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A gift for @omnivorousshipper
Inspired by their amazing Taste fic!!!
Taste (3285 words) by Omnivorous_Reader
I can't thank you enough for your continuous works for our beloved ship 🙏💕
#hobbs and shaw#shobbs#fast and furious#luke hobbs#deckard shaw#mine#fast & furious#luckard#hobbs x shaw#fanfic#fanfiction#fanart#fic art#i will never get enough of them#inspiration#gay#bisexual#pansexual#clip paint studio#grayscale#gay art#my art#ship art#otp#old man yaoi#yaoi bl#nsfw?#ao3 fanfic#ao3#archieve of our own
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Shobbs headcannons/prompts/theory’s/anything because this ship is not appreciated enough
Thanks for asking, I’ve benn bitting at the bit just thinking about how to share everything. So, I’ll go into parts, and since I’m writing this between classes, I probably won’t be able to add everything
-First off, I’m finishing up the second/third parts to “The Shovel Talks” so expect Owen and Mama Shaw
-And I wanted to work on a bit of a crack fic, basically Hobbs and Shaw singing “Anything you can do, I can do better” from Annie Get Your Gun
-Also, I wanted to write up a few stories of the Hobbs and Shaw family getting together and what kind of shenanigans they get up to
Shaw Headcannons
-So I always envision Shaw as being a great cook. Could only have 4 ingredients and still be able to make a three course meal
-And because we see him being really good with children, I see him being a great parent or parental figure
-What I’m basically saying is Shaw could be the perfect house husband: raises the kids, cooks, and can defend his home with just a tea kettle
Hobbs Headcannons
-Will literally pick Shaw up and physically move him if he gets in Hobbs way
-Is really good at making sandwiches and nothing else
-Is a bit of a clean freak, mostly cause of having Sam around and doesn’t want to leave anything out that might hurt her
Shobbs Headcannons
-I see them either getting together really easily
-Or it takes them years to see that the other has feeling for them
-But once they are together, they’re definitely ride or die. They’re both very protective and will stop at nothing to make sure the other is safe
-Which is hard cause they’re both trying to save the world every other week, makes for a lot of angst
-They may love each other, but that doesn’t mean they agree on everything
-They mostly don’t agree on what car is the best and other little things like that
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This is regarding luckard the horse
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this is how my cat wants to sleep tonight.. who am i to say no?
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Is this new ShadowPlay tv series with Taylor Kitsch and Michael C. Hall the same Nazi hunting thriller that Tom was rumored to be attached to a while back?
It’s similar, but not the same - and a different writer/production company. And for TV, rather than a self-contained feature.
Shadowplay is post-WWII, and deals with some early Cold War stuff, and involves an American moving to Berlin in 1946, and trying to take down a mobster-type character (from this description). Writer is Måns Mårland, Bron is producing.
Silent Night, the one Tom was rumoured to be attached to, is during WWII, and involves a German police officer during the blackouts in Berlin during the war, who is hunting a serial killer, and needs to turn to a Jewish psychologist for help - thus confronting the anti-Semitism that he’s benefiting from. (from this description). Writer is James Luckard, White Horse Pictures is producing.
So similar? But not the same.
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breton and imperial names from tes + arab names BUT excluding "b"
Aalah Achero Aciliuse Adius Adjackia Afsay Agnorine Agroine Akinia Alaand Alerni Alhur Aliene Aliona Aloisele Alsius Alstelhanaz Alyvage Alyzool Amecusa Amele Amerielleyn Amesh Anciella Anyctor Anyvald Apion Apper Ararrya Aretius Arina Arlenth Arzhago Asanaristyn Ashajja Ashiena Astria Astychid Atius Attel Aucius Augus Aurishina Auzir Auzireney Aweel Axedhe Axine Badet Barwasmiche Bashhawan Batic Bavienot Beleaud Bendosso Benfierely Benia Berens Berese Betiette Biend Bilius Blain Blarane Broslyssa Buccart Bucel Burjadiq Caesadre Calin Callar Callinierac Calvievius Carasia Carna Cataghan Celletelus Chalatti Chamad Chandorius Chanoitrex Chanus Chericen Chrocyn Claulsho Coppidi Corgur Cottelette Couhammad Culle Curnerouida Dadis Dages Dalindragy Daouan Dassurexima Dijard Donlya Dorna Dufferin Durissih Duveldan Eadia Edwahde Elgant Elyriullien Elyssick Elyste Emallourell Emand Emath Emius Emmiran Endystandas Engetielle Ennus Etius Etormon Eudeel Facidry Farciusa Fareque Farin Fariptistia Farmitius Fathincks Fatulin Faylainus Fayund Fedique Flaus Floin Floliddius Flonyvarne Forauryan Forganus Fowzy Fransanien Frapre Frashtahiaz Frelic Gaire Galara Gania Gardian Garle Gattielle Gavief Gelique Gericcic Gerio Ghahmely Gherians Ghiffriene Gilkardard Gingorien Ginvarce Girio Githadha Givile Gontus Gormie Grelanus Grele Greshal Gressinius Guida Guilahmanes Gulnoth Gwennaj Gwynanius Gwynerria Gwynnamo Gwyrard Hailisa Haira Hareirahire Haspinette Hassanus Hastianne Hawks Hawkwine Hawwairnard Heanywyr Heaula Henackine Herene Heric Herold Hesini Hezout Hosaeptogna Ialieral Iallyzak'ta Ialusa Ignone Ildacier Ileno Impas Improuryn Imroniel Inachara Iundric Jachert Jafiquili Jafordi Jangwi Janna Janotus Jartis Javila Javine Jawzia Jelvo Jenius Jenno Jeriand Jirin Jirisso Johry Josafie Josus Jullecouny Jurelemi Kalyr Kammot Kastarle Khadenia Khang Khayed Khwafiour Kylverth Laeptius Laheru Lamel Larinanus Lerice Lettian Lianus Liennak Lodsly Lontard Luchellen Luckard Lyssa Mackh Mades Mallowess Manielrel Manox Marifarot Masma Massa Matteesalle Maxeleem Maxle Mayth Menna Merac Merioni Mhaienoth Mohairhou Moharin Molderin Monne Moodfiedis Moomoumaali Moors Mordin Moriounisex Morot Moundussa Moura Muaghrippio Mualaz Naggarid Nakeram Nassaamius Nassiff Nastyr Natie Nawasse Nerierio Nicim Nigitine Nontha Nosse Noumeh Noumilus Nyenius Oliane Olvert Omedyn Ondell Ormannee Ormed Orvelle Ostierinia Ouarri Paridus Pelenius Peptinius Percoff Petorfoux Pettair Pipper Plahlerna Postafif Prahilede Priffemed Prondardi Pulin Quarius Raellard Raffradar Rahinco Rajah Ramkawi Raprom Rasfi Recaney Redri Reius Riert Ristyr Rocus Rowegillus Rufrac Sadya Safer Safrani Sahim Saiahawani Sairyedhi Salamanem Salan Saley Salge Salwyref Sanaulma Sanuse Sapulle Savius Saysty Sekeerth Selatus Selly Senon Serrus Serya Sevalet Seves Shadre Shaiman Shaistyr Shampar Shamro Shard Sharete Shatcha Sherum Sigia Silahi Silahlaulle Sollex Sovkin Spuliyyan Stane Stenes Sufrikhah Sunius Surenck Surtirud Syegran Tacou Tajammin Talet Talkurt Tallad Talle Tallenis Talyr Tamania Tarin Taristius Tartena Tauda Tharick Theodid Theomorgyna Theoryana Therle Thiell Thilliel Tordy Trancine Trard Treel Treigda Trellet Trius Trustius Ulazierc Ullaitus Ummiel Uraspus Urtin Valfonouse Valgold Valley Valshahrio Vanelvinne Varea Vasia Vericleyn Veridisle Verso Viellina Vigna Vilala Vilvia Vindassi Virocus Virte Vroisald Vulusane Vyctartia Vyctine Wajuartio Warchar Wiche Winiq Yrrilhoem Ystyrio Yunia Yvervin Zak'tane Zaninienna Zelle Zeparhamlen Zerolia Zukharicus Zulitar Zysyne
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Finally posting oc content again
Don't ask about the horse.
#agent grieves#Cane D. laurens#the horse is names luckard so like#Luckard the horse#i guess#btw short ≠ minor
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