#lucian sharp
piotrek-chomik · 4 months
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-I think he missed you more then me. Caring of him is my "thank you."-
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procyonloser · 2 months
another mini fic light horror edition with adamsapple hints
Adam knew Lilith's new husband was a freak, he just had to prove it. The little guy showed up out of fuckin' nowhere, and starts making everyone swoon, even though he was all of 5 foot nothing. His job is a mystery, his background is a mystery - he had no social media, nothing nowhere.
Lucian M. Estrella.
He lived in a weirdly huge house on the outskirts of town with Lilith, which was weird on another fucking level, because Adam had grown up in this town his entire life, and he was certain that house had never been here before. He used to come out here, drive out to the quarry, getting drunk, high, and doing whatever the fuck he wanted because there was nothing better to do. He'd been down that road hundreds of times, he didn't remember ever seeing it. Eve told him he was being paranoid, they probably just cut down bushes or repainted, that's why it didn't look familiar.
No fucking way.
Adam pulled up a window on the side of the house and pulled himself inside. It was dark, all dark inside, which was what he'd hoped for. Lilith said she was going on vacation with her new husband, and everyone fawned over the two of them. The whole town had gone fucking mad and stupid, always chatting about how great they were, how amazing Lucian was. No, Adam thought to himself as he lifted his flashlight to look around the kitchen.
There was something here, and he was going to find it.
He walked around cautiously, wood creaking under each of his steps, as though the house was ancient, but there was not a hint of ware on anything and there was still a sharp scent of freshly laid paint. The house barely looked lived in, it looked like a prop, a movie set. Adam could feel the hair on the back of his neck standing up as he progressed through the place, noticing there were no pictures on any of the walls. The furniture had no dips in it from where you'd expect folks to have been sitting. There was no dust.
A door creaked behind him, and Adam spun, heart jumping up into his chest, but it didn't seem to be anything, just old joints in the house moaning. Adam let the door fall open more, and realized it was steps into the basement, where it looked like there was a light at the very end of the steps. Adam swallowed hard, having seen one too many horror movies, but he was 6'4 and had muscle and bulk on his side. He'd been in more scraps and fights than he needed to admit to. There's no way Lucian could actually do anything to him.
Adam took the steps, wrinkling his nose as he went further down. Something stunk, like death, soil, and fire - with a hint of something else, sulfur maybe? Adam got to the very bottom of the basement, and his stomach dropped. There were weird markings across the walls, sigils of some sort painted in what looked like blood, across every given surface of the place - and there on the floor, were bodies. Dismembered pieces knit together with pieces of some kind of goat or sheep.
But, Adam knew some of these people, these bodies. He'd seen them before, just today. Before he left to drive out here, he'd past them in town, he knew he had. Adam's hands began to shake looking down upon them, there was no way, they were rotting to the point that they couldn't be the same people he'd seen earlier. Then how were they here? What the fuck was going on
Adam spun on his heels and looked upwards, towards the staircase. He heard each step creaks as someone slowly descended down to meet him. Adam balled up his fist, ready to fucking fight his way out of here if it was the last thing he did, he wasn't going to go out like a bitch on his knees.
Lucian stepped down into sight, and appraised Adam coolly. "Adam."
"You're a fucking monster," Adam whispered, before his voice broke into a shout. "What the fuck have you done?!"
Lucian tilted his head, eyebrow raised. "What you wanted."
Adam's eyebrows knit together, and he shook his head. "What the fuck are you talking about-"
"As you left today, Janice Slough and Judy King stepped infront of your car, making you slam on the breaks. You wished they'd disappear." Lucian said slowly, and Adam froze. "You passed Garret Pecking as you turned onto 13th Street, and you remembered he owed you money in highschool he never repaid. You wanted something terrible to happen to him."
Adam's heart slammed in his throat. How did he know all of that? He hadn't even really meant it, he just had been annoyed, it wasn't like that. Wait.
"Where's Lilith?" Adam whispered, horrified by what Lucian was about to say.
"You wanted her to have a good husband, didn't you? You still loved her, you wished her the best. Then, you wished for her to just... Disappear when you realized she'd never love you back." Lucian smiled, and it was sharp. All of his teeth were pointed like a shark. "I'm surprised you haven't caught on by now, Adam. You recognize this house, don't you?"
Adam's lip trembled as he looked around. It wasn't like a horror movie. It was exactly like a horror movie he'd seen as a kid. He always thought the house looked cool, he'd wanted to explore one like the ill fated teens had in the film.
Lucian walked closer and Adam dropped his flashlight, but even as the light went out, the room stayed a reddish glow. He drew closer and closer until Adam was backed up against the wall. Wings spread out from Lucians back as he looked up at Adam, eyes turning a sickly gold bathed in red. Horns curled out of his skull, ripping through the skin like it was just a costume he was wearing.
"Now, Adam, isn't it time you said my true name? You're the one who summoned me here afterall."
Adam had flashes of memories dart through his mind, of drunkenly and jokingly reading off some nonsense he'd seen online, trying to summon a demon to do your bidding. Adam had been down at the quarry, alone, divorced, and just wanting something. Something that wouldn't abandon him, that would love him, that would be loyal to him. And when he went big, he went big. Adam wasn't about to summon some minor demon, no, he'd attempted to summon-
"Lucifer," Adam whispered, and the lights went out.
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starsomens · 2 months
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 9 • 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓵…
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Warnings: language, reader, inactive situation, reader is drugged at one point, reader is assaulted by getting slapped, mentions of blood, betrayal, (this is like a part 1)
Reference: When I say Noah gears up PLEASE Picture this!
Your head is spinning as he finally come to. Your head was pounding as you could only see the ground. Trying to move your hands you realize that you are bound to where you sat. Trying to move your legs was futile as well as you found yourself strap to chair by rope. Raise your head and try to look around
Didn’t recognize where you were. You couldn’t even see outside from where you were. For all you know, it could be the next morning and you would have no idea.
You turn your head as best as you could to take a good look at your surroundings. There wasn’t anything in the room, except for a dimly lit lightbulb overhead. There were no windows, and it was eerily, quiet, the type of silence to drive someone crazy if they were there long enough. And Alfred…that bastard!
You start to struggle against your streams just a bit trying to see if you can find any kind of wiggle room to get out. You wiggle around the chair, making it lean from side to side. You start going back-and-forth groans, frustration, escape your lips wanting to break free from the ropes. You unfortunately, move a bit too much and causes air to fall over onto its side, causing you to shriek as you slam onto the cold floor
“Fuck….” You say a bit out of breath as you rest your head on the cold floor hating that you were now in a worse situation than it was when you were sitting just open with a heavy scraping along the floor. In steps to armed in masked men while another man walks in. He wore a black suit. With a scar going down his face from the left corner of his eyebrow down to the right corner of his lip.
“Looks like you’re finally awake,” a gruff and deep voice comes from the character in front of you. This must’ve been easy. You remember him vividly from the picture Noah has showed you. “ Listen whenever these things involve ladies such as yourself I hate to see things and messy, so let’s make this nice and simple huh?” he said coming over and picking up the chair off of the floor sitting back up right
"I need you to leave Sebastian, go back to your little family and forget all this bullshit, got it?" Sebastian?
"Ah, you got it, smart girl," he gives you the fakest smile possible. "you didn't actually think of staying with him did you?" he chuckled
"Well....I wasn't exactly planning on leaving either," you answer
"Right now you take way more than you can chew, my advice, back up, step down, find some kid who's willing to kiss your feet. This matter isn't up to you," he says lighting a cigar and taking a long puff, the smoke surrounding his head
"See I either need him unattached or married to Denise, you on the other hand, are dragging him down,"
"Denise?" You ask with a smirk
"Yea...Denise, something funny?" he asks stepping closer to you
"Oh it's nothing....just last time I checked Noah couldn't stand her," something in you wanted him to know exactly who you were and where Noah stood with you. "and if anyone was on heir knees for me...it was Noah, wanting ME to come home.."
Lucian glared at you through his nose as his jaw clenches
"So, why don't you try and stick your bratty daughter with some other other poor-" a sharp pain comes across your face, his large hand leaving your right cheek stinging. You were sure that was going to bruise. He says nothing as he sneers at you and walks away, he stands in the door way and says
"you're lucky I need you alive....maybe he can convince you otherwise," another figure comes into frame as Lucien shoves him into the room. The heavy door shuts and you find yourself with a familiar face
"Get all the dogs out and tracking, I need a scan of every dock we have-and where the fuck is Nick?!"
Noah was on a rampage. He was at his office pressuring his workers to find you faster, any clues, any signs, ANYTHING. He had gotten no sleep while he drove around the city to find you. Now back in his office having his men try and track you down.
You were gone, with no phone, and nothing left behind. Luckily Koda had gotten some DNA in his mouth and Nick was currently processing it. However, it's been about 5 hours now and Noah wanted answers 3 hours ago. But Nick had to get any kind of DNA possible that was in the mouth of a dog for some time. He was determined to find who took you and personally deal with them.
"Keep your pants on I'm here," he said handing him the file "You're not going to like the results" Noah raises his brow as he opens the file, his eyes going wife
"WHAT?! That piece of shit!" Alfred of all people, the one he assigned to you, to drive, "FUCK!.....how's Vilma doing?" he asked running his hand over his face. While looking around the mansion he had found Vilma tied and sedated in her room. Probably just an hour before everything happened
"Vilma is recovering, she can't recall anything past the time you left. The cameras were cut, security was tapped into and told to leave post, everything was thought through," Nick tells him everything he needs to know "But I don't think it was all Alred..."
"who would you-" "Sir," someone interupts Noah
"Not no-,"
"But sir it's Lucien..." he stops talking and turns to his man, taking the phone he puts it to his ear and walks out into the hallway to speak with him
"Noah my, how are ya'?" he asked knowing damn well what the answer was
"Shit, Y/N is missing, fucking Alfred took her," he stresses "Listen, did you need something? I'm a little busy right now..."
"Oh don't worry you can call off the little treasure hunt, I've got all your answers,"
"Call of the- what the hell are you......Lucien...what the fuck do you mean you have my answers?"
"Don't worry she's safe, no wounds, no broken bones no split lip, but she has a mouth on her, don't know how you put up with hat shit,"
"...." Noah was silent. He either mouthed off and something happened to you, or he shut up and thought of his next move
"Look you want this girl back right? Or for the most part alive and free right?" he took a pause knowing Noah would just listen to him "leave the broad, get Denise, and it's over"
"This is still about Denise?-"
"Damn right it is, point is I need YOU to stay in fucking line. Marry her, take your place and forget this ever happened...got it?"
"I'm coming for Y/N." was all Noah said
"What? Listen you fucking-hello? Hello?!"
he hung up, drops the phone on the desk and leans into Nicks ear and says
"Get everyone in the garage, we're heading to Lucien,"
"Lucien!? But Noah-" the door closes to the room before Nick could stop him. As Noah walks down the hall he could feel was...numbness, he felt a hole in his chest...but he felt that hole being filled by something. Something vengeful and violent. He was getting you back and he was taking down ANYONE who stood in his way. He goes into his private closet and readies himself (see linked image at top). Signature ski mask, his gun, ammo, gloves, some smoke bombs and some sedatives. Looking himself over in the mirror to make sure he didn't forget anything, he sees a small picture of you in the frame. It was a candid picture that was taken on the day you had gone shopping. You were relaxed and at ease, and even had a soft smile. That was the first day Noah looked at you and thought of you as his....his wife, his girl....his.
A knock comes to the door
“Come in,” Noah says as he’s checking his gun for ammo. As he looks a PCs jolly and her. The tall, long haired man was also armed and ready to go at a word.
“Just say the word we’re good to go…”
“Good, I hope they all know we’re not leaving until we bring her back alive”
“Oh we are well aware of that one….Noah,” jolly rests his hand on Noah’s shoulder “we’re getting her back…knowing you, you’ll kill Lucian yourself if it means getting her back”
“…..” Noah didn’t know what to say. There were many times he would go to Jolly looking for someone to trust in someone to give him advice.
“I know you love her…” that statement made no turn around
“Oh come on noah,” he chuckles “I see the way you look at her, and when was the last time you bought that many flowers for a single girl? Let alone someone you were in a relationship with,”
Oh cracked a smile “you got me there…”
It was true you were the first girl he had ever been that way with. Even in relationships or affairs he show little to no emotion or interest. You however, had gotten this man onto his knees, bought flowers that cost him thousands, he would kiss your feet if you asked him to. You were his wife....you were his girl....
"get the trucks fueled up, we're leaving in 5."
"Mathew....what the fuck...."
"...." he was quiet as he looked at you and then down to his feet
"Mathew fucking answer me why are you here!? Get me lose!"
"I...I can't....Lucien he-"
"Oh whatever he's your boss and? I'm your sister-"
"Y/N..." he rubbed at his eyes as he started swaying in his spot
"No, don't shut me up! Why the fuck are you here?"
"Because I asked him to!" he revealed, it couldn't have been what you were thinking right?
"Asked him....to what?...."
"To fucking bring you here what else? Like did you actually think it would work between you guys?"
"Oh please you don't even-"
"This man kills people with his bare fucking hands, he's slept and ditched women left and right! You didn't even want this so why are you fighting this so hard?" He barks, he couldn't grasp why this was so important to you, "Just sign the papers, I'll take you home and none of this happened....that's final."
"So what you take dad's place and suddenly your on a power drive?" you roll your eyes
"Remember when I had gone to visit you? How you asked if I was doing okay?," that was the day after you had slept with Noah "I was going to tell you how I found a way to bring you home, where you wanted to be," he said as he paced in the small space "Do you know how much money, the shit I had to do, the blood I lost so I could bring you out of your misery?! Just so you can go and fuck him?!"
"You don't get to dictate my life!" you snap back "What if I don't want to go back? What if I want to stay? What if shit changed?!" Mathew had a puzzled look on his face and suddenly his face comes to a realization
"...you like him...don't you?" it was quiet, you could hear the buzz of the naked bulb in the room
"....." you blink at him
"In fact you fucking love him don't you?" he gives a breathy scoff "All of this shit for nothing.....and you love him-"
"I don't!"
"Don't give me that bullshit! You fucking slept with him, and went back after you came home!,"
...What if he was right? What if...you did love him...and wanted to be with him
"Mathew....please, you need to understand....I-I..."
"You don't have to explain," he turns his back to you and starts leaving
"Mathew! Wait Ple-" he shut the door cutting you off, you could only slouch over yourself as you felt tears well up in your eyes. You cry in your pitiful state. You were always so close with your brother and now this?? You were kidnapped, tied up, betrayed and now alone in this stupid fucking cell.....all you could really do was cry....and Noah....did you.....
As you sat there thinking about what Mathew had said you couldn't help but think back to all this time you had been together. All those nights together, dinners, shopping, morning hours wrapped in his arms, soft kisses int he shower. Those nights he would come home with blood on his hands, and those same hands would hold and caress you like the most fragile thing in the world....and you missed it. You missed his scent, his smile, his big figure shielding you....you missed Noah
Mathew POV:
I couldn’t believe it. My own sister, fell in love with a bastard like Noah….Do all this for her just so she can say she doesn't want to...
I knock on Lucian's door and wait for his guards to open up for me. The dark double doors open with a moan as I see him sitting at his desk, cigar between his lips, and a glass of some expensive brand of whiskey. He seemed almost staged, like the mafia bosses you see in movies. I stop a few feet from his desk
"She won't do it..."
"Make her. I don't got time to fuck around, kid." he said grabbing a wad of cash with his big hands hand , his finger flicking through the bills
"I can't! She won't budge, look we can just call this off and he goes back and-oof!" one of his guards comes and gets a hit in my stomach with his knee. The hit knocking the air out of my lungs, knocking me on to my knees
"I invested too much of my time into your bullshit! You're gonna fucking make her or I will," as I stare at the ground in front of me, his shiny shoes stopping in front of me "either Denise is in the picture and that bitch is out, or I'll make sure you both disappear off the face of this city......got it?"
I mumbled something under my breath, knowing I'd say it to his face but I wasn't trying to get killed on the spot
"Fuck you say to me ya lil pussy?" he voice was low but threatening, I could feel his hand in my hair as he pulls on it to make me look up at him "You wanna say that shit again?!"
My chest rises and falls as i stare him in the eye "Fuck. You." he pushes me back on to the floor and let's go of my hair
"mm aight..aight..." he said slightly slurred, he paced in front of my as he rubbed his chin thinking to himself "everyone out, gotta teach 'em myself. kid aint never learn his place,"
the muffled sound of feet on the carpet fades out as the door closed and I'm left alone with Lucien.
"You know why I got red carpets in here...don't you?" he asked opening one of the drawers on his desk, setting something heavy down on the wood furniture "it's so I'm not reminded of the useless scumbag blood left on my floor,"
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sister-lucifer · 5 months
Yes, you!
Do YOU like the idea of a gay polyamorous romance taking place in a fantastical medieval setting?
then you might like my upcoming original written series, Royal Courting!
Featuring the following cast of characters:
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Lucian Hensley
A fair skinned, pudgy baker standing at about 5’4 with hazel-green eyes and a thatch of dirty blond hair that falls in thick curls around his freckled face. He’s usually wearing his beloved handmade crocheted sweater, the same color as his eyes, despite the wear and tear it’s received over the years. Nothing he wears is particularly fancy, but it’s all very well loved and cared for.
Though he’s not ashamed of the weight he’s gained from the years of sampling his own baked goods, he’s easily flustered by any sort of comments on his physical appearance, regardless of how mild, possibly related to his gender identity as a transgender man. He’s humble and incredibly kind, sometimes to a fault. 
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King Ambrose Verlice of Divestia
A dark skinned, slim man standing at about 5’7 with sharp brown eyes and a slightly effeminate nature about him. His dark hair is done together in thick locs so impossibly long they nearly brush the floor, decorated with gold cuffs and never less than perfectly maintained. He’s always wrapped in white and gold with jewelry to match. Any one of his outfits is worth more than every house Lucian has ever lived in combined.
He commands respect from all who lay eyes upon him, but knows how to use a gentle hand. It’s easy to get caught up in his flowery language, but beneath the purple prose and irresistible urge to flirt is a genuine heart of gold. 
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Tobias Silva
A toned man of Colombian descent with tan skin standing at about 5’9, with brown eyes and curly brown hair that’s cut short and shaved underneath, but left longer on top, still allowing a few curly strands to fall over his face. He’s got a foxy way about him and always has a smug, closed-lipped grin on his face that makes his eyes crinkle at the corners and dimples form in his warm cheeks.
He tends to keep his armor rather minimal to maximize his speed, but he’s got daggers hidden just about everywhere one can hide daggers on their person. If he’s being quiet, he’s probably busy scheming with his colleague and friendly rival, Rex. 
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Rex Theroux 
Rex is a tall, pale, transgender man standing at about 6’1 with downturned blue eyes and shoulder length, golden-blond hair that curls a bit at the ends and is usually drawn into a loose, low ponytail that often leaves strands hanging around the sides of his head. Contrary to Tobias, he keeps his muscular form clad in armor at all times.
He’s the stoic tank of the duo, and proud of it. He’s completely mute and has never spoken a word to Tobias nor his king, but communicates with both Divestian sign language and his own unique methods. The only time anyone even sees his mouth is when he eats, as it’s usually covered with a neck gaiter. The scars that litter his limbs and body show his impossible resilience, but no one has ever heard the stories behind them.
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When Tobias and Rex stop in at Lucian’s humble bakery, they’re completely amazed both by what they taste, and the man they see behind the counter. When a batch of these baked goods reaches king Ambrose, he demands to see the wonderful artisan who created them, and Lucian’s simple life is thrown into a whirlwind when he receives an official summon from his majesty himself.
Are you interested? Stick around! Chapter one of Royal Courting: Summoned By The King is in progress now! You can find the Royal Courting masterlist (among others) in my pinned post!
If you like this idea, please reblog! It’s free, takes two seconds, and helps spread my ideas to more people!
You can find me on AO3 as Sister_Lucifer; everything here is cross posted there!
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dividers by @cafekitsune
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ acheron. adelaide. adonis. adrian. adrienne. aero. alaric. alfonso. alistair. allure. alluria. altair. amber. ash. asher. ashlin. avenal. bara. batte. belladonna. bianca. bitelle. bitte. blade. blaine. blair. blaire. bloodette. bloodie. bloodier. carmilla. cathedral. cecilia. celeste. chatelaine. ciel. claude. claudia. coffina. corbin. count. countess. crimson. crowley. dali. damienne. dirge. dorian. drac. drusilla. eleleth. elisabeta. elizabeth. elspeth. eve. fangcheska. faustus. felix. feronia. gorey. gossamer. gothita. guinevere. hemlock. hesperia. ivy. james. jasper. jericho. juliet. karnage. kings. lenore. lilith. louis. luci. lucian. luciel. lucien. lucienne. lucious. lyn. magnus. marce. melancholy. mercer. miriam. morcant. mortem. mortis. muse. nikolas. nosferatu. onyx. orpheus. pandora. princely. raven. rhys. rosalie. salem. sangue. scarette. selene. shadow. silas. silhouette. silvias. stoker. suckite. talon. valeria. vamp. vampira. vampiress. vamplita. vampress. vampyr. vampyre. velvet. velvette. victor. victoria. viktor. viktoria. vile. ville. vincent. virtue. xander. zak.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ ?/?. bat/bat. bi/bite. bit/bite. bit/bitten. bite/bite. bite/vamp. bleed/bleeding. blo/blood. blood/bled. blood/blood. blood/bloody. bloody/bloody. bur/bur. clo/clot. cof/coffin. coffin/coffin. cor/corrupt. corp/corpse. cro/cross. crypt/crypt. curse/curse. cy/cyr. dae/daemon. dark/dark. dea/dead. dea/death. drac/drac. dri/drink. en/tombed. evil/evil. fa/fang. fang/fang. grave/grave. gri/grim. grime/grimey. hau/haunt. hex/hex. horror/horror. it/it. ix/ix. kill/kill. mist/mist. mor/morbid. ne/nem. ni/nightlife. night/night. ny/nyx. pale/pale. phan/phantom. pyr/pyr. re/red. red/red. rot/rot. roy/royal. scare/scare. sharp/sharp. si/sire. spook/spooky. stake/stake. su/suck. syl/syl. teef/teeth. tomb/tomb. un/dead. un/un. undead/undead. upir/upir. va/vamp. vam/vamp. vamp/vamp. vamp/vampire. vampi/vampire. vampir/vampiric. vampire/vampire. vampy/vampyre. vampyre/vampyre. ve/vir. vex/vex. vile/vile. wi/wine. xi/xir.
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violetevermore24 · 2 months
A Different Pride
So this fic took longer than expected. I tried my best to write Cero here and probably failed miserably at it /lh. This is mainly because it's the first time I wrote an egotistical prick like Cero.
I tried to draw the two for this because why not? Plus it's fun to draw Cero ngl, even if it was a bit challenging.
The sour grape, Cero and Reiba belongs to @eldritch-spouse. Please support the amazing artist/writer, she deserves it for making me interested and simp for her characters! 😄
CW: Mentions of Forced Marriage; Cero is his own warning; Toxic relationship; Mention of Egg-preg; Choking
Heavy footsteps of the Queen of Pride echoed the hallways with the team of imp servants scuttering about and dutifully fulfilling their roles. His towering body felt like an intimidating giant in comparison, one that radiates respect and coldness, fitting for his role as a ruler. The additional permanent aloofness only serves to support it. He didn’t even need to use his sharp violet eyes to know that his presence made the servants’ bodies tense up like statues despite working for him for several months, which was understandable given their King has the patience of a spoiled toddler and the Queen has the aura that screams ‘Test my patience and you will regret it’. 
Everyone in the mansion could tell that there was tension between the royal couple, but none dared to say a peep.
Lucian, a name he gave himself for centuries, has long blonde hair tied to the back - showing his smooth square face and forced to wear a face-cringing and stuffy suit in purple and black to match his husband. It was one he hated wearing from the amount of sweat he’d accumulated within the past few hours, and being in a hot environment like Hell doesn’t help. 
The purple scales on his hand and arms itched with the temptation to lull him into scratching it. It took all of his willpower to reign himself on an imaginary leash so he wouldn’t try ripping off his clothes just to feel a semblance of coolness brushing through his muscular body. If he did that, Cero would be popping more veins than Lucian growing more strands of grey hair, and while the image was enticing, another round of unnecessary tantrums made him mentally shove it into the depths of his mind.
Quiet frankly, the existence of Cero being the King of Pride was an indirect mockery to Lucian who he considers himself to embody the sin. So much so, that he wants the world to smite the pale demon on his behalf. 
The long and wide hallway of the mansion was dawned in hues of purple and black, in contrast to Lucian’s castle that’s in white and purple. The expensive and high-quality pieces of furniture and decorations in every corner and inch of the place would make any lower class cry in awe. 
The walls hung the many paintings of the King with his familiar yet disgusting arrogance and sharp facial features that reflected the Pride Ring it represented. The dreaded atmosphere lingered on those braved enough to walk into its unwelcoming embrace that threatened to suffocate you of all your worth.
Always striving for perfection, was what Lucian can describe as his asshole of a husband. He could hardly remember how many times he wanted to knock Cero’s ego down a peg over the course of their marriage. Hell, he sometimes thought of railing him to submissiveness every time he opened his mouth, no matter how much the idea made him grimace. The fucking demon is really edging him this far. It’s almost impressive.
He had no one but himself to blame for his predicament. His cold heart thumped when Cero showed him the contract, albeit a corrupted one, but a good one nonetheless. The way he holds himself. The way he explains the process of the contract, simultaneously expresses his pride for his skills and intelligence. It was the ideal courtship he imagined, minus the kidnapping, and he fell hard for it. Even if he didn’t, it wasn’t like he had any other choice. From what he learned, Icons of Hell are forces that shouldn’t be trifled with, and he could get severely injured in the process. Even if he did won, he had to crawl himself out of Hell and getting more injured from other demons. Whether they care about the death of the Icon of Pride or not is up in the air and Lucian won't take his chances.
Because of these raging fantasies that will lead to his ending, his footsteps quicken to speed walking pace towards the library, causing many of the passing servants to sweat drop from the intense aura he emits mixed with his resting bitch face. It’s a sanctuary for him and the one place he can indulge in his hobby while pretending he isn’t stuck in a prison that he can’t escape from. 
For once, he can fantasize a life where he was in a “better” relationship.
With someone who doesn’t say his handmade violet gemstone, an indirect ‘I love you. so. fucking. much’, that it wouldn’t look “perfect” for any artificial trinket. The gall to insinuate a dragon’s gem won’t look magnificent unless it’s turned into a fucking accessory is a personal insult to its creator. Oh if only that demon understood how much he left a crack in his Queen’s heart that day.
Just say my gem is garbage, you fuck. He huffed, brushing his blonde hair back.
Sure, the gem was not perfect, but Lucian had made countless attempts to form his scales into gems in secret for over a month, many of which were wasted because it wasn’t up to his standards, until it was exactly how he wanted to look. All those tiring days to form a singular scale into a suitable gemstone for his mate. Even, the head servant was willing to help keep his project hush-hush from Cero and give her different flavors of puddings for compensation. 
The result was an almost palm-sized, smooth purple gem with slight bumps, shaped like an oval. He vividly remembered how his chest puffed up with pride at his creation.
The failed creations still sat in his personal bedroom drawer to this day as a reminder of his endeavor and that hell forsaken reaction.
A part of his mind reminded him that it was a Pride Demon’s love language, to make everything about them and show little vulnerability, but that went one ear and out the other. 
The cold air seeps through the faint crack of the large door and embraces the newcomer as the door is pushed open and rumbles through the large and grand library, filled with thousands of books and organized into their categories. Cero had demanded that all of the servants ensure that not a single book was misplaced or damaged, lest they want to face the wrath of the Icon. An act that Lucian appreciates, almost made the edges of his lips tug up when no one was looking.
While he scans through the various shelves, one section catches his eyes and widens like saucers. There’s an entire six rows of novels with a hardcover and arranged in their perspective genres. The humanoid dragon didn’t recall ever seeing this new section and he doubted Cero was the kind to read these books, trying to search his already old memories to find answers, until one event came to mind, a complaint that he made to his husband about the lack of novels in the library and got told that his taste in books was god awful. Another petty grudge to hold against him.
The frown turned upside, forming into a genuine, rare, warm smile, forgetting his frustrations with his pompous husband. “You exceeded my expectations once again” He humored himself, as he took a random novel off the shelf and sat near the windowsill, turning to the first page. 
Lucian was already planning out his quality time with Cero in his mind, while simultaneously flipping through the pages and reading the sentences. Maybe he should start creating his second gem. A “perfect” one this time.
A serene ambiance settles into the library that day……
Why does it feel like he forgot something?
Insecurity is an ugly feeling to have, especially for a proud demon. It will gnaw at them till they do something to prove that little whisper in their heads that whatever degradation it throws their way is completely wrong, a lie that should never be said in the first place. 
Unfortunately, Cero can’t entirely control how his feelings and mind operate. Ever since he successfully made Lucian his Queen with the contract, something he put all his blood, sweat, and tears into despite the haste, and feeling waves of euphoria from the smooth process and his obedient (he isn’t) inamorato following diligently to the lessons he planned out to be a fitting Queen of Pride.
When Lucian gifted him the gemstone he put equal blood, sweat, and tears into that Cero’s ego was stroked into a disgusting smarmy smile and chest puffed up to an obnoxious degree. Heck, he even kept the gemstone in a separate safe after admiring it like a love-struck teenager whose crush just gave him a love letter.
While he wished it was better quality, the fact his inamorato offered him physical proof of his race’s eternal love - after a lot of painful waiting on the demon’s side, was good enough. Shame, he missed the flash of hurt and anger that came when the pallid demon expressed how his lovely gem wouldn’t be fitting for any accessories. Apart from their soon-to-be new wedding rings.
He wanted to return that affection, but no matter what he does, no matter how much he shows off his talent, intelligence, and his monologue about how ‘he must be lucky to have him as his husband and King and saving him from that pig’s pen of a home’. Going as far as showing his much softer side to the stubborn dragon, yet he couldn’t make a dent in his Queen’s stubborn walls. It was as if he expected something from him but didn’t know what it is.
What is wrong with him? Is it part of the courtship? Why isn’t he giving his King his usual physical touch? The soft gazes? The genuine adoration? Why is he trying so damn hard to not show it!? Whirlwinds of countless questions without answers were eating the demon alive.
Cero’s sharp claw of his index finger taps away at his forearm, filling the halls with his frustrations that threaten to explode. 
Poor Reiba is standing near him like a deer in headlights, being careful with her pose and speech lest she wants to be ripped in half in this minefield. She was also confused why the Queen grew distant from Cero, but she figured it must’ve been a cultural difference or a miscommunication.
The door to the library was left slightly ajar, and only one person would do it. 
The cold air from the room made the pallid demon shudder, regretting ever implementing the cold stones into the library so his inamorato wouldn’t melt into a pathetic puddle while he was reading. “That idiot is still doing this?! How many times do I need to drill it into his pathetic excuse of a memory until he understands?!” 
Various images of how he will discipline his dumb Queen. Ranging from whipping to overstimulating till the dragon begged for him to stop with big fat tears. It caused his shaft to almost slip out of his slit at the mere thought of it. How embarrassing. 
The two demons brace themselves with cold resistance magic before entering the library. Cero strides elegantly towards the spot near the windowsill like it was second nature. 
“Is there something you need from me, Cero?” Lucian quips as he raises his head from the book. It’s always amusing to see Cero and Reiba shivering from the cold.
The pallid demon crossed his arms, glared daggers at the dragon, and a scowl plastered his white facade with patches of salmon. “You better have a good reason for leaving the door open again!” Ah here it is, his incessant whining. Classic.
Lucian internally scoffed at it, knowing full well that he did it on purpose to lure him here. Time to flatter him, much to the dragon’s dismay. “I’m so sorry, my beloved King. My carelessness has prevented me from being a worthy Queen to someone as handsome and amazing as you. Is it so wrong of me to wish to see your beautiful eyes and hear your voice that lulls me in like a siren?” He offers a small smile as an extra.
Gods above, he wants to gag and hurl from saying such cheesy lines. He couldn’t believe he stooped this low for self-preservation. 
The silence is all the answers he needs. He could see his chest puff up and a slight flush on his cheeks from his ego being preened. Even though Lucian could be bullshiting every word. 
Once Cero’s mood has been lifted, the dragon sees fit to clear up something. 
The Queen makes a hand gesture for Reiba to leave the two in private, knowing the aftermath could become worse if she stays and he cannot afford to have her get caught in the crossfire. 
The pale imp went still as statue, and glanced to her king for his input. Fortunately, Cero waves his hand to dismiss the head servant. It’s done out of curiosity and intrigue on the demon’s side, as Reiba leaves the library.
Once Lucian is sure that the two are alone, he’s the first to break the silence. “While you’re here, I want to clear a misunderstanding between us”
“A misunderstanding?” Cero raised an eyebrow. Attentively listening to what he has to say.
“I’m aware that dragons are rare species, let alone knowledge of us aside from mythologies humans created. The gem I gave you the other day. It’s why I want to explain that it’s used as a vessel to store energy for when the mother requires more stamina before labor to ensure a safe birth and usually the gem is eaten raw” He explains with his stoicness, letting it sink in.
A reminder that they can’t have a biological heir, at least to him. The demon’s face morphs into a look that says ‘So what?’ mixed with impatience and offense. “That’s it?” 
Lucian didn’t think Cero would be this oblivious to the message, but he’s not complaining. If anything, the dragon is internally elated for the grand reveal. One that will surely dig his own grave. “I wish to save this last information until I create a second gem for you, my beautiful King. But since you’re curious….” 
“Get to it already! I don’t have all day!” 
“The gem is also used as an artificial egg for same-sex couples. The process simply needs you to shove the gem into your anus and I-” 
Cero immediately grabbed Lucian’s neck in a blink of an eye before he could finish the sentence. The former’s sharp claws, which he diligently filed and maintained to perfection, are threatening to pierce through the skin. If it was possible, Cero’s face went redder than Kalymir’s entire body and radiating that same anger as he does but more mellow and dangerous. Despite this, Lucian’s aloofness never wavered, only making the demon’s blood pressure skyrocket to the moon. 
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“Choose your next words carefully, pet” The venom is clear as crystal.
“My next words are exactly as I implied, my beloved King. I want to see you glow as the sun when you bear our heir” A rare soft gaze and smile stretch his face. A dragon will not back down without a fight. 
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A Flower With Petals of Flame: Part one (Eris x reader Rhys's sister)
Warnings: Injuries and murder and mentions of trauma
I'm so excited this one won the vote! So as Y/n returns to the world of the living, she has to decide whether to save the male who caused her, and her mother's murders, or save him.
Part two
Tag list: open
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I screamed as I fell to the ground, my head fuzzy and my stomach churning.
What had happened?  I had been walking along, trying to form a plan for…
I take a deep breath, the crisp air and smell of roses pushing into my nostrils.  I look at the small grass clearing that makes me tense, memories of terror flitting through my head.
This was the Spring court.  Somehow- somehow I was back among the living.  Landing right back where my and my mother’s lives had been taken from us.
“Please!  Please spare my darling girl!” My mother cries as she’s shoved to the ground, the little lords or spring preparing their weapons, the high lord of spring holding a giant ax as he watches.
I look to Tamlin with tears in my eyes, pleading with him, “Tam, please.  Please don’t let them hurt us.”
He looks away, ashamed.
It wasn’t him who was about to lose his life though.
I snap back into reality, hearing voices in the distance.  My first instinct is to climb into a tree, wait for them to pass.
But I can hear the angry tones, and I force myself to be silent as I slip through the trees to see where the commotion is coming from.
“Look at this, the High Lord of Spring, on his knees before us.”  A cruel male voice said, and I peeked through the foliage to see Tamlin on his knees before a bunch of men, snarling with an arrow in his leg and shoulder.
They looked as if they were laced with faebane.
I wasn’t breathing.  He was kneeling there, just as my mother and I had before him and his family.
I could just leave him there, to his fate.  Let him die the way he had let us die.
But… my feet wouldn’t move.
I had only just been brought back to life, and I was already about to get myself killed again.
The only thing was that I wasn’t the same weak girl who had died here before.
I searched about, quickly finding a large, heavy rock.
And threw it right at the leader of the group, striking him right in the temple.
“Leave him alone.”  I said, lowering my voice in an attempt to hide my identity.  I could have used my magic, but that would have been even more telling than my voice.
The males unsheathed their sword, looking for where my voice had come from, and Tamlin stilled.
Please, please don’t recognise me.
“Show yourself you wretch!”  The male whom I had hit with the rock snarled, spinning around.
I shifted so I was better hidden.  I had no weapons, and against three males who each had at least two weapons…
I should have come up with a better plan.
“How about you show your face you coward!”  He continued to shout, but I just smiled as I saw the red haired male who appeared behind him.
Watching as Lucian killed the leader, Tamlin throwing off the two males that were holding him down, I couldn’t help but notice how much they had changed, how different they were then I had seen them last.  Lucian had a metal eye now, his face holding more trauma than it had when I knew him.
Tamlin… Even as he killed the last of the males, looked tired and broken.  He looked as if he was already half dead.
I watch as they look at the dead males, with coats of bone white, the color of Hybren.
But the king of Hybren is dead.
So who were they following?
I hold my breath, all thoughts on pause as Lucian eyes land on my hiding spot, his metal eye whirring.
Mother above, could he see me?
“Would you like to come join us, or were you planning to wait until we were distracted?”  Lucian asked, the words cautious and sharp.
I tense up as Tamlin looks my way too.
I bit my lip, I could run away, and I could surely outrun Tamlin.
But maybe not Lucian.
Taking a calming breath, I step out into the small clearing, were both males stood there, shock keeping them both silent.
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Replaced or not?
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Part-1 Part-2 Part-3
For summary n details check out part-1
Pairing: Obey me character x mc!
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"I really despise her, she gives me creepy vibes ngl " Dandil said.
"Yeah she's like ugh, if only the brothers had spend time with you they would've seen how much better you are!!" Ebella joined
"But it's a good thing they haven't we get to keep you all to ourselves" Norain said hugging you as you giggled at their clingy behaviour.
Dandil is a demon succubus. Ebella is another demon that holds the sin of greed. And Norain she's another average level envy demon.
I've been friends with them since I came here ..... actually I've been friends with almost all the demons here...diavolo has also praised me for it.
We chatted as our recess bell rang once again.
"what's your class ?" They all mused .
"......... mathematics" i groaned as they did too . They groaned because it's one of the subject we're not together.
My mathematics class go with Satan , Levi , and mammon and unfortunately Run hai. There's only one class i don't have with her and that is magic. The only good thing run hai has done so far is that she's able to bring Levi school......offline.
You sighed as you thought 'i still have Satan thou' but all that went to waste as you saw run hai was sitting beside Satan and was trying so hard to get him to talk. Satan saw you entering the class and eyed you in apology . You understand thou....not like you can do anything. You took and empty seat and sat down and took your notebook out try to do the homework you didn't do at HOL. (Cause like same bro)
"Oi human!! Liste-"
"I don't have any Grimm to spare mammon so you can go"
"The great mammon isn't here to ask for gri-!!"
Before mammon could say anything another person sat behind you.
You tensed and went stiffed bodied as you don't know this demon and you could easily die by his hands . You peeked from under your eyelashes and saw mammon was stiffed bodied as well.
"Lucien...grr" mammon growled at him . Thou unfortunately the professor asked him to go back to his seat. Now Levi , mammon and Satan all were eyeing you like you really are going to die.
"i don't like this..." You muttered under your breathe.
"Oh but I do very much darling~" the said demon beside you smirked and grins showing his sharp canine.
"I'm Lucien ". (This is how he looks)
You tensed . "Ah-i-i didn't meant that about yo-you" you stuttered as you tried to not look at him-
"Look at me when I'm talking to you love~" well damn. You looked from under your lashes and boy were you charmed.......no literally you couldn't move .....you tried but you couldn't he did something you are sure.
'move, move , move damn it MOVE!!'
"HAA-" You breathe in the air as you moved again .
"is something wrong mc?" "Sir i do not feel quite well...maybe I can go early please?"
"yes you may...it must be hard being a human " the professor said with a sympathetic smile and went back to teaching.
You packed your stuff and give a look to Satan . He nodded his head. As you just went to pick up your bag you froze again.
You could see this Lucian guy moving but you could not . You watched in horror as he grabbed you immobile wrist and did something that burner your hand in pain . When he removed his hand to your horror there was a bracelet like mark on your wrist now. (The mark)
"hah hah!" You panted and ran away from RAD and made your way toh HOL.
The main door creaked as you enter . Waiting for you in the hall was Lucifer. 'huh why is he here didn't he have to do sone stupid council work or something '
"Don't worry i was already informed about your health , care to explain what happened? Why were you suddenly unwell? Did you ate something bad?"
"What? NO!! What do you think happened? And whatever happened to me is none of your concern ...Run hai is still at RAD you should go back she might need you " you spat at him
'why does he care now huh'
"Of course it is my concern you are under my protection-"
"Yeah so much for protection Whatever" you ignored him and tried to went past him . But he grabbed your wrist.
The same one that had the mark . And it was still hurting .
You howled in pain and Lucifer immediately let go. His eye scanned your wrist and he let out a gasp upon seeing the mark.
"What is the meaning of this?" Suddenly he was in his demon form and you knew that you fucked up . And you fucked up very very bad.
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[A/N]: oooohhh we fucked up didn't we ෆ⁠╹⁠ ⁠.̮⁠ ⁠╹⁠ෆ. Also i introduced an oc . The art is not mine thou!!
Comments are appreciated!
Thank you for reading!!
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aziraphales-library · 8 months
I’m not looking for any specific fics, but Season 2, for some reason, has me itching for Really Rich Aziraphale and Escort!Crowley. Maybe Businessman!Aziraphale??
You can check our #sugar daddy au and #sex worker crowley tags for fics you'll enjoy. Here are more in which Aziraphale is a man of means...
The Hand That Feeds You by saretton & TawnyOwl95 (E)
1950s. When Dr Fell takes on queer sex worker Anthony Crowley to help with his illicit research on the physiological aspects of homosexuality, neither of them had imagined that things were about to get so personal. The things one does for science.
Prince and a Prostitute are so titled when chained together by Augenblickgotter (E)
Crowley is a smart streetwise and very attractive prostitute that had been working his trade in the commune of Tadfield. Life took a sharp turn for his line work and is even harder now that his chained in a dungeon with injuries. A naïve young high class man enter his life and may or may not be the key to escape, even if they can't seem to stand each other. Initially.
Love For Sale by ranguvar82 (E)
Baron Aziraphale Fell has no time nor inclination to form any sort of relationship. He simply wants sex. To that end, he routinely hires a monthly companion. This way, there's no strings, no feelings, and no problems. This routine has served him well. But then Madam Tracy, the owner of the brothel he frequents the most, sells him Anthony Crowley, and the Baron can't help but be fascinated by the fiery redhead. Anthony is a Rose, a highly trained and skilled escort. He knows just how to behave, how to be Baron Fell's perfect companion and lover. He just wishes he knew what to do about the fact that his heart races every time Baron Fell smiles at him. A tale of love for sale, love for rent, and how even the most jaded can still fall.
what i call life (what would you do?) by Vagabond (E)
Crowley lives a life of indentured servitude to Lucifer, a man who runs an escort and companion service. His life is one client after another, until a man named Aziraphale Fell hires him to be a companion at a sibling's wedding. Crowley had no idea that this chance encounter would put him on a path to freedom, and, just maybe, to finding love.
The Prince's Consort by IneffableToreshi (E)
Anthony Crowley has spent the majority of his life in Lucian's brothel, being specially trained and kept 'pure' for his eventual master. When he is finally purchased - despite Lucian's true wishes - he finds his world being very dramatically turned on its head. Not only has he been purchased for the man who will be the most powerful in the kingdom, but he also, unexpected, finds himself falling head over heels in love.
Temple of the Muses by AJ_Constantine (E)
It’s the start of the Season in 1841 Victorian England. Mr Anthony Crowley has left a life of working at a luxurious high end bordello in Paris behind him and is now a courtesan intent on climbing the social ladder in London to increase his status and social connections. After unexpectedly inheriting the title of the Earl of Eastgate, Aziraphale finds himself trying to navigate the complicated world of the aristocracy. Duke Gabriel purchases a month-long contract with Mr Crowley for Lord Fell as a surprise gift to Aziraphale’s astonishment and dismay. He declines to take full advantage of Crowley’s charms but agrees to an arrangement of pretending to be Crowley’s paramour in exchange for lessons on the etiquette and expectations of Society. It’s a practical arrangement, nothing more. Certainly no feelings will be involved...
- Mod D
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midnightsun-if · 2 months
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Since some of you have been curious about the ROs parents, I thought I’d just make a comprehensive list for you all! It’ll also help me in having something to easily reference back to when it’s needed.
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Arthur Kingston — Father
Personality: Holds a great love for the outdoors — fishing, gardening, bird watching, etc — there isn’t anything like being surrounded by the crisp air of nature. A steadfast presence, never wavering or faltering, Arthur stands by his family through any storm; always willing to be a rock, always willing to shoulder their burdens if it meant they’d smile just a bit brighter.
Appearance: Standing at around 6’6”, Arthur has a lumberjack physique — strong but still looking huggable. Medium brown skin causes the gold within his honey brown eyes to stand out, complementing the dark black of his curly hair; that he typically cuts short, only ever allowing it to grow out during the winter months.
Ursula Kingston — Mother
Personality: Stricter than her husband, Ursula expects order and discipline within her house, but, despite that, she’s extremely loving and never feels more at peace than when her cubs are with her. Even if she’s hard to read at times, and her barking orders can be quite intimidating, there’s nothing she wouldn’t do for her family. The absolute epitome of a mama bear.
Appearance: With a taller stature, around 6’3”, Ursula has a stout physique. Medium brown skin complements the sharp brown of her gaze, allowing for her dark brown curls, that she typically has styled to just beneath her chin, to stand out elegantly. She’s a woman that exudes strength and serenity in equal measures.
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Alaric Voltaire — Father
Personality: Alaric is a steadfast man that doesn’t take failure lightly. To some he can seem cruel — even to his own family — but he’s deeply committed to the vampiric race; ensuring its continued survival well into the future. He’s cunning, ambitious, perceptive, and, above all, intelligent enough to use the aforementioned traits of himself like weapons.
Appearance: He’s an imposingly tall man, standing at around 6’9”, with a muscular physique. Chilling sea green eyes, that are reminiscent of an endless winter, offsets the almost boyish onyx curls that frame his face, the longest of which falls to just over his shoulders; bringing focus to the dips of his cheeks and sharpness of his jaw. He has a fair complexion.
Yvonne Voltaire — Step Mother — ⟡
Personality: Yvonne, despite what some may expect, is a gently soft-spoken woman that offsets the chill her husband constantly brings. However, don’t let her sweet smiles and docile disposition fool you — there’s a reason she caught Alaric’s eyes enough for him to marry her. She’s a woman that would do anything to get what she wants or to protect her family.
Appearance: Dwarfed by her husband by a foot, as she stands only at 5’9”, Yvonne makes up for it by the general aura of her presence upon entering a room. Golden white hair falls to the middle of her back in waves, bringing out the honeyed undertone to her porcelain complexion, and complementing the ocean blue of her gaze. She has a slender build with a light musculature.
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Lucian Aurelia — Father
Personality: He’s the kind of man to be in the middle of court with his child proudly situated on his thigh. Family, to him, has always meant the most — it’s fortunate that his wife has a propensity for dealing with the nobles and dignitaries. Soft-hearted and soft spoken, it’s of no surprise that many liken him to a teddy bear.
Appearance: Standing at a modest 5’6”, King Lucian has never let what he lacks vertically influence him the slightest. Thick honey-blonde locks of hair fall across his a beige-toned forehead, always being met with a flippant comb-through by his fingers, which brings out the warm gold within his gaze; crimson rarely ever making an appearance. From days of throwing his children into the air, or practicing with his guard, or running through the halls of the palace in a game of tag, King Lucian has developed a rather buff physique.
Elena Aurelia — Mother
Personality: She puts her responsibilities to the Eclipse Throne above all — even if it means she’s absent at times — but Elena has never wavered in shielding her children from any harm; even if her husband is the one they typically go to. Having a quick wit, paired with a silver tongue, and an attention to detail, Elena has done much for the supernatural world as a whole.
Appearance: Queen Elena stands at around 6’4”, her tall stature complementing her lithe physique. Raven black hair, that seems iridescent underneath the sun, falls down to her hips in a beautiful cascade; bringing out the pink hue of her full lips. Golden tanned skin causes the crimson within her dual-colored gaze to stand out, but the soft aureate quality acts as a gentle backdrop.
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Dante Grant — Father
Personality: An apex predator, if there was ever one. Dante Grant enjoys the thrill of the hunt, the anticipation that thrums through his being, bloodlust coursing through his veins. He’s sadistic, only rarely showing mercy, but even then you’d probably wish you were dead, and revels in the fear he instills in others. It’s an intoxicating drug that he’ll forever chase the high of.
Appearance: An intimidating man standing at 6’8”, with an olive complexion. Black hair is styled neatly, with the sides cropped short and the top a bit longer, sometimes causing the strands to fall across his forehead. He has dark brown, nearly black, eyes that are as cold as obsidian. Dante has numerous tattoos: both his arms have sleeves, across his chest, and on the left side of his neck. He has a muscular physique.
Lucinda Grant — Mother — ⟡
Personality: Many who meet Lucinda Grant liken her to a viper with one key difference; a viper doesn’t smile before it strikes. Getting people to do her bidding isn’t a challenge — her powers of persuasion making it easy for people to listen; never realizing they’re being played. She’s said to not have a gentle bone in her body, but it’s an unspoken rule to never mess with her pups.
Appearance: Lucinda stands at 6’2”, having a lean physique that belies the strength her lupine form possesses. Dark brown hair, that has soft curls strewn throughout, falls to her shoulder blades, always elegantly styled and maintained. Her golden-olive toned complexion brings out the sapphire blue of her gaze, filled with a cunning intelligence.
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Deimos Wilde — Father
Personality: Emotionally unavailable (read: awkward) is one way to put him. He doesn’t truly know how to convey the thoughts within his head into words, which is why they typically translate into actions; even said action is only a pat on the shoulder. Extremely loyal, willing to lay down his life for the pack, he’s tough and won’t ever back down from a fight.
Appearance: Deimos stands at around 6’0”, with an athletic physique. Golden brown skin — marked with a few tattoos — brings out the sharp black of his gaze, the left one being a stony gray — a scar running through the brow to the top of his cheek — after a fight gone wrong. Ebony black hair is cropped short; another scar running from the base of his skull, a little behind his right ear, to the top of his shoulder. He takes great pride in the scars dotted across his body as they showcase his willingness to sacrifice for his pack.
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Lyraea Noire — Mother
Personality: One never truly know what’s going on within her mind; a master at carefully choosing her words to never fully commit, or implicate, herself, but still offering some substance to keep someone interested. Flirtatious and seductive, common qualities among succubi and incubi, Lyraea seems to exemplify it — a goddess among them… One that many have tried, and failed, to tie down. Her only true commitment being to that of being a mother.
Appearance: With an hourglass figure, Lyraea complements her stature with the heels that typically adorn her feet; bringing her height of 5’11” to upwards of 6’3”. Shimmering purple eyes, that are reminiscent of an amethyst, bring out the gold within her silvery-blonde hair, allowing for her golden tanned complexion to stand out even more; her skin marked by three tattoos.
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Nathaniel Presley — Father — ⟡
Personality: An inquisitive nature is the first thing anyone would take note when it comes to Nathaniel Presley — an undeniable thirst to learn more, to find out the hidden wonders of the world — it’s that exact that he’s passed off to his child. He adores the world and all the wonders it brings — from a mighty waterfall, to a delicate butterfly, and a rolling storm — with an almost childlike sense of awe.
Appearance: Not standing much taller than his wife at about 5’5”. Light brown hair typically falls haphazardly across his forehead, as he typically forgets to style it, which complements the tanned complexion of his skin. Gentle hazel eyes taking in the world from behind thin-rimmed glasses. He has a slender physique.
Althea Presley — Mother
Personality: Home cooked meals and big family gatherings are the crux of who Althea is; extremely family oriented, she’d break her back if it meant getting everything prepared for everyone to enjoy. With a gentle, yet firm, touch, she doesn’t play around when it comes to academics and hobbies, but she’d always support her children in their endeavors — no matter what.
Appearance: Having a stature of only 5’0”, Althea truly brings life to the phrase “tiny but mighty”. Golden brown hair falls to just over shoulders, bringing out the golden undertone to her beige complexion, and complementing the underlying gray within her cobalt blue gaze. She has a petite physique.
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⟡ — Symbolizes the RO prefers them over the other; if it’s not included then they don’t have a favorite (or don’t prefer one over the other).
Important Note: Caden has been excluded as they don’t have any (living) parents — and referencing their family in general is spoilers. Blake’s other parent is a mystery in general and Sloane’s family is complicated in general (the only one I can truly reference being their father).
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nursesharkinfirmary · 4 months
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ִֶָ࣪𓂃 * -` 🦇 ´- vampire npts 🩸 ㅤׂㅤ⭒
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─ 𖦹 ˙ ̟Names
Sanguine, Vampette, Batsy, Bram, Drusilla, Ambrose/Ambrosia, Marceline, Elisabeta, Vladimir, Laura, Count, Frederick, Selene, Lucian/Lucina, Thorn, Umbral, Yves, Lysander, Maeve
─ 𖦹 ˙ ̟Pronouns
Mirror Pronouns, Vamp/Vamp's, Bite/Bite's, Fang/Fang's, Drac/Drac's, Claw/Claw's, Moon/Moon's, Growl/Growl's, 🖤/🖤's, 🫀/🫀's, 🦇/🦇's, 🕸/🕸's, 🍷/🍷's, 🏰/🏰's, 🌑/🌑's, 🩸/🩸's, ⚰️/⚰️'s
─ 𖦹 ˙ ̟Titles
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(Pref Royal Title) of the Night, (Prn) who Drinks from the Living, The Esteemed Count, (Prn) with Razor Sharp Fangs, The Undead Eccentric
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piotrek-chomik · 4 months
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I should draw it for real
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dragonedged-if · 2 years
My Second Interactive Novel
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Dragon's Edged is an interactive novel, about a Author of a IF died and reincarnated to their own IF.
There are 4 love interest for you to choose from, 2 males and females each with their own past and secrets for you to learn!
(Note: The RO's are not final. I might add more in the near future and that no romance is not a option. Also, I want this novel open as much as possible not restricting itself to the medieval time era or any kind of era. For example, I might put modern music in the novel.)
(Warning: 18+ The story includes the following: Violence, , self-doubt, cliché's and many more will be added in the future.)
Demo: Prologue To Chapter 5, Discord
A mournful voice echoes through the room, as a figure gazes into a shattered mirror and sees a crowd surrounding a lifeless body. They brush away tears and make a swift gesture, causing the mirror to vanish and leaving them alone with their thoughts. "I must prepare for the ritual," they mutter, feeling the weight of responsibility heavy on their shoulders.
Lost in contemplation, they are suddenly interrupted by a loud crash as their door is thrown open. Furious at the intrusion, they turn to scold the person responsible, only to see Lucian standing there with a troubled expression.
"What is it?" they inquire, confusion evident in their voice. Lucian's somber tone and sorrowful gaze give them pause. "I had to be sure," he says quietly, his words hanging heavily in the air. Curiosity piqued, Lucille can't help but wonder what Lucian has discovered that has him so distraught.
The siblings were divine beings, with the ability to sense every life that was extinguished on Earth. She, the Goddess of Life, and he, the God of Fertility. But the question lingered in her mind - why were their roles reversed? Was it expected for a woman to oversee fertility? Despite this, they both carried out their duties with unwavering dedication.
Suddenly, she noticed a tearful expression on her brother's face as he blurted out his inquiry. "What is it, my Brother?" she asked with sharp eyes. But she was taken aback when he sobbed, "My favorite author has passed away!" Lucille couldn't help but sigh in exasperation and cover her face with her hand. "Oh, brother…" feeling a mix of annoyance and amusement at his display of grief.
You were once a renowned IF writer, but that title now seems like a distant memory. Your game, "Dragon's Edged," was a masterfully crafted tale of a protagonist imbued with the power and burden of a dragon's soul. But the dragon in your story wasn't one to make things easy for the MC - it was ruthless and stubborn, always seeking to kill them at any opportunity. Despite the challenges, you finished the game and released it to the world. To your surprise, it was immensely popular on "Rumblr" and gained a huge following. But then tragedy struck - an accident took your life, leaving your memories hazy and your spirit confused. As you try to come to terms with your sudden departure from the realm of the living, fragments of memory start to piece together. You remember walking out of the bakery with a cake in hand, ready to celebrate your father's birthday with your family.
You were walking down the street when a young girl suddenly stepped out in front of a speeding car. The next thing you knew, your world went dark and you couldn't remember anything that happened afterwards. But then, amidst the blackness, a melodic voice spoke to you and informed you that you would be reborn. Not only that, but you would be reincarnated into the world of your favorite story. It's a bittersweet feeling, leaving behind your old life for a new one, albeit fictional. But there's no going back now, and as they say, beggars can't be choosers - especially if they're already with the dead.
"A walk in the park!" you proudly declare your epitome of greatness, confident in your knowledge of every twist and turn in the story.
But then a sudden voice shatters your moment of triumph.
"Wait, there's one more thing!" it interjects.
"You know the IF you thought you knew? The Gods have rewritten it!"
"Oh!" your heart races with fear and wonder.
For life would lose its thrill and spark, if everything came with ease and bark. Don't you agree, oh dear Reader of mine? That challenges and strife make life divine?(But Nah, I just want to screw MC's life even more LMAO 😂🤣)
Pick your MC's gender
*Customize your MC's physical appearance.
*Make choices that will affect the story and the people around you.
*Choose your class and mastery.
*Can you find love among the characters that you created? Know their new story, see what makes them tick. 2 males and 2 females with their own personality.
*Will you follow the story that is dictated in the book or will you make your own narrative.
*Battle liches, dark knights, tackle conspiracy and many more!.
*Oh! A surprise character will be waiting for you in the story!
Romance Options:
"Clara Dacre, The Royal Princess"
"Do not envy the life of a monarch, for it is not all glamour and spark. Like a flower that wilts without rain, the weight of duty causes great strain.?
Physical Appearance:
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In the kingdom, there is no one quite like the Royal Heir to the throne, Clara. She is the eldest of her brothers and the one who will one day rule the kingdom. At first glance, she appears a little shy, but once you get on her good side, the two of you can talk for hours with tea, of course! However, something is amiss - did you just watch her behead an enemy? It seems the gods have done her dirty by changing her sweet and kind attitude into something feisty and ferocious.
Do not underestimate her gentle nature, for Clara is a fierce and formidable warrior on the battlefield. Raised by her parents to defend against any potential threats(I forgot to mention with Lucas being her part time coach! Sheesh!), she exudes courage and fearlessness in every fight, willing to lay down her life for her cause. To Clara, her royal status is a mere hindrance to her true passions and pursuits - she much prefers taking matters into her own hands rather than being confined to a throne all day. She will stop at nothing to ensure the safety of her future kingdom, eradicating any who dare threaten its peace and prosperity.
Despite her title as princess, Clara defies all expectations of a noble lady. She is the embodiment of scandal and temptation, unbound by royal constraints. With a reputation as the kingdom's infamous trickster, she relishes in ruffling feathers and causing chaos. But beneath her playful facade lies a woman brimming with fire and vitality. She is fearless and outspoken, not constrained by societal norms but driven by pure pleasure and adventure. Her desires and passions guide her unapologetic actions, whether it be pursuing a new interest or indulging in a romantic liaison.
"Do you have what it takes to tame her untamed spirit? To match her sharp wit and irresistible charm? The one who can make her erupt with laughter, blush with desire, and moan in pleasure? But can you also capture her heart and make her yours for eternity? Can you withstand the trials and treachery that come with loving the Royal Heir, whose enemies are many and admirers countless? Are you bold enough to prove your love and earn her unwavering trust?"
"With a personality that will leave you in awe, captivated, and entranced, this character will ignite your senses and invigorate your spirit. Her fierce demeanor and playful spirit will keep you on the edge of your seat, craving more of her every move, every touch, every kiss. Can you handle the challenge of taming this rebellious princess? Or will you succumb to her siren song like so many before? The choice is yours, but be warned - she may just steal your heart in the and break it in the process."
"Lucas Pierce, The Royal Bodyguard Of The Princess"
Physical Appearance:
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"Amidst this world of foes and deceit, I trust only my own feet. With caution and suspicion, I tread, for allies are earned, not simply said. So beware and be warned, for I am the judge and jury, And those who betray me will surely face my rightful fury."
In the realm of Rumblr, there is no individual more enigmatic and savage than Lucas. Despite his cruel tendencies, he remains the most adored and sought-after figure by his loyal Lucas-mancer(Namely, you). As the protector of the princess, Lucas exudes a piercing gaze that could cut through solid metal, and a menacing aura that surrounds him at all times. His unpredictable nature means he disregards hierarchy and social status. To him, if you pose a threat, he will not hesitate to bring you down, even if it means facing off against the most renowned figures in the kingdom.
As those who dare cross him quickly learn that he plays by his own rules. In this treacherous land, Lucas reigns supreme as the ultimate enigma
Doubtful do you? Not even the princess's closest confidants or her own comrades are immune to his scrutiny and interrogation before gaining an audience. Lucas is fiercely dedicated, meticulous, and swift in his actions - a master of the blade. But beneath his hardened facade, lies a deep sense of solitude that only the princess can ease.(Well, in his case only those he allows to ease his loneliness LOL!)
Can you convince him that there is more to life than his job? That there is love to be found in the world, and that he is worthy of it? not interested in making friends or finding lovers, as he is entirely focused on his role as the Royal Protector. But as you spend more time with him, you notice something different about him - a vulnerability that he keeps hidden from the world, before he shuts himself again and much more fortified than before, cementing the cracks you made to his defenses.
"Will you be to thaw his icy heart and reveal the beauty of life to him? Will you be the only person to see past his apathy, unearthing his tender side? The only one who can ignite a spark in him, making him experience joy and emotion once more? Are you brave enough to break down his barriers and touch his very soul? Can you make him understand that there is more to life than work, and that he is deserving of love? Or will he push you away and keep you at arm's length, never allowing anyone to get too close to him again?"
"Get ready to be swept away by a character whose intensity will leave you breathless and mystery will keep you on the edge of your seat. He is a challenge you can't resist, a thrill you can't deny, and a danger you can't resist. With just one look, he will ignite a fire in you that burns hotter than anything you've ever felt before. Can you win his heart and claim it as your own? Or will you become just another obstacle in his path of seclusion?"
"Lucian, The God Of Fertility"[M]
Physical Appearance:
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"Your story, dear Author, is my dream come true. To be a part of it, that's all I want to do. I'll cherish each word, each page, each line. Being a character in your tale would truly be divine"
In the realm of the gods, there is one who stands out among the rest - the God of Fertility, Lucian. But the question remains, why is a man in charge of such an important department? It's not often you see men in this role, but Lucian doesn't seem to mind. In fact, he loves his job and performs it with enthusiasm.
He is the one who blesses the land with abundance, the animals with offspring, and the people with children. He is the one who makes the world a more beautiful and joyful place. But he is also a man who loves to have fun and enjoy himself. He is a fanboy and a friend.
Lucian is not your typical god. He does not act like a solemn and serious deity, but like a cheerful and playful child. He is always smiling, laughing, and joking around, making everyone around him feel at ease. He does not care about status or rank, but only about happiness and friendship. He is friendly to everyone he meets, and he treats them with kindness and respect.
But Lucian’s favorite person in the world is you - the MC, his beloved author. He is your biggest fan, your most loyal supporter, and your most devoted admirer. He reads every word you write, he leaves likes and comments on every post, he sends you gifts and messages of encouragement. He loves your stories, your characters, your imagination.
When you die, Lucian is heartbroken. He mourns your loss, he misses your presence, he longs for your return. But when you are reincarnated and come back to life, Lucian is overjoyed. He rejoices in your resurrection, he celebrates your comeback, he welcomes you with open arms.
Lucian’s love for you is pure, sincere, and unconditional. He will always be there for you, to support you, to protect you, to cheer you up. He will always be faithful to you, to respect you, to admire you, to cherish you.
He's goodwill, childish antics, and friendly nature make it easy to trust him. But could there be something more to his affable demeanor? Is there a hidden agenda behind his loyalty to the MC? Only time will tell.
Can you return his love? Can you envision him as anything other than a fanboy or a platonic companion? Are you willing to embrace him as a romantic partner or equal? Lucian's journey will evoke laughter, tears, and butterflies in your stomach. His wit and charisma will captivate you, while his talents and strengths (Seriously! Don't rely on his god-like abilities) will leave you in awe.
"Prepare to fall deeply in love with his character. The unwavering loyalty and fierce protectiveness he shows towards his beloved author will melt your heart. His carefree nature will captivate you, and his clever wit will leave you in fits of laughter. But don't be fooled by his playful facade, for within him lies a powerful and competent god who will stop at nothing to ensure the safety and happiness of those he holds dear. Who knows maybe soon enough he will be having you writing a snippet about the two of you?"
"Songixoninne(Variel), The Raging Inferno"[F]
Physical Appearance:
Left: This is her human looks without the draconic traits.
Right: Just a interpretation on how she will look like if I managed to add her dragon traits.
The tattoos, scales and sharp fingers, the red slits for eyes, etc.
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"Oh pitiful humans, so frail and meek. How dull and mundane, your existence I abhor. Oh how I long for a challenge, yearning for an equal rival and a worthy foe , to match my strength and bring me woe, to truly thrive and to establish my sovereignty, that will be my drive."
You have braved endless perils and faced insurmountable challenges, but none can match the terror that is Variel. This dragon has left a trail of destruction and despair across countless worlds, earning the wrath of gods and mortals alike. And now, her cursed soul is irrevocably tied to yours, forcing you to share a fate with the most vile being in existence.
But as you finally confront this fearsome creature, you come to realize that she is more than just a monster. She is a dragoness with a name that strikes fear into the hearts of all who hear it, and her cruel and contemptuous demeanor makes her an unbearable presence. With sadistic delight, she inflicts torture upon you, using her immense power to dominate you as a ruthless tyrant. And yet, even as she mocks and belittles you at every turn, there is something alluring and intriguing about this wicked dragon.
Yet, despite her evil, you find yourself drawn to Variel. She is clever and witty, making you chuckle or cry with her sarcasm and dark humor. She is fierce and proud, showing off her skills in magnificent and flashy feats of magic. She is blunt and honest, telling you what she thinks without holding back or lying.
And as you journey with her, you begin to see hints of something else. A softness hidden under her hard shell, a warmth buried under her cold words, a yearning concealed under her fierce gaze. Could it be that she is falling for you? Or is it just another scheme to satisfy her twisted urges?
Despite her flaws, the dragoness exudes an irresistible allure, drawing you in with her charm and fierce energy. But can you withstand the barbs and jabs that come with being in her presence? Will you dare to challenge her, igniting her fiery temper? Or will you succumb to her, falling for the once-enemy now companion who holds your heart in her claws? Allowing her to have dominion over your emotion and soul!
"Enter into a world of unbridled pain and thrilling adventure as you uncover her story. Brace yourself for the whirlwind of emotions that come with encountering her complex persona, adorned with sadistic tendencies and domineering ways. You'll be simultaneously drawn in by her irresistible charm and terrified by her dangerous allure. From antagonist to ally, this dragoness will captivate you, leaving you desperate for more. Will you emerge victorious, or will Variel revel in your demise while you scream in agony? The choice is yours."?"
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nightingaleif · 1 year
genre: YA, drama, romance, mystery, urban fantasy, monsters, private academy
Inspiration: Wednesday, Monsterhearts, Euphoria, Locke and Key
Your family name is known for all the wrong reasons. Still, much shock spreads when you are brought before the authorities. The charge? Attempted manslaughter.
The father you have so reviled for his neglect proves useful. He pulls strings and calls for favours and within a fortnight, the charges are dropped.
But you can't stay at home, where you will forever be seen as the kid who got away with murder. Instead, your father sends you off -whether you want to or not- to the Obsidian Academy, which he also attended at your age.
The Obsidian Academy is grim and dark, as if from a whole other era. The residents of the halls are just as peculiar and secretive. Why does your roommate have scratch marks on their wall? Is it your idea or does the Queen Bee have concerningly sharp fangs? And why does everyone keep calling you a 'nightingale'?
Don't get too comfortable yet. For a dark force roams these halls. More and more bodies wind up dead and who knows who will be next? With your reputation and the disappearances starting just when you arrived, you are at the top of everyone's list...
Nightingale is rated 18+ for inappropriate language, sexual themes, use of substances, depictions of violence. (More will be added to the list of trigger warnings as I add more scenes)
Solve a murder mystery with twists and turns. Supernatural of not, the threat of the serial killer is true and ever present. Everyone is in danger. Everyone is a suspect. Even you.
Delve into the secrets of the Obsidian Academy and its residents. Young adults are a mess. Monsters even more so. You would be wise to watch your step, lest the Lady of the Night sinks her fangs in you. Unless you want that of course.
Discover your past. What is your father hiding from you? What happened to your mother? Why do some teachers look upon you with such recognition in their eyes? And what happened that fateful night when you almost claimed a life?Find out what a nightingale is. What it means for you, your relation to the creatures of the night and your fate.
Romance a variety of characters! From the cheery roommate, who mysteriously disappears every full moon, to the Queen Bee whose fangs scare and thrill you, to your guardian angel with horns and even the guy you almost murdered!
Romantic Options
The Roommate: Mace/Macy Walker (gender selectable)
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M has welcomed you with open arms into the Obsidian Academy- and into their room. You are sharing a dorm room and so far they have gone out of their way to make your arrival as comfortable as possible. They seem determined to initiate you into their ever growing circle of friends.
Yet the claw marks on the walls imply there is a wilder side to them.
The Queen Bee: Claudia/Claude Fairmont (gender selectable)
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C has not spared you a glance. Then again they seem to barely notice anyone but themself. If anything, they seem to dislike you just a little bit more than most. C waltzes around like they own the place and judging by the way everyone bends over to satisfy their whims, they just might be. They grin often and every time they do, you can't resist the urge to let your eyes wander down to their sharp fangs.
Why do they look at you like they know you?
The One You Almost Killed: Amir/Amara Sharma (gender selectable)
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The two of you were close. Or your families were at least. Up until now anyway.
The fateful night itself is a blur, but the next morning is clear. You were behind bars and Amir was in the hospital. Bleeding, torn apart, disfigured by your hands.
You thought you would never see him again. Yet here he is. At the Obsidian Academy. Sharing a desk with you.
You are fucking doomed.
The Bodyguard: Lucian/Lucia Winchester (gender selectable)
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Despite your repeated protests, you did not arrive to the Obsidian Academy on your own. Your father sent a bodyguard alongside you to guard your every step. You have known L for years, but it has only recently dawned on you how little you know about them. They remain your distant, silent guardian angel.
Though he may be the opposite of one.
Asks: Open!
Demo: Soon...
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jjhoa · 1 year
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The Antiques 
The story takes place in a land of abandoned antiques, where old tools and objects have come to life in order to keep its beauty intact. These antiques seek, polish and fix damaged parts that have been broken away, utilizing the debris to create ways of protection from the deadly dust.
🕰️ The Commander, Delano Vaillant
Oldest but the fiercest amongst the antiques, the Commander is in charge of guarding the town against any unwelcome visitors. Despite his high stature, he often takes matters into his hand, fighting gallantly like no other. With an excellent sense of timing, and knowing the exact moment to strike, yield, and hold, he is respected by everyone; although seen as sharp and intimidating, some even say he has a kind heart.
🍵 The Gravekeeper, Mariam Bellerose
The gravekeeper collects, stores, and protects the ashes of the dead; she puts them in a special tea casket, then places the casket in the "Graveyard", a room filled with rows of cupboards. Always veiled with a mysterious aura, it's often difficult to tell the meaning behind her soft, solemn smile. It's been a while since she's laughed, some antiques say. "Her husband passed a couple of years ago, and she's been mourning him ever since."
🕯️ The Lamplighter, Lucian Aubert
The young lamplighter brightens the dusty sky with his vibrant optimism and undying cheerfulness. He's a ray of light that warms the cold air, quite literally so. With his power to generate small flames, the lamplighter takes charge of illuminating the streets , leaving the light to flicker until dawn. When the dust covers the sun, the main source of light will always be the lamps.
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suuuupernovaaa · 23 days
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Summary: Lucian has been waiting for his love to come around. She fears he has grown tired of waiting.
The easy spring winds pick up, blowing the flowers about. Their petals tickle the exposed skin on my arms and face, as if in greeting.
He’s here, they whisper to me. He’s coming.
I squeeze my eyes shut tight, repeating the words in my head that I’ve been practicing for weeks. The I’m sorry, and the declaration, the terrible explanation. It’s all pieced together in my mind in a way that makes sense to me, but I fear it will come out jumbled.
These fae around me, high lords and inner circles, are eloquent, well spoken, and regal.
I am not.
The sound reaches me then, footsteps in the meadow, and a wave of longing washes over me. It always does, when he’s near. It always leaves me feeling painfully empty when he goes.
He calls my name, and I sit up from among the flowers, and raise my arm to wave to him.
He is as resplendent as ever. Tall and strong, his long red hair creating such a beautiful contrast with his honey gold skin. His sharp nose pointing to full lips. I sigh at the sight of him, and my heart races.
“There you are,” he says with a nervous smile. I can feel it between us, the nervous and sad energy of unrequited mates.
I tire of it.
He extends a hand to me and instead of taking it, I scoot over, the flowers pushing into me, and pat the spot next to me in the grass. He looks surprised, but chuckles and takes a seat next to me.
A few inches apart, but I can feel his warmth, smell his cinnamon scent, and I close my eyes and breathe it in deep.
The guilt of what I’ve done to him settles in my chest. He has been nothing but gracious, allowing me space to grow and adjust to this new life. Other males, I am sure, would not have granted me the same courtesy.
“How long are you back for this time?” I ask. My knees are pulled to my chest, and I wrap my arms around them, as if to protect myself from this interaction that I’ve dreaded and dreamt of in equal measure.
“A few days.”
I turn my head to the side and glance at him. He is already looking at me intently.
“Can you stay longer?”
Of all the things I could have said, this has taken him the most by surprise. His eyebrows raise up, and his lips part.
“Yes,” is all he says for a long pause, and then, “but why?”
Letting go of my legs, I sit up straight, angling my body to him and trying to summon any confidence I may have.
“I have been unfair to you, Lucien, and you have been patient and kind with me. I have… watched you, on your visits. Observed your careful way of moving through the world. I have asked Feyre to tell me everything she knows of you, all the kindnesses you’ve done her. I have thought of you endlessly, but I’ve been too afraid… that maybe it’s too late. Maybe you’ve grown tired of waiting for a mate who could not make up her mind.” I pause, taking in a deep and shaky breath. “I think you are kind and clever. I think you are funny, more witty than anyone in this court. I think you are the most beautiful male I have ever set eyes on. If you can forgive me, for making you wait, I should like to begin again. As if, as if we met today. As if we did not know until this moment, who we are to each other.”
He stares at me while I talk with a guarded expression. I can sense the tension, see it in his neck and shoulders, and tears threaten the corners of my eyes.
He stands then, and my shoulders slump forward. I’m too late. He’ll reject the bond now. I’ve made him wait too long.
Turning, he begins to walk away from me, and just as I am beginning to cry, he turns around.
He looks startled.
“Oh, I’m sorry, my lady. I had no idea anyone else was here!” he says, mock surprise in his voice. He kneels down, his dancing eye meeting mine. “I’m Lucian, and I think you’re my mate.”
The bond tugs on my heart then, and I lean forward, taking the hand he offers so I might stand up and face him.
I cannot wipe the wide grin from my face. “It’s so lovely to meet you, Lucian. I think you’re right.”
We laugh together then, the sounds joining and spreading through the meadow, beckoning flowers to open and spread their petals to the bright afternoon sun.
Lucien holds my hand tightly in his, and leans forward to whisper in my ear. “I would have waited hundreds of years for you. You are worth it.”
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