#luckily i dont get too many bad comments which is crazy cause i deserve to be mad bullied for drawing trolls every minute of the day
ohposhers · 9 months
How do you react to bad comments?
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That dog in me dies inside cause unless I'm friends with everyone on the planet I'm not happy, followed by a block the account true combo if they're commenting just to be a dick cause life is too short to bother with people like that methinks
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chloca-cola · 5 years
Defenseless Chapter 3
This chapter is heavy, I hope I dont miss any trigger warnings. If I do, please feel free to let me know and I will add them in
TW: Abuse, blood, murder, acts of violence, neglectful parents, mentions of alcohol abuse
Word count: 2,160
Mara couldn't stand her older brother Trevor, he was so mean to her and her little sister Julia, always torturing them in some way. Usually physically, she had a burn mark on her right ankle from Trevor and one of their father's cigars. What had her father done about it? 
"Oh, you'll be fine, he's just being a boy." That's all he had done, and her alcoholic mother just ignored it all. Her brother is how she even learned she could repatriate, and once he realized he could kill her multiple times, he did it just to feel joy.
One day, when Mara was 11, she had finally had enough and she would learn that very same day she could teleport, Trevor was 15 and much stronger than her or Julia, who was just 9. Mara came home to find Trevor had strangled Julia to death, she gasped, Mara being the only sufferer of DOOMs between the siblings, she knew Julia was gone for good. Her noises alerted him to her presence. Terror shot through her veins like icy water when he looked over his shoulder at her, a crazy glint in his eyes.
She was about to scream and run, but he pounced on to her quickly, intending to kill her too.
She bucked him off of her, wanting to just scramble away, hoping this was all just a bad dream, when he pulled a knife from his pocket, grabbing her ankle and pulling her back to him. He straddled her, his corn silk blond hair falling into his face.
"I've always wanted to carve your face like a Jack-o-lantern, you gonna let me, Mara?" Her heart felt like it was gonna beat out of her chest, as tears swam into her vision. Where were her parents right now? She began to scream as loudly as she could, wanting to alert someone to her imminent danger. Her legs were kicking, trying to get leverage to knock him off of her again, as the light glinted off the blade as he brought it down to her face 
Digging the point in at her hair line, he began digging the blade in, dragging it slowly down her face, barely missing her eye. She just kept screaming and wishing she was somewhere else. 
And as if by magic, poof, she was in her parent's room. 
She heard Trevor cursing down the hall in Julia's room,  she wiped the blood from her face and into her snowy platinum hair, giving her a hellish look as she crawled on all fours to her father's bedside nightstand. 
Digging through the drawer, she found the object of her desire, her father's gun. She fumbled with it, trying to remember in her panicked state how to use it, her hands trembling as she heard Trevor begin searching through the rooms for her.
"Where are you, you little bitch?!" He growled animalistic in his anger, Mara finally turned the safety off as Trevor burst through the door. Her throat was aching from screaming for so long, she tried to scream again, but nothing came out. She trained the gun on his head and pulled the trigger. His head snapped back, his body swaying for a second before he collapsed on the floor in a heap. 
"Mara?! Trevor?! Julia?!" It was her mother, she came into the room and screamed from the bloody mess that was all over the walls, door frame and out in the hallway. "What did you do to your sweet brother?!" Mara tried to speak, but only a squeaking sound was made, she looked down at her blood covered hands, which were still shaking and she dropped the gun on the floor.
Her parents blamed her for both Trevor's and Julia's death, threw her under the bus, saying that they didn't understand why she would want to hurt either of them, especially their sweet Trevor. Mara's larynx had been permanently damaged from all her screaming, leaving her with a graveyard whisper of a voice.  She was deemed a menace to society and locked away in a psychiatric ward, where she stayed for the next 10 years. 
She never spoke to the psychiatrist, not until she got word that her parents had passed. Finally feeling safe, Mara showed the doctor every scar that Trevor left on her, told him everything that happened, that she is a repatriate and he killed her numerous times, finding it funny that she could come back, and finally that she found Trevor over her sister's body. What she had done was self defense. 
She wasn't sure if the doctor would believe her, but something in her confession held the conviction of the innocent and after ten years the psychiatrist stated she was not a threat to herself or others and was exonerated of her charges.
Mara couldn't fit in with society, everything was so strange to her after so many years of being alone. She decided it would be best for her just to disappear, so she gathered what she could carry, and left the city forever.
Higgs was laying on Mara's old couch, staring up at the ceiling, not being able to sleep. He kept replaying in his head the look Mara had given him that night he tried to kill her, she had been trying to break free from her restraints, her whispery voice cursing him, and saying she wasn't going to teleport away until she got to kick his ass. It wasn't until Higgs took his mask off and revealed himself to her did she fall silent and still. Her seafoam green eyes held so much betrayal in them. That look caused him physical pain, he was begging her with his eyes to jump away. He knew she could, and he wanted her to.
"Oh, Mara, sweet little loner." He purred to her, leaning down close to her face. "Bet ya wish ya didn't save me now, hm?" His voice was teasing, smooth as honey, but inside he hated to see her looking at him that way.  Her eyes narrowed dangerously and she spit in his face, causing him to chuckle, he wiped her saliva off his cheek, before running his tongue along her scar. She turned her head and bit down on his tongue and he yelped, jerking away, and that's when she had teleported away from him.
He had been relieved she finally left, sighing and spitting blood that pooled in his mouth on the ground.
Higgs was brought from his thoughts when he heard Mara's soft whimpers coming from her room. He debated if he should check on her, after all the cold shoulder he completely deserved. However, once the sounds became more distressed, he quickly went to her room to find her body thrashing in her bed as if she was fighting someone off. He knew she was dreaming about Trevor again, he had been with her a few times before when she had the nightmare. Luckily with DOOMs gone, it did seem less intense.
He moved quickly to her bedside, grabbing her shoulder, causing her to bolt upright, her hands balled into fists, punching wildly at the air. Higgs hopped back quickly, barely missing catching a right hook to his jaw. 
"Easy, honey, it's just me, ya were having a nightmare." Mara's eyes focused on Higgs' face, her breathing erratic, panic evident on her face. She touched her scar, looking at her fingers to make sure she wasn't bleeding and she let her body relax, and she scooted back to lean on her headboard, rubbing her face with her hands.
"Sorry if I woke you." She offered softly, and Higgs waved a hand dismissively.
"S'alright, I wasn't asleep yet." He assured her plopping beside her on the bed and she gave him a look of audacity, which he chuckled at. "Oh please darlin', like we've never shared a bed before." He teased, blush heated her cheeks and she's glad the only light in the room was from what little moonlight was outside, so hopefully he couldn't see it. She could barely make out his features in the soft silvery glow, so she was positive it was the same for him.
"That was a long time ago." She teased back, even though that primal part of her brain was telling her to abort mission, she felt him slowly winning her back over and really, she both hated and loved it. She had missed him, even after he tried to kill her, it made her feel weak. 
That primal instinct went into overdrive when she felt him shifting in the bed, was he moving closer to her? No, his back was to her and she relaxed again, sighing in a mildly annoyed fashion, pushing on his back with a foot, and he chuckled, and she could see him lift his head and look over his shoulder at her.
"Hey, I did not say you could lay here." But even her voice held no conviction to her own ears.
"Sweetheart, we both know you're not kickin' me outta the bed. I'm gonna be right here, just in case ya have another one of those nightmares about ya brother." The comment took her off guard, as he laid his head back down on the pillow, it's almost as if he really is back to his old self, and a soft smile pulled at the corners of her lips, and she slid down under her covers, pulling them up to her chin and rolled over to where her back was facing his, letting out a long sigh.
"Did ya miss me? Did ya cry when ya thought I was dead?" The questions were not mocking, but honest curiosity on his part, his voice was rather quiet, as if he wanted someone to have missed him if he was really dead. Mara stared at the wall, truth was, she had cried. 
She had gotten a visit from Sam, he knew she had been close to Higgs before everything went down, she lamented it to him on a few occasions. 
"I just wanted you to know...Higgs is dead." Sam had said in his normal gruff voice, but Mara could tell it hurt him to tell her, she had hung her head for a few beats, absorbing his words. Higgs was...dead? The words hit her like a truck and her head snapped back up to look at Sam, pain evident in her pale eyes, and he chewed on his bottom lip, unsure how she was going to act.
"Did you kill him, Sam?" Her eyes were hard as stone as she observed his micro expressions before he finally shook his head.
"Fragile did it." He confessed, Mara averted her eyes to the floor again, nodding after a few beats.
"Ok." She said in her trademark no nonsense fashion, and Sam blinked in surprise, and after he said nothing, Mara looked back up at him.
"Ok?" Sam didn't understand what she had seen in Higgs, granted she knew him before Amelie got to him, so he was definitely expecting a lot more of a reaction.
"Thank you for telling me, Sam." He blinked a few more times before finally nodding goodbye to her and she slowly shut the door. That's when her armor had cracked, she sank down to the floor, sobbing softly into her hands. She wasn't sure how long she had cried for him, but she had.
"I did. Yes." Her voice was as soft as a ghosts sigh when she confessed, sadness thick in her voice. At first, Higgs said nothing, he just felt a pressure in his chest that he couldn't explain. "Higgs?" Mara lifted her own head to look over her shoulder at him and he rolled over onto his back. She followed his action, rolling onto her back, staring up at the ceiling.
"Just admit ya love me." He said in his teasing way, his words oozing with natural charm, and he finally got what he was after; Mara laughed. It wasn't long, but he got rewarded with her breathy giggle before she placed both of her hands on his shoulder and shoved him out of the bed and onto the floor. 
A loud 'oof' escaped him as he crashed onto the hard surface. Dazed, he looked back up towards the bed to see her looking down at him, and although he could barely see it, he knew she was smirking at him, a soft sniffling sound came from her, she quickly wiped the tears away.
"You wish." They both shared a laugh, before she moved back to her side of the bed and Higgs crawled back into it.
"Don't hesitate to sleep a little closer to me, I won't bite." Mara scoffed, covering back up again, her back to him once more.
"I will." She stated, matter-of-factly, although humor was still laced in the words. Higgs laughed as he settled under the covers and finally fell asleep.
@savage-rhi @disneymarina (if anyone else wants tagged just ask!)
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