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I’m so incredibly grateful to the absolutely amazing @fighting_illness_on_wheels for my lovely happy mail 🥰 it came on a really tough day and really cheered me up! Thank you Ruth 💛 #chronicillnessfriends #realqueensfixeachotherscrowns👑 #luckytoknowyou https://www.instagram.com/p/CEwGc23jNhJ/?igshid=btvgysbvvhzi
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Book swapping! A delight to meet up with Monica Dengo, inspirational calligrapher, and exchange our recent publications. Now all my students want to do hand lettering tomorrow... and so do I... #creativelife #calligraphy #author #luckytoknowyou #aw @monica_dengo #venice https://www.instagram.com/p/BpKvM1vnVgX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p1hvvchmsiq
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maggieparto · 6 years
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Love these Ladies! Their hearts full of love and unstoppable passion to bring kindness and joy to those around them! #passion #love #luckytoknowyou #womansclub #badasswomen ❤️
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lucurti86 · 7 years
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Today my 70 year old coworker said to me " you're going to have a phenomenal time on your trip to Europe! Life changing and eye opening. But as the father of my own 30 year old daughter I need to also say be careful. Be aware of your surroundings. Let your bank and health insurance company know you're traveling. Add an international calling package to your phone plan in case of an emergency and add the US and Canadian embassy phone numbers to your contacts. Otherwise have fun!" To which I responded- I value your wisdom, advice, and guidance. And I appreciate you! • He's one of my favorite people. Everyone could learn a thing or two from him. His message comes from a place of caring. You can't teach kindness, it's innately a part of some people. I'm lucky to know him. #InspiringHumans #ATXtoItaly #AGirlsLife #LuckyToKnowYou #shinebrightlikeadiamond2017 #ItalyFor30 #ThisIsRealLife #TrulyCares #actionsspeaklouderthanwords #ATX #CoWorkers #SpreadLove #BeKind (at Austin, Texas)
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darbycards · 7 years
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TAG a friend you're lucky to know and spread the love! Loved creating these cards for @locklearlendingteam to send to realtors! . . . #stpatricksday #stpattysday #imsolucky #luckytoknowyou #sendlove #snailmail #workflow #design #darbycards #paper #igholiday #thankful #nashville (at Darbycards)
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includeathankyou · 4 years
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Up on the channel with @simonsaysstamp doing some no line coloring using a stencil from the Lucky To Know You Collection! #simonsaysstamp #SSSCK #cardmaker #handmadecard #papercrafter #youtubecrafter #cardmaking #cardtutorials #cardlessons #papercrafting #cardstamping #paperstamping #youtubecrafter #craftyoutube #includeathankyou #stamping #diycards #papercraft #cardsofinstagram #diecutting #luckytoknowyou — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2TBIyDO
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myincubusupdate · 6 years
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#Repost from @brianbowensmith ••• My #squad with the man who I wouldn’t be who I am without the inspiration the talks the sheer luck to be called a friend. @brandonboyd I love you with all my being. Every time I hear you sing talk or see you paint I’m in awe. I’m honored to say I’m still your biggest fan. You continue to bring light and inspiration in my life. You make me a better person. Thank you. #luckytoknowyou #brandonboyd #incubus https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq69srag-Yj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ssjdkhagfzxd
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free80itspop · 4 years
www.free80itspop.com Got a little challenge going on #TikTok ! I want to see you dancing to my music. Follow on tiktok - itspopfree80 ! #NewMusic #NewArtist #NewMixtapeAlert #Its #pop #free80 #luckytoknowyou #musicisart #rap #hiphop #free #nowstreaming #spotify #APPLEMUSIC #tidal #youtube https://www.instagram.com/p/CBTk7J6AJ1S/?igshid=1ex6ryofajesy
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Had the best socially distanced dinner with the amazing @conjonsilver92 yesterday and it really cheered the entire Davies Clan up on a bad day 💛 our garage is currently the hottest restaurant open to us 😂! I’m forever grateful that I met one of the most important people in my life in a urology waiting room all those years ago; we were the youngest people there by a long shot, and in my typical chaotic fashion I arrived trying to carry two handmade thank you cards for my drs covered in glitter glue that hadn’t dried 🙈😂 Connor (and his amazing family and friends who have pretty much become my family and friends) has made such a difference to my life and who I am today that I’m certain I’d be a very different person without his friendship, encouragement, support, bravery, kindness, humour, and unwavering love ❤️ He’s the type of person who will tell you to call him into he middle of the night if you’re struggling even though he’s working ❤️ People talk about soulmates in the romantic sense, and whilst I think a soulmate can be romantic, I also believe there are people you’re just meant to meet, people you’ll instantly click with, who are just meant to be in your life. The universe knows you’re meant to know and love one another in some way, and that by doing so you’ll shape each other’s lives for the better ❤️ Connor James, I’m immensely lucky I get to know you. You’re my hero, every day. Love you millions ❤️❤️❤️ P.s. Not being able to give you a hug is the hardest thing in the world! #ilovemybestfriend❤️ #sociallydistanceddinner #friendshipinthetimeofcovid19 #ourgarageisbetterthanyours #luckytoknowyou☘️💕 https://www.instagram.com/p/CBYnuwTjxX7/?igshid=13jgbpvfkakn0
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