactly show that in public, the public is supposed to believe that they’re totally in love, or at least don’t want to kill each other. The only solution to their problem? Kill the other. But is has to seem like an accident, of course, and if the other dies, they can put on a whole show like “I will go through with the merge of our companies in their memory, OH, MY LOVE, WHY WERE YOU TAKEN FROM ME SO SOON“ cue the crocodile tears aaand scene!
It’s not gonna be easy. But Meliodas and Ludociel are absolutely willing to go through with it, because killing the other is still better than getting married to them.
The one issue is obviously that neither of them want to die. The other issue is that their friends and/or relatives also don’t want them to die.
So Elizabeth, despite being kicked out of her mothers company, is still friends with them. More or less. Mostly Meliodas’ friend, but she also doesn’t want Ludociel to die, so she tries to act as a sort of mediator between the two, which... does not go well.
There are two more people who don’t want the two to die though, and those are: their brothers, Mael for Ludociel, and Zeldris for Meliodas.
Now as you can see, I’m setting up Zeldris and Mael to eventually fall for each other, but before that, I think Mael would also lowkey have a crush on Meliodas for a while, which one could call his Estarossa emo phase. He got over his crush as he got older for the most part, but not quite, and when he actually meets Meliodas (and Zeldris) in person for the very first time, he kind of giddy and lowkey wishes that he was the one who could’ve married Meliodas. This sentiment quickly disappears though, when Meliodas doesn’t really notice him at all. Not because he hates Mael, he’s just caught up in his hatred for Ludociel. So Mael and Zeldris get to talking instead. It’s a bit of a rocky start, they’re rival companies after all, but they quickly realize that they have more in common than they thought.
I’d imagine that the place where they meet is like a formal dinner or something, likely in a private area just for them. The DK and SD leave early due to business or something else, if they show up at all, because they’ve always been terrible parents. It’s not just the demons and goddesses who show up though, it’s all relevant big shot companies, so humans, fairies and giants also attend, or representatives for them attend at least, so Elizabeth, representing an up and coming company called Liones, is also there.
I also haven’t specified what the companies make. I don’t know for the others, but I did sort of attempt to write a snow white au, and ever since then, I haven’t been able to get it out of my head that the demons company would produce clothes or something else fabric (FABRIC, NOT FASHION, necessarily) related.
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prolestari · 6 years
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Hi yes, @baconwaffle2016 question? Wtf is biane??? And WHERE is ludiodas, my otp?
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prolestari · 6 years
What’s the ship ludiodas? Is that ludo and Meliodas? Because if that is a ship I NEED DETAILS AND WHY PEOPLE SHIP THEM!!! Thanks 😊
Yes it is Ludoshel and Meliodas. It’s ugly and ridiculous and I love it. I have a long rambling head canon that I plan to unveil for Crackship Week. XDDD
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