#lowkey hope this is ai cause if a human person did this how did they get a job illustrating for dc and how did this get approved
homoeroticgrappling · 2 months
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
Whichever you want to answer! I hope you're having a really great day, because you are a great human <3
3. What would "S.O.S." be like in the Wolf 359 Universe?
5. Favorite tropes to write?
7. Favorite platonic relationships to write for Eiffel?
Thank you Sophie! These are fantastic questions.
3. SOS in the Wolf359 universe would be absolutely hilarious.
I have a TMBS x Wolf359 crossover that I already spoke to you about in discord, but that's a bit different, though I might post that one later too, if people are interested. But I like the SOS one too. For those that are unfamiliar with SOS or Wolf359 or both, I'll try and probably fail at keeping it simple to walk you through it, but lets see if you can follow this.
This would be the story of four friends who notice strange signals in deep space (the dear listeners) and want to explore. Fun right? Wrong. Think again. One friend would be the rich friend who is funding the whole project (basically Curtain/Cutter for character reference) who is lowkey thinking about how to use the tech for world domination while also not telling his friends because although he cares about them, he also knows they wouldn't go for it. However, in this case, this character also has a twin brother on Earth who he hates/misses terribly because of something said brother did when he was 12 that separated them both when they were orphans. The brother is a very nice person, but still this Cutter/Curtain character is up in space, looking down at him on Earth from his super strong telescope, brooding like "Look at him. That smug selfish idiot. He's a monster." (camera zoom in on the nicest man alive). I hope you were able to follow that, because the second friend in the group would have an entirely DIFFERENT secret evil plan due to her trauma and is also one who invented all the technology (think Garrison or Pryce). Still another friend (think Milligan or...gosh I don't even know what the equivalent would be maybe Doug, yeah I guess Doug) would be a secret agent sent by the government to investigate the aliens, who thinks he's keeping the government investigation secret from his totally non-supervillain friends who really just want to explore space. This secret agent character also has a young daughter back on Earth, that's an important detail for later. Finally, the fourth friend, (Pedalian, or for character reference, Sam Lambert, but any very sweet person who dies will do) has his own secret he's hiding from everyone that I can't reveal because I didn't reveal that in my own writing of SOS yet either, so basically these four friends (who do care about each other, but still have their own agendas) are all tip-toeing around each other with their big terrible secrets.
However, something big goes wrong in space (surprise). This results in the Pedalian/Lambert sweet character dying (bummer), but not before he creates an AI child (SQ/one of the AI I guess) that has a voice and personality based on his own that the Cutter/Curtain character sort of adopts and cares for as his own child because he misses his friend and cares for the AI, but he also uses the AI for his own evil ends, so that becomes very complicated and toxic very quickly because the AI loves his dad, but doesn't want to hurt anyone. Additionally, all three of the remaining friends blame themselves for their other friend's death and the two with separate evil plans become even more unhinged, causing the one who is secretly a government spy to find out what the Cutter/Curtain friend is doing, which leads to Cutter/Curtain erasing all his memories and the newly memory-wiped character escaping from their facilities, only to find the brother Cutter/Curtain hates who is on to his brother's evil schemes and making a plan to stop him. Flash forward several years, and now Cutter/Curtain is working with Garrison/Pryce to complete his evil plan, totally unaware that she has and has always had her own separate evil plan and agenda and plans to betray him eventually. Meanwhile, Cutter/Curtain's brother has now teamed up with his ex-friend whose memories he stole to send in a group of young astronauts (who, coincidently, include the daughter he forgot about who believes her father abandoned her) to take down his organization from the inside. However, Cutter/Curtain has his own people working for him and then they battle it out eventually leading to the brothers confronting each other.
So yeah. My other TMBS x Wolf359 AU is a little more coherent, but this is what I got. I hope you could follow that.
5. Favorite Trope: Villain Redemption Arcs
I can't stand seeing villains get a free pass for their crimes, nor can I stand "he doesn't deserve redemption". No! He can choose not to take it, but he is a fool if he refuses it, and it is a tragedy when he doesn't. I also am a big believer that justice and mercy are not opposing forces, but rather that they go together. Justice without mercy or the chance to be better is just revenge, and mercy without justice is a free pass. Besides, a character that truly sees the error of their ways would want justice for what they've done, they'd want to make up for what they've done, even if it means they have to suffer or lose everything. It may sound harsh, but I think that's beautiful. That's why I loved writing about Daniel Jacobi and Nathaniel Benedict's redemption arcs so much. They learn their lessons, and you can tell they learned their lessons, and it's so fun to watch them become themselves again, without all the evil, without all the anger, without all the bitterness. Let people grow. Let them be better. Let them be happy.
This is also why my most controversial and universally hated Star Wars opinion is that I think Benny Solo should have lived so he could freely choose to go to jail for the rest of his life. The ones who think he should have died and the ones who think he should have lived a happy life with Rey might hate me for this opinion, but I have a vision for this. Obviously he's force sensitive, it would be hard for a jail to hold him, but if he's really sorry, he would want to serve a sentence just like anyone else and make up for his crimes. This also works great from a practical stand point because if they wanted to make future star wars sequel content, being in jail doesn't limit this particular character because he has force bonds with Rey, so he can still talk to the main characters. He can also interact with the other criminals, so maybe he helps talk a young force sensitive kid into choosing a better path, or tells Rey about a criminal or guard he doesn't trust, or discovers a plot forming within the prison. I'm just saying, putting him in jail doesn't mean his character has nothing to do. It does however give the writers a convenient excuse if Adam Driver is unavailable for an episode due to his acting schedule. Why isn't Benny in this episode? Oh well obviously because he's in jail. But he could still do some pretty cool cameos. I'm just saying. We never got to see Rey and Ben in a fight scene on different planets where they only have one lightsaber between them that they're forced to toss back and forth across the different environments. Even if one of those was limited to a prison riot, that would still be pretty cool, would it not?
7. Favorite Platonic relationships to write for Eiffel
All of them, if we're being real. Seriously, Eiffel and any character is a fantastic dynamic. My favorite would probably be Hera, because they have such a close relationship and they compliment each other very well. I also love Eiffel and Minkowski though, and Eiffel reuniting with Anne, and...ugh. Sorry it's all of them, I can't pick. Though Eiffel and Hera or Minkowski would probably be my top choice. I have another one in mind, but that's for later. I'll keep that to myself.
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