yumedoca · 10 months
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*cries in Luciola..*
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meltsoul · 5 months
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harmonytre · 3 months
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A character created by 22 people in the Featured Character discord server! :D
Name: Luciola Pronouns: She/They Identity: Lesbian Demigirl Species: Leopard/Leopard Gecko/Phoenix Aesthetics: Dazecore, Cozy Hobbies: Fidget toys, Baking, and Sculpting Abilities: - Eyes can light up like flashlights. It can happen on command, but happens automatically when startled! - They can create inanimate objects out of their own matter. It takes up energy and they must recharge. Depending on the size of the object, she can make 1-5 items per day. Backstory: They live alone far off in the woods in a small little cabin. Its a quaint little space with a nice kitchen and her own workroom/table where she can sculpt. They occasionally go into the nearby town in order to get supplies but they're generally self sustaining due to their powers of creating matter from their body. She occasionally goes out during night, using her light powers in order to properly navigate. She usually does this to scout the area and help out any strangers that might've gotten lost or hurt.
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sosuperawesome · 1 year
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Leaf Brooches // Luciola on Etsy
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projectourworld · 3 months
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Stardust Forest
Yamagata City, Japan
Every summer, thousands, of visitors journey to Japan to witness the amazing lights of the Himebotaru. These Japanese fireflies (Luciola parvula) are endemic to Japan, though members of their family are found in Asia, Africa, and Europe. After studying the ecology of these fireflies for years, including tracking their pathways, this photographer set out to capture their incredible illumination through a series of long exposures in camera, resulting in this magical image.
Kazuaki Koseki
Forest in Yamagata prefecture; The Big Picture Photography Competition
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gwiazdowe · 5 days
Do you guys want to read another bundle of headcanons about Pantora / Cirz's biological parents (I'm writing a second one-shot to focus on his sister and then cultural differences between her and Cirz bc i need more laypeople POV on jedi and clone war alwayssss :'))
014. Sometimes the word has a curious ability to spread like a poison. Like blood coloring the water, like spilled oil. In this way the neighbors of Rzam and Luciola soon all know the same news. The young couple had a son and now they don't. The child was there one morning and by noon, he was gone. In polite Pantoran society it is frowned upon to ask about the tragedy of a family. They have to speak up first. Thus no one brings up the fabricated rumors to the mother nor the pressing questions to the father. But rumors there are nonetheless, for this is the nature of people to fill in the blanks with fiction.
015. The Jedi Master who visited the young couple warned them about the reaction they may receive, and warned them about revealing the truth freely. Even the connection to a Jedi may put a risk on the family – he explained such in the eerily calm manner – yet it falls to the parents to decide what they wish to disclose. In the end, Rzam and Luciola decide, only the family gets to find out about the story on how a Jedi Master visited their home, and how he took their firstborn away into the broad galaxy. To the rest, Cirz only becomes known as the boy moved offworld for private matters. Heath issues perhaps, for the parents never speak of when he may return.
016. Rzam's friend, Penril, lives in the apartment a floor under Rzam, which means Rzam sees her daily going about the tasks of life. In the elevator Penril muses on the lack of the son, and the conversations that she had with Rzam in the past. — He is one of the gifted isn't he – she asks one time, fully believing Rzam this time. She admits Rzam's stories were always strange, making her wonder whether she made them up. Penril now knows Rzam didn't make them up after all. Rzam tells her then that she wishes she did.
017. This is your sign to get a divorce. Rzam's mother hasn’t forgotten what bothered her about Luciola, nor about the generations long dispute about wealth. He let your son go with the monks, Rzam’s mother cries, who does such a thing, what parent, what father. —  No matter the amount of times Rzam explains to her that it was a decision that was made together (Rzam too, decided to let her child go, she let her child go, she let a stranger take him towards a future she may never know. Did she make a mistake? Does it make her a bad person? A bad mother? She still worries every night as she falls asleep.) Such explanations don’t seem to convince her family. In their eyes, they have been robbed. And it hurts, oh, how it hurts.
018. If explaining the situation during a family gathering was hard, then checking up with the legal systems is much worse, for as it turns out there is no procedure for when your child is a mind power wielding prodigy who gets spirited away to the Core Worlds for a lifetime, or as it turns out a week later, there exists a procedure, but it was out of use for so long that someone forgot to include it in the new documentation index. The last registration of a Jedi learner, according to the clerk on the other side of the comlink, happened some two hundred years ago, standard time. Rzam is not sure what she expected, but a wave of loneliness overtakes her upon hearing the numbers. She realizes there may not even be a single other person on the planet who shares her experience.
019. Cirzpibog Shio-Imiela, born 971 PRR, now permanent resident of Coruscant – Corusca subsector in The Core Worlds, and Pantora – Sujimis sector in The Outer Rim, receives an updated small note in his documentation. Henceforth his legal guardians become The Jedi Masters of the Jedi Order on Coruscant, with the encrypted signature of both of the parents and one from the Grandmaster Of The Order appearing in the file several days later, the child’s enrollment in The Temple is complete.
020. Weeks come and go before life truly seems to go back to how it was, but then again, it won’t ever be the same. Luciola’s troubled thoughts remain unspoken, he promises to himself not to bring up Cirzpibog into the conversation unless Rzam does it first. That seems to gradually make things better for them. There is less time spent lingering on the subject of the child, and more planning about what to do next. These plans only briefly encompass divorce or moving out of the city like Rzam’s parents want, which makes Luciola relieved.
 021. Weeks come and go, and in Luciola’s workshop the amount of ceramic statuettes personifying the deity of time (or unions, or luck, or work, or money, or fate, depending which city you ask in) increases to the point he runs out of space. This all begins one evening as he is cleaning his work space and finds a box of broken cups along with pieces of a statuette Cirz broke. Now he is certain it was something to do with the Force, though at that time he didn’t know what it meant. Luciola spends the rest of that evening putting the statuette back together with golden glue, and the next evening, and the next creating stylish idols adorned in Pantoran Gold. In his defense, Luciola says, every artist is a slave to his inspiration.
022. The folklore of Pantora has certain outside enthusiasts, mainly scholars within specialized fields such as history and culture sciences who are predicting the local beliefs will disappear in the next four centuries. This means Luciola only has luck selling the statuettes on Pantoran market and it means he struggles to rid the house of the excessive idols. He never cared to have a shrine in the apartment or anything like it, he frankly thinks it is an outdated, dust-gathering decoration, but as one part of his work space becomes overtaken by the statuettes, he resigns to treating them with respect the tradition requires. In the morning before starting his work he pours fresh water into one of his cups, “offering nourishment” to “his guests” then the process repeats in the evening, for other things are believed to come into one’s house at day and at night. Even though nobody ever drinks this water Luciola can’t help himself from checking from time to time. His grandfather would laugh. 
023. Rzam absolutely hates these statues, especially the fact they are placed on her eye level. She quietly rearranges the display one day, and caught in the act she is hurriedly shooed out of the room. At this point, Rzam decides her husband is becoming sick from inhaling ceramic glue. She books them a three day trip to a Mid Rim resort on a planet with a sea that is warm as a soup. The change of environment seems to help.
024.What if this happens again? Wonders Luciola, he always wonders, every day for ten months. What would they do if another offspring of theirs is not normal? Luciola doesn’t think he can survive that again. But Rzam, as strange as it may seem, says it is different, although when Luciola asks her, she is not sure how to make it sound rational in any way. The feeling is a different one, and right now she feels so certain that her child will stay on Pantora, will grow up healthily, will follow family trade. It may as well be an entire future stretching out in her mind each time she thinks about it. And if it isn't she will make sure it will be.
025. In the evening the freezing lakes of Pantora crack singing a low peaceful song. In the morning Lyr Shio-Imiela is born during the first melting of the snows. Spring.
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rwuffles · 7 months
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☕️ ❛ bug-themed names & pronouns! ⚣ req ; anon
pt: bug-themed names and pronouns. requested by anon. end pt.
⠀names — bug ( gy ) , bee , butterfly , monarch , cricket , wasp , moth , beetle , cicada , dragonfly , ladybug , luciola , odonata , mantis , kaira , attacus
⠀pronouns — bug / bugs , bug / buggy , insect / insects , insect / insectoid , insectoid / insectoids , arachnid / arachnids , exo / exos , exoskeleton / exoskeletons , exo / skeleton , critter / critters , skitter / skitters , crawl / crawls , infestation / infestations
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leefkeebs · 1 year
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Small post this week.
I actually got a chance to take a picture in the dark of the luciola switches when they've charged up with enough light.
There is no backlighting here, these are glow in the dark switches!
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moomacreplayz · 2 months
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This is my firefly oc, Luciole/Luciola/Ciola! She's a companion, and is capable of combat. She's also italian. shes based off of HSR firefly's ULT effects.
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whereifindsanity · 6 months
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Firefly species (Luciola parvula) is called “HIME-BOTARU” in Japan. By Kei Nomiyama Photography.
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yumedoca · 8 months
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raxistaicho · 1 month
yeah I have seen multiple meta posts on reddit which go into how luciola and walter and loewe fit their respective tarot cards
Number VI, The Bewitching Bell, Luciola: Her card is the Lovers, and while one could merely say it's about love, I say it's deeper than that, the Lovers is about choice, consciousness and consequences, love is only a backdrop for it, Luciola's story fits that, Harvey's choice was of leaving the people close to him in order to leave them in better hands, Luciola snapped because she was scared of being forced to do the bidding of a man she did not know, the card in the Rider Waite deck features Adam before the first sin, in some interpretations Adam ate the Apple to stay with Eve, that's where love comes in the Lovers, Luciola killed Harvey so he would be hers, forever, but soon she regretted it and left the troupe, cast out of the garden per say.
Meaning: The Lovers represent relationships and choices. Its appearance in a spread indicates some decision about an existing relationship, a temptation of the heart, or a choice of potential partners. Often an aspect of the querent's life will have to be sacrificed; a bachelor(ette)'s lifestyle may be sacrificed and a relationship gained (or vice versa), or one potential partner may be chosen while another is turned down. Whatever the choice, it should not be made lightly, as the ramifications will be lasting. Reversed card (keywords): Disharmony, Imbalance, Misalignment of values, Self-love Upright card (keywords): Being at a crossroads, Choices, Commitment, Falling in love, Partnerships
Number VIII, The Direwolf, Walter: His card is the Strength ( which is often depicted with the woman clasping the lion's jaws)gth, just like how Luciola's card had more to it than just love, Walter's is more than just strength, this card represents self control and dominating the inner beast, Walter is an inversion of that/representing the reversed strength tarot card , by modifying the Taito School with the "Murderer's Fist" path he taps into a cruel sadistic nature, effectively being as if the woman was unable to keep the lion in check and ended up being killed by it.
Meaning: Strength predicts the triumphant conclusion to a major life problem, situation or temptation through strength of character. It is a very happy card if you are fighting illness or recovering from injury. Reversed card (keywords): Hedonism, Lack of self-control, Lacking courage, Self-doubt, Vanity Upright card (keywords): Confidence, Enjoying power, Inner strength, Potency, Self-belief, Virility, Vitality
it is also why I would say dimitri fits the strength arcana tarot card
Oh yeah, Dimitri definitely fits Strength.
Also, the bit about the woman holding the lion's jaws is kinda funny when you consider Kilika's one of the very few people who can get Walter to back down.
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sandrazayres · 8 months
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Jorge Aragão, Xande de Pilares, Ferrugem, Clareou e mais: não perca programação completa do Terreirão durante o Carnaval 2024
Apresentações vão de 09 a 17/2, com muita alegria durante a folia
Cariocas e turistas já podem se preparar para os próximos dias do Terreirão do Samba. Após o primeiro final de semana de casa cheia, o público pode esperar um carnaval regado a muito pagode e animação.
A programação do Terreirão do Samba segue a pleno vapor, com atrações pra não deixar ninguém parado. O público vai poder curtir shows de ícones do samba, como Jorge Aragão e Xande de Pilares, além de destaques da nova geração, como Ferrugem, Mumuzinho, Bom Gosto, Arlindinho e muito mais! Tudo isso a preço popular, R$20.
Os portões da casa mais democrática e icônica do samba abrirão sempre às 20h. Para facilitar, o folião pode antecipar a compra do seu ingresso pela plataforma: https://www.tickethub.com.br/, mas se preferir pode comprar na hora também.
Programação do Terreirão do Samba – temporada 2024
Sexta 09/02
Black White
Vou Zuar
Sábado 10/02
RDX Arlindinho
Pique Novo
Domingo 11/02
Roda de Samba
Gustavo Lins
Rio Samba Show
Segunda 12/02
Juninho Thybau
Roda de Samba Beco do Rato
Rio Samba Show
Terça 13/02
Diego Sena
Bom Gosto
Tá na Mente
Sexta 16/02
David Quaresma
Caju pra Baixo
Sábado 17/02
Jorge Aragão
Xande de Pilares
Imagina Samba
Terreirão do Samba
Local: Rua Benedito Hipólito 66, Praça Onze
Ingressos: R$ 20, à venda pelo site https://www.tickethub.com.br
Fotos: Alexandre Macieira e Luciola Villela/Riotur
Proibido a reprodução das imagens sem autorização expressa do autor Lei 9610 de Direito Autoral
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ladyazulina · 1 year
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July 28th
I'm not losing hope.
Not at all.
I don't even have hope to lose 😬
So, I expected to, like, finish the second tick today. Maybe start the third one, write more of it tomorrow with the hopes of maybe finishing. To... progress, you know? Feel like I really can tame this wild creature I'm writing.
But... nope.
The dice weren't on my side today.
The second tick hasn't finished yet.
I'm growing mad.
But I have good news!
My 4thewords account is back!
I won't even try to fix the lost streak, I will just continue from now on. I already rearranged my quests to get the event out of sight, I got what I wanted, so I need to breathe for a few days.
In today's session, I defeated three of these
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For a Luciola's quest, if I'm not mistaken.
I will try to clean all the quests possible because I'm just like that.
Worked in: That Hot Cocoa post. Words written: 38.
Worked in: Iron Valley (Linney’s Campaign). Words written: 575.
I think I want to throw Linney off a cliff, but it's not even Linney's fault. That's the beauty of dice and random, I really like it... unless I'm under pressure.
Total words: 613.
Lower daily goal: 100 ✅
Higher daily goal: 300 ✅
4thewords goal: 444 ✅
I kind of feel happy, but it wasn't enough. I'm not satisfied. But I started feeling sick earlier today, just after daydreaming positively about my day, and I wasn't able to write as I wanted.
Tomorrow, though, I'm participating in a stream relay. I'm hoping to write a lot in there. I will be on for two hours, but the event goes for 12 hours, so... I'm crossing my fingers. I know I can't keep writing for that long, and I kind of have an outing if it doesn't rain. So... things, right?
Why life is so complicated? (?)
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sosuperawesome · 2 years
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Felt Leaf Pins // Luciola on Etsy
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books-core · 11 months
Indicação: Lucíola - José de Alencar
Lucíola é uma história de amor narrada por um dos seus personagens principais, Paulo Silva, que em cartas dirigidas à senhora G.M. (pseudônimo de José de Alencar) traça o perfil de sua amada, Maria da Glória. Ela é uma rica cortesã do Rio de Janeiro do século XIX que assume o nome de Lúcia. Publicada em 1862, a obra retrata um Rio de Janeiro aburguesado e tradicional, como pano de fundo para um amor idealizado.
fonte: Luciola - 1ªed.(2016)
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Onde ler;
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