#lucaya oneshots
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Lucaya One-Shots - She's The One (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1332109649-lucaya-one-shots-she%27s-the-one?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=FanFiction-Writer11&wp_originator=gpABpx6akyZ%2BFn%2B0LKtzAAaz%2BK81dc%2BCL%2F1SPx6gdpnFXCydyzxewRqJal9Ri5kc3qu%2F0AvntgzW3%2B2ccl4c7QRgEZWiWstUsfZI0PZuIGmEilEu%2BAifwQ%2BNhOp0urgQ
Please check out my latest story, She’s the One, on Wattpad. This one shot follows Maya Hunter and Lucas Friar on an emotional roller coaster of a day that ends in a HEA. Let me know if you have any questions or request!
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iamsuchlucayatrash · 7 years
OF COURSE I managed to mention teenwolf in this. Im so extra
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Nobody wants to be that girl. That girl who was almost good enough, who was almost the right one, the girl who you almost could have loved. The girl who just wasn’t attentive enough, didn’t care enough, just wasn’t kind enough. The girl who never says what she wants, the girl who goes around leaving purple bruises on skins and invisible ones on hearts, the girl who was just too much, the girl who wasn’t simple enough. … The girl who was just too broken.
something i just thought of and couldn’t get out of my head
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cherrylucaya · 7 years
"Oh so you're the camp counselor my sibling keeps raving about"
7/11/17 Dear Maya, I'm having a great time at camp! It's been only a day, but my cabin mates are so nice. We took the swim test and the pool is super awesome. I have two counselors, one is a girl named Missy who's in my cabin with all the girls, and then there's Lucas who's in with the boys. And just between us, he's realllyyy cute. Like, seriously. Not even a little. He's full blown young Zac Efron level cute. Not for me of course, because I'm 8 and he's 23. But you're 22 and I could totally see you two dating. He's awesome and he's from Texas. You should talk to him when you come to pick me up from camp. Love: your sister, Phoebe 7/17/17 Maya, I made a friend! Her name is Emma and she is very nice. She has super long nails, and they're real! She's so cool, and she's 10 so she's older than me. And about Lucas, I asked him if he's single (even though you said not to). He was nice about it, and he said he was! He's perfect for you, Maya. I told him about you and he seemed interested. You should send me a photo of you so I can show him. I know you probably don't want to, but please??? I'll be sweet and put it by my bunk so that he just happens to see it. I won't shove it in his face, I promise. Hoping for a photo, Phoebe 7/20/17 Dearest sister, Lucas saw the photo. He was all "wait is that your sister" and I was like "yeah" and I swear to god he blushed and smiled all cute. He's just getting awesomer and awesomer as the days go by. He taught me how to make lanyards and I'm making one on my water bottle, but his is better than mine. That's okay though, I'll get better. He's definitely my favorite counselor. I think he likes me too. And he'd definitely likey-like you. I showed Emma your picture and she says she totally "ships" you guys, which means she likes you as a couple. I agree with her. Turns out he's been doing college at NYU! He was held back a year when he was little for some reason he won't tell me, so he's in your grade. Awesome, right? Parsons and NYU are pretty close. You could totally date him! Okay, I'm done. Hope everything's good. Tell mom I say hi. -Phoebe 7/25/17 So I'm leaving tomorrow, which seems crazy. The two weeks went by super fast. They have this thing they do at this camp where by the end of the week, you ask any counselor to "tie your rag." You pretty much make a goal and work hard to get to it and then a counselor you look up to ties a handkerchief around your neck as a sort of badge. I'm very proud of myself, I faced my fears and went on the big zip line that they have here. I asked Lucas to tie my rag. He's the greatest. We're great friends now, and I think I'm his favorite. We always talk when we're walking around camp and I've told him loads about you. He says he'd like to meet you when you come, and I'm so excited! Don't hate me for this, because it wasn't my fault, but all the girls in my cabin saw your photo, and now they all want you to date Lucas. It kinda got around, and now everyone teases Lucas about it. He takes it well and laughs and stuff, but that might make it awkward when you meet. Sorry, I didn't try to make this happen! My whole cabin just knows a cute couple when they see one! Anyways, I'm gonna go now. Can't wait to see you and introduce you to Lucas tomorrow! I'm gonna miss him when I come home. (Unless you guys date. Then he could be like my big brother or something. That would be the coolest!) Love, Phoebe :) Maya chuckles as she finishes reading over the last letter that was sent to her by Camp Orkila from Phoebe. Her little sister always can make her smile, and she must admit she's excited to see the little firecracker again today. And Maya must admit, she's curious about this Lucas guy. If he's really as cute as Phoebe says he is, then Maya won't refuse an introduction. Although she can't help but feel a little embarrassed that Phoebe had the whole camp unit shipping her and this Lucas guy just from one photograph. So yeah, that's a bit embarrassing, but at the same time it makes Maya more curious about him. What is it about the two of them that had twenty 8-11 year olds turned into huge "lucaya" fans? Maya feels like it was Phoebe's loud and bubbly voice (something from Riley that had rubbed off on her) blabbering about how Lucas and Maya were perfect for each other. But alas, Maya finds herself pulling into the grass parking lot in her rental car in the Texas summer camp. She had to take a flight from New York to get here, since her mom was too busy with work to come get Phoebe. So here Maya finds herself, in Texas for the weekend with her sister. Maya steps out of the car and locks it's doors, sighing to herself at the sudden Texas heat. She was glad she put on a shit-ton of sunscreen, for she knew her fair skin would soon be looking quite lobster-esque if she hadn't. She feels beads of sweat start to form on the back of her neck, so she ties her messy blonde waves up in a high ponytail using the hair tie on her wrist. She tightens the ponytail as she walks to tent with a banner that reads "pick up campers here", seeing a huddle of kids with taller counselors getting them to participate in circle games and conversations. Maya sees some girls crying and hugging about their departure, not including Phoebe not to her surprise. Phoebe isn't exactly the crying, weepy emotional type. She suddenly spots her little sister in a different place, sitting in the grass and weaving something attached to her water bottle concentratedly. Maya smiles at Phoebe, her straight brunette locks falling into her eyes as she looks down at her water bottle attachment. Her brown hair was a trait that surprised everyone when she was born, a trait that she had gotten from Shawn's side of the family. But she still had the same striking blue eyes as Maya did. Yet she got lucky with tanned skin, as opposed to Maya's pale complexion. Maya starts to walk over to her, but she slows a bit as she notices a boy sitting next to Phoebe, working on his own lanyard. That must be Lucas. Phoebe wasn't lying when she had said that Lucas looked like a young Zac Efron, with his sea foam green eyes and his tousled dirty blonde hair. He had a sharp jawline and broad shoulders, his skin tanned from days at the summer camp. Maya smiled slightly as he shares a laugh with Phoebe, the two seeming to share a connection. Maya walks closer and sees Phoebe look up to her, a large smile spreading on her face. "Maya!" She smiles, hopping up from her sitting position in the grass and engulfing Maya in a huge hug. Maya hugs back tightly, Phoebe almost the same height as her despite being eight years old. "Hey, sister spaz. How was camp?" Maya beams at Phoebe, pulling away from the hug and tucking a brown lock behind her ear. "Great! Did you get all my letters?" Phoebe says enthusiastically, folding her hands together with a huge smile. "Oh, I did." Maya says with a chuckle, glancing at Lucas who is now standing as well. Maya feels her cheeks flush as their eyes meet, pulling her stare away and putting it back on Phoebe. God, he was hot. He hasn't even said a word and Maya already has butterflies in her stomach. "Oh and Maya, this is Lucas, the best counselor ever." Phoebe beams, pulling Maya by her hand so that she's standing closer to Lucas. "And Lucas, this is my sister Maya. Also known as the best sister ever, who is twenty-two and available and very pretty, if you haven't noticed." Phoebe says shamelessly like she always does. Maya feels her cheeks grow incredibly hot, Lucas's face becoming adorned with a boyish smile. "Nice to meet you, Maya." He says with a Prince Charming-like smile, Maya's stomach tightening further into its knot as she hears his deep, gravely yet kind voice. God, this guy is perfect. How the hell did Phoebe think Maya of all people had a chance with him? And how the hell does he not have a girlfriend? "And you," Maya replies, trying to keep her usual sarcastic tone as a cover for how jittery he's making her feel. "So you're from New York, huh?" Lucas smirks, and Maya notices his very slight southern drawl. She can't help but find it attractive. "Yeah, born and raised. I hear you're from here in good ole Texas country, Sundance." Maya attempts to cover her attraction with her usual name calling and teasing. "Maya, be nice." Phoebe huffs from her side, tugging on Maya's hand. "Fine. Sorry." Maya chuckles, Lucas smiling down at Phoebe. "It's all good, Phoebe," Lucas says to Phoebe, before looking up to Maya, "Sundance, that's a new one. Props to you." Lucas laughs, smiling down at Maya with a slight blush on his cheeks as well. Maya notices the small crowd of giddy ten year olds watching them with wide eyes, the talk of the camp for the past two weeks finally standing in front of them. "So I hear you're going to NYU? Phoebe told me all about it in her letters." Maya asks, making conversation. "Yeah, I am. And you're at Parsons?" "I assume Phoebe had lots to say about me too?" "Oh yeah." Lucas says with a chuckle, Maya laughing slightly as well. "She has quite the big mouth, this one.." Maya smirks, pulling Phoebe into a tight side-hug. "Yeah. It was awesome having her here." Lucas smiles at Phoebe again. "She had a blast. Right Pheebs?" "Totally. You're my favorite, Lucas." Phoebe smiles, and Lucas laughs. "Just between us," Lucas says, leaning in and whispering, "you're my favorite too." Phoebe somehow beams even more at this, Lucas giving her a fist bump. "Now can you please give Maya your number so we can hang out again? And also so you two can see each other again? Come on, I know you like each other. It's like, all over your faces." She says bluntly, Maya blushing intensely. "I mean, I wouldn't mind getting together sometime, Maya. I get back from camp in August." Lucas smiles, scratching the back of his back as excited squeals come from the group of ten year olds. "Oh! I mean, sure!" Maya stammers, keeping her cool as her cheeks somehow turn redder, "uh, here. I have a pen. I'll give you my number." "Oh, okay cool." Lucas says with a big goofy grin on his face, Maya ripping a small slip of paper from her sketchbook in her purse and scribbling her number onto it before handing it to him. "Alright cool, it was nice meeting you. And Phoebe," Lucas turns to Phoebe and gives her a hug, "it was so awesome to hang out with you." "It won't be the last time. Especially when you two start dating." Phoebe smirks, Maya and Lucas both blushing, Maya chuckling nervously. "Hopefully." Lucas smiles at Maya, her stomach dropping as she looks into his sea foam gaze. He really is a ten. "See you soon ish then." Maya chuckles bashfully. "Until then, blondie."
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grungeswift · 7 years
Girl Meets True Maya Rewritten
A/N: Guessssss who?? This girl!! I’ve been not writing oneshots on here for so long and I missed it so much so here I am! This is a rewritten version of True Maya, basically set as the scene before Lucas and Farkle go out to find Maya. Tell me what you think? I love youu! 
“I’m going out to look for her.” Lucas said, feeling himself boiling with anger at the other girl standing in the room. To him, this was her fault.
Farkle immediately agreed, replying, “Me too.”
Lucas angrily grabbed his coat, not looking at Riley, Farkle doing the same.
She nervously chewed on her fingernail. “Lucas? You’re not. . .mad, are you?”
Lucas sighed, sharing a look with Farkle before saying, “Not now, Riley.”
Riley pulled her fingers away from her mouth, “You are mad at me! Why!? You should be mad at Maya right now, not me! I didn’t do anyth-”
She fell silent at the look Lucas was giving her.
“Really? I shouldn’t be mad at you? You’re the one who changed Maya, and tried to make her be someone else just for you. She isn’t you, Riley, she isn’t turning into you! Stop trying to force her to be the role you want her to be just because you feel threatened by her!”
There. He had said it.
Riley’s mouth dropped open. “Threatened by her?”
“Yeah. Face it, Riley, you’re afraid that I’ll choose her. And-” He hesitated, closing his eyes and then opening them again.
Realization came over him, and he laughed breathlessly. It was as if he was seeing clearly for the first time, and he looked down before looking back up at her again.
“And you should be.”
Riley’s brow wrinkled. “W-what?”
He smiled humorlessly, and then said, “I choose her. I choose Maya. I think that’s how it was always going to be. From the beginning, she chose me, and I chose her.”
Riley looked like someone had slapped her. “Lucas, but that’s-that’s not fair! She didn’t have a crush on you first- she didn’t notice you first! That was me!”
He did a double take. “She didn’t? Because if I’m not mistaken, Riley, she’s the one who pointed me out to you. And at the campfire? She said, ‘It’s been bad enough keeping a secret from Riley all this time!’ To me, that sounds like she’s been liking me since the beginning.”
Riley mouthed soundlessly, trying to spit words out. This couldn’t be happening.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go find Maya.” Lucas said, before opening the door, and with Farkle stepped out to go find his one and only choice.
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atanearerdistance · 8 years
Breathless (Lucaya Fic)
One-Shot / Rating T / 7158 words / Pairings: Lucas/Maya, hint of Zayadora
Summary: "To borrow an old cliché, you seem to have a lot of unresolved feelings towards each other that you've buried for the sake of a half-hearted friendship, enacted in an ultimately fruitless effort to keep our circle of companionship on a functioning level." Future-fic. Lucaya.
Link at FF.net
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parkersharthook · 6 years
Girl Meets World Masterlist
Fuck You | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | angsty fluff
Maya gets called out for listening to country music.
Fuck Me | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | smutty fluff
Lucas and Maya are enjoying summer and things get a little heated.
Don’t You Dare | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff
Shawn means well but god does he irritate Maya sometimes. Fathers, ugh.
Truth or Dare | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff
Just a simple game of trurth or dare... what could go wrong?
Trust Me? | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | angst
Maya trusts Lucas, but who knows if she will after this.
Not Gonna Lose You Again | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart, Farkle Minkus x Riley Matthews | angst
The facetimes between Maya and Riley after she goes to London.
Jerky Boys & Good Boyfriends | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | angst
Maya Hart has both a run in with jerky boys and good boyfriends.
Can’t Get A Break | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff
Maya and Lucas just can’t seem to get a break.
Drunken Blood | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | angst
Maya gets drunk and Lucas worries about her.
What’s Her Name? | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff
Maya just wants to know the name of the girl Lucas is crushing on.
Your Fault | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | angst
Lucas goes too far protecting Maya from someone who blames her.
Dumb Decisions | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff
Lucas makes a dumb decision.
Dumber Decisions | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | angst
Lucas makes a dumber decision.
Watching You | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff
Maya gets hit on when Lucas is gone, but she’s a badass.
Million Stars | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | angst
A fixit for /that/ campfire scene.
Middle Of A Thunderstorm | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff
Maya just wants to dance... but it’s storming.
Parenting Is Hard | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff
Lucas is protective and Maya is cool. Parenting, lucaya style.
Prom? | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff
Maya doesn’t think Lucas is gonna ask her to prom, boy is she wrong.
Betrayal By Friends | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | angst
Maya’s reaction to Farkle revealing Riley’s feelings for Lucas.
Idiot Jar | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff
Lucas is an idiot so Maya thought of a way to get money from it.
Hobby Of Mine | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff
It’s a hobby of Maya’s to prove Lucas wrong
His Shirt | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff
Maya is wearing his shirt.
Stupid Protective Fathers | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff
Shawn is just a stupid protective father.
Just A Minute | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | angst
Maya has some doubts about her ability to be a mother.
The View | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | angst
Riley and Maya get into a fight about Lucas.
I Will Survive | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | angsty fluff
Maya will survive, no matter how many people try to break her
YouTuber AU | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff 
Maya introduces her boyfriend on her youtube channel
Soulmate Scavenger | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart, Lucas Friar x Riley Matthews | angst
Maya and Riley are sent on a soulmate scavenger hunt.
Lucaya Blurb 1 | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff 
Maya gets a little high.
Lucaya Blurb 2 | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff 
The gang has an adult dinner night.
Lucaya Blurb 3 | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | angsty fluff 
Maya loses the baby.
Lucaya Blurb 4 | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff 
Lucas dies. Kind of.
I Want You | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff 
Lucas made a choice between Riley and Maya.
Flirting | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff 
Lucas worries that Maya is bored of the relationship.
Nowhere To Go | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | angst 
Maya didn’t have anywhere to go.
Misstep | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | angst 
Perfect Disarray | Lucas Friar x Maya Hart | fluff 
Maya  ||  Riley  ||  Isadora  ||  Lucas  ||  Farkle  ||  Zay
Maya  ||  Riley  ||  Isadora  ||  Lucas  ||  Farkle  ||  Zay
Maya  ||  Riley  ||  Isadora  ||  Lucas  ||  Farkle  ||  Zay
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lovelybrooklyn · 8 years
hmu with some writing prompts, i've seen some people do them and i think i'm gonna put some one-shots on here. wattpad//sassybrooklyn
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Now That You’re Gone (A Lucaya Oneshot)
Maya Hunter was watching TV when she heard the news.
"Mugging gone wrong in the subway once again. a 35 year old man named Kermit Hart was murdered in the process."
Tears stung down her cheeks. She didn't know what to do anymore. Who to go to anymore. They were all gradutating in six months and yet, the clique six hardly spoke anymore.
Smackle and Farkle broke up because Farkle called her Riley one night.
Riley and Lucas broke up when Riley thought she was moving to London and they agreed they were better off as friends
Farkle and Riley started dating at the end of freshamn year.
Maya and Lucas dabbled into dating each other and they lasted for almost two years.
Then she broke up with him when she realized how in love with him.
Zay and Smackle started dating and still were to this day.
Maya Hart had no where else to go with the tears running down her face. She knocked on the familiar apartment door. Number 3555. And was met with sea foam eyes.
Lucas looked down and frowned. "Maya, what the hell are you doing here so late?" He asked. Not in anger. Never in anger. But in concern.
Maya slowly looked up. Eyes puffy as tears still ran down her face. Mixed with the freshly falled snow on the streets of New York.
"Kermit is dead."
Lucas knew all of her secrets. Every little thing that Kermit did to her. To her mother. To her family that wasn't even blood to Kermit.
And she knew the secrets about Lucas' father that not even Zay knew the full truth on. How his dad would rather spend time cheatin g on his mother. That's why he because so angery at everyone. He caught his father making out with his algebra teacher and his father played it off as nothing.
Strong arms wrapped around Maya's small frame so tight.
"I-I don't even know why I'm so upset. He was an ass. He hit us. He stole everything we everything we ever had. Everything my mother had ever worked for. And now he's dead. He was mugged and the guy shot him and now he's dead and I-" Maya said all in one breath.
Lucas closed his eyes. "You're upset because your father, the man who's name you used to carry, is dead." He said softly.
Maya couldn't help but nod slowly.
Maya broke up with Lucas on a sunny Tuesday after she realized just how truly in love with him she was. She saw a future with him. One full of hope and love and something she knew would would be taken from her in an instant.
Lucas was by Maya's side throughout the next nine days until Kermit Hart was lowered six feet under the ground.
Maya was still in shock over everything that happend.
And all around her were five people who hadn't been in the same area as each other since the whole Team Maya vs. Team Lucas split the six down the middle.
But they all knew she needed them.
And God.
She was so glad they were there.
The priest asked for Kermit's children to come up and sprinkle dirt over his casket.
Maya watched as her half siblings, 9 and 5 and 3 all cried as they did so.
Finally Maya went up and sprinkled the dirt on top of the casket. "Go to hell. " she whispered.
She went back to sit next to Lucas.
Her hand automatically went into his.
"I'm right here." Lucas whispered.
And she believed him.
Maybe this is what it took for Maya Hunter to have hope again as she held onto the love of her live's hand.
She had hope again.
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I Hate You, Please Don't Leave Me
So here is another random oneshot of Lucaya. This one is when they are sophomores in high school. I am not sure how many of these I will do. Usually I just hear a song and I am like ooh, that would work. Also, I might not keep it just Lucaya.
But this song—this song is perfect.
Chapter 2: I Hate You, Please Don’t Leave Me
I’m addicted to the madness I’m a daughter of the sadness I’ve been here too many times before Been abandoned and I’m scared now I can’t handle another fall out I’m fragile, just washed upon the shore They forget me, don’t see me When they love me, they leave me
Maya watched him clench his fists. She knew what he was doing. He was mad—furious even. He was losing his perfect edge and he was about to go Texas on everyone that was in close vicinity.
And it is all her fault.
She isn’t stupid. She knows that pushing him was the wrong thing to do when he was so close to finally blowing like a volcano. She wasn’t there for that lesson—she was trying to revert back to her “true self.” Of course, she went way too extreme and it took her months to figure out who she was—but she still got the life lesson from Shawn later on.
Everyone has the potential to be a volcano—some just more than others. She and Lucas were at a higher risk than Riley which in itself shows how much she had learned of Lucas. Back in eighth grade, she thought he was the same sunshine as Riley—but he isn’t.
Which is why they would never work.
Lucas needs someone to pull him back and Riley can do that. She balances out the anger that threatens to break through his smiles and his bright eyes.
But here he is—glaring at her—and Riley isn’t around. She hasn’t been around for Lucas for months.
“How about— just once—you just admit it?” He clenched his jaw so tight she could see where it clicked from where he broke it during a rodeo the summer before sophomore year.
"Nothing to admit.” Maya shrugged trying to find an exit route.
"Maya, I am trying—
"To what? You and Riley break up and so come scrambling back to me? That isn’t how this works, Huckleberry. You chose her.”
"You told me to! I wanted it to be you and you told me to—”
Once again, she didn’t let him finish. “Jesus, Lucas! If I told you to jump off a roof, would you do it?”
"If it made you see how psychotic you are acting, yes!”
Maya huffed at his answer. She was too close to him– only would lead to heart break. Her heart break. He is lonely– Riley realized her feelings for Farkle and now Lucas needs a back up. She is worth more than a back up.
"Maya,” He is sighing now. Noticing the glazed faraway look in her eyes. “It isn’t like Riley and I broke up and now I’m choosing you. The whole point Riley and I broke up is because of you.”
"And Farkle?”
"And Farkle. We were kidding ourselves. Maya, it has always been you.”
"You walked away, Lucas.” Her voice twinged with exasperation. How could he forget he went to Riley? He chose Riley.
"And you sprinted to Josh.”
Because Josh was safe. She knew his family. She knew he was a good guy wrapped in a bad boy package. He couldn’t hurt her with his smile. Her childhood crush never developed into anything else.
But Lucas was outside her comfort zone. Lucas could break her in half. He had before and that was when she told him he could do better. What happens if they actually dated?
Her own father didn’t pick her. She wasn’t good enough for a man who is supposed to inherently want her and love her. He made a new family because being there for her was too difficult. Lucas has no reason to want her. No reason to stay– why would he ever choose her?
"Lucas. We would never work. All we do is fight.”
"You know that is a lie. Why can’t you just allow yourself to be happy with me?”
She felt tears well up in her eyes. He looked distraught. He knew she was going to say no. Why disappoint him by loving him?
"I got to go.” She stepped away from him and once again severed any chance they might have.
Soon he would tire of running after her. He deserved better than her.
Hey, yeah yeah I hate you, don’t leave me I feel like I can’t breathe Just hold me, don’t touch me And I want you to love me But I need you to trust me Stay with me, set me free But I can’t back down No, I can’t deny That I’m staying now ‘Cause I can’t decide Confused and scared I am terrified of you
I admit I’m in and out of my head Don’t listen to a single word I’ve said Just hear me out before you run away ‘Cause I can’t take this pain
I hate you, don’t leave me
I hate you, don’t leave me ‘Cause I love when you kiss me I’m in pieces, you complete me But I can’t back down No, I can’t deny That I’m staying now ‘Cause I can’t decide Confused and scared I am terrified of you
I admit I’m in and out of my head Don’t listen to a single word I’ve said Just hear me out before you run away ‘Cause I can’t take this pain, no
I’m addicted to the madness I’m a daughter of the sadness I’ve been here too many times before Been abandoned and I’m scared now I can’t handle another fall out I’m fragile, just washed upon the shore
They forget me, don’t see me When they love me, they leave me
I admit I’m in and out of my head Don’t listen to a single word I’ve said Just hear me out before you run away ‘Cause I can’t take this pain No, I can’t take this pain I hate you, don’t leave me I hate you, please love me
By: Demi Lovato
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hollandsbassett · 7 years
Can someone help me find a lucaya fic??
It was a oneshot about them moving in together and its started off with Lucas and the rest of the gang moving everything in and Maya was late. I know that's not much but I can't remember much except that it was really good!
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starlillies · 8 years
sinking like sand in your sea
some people believe in love at first sight. some people say it takes a lifetime. for maya hart it takes five years. // or the stages of falling in love with lucas friar
lucaya oneshot. title from send me the moon by sara bareilles
i.                infatuation
He was just a pawn. Or at least, he was supposed to be. He was just supposed to be her way of teaching Riley about boys. And yet here they were, a year later, with him choosing Maya over Riley—well, not choosing Maya so much as her way of life. He must be sick and tired of being so damn perfect all the time. She couldn’t believe that he had become more than the boy on the subway, more than Riley’s crush.
She also couldn’t believe that she was actually having fun with him. He had convinced her to be the one to paint his face, since she was the only artist in the group and he ‘wouldn’t settle for less than perfection’ on his face. As if his face wasn’t already perfect. He went on to return the favor, painting her face—with heavy guidance of course. She had never looked so closely at his face for such an extended period of time, and as a result she noticed things she never had before, like the small scar on his cheek just under his eye. She was silent while painting his face, making meticulous movements, but while he painted her face he made conversation and cracked jokes. Lucas Friar was actually funny—not that she would admit that to anyone.
But then he had to go and ruin it.
“Maya, if there’s no good kids out here noticing us, then, what’s the point?”
Already frustrated, Maya snapped. She grabbed Lucas by his collar and yanked him closer to her.
“You questioning my leadership, Hop-along?”
She had pulled him much closer than she had intended, their noses nearly touching.
“Okay, these names you’re calling me are killing my street cred.”
She nearly scoffed. As if he had street cred. .
“Aw,” she faux-pouted, blinking up at him. “And what would you like me to call you?”
“I’d like you to call me ‘Mad Dog’.”
Maya felt her stomach flutter—were they … flirting? No, no way Lucas Huckleberry Friar had a flirtatious bone in his body. She ignored the feeling, cocking her head to the side and shaking it slightly.
“You don’t seem like a mad dog to me.”
“Well what do I seem like to you?” His face completely transformed, lips turning up into a smile, eyebrows lifting, even his voice took on a different tone.
There was no denying it this time—her and Lucas were flirting. Even if it was totally unintentional on her part, which it was, he seemed to know exactly what he was doing. She wasn’t complaining though, not at all. She almost didn’t want it to end. That, of course, was impossible. She fluttered her eyelashes, deciding to lay it on thick for the finale.
“You know that lamb that Mary had?”
“I don’t like the way that this is going.”
She smirked as she released his shirt, noticing the smile was still on his face. Somewhere deep down inside something was nudging her, trying to tell her something. She ignored it. She was just playing their game.
And she had won.
ii.              understanding
There wasn’t a single eighth grader at John Quincy Adams Middle School that had a last name beginning with G. This was the conclusion Maya had come to, because in every class Friar and Hart were seated with each other and paired together for projects—the muffin project had only been the beginning. And, just like with the muffin project, Maya found herself back at Lucas’ apartment.
“Don’t you think our English mid-term should be an essay on a book or a poem instead of an essay on each other?”
Lucas shrugged and dropped a plate of chocolate chip cookies in front of her—homemade she was sure. It was the dreaded mid-term season. Last week Mr. Norton gave them the whole sludge thing, in art they had to do abstract self-portraits based on their identity, and Mr. Matthews had told them their mid-term next week would be about changing their own histories. She supposed JQA just gave unconventional mid-terms as a rule.
“I think Harper wants to get to know us better.”
Maya pulled out the question sheet and began to skim it. “For that we could’ve written essays about ourselves.”
“Well maybe she wanted us to get to know each other better too.”
She glanced up from the paper to shoot him a weird look. “We already know each other Huckleberry.”
Lucas fidgeted in his seat. “Yeah but, not that well.”
“Name one thing you don’t know about me.”
“Your favorite color.”
“Yellow. And yours is blue.”
His eyes widened. “How did you know that?”
“You wear a blue shirt every day,” she said dismissively, scribbling something on her paper. He shook his head.
“Let’s just stick to the questions she gave us.”
Maya nodded. “You want to be a veterinarian. Why?”
“I guess I just love animals. I grew up around them, so …” he shrugged.
“Lame,” she mumbled as she wrote it down. He looked at her contemplatively and sighed.
“We had a family dog, his name was Rudy. He was basically my best friend. When I was ten he started acting weird so we took him to the vet. By the time they figured out what was wrong with him it was too late.”
“Oh my—Lucas I’m sorry.”
He smiled. “It’s ok, at least he wasn’t suffering anymore. That’s why I want to be a vet, so that the animals don’t have to suffer.”
Maya felt something in her stomach swirl. She tried to drown the feeling with a large helping of water.
“What do you want to be?”
She shrugged. “A good person?”
“You are a good person, you’re an amazing person Maya.”
She scrunched up her face but said nothing.
“Don’t you want to be an artist?”
“I’m not good enough to be a professional artist.”
“Maya,” he began, in a total what-the-fuck kind of tone. “Yes you are. You’re an amazing artist.”
Maya rolled her eyes. “I think you need to expand your vocabulary.”
“Maybe you just need to stop being so amazing.”
At that Maya’s eyes snapped up to meet his. She just stared at him, completely at a loss for words. Did he really just say that?  His cheeks flushed slightly, as if he couldn’t believe he had said it either, and he cleared his throat.
“Who are you closer to, your mom or your dad?”
“Oh, definitely my dad.”
Lucas’ face paled. “Crap I—I’m sorry Maya I forgot—”
“Calm down Cowboy. It’s not your fault my dad is a piece of shit.”
Her tone was playful, but her face betrayed her pain. Lucas placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“I get it, I’m sorry.”
“You get it?”
He hesitated and she shifted towards him subconsciously. He stared down at his hands.
“Yeah. My dad isn’t exactly ‘Father of the Year’ either. He’s a really angry person, that’s where I get it from, I guess. He just … he’s done a lot of bad things. My mom finally divorced him, that’s one of the reasons we moved to New York. She wanted to be away from him and she has family here.”
Maya hesitantly reached out and placed a hand on his. “Thanks for telling me.”
He looked up and met her eyes. “I think you’re the only person I’ve told.”
The swirly feeling was back, but this time she didn’t ignore it or drown it. She couldn’t even look away. She bit her lip.
“Do you think you’ll ever forgive him?”
“I think so.” He sighed. “Mostly because it makes me angry, you know? And I just—I don’t want to be angry anymore.”
She nodded. “Yeah, I get that.”
“Do you? Think you’ll ever forgive him, I mean.”
“I don’t know. I don’t know how I could.”
iii.             crossing the line
I’m going to hurt Riley Matthews.
“You like me?”
Strike that. I’m going to kill Riley Matthews.
“No.” She had never said anything faster.
“Maya, why didn’t you want me to ride in the rodeo?”
Crap. She struggled to think of a valid excuse. The few seconds of silence were long and deafening.
“Because, I didn’t want you to win and get all conceited.”
“I don’t think that’s it.”
Would he ever shut up? She suppressed the urge to smack him.
“I don’t think that’s it,” she said instead, mocking him with a poorly-done country accent.
“I don’t talk like that, I just don’t! Why do you see me like that?” He threw his hands up in exasperation. How do you think I feel Bucky?
“Of course I don’t see you like that! Can we just—can we just look at this fire, please?”
Maya dropped onto a stump—as far away from Lucas as possible—and watched the fire. Finally it was quiet. Even though the quiet left her alone with her thoughts, they were easier to deal with than him.
But then she felt his eyes on her. She glanced up to check and sure enough he was staring directly at her.
He made a face that said something between ‘sorry’ and ‘chill’. But he didn’t stop. She could still feel him, watching. She sent him a look and he looked away. She kept her eyes on him and sure enough his gaze soon turned back to her.
“Can we just stop, I just want everything to stop! It’s bad enough that I’ve been keeping this secret from Riley all this time!”
“What secret?”
She licked her lips and sighed. “You guys are so much alike. I thought you were just like brother and sister too.”
“You’re at your best when you’re just talking to each other. Looking out for each other. That’s what I believed but I kept it a secret.”
She paused, her mind racing. He was silent next to her, but she no longer wanted silence. She turned to him. He was finally watching the fire, a pensive look on his face.
“And now the secret’s out, so I don’t have to carry it around with me anymore. I just, don’t want to have anymore secrets from her.”
“So, you don’t make fun of me because you like me?” He stood and made his way closer to her.
She sighed. “I’m just gonna watch this fire.”
“Maya, why do you make fun of me?”
Think of something to say think of something to say thinkofsomethingtosay—
“Because you’re easy to make fun of!” She stood and approached him, trying to taunt him and finally get him to change the subject.
“Ok then stop.”
“Because you’re a Huckleberry, because you’re a Ranger Rick—”
“Would you stop—”
“Look, if I had feelings for you don’t you think I’d just come right out and say it? Well I don’t so what I do say is ha-hurr—”
She gasped. She hadn’t realized how close she had gotten to him—that is, until he grabbed her face in his hands. And she gasped. And then she froze. She didn’t move—she couldn’t. His hands cupped her cheeks and tangled in her hair. His eyes were serious and dark as he gazed into hers. He closed his eyes. She couldn’t close hers. He inched closer, slowly.
He’s going to kiss me. Holy crap, he’s going to kiss me. Maya’s heart raced as he neared, and then—
He pulled away.
“Why did you do that?” She asked, her voice coming out quiet and raspy, almost like she had been kissed.
“I don’t know, I just, wanted you to stop!” He was immediately on the defensive. She raised her eyebrows at him. “Please don’t tell my sister.”
She shook her head. “You couldn’t think of another way to stop me?”
“Not at the time, no!” He paused. She knew he was right—there weren’t many ways to stop her from doing anything. His method, though, had been very effective. She could barely remember her name, let alone what she had been doing before.
“I’m sorry.”
She looked away, but couldn’t help look back at him. He was magnetic. “You don’t have to be sorry Huckleberry. Of course I like you, you’re a good guy.”
There it was, the bomb was dropped.
“If you got hurt, I don’t know what I would have done.” She hated how her voice cracked as she sat back down. He hesitated before joining her on the log. He watched her, waiting for her to say something. She finally turned to him.
“I don’t want to have any more secrets from her.”
They sat in silence for a long time. They knew something had changed between them.
They had crossed a line, and there was no going back.
iv.             disturbances
“Riley still loves Lucas!”
“You became me.”
“You lose yourself and become like her so you get to know him like she knows him. What a great way to see if he’s good enough for your best friend.”
That said it all, didn’t it? Maya should have known it was doomed before it even began.
After all, hope is for suckers.
v.              understanding (again)
Maya paused at the window, hand poised to knock. She peered in to see Lucas hunched over his desk. Something in her stomach churned—she hadn’t been alone with Lucas since him and Riley had started dating. The fact that they had broken up didn’t make things any less awkward—if anything, it made things more awkward.
She knocked.
Lucas jumped, banging his head on his desk lamp. Maya winced. He rubbed his head as he approached the window.
“Sorry about your head,” she said, climbing into his room.
He waved her off. “I’m fine.”
They stood in silence for a moment. Lucas stared down at her and she looked anywhere but at him. She waited for him to speak. After all, he was the one who invited her over to work on their summer assignment.
“So … Spanish?” She relented, raising her eyebrows.
“Right, Spanish.” Only then did he seem to remember why she had come over. He motioned to his desk and pulled over an extra chair for her.
She approached hesitantly, wondering if there was a way for her to discreetly scoot the chair farther away from him. She pulled out the book and all her other supplies, organizing them meticulously before finally sitting.
“I didn’t know you were taking AP Spanish this year,” she said, glancing over at him. “I didn’t even know you spoke Spanish.”
He chuckled. “I’m from Texas, Spanish is pretty common over there.”
It clicked in Maya’s mind and she hid her face in embarrassment.
“Why isn’t Zay taking it then?”
“He’s taking French, his family is Cajun.”
She nodded and they fell back into an uncomfortable silence. The elephant in the room was taking up the whole room.
Lucas sighed and turned to her. “Look, Maya, I don’t know what happened between us—”
Maya raised her eyebrows. He grinned sheepishly.
“Ok, well, regardless of what has happened,” he paused and considered her. “I miss you.”
Her face slowly shifted to one of shock. If she had expected anything from today, that wasn’t it. She watched him swallow thickly.
“Despite what people may think, we were pretty good friends before. I miss us, and I really hate how awkward things have been. How awkward things are.”
“Me too,” she said in a small voice.
“Do you think we could just try to forget all the weird stuff and go back to the way things were?”
Maya chewed her lip and watched him carefully. “We can try Cowboy.”
Lucas’ subsequent smile threatened to break his face in half. It was contagious too, and Maya couldn’t help but smile down at her book. Her stomach flipped but she ignored it. We can’t do that again. She was just happy they were friends again.
“So,” she began, tucking some hair behind her ear. “Have you read the book Señora Feinstein–Chang assigned?”
“No,” he said with a laugh.
“Great. Me neither.”
They worked for two hours straight, and Maya was pleasantly surprised by the fact that she was actually having fun. Not only was Spanish a subject that she was good at, but her and Lucas were able to fall back into their old routine fairly easily and were teasing and joking back and forth. Soon they decided to take a break. Lucas leaned back in his chair and Maya could feel him watching her as she stretched.
“Are you gonna stop acting dumb this year?”
She froze mid-stretch. “Excuse me?”
“Maya, I know you’re a lot smarter than you act—I just witnessed it. I know you’re capable of doing well in school. I don’t know why you act like you don’t know anything.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “When you do well once people expect you to continue to do well. This way I don’t disappoint anyone.”
He scoffed. “That’s the line you’ve been feeding people since seventh grade. Maybe it’s true, but it’s definitely not the only reason.”
She set her jaw and looked away.
“You don’t have to tell me, but whatever the reason is shouldn’t hold you back from doing your best. You’re capable of more.”
Maya’s resolve broke and she sighed. “It’s not who I am.”
“What do you mean?”
“Being smart, using big words, it’s not who I am,” she said quietly, spinning her ring around her finger. “Everyone says so.”
“I don’t give a shit what everyone else says.”
Her head jerked up in surprise. She wasn’t sure she had ever heard Lucas curse. He looked at her with a serious yet soft expression.
“No one else gets to decide who you are. I heard about the whole identity crisis thing from the guys. I think it’s total bullshit.” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “You didn’t turn into Riley, you just changed. Everyone changes when they grow up, but you’re still you, ok?”
She nodded, her stomach fluttering wildly.
“And you are smart. Even if you don’t act like it, you and I both know it’s true.”
Before she even knew what she was doing Maya was hugging him. He rubbed her back slightly.
“Thank you.”
vi.             fighting it (and failing)
Maya would fiercely deny it if anyone asked, but she loved Texas. Lucas had dragged the gang back for his brother’s wedding and Maya was just—wow she loved it there. There were so many stars, and his family was so big and friendly, and there was just a vibe that she really … loved.
The wedding was outdoors, sunny with a slight breeze—it was October and it was just starting to cool down. Zay was raiding the buffet with Izzy while Riley forced Farkle to dance with her. Lucas was God-knows-where schmoozing with his many relatives, and Maya had settled down at a table and was having an interesting conversation with his Grammy.
“He really wore it every day?”
Grammy nodded. “Every day for a year.”
Maya didn’t even bother to hide her laugh. She had so much new material.
“Oh, and when he was eleven—”
“No Grammy, not that story.”
Maya and Grammy looked up to see Lucas. Maya tried to ignore how good he looked in his tux, but he had untied his bowtie and undone a button or two of his shirt and shit.
“Lukey!” Grammy’s face lit up at the presence of her grandson. He grinned and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
“Done makin’ the rounds Huckleberry?” Maya teased. Her country accent had gotten much better—exposure, she supposed.
Grammy grabbed his hand and patted it lovingly. “Shouldn’t you be off partying with all your little friends?”
Lucas made a face at Maya and turned to smile down at Grammy. “I actually came to steal Maya for a dance, if you don’t mind.”
“Actually, me and Grammy were having a fascinating conversation, so—”
“Oh that’s quite alright dearie, you go,” Grammy urged. She then tugged Lucas down to her and whispered, loud enough for Maya to hear, “I like her Lukey.”
Maya fought a smile and avoided looking at Lucas—because she could feel him looking at her. He turned back to Grammy and whispered a reply that sent Maya’s stomach into a flurry and a blush to her cheeks.
“Me too.”
Grammy smiled and began to shoo him. “Now go dance.”
Lucas laughed and grabbed Maya’s hand. She let him drag her to the dance floor—complaining the whole way, of course.
“I don’t dance, Huckleberry.”
“I’ve seen you dance, Maya.”
“I’m in heels.”
“You’re always in heels.”
They had barely made it to the dance floor before the song changed to a slow one. Of course. Lucas held out his hand and she hesitated, chewing her lip. She gave in, taking his hand and draping her other hand around his neck while his free hand settled on her waist.
It had seemed like Lucas had the intention of talking when they arrived on the dance floor, but instead they settled into a comfortable silence, swaying to the music. Maya didn’t know when it happened, but they had shifted positions—both of his hands encircled her waist and Maya’s free hand had made its way to his shoulder, her head resting against his chest. It struck her that she didn’t feel awkward or uncomfortable. In fact, she felt calmer than she had in a long time.
“The last time we danced together was eighth grade,” he hummed into her hair.
“I remember.” She laughed slightly, the action sending vibrations across his chest. “I’m not sure if that was really considered dancing though.”
The song faded out and Lucas pulled back a bit, prompting Maya to do the same, so he could look at her.
“Alright y’all, it wouldn’t be a Friar festivity if we didn’t do the Texas Star Square Dance! Everyone find a partner.”
Lucas’ eyes lit up and Maya stepped back. “Oh no no no, I am not—”
He ignored her, taking her by her waist and pushing her towards a group of couples.
“I don’t even know how!”
“Don’t worry, you’ll catch on. They say the steps in the lyrics.”
Before she could argue again the song had begun and she was being twirled and whirled this way and that. Before she knew it she was catching on and actually having a good time. She laughed for the entire duration of the dance, but Lucas didn’t seem to mind—not if his goofy grin was any indication. They traded partners multiple times throughout, but Maya couldn’t help but notice that Lucas seemed happiest when they were partners. She was too.
Finally the dance came to an end. The last move was some sort of turn, where Lucas spun her out and pulled her back in, her back against his chest and their arms crossed in front of her. While the other partners separated and wandered off, the two remained as they were, out of breath.
“Admit it, you had fun.”
Maya turned her head to look up at him, a snappy response ready, when she froze. Neither of them had realized how close they were, but with her heels and her face turned to him they were only inches apart. She could feel the soft puffs of his breath on her cheek and was suddenly hyperaware of how her body was pressed to his. She watched as his gaze fell to her lips and she felt her heart pound. Her eyes flit down to his lips and she tipped her head up without realizing. If he just leaned down the slightest bit more—
They separated instantly, letting go of each other’s hands and taking a step back, breathing even heavier than before, their cheeks pink. They stared at each other for a beat longer before looking up to see one of Lucas’ relatives at the microphone—and everyone in a twenty-foot radius staring at them.
“Ready to give your Best Man speech buddy?” The relative asked with a smirk. Lucas smiled sheepishly and made his way over.
Maya went back to her seat next to Grammy and tried to control her racing heart while he spoke. That kind of stuff wasn’t supposed to happen anymore—they were friends. Lucas wasn’t unaffected either, and stumbled over his words a few times.
When he finished he approached the pair and Maya’s heart picked up all over again, but instead of asking her to dance again he simply pulled up a chair and joined the conversation.
Neither of them missed the way Grammy smiled at them knowingly.
vii.           getting together
Maya took a deep breath and tugged her sleeves down over her hands. She had escaped back to the roof, enjoying the cool, quiet solitude. It was New Year’s Eve���New Year’s Day actually, it was something like one in the morning—and the gang had spent the night celebrating at Riley’s. They had kept the party small, only the six of them, and they had gone to the roof just before midnight to watch the fireworks. Maya had made sure to stand nowhere near Lucas during the countdown. Things had been different between them since Texas (again)—one minute they would be joking around, acting their version of normal, and then suddenly something in the air would change and they would look at each other in a way that made their hearts pound and they would gravitate to each other, closer and—
So Maya made sure not to be next to Lucas when the clock struck midnight.
Eventually the group had gone back inside to escape the cold. They lazed around the apartment, playing games and picking at the food, until soon they began to doze off one by one. Maya found her thoughts drifting towards Lucas and Texas and things she didn’t want to think about, so she had taken it as her opportunity to break away.
She leaned forward, perching her elbows on the half-wall and her chin on her hand, gazing out at the bustling city and trying to keep her head clear of anything Lucas related.
Oh you have got to be kidding me.
She didn’t move but hummed in acknowledgement. Lucas made his way over, Maya’s heart beating faster with every step he took. She hated that he made her like this. She hated that he still made her like this, after everything.
“What are you doing up here?” He asked, stopping next to her, closer than she appreciated at that moment.
“Just needed some fresh air,” she mumbled.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, but Maya soon realized Lucas had shifted from looking at the city to looking at her. She tried not to squirm under his gaze but found him to be, as always, completely distracting.
“What?” She turned to look at him, crossing her arms.
“Maya …”
Maya knew exactly where he was going—if she hadn’t heard it in his voice she had most certainly seen it in his eyes.
“Lucas, don’t.”
“You don’t even know what I was gonna say.”
She scoffed. “Yes I do.”
“I can’t do this right now.”
She turned and stomped away, climbing the two steps to the door, and he followed.
“Why do you keep doing this? Why won’t you talk about us?”
“There is no us, Lucas!” She shouted, spinning to face him and throwing her arms out. “I’m not going to be your second choice.”
“You were never my second choice!” He screamed back. Her mouth hung open, her words lost. He stepped forward, settling at the bottom of the steps. “I chose you! Last year, I chose you, but you wouldn’t let me. I dated Riley because I thought you didn’t want to be with me.”
Maya found herself walking to him, small slow steps that she didn’t realize she was taking. Lucas’ face softened as she approached.
“I just wanted you to be happy, even if it wasn’t with me.”
“You chose me?” Her voice was barely a whisper. He smiled.
“I chose you. I’m always going to choose you.”
Color rushed to her cheeks as her stomach exploded in butterflies. She went to step down but her heel got stuck on the stair and she stumbled into Lucas. He caught her by her arms, her hands falling against his chest. He tucked her hair behind her ear and let his thumb graze her cheek before tangling in her hair, their faces only a hairsbreadth apart.
The voice came muffled from somewhere inside. Before Maya could turn to search for the source Lucas pressed his lips to hers firmly. She gasped into the kiss. His free hand wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer, and she melted and trailed her arms up and around his neck. He used his hand in her hair to tilt her head up and she pressed into him, trying to get as close as possible.
They separated at the sound of the roof door closing. Maya blushed and hid her face in the crook of Lucas’ neck. He laughed and wrapped his arms around her.
“You do want to be with me, right?”
She pulled away and smacked him.
“What do you think?”
viii.          staying together (or not)
School was really just the bane of Maya’s existence. She sat criss-cross on her floor, surrounded by assignments—she didn’t even know where to start. Her mind was too cluttered to deal with school.
Right on cue her phone dinged with a text from Lucas. She dropped her head into her hands and sighed. Lucas was the last thing she wanted to think about, but of course was the only thing on her mind.
“Girls like you just don’t end up with guys like him.”
She pressed her eyes closed, her heart skipping a beat.
A knock startled her. She spun to see Lucas at her window, grinning and holding a bag from the Nighthawk Diner.
She dragged herself to the window, avoiding his eyes.
“What are you doing here?” She had tried to keep her voice neutral but the defensive tone crept in and put them both on edge.
“Just thought I would stop by, see how you are. You haven’t been answering your phone.” He watched her carefully, trying to catch her eye. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah, fine.” She nodded and looked at him, but not at him.
“Hey,” he said, approaching her. “Talk to me.”
He reached out for her and she flinched. He recoiled, hurt flashing across his face.
“It’s me?”
“It’s—it’s us.”
“What about us?”
Maya turned away from him and began to pace. “I just don’t know why we’re together.”
“What?” Her heart broke at the pain in his voice. “Because we want to be, that’s why.”
She said nothing, tears threatening to spill over at any second.
“Do you not want to be with me anymore?”
“I do,” she couldn’t help but say. “But what’s the point if it’s just gonna end up hurting us?”
“Maya, what do you mean?”
“Girls like me don’t end up with guys like you!” She snapped.
His face softened and he tried to make his way towards her again.
“Who said that? Since when do you care what other people think?”
“This isn’t about other people, Lucas.”
She stared down at her hands, her heart pounding, a tight feeling in her chest. He crossed his arms.
“So what, do you want to break up?”
No. No no no no nonononononono. No, definitely not, never.  She said nothing.
“If you don’t want to be with me just tell me, but don’t make fucking excuses!” Lucas shouted and Maya winced, shrinking away from him.
Her heart hurt. It actually hurt—her chest constricted and ached and her heart began to race and her breath came out in gasps because she couldn’t breathe. Her back hit the wall and she grasped at her chest, trying desperately to get air. She took shuddering breaths as she slid to the floor, shaking, her vision blurring.
It felt like she was choking. It felt like she was dying.
His voice sounded distant, like it was coming from a phone or from another room. She tried to lift her head, to find him, but it took all of her energy just to keep breathing. Somewhere in the back of her mind she acknowledged the fact that he was moving—he came and sat next to her, reached out for her.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Maya. You’re ok, it’s ok.” His voice was calm and steady. He tried to pull her into him but she pushed him away and began to sob—her head was spinning and her chest was burning and it was all too much.
“I—I can’t. I can’t, I can’t—.” She forced out, over and over again.
“Maya, you’re ok, you’re safe.”
He continued to speak, soft yet firm, and continued to reach for her. Eventually she stopped fighting, falling into him with a violent tremor. He held her tightly, her head against his chest.
“Just listen to my breathing. Listen and match your breathing to mine.”
They remained like that for while—minutes, hours, neither of them kept track. With every breath Lucas took Maya’s slowed more and more to match his. When her breathing had settled to a pace that was much slower and healthier she began to react to him, wrapping her arms around him and shifting slightly. Though her breathing had settled and her shaking had mostly subsided, her heart was still beating quickly and she still felt weak and dizzy.
“I can’t lose you. I can’t get left again.” Her voice was so quiet he almost didn’t hear her.
“I would never leave you,” he said, stroking her hair. He pressed a kiss to her head and whispered into her hair, “You’ll never lose me.”
He paused, watching her chest rise and fall slowly, and a smile spread across his face. “I love you.”
She didn’t say it back, but that was ok. He knew how she felt about love, he knew she needed time. He just needed to say it, he needed her to hear it. She needed to hear it.
She knew they were going to be ok.
ix.             going all the way (let’s not)
She liked kissing him.
Lucas pushed her down until her back hit the bed and he trailed a hand up her hip to her waist. She fisted his shirt, pulling him closer.
She really liked kissing him.
His mouth was warm on hers and he tasted like coffee and she wanted more, but just then he pulled away. Her whine of protest was caught in her throat as his lips claimed her neck, sucking softly on her sensitive skin. She tangled a hand in his hair and tilted her head back subconsciously.
He sat up and pulled his shirt off, staring down at her with hooded eyes. She admired his toned body and drew herself to him, sitting up and settling on her knees, cradling his face in her hands and pressing her lips to his.
They melted into each other, molding their bodies to fit together the same way they had been doing for months.
Maya laughed into the kiss as Lucas struggled with her bra clasp. Boys—totally hopeless. She reached an arm around her back to help him and pulled it out from under her shirt. His large hands settled on her waist, his thumb caressing her skin and skimming the bottom of her breast. Her heartbeat picked up.
They had been dating for over six months but they still hadn’t … gone all the way. They had barely even gone part of the way. Maya’s stomach flipped at the thought of it. Sex was terrifying to her—it was so personal, so intimate, so vulnerable.
His hand grazed her thigh, sliding up slowly. He pushed her down onto the bed again, settling on top of her. Her body heated up and she could feel him and she began to panic. He could tell something was wrong and he stopped, pulling back slightly.
“What’s wrong?”
Maya placed her hands on his chest and pushed him off of her, sitting up and chewing on her swollen lip.
“It’s just, uh, a little too much.”
He furrowed his brow. “What is?”
She hesitated, gazing up at him sheepishly. “I’m not ready for,” she gestured wildly with her hands, “it. For sex.”
“Hey,” he said, tucking some hair behind her ear. “That’s ok, we can go as slow or as fast as you want. All I care about is that you’re comfortable.”
Her heart swelled and she grinned at him. He laughed and shook his head.
“Plus, I’m gonna make sure our first time is a hell of a lot more romantic than this.”
“You got a problem with my room Huckleberry?” She faux-pouted and crossed her arms over her chest.
“No. It’s beautiful, just like you. And someone as beautiful and kind and amazing as you deserves the most romantic, wonderful, unforgettable first time there ever was. So I’m gonna make sure you get it.”
Maya’s stomach flipped. In that moment she was pretty damn sure she was in love with Lucas Friar. But she couldn’t say so, not until she was sure.
So she kissed him instead.
x.              i will say (i’m in love)
Maya groaned as she woke up, stretching languidly and yawning. She could feel that Lucas wasn’t in the bed. She rubbed her eyes and dragged herself up and out, following the smell of food.
Katy and Shawn had gone out of town for the weekend, and when Lucas found out he insisted he stay at their apartment while they were gone. Maya told him she would be fine, but he said either he stay at her apartment or she stay at his, and with his parents home, they could have a lot more fun at hers.
She was bombarded with heavenly scents as she entered the kitchen. She breathed in the smell of bacon and opened her eyes to see her boyfriend standing at the stove, his back to her, humming.
God he was such a huckleberry.
She made her way to the breakfast bar and pulled herself up onto one of the stools, watching him in silence.
“Morning,” he said, not even turning around. “How did you sleep?”
“Are you wearing an apron?” She teased, ignoring his question.
“As a matter of fact, I am.” He turned to her, plate in hand, and set it in front of her before leaning over and pressing a quick kiss to her lips. Then he was back at his post at the stove, preparing pancakes.
Maya couldn’t help but smile as she watched him, a warm feeling settling over her. They were quiet—there was no need to speak. They did that sometimes, spent time with each other in silence, just enjoying each other’s presence. They had been dating for nearly a year and they had never been happier.
And suddenly Maya knew. She was sure. One hundred percent, no doubt, totally positive. She smiled.
“Hey, Lucas?”
“I love you.”
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cherrylucaya · 7 years
Lucaya oneshot based off headcannon
Headcannon that legit works perfectly with lucaya: “I work at the animal shelter and you always come in to pet the cats when you’re sad”
Lucas had always wanted to be a veterinarian. It was the one constant that he really understood, that he stuck with no matter what. He stuck with it when his parents got a divorce. He stuck with it when Zay didn’t make the varsity baseball team with him, which really crushed Zay (but it’s not like he had a chance. Lucas was the only sophomore on varsity, and Zay was no prodigy). He even stuck with it no matter what his status was with his on and off girlfriend, Princess Riley Matthews.
Right now, him and Riley were on the off part of their relationship, and Lucas felt good about it. She and Farkle have been spending an awful lot of time together. He’s sure that Farkle could make Riley happier than he ever could, so he decides it’s for the best. His heart was never really in it with Riley.
Especially since he started running into a very interesting girl.
Lucas has volunteered at the animal shelter for two years now. It counts as volunteer hours, looks great on college applications, and helps him get to know more about animals since he wants to be a vet.
But he had to admit, he came to the shelter every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon with the hope that the same five foot tall blonde beauty would show up at the shelter to pet the cats.
She had been coming for the entire two years Lucas had. She’d show up sporadically, maybe two or three days a month. Although every time, her eyes would be red and puffy. Lucas either assumed she was crying, or she had an allergy to cats. But assuming she showed up fairly often, to pet the cats, he assumed it was door number one.
Lucas didn’t know the name of the girl, nor did she know his. It’s not that Lucas wasn’t curious, it’s just that they had found other things to call each other during one of their many long conversations (which frequently kept Lucas from doing his work, for he would just make up odd jobs in the room that she was in so that he could keep talking to her). But when they first talked, the girl picked up on his subtle Texan accent, which was nothing extreme. Just a slight emphasis on his r’s, and how he pronounced the letter “W” from the years he had lived in Texas as a kid. He said it like “double-yuh”, which the girl had teased him for while laughing hysterically and giving him nicknames like Ranger Rick, Sundance, and Huckleberry Finn. He wasn’t as good at coming up with the clever names however, but after sitting in his room and pondering what he could call the girl, he was very proud of himself when he came the next week calling her a short stack of pancakes.
The conversations that the two had always seemed to cheer up the little short stack, to the point where Lucas wondered if she was even coming to pet the cats to cheer her up. Lucas never asked what was wrong, for he didn’t want to overstep with her.
So Lucas shows up one rainy Thursday to the animal shelter, walking up to the front desk and signing in.
The manager soon comes out from her office and assigns him the window washing duty, handing him a squeegee and windex.
The cat rooms are basically carpeted rooms full of those tower things, toys, and a liter box, and for some reason each has a sliding glass door. The cats like pawing it and stuff, so the window cleaning is extensive.
Lucas enters the room that’s first in the hall, immediately hearing multiple meows.
He shuts the door behind him, and looks up to see the blonde girl sitting on the carpet, petting the tabby cat named Pluto.
He heard her sniffle a few times, and when she looked up at him, her eyes were bloodshot and puffy again.
“Hey, Huckleberry.” She says with a halfhearted smile.
Lucas feels himself blush, his heart skipping a beat like it always does at her pretty blue eyes. He wishes she’d come when she wasn’t upset sometimes, because he’d love to see what she looks like without her tear stained face.
“Short stack.” Lucas replies, with a smile and a tip if his imaginary cowboy hat.
He walks past her and to the sliding glass door, the girl looking back to the cat.
“You doing okay?” Lucas asks, spraying the length of the door with the windex.
“Not particularly. But I’ll get over it.” She says with another sniffle, Pluto meowing as she scratches between his ears.
Lucas wipes down the glass in silence for a second, wondering if he should ask what he’s thinking.
“Can I ask what happened?” Lucas asks, throwing caution to the wind.
The girl sighs and keeps her eyes on the cat.
“It’s my dad. He left me and my mom when I was little and started a new family.” Maya starts, Lucas’s heart sinking.
“Oh, I’m really sorry-” Lucas starts genuinely, turning away from the window and looking at the girl.
“That’s not the problem as much.. that happened when I was like five. I’m mostly over it. But what bothers me is that he keeps promising to introduce me to his family. I mean, we’ve arranged like five dinners and meet ups with his family, and he cancels every time. And this time he seemed genuine, and I just got my hopes up so high. I feel like I just need to realize that hope really is for suckers. Maybe if I did, I’d get hurt less.” She lets out, her voice wavering at the last sentence.
“Hey, don’t say that.. if your father is distant like that then that’s on him. You should still have hope for those who don’t disappoint you.” Lucas says quietly, feeling bad for the small blonde.
“I don’t know, moral compass. Most people disappoint me.” The girl chuckles, and Lucas feels a sudden overwhelming sense of wanting.
Lucas feels himself want to be that person for her. He feels himself want to be the first person who proves to her that hope is something that you can have, and something that can follow through.
Lucas blinks at the sudden wave of emotion for a girl he doesn’t even know the name of.
And that’s when he wants to say it. That’s when he wants to tell her how he feels. He feels an overwhelming urge to confess it all to her, to learn her name and tell her his. To kiss her and make her believe that the world has good things.
“You okay, Ranger Rick?” The girl chuckles slightly at the silence.
“The world doesn’t suck. But it may have for you, and I’m sorry for that. You don’t deserve it.” Lucas says, the girl’s expression straightening.
“What’re you trying to say, Huckleberry..” she says just above a whisper, looking up into his eyes with her icy blue ones.
“I’m trying to say that short stack isn’t my only name for you. I also came up with blonde beauty. And I’d really like to know your real one.” Lucas chuckles, her face staying emotionless before her eyes flicker away from his, licking her lips.
“Huckleberry.. I’m sorry. I can’t.” She responds, her eyes closing and her head shaking.
“So, you don’t feel the same.” Lucas states, looking to the ground.
“No.. that would be a lie. I just can’t.. I can’t be hurt again. I’m sorry.” She says apologetically, standing up and rushing out the door.
Lucas bites his lip disappointedly, turning back to the window and finishing his work.
The next Tuesday, Lucas shows up to the shelter with less pep in his step than usual. He assumes that the girl won’t want to come back after what he said.
He just had to go and confess to her.
But when he walks into the shelter’s door clutching the strap of his messenger bag, he hears a voice that surprises him.
The blonde beauty, angrily talking with the receptionist.
“I’m sorry ma'am, but we have a lot of volunteers. I don’t remember them all.” The receptionist shrugs.
“No, come on. You must know who he is. He volunteers here, he’s tall as fuck, he has dirty blonde hair, green eyes, and between you and me he’s really cute.” The girl says, the receptionist sighing.
Lucas blushes at the girl’s confession, fidgeting with his bag’s strap.
He watches as the receptionist’s eyes glance up to him and a smirk adorns her face.
“I don’t know, but he sort of fits your description.” The woman says, pointing at Lucas with her pen.
The girl whips her head around quickly, her face flushing as her blue eyes widen.
Lucas smiles at her and she walks to him, blushing intensely.
She grabs Lucas’s shirt collar and drags him out the shelter and onto the New York sidewalk.
“How much of that did you hear?”
“Yes, I heard you call me cute.”
“Oh. I mean, I just said that because the receptionist probably thought you were cute so I assumed-”
“I think you’re cute too, short stack.” Lucas says simply, her blush growing more.
Lucas chuckles at how cute she is, and how beautiful she looks.
Her eyes aren’t bloodshot or puffy, and she’s wearing black eye makeup that isn’t messy or running from tears.
“Look, I ran because I’m not used to people liking me. The last time I had a boyfriend he kinda cheated on me, and I just have a hard time opening up now. I know it’s dumb, but I do like you too and-” The girl rambles, Lucas cutting her off by swooping up her face and kissing her.
The kiss is full of passion and warmth, Lucas feeling a wave of electricity flow down to his toes and back up again. Her hair smells like strawberries, and her lips are soft and tasting if peaches. Lucas feels himself wanting to cave in more and more to everything that she is, so happy to have her after two long years.
They break apart and Lucas keeps her face in his hands, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.
“I’m Lucas, by the way.”
“Maya. Maya Hart.”
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grungeswift · 7 years
The Blonde Beauty- Lucaya
so new oneshot!! this is a short one, but i cried all the same. tell me what you think? 
xo maya
“Got a problem with me?”
Lucas Friar was leaning against the pole beside my locker, and I turned away.
He pushed himself off. “I think you do.”
“What do you want?” I asked angrily, and a smirk curled the corners of his mouth.
“You don’t remember....do you?”
“Remember what?”
I was getting more and more annoyed by him. Lucas Friar had made a beeline for me the moment I had moved back to New York for senior year, taking every opportunity to annoy me, and I had no idea why.
“Come on, Hart,” He tilted his head, and leaned against the locker next to mine. “You have to remember at least something.”
For a second, something flashed in his eyes that was almost sad as he looked down at me, but it was gone the next moment.
I glared up at him, frustrated, because he was tall, and I was short. And he teased me mercilessly for it.
“I don’t know what the hell it is you want me to remember,” I slammed my locker shut, gathering my books in my hands, and wanting to get away from Lucas as soon as possible. “But I obviously don’t. So fuck off.”
He threw his hands up into the air, and smiled at me again, that same infuriating smile that he had on whenever he teased me. “Fine, sorry.”
I shook my head, and turned away, walking down the hallway.
But as I was almost out of view at him, I heard him mutter under his breath, “Blonde Beauty.”
Those two words made my books clatter out of my hands, and I stood, stunned.
No fucking way did he just say that to me.
No. Way.
It wasn’t possible- there was no freaking way he had just said those two words to me.
And then, something stabbed in my memory, and I was sucked away to 8th grade, where I hahurred into his face and teased him. Where he stopped me from beating people up, and where I didn’t want him to ride in the rodeo.
And the campfire, where he almost kissed me.
I took deep shaky breaths and slowly turned, my face completely white, all the blood drained from it.
Lucas’s dark green eyes met mine, and the word came out in a whoosh, in one breath.
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lostmagic · 8 years
so I’m going to be making an ao3 account to post the lucaya pregnancy fic on but the cfkau prompts and one shots will stay on my tumblr. I think I’m going to post the rest of my normal oneshots on the ao3 from now on, but let me know what you guys think
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parkersharthook · 6 years
Baby Time
(Lucas Friar x Maya Hart) (Farkle Minkus x Riley Matthews) (Zay Babineaux x Isadora Smackle)
Warnings: pregnancy without marriage
1k+ words (lol more of a oneshot)
lucaya drabble series pt.1 pt.3 pt.4
Maya smiled as she bounced little Penelope on her knee. She giggled happily, letting out some spit that fell to Maya’s leg. Maya grimaced in slight disgust and looked to Riley who was busy in the kitchen.
“Hey Riles?” Maya called out, “Towel?” She heard Riley laugh and soon came up to the couch with a small towel in hand.
“You know Maya. I asked you to watch P so I could cook dinner without having to worry about her. Now I have to worry about her and you.” Riley said good-naturedly as she picked up the giggling baby and settled her on her hip.
Maya frowned and wiped down her leg before following Riley to the kitchen. “Sorry Riles… I’m just not that good with babies.”
Riley snorted slightly, “I know you tell yourself that but everyone that has eyes knows it’s not true. Babies love you, and as much as you don’t want to admit it… you love babies.”
Maya didn’t meet her eyes as she followed her best friend into the kitchen. She watched Riley expertly cook while simultaneously bouncing her lively daughter on her hip.
Maya bit her lip slightly, “Do you think I’d be a good mom?”
Riley nodded immediately, “I think you’d be a great mom.”
“You don’t think I would push Lucas away after I become mom crazy?” Riley laughed loudly and set Penelope into the wooden highchair next to her.
“You could never push Lucas away, he loves you too much.” Riley pulled a handful of cheerios and set them on the small tray.
“You just make this look so easy and I’m worried because you’ve always been better at me with things.”
Riley snorted, “Actually you are so much more talented than me. Also, this…” She gestured between her and P, “Is not easy. Farkle is always off at his lab and while I’m happy he’s following his dream, it’s hard.”
Maya frowned, “You and Farkle having problems?”
Riley wiped her hands, “not really. He’s just had a big breakthrough at the lab and I’m worried it’s gonna take longer than originally planned because I’m going back to work soon.”
Maya laughed slightly, “I see the government finally came for him.” Maya was completely joking and was shocked when Riley laughed and then nodded.
“Actually yeah. Nasa approached him.”
“Damn. I was joking.” Both of their heads turned to the apartment door as Farkle walked through. He placed his briefcase on the floor near the door and shrugged off his raincoat, hanging it up on the coat rack.
“It’s really coming down out there.” He said, shaking the water out of his hair. He walked up to Riley and pecked her cheek before picking up Penelope and settling on the bench across from Maya.
Maya frowned, “Damn. I didn’t bring a rain jacket.”
“Just have Lucas bring you one.”
“He already left the apartment. Should be here any minute.”
Farkle nodded and then turned to Riley, “I extended the invite to Izzy because she’s been stressed at the lab recently. And she might bring Isabel, but I don’t know about that.”
Riley nodded with a smile, “Sounds good. Zay coming?”
Maya shook her head, “he actually hasn’t left Texas yet. His flight got delayed.”
“Who’s been taking care of Isabel when Izzy was at the lab?” Just at that moment, Lucas came through the door with a small baby in his muscular arms and a diaper bag on his back.
“I had the day off so I took her today.” Lucas said as he kicked the door closed, “Did you know it’s pouring outside?”
Maya took Isabel from his arms so he could rid himself of his jacket, “yes I did. But Isabel isn’t even a little wet.”
Lucas scoffed, “of course not. Do you know what Isadora would do to me if she found out I let her baby get wet.” Maya laughed as Lucas took a seat beside her.
Maya looked to her phone as the screen lit up. “Izzy’s on her way up.”
Riley smiled and set the pot on the counter, “perfect timing because I just finished.” Isadora came up a moment later and instantly took her daughter into her arms. Maya smiled at the way the baby giggled and lovingly patted Izzy’s cheek. The rest of the night went on as planned, the old pals ate and laughed together. Isadora made a quick exit, leaving Isabel to her friends’ care, when she found out Zay had caught an early flight. She quickly brought her boyfriend back to the apartment and the clique six (plus a few extras) were reunited. Maya sat wrapped in Lucas’s arms and love watching her friends and their adorable families.
Later that evening, after everyone had separated and Lucas and Maya made it back to their apartment the couple settled on the couch to a movie.
“Penelope and Isabel are so cute.” Lucas said softly causing Maya to hum in agreement, “Have you ever thought about you know… us having kids?”
Maya shifted to look up at him. She bit her lip, “Kind of.”
He smiled at her, “Want to maybe start trying? I mean, we’re in a good place financially and we can both work from home so the parenting is equal and I know that we’d make the cutest kids.”
Maya had tears brimming in her eyes. She nodded her head violently and hugged him, “I love you so much.”
Lucas smiled and hugged her back, “I love you too.” He pulled back and wiped away her tears of happiness, “let’s have a baby.”
Maya kissed his lips lightly and got up, “I can do you one better.” She left the room before he could question her but she came back a moment later with her hands behind her back. She sat back on the couch and turned to him with a small smile.
“I was scared to bring this up because I know we didn’t really talk about having kids seriously but rather let whatever happens happen.” She smiled even larger as she showed him her hands and the small pair of shoes in them, “Well… something happened.”
Lucas’s eyes widened as he cupped her hands in his, “You’re pregnant?!”
Maya felt even more tears stream down her face as she nodded at him. He suddenly pulled her into a tight hug and she could hear the small sobs. She laughed, “You okay?”
“I’m gonna be a father.”
“You are.”
“We’re having a baby.”
“We are.”
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