#lowkey fuckboy vibes
nsk96 · 4 months
I hate being straight
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I wish I could be asexual
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hyunestrella · 10 months
let me knock my confidence down a peg bc i know i’m getting ahead of myself rn and i’ll work myself up to be disappointed 😭😭
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
A little crazy
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pairing: overprotective bf shanbin x s/o reader
genre: university au on unhingedness (same verse as perils, and no, it's not lasik), fluff
tw/tags: established relationship, some stereotypical characters, hanbin has a few quirks, character study lowkey, unwanted flirting, unintentional flirting, pet names, intimidation, he's sweet but a psycho, drinking, getting a lil tipsy, lowkey stalker vibes but not really, for plot purposes we will find it cute, threatening, idk how to tag this pls tell me if i missed something
wc: 2078
summary: your boyfriend is legitimately the sweetest person ever…except when someone tries to make moves on you. Then he gets…well…
a/n my advanced birthday fic for hanbin! Bc idk why I thought it was today I must have hallucinated but also idk if I have time to post on the actual day bc of real life commitments lmao whoops I struggle and try my best. Shout out to Kara aka @boysplanetmorelike for sparking this lil idea~
Check my pinned for more fics~
It’s not like he was perfect, even if people liked to think he was. Well, yes he is very boyfriend. That’s why he’s your boyfriend.
You, of all people, can attest to the fact he isn’t perfect. You’ve seen his hair in the morning. He’s definitely not at his prettiest. Sometimes he becomes a little control freak. You know that. You’re the one who they call to get him before he makes one of the poor freshmen cry unintentionally and then ends up feeling guilty about it and apologising profusely for the rest of the day, your poor soft-hearted man. And some might argue that yes he has his little ticks but they’re only minor character flaws if they can be considered flaws at all.
If only they knew.
Those who have had the pleasure of getting to know Sung Hanbin on a more, well, personal level are probably the only ones who will ever know. Poor souls, really.
And perhaps it isn’t as effective to explain as it is to show what exactly one of his more problematic personality issues is. Let’s take one unsuspecting, innocent afternoon.
Perspective. You’ve just finished class. It’s a pleasant day. You decide to meet at one of the benches under the trees outside your building. His class finishes a bit after yours so you wait, scrolling through your phone, peaceful, unbothered.
Enter unfortunate victim. For the purpose of this exercise, he shall remain unnamed. We’ll call him Victim #444. Or well, that guy.
He’s your typical fuckboy. Good looking in a sort of lukewarm way, hugely overconfident, probably thinks he has a bigger dick than he actually does, a horrible flirt, we’ve all met that type.
You share a class together. That’s how he makes conversation. Otherwise, he might not dare to approach at that time. Your talk goes something like this.
“Hey, you’re in Choi-seongsaengnim’s class too right?”
“Yeah?” You look up from your phone and he’s just there. He takes a seat on the same bench without asking. Well, it’s public property but he’s a little closer than you would like.
“He’s such a hardass, don’t you think? Like sure, he knows the lesson but he doesn’t need to act like this is the only class we’re taking.”
“Well, I mean-”
“-Like seongsaengnim, come on, I have a life outside of trying to figure out what the fuck your lessons mean.” You can add self-absorbed and stupid to this one’s list of notable traits.
“I think-” And definitely not letting you get a word in.
“Speaking of, have you got a partner for the latest project? Because, you know, I’ve been asked but I’m happy to make an exception if you want to pair up.”
“Actually, I already have-”
“Let me give you my number so we can contact each other? Maybe meet up, you know? I’ve got a nice little place to myself on the other side of campus.”
Ugh, as if. He’s leaning in so close that you can smell his cheap cologne. Before you can get up from the bench, arms wrap around you from the back and a very familiar voice coos in your ear.
“Ahh nae sarang, sorry I’m late.”
You turn your head, leaning into him.
“Hi Binnie-yah.”
He beams at you before directing his stare at the other guy. And so it begins.
“Oh, who’s this?”
You’re pretty sure Hanbin knew who this was. He knew who everyone was and at least one notable thing about them because he was quirky like that. Well, he wasn’t known as the university’s social butterfly for nothing. And you don’t want to spoil his fun so you let the guy introduce himself.
“Ah, you’re taking that major, yeah? So Junho-yah is your senior, how is he these days?”
“Oh, ah yes, Junho-sunbaenim’s been doing well, I don’t really see him around much actually.”
And bingo. The guy starts squirming. Faster than it usually takes. Your boyfriend’s made himself comfortable even though he’s half-hunched over and resting his chin on your shoulder, looking at the other guy with an unwavering stare. Sort of the way a spider would probably look at a fly before, well, you know.
“Really, well last I heard from him, he was complaining about how disrespectful his underclassmen are…but you’re not like that, aren’t you?”
“Ah, no, of course not sunbaenim.”
You can feel Hanbin’s smile get wider, his eyes crinkling in a way that you find adorable but you suspect might not be as cute for your unfortunate companion.
“That’s good, keep up the good work. I can’t imagine how I’d feel if any of my underclassmen were being disrespectful. Ah well, actually I can….”
He pauses and you swear that the guy stops breathing.
“...and I can definitely say that they’ll be very sorry that they even tried that with me.” Hanbin continues cheerily.
Suddenly he walks over and starts patting him on the shoulder. The guy flinches back.
“So next time, remember to be on your best behaviour and keep being polite, hmm? Don’t be so obvious? Maybe try not to be so shameless, yeah?”
“Ah, yes, of course, sunbaenim. Actually I- I just remembered I- I have to go- ah- sorry to disturb um- excuse me-”
You watch as he does a roughly 90 degree bow to both of you before walking off quickly.
“Less than 5 minutes, Binnie, that’s a new record.”
And your cute boyfriend is back, pouting and grabbing at your hands and squeezing them softly. If you were anyone else, you would have gotten whiplash.
“It’s not my fault if I want you all to myself, hmmm?”
Did you mention that your boyfriend was a little off in the head? Not in the should-be-confined-to-the-mental-hospital way but that slight sort of insanity that possesses him when someone tries to go for his little brother (rip Gunwook) or his little sister or his close friends or well, you.
And everyone else? Everyone else was not safe. If murder was legal, literally everyone else would probably be fearing for their lives. Which is probably a good thing that murder isn’t legal. Those incredibly lucky bastards.
Take one of the freshmen trying to chat you up during a party. They’ve been incredibly nice all evening, pouring you drinks and asking you all sorts of thoughtful questions about the major. So yes, you’re very happy to answer and give them little tips on how to ace a certain project.
“And it’s honestly fine if you mess up a little on your first test for Hwang-seongsaengnim’s class, he’s very nice when it comes to students forgetting a few names so don’t stress too much about it and make sure to ace the extra credit he gives.”
“Oh, thank you so much sunbaenim. That’s so helpful, I’ll definitely try my best.”
You can’t help but smile. So cute. Maybe it was the alcohol but you remember how it was like being a wide-eyed, overeager freshman listening attentively to your own seniors.
“It’s really no problem. Ask me anything, anytime. Seriously, don’t be afraid if you need advice.”
You reach over to pat them, swaying just a little from the amount of soju running through your body. They’re awfully red as well. You wonder why.
“How are you getting home, sunbaenim? Do you live nearby? I can walk with you if you’re comfortable with that, I don’t think it’s too safe to be out at this time.”
“Oh it’s no worries, I’ll be taking them home.”
“Ah Hanbinnie, meet my new dongsaeng” you’re not too sure when he got here or even why he’s here but Hanbin’s incredibly warm and his hands around your waist feel so nice. 
“This is my boyfriend.” You introduce him to the freshman. He dips his head in greeting as the other nearly tips over trying to bow. You make a concerned noise, making to catch the other but Hanbin firmly keeps you from moving, letting the freshman catch themselves instead.
“So nice to meet you, we’ll get going if that’s alright. It’s really not safe to be out this late, especially with someone you barely know.” You hardly register your boyfriend’s words but you’re not that drunk that you don’t know the smile he’s giving is about 95% fake and razor-sharp.
“Ah yes, get home safely, sunbaenim. I’ll find my way back so don’t worry.”
“Oh we won’t” You think you hear Hanbin say. Maybe. Could be your imagination. Because the next moment he’s nuzzling at your neck like a very spoiled cat, arms firmly holding you up as he guides you out of the bar and into the car.
“Nae sarang, you really need to take better care of yourself or I won’t want to let you out of my sight.” He says to you softly as he practically carries you into the passenger seat. It’s sweet, well the implication behind it is kinda creepy but you know he doesn’t mean it that way. (Does he?)
“You drove here?”
“Of course, I can’t let you go home all by yourself, can I?”
Like you said, there’s just a tiny screw loose in that head of his, considering the bar where you’re drinking is over an hour away from campus. You chalk it up to it being Hanbin. He can get a little paranoid on occasion. 
And sometimes, he goes a bit psycho. A little. Not a lot. Still, according to Gunwook, it’s terrifying. You really wouldn’t know but you’ve seen it.
You’ve come to wait for his dance club to finish when someone collides into you. It’s not too hard but it still knocks you off your feet and onto the ground with a thud.
“Yah, watch where you’re going, huh? I have a performance next week and I could have injured myself.”
It’s definitely one of the newer members because you don’t recognise them. Before you can say anything, Seo Won, one of the veterans, is already helping you up and asking if you’re okay. The one that knocked you over huffs and is about to say something else when Hanbin calls their name sharply.
Your boyfriend’s eyes narrow and maybe you’re a little lightheaded from the fall but also from the way his shirt clings to his body and his hair weighed down by sweat. It’s kinda hot but you’re not admitting that out loud. Not now, at least. He calls the other member’s name again and gestures him over.
He speaks too quietly for you to hear anything. All you know is that the other’s face pales drastically and he bows several times, walking over and apologising to you before practically hightailing out of the room.
Hanbin’s all over you in a matter of seconds, practically lifting you off the ground. It’s not good for your heart. Seo Won quickly backs off.
“My poor sarang, are you okay? Do you need anything? Ice? Are you bruised anywhere? Let me check.”
You don’t ever see the person who knocked you over again. Ever. You’d wonder about it but you’ve learned that it was better not to question sometimes. Especially when Hanbin insists on carrying you around for the rest of the day and practically waits on you hand and foot until the bruises fade. And it’s just a bruise. You do admit to him later that maybe you find it attractive when he’s a shade pissed and sweaty. Maybe you both get a little sweaty after that. And later, when you’re rightfully tired and sprawled out on top of him, you think about it.
Really, you wonder what goes through his mind sometimes.
[cut scene]
Hanbin smiles, all teeth and no sympathy. It’s like the serial killer before the murder.
“You speak to anyone like that ever again and I can do injuring for you, understood? No, don’t talk, just nod if you’ve managed to get it into that head of yours, hmm?”
A nod. Hanbin likes it when they’re like this. Quiet and white-faced and sweating nervously.
“Now go apologise to them. Sincerely. Like you mean it. And then, get lost. I don’t want to see your face for awhile, yes?”
Another nod. They take one step back and make to turn around.
“Oh wait.”
They freeze.
“Remember. Sincerely, okay? And don’t think I won’t know if it isn’t.”
A final nod.
“Very good. Now go.”
They go. Hanbin sighs. God, you’re going to drive him insane one day. (He already is)
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jeongjaebae · 2 years
Better than the movies
Pairing: Sunwoo x reader Genre: fluff Word count: 2.4k Warnings: alcohol, swearing
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Everyone else is having fun at the holiday party except you. And even worse is that the resident fuckboy just won't leave you alone.
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If your life was a movie, at this moment, you'd be that introvert at a party. All alone by the bar, slowly nursing your drink as the only person you know has left your side to be with a bigger, louder crowd.
You know it's not your friend's fault. It’d be easy to blame her for insisting on bringing you to the party and then leaving you alone, but you also willingly came despite expecting that to happen. Maybe it's not too big of a deal, though. Your drink goes down smoothly, and you can vibe to music from here. Spending the holidays alone is totally fine, right?
At least it is until you spot him.
Kim Sunwoo, the resident 'too hot for his own good and knows it' fuckboy, who happens to enjoy annoying you for his own entertainment. Why the hell is he here? You didn’t know he was close enough to Changmin or Chanhee to get invited, but then again you don’t know much about him outside of the moments when he shamelessly flirts with you.
Now, he's alone and scanning the room. You watch him as his search continues, mildly intrigued that he’d care enough about this person to weave his way through the crowds. Lowkey, you hope he doesn’t end up finding them so that he’d be just as alone as you are at this party. Maybe as karma for teasing you all throughout the semester. 
And maybe then you’d feel a bit better about being alone.
But what you don’t expect is that in the next moment, he suddenly turns towards you and meets your eyes. Forget all the remotely nice thoughts you had about him; you take them back. Kim Sunwoo has the audacity to smirk as he makes his way towards you, and he’s all too quick for you to make an escape.
"Oh look who it is," your enemy greets, settling down on the stool beside you. "Fancy seeing you here, Y/N."
Great. If you'd known that Changmin and Chanhee invited him, you definitely wouldn't have come here tonight. Perhaps you should've written Sunwoo's name down on the 'do not invite' section of the form they sent out, although based on what you've heard, that section is actually used as a list of people they have to invite. For the chaos it'll cause or something like that.
"So? What's the most beautiful person doing here all alone?" 
"Fuck off, Sunwoo," you mutter into your drink, not wanting to deal with him now of all times. 
"Ah, I see," he nods to himself. "Yeah, the party is kind of lame, isn’t it? How about we get out of here and do something more fun?" 
"Don't you, like," you gesture vaguely, "have anyone else to bother?" 
"Wow, that’s so mean, Y/N. Come on, it's the holidays. Can't you make my wish come true and be a little nicer to me?" Sunwoo pouts just slightly and you can no longer tell if he’s still joking or not. 
You sigh, feeling the annoyance dissipate into a pang of guilt instead. He's not wrong—you probably should be a little nicer when it's the holidays and all. But before you can mutter an apology, he’s moving his seat closer to you so he can lean in like he does every time he manages to sit beside you in class. It's nothing to react to, having grown all too used to it. 
And yet… in class it’s one thing. Here, it doesn’t quite feel the same.
"What about you?" you ask, quickly changing the subject and looking away before the thoughts can continue. "Are you this nice to everyone?" 
He’s silent for a moment and you think you’ve managed to catch him off guard. But soon enough he bounces back just as easily. "Do you want me to only be nice to you?"
You lift your drink to your lips and use that as an excuse not to answer him. 
Surprisingly, he doesn't push it. Sunwoo stays silent for the next while and opts to sip on his drink quietly beside you, only turning to people-watch when you do. The rest of the party seems like an entirely different world from your corner: there's loud music blasting in the background and the room is filled with a sea of smiles and laughter. You can see your friend dancing on the table while Juyeon silently begs them to come down, and over by the tree, Younghoon and his friend are all whispers and shy glances.
Overall, the party looks like a success. You can’t spot the hosts anywhere, but it seems like they did a great job with it if everyone is having a great time. Well, almost everyone.
Sunwoo follows your gaze. "They look like they're having fun."
"Then why aren't you with them? That could be you too."
"Nah," he shakes his head. "I could think of much better things that you and I could be doing."
"Yeah? Like what?"
He leans in until his voice is a whisper in your ear, and you don’t need to see him to know that he’s wearing his signature cocky expression again. "You want to know? Come back to my place and I'll show you."
That has you nearly laughing out loud. Sunwoo has said that to you so many times that it's lost all meaning already, and you're not sure he even means it, really. At most he's simply trying to get a rise out of you, to annoy you just so he can say you're hot when you're angry. It's hilarious how little variation there is to his tricks; by now, you know all of them by heart like bad lines from a movie you've watched too many times.
Wait—movie lines. That's exactly what the things he says end up sounding like, as if they really are lines that he's sloppily copied from somewhere. There's always been something about them that sounded off and you know he says these things to be flirty, or at least attempt to be, but they make him come off as cringey instead.
On the other hand, why would he purposely be doing this? You shift a bit until you're facing him, trying to read him to maybe get a hint at his intentions. Tonight he looks less irritating with the filter of dim lighting and alcohol obscuring his face—those round eyes are warmer, less smug, and his smile isn't quite as cocky either. It's as if he looks sincere for once. As if his asshole persona is finally cracking and you're getting a glimpse of the person underneath it.
And maybe it's seeing him like this, or maybe it’s your judgment becoming more blurred by the minute, but you start to think. Would it be such a terrible idea to go with him and find out what awaits you? Surely it can’t be worse than being at this party and feeling like you're alone in a room full of people. It can't be too bad if there's the off chance it might actually be fun, and maybe you’ll be able to figure out what his deal is.
Besides, the fact that he's the one keeping you company here while your friends are nowhere to be seen has to count for something.
"You know what? Okay, sure." You down the rest of your drink and set it aside. "Let's get out of here."
"Wait what?" Sunwoo merely stares at you for a moment as his smile is gradually replaced with a confused frown. You're not sure what kind of reaction you were expecting, but admittedly, it wasn't this. “Are you serious right now?"
"Yeah," you respond with a nod. "You're the one who suggested it, right? So let's go." When he's still slow to move, you slip out of your seat first. "Come on. Let's go and you can show me this fun time you've been proposing forever."
Now is when he should agree, you think. At least that's what you imagined—the moment you give in, he'd be springing up with a grin, as enthusiastic as he always is. But now, Sunwoo doesn't budge. He doesn't react at all until the slight tilting of the ground beneath your feet ends up throwing you off balance. 
"Be careful," he mutters, quickly reaching out to hold you steady, and then helps you sit back on your stool. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah." You shoot him a smile once you're properly seated, and he immediately lets go. And for some reason, you actually find yourself missing the warmth of his touch as it quickly disappears and is replaced by cold air. That's a thought for another time, though. "Why wouldn't it be?" you say instead, rolling your eyes at him. "We're going to have a great night, aren't we?"
"Y/N... hey, what's wrong? Talk to me."
The denial is at the tip of your tongue but dies instantly when you glance at him. Already, the Sunwoo in front of you doesn't look like the one you've interacted with on campus. This one seems completely different, like a real person instead of the one dimensional side he’s always shown you before. 
So you give in and decide to confide in him for the first time. "Well, for starters, I don't even know why I'm here. I thought this would at least be better than spending tonight in my apartment alone, but maybe it isn't."
"You're not alone. I'm right here."
"No offense but… I'm not really sure that having a fuckboy as my only company makes it any better."
"Hey, no. What?" The frown on Sunwoo's face deepens to the point where you can barely remember what his signature smirk looked like. You barely remember what was so irritating about him in the first place when he looks so serious now, even genuine. "Is that really how you see me?"
"Then how do you want me to see you? All you've done is try to flirt with me since the minute we met, and we've never actually had a real interaction outside of that. Until now."
And for once, there's no flirty retort, no smirk, no mischievous twinkle in his eyes. For once, he has no comeback at all.
"Like, what do you want from me, Sunwoo?" you continue, still running on liquid courage. "Why are you here and not with all the other people you could be with? I'm sure you have plenty of people to spend the holidays with, so are you here out of pity because I'm alone? Or is it because I'm just someone you want to mess around with for fun?"
"No, what? Shit, Y/N, I—" He pauses and runs a hand through his hair. "I'm not here for anyone else. I only came to this party at all because I was hoping you'd be here."
"Why would you do that?"
As soon as the words leave your mouth, you can see the many emotions flashing across his face. It's strange. You'd only ever seen the happy exterior he shows the world and never thought too much about it, but seeing him like this is putting him in a different light. And when paired with his words, you're finally starting to see that things might not have been what they seemed.
That there's more to him and to the behaviour that you'd easily dismissed.
"Because..." Sunwoo slowly drags out. "I wanted to see you. And hang out with you. And get to know you better—oh come on. Y/N, you're really going to make me spell it out?"
"Spell what out? That you're in love with me?"
"That—" He stops, and you think he's going to deny your little joke, but he doesn't. Even under the dim lighting, you can see the tinge of red spreading across Sunwoo's cheeks to the tip of his ears.
How is that possible? You had no idea that was even possible, and frankly, you still don't. But putting all of it together makes too much sense for it to not be true. The way he acted around you, the way he intentionally tried to get your attention each time—perhaps this rare moment of sincerity tonight is showing that it's true. It’s real.
"Really?” Your heart speeds up a notch despite not knowing how to respond to this sudden confession. "That's quite a way of showing it. Why couldn't we just talk normally then?"
"I… I guess I wanted you to notice me."
"Notice you?" you repeat, thinking he’s kidding until his gaze drops in embarrassment. "Have you ever looked in the mirror? Anyone would've noticed you, Sunwoo. You didn't have to act like an asshole for that to happen."
"You're not like that." Then before you can say anything, he continues. "But hey, give me a little credit here. I thought it was a dumb idea too, okay? It's all Chanhee's fault, that bastard. Honestly, I don't know why I believed him for a second."
You study him again, searching his face for any sign that this might be a joke, but there isn’t any. Sunwoo meets your eyes and it’s like you can see through him for the first time. If anything, the part about everything being Chanhee's idea does sound legitimate, even though the only thing you know about the guy is that he has inadvertently ruined your holiday by inviting you to this party.
"Y/N, you're not alone, okay? And I'm not trying to mess with you. I know I've been an asshole and this party has been absolute trash, but give me a chance to turn things around? You deserve to have a nice holiday."
"I guess." The situation is so strange that you no longer know how to react when he's being so genuine now. "Then… let's get out of here and have a much better time than everyone here, yeah?"
"Alright!" He does spring up from his seat now, with the same enthusiasm that you'd always pictured. "You're the best, babe."
"Don't push your luck, boy."
Sunwoo's smile only grows wider at the sound of your teasing remark. You might not know what's in store for the rest of the night, but the way his whole face brightens may just be enough to say that coming to this party was worth it after all.
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freedomfireflies · 7 months
lowkey want the cliche of fratrry being a fuckboy but for some reason with y/n he genuinely falls for her and actually wants a relationship with her
!!!!!!! YES!!!!!
Bye, this story is just gonna end up being what I wish happened between me and fratrry oops hehe like he's hooked on her from minute one and everyone else teases the shit out of him but he doesn't even care because he's down bad!!!
This is kind of giving me After vibes but...........in a better way HAHAH IT'S TIME FOR A NEW GENERATION OF FRATRRY FICS BABY
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bitterie-sweetie · 2 years
Better than the movies
Pairing: Hoshi x reader Genre: fluff WC: 2.4k Warnings: alcohol, swearing
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Everyone else is having fun at the party except you. And even worse is that the resident fuckboy just won't leave you alone.
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If your life was a movie, at this moment, you'd be that introvert at a party. All alone by the bar, slowly nursing your drink as the only person you know has left your side to be with a bigger, louder crowd.
You know it's not your friend's fault. It'd be easy to blame her for insisting on bringing you to the party and then leaving you alone, but you also willingly came despite expecting that to happen. Maybe it's not too big of a deal, though. Your drink goes down smoothly, and you can vibe to music from here. Spending the holidays alone is totally fine, right?
At least it is until you spot him.
Kwon Soonyoung, the resident 'too hot for his own good and knows it' fuckboy, who happens to enjoy annoying you for his own entertainment. Why the hell is he here? You didn't know he was close enough to Joshua or Jeonghan to get invited, but then again you don't know much about him outside of the moments when he shamelessly flirts with you.
Now, he's alone and scanning the room. You watch him as his search continues, mildly intrigued that he'd care enough about this person to weave his way through the crowds. Lowkey, you hope he doesn't end up finding them so that he'd be just as alone as you are at this party. Maybe as karma for teasing you all throughout the semester. 
And maybe then you'd feel a bit better about being alone.
But what you don't expect is that in the next moment, he suddenly turns towards you and meets your eyes. Forget all the remotely nice thoughts you had about him; you take them back. Kwon Soonyoung has the audacity to smirk as he makes his way towards you, and he's all too quick for you to make an escape.
"Oh look who it is," your enemy greets, settling down on the stool beside you. "Fancy seeing you here, Y/N."
Great. If you'd known that Joshua and Jeonghan invited him, you definitely wouldn't have come here tonight. Perhaps you should've written Soonyoung's name down on the 'do not invite' section of the form they sent out, although based on what you've heard, that section is actually used as a list of people they have to invite. For the chaos it'll cause or something like that.
"So? What's the most beautiful person doing here all alone?" 
"Fuck off, Soonyoung," you mutter into your drink, not wanting to deal with him now of all times. 
"Ah, I see," he nods to himself. "Yeah, the party is kind of lame, isn't it? How about we get out of here and do something more fun?" 
"Don't you, like," you gesture vaguely, "have anyone else to bother?" 
"Wow, that's so mean, Y/N. Come on, it's the holidays. Can't you make my wish come true and be a little nicer to me?” Soonyoung pouts just slightly and you can no longer tell if he's still joking or not. 
You sigh, feeling the annoyance dissipate into a pang of guilt instead. He's not wrong—you probably should be a little nicer when it's the holidays and all. But before you can mutter an apology, he's moving his seat closer to you so he can lean in like he does every time he manages to sit beside you in class. It's nothing to react to, having grown all too used to it. 
And yet… in class it's one thing. Here, it doesn't quite feel the same.
"What about you?" you ask, quickly changing the subject and looking away before the thoughts can continue. "Are you this nice to everyone?" 
He's silent for a moment and you think you've managed to catch him off guard. But soon enough he bounces back just as easily. "Do you want me to only be nice to you?" 
You lift your drink to your lips and use that as an excuse not to answer him. 
Surprisingly, he doesn’t push it. Soonyoung stays silent for the next while and opts to sip on his drink quietly beside you, only turning to people-watch when you do. The rest of the party seems like an entirely different world from your corner: there's loud music blasting in the background and the room is filled with a sea of smiles and laughter. You can see your friend dancing on the table while Wonwoo silently begs them to come down, and over by the tree, Mingyu and his friend are all whispers and shy glances.
Overall, the party looks like a success. You can’t spot the hosts anywhere, but it seems like they did a great job with it if everyone is having a great time. Well, almost everyone.
Soonyoung follows your gaze. "They look like they're having fun."
"Then why aren’t you with them? That could be you too."
"Nah," he shakes his head. "I could think of much better things that you and I could be doing."
"Yeah? Like what?"
He leans in until his voice is a whisper in your ear, and you don’t need to see him to know that he’s wearing his signature cocky expression again. "You want to know? Come back to my place and I'll show you."
That has you nearly laughing out loud. Soonyoung has said that to you so many times that it's lost all meaning already, and you're not sure he even means it, really. At most he's simply trying to get a rise out of you, to annoy you just so he can say you're hot when you're angry. It's hilarious how little variation there is to his tricks; by now, you know all of them by heart like bad lines from a movie you've watched too many times.
Wait—movie lines. That's exactly what the things he says end up sounding like, as if they really are lines that he's sloppily copied from somewhere. There's always been something about them that sounded off and you know he says these things to be flirty, or at least attempt to be, but they make him come off as cringey instead.
On the other hand, why would he purposely be doing this? You shift a bit until you're facing him, trying to read him to maybe get a hint at his intentions. Tonight he looks less irritating with the filter of dim lighting and alcohol obscuring his face—those sharp eyes are softer, less smug, and his smile isn't quite as cocky either. It’s as if he looks sincere for once. As if his asshole persona is finally cracking and you're getting a glimpse of the person underneath it.
And maybe it’s seeing him like this, or maybe it's your judgment becoming more blurred by the minute, but you start to think. Would it be such a terrible idea to go with him and find out what awaits you? Surely it can’t be worse than being at this party and feeling like you're alone in a room full of people. It can’t be too bad if there's the off chance it might actually be fun, and maybe you’ll be able to figure out what his deal is.
Besides, the fact that he's the one keeping you company here while your friends are nowhere to be seen has to count for something.
"You know what? Okay, sure." You down the rest of your drink and set it aside. "Let's get out of here."
“Wait what?” Soonyoung merely stares at you for a moment as his smile is gradually replaced with a confused frown. You're not sure what kind of reaction you were expecting, but admittedly, it wasn't this. “Are you serious right now?"
"Yeah," you respond with a nod. "You're the one who suggested it, right? So let's go." When he's still slow to move, you slip out of your seat first. "Come on. Let's go and you can show me this fun time you've been proposing forever."
Now is when he should agree, you think. At least that's what you imagined—the moment you give in, he'd be springing up with a grin, as enthusiastic as he always is. But now, Soonyoung doesn't budge. He doesn’t react at all until the slight tilting of the ground beneath your feet ends up throwing you off balance. 
"Be careful," he mutters, quickly reaching out to hold you steady, and then helps you sit back on your stool. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah." You shoot him a smile once you're properly seated, and he immediately lets go. And for some reason, you actually find yourself missing the warmth of his touch as it quickly disappears and is replaced by cold air. That's a thought for another time, though. "Why wouldn't it be?" you say instead, rolling your eyes at him. "We're going to have a great night, aren't we?"
"Y/N... hey, what's wrong? Talk to me."
The denial is at the tip of your tongue but dies instantly when you glance at him. Already, the Soonyoung in front of you doesn't look like the one you've interacted with on campus. This one seems completely different, like a real person instead of the one dimensional side he’s always shown you before. 
So you give in and decide to confide in him for the first time. "Well, for starters, I don't even know why I'm here. I thought this would at least be better than spending tonight in my apartment alone, but maybe it isn’t."
"You're not alone. I'm right here."
"No offense but… I'm not really sure that having a fuckboy as my only company makes it any better."
"Hey, no. What?" The frown on Soonyoung face deepens to the point where you can barely remember what his signature smirk looked like. You barely remember what was so irritating about him in the first place when he looks so serious now, even genuine. "Is that really how you see me?"
"Then how do you want me to see you? All you've done is try to flirt with me since the minute we met, and we've never actually had a real interaction outside of that. Until now."
And for once, there's no flirty retort, no smirk, no mischievous twinkle in his eyes. For once, he has no comeback at all.
"Like, what do you want from me, Soonyoung?" you continue, still running on liquid courage. "Why are you here and not with all the other people you could be with? I'm sure you have plenty of people to spend the holidays with, so are you here out of pity because I'm alone? Or is it because I'm just someone you want to mess around with for fun?"
"No, what? Shit, Y/N, I—" He pauses and runs a hand through his hair. "I'm not here for anyone else. I only came to this party at all because I was hoping you'd be here."
"Why would you do that?"
As soon as the words leave your mouth, you can see the many emotions flashing across his face. It's strange. You'd only ever seen the happy exterior he shows the world and never thought too much about it, but seeing him like this is putting him in a different light. And when paired with his words, you're finally starting to see that things might not have been what they seemed.
That there's more to him and to the behaviour that you'd easily dismissed.
"Because..." Soonyoung slowly drags out. "I wanted to see you. And hang out with you. And get to know you better—oh come on. Y/N, you're really going to make me spell it out?"
"Spell what out? That you're in love with me?"
"That—" He stops, and you think he's going to deny your little joke, but he doesn't. Even under the dim lighting, you can see the tinge of red spreading across Soonyoung's cheeks to the tip of his ears.
How is that possible? You had no idea that was even possible, and frankly, you still don't. But putting all of it together makes too much sense for it to not be true. The way he acted around you, the way he intentionally tried to get your attention each time—perhaps this rare moment of sincerity tonight is showing that it's true. It’s real.
"Really?” Your heart speeds up a notch despite not knowing how to respond to this sudden confession. “That's quite a way of showing it. Why couldn't we just talk normally then?"
"I… I guess I wanted you to notice me."
"Notice you?” you repeat, thinking he’s kidding until his gaze drops in embarrassment. “Have you ever looked in the mirror? Anyone would've noticed you, Soonyoung. You didn't have to act like an asshole for that to happen."
"You're not like that." Then before you can say anything, he continues. "But hey, give me a little credit here. I thought it was a dumb idea too, okay? It's all Jeonghan's fault, that bastard. Honestly, I don't know why I believed him for a second."
You study him again, searching his face for any sign that this might be a joke, but there isn’t any. Soonyoung meets your eyes and it’s like you can see through him for the first time. If anything, the part about everything being Jeonghan's idea does sound legitimate, even though the only thing you know about the guy is that he has inadvertently ruined your holiday by inviting you to this party.
"Y/N, you're not alone, okay? And I'm not trying to mess with you. I know I've been an asshole and this party has been absolute trash, but give me a chance to turn things around? You deserve to have a nice holiday."
"I guess." The situation is so strange that you no longer know how to react when he's being so genuine now. "Then… let's get out of here and have a much better time than everyone here, yeah?"
"Alright!" He does spring up from his seat now, with the same enthusiasm that you'd always pictured. "You're the best, babe."
"Don't push your luck, boy."
Soonyoung's smile only grows wider at the sound of your teasing remark. You might not know what's in store for the rest of the night, but the way his whole face brightens may just be enough to say that coming to this party was worth it after all.
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kydrogendragon · 10 months
58 for the Spotify wrapped fic idea thing!
Hands by Barns Courtney!
This song is perfect for a Dreamling Human!AU. Lowkey Fuckboi Dream vibes too, in a way. So this is semi-inspired by @dancinbutterfly's Fuckboi Dream
The multi-colored lights pulsed to the bass heavy music. Warm bodies swayed to the beat, grinding and sliding amongst each other. Hob is no exception. The dark haired stranger dressed in very little clothing - more fishnet than actual fabric - trailed his slender, pale hands down Hob's chest. (When did he lose his shirt? Where even is his shirt?) His blue eyes seemed to glow in the flashing neon lights. Glitter shone from his cheekbones and clung to his eyelids. And his lips - Christ, his lips - were a delicious shade of red. Before Hob could process what he was doing, he had leaned down, capturing those pretty lips in his.
The stranger sighed into his mouth and wrapped his arms tight around Hob's neck, pulling him closer, deeper. The stranger tilted forward, pushing every possible inch of his lean figure against Hob's own. His larger, tan hands quickly found his stranger's hips, holding him in place as he ground his aching cock against the other man.
He moaned against Hob's lips, pressing back just as eagerly. Bodies of the crowd pressed against them, tossing them in the sea of sweat and sound and humanity. The stranger's fingers were suddenly in his hair, pulling as they trailed through his long brown locks. Hob's head fell back with the motion. A hot, wet mouth found its way against his neck, lapping and sucking and the sweat slick skin with a groan.
The ceiling shifted.
No. He shifted. Looking forward again, Hob realized he was being pulled out of the heart of the crowd and towards the edges of the building. His stranger pushed him into a darkened corner, pressing close as his hands reached down, fumbling with his belt. Hob's moan was cut off by his stranger's mouth on his once more. Those pale fingers grasped his now leaking cock, smearing the little pre-cum down his length.
Time seemed to melt around him. All Hob could feel was lips on his mouth and his neck, hands stroking him and holding him back against the wall. Music thumped on, the bass rattling him through the floor. It didn't take long before he found himself crying out and coating the gorgeous hand of the man in front of him.
His stranger lifted his stained hand to his lips and gave it a testing lick, his bright blue eyes pinning him in place. If Hob hadn't just came, he's pretty sure that would have done it. He watched as the stranger's tongue darted across his digits, leaving no trace behind. Hob dove in, pulling him close, tasting himself on the other man's tongue.
Then he stepped away. Hob leaned forward, desperate to follow only to be met with a hand against his chest. His stranger stared down at him, an amused smirk on his face.
"Please," Hob whispered, his voice hoarse. His stranger's brow rose.
"Please what?" Oh Christ, even his voice sounded like a Dream. It was deep and low and Hob knew from that moment on, he was fucked. He was never going to recover from this man.
"Don't leave."
His stranger looked him up and down, as if judging whether or not he was worth it. Hob swallowed, staring up at him. After a moment, his stranger reached into his back pocket and pulled out what looked to be a sharpie, or something like it. He reached for Hob's hand and scribbled numbers on the back of it.
"Come find me, then." His stranger purred as he capped his pen and returned it to whatever magic pocket he had in those tiny ass shorts. Within seconds, he disappeared back into the crowd.
Hob looked down at his hand. A phone number was written across it with a single letter, M, written underneath. He smiled. It didn't matter what it took. Even if he had to walk through every backstreet, he was gonna carry that man back home with him.
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chans-room · 5 months
B! Quick! FMK: Bobby, Jeongin, BamBam
Fuck: BamBam. I feel like he'd be very attentive and focused on your pleasure?? Eager to please and lowkey has a noona kink and would be surprisingly good in bed. Total fuckboy tho and would only booty call you if he knew you were not attached. A good stress release and you always cum so why not.
Marry: Jeongin. Baby bread kinda does it for me idk. the hands and the duality and yeah I'm not gonna waffle on and be a complete slut on main. But also I feel like he'd be a surprisingly good and easy partner. Like brings you flowers and pays for your nails but also lovingly roasts you.
Kill: Bobby. First of all: he could not find the clit even if he had a detailed set of directions and doesn't feel bad about it. Fullllllll jackhammer vibes. Not even worth it in bed. But also the misogyny makes him just an all around no. He also has that weird religious fuckboy vibe?? Like he'd talk about how what you wear isn't modest enough for Jesus or something but he would also totalllllly cheat on you and blame the girl he cheated with for "dressing like a total skank" and "how do you expect me to resist? I'm a guy"
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svnoohe4rts · 2 years
also im. fine i have so exams next tho
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also omfg i absolutely hated exams … i know you’ll ace that shit though baby <333
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kaedeakeshisworld · 2 years
A fuckboy that got played at his own game
cw: dark content ahead reader blackmails Reiner, Sex toy ( dildo), lube, self pleasuring, filming someone without their consent then threathening them, anal sex (Reiner), double stimulation for Reiner if he doesn’t respect the reader’s rules - punishment, unprotected sex, eventually reader is developping feelings towards him but decides to remain in denial.
wc: 541
rundown: Reiner is a player, he pretty much has had sex with every single girl in uni but the one that doesn’t give in is you. He won’t certainly back down from this challenge but is he ready to witness and bear his own loss...
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Player Reiner has pretty much had every single uni girl bounce on his dick. He is a very proud lad of his achievements concerning his sexual endeavours. To make sure no one does outnumber him he still has to get his hand on you. You’re a lowkey student and you really don’t like Reiner’s vibe, you know he is hiding something. There is something that he isn’t doing out in the open and you have to discover what that is.
Player Reiner is trying really hard to make you fall for him. He tries to woo you by buying you flowers, sometimes he does bring you a cup of coffee in the morning from your favourite hot drinks place and he also insists on carrying your bag. You keep him around, after all it is an effective way to make sure secrets unfold before you without working too much for it. He’s really an idiot you think because he really thinks he’s gonna get a piece of me! Ah, no way.
Player Reiner is such a slut you already know that. It also looks like he is not aware that there are videos of him where he is pleasuring himself well of course he doesn’t know because you’re the one filming it. There is a large variety of methods he uses to get off specifically because he can’t get you and it’s surprising to see someone that is sought after by many people act like this.
Player Reiner is having a solo session today. It’s Friday night, most people are out drinking but Reiner isn’t. So you go ahead and try to call him to see if he's maybe out of town or he’s at a party. He doesn’t pick up nor does he message you back so you try to see what he is doing in his room. Maybe he’s there, you open up your computer and Reiner is there. He is bouncing up and down on a dildo, there is an obscene squelch of lube probably but he does look really good like this.
Player Reiner is shocked when you threaten him the morning after with the video footage you have of him having his way on his own. He’s so scared he says he’ll do anything for you and you truly do like when people say those words. So from now on each time Reiner gets off without asking you first you make him ride a dildo while you simultaneously ride him until you get enough.
Player Reiner cries so beautifully in front of you that sometimes when you are having sexual intercourse you start asking yourself if you are catching feelings for him. The accumulation of staying together friday nights often resulted in slow sensual sex which led to saturdays where you would wake up in the same bed. And this went on for nearly one year. But you can’t fall for Reiner, his player reputation is as present as his confidence. You weren't that much of a good person yourself, you had threatened him to make him do whatever you wanted. Let’s just be what we’re for the moment people that ocasionnally fuck.
Fic 13 of Pride series
Let me know what you think about this in the comments. Any sort of interaction is widely welcome!
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2022 © All rights reserved to @kaedeakeshisworld. Translations, modifications, replicas or even property of my achievement are not allowed without my approval. Do not repost/ recommend/ share it elsewhere!
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
were Eren and Jean frat boys? Eren does give that vibe but Jean is like frat boy at heart I think but refuses to accept that imo
there are no frats where i went to school so i don’t have a lot of knowledge about them outside of movies and tv lol
but if we’re talking tbaw boys, if there was a frat they’d definitely be frat guys. eren would be your stereotypical fuckboy frat boy and jean would pretend like he’s not and he’s better than that but he’d lowkey be the same.
jean would be one of those guys that are like super nice and not obviously scummy but then he’s got almost as many notches as eren does 💀 but jean at least takes the girls out in a date first instead of just bringing them home from a party like eren does so that makes it better in jean’s eyes
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padfootastic · 2 years
all this talk about desi potters and first cousins prongsfoot and genderbending suddenly threw me back 5 years to when i was working in a local tv agency translating bollywood movies from english to arabic. and i just went. through FIVE YEARS of my youtube history to find THIS SONG. and just. the whole premise and the lyrics and the entire energy of it is giving me such strong prongsfoot feelings. and THIS ONE <333 where they run off together and get caught sneaking around. the entire soundtrack of the movie fucks so hard. (holding my fingers that the links work?)
ahahahaha dani this is so funny 💀💀 especially that second video where it’s like,,,,the sneaking around and the constant affection. and the entire scenario lol also,,,,the hero is giving me those downtown beirut fuckboi vibes u talked about 👀
(also lowkey,,,,,sirius & fem!james bc of the tattoos & smoking & Cool Dude energy ykwim?)
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wdwbabes · 2 years
what i think badger hockey players are like irl
these are my impressions of the guys, i do not know if they are like this irl. please do not send hate to the guys or me, i’m just sharing my opinions because my friend thought they were hilarious
also, ik this isn’t the whole team, these are just the guys i felt like i could form an opinion on lol
de st phalle is a frat boy through and through, drunk every weekend type but super smart and does really well in school
urds is a golden retriever who also loves to party and definitely gets the girls but is a family guy and will always put them first
shay is a man whore and probably not super book smart, i don’t think i need to explain those
brock is the sweetest man to grace this earth but also kinda shy
moe is probably an ass, i’m also judging off of his mustache so
tyson is an impressionable guy who does whatever anyone else wants to do, and has go with the flow vibes. he is definitely shy and keeps to himself, introvert with extrovert tendencies around people he knows and trusts
dom is like the dad, not just because he is the captain
cruz is living his best college life like he got a fake 3 days after moving in (not that he needs one, kk will let him in no matter what), goes out to bars and parties and tries to impress the girls. lowkey lives in his brothers shadow and always strives to outshine him
lamaster is definitely super quiet and shy but when you get some alcohol in him you wouldn’t be able to shut him up otherwise is super sweet with slight temper issues, but overall one of the funniest guys you’ll ever meet
malmquist is always up for a good time, bffs with dan, has all the good qualities you want in a guy
bantle i feel like would be one of the sweetest guys ever and is genuinely a good guy
lindmark is sweet and fratty but not douchey and just be so nice and dependable like he’s the guy people call when they are drunk and need a ride home, aka the responsible one
gorniak def has dad vibes and does not give one fuck what anyone has to say, he will do whatever he wants whenever he wants
morrison is a sweet lil guy who is respectful and the perfect guy to date
vorlicky def gets all the girls and uses the fact he plays for the university to get them.
dan is def fuckboy but its respected because he’s hot, but is shy so most of the time the girls come to him. he is besties with malmy and whatever malmy wants to do, dan will do
cools is like a classic canadian with his mannerisms and stuff, probs super smart with a idgaf personality/vibe
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the-invisible-queer · 9 months
in my personal experience dudes who are always acting tough and looking for fights constantly overestimate their abilities and get their shit rocked like 90% of the time while guys who are generally not the fighting type but end up in a fight anyway always end up holding their own, so for that reason i want to say joe would win. nick also kind of gives off lowkey insane vibes to me though lmao, so he might be a wild card and be able to pull it out despite his general “fuckboy who thinks he can fight about to find out that he can’t” energy
Nick's only flaw is being a Virgo man which makes him a wild card
Tbfh I'm basing most of my opinion on the fact that Nick and Josh (my younger brother) are very similar sometimes in the worst ways
And Josh is basically a ganbanger who has his life together
And based on the way I project myself on Joe sometimes
We'd fucking lose
There is a reason my brothers and I have chosen the Jonas Brothers specifically to represent us a lot of the times
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sirensunrise · 2 years
Thank you for responding to my ask with such depth. Cannot believe I didn’t consider changkyun and taemin. Ludacris oversight.
Would love to hear about what genre you see idols slotting themselves into with producing.
Idk if you like much non-kpop music but even trying to think of western bands/groups idols would fit into is kinda fun. Like yuta in 5sos, dawn in 1975 (still workshopping that), soyeon in paramore… I know that is an entirely different tangent to the original ask and what you said your tangent was.
First off, I LOVE music outside of kpop. I’ve grown up surrounded by mostly alt music (punk, rock, indie) (and also a lot classical) but branched into emo and then some pop, rap, and just all music like i just Love music so much.
Ok so also, to preface this, I just came back from a hockey game where I had one more drink than i normally have (they also were overpouring... like a Lot these things were essentially doubles lmao) so im a lil tipsy so whoops. 
(as i’m writing this i am having more drinks this is fun)
Also bc I’m drunk (I’m writing this while halfway thru answering sorry) I’m gonna continue my og train of thought. Apologies. I will reblog this when I’m sober perhaps and actually do the secondary tangent. Also This isn’t necessarily what the idols would choose, but its what i see them doing if they were in that like alt universe discussed before. Where they are all rock/rock adjacent artists. Also might not include all of them. Literally if you want anything specific. Ask. I will answer. I love being asked shit like this. 
What originally had started this was me thinking about yuta and taem and how yuta especially gave me hyde vibes. Which like duh, that’s his fuckin dad right there. They literally did a drunk insta live together and it gave me my whole life. Hyde was Super androgynous in the 80s and 90s which is huge taem vibes, also the cross mic stand and some christian imagery idk. it gives. plus hyde has a very distinct voice which both taem and yuta have. Yuta has such a japanese voice. idk how else to put it. its just So japanese rock. Yuta is a man built for that shit. lowkey im sorry but 5sos is pussy shit compared to what i see for my boy yuta. (who has such impeccable music taste like. yuta, hmu i know some jp, all my host sisters are from osaka, i love one ok rock. i like that you’re a perv) Also throwing in some X Japan style for taem just bc he would go to that extreme. If he did rock of course. idk the man is an enigma. 
JK, im so sorry baby girl you give me mgk vibes every now and then. If not solo shit he would be in a band like as a drummer or bassist with amazing back up vocals/secondary lead. Kinda like how pete wentz operated but like. More. Jk would be a sleeper hit. I don’t think he’d be lead singer if in a band. But he’d do some fuckboy shit if he were solo. Probably do really intricate shit tho if he played an instrument. The boy likes muse, go watch him do that baseline and tell me otherwise. I DARE YOU. 
ok the next person i can immediately peg (ha) is jjong. that man gives me classique warped tour vibes. I’m talking early 00s rock. Taking Back Sunday, Thursday. That vibe. Not screamo. Not metal. but not quite emo. More life than brand new. Solid like young people rock. lead guitarist. obviously. backup/secondary vocal. maybe even lead. That era. (i hope yk what im talking about lmao. rock is my shit. I just saw taking back sunday open for mcr in like nov and ive seen geoff from thursday open for frank iero (quick sidebar thats fun that they both were with mcr/mcr members ha) but yeah im getting Specific. and it’s not a lot of current shit. we goin Back a bit,)
Hongjoong is obviously muse/linkin park. the theatrics of muse. the intricacies. the showmanship. That man is Built for it. I saw muse a few years ago and they had a blimp flying over the audience. you know the next time i saw smthn like that? ateez’s rhythm ta performance on kingdom. Coincidence? yeah. but it MEANS something to me. muse is in his VEINS. BUT the linkin park comes in w the like kinda rap. like linkin park had some kinda rap. joong would prob do real rap. literally just his solo lil cover songs like its all there babey. ateez is essentially already what he would do on his own bc he is so involved in the creative process but idk, the muse vibes exist. a cool hybrid between the two. 
The other ones didn’t get like fleshed out immediately and my brain is mushyymushy rn like whoooo im more drunk than i thought this is pure stream of consciousness rn so i couldnt truly tell you about the rest. most of them didnt have obvious rock counterparts i suppose. idols are lowkey weaksauce most of the time. like punk to me is dead kennedys that type of shit. they type where u tell the govt to fucking shove it and call reagan hitler and scream and bash shit. idols, by nature, don’t get to do that. and the type of people who become idols are probably not the type to do that. except hongjoong. hongjoong and suga are like the most outspoken mfs about that. i respect them so much. they pussy poppin on that punk attitude in an industry that expects perfection and obedience. they get their dicks sucked for that one fr.
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yoonohnct · 5 years
Did Johnny really...
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Have to be...
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