#lucanis: two emotionally constipated assassins falling in love despite everything sounds fun
avernusreject · 1 month
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Saw this circulating around so had to do it. I've had this grumpy gal in my brain for months now. She's still very much a work in progress.
Very condensed WIP background: Basically, Lisetta was born into a dalish clan on the outskirts of Antiva. As a child, her clan was killed by bandits. Realizing she had magic, the bandits kept her alive and sold her off to crows for a quick buck.
My goal with her character is to make her be a complete 180 from my canon inquistor, Vinara Lavellan. Vinara was extremely kind/diplomatic, sometimes to the point of naivety. She believed deeply in the dalish and trying to reclaim lost elven history.
Lisetta is going to be incredibly distrustful of elven culture and the dalish at large. The dalish, their traditions, and their gods couldn't keep her safe, so to her its all a load of horse shit. Her personality is going to be direct/aggressive: 1. cause I've never played a character like that in a Bioware game before (just want the challenge tbh), 2. growing up in the crows forced her to be incredibly distrustful/independent because at the end of the day the only person she could ever truly trust was herself.
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