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Why change a ‘winning’ strategy?
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#Luciferedit#Lucifer Morningstar#Maze#dailylucifernetflix#Linda Martin#Mazikeen#LS1E1#LS1E9#LS4E7#LS4E8#LS4E10
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#luciferedit#dailylucifernetflix#lucifer morningstar#linda martin#dan espinoza#ls1e1#ls1e9#ls3e19#connection
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Maybe Luci is finally understanding what Linda was talking about. He is learning that without someone or something to care about, he's nothing but an empty void that will never be filled, no matter how many empty pleasures he tries to fill it with. And to really be able to fill it, he needs someone that cares about him too, no matter who or what he is.
#luciferedit#dailylucifernetflix#lucifer morningstar#linda martin#amenadiel#marcus pierce#cain#void#ls3e4#ls3e17#ls1e9
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A big part of depression is feeling really lonely, even if you're in a room full of a million people.
Lilly Singh
#dailylucifernetflix#luciferedit#linda martin#lucifer morningstar#amenadiel#ls1e9#ls2e14#ls2e15#ls3e4
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I hope these two, who care deeply about Luci, manage to help him to drag himself out of his self-made darkness.
#deckerstar#dailylucifernetflix#luciferedit#chloe decker#lucifer morningstar#amenadiel#ls1e9#ls2e2#ls2e6#ls3e1#ls3e4#i'm here for you
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Chloe não é a única colocada no caminho de Luci por Deus. Então, por que o pai Frank foi colocado lá? Para ajudar ou machucá-lo? A meu ver, ele ajudou Luci a descobrir o que é amizade, mas foi levado embora quase imediatamente. Chloe também é colocada no caminho de Luci pelo pai, então é o plano de fazê-lo se apaixonar e depois levá-la embora também? Punir e causar dor em vez de alguma felicidade real.
Seguir seu próprio caminho também significa que você tem a escolha de fazer a coisa certa, quase sempre descrita como o caminho estreito e difícil, ou a coisa mais fácil, geralmente descrita como a maneira mais ampla e fácil de caminhar, mas não tão gratificante.
Então, qual é a causa e qual é o efeito dessas duas pessoas estarem no caminho de Luci? É uma forma de redenção e felicidade ou apenas outra forma de dar a Luci um vislumbre do paraíso e depois tirar tudo, punindo-o mais uma vez. Deus tem um plano, mas para citar Luci, "por que todo mundo sempre acha que é um bom plano?" Tudo o que o pai deu a ele até agora foi muita dor e sofrimento, então desconfiar do motivo de Chloe estar na vida dele é provavelmente a coisa mais sábia a se fazer.
Chloe isn’t the only one put in Luci’s path by God. So why was father Frank put there? To help or to hurt him? As I see it, he helped Luci figure out what friendship is, but then he was taken away almost immediately. Chloe is also put in Luci’s path by dad, so is the plan to make him fall in love and then take her away as well? Punish and give pain instead of some actual happiness.
To follow your own path also means you have a choice to either do the right thing, almost always described as the narrow and hard way, or the easy thing, usually described as the wider and easier way to walk, but not as fulfilling.
So what is the cause and what is the effect by those two people being in Luci’s path? Is it a way to redemption and happiness or just another way of giving Luci a glimpse of heaven and then take it all away, punishing him once again. God’s got a plan, but to quote Luci, “why does everybody always think it’s a good plan?” All dad has given him this far is a lot of hurt and heartache so being wary of why Chloe is in his life is probably the wisest thing to be.
#deckerstar#luciferedit#dailylucifernetflix#luicfer#lucifer morningtar#father frank#amenadiel#charlotte richards#ls1e9#ls2e10#ls2e12#ls2e13
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I don’t know about you, but I expected something totally different when Lucifer talks about twins;D
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Enjoying music and musician(s) :D
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I’m sure it was a big deal for her, but she was not the only one who felt like that...:)
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