#luca ferraresi
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nofatclips · 1 year ago
De Selby (Part 2) by Hozier from the album Unreal Unearth - Video directed by Wolf James, starring Domhnall Gleeson
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classicalmusicdaily · 1 year ago
Vincenzo Costanzo joined the children’s choir of the Teatro San Carlo in Naples at the age of six. He made his debut as a soloist at the age of 11 in a contemporary opera, again at the Teatro San Carlo. He studied piano and solfège in a private school, and then obtained his degree at the local conservatory. At the same time, he graduated in Computer Engineering, continuing his singing studies with Marcello Ferraresi, and then perfecting his skills with Piero Giuliacci. Despite his young age, Vincenzo Costanzo has already won an Oscar Della Lirica (New Generation Tenor award) in Doha (Qatar) in 2014, and has had the opportunity to work with internationally renowned directors and conductors such as Myung-whun Chung at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice and in Tokyo, James Conlon at the Teatro Real in Madrid, Emma Dante at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo, Daniel Oren and Franco Zeffirelli at the Arena di Verona and Liliana Cavani at the Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona. His most recent engagements include Un Ballo in Maschera, Simon Boccanegra (Gabriele Adorno), Tosca (Cavaradossi), Maurizio Di Sassonia in Adriana Lecouvreur and Madama Butterfly (Pinkerton). Dear Vincenzo, thank you for accepting our invitation! Now you are at Sabbioneta, at Teatro all’Antica, for a new project: Giuseppe Verdi’s La Traviata, alongside Elisa Balbo and Luca Micheletti. What can you tell us about this project? How did this idea come about? How is it going on so far? Hello, dear readers of OPERA Charm. A few days ago we finished the shooting of La Traviata in the suggestive theater of Sabbioneta. It has been a wonderful experience, but unfortunately I can’t release any information about it because the project has not been announced yet. I can only give you a little spoiler: the technology used for audio and video shooting is totally innovative and unprecedented. You’ll hear about it soon. To go a bit backwards: when did you feel for the first time that opera is your path and who are those who guided your first steps towards the stage? What’s the moment that you consider to be the actual beginning of your career? In my family I am the only musician and artist. I have felt a vocation within me since I was a child. I took my first steps on stage at the age of 9 at the San Carlo Theatre in Naples and I identify the beginning of my career with the victory of the Voci Verdiane award in Busseto at the age of 21. You had the chance to work with Daniel Oren, Franco Zeffirelli, Andrea Battistoni, Leo Nucci, Juraj Valcuha, Giampaolo Bisanti, Francesco Ivan Ciampa and many others. What each “gesture” has thought you and which of them had the most important impact on you as an artist until now? I have been lucky enough to be part of the opera world since I was very young and every single person I have met during my journey has enriched me as a man and an artist. I could name a thousand episodes that have made me understand the sacrifice and dedication necessary for this ancient art. reposted from https://opera-charm.com/
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poavellaneda · 1 year ago
Elecciones en Avellaneda: Ferraresi se lanza a la reelección
Unión por la Patria-PJ y Juntos por el Cambio mantienen las caras del ajuste y la precarización
La lista presentada el pasado lunes 26 de junio en el Gatica por parte del oficialismo no ha traído novedades. El actual actual intendente Jorge Ferraresi (PJ), que encabeza la lista, pone sus miras en gobernar la ciudad otros cuatro años más.
En su lista, como precandidata a concejala va su esposa y actual jefa de gabinete municipal, Magdalena Sierra. La acompaña el actual presidente del Concejo Deliberante, Hugo Barrueco. El tercer y cuarto lugar lo ocupan los massistas Giselle Alessi y Luca Bertolotto. El kirchnerismo quedó muy atrás en la repartija; Ferraresi mantiene relaciones ásperas con este sector.
Luego de más de 10 años de peronismo en el municipio, los vecinos y las vecinas de Avellaneda viven peor, muchos de ellos inmersos en la contaminación y precarización. El incremento de la pobreza es visible en las barriadas, villas y asentamientos, donde el hambre se multiplica. A menos de 10 kilómetros de Casa Rosada, miles y miles de habitantes sufren la crisis habitacional y el hacinamiento, viven en casillas de madera, chapa y cartón; no tienen redes cloacales (de agua potable y pluviales), y sus barrios se inundan cada vez que llueve debido a la falta de asfalto.
El oficialismo no desarrolla obras serias de infraestructura ni de viviendas. La caja de la obra pública es oscura y para muy poquito; es un rubro en el que prima la tercerización. Mientras, los negocios inmobiliarios son la prioridad. La mole de cemento y hormigón “El Elefante Blanco”, ubicada frente a la estación Darío y Maxi, a medio construir desde hace largos años, es el monumento a la especulación que reina en Avellaneda.
Es la misma gestión que mantiene sueldos de indigencia para los municipales. Y explota el trabajo en negro, disfrazándolo de “economía popular” o empleo “solidario”. Ferraresi hace que los trabajadores laboren como cooperativistas, monotributistas, beneficiarios del Potenciar Trabajo; también utiliza a estudiantes próximos a recibirse como mano de obra, mediante figuras como las pasantías o el trabajo a destajo (erradicado como figura). Todos estos no tienen ART, aportes jubilatorios, aguinaldo ni vacaciones pagas. Muchos trabajadores, tanto bajo convenio como en negro o precarizados bajo otra forma, ejercen sus tareas sin los elementos básicos de protección, lo que ha dejado heridos y fallecidos en varias oportunidades. El Estado es el primer negrero.
En el plano de la salud pública, el gobierno también tiene una política negativa. Esto lo demuestra el cierre de urgencias en salitas sanitarias de barrios, los cortes de luz en el Hospital Perón, el intento de cierre de la escuela de enfermería en el Hospital Fiorito y las condiciones en las que labora muchas veces el personal médico (bajos sueldos y falta de productos básicos para la atención).
Algo similar sucede en educación. Pese a los grandes cartelones verdes, negros y blancos que muestran “refacciones y remodelaciones”, los reclamos de docentes, alumnos, padres y auxiliares por la falta de agua, vidrios rotos, cucarachas y ratas se multiplican.
En seguridad, las cosas tampoco mejoraron. Mientras Ferraresi publicita la entrega de nuevos patrulleros y la incorporación de agentes, la zonas liberadas para el delito organizado, la trata y el narcotráfico se mantienen.
A esto se le suman los tarifazos contra los vecinos. Mientras grandes empresas multinacionales como Edesur, Shell, Exolgan y Bingo Avellaneda no pagan impuestos como “ayuda a la inversión”, la gestión A descarga sobre los trabajadores aumentos de la Tasa de Servicios Generales (TSG) por encima del 84%.
De este modo, el Ejecutivo municipal “nacional y popular” recauda millonadas, obteniendo superávit fiscal año tras año. Se trata de excedentes cuyo destino se desconoce, probablemente terminen en caja provincial o en el pago de la deuda con el FMI. De esta forma se sigue financiando la usura y también la fuga de capitales.
Por su parte, desde la oposición macrista, los nombres también se repiten. Personajes como Lucas Yacov (precandidato a intendente por Patricia Bullrich) o Maximiliano Gallucci (por Horacio Rodríguez Larreta) son viejos integrantes del Concejo Deliberante. En el Concejo, estos muchas veces han votado a favor de las leyes ajustadoras de Ferraresi.
Del mismo lado de la vereda reaccionaria, pero con un disfraz de renovación y con discursos fachistoides, los libertarios de Milei presentan una lista, que poco tiene que ver con el fin de la casta. Sus precandidatos (al igual los que del MIF de Espert) acumulan experiencia en el ramo (son experonistas, exradicales y exmacristas).
A no comerse los espejitos de colores ni los cantos de sirenas. La salida a la crisis es por izquierda. Es hora de patear el tablero y meter trabajadores en el Concejo Deliberante. Desde la Lista “Unidad de los Luchadores y la Izquierda” (Partido Obrero-MST en el Frente de Izquierda) vamos con candidatos, referentes y activistas de las luchas en curso; docentes, estudiantes, gráficos, y trabajadores de la salud y del movimiento piquetero. Levantamos un programa obrero y socialista, que pone en el primer lugar de la agenda las necesidades insatisfechas del pueblo trabajador.
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Jorge Ferraresi
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elcorreografico · 3 years ago
Cagliardi y Ferraresi entregaron créditos hipotecarios “Casa Propia”
#Fabi{anCagliardi y #JorgeFerraresi entregaron #créditoshipotecarios “Casa Propia” #Berisso #Institucionales
El Intendente de Berisso, Fabián Cagliardi y el ministro de Desarrollo Territorial y Hábitat de la Nación, Jorge Ferraresi, encabezó la entrega de 19 créditos hipotecarios para construcción de la línea Créditos Casa Propia que permitirá que más familias puedan construir su vivienda.Del acto realizado en el Club Almafuerte (calle 8 y 156 norte) participaron el secretario de Desarrollo Territorial…
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nipresa · 4 years ago
(via Il grande bluff - Varietà (2000) - YouTube)
Mad in Italy, di Gabriele Ferraresi, è un’ottima rassegna di trent’anni di trash italiano, ma misteriosamente tace su quel periodo in cui in conduttori Mediaset dovevano fare finta di non accorgersi di avere tra gli ospiti Luca Barbareschi truccato malissimo 
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pollicinor · 5 years ago
Un portato abbastanza inevitabile in un Paese che consuma ma non produce è la decrescita: difficilmente quella sarà “felice”. Come potrebbe decrescere l’Italia? Io vedo una grande continuità fra governi di destra e di sinistra, fra governi europeisti e populisti. E anche fra Conte 1 e Conte 2. Nessuno dei governi degli ultimi dieci anni ha seriamente affrontato i due problemi cruciali dell’Italia, l’esplosione del debito e la produttività ferma da vent’anni, tutti hanno preferito cercare consenso aumentando la spesa pubblica piuttosto che restituendo ossigeno all’economia. La verità, temo, è che in Italia il “partito del Pil”, che vorrebbe far ripartire la crescita, è maggioranza nel Paese ma non nei palazzi della politica, dove a prevalere sono le spinte assistenziali. In queste condizioni lo scenario più probabile mi sembra quello che ho chiamato “argentinizzazione lenta”: un indebolimento dell’economia e una disgregazione del tessuto sociale sufficientemente lenti da non provocare alcuna reazione. Sempre che una crisi finanziaria internazionale, o una mossa avventata dei nostri politici, non faccia improvvisamente precipitare le cose, gettandoci in una situazione simile a quella della Grecia.
Dall’intervista a Luca Ricolfi "Signorili si nasce" di Gabriele Ferraresi
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years ago
Bologna, debutta lo spettacolo Bogdaproste
Bologna, debutta lo spettacolo Bogdaproste. Dal 25 al 27 novembre va in scena al Teatro delle Moline di Bologna, in prima nazionale dopo il debutto a Lugano, lo spettacolo Bogdaproste - Che Dio perdoni le tue morti della giovane regista Catherine Bertoni de Laet, classe 1994, alla sua prima prova registica. Il testo, scritto dalla stessa Bertoni a quattro mani insieme al coetaneo Francesco Maruccia, mette in scena una tragedia famigliare che riflette su questioni di identità e appartenenza, in stretto dialogo con il tema della memoria nello scorrere degli anni. Al centro di Bogdaproste – il cui significato in lingua rumena è "che dio perdoni le tue morti" – vi è infatti il rapporto con il tempo e con il ricordo. Traendo ispirazione dalla figura di Medea, i due artisti riformulano le vicende del mito raccontando di una madre straniera che precipita nella ricostruzione di luoghi violenti e violati della sua memoria. La narrazione inizia nel delirio di un sogno che si confonde con la realtà: la donna, pensando di proteggere i figli e persa nel proprio labirinto interiore, finisce per dare fuoco alla loro casa. Anni dopo ritroviamo i quattro fratelli sopravvissuti che, cresciuti separatamente, si confrontano con la ricostruzione e la responsabilità del ricordare, con il dialogo che il passato esige. Il confronto, l'accusa, il sospetto viaggiano tra i loro corpi in modo crudo, tagliente e pericoloso, senza trovare un linguaggio comune. Il rapporto tra i personaggi manifesta l'inevitabile assenza di qualcosa, l’incapacità di raccogliere i frammenti lasciati in eredità dalle madri e trovarne un incastro che possa dar loro significato. "Come nel mito – commenta la regista – ogni cosa che si muove non è mai solo se stessa, e scavando nelle parole si possono trovare corpi inaspettati. Il rapporto tra le due figure delineate come Giasone e Medea può in maniera evidente racchiudere il significato di un dialogo tra popoli, così come le parole di lei possono e vogliono custodire il dolore di una Terra devastata dall’Uomo. Le loro voci si muovono in un ambiente sonoro che altera, allarga, distorce il tempo in maniera quasi onirica, mettendo distanza, ma soprattutto minaccia in questi corpi mitici, sovrannaturali. Ed è dinnanzi a loro che arrivano invece fragili e spogli i corpi di un’umanità quasi impreparata al confronto con il Tempo, ma che inavvertitamente sprofonderà, attraverso gli intuiti e i ricordi nascosti nella carne, nella complessità di cui sono figli". Catherine Bertoni de Laet (1994) intraprende un percorso universitario di indirizzo scientifico in Belgio. Rientrata in Italia, inizia una formazione artistica a Roma, dove lavora con Fabiana Iacozzilli, Francesco Zecca, Lorenzo Gioielli e Francesco Sala. Si diploma alla Scuola di Teatro "Luca Ronconi" del Piccolo Teatro di Milano, dove incontra Antonio Latella, Romeo Castellucci, Mauro Avogadro e Serena Sinigaglia. I quattro anni di formazione portano alla costituzione nel 2021 di un gruppo di lavoro composto da Monìca Mihaela Buzoianu, Flavio Capuzzo Dolcetta, Leonardo Castellani, Francesco Maruccia, Alberto Pirazzini e Giacomo Toccaceli. Come interprete partecipa all’allestimento di Doppio sogno di Schnitzler/Favaro con la regia di Carmelo Rifici, con cui collabora anche per il progetto digitale Ci guardano - prontuario di un innocente. Come assistente alla regia lavora con Filippo Ferraresi nel suo debutto al Piccolo Teatro di Milano con de Infinito Universo e ne La traviata diretta da Markus Poschner con la regia di Carmelo Rifici. Francesco Maruccia (1994) nasce in Salento ma cresce nella periferia di Roma. Dopo la maturità classica, inizia il suo percorso teatrale all’interno del circuito dei teatri off di Roma. Nel 2021 si diploma in recitazione alla Scuola di Teatro "Luca Ronconi" del Piccolo Teatro di Milano diretta da Carmelo Rifici. Nel suo percorso accademico ha modo di studiare con alcuni dei principali artisti della scena italiana, tra cui Carmelo Rifici, Mauro Avogadro, Massimo Popolizio, Alessio Maria Romano, Giovanni Crippa e Antonio Latella. Nello stesso anno viene diretto da Carmelo Rifici in Ci guardano – prontuario di un innocente, nell’ambito del progetto digitale del LAC Lingua Madre. Capsule per il futuro. In qualità di autore, debutta con il monologo Tre preghiere e un atto di dolore (2021) di cui è anche interprete. Teatro Arena del Sole, via Indipendenza 44 – Bologna Prezzi dei biglietti: da 7 € a 15 € esclusa prevendita Biglietteria: dal martedì al sabato dalle ore 11.00 alle 14.00 e dalle 16.30 alle 19.00 Tel. 051 2910910 - [email protected] | bologna.emiliaromagnateatro.com  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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ofutebolizando · 2 years ago
Após empate sem gols contra o Palmeiras, o São Paulo agora se prepara para enfrentar o Coritiba, nesta quinta-feira, em jogo atrasado pela 29ª rodada do Campeonato Brasileiro, às 20h30 (horário de Brasília), no Morumbi. Para esta partida, o técnico Rogério Ceni não vai poder contar com os zagueiros Nahuel Ferraresi e Lucas Beraldo, que foram expulsos no Choque-Rei e terão que cumprir suspensão automática. Além deles, o Tricolor também pode ter mais um desfalque no setor defensivo e trata-se de Miranda, que sofreu um choque de cabeça na segunda etapa e precisou ser substituído com dores no joelho esquerdo. Já Diego Costa, que não atua desde a final da Copa Sul-Americana, devido a uma tendinite no joelho direito, segue se tratando no departamento médico e ainda é dúvida para o confronto diante do Coritiba. Por outro lado, o equatoriano Arboleda, uma lesão de ligamento no tornozelo esquerdo. Dessa forma, o São Paulo tem apenas Luizão e Léo como zagueiros de origem disponíveis para o próximo compromisso no Campeonato Brasileiro. O lateral-direito Rafinha, que já foi improvisado no setor diversas vezes ao longo da temporada, é outra opção para o técnico Rogério Ceni WhatsApp: Clique aqui e entre em nosso grupo! TELEGRAM: Clique aqui e entre em nosso grupo! Aqui no Futebolizando você pode acompanhar tudo sobre todos os campeonatos nacionais e internacionais. Acesse nosso Instagram e fique por dentro de todos os jogos que irão acontecer. Acesse também nosso canal no YouTube e veja os vídeos de melhores momentos das partidas. Siga a gente no Twitter e saiba todas a noticias pro primeiro.
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portaletvgurupi · 2 years ago
Ceni elogia estreia de Ferraresi e despista sobre time do São Paulo contra o Fla
Ceni elogia estreia de Ferraresi e despista sobre time do São Paulo contra o Fla
O zagueiro venezuelano Nahuel Ferraresi, de 23 anos, fez a sua estreia com a camisa do São Paulo na derrota para o Santos por 1 a 0, no domingo, pelo Brasileirão, e foi elogiado pelo técnico Rogério Ceni. O defensor teve atuação segura e compôs o trio de zaga tricolor com Rafinha e Miranda, que acabou superado no primeiro tempo com o gol de Lucas Braga. "Gostei bastante. É um jogador que tem bom…
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infositely · 3 years ago
Italian agri-food firm BF invests in pasta peer Pastificio Fabianelli
Italian agri-food firm BF invests in pasta peer Pastificio Fabianelli
Italian agri-food firm BF has taken a minority interest in fellow pasta maker Pastificio Fabianelli. Milan-listed BF, which has the agricultural subsidiary Bonifiche Ferraresi under its wing, has purchased a 30% interest in Pastificio Fabianelli for an undisclosed sum, a spokesperson confirmed to Just Food. Family-owned Pastificio Fabianelli is headed up by CEO Luca Fabianelli. Based in…
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nofatclips · 2 years ago
Eat Your Young by Hozier - Director: Jason Lester
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poavellaneda · 2 years ago
La obra pública de Avellaneda es una caja para pocos y bien oscura
La ausencia de infraestructura en las barriadas, centros de salud y edificios educativos de la ciudad de Avellaneda no es novedad. Pero, como sucede cada dos años, con el inicio de las campañas electorales (sobre todo cuando se juega una reelección en las intendencias) aparecen en los medios de comunicación y redes sociales noticias sobre la inauguración de plazas, rotondas, plazoletas o acerca de algún arreglo edilicio. De este modo, Jorge Ferraresi y su gestión (PJ) continúan utilizando a la obra pública como una gran caja negra; sólo un puñado de empresas son beneficiadas en las contrataciones.
Así lo demuestra el caso de Fediluma S.A, o también conocida como Corralón Larralde, la cual está ubicada en Wilde. Es propiedad de Lucas Daniele, pareja de María Milagros Ferraresi, hija del jefe comunal. La firma comenzó sus negocios abasteciendo de materiales al Ministerio de Desarrollo Territorial y Hábitat de la Nación. Posteriormente, empezó a recibir adjudicaciones del municipio. “Con Ferraresi como ministro, desde su carrera financiaron diez complejos de viviendas en Avellaneda, a través del Programa Reconstruir. Para ello se destinaron unos 1.400 millones de pesos para terminar, por ejemplo, 197 casas en el predio Alianza II, de Dock Sud. Allí entró el Corralón Larralde como proveedor de materiales. También en el Programa “Casa Propia”, donde el ministro bajó 154 millones de pesos para levantar 60 viviendas en Villa Inflamable, en el predio Eissler. Los materiales para esa obra fueron adquiridos en el corralón de Daniele” (El Sindical, 13/6).
Otro dato curioso (o que muestra el carácter turbio de la empresa) lo constituyen los informes financieros presentados por los jóvenes propietarios de Fediluma. Lucas Nahuel Daniele figuraba como empleado municipal de Avellaneda.
Consultados por la prensa, desde la Gestión A informaron que el corralón no se encuentra registrado como proveedor; que ellos “contratan proveedores que luego van a comprarle a la empresa del yerno del intendente” (Clarín, 11/6). Tercerización de la obra pública al cuadrado.
A esto se le suma la denuncia de vecinos y trabajadores de las barriadas por la calidad de las obras efectuadas. El ejemplo más próximo son los departamentos inaugurados pocas semanas atrás en Villa Tranquila, Dock Sud (Alianza II). Sus habitantes informan que las paredes se descascaran y las filtraciones con las lluvias son constantes.
Los concejales de Juntos por el Cambio (macristas y radicales) criticaron lo de Ferraresi, pero son unos impostores. En primer lugar, porque pertenecen a una fuerza que también da rienda suelta a negociados con la obra pública desde su lugar en el poder. En el Concejo Deliberante ni siquiera pidieron al intendente que rinda cuentas.
No existe la posibilidad de poder ver cuáles son los convenios aprobados en las licitaciones ni cómo se resuelve el lugar donde se efectuarán las obras. En la ciudad del “Presupuesto Participativo”, los contratos de obras públicas son secretos. No olvidemos que el Concejo aprobó para 2023 un presupuesto municipal que destina 24 mil millones de pesos a la Secretaría de Obras Públicas.
Mientras este negocio se incrementa al ritmo del alza de los precios y de la silenciosa devaluación, la precarización en las barriadas más pobres se multiplica. A escasos 10 kilómetros de Casa Rosada, al hambre y la contaminación se le suman la crisis habitacional (hacinamiento, y casillas de madera, chapa y cartón con serias amenazas de destrucción), y la ausencia de agua potable, redes cloacales y eléctricas seguras, y asfalto.
La obra pública es un negocio. También lo es la contratación de mano de obra en el rubro, como lo demuestra la tercerización laboral. La propia municipalidad ofrece a las empresas trabajadores y trabajadoras en negro. También contrata mano de obra precarizada para realizar arreglos en el municipio (cooperativistas, monotributistas o beneficiarios del programa Potenciar Trabajo realizan sus labores por un poco más de $40 mil por mes). Estos trabajadores carecen de ART, aportes jubilatorios y vacaciones pagas. Al fraude, Ferraresi lo disfraza de Economía Popular.
Es hora de terminar con esta estafa y dar paso a una salida de los trabajadores y la izquierda. Hay que avanzar en un plan de obra pública y construcción de viviendas populares que esté bajo control de los habitantes de las villas, asentamientos y barrios. El pase a planta de todo aquel que desarrolle tareas para el municipio, con un sueldo mínimo igual a la canasta básica, es clave. Vamos por ello con la izquierda que se planta. Por concejales obreros y socialistas.
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andre83us · 3 years ago
«La mia nuova vita nel Vietnam»: la storia di Luca Azzolini
«La mia nuova vita nel Vietnam»: la storia di Luca Azzolini
Luca Azzolini insieme a un suo amico vietnamita FERRARESI NEL MONDO /prima parte. Luca Azzolini, 27 anni, insegna inglese nel  Vietnam, oltre a scrivere poesie in dialetto ferrarese. È il primo racconto che vi proponiamo di ferraresi con la valigia, generazioni diverse che per scelta o per necessità hanno deciso di rifarsi una vita lontano dall’Italia. Tra gioia e nostalgia A cura di Andrea…
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adribosch-fan · 3 years ago
La Argentina avanza hacia el futuro reculando
La Argentina avanza hacia el futuro reculando
El crimen de un chico de 17 años vuelve a desnudar la realidad ante los funcionarios que siempre están mirando otro canal.Entrega de bicicletas, de Juan Domingo Perón en 1952 al ministro Jorge Ferraresi en 2021. Cuando Lucas Cancino nació, en 2004, su vecino de Quilmes Aníbal Fernández ya ejercía su cargo público número 15. Era ministro del Interior de Néstor Kirchner y manejaba las fuerzas de…
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orbemnews · 4 years ago
The Italian town where they eat 500-year-old meals (CNN) — The signs of the Renaissance are everywhere in Italy. Grand piazzas and palazzos. Metal-spiked doors. Looming archways. And, of course, all that ever-present art in the churches and galleries. But in one city, you also get a taste of the Renaissance every time you enter a restaurant. Ferrara, in the northern region of Emilia Romagna, was once home to the Estense court, or House of Este, which ruled the city from the 13th to the 18th centuries. The court, on the bank of the River Po, was one of the most formidable cultural powers during the Renaissance. Writers including Boiardo, Ariosto and Torquato Tasso were employed by the court, and artists such as Bellini, Mantegna and Piero della Francesco worked for the Este family in their domineering, moat-surrounded castle in the center of town. Their works have survived the centuries — but so have those of Cristoforo di Messisbugo, the court’s master of ceremonies and steward. Messisbugo was one of two celebrity chefs of the Renaissance, and his prowess with multicourse banquets to impress visiting heads of state and fill the bellies of the Este great and good, led to him writing one of the world’s earliest cookbooks. His tome, “Banchetti, composizioni di vivande e apparecchio generale” (“Banquets, Recipes and Table-laying”) was published in 1549, a year after he died. In it, as well as sample dinner menus and drinks pairings, he lists 300 recipes. And it’s thanks to Messisbugo that that, nearly five centuries later, the Ferraresi are still eating the Estes’ favorite meals. Because while every town in Italy has its signature dishes, Ferrara’s are straight from the cookbook of that 16th-century court. Yes, these dishes are real Salama da sugo, a centuries-old sausage and mash. Archivo Fotografico Provincia di Ferrara First things first. To enjoy Ferrara’s best known dishes, you don’t want to visit in summer. And you’ll want an elasticated waistband — because the signature food here is heavy. The city’s best known dishes are pasticcio — effectively a pie filled with macaroni cheese, meat ragu, and bechamel sauce — salama da sugo, a centuries-old kind of sausage and mash, and cappellacci di zucca, pumpkin-stuffed pasta. Each, though, has a twist. Pasticcio’s pie crust is sweet — yes, a meat pie in sweet pastry — while salama da sugo is a kilo-heavy salami that’s soaked in water for several days and then boiled for 10 hours to soften it into a spicy, spreadable meat that’s then served on mashed potato. Meanwhile, that super-sweet pumpkin pasta is usually slathered with meat ragu on top. All date back to the Renaissance. In fact, salama da sugo was said to be the favorite dish of Lucrezia Borgia — yes, that Lucrezia Borgia — who came to Ferrara in 1502 when she married the Duke, Alfonso d’Este. In fact, her famously long, blonde, curly locks are said to be the inspiration for another of Ferrara’s famous foods: the coppia, a spiraling, four-horned bread roll, like two croissants welded together. It was supposedly created by Messisbugo for a banquet in honor of Lucrezia. Sergio Perdonati is at work by 3 a.m. each morning to bake around 1,000 coppie per day, such is his devotion to the bread. “I think it’s one of the best breads in the world,” he says proudly. His grandfather, Otello, started the family bakery, Panificio Perdonati, 90 years ago — Sergio’s sourdough starter is Otello’s original, which has survived the bakery’s bombing in the Second World War, and two property moves. All the rolls are formed by hand and the dough is made using vintage mixing machines. Today, they’ve branched out into the sweet stuff — including panpepato, a cake also dating back to the Renaissance, made with chunks of almonds and orange peel, and covered in dark chocolate. Think Renaissance cocktail flairers Cappellacci di zucca — pumpkin-stuffed pasta. Archivo Fotografico Provincia di Ferrara People have always come to Ferrara to eat. “For sure, other courts had banquets, but Ferrara was particularly well known for them,” says Dr Federica Caneparo, a historian at the University of Chicago specializing in the culture of the Italian Renaissance. “It was especially refined, and food and banquets were a demonstration of power in front of their guests, some of whom would be ambassadors from other courts.” Italian courts had a raft of foodie professions, including the “scalco” (like Messisbugo, the supervisor), the “bottigliere” (an ancient sommelier) and the “trinciante” — the “carver”, who would put on a show for the entire table by carving meat or vegetables held in the air on a giant fork (think of a Renaissance cocktail flairer, only with knives and sides of beef instead of bottles). “They were trusted people close to the Duke,” says Caneparo. “Usually gentiluomini [nobles] by birth, or by merit. The scalco was responsible for organizing banquets and, on ordinary days, the household. The trinciante also had to be a trusted person — after all, he was right next to the master of the house with all those big knives.” Ferrara’s banquets were so famous, in fact, that poet Ludovico Ariosto included a description of one in his epic work “Orlando Furioso,” she says. And no wonder — she says that they were “spectacular, with music, dance, theater, and sculptures made of sugar or ice. They’d start with a play, or music, or both, and then they’d prepare the table.” And forget our single-figure tasting menus — these banquets could have well over 100 courses. Mac and cheese with a sugary twist Pasticcio is a pie filled with macaroni cheese, meat ragu, and bechamel sauce. Archivo Fotografico Provincia di Ferrara With so much food to choose from you can be sure that the dishes to have made it into modern Ferrarese cooking are the classics. At the modern Ca’ d’Frara restaurant, guests sit on hip mustard-colored chairs and cream banquettes to eat these centuries-old dishes. And those used to molecular cuisine might find Renaissance gastronomy equally boundary-pushing. “You often find this sweet-savory combination in the Estense cuisine — it’s unique,” says chef Elia Benvenuti. His pasticcio is an intriguing mix of a dense, meaty mac and cheese, wrapped in a cookie-sweet crust. You approach it with trepidation — how can this ever taste good? — but, somehow, it works. The sweet crust even seems to cut through the richness of the white ragu and bechamel sauce. “They’re symbols of the city — part of our DNA,” says chef of the traditional dishes. “I think Lucrezia [Borgia] would be happy,” adds his maître d’ wife, Barbara. Sweetening up the savory Sweet dishes include panpepato, a cake made with chunks of almonds and orange peel, and covered in dark chocolate Archivo Fotografico Provincia di Ferrara A few minutes’ walk away, locals are spilling into Ristorante Raccano, in a 15th-century cloister. Some are here for meat cooked in the oh-so-21st-century Josper oven — what owner Laura Cavicchio describes as “one of the most technically advanced grilling machines.” But others? They’re here for Lucrezia’s beloved salama da sugo. This is normally one of Ferrara’s more savory dishes — the salama is so heavily spiced, it hardly needs sugar. But Cavicchio and her children, Gabriella and Luca Montanari, like to take it right back to its Este roots by serving it with fried custard. The salama — made with different cuts of the pig including neck, belly, liver and tongue, with neck fat binding it all together — is seasoned with spices including cloves, cinnamon, red wine and Ferrara’s ubiquitous spice, nutmeg. It’s then aged in a pork casing for around a year, soaked in water for three days to soften it up, and then boiled for up to 10 hours. By that point, it’s as soft as jam, and chef Luca scoops it out, sprinkles it on top of potato mash, and adds mostarda (like a sweet chutney), plus the crowning glory: a cube of fried custard. “This isn’t a reinterpretation — in the old recipes, you find it served with custard,” says Cavicchio, who’s combed through Renaissance recipes and history books to make it authentic. Alongside modern dishes, they also serve “Crostino alla Messisbugo” — chicken liver and sauteed herbs pate, smeared on toasted bread. It’s another hit from the great man’s recipe book. Meanwhile, their cappellacci di zucca — handrolled pasta pillows, like oversized tortellini, filled with sweet pumpkin and nutmeg — come drenched in meat ragu and topped with parmesan cheese. Again, it’s a combination that shouldn’t work, but does. Alone, the cappellacci are offputtingly sweet to 21st-century tastes. Douse them with meat and cheese, though, and it slices through the sweetness, while amping up the taste of the sauce. Ferrrara was ruled by the powerful House of Este from the 13th to 18th centuries. Shutterstock The Estes’ signature “agrodolce” (sweet-savory) flavor was a conservation method, says Cavicchio. “People had vinegar, wine and salt. Marco Polo used it.” And although at the restaurant they use modern techniques, including that Josper oven, they want to keep the tastes as similar as possible to their heritage. “Over the years I’ve acquired a way of interpreting a recipe — I change the cooking techniques and some of the ingredients, but you need to know the product to do that,” says Cavicchio. Born just over the border in Veneto, where agrodolce flavors are also fundamental, she reads as many books about the Estes’ food habits as she can and experiments to keep the final product as authentic as possible. “Messisbugo was studious,” she says. “He invented recipes with the ingredients he had and the methods available to him. He didn’t have a fridge, so he used vinegar, wine and sugar. We’re much luckier, but I think he’d still appreciate what we do. For us, [the heritage] is a richness.” The modern day foodie courtiers Ferrara’s local bread is supposedly inspired by Lucrezia Borgia’s hair. Archivo Fotografico Provincia di Ferrara Like everywhere in Italy, restaurants and food heritage are important to the locals. Over at Da Noemi — a restaurant named after his grandmother, who opened up by herself in 1956 — 23-year-old Giovanni Matteucci has a hobby unlike many people his age. He buys antique copies of Ferrarese history and recipe books. “Sweetness was synonymous with the food of the rich,” he explains. “They used lots of spices and sugar to show off their wealth.” Even recipes for glammed-up egg yolk, and lasagne, had sugar and cinnamon on top, he says. And although he says it isn’t proven that Lucrezia Borgia really did love salama da sugo above all else, we do know that she adored apples — from the shopping list she compiled for her country estate. “She ordered loads of apples and different varieties,” he says. “It’s also said that she liked garlic.” At Da Noemi, Giovanni and his mom, Maria Cristina Borgazzi, run the kitchen. Brother Luca, meanwhile, is the maître d — the modern equivalent of Messisbugo. In fact, Luca takes his role as master of ceremonies so seriously that he’s decided that their reduced pandemic seating plan will stay forever. “We can pay more attention to the client this way,” he says. Speak to anyone in Ferrara, and they’ll wax lyrical about their pride in their food heritage. Yet, although Italians flock to the city to eat cappellacci, pasticcio, salama da sugo and coppie, the dishes have never really conquered the rest of Italy, as other regional dishes like pizza or tortellini have. Not that the Ferraresi care. “Ferrara is beautiful because of the Este family, and it’s the same for their dishes,” says Giovanni Matteucci. “People come to Ferrara for this, and we have to protect it. “Italy is based on its history. We don’t have Silicon Valley — this is our richness.” And, of course, their sweetness. Eating like Renaissance courtiers, here, is the most modern thing they can do. Source link Orbem News #500yearold #eat #Italian #meals #Town
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