bewitchingbaker · 3 months
@brooklynislandgirl said:
~gropes him. Gently. With her teeth~
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A scowl is present on that often smiling face, arms folded on his couch. Even with the sleeping Dee on his lap and Quas resting at his feet, he couldn't help but shake the day off of him. Then he felt a familiar sharp sensation against his neck, small hum of appreciation escaping his lips.
"As much as I hate bad days," Chris sighs with a small smile, "If it leads to this, I might be a little more ok with them~"
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brooklynislandgirl · 10 months
❤️ Romantic (lovingspoonful!verse) ❤️ (platonic/close in a Modern!Verse)
Heart to Heart || Accepting
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done and done, dear! We should discuss the second verse at some point!
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bewitchingbaker · 8 months
childhood memories: 5 years old.
Chris's eyes are drawn from his guitar and to Beth at his bookshelf. A small smile spreads across his face. His collection wasn't as impressive Beth and admittedly he was a little shy about the amount of vintage shojo manga (his favorite was always Fruits Basket) that was nestled between the various superhero themed comics.
Organized in alphabetical order with not a single spine out of shape. One could easily spot rarities by the plastic book covers (he'd be damned if someone lost his signed copy of Dangerous Habits). But amidst the various novels and comics, one could spot photos from his younger years.
A photo of a teenage Chris B boy posing with Jess behind a kitchen counter could be found on the third shelf. On the third shelf near Deadpool issues, one could see Chris holding an accordion and wearing a bowling-style button-up to match the older members of the band.
But at the very top of his book shelf were two action figures.
Storm, in her 90's cartoon iteration, standing right next to the black power ranger, Zack.
Both are in mint condition, of course.
He leans up from the couch once she asks about them.
"Oh those? I'm surprised I haven't told you this story," He smiles. "Those were the from the great Friday of 2000."
A nostalgic smile spreads across his face.
"My dad was a huge comic nerd, Xmen being his favorite team cause of Storm. So when he saw the trailer for the movie, that's all he would talk about. Mom was excited but she wasn't into Storm's casting at the time and Jess wanted to see Wolverine. Now mom wanted to wait until Sunday cause...well it's a day off and she had papers to grade."
A laugh.
"But ol Kenneth Luna was not patient. So he stayed up with mom to get her student's projects graded on top of doing a top-tier performance at work. So come Friday, he picked us up at like 3 on the dot for the early afternoon showing and boy was he excited. I'll be honest, I had no idea what was going on as I was like 5. I just saw bright colors from Cyclops optic blasts and Storm flying and I was excited."
The action figure soon began to levitate around before landing in his hands.
"I think I said something like 'That's mom! that's mom!' cause she was so cool and mom thought that was the funniest thing. Once the movie was over, we went to the mall for dinner. Since the movie was out, the local toy store had all their X-men toys on display so of course I wanted one."
It isn't long before Zack floats into his hand.
"The Halle Berry action figure was cool but it wasn't as cool as this one," he says holding up Storm. "There wasn't a flowing cape, the hair and the accurate look were much better. Plus, my parents wanted me and Jess to have toys that look like us. Since my dad was hyped off seeing his favorite comic brought up, he bought me Zack and Jess a bunch of Mad Magazines. Probably explains why Jess can be a little unhinged."
He laughs before sighing.
"I know we're pushing 30 but I can't let these two go, they were my first toys from such a good day. There's no way I can get rid of them, they're just too cool."
A blush fills those chubby cheeks.
"I know it sounds a little dorky..."
[ @brooklynislandgirl ]
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bewitchingbaker · 8 months
Chris' back is pressed against her headboard. She suspects he might be more comfortable if he just moved her a little and slouched down away from the wood and onto the pillows but she doubts he's going to bother. Inwardly he may be mortified but she can feel how much he wants her as she takes up space in his lap. Knees pinning his hips. Small palms braced against the front face of his broad shoulders, and her face buried in his neck. Soft little licks. Teasing grazes of his jugular with the tips of her teeth. The tidal sway of her body that has her modest chest brushing against his own. The tiniest of occasional growls, sounds that remind him that she is not entirely human. Finally, slowly she pulls away only to caress the edge of his ear with her lips. "...'M I hurtin' you..?" Oh and maybe there's the devil in this moment. Embedded in that smokey whisper of hers. "Mebbe mo' beddah I aks you...do you wan me to?"
A soft sigh of pleasure escapes his lips.
Beth's skin felt soft. Not much of a surprise to the baker, as he remembers her detailed skin routine. The scent of her shampoo brings a soft smile to that flushed face of his. While those beautiful teeth grazed his jugular, his own hands trailing down her back. Though his left hand was lost in the art that was her hair.
Chris knows she could hurt him or in Quas's words 'Kill him twice over'. As evidenced by not just those sharp canines but her skill with a knife. Even when they were kids, it didn't take much for Beth to win their game of knights. Some would be driven away by this.
But not Christopher Noe Luna.
"Doesn't hurt all," he smiles. "Quite the opposite honestly, it feels nice~"
This was heaven for him.
Those soft masses he called hands have found a home on her hips.His own rolling softly against hers In a rare show of confidence, the baker pulls her closer without much effort. No doubt already under her spell.
Soon those cheeks fill with that known red hue, already anticipating what Beth had in store for him. His lips press themselves against her shoulder, a soft bite of his own following before he finally whispers. Voice surprisingly husky.
"But I'd love for you to hurt me~'
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[ @brooklynislandgirl ]
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bewitchingbaker · 10 months
 ✵ {opinion then vs now ship meme <3 Jess/Andy}
Joe's Diner.
A rather retro space hidden within Arizona's neighborhoods. Opening at 11am and closing...whenever. Serving all manner of delicacies from breakfast, lunch dinner, and some mysterious fourth meal that no one ever ordered. Their waiters often having a high turn around time, ranging from local college students to some of their classmates (the local Goth's often offered extra coffee to the Luna's thanks to Jess's side business)
A perfect hangout spot for the clique of the Luna and Riley teens.
Jess Luna's head rested on her recently manicured fingers, soft brown hues staring at Andrew 'Andy' Riley.
For once, it was just the two of them. No Chris nor Beth in sight due to the two of them having a mass of assignments due. Though if you asked Chris, he'd flat out tell you he's giving them some space cause they're graduating soon. Plus, she promised he could keep their skateboard if he gave her time to 'make kissy faces at Andy'.
Her brother may have been quiet, but he could read her like a book. Jess Luna didn't fall for alot of people in the desert city, but that Andy had a charm about him. He shared her sense of humor and love for a younger sibling in a tough family. Being easy on the eyes helped alot too.
Their first impression of your muse:
"First impression?" she echoes. "Hmm, he looks like has a stick up his ass. What's his ass doing in a skate shop? Shouldn't he be with the other jocks? But then I saw you had a little lady clinging to you."
A small smile spreads across his face.
"He must be alright."
Current impression:   
"As of this moment, you're a sweet, mostly mature dweeb who I like spending alot of time with. Even if he complains about my little...side business with totally legal substances."
A pause.
"With his head up his ass."
Are they attracted to your muse?:  
A coy smile spreads across Jess's face, an inquisitive tilt of her head following. Those size 9 Vans mess with Andy's leg for a moment.
"Maybe," She hums. "I might think your hair is cute and you're pretty easy on the eyes. I don't exactly mind seeing you in your swimsuit, if anything it makes me glad you have that pool in this hot ass city."
Something they find frightening about your muse:
Her smile falters a bit, leaning in her seat. The older Luna takes a sip of her drink as she thinks of her answer. While she hsd her fair share of anger issues, it was nothing compared to Andy's anger at the Admiral. Understandable considering the old fucker's treatment of Beth.
"I wouldn't say it's frightening," Jess begins. "But you're anger is...concerning. I mean I get it cause I have my own issues with the Luna's, it just feels like it'd be hell to be on the other side of that anger. But I understand and trust I'll never be on that side."
Something they find adorable about your muse:  
"What don't I find adorable about you," Jess asks with a laugh. "I guesssss if I had to narrow it down to one thing. I'd say...your smile. When you make a good play or when you get to drive that cool car of yours, you get this bright smile."
She smiles as her foot messes with his, hands holding onto Andy's.
"Seriously, it's like you don't have any pressure on you for once."
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
"Sacrifice? Like...in Left 4 Dead?"
Jess asks with an inquisitive tilt, feigning some confusion at the question before playfully smacking his hands. Another laugh escapes her lips before takes a sip of her drink.
"I would like to hope that we never end up in a moment like that. I don't have the capactiy for that like our siblings do." she sighs. She looks out the window for a moment, brown hues flashing purple for a brief second. "Chris always seemed brave...in moments like that."
A pause.
"But if it came to it, I guess. Knowing you though, you'd be pretty pissed if I tried to sacrifice myself."
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
"...Riley, I would hope the past few years would give you a clear answer," Jess replies. "I'm not including the ones with Beth and Chris, maybe our trip to the water park and we...ya know."
She blushes as her hands gesture to the resteraunt.
"I mean like when me and you went to the movies. Or the time we saw them light the tree in downtown Sedona. I'm saying all this to say 'yeah I'd go on a date with you.'"
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  
"Hmm," Jess ponders. An eternal second passes as she thinks about Andy. Sweet. Brave. Dumbass. But the older Riley was her dumbass. As much as Jess messed with Andy, she appreciated him in her life. Not just hers but Chris's. Really the Luna's lives.
Not a lot of boys would go along with a magic family dealing with tragedy.
She finally finds the words for Andy.
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: 
"No!" Jess replies instantly.
A sly smile spreads across her face.
"Unless you're into it." she laughs with another hand on his.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
Silence. For once, Jessica Luna is at a loss for words. She forgot how Andy had a way of leaving her flabbergasted. Such a simple question had her cheeks ablaze with a blush. Her eyes take a moment to stare at the eldest Riley sibling.
She smiles before laughing.
"Does this answer your question?"
With one swift movement, she presses her lips against his. Her hands resting on his cheeks for a moment. Getting lost on their kiss before finally breaking it to press another one against his nose.
"...Now are you paying for our last date as high schoolers?"
[ @brooklynislandgirl/@tarnishedhalo ]
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bewitchingbaker · 3 months
15. Does your muse have any birthmarks, stretch marks, freckles, or moles? Where are they?
A 16 year old Chris stares at his reflection in the hotel mirror.
Those soft brown hues look over his features for a moment. A large curly afro, no doubt still inspired by his favorite Philadelphia drummer. His eyes are huge, 'puppy dog' eyes as his aunt often called them. Usually giving everyone a clear indication of any emotion he felt at the moment. He's begun to fill out thanks to everyones favorite friend, puberty. Those once sticks he called arms have gained quite amount of mass, thanks to a combination of 5 squares a day and lifting everything in the bakery.
Andy often joked about him joining the team, though he knows Chris is way too invested in a potential career in arts.
But Chris doesn't exactly possess the abs that the older teen often flexed. Though his chest rivaled Andy's, his tummy was much more soft compared to the washboard muscles of the football team captain. His eyes wander to the small star shaped shaped mole that rests on those chubby cheeks of his.
The proof of his growing mass could be seen on the inner parts of his arm and on certain parts of his thighs. He can only sigh at his broad frame.
There's a hint of regret in his eyes, unsure of his decision to join his sister, Andy and Beth on a trip Oasis Waterpark. Why not? It's a weekend trip with people he considered close friends. He gets to be away from the hellish heat of Luna's kitchen.
But then he remembers he has to be shirtless to go to the pool. In front of Beth no less. He looks at the 2 xl Pearl Jam tee with a roll of his eyes. While a small gift from his close friend, he still can't shake that teenage jealousy of Eddie Vedder as Beth never misses an opportunity to sing his praises.
Then he hears a familiar series of three knocks against the door. Looks like he thought her up.
Chris quickly slips on his shirt to open the door to see the light of his teenage heart, Beth Riley. Much like him, her Janis Joplin tshirt is a 2 sizes too big though it maybe because it's a shirt that belonged to him and he left it at their place. Like an open book, she can sense something is wrong with her friend. One of the perks of being fluent in 'quiet kid' as Jess often puts it.
Her hand reaches out to his shoulder, inquiring whats wrong in that loveley voice of hers. Chris does that thing he always does when he can't find the words and rubs the back of his neck as if the right saying is there. His eyes wander to the phone in her other hand with an inquisitive tilt of his head. He follows her to her to his bed, taking a seat next to her.
Then he remembers her trip back home for the Monarch Festival. Once he looks over the videos of the various dancers, the baker notices a small radiant smile spread across her face.
'They're beautiful, ya know? They almost remind me of you. Ya both are big, huggable honestly. Very beautiful.'
Now here he is, 30 years old.
Much had changed over the years. He's grown to appreciate the small stretch marks that decorated those huge arms. An equally matching pair of hands squeeshed his cheeks with a small smile. Though he still works for a much more solid tummy, he loves its softness a little more. Plus, with the addition of a moon shaped piercing that hung from his belly button, he grew to appreciate his softness.
'You look like a hero, Killika but you're still lovely to hug.'
Her words upon seeing him after so many years still played like a lovely song in his head whenever he looked at his physique. Beth often said she could never find the right words for things and Chris would always disagree. If it's one thing Beth had, it was great timing. His mind would always wander to her kind and encouraging words throughout the years.
[ @brooklynislandgirl ]
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bewitchingbaker · 4 months
4. How often do they eat out? What kinds of restaurants do they like to go to?
It's a relaxed Friday evening in Sedona. The sun is beginning to set and the desert is finally cooling off just a bit. Luna's Moonlight Delights has closed early for the weekend and the younger Riley has the night off for once and decided to spend her time at Chris's.
A purple dart levitates in the air.
Chris has one eye open, aiming at the the dartboard in his living room. His target held a few sticky notes. Each with a different restaurant name as well as a mood in parenthesis. While Chris had no problem cooking and still had some ingredients to whip up a meal. But then again...that would mean dishes and no amount of magick could make that task enjoyable.
So ordering out was the move for tonight.
'Pisa Liza' (if we don't wanna wait)
'Desert Roots Kitchens' (if we're feeling sandwiches and vegan)
'Little Dragon' (can't go wrong with their spring rolls)
'Ingo's Tasty Food' (they have everything)
Now, Beth's eye is on Chris as she's quick to remind the baker that he's ordered Little Dragon this week. Quas also mentions that he's been craving more fancy pizza this week, backing Beth's wishes to leave this to choice. Although the hellhound wouldn't complain if they got Ingo's as their desserts have become one of his favorites outside the Lunas. Our young Luna couldn't argue with their logic, they were right after all.
With both eyes closed, his fingers throw the levitating dart towards its target.
To everyone's genuine surprise, the sticky note for Pisa Liza held the dart. The baker feels a playful tap against his ribs before feeling her head against his chest.
"I may have left it to chance, but I think I'll let you pick the toppings. You have good taste so I'm down to try anything you suggest~"
[ @brooklynislandgirl ]
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bewitchingbaker · 5 months
Sin: Envy
A sigh escapes a certain 13 year old's lips. A scowl present on his face as he looks at the clock. His attention is snapped back to reality when he hears the next order that needs to be boxed brought to the counter. Those small hands folded the bright purple box with expert precision, quickly handing it to Alice to take to the front counter.
Jess is supposed to be here.
She was supposed work with him this shift cause he has to close and the family has to leave an hour early for 'special business'.
Jess had to be there cause he struggles with counting out.
But here he is. With a busy Camillo and Alice preparing orders for the after work rush. Chris knows she's driving around with Andy and her friends. More than likely having a good, no grand time while he's working.
The only consolation was somehow convincing the Lunas that Beth could stay with him at the bakery so he's not alone when he closes. Though he does feel bad she has to listen to the Lunas 'order rush' arguments in Spanish. Despite the kind smile he offered to patrons but it was obvious that was he was pissed.
It's now 7:30 pm.
It's just Chris and Beth. She's munching on a Malassada that's made since the after work lunch rush has passed. He's stacking chairs a little more aggressivly than normal. Chris hasn't made a joke about Julia Tapia's ugly blouse nor has he gushed about Hellboy 2 coming out soon. He's a little quiet. More quiet than usual.
He soon feels a small hand on his shoulder.
The second he see's those questioning green eyes, his scowl softens. Jess often said Beth was able to calm the storm that was his anger. She was right. Any hint of sadness from the younger Riley's eyes were enough to make him calm down.
"Killika," she begins, voice barely above a whisper, "...You've been slammin 'tings all night...that's not like you."
She read him like a book.
"...What's wrong?"
Chris's eyes look towards the window, hoping to find the right words. He does that thing when he's...unsure of what to say. His mouth opens for a minute. Those ever growing hands make motions towards outdoor before he sighs.
"...Jess was supposed to be here," Chris finally speaks. "...But she's out with her friends and Andy. I mean I'm not saying she can't hang out...and I don't mind covering for her. "
That scowl makes it's return to his face.
"But...she gets to have fun,: he sighs with clenched fists. If one were to look closely, it was easy to spot just a tinge of a purple spark." Have friends...have fun. All while I'm stuck here!"
Aanother spark of that purple aura fills the bakery for a moment before he sighs. He plos down int he booth across from Beth. His fists are still clenched and it isn't long before tears fill those soft brown hues.
"...She has the gift to talk to anyone and I don't...it's not fair..."
He feels the familiar warmth of Beth's hands on his, those tear stained eyes meet hers. She knows his pain. She doesn't judge him or make him feel unheard.
"...Promise you won't tell Jess?...I feel bad even thinking that..."
[ @brooklynislandgirl ]
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bewitchingbaker · 5 months
Valentine’s Day Application
Name: Beth Riley an' no you're not gonna make me say da whole kine cause by time I would be done, we gettin' ready f' Easter.
Age: 29
Do you like to cuddle?: Is Holy Faddah ~da Pope~ Cat'olic? You already know da answer t' dis one as you are in fact my primary victim. I mean...cuddlee? Wha' you call dat person who receive cuddles?
Can we make-out?: This is where Beth giggles and looks away, a corresponding blush to match his. Her already soft voice becomes smaller still, almost inaudible against the sound of drizzle outside. "I mean. No can promise I won't...keep teeth t' myself, but I have it on good aut'ority dat you kinda don't hate it. So."
A night in or dinner out?: Uhm...hones'ly, I know you like goin' out, explorin' da city an' all da funky little pop-ups an' unique places, but I'm sort of a homebody at heart. My compromise den is to take a map of da city and tack it up to dart board, t'row a couple, see where dey land...den go an' pick out appetisers, drinks, food, an' den pack dem back to your house or mine. Now, notice I no say dessert because I would use my bes' feminine wiles t' get you to make me haupia or lilikoi filled malasadas, fresh.
Whip cream or chocolate syrup?: Gonna be Tulio and Miguel right now an' say both? Both is good. But it depends on wha' we gonna do wi' dem an' if mebbe when you say chocolate syrup you mean da dark chocolate an' sea-salt ganache still hot in from da waddah ba'd you made last week. Really broke da mout' an' I could eat our combined body weight of it.
Chocolates and roses?: She gives him a certain look, one that's as rare as hen's teeth. She isn't quite mad at him but something wounds her deep down. It takes a few seconds before she blinks that instant rage away, and then turns her jaw away apologetically. "Don't do roses."
What makes you a good Valentine?: Lessee, I know you forevah. We have a lifetime of ups an' downs, share so many kine in common, we bo'd laid-back kine of people, an' no maddah what we do? Always have a good time togeddah, or make a bad one beddah for one anoddah. So...I guess...dat's jus' it. I know you. I care about you. An' we're bo'd like stupidly soft.
Would you cook for me?: "Haven't in...I dunno how long. It's been almos' fifteen year? You know wha' happen last time I was lef' alone in da kitchen unsupervised...an' so does da Phoenix fire-department. Dey said nex' time dey would charge me wi' arson." They both know she's only half kidding. She can prep-cook and she can work creative wonders with frosting and fondant but she leaves the actual cooking to Chris.
Would you let me cook for you?: Same as cuddle answer. You're amazingly talented in all dat you do. To da point I'm pretty sure dat Kitchen-Witch is more dan jus' someone who practices magick wi' whatevah dey have on hand. An' I know you been tryin' to branch out, make somet'ing different from wha' you do in da bakery. I am volunteer as tribute, den, to be your taste-tester.
Where would you take me on a date?: Mmm. Whaddya in mood for? Live music I'd take you to da Van Buren. Or mebbe Char's if ya feelin' low key an' cozy. Or, since technically Valentimes is also Deat' t' Captain Cook day, maybe Undertow, but sometimes da whole 'ooooh, tiki-bar!' is so offensively fake Polynesia, mebbe we skip dat. Again, depends on where you wanna go, who ya wanna be seen by, wha' ya whole vibe is.
Who’s paying?:  Another look, a small archaeological dig in her backpack-that-pretends-to-be-a-purse, and she finally returns to the conversation triumphantly with her wallet. She opens it up and points to the seven different credit cards inside of it. "All of my coloniser family, actually." The smile she gives him is a little sharp, the flick of her tongue not remotely doing anything to soften the look.
What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?: This is where Beth shows her weirdness because nothing she produces is technically Valentines related. Not a single heart, no shade of pink or red or white. Instead she hands him a small wooden crate. Within is a master's collection: A blu ray copy of Possession from 1981. Near Dark, 1987. An uncut copy of Peter Jackson's Dead/Alive. Fright Night. Return of the Living Dead Collector's Edition. Dawn on the Dead, 1978. And the crowning jewel, a fully restored Vincent Prince's House on Haunted Hill, 1958. "I dunno if ya hip t' dis, but movie marathon?"
The baker adjusts his glasses, clearing his throat as if he were a the most regal of judges. His eyes glance at his phone, taking note of the questions on their quiz.They already went over his answers and like a kid at Christmas, he was excited to hear her answers.
Chris nods in half agreement.
He knew her name liek the back of his hand. No, not just Beth. Or Eliziabeth Irene Riley.
Elikapeka Ailine Alohaekauneikahanuola'Ilikea'wahine Riley.
After all, he did spend hours practicing after school with Jess. Writing it over and over in a notebook until he finally got it right, 25 times phonetically and 25 times spelled correctly (though one could spot his early spelling mistakes).
Needless to say, Chris knew her name and age without having to ask. Hell, he could say it just as fast and easily as supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
A slight red hue fills those chubby cheeks of his at her answer of cuddling and making out. One would think he would be used to her affections. Long before they started dating, Chris was often Beth's cuddlee. The Luna sleepovers usually ended with the younger siblings tangled up on each other's arms. If you asked Chris what he remembered the most about the first time Beth held him, he would tell you he remembers his heart sinking to his stomach when he saw Andy standing over them.
Thankfully, it just earned him a playful (albeit still painful punch to his arm.)
"Cuddlee is definitely the right word," Chris chuckles. "I definitely think you're a top tier cuddler. Olympic level if we're being honest."
Then that's when he hears her voice soften and that giggle that would always make that childhood stutter return as he if saw her for the first time. If there was one person who could tell you about his thing for sharp teeth, it was one Elizabeth Riley.
Afterall, she was the baker's first kiss...and bite.
"You might have some authority on that mi amor" he jokes with a bashful chuckle , "But I'm not gonna complain if I feel a little bite."
When it came to going out, Chris wasn't exaclty a social butterfly. Often more interested in the delicious meals and sweet treats around Arizona. Sometimes taking note but usually just enjoying the ambiance. Plus, he would always appreciate the sight of Beth in a nice dress. But as long as there was good food and even better company, Chris was happy.
"That sounds like a good compromise, as long as I get to try some good food and get to look those beautiful eyes I'm good."
The love of his life earns one of Chris's laughs when she mentions using her best feminine wiles. Beth could easily just smile his way, giving him the world's most complicated order. Best belive he'd find a way to fulfill that order.
"Honestly, you could give me the world's small peck on my cheek and I'd make you whatever you wanted from scratch."
The young Luna can't help but smile at her reference to the Dreamwork's classic, remembering their young days imitating the blonde and brunette duo. He straightens his glasses with a smile that grows at her pronounced love for his dark chocolate and sea-salt ganache recipe. It warmed his heart to know his recipes were appreciated outside the bakery.
Though his smile falters seeing that look. It was rare for one experience the wrath of Beth, thankfully Chris never pushed her to that point. He's only seen that look once before this and thank the Gods he was not the cause. Only the Admiral could get that kind of reaction out of such a kind soul.
He gives her a firm nod.
"I'll definitely make note of that."
Thankfully the mood is lightened with the next answer. A small select few know Chris that well. Beth. His sister. His tias. Can't forget Zora. It was rare for the baker to feel comfy with someone seeeing...all of him.
After all she saw him in a all phases of his life. Good. Bad. Sad. Weird.Just like he supported her, she had his b's even through his worst phases.
"Can't argue with you on that, although I will say betweent he two of us you're the softer one. Why do ya think I can't keep my hands off ya~"
He offers a wink.
A small chuckle soon follows once she mentions the Phoenix fire department charging her with arson if she has another fire incident. Some guys would go out of their way to poke fun at her about this. Even make a few snide comments. But not Chris. He's perfectly happy cooking their meals. What better way to express his love than in the kitchen.
Like she says, he could be a kitchen witch after all.
Soon that cat like tilt of his head follows seeing her thumb through her backpack as she discusses a few potential dates. A night at the Van Buren could be fun, especially if the coloniser side of the fam was paying for it. But then she reveals a wooden crate, further piqued his curiosity. When he goes through it's contents, those soft brown hues widen as that dorky grin spreads across his face.
"Whoa! No way! Thanks!"
He clears his throat, attempting to look as smooth as possible.
"I mean, this is pretty cool. I dont know where to start but I have a few ideas."
A small smile spreads his face.
"Would you be down to spend Valentines day doing a movie marathon? We could pick one of those fancy resteraunts in town and get take out and some wine. I'll even make some of those desserts you like."
He leans over to press a kiss against her cheek.
"I mean it's safe to say you're definitely my valentine. Honestly, even before we filled out this quiz, I was gonna ask if ya wanted to be my Valentine."
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[ @brooklynislandgirl ]
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bewitchingbaker · 7 months
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"I'm sorry dat between work an' everyt'ing dat I had to make plans a day late, but Happy Bird-day, my Kilika!" And does she ever have a make up celebration planned. From the cake he didn't have to bake on his own ~Jay being a queen for doing this~ to the set of rings ready for holding enchantments, to the purple LED balloons, dinner out, a gift of books...and a romantic evening at home, she hopes it's everything Chris could ask for. "Surprise?"
The baker's eyes widened at the sight before him. After a long day at Luna's Moonlight Delights, he was just happy to have some time with Beth. In between fulfilling orders and decorating cupcakes, his head was filled with thoughts of Beth.
Thinking about Beth's smile, resting his head on her chest and feeling her hands on his face was enough to get him through the day. With the added thought of some wine and a nice dinner, he was able to power through his uncle's lame jokes and endless stories of the various customers.
So when the Lunas told Chris he could head out early, he was ecstatic to get to his Beth.
One could imagine his surprise when he was greeted by the sight of the LED balloons, gorgeous cake (looks like Jay's handy work), and the amazing gifts.
"This is," he begins with a bashful chuckle. "Holy shit...I didn't see this coming."
A red hue fills his cheeks.
"Honestly, I was thinking about a chill night with you all day. Like just me and you at home. So this is...perfect. I can't even find the words!"
He presses a kiss against her lips, hands holding hers for a moment.
"You really know how to surprise a guy, mi amor," Chris grins before a few rings levitated towards him as well as the first volume of Rat Queens. "I was just telling Jess I wanted some new rings to my collection. Fashionable and they could hold some surprises. Plus, you know I'm always excited for some new reading material!"
It isn't long before a bashful smile spreads across his face.
"Does tonight include cuddles and kisses?"
[ @brooklynislandgirl ]
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bewitchingbaker · 7 months
B : BOUQUET. does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite? E : EMBRACE. does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like? T : TRUE LOVE. does your muse believe in true love?
Another relaxing end to their busy day. Chris happily met Beth after work, greeting her with a kiss and plans for takeout. Pizza from Red Devils. Simple but delicious. Chris always thought it had a good balance of toppings, plus they were next to a rather nice winery that sold one of Chris's favorite red wines.
As always, their dinner was calming. Filled with stories of their day, jokes about various customers and patients. Of course they talked about the various movies premiering soon, though Chris couldn't help but laugh at Beth's impression of Dakota Johnson's Madame Web. Soon they made their way to his couch where he would strum a few tunes to her liking.
When she asks him about flowers, he pauses for a moment. Pondering over her question.
"Hmm," he muses with a hand rubbing his beard. "I love a nice flower..."
His eyes wander to his kitchen sink where a smiling plant could be seen dancing to a tune in it's head.
"Ones that don't dance and potentially grow..."he shrugs. "But at the risk of sounding generic, I like daisies. They remind me of when my dad would get my mom flowers."
He puts away his guitar so he can pull her legs onto his laptop, fingers drumming a small beat along them. Soft brown hues meet hers, taking note of the beauty that was her eyes. A warm smile soon spreads across his face, a blush soon following. Even though Chris sees Beth every day, her smile would still leave him in awe.
The baker is soon snapped back to reality by her next question.
"I love hugs," Chris grins. "Getting or giving? As long as I have a hug I'll be happy. People usually tell me my hugs are nice. Perfect almost. I try to make them last too long or squeeze too hard. I'm a big guy so I have to be careful."
Chris gives her leg a squeeze before he hears her next inquiry. His eyes widen for a moment, one hand straightening his glasses.
"True love," Chris echoes. "That's a good question. Seeing my mom and dad and the Johnsons still together makes me think there's someone for everyone."
He takes another look at Beth.
"Then when me and you have small moments like this...it makes me think true love is possible. I don't know. Without using the L word, I think it's in the small moments. Like when I tell you what makes me anxious or you tell me what you like and don't like. I think the small things we talk about and do kind of make the l word a little stronger."
A blush.
"Is that weird? That didn't sound weird did it?"
[ @brooklynislandgirl ]
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bewitchingbaker · 8 months
[ The Pivotal moment ]
Chris was no stranger to pain.
Hell, one would say they got more acquainted the older he got. From kitchen burns, clashes with walls of all kinds, bruises from skateboarding accidents to magic induced nose bleeds. No one in the Luna's dealt with more physical pain than Chris. It was often a wonder how much pain he could take and just power through it.
But nothing.
Nothing could compare to the pain of seeing Beth's tears.
Even with the combined sight of his lower and upper lip squirting blood and burning pain. The mere sight of any potential tears on Beth's face was enough to draw out his own potential tears.
He takes a deep breath, remembering to center himself.
It wouldn't help if they were both freaking out.
One hand reaches out to her shoulder, and a comforting (albeit bloodied) smile spreads across his face. He gives her a reassuring squeeze. Nearby, they could hear the quickly approaching feet of his older sibling. No doubt worried about Beth's somewhat loud apology.
"It's fine," Chris says. "It doesn't even hurt."
A half truth.
"It's nothing compared to when I slipped on Jess's skateboard or when I got that huge burn! Trust me, I'm fine."
Soon, the door flies open. Revealing the worried Jess, eyes darting between the duo. Instantly her eyes are drawn to their lips, both covered in blood though it was massively concerning to see her brother's lips split as if someone took a bite out of them.
"What the hell happened? Are you two fighting?"
The young baker shook his immediately, defusing any thoughts of a spat between them. But at the same, he didn't want to reveal that it was due to a kiss. What could he say? Maybe he could play dumb.
"...We fell?"
Not that dumb.
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bewitchingbaker · 8 months
Beth is using the fine grit emery board to smooth out Chris' nails before she starts painting them, and while she might seem lost in her own head, she tilts it at him and narrows her eyes. "Tell me 'bout ya play cousins back home."
The baker glances at Beth's television, damn near entranced by the animation displayed. As much as Chris loved watching Ewan McGregor and Sam Jackson's performances, nothing would ever compare to the perfection that was Gendy Tartkovsky's Clone Wars. Even at 29, seeing the Jedi flip and dash around the battlefield made his eyes widen in excitement.
Chris was happy to know Beth still had great taste when it came to a Galaxy far far away.
This was the best way to begin their weekend. Dinner, laughs and finally working on each other's nails. Usually, he would ask Jess for help whenever she was in town or he'd spend a few hours trying to make them look nice. No doubt taking the elder Riley sibling's words to heart.
Beth's silence means one of two things.
She's either just as engrossed in animated Mace Windu's display of the force. Or she's focused on making sure the paint is even. Honestly, Beth could paint anything on his nails. Clear coat? Amazing. Black? Perfection. Bright colors inspired by her love of the sea? Cinema.
He would be happy to display it.
Upon hearing her question, the baker gives her his undivided attention. His free hand rubs his chin.
Play cousins?
Compared to the Luna's, the Richardson's had a much bigger family. Every pair had a few kids, each just as chaotic as the duo of Chris and Jess. There were even honorary Richardsons thanks to his late father bringing them around all the time.
But two in particular come to mind. The king of chaos, Federico 'Rico' Richardson, and the ever so charming Victor 'Vic' Bennet.
A small smile spreads across his face.
"Oh man," Chris chuckles. "I'm sure you remember the dynamic duo. Vic and Rico? Rico's almost my height? Mustache with a new haircut cut every time he visits? Makes Jess's chaos seem normal?"
He shakes his head with a laugh.
"Vic's not my blood cousin but he might as well be. Not technically a Richardson, but his mom and my dad grew up together so she's sort of an honorary Richardson. He's a little shorter than us but he's handsome. Legitmatly buff. Really charming with the ladies back home...sometimes too charming and it gets him in trouble."
Chris motions to a framed photo of his younger days. Upon closer inspection, one could see an 8-year-old Chris with two friends. All three display a wide bloody smile and hold a missing tooth in their hands.
"Rico's hilarious and always got some kind of scheme going on. Almost like Jess. But his plans are always dumb as hell and for some reason, me and Vic were always ready to support his shenanigans. Like one time, he thought if we all lose our teeth at the time, we could get a little more cash from the tooth fairy."
A small laugh follows, though he catches himself so he doesn't mess up Beth's work.
"Of course, his plan was just for us to rip each other's teeth out using the old door method. Rico honestly let' out the loudest yell."
The baker lets out a nostalgic sigh.
"Vic is always our balance in the trio. Since Rico talks a lot and I can get quiet, he had a good balance of talking. Super smart like you, like he could give you a whole thesis on coding. I guess me and him both have the whole 'big nerdy guy' thing going on, although he's super muscular. Helps he can charm his way into anything."
A pause.
"Although there have been times he's charmed his way into a smooch just for the girl's boyfriend to pop up ready to punch his lights out."
Another laugh and shake of his head.
"They're both really chill about the whole..."
His hands motion to the various grimoires and paranormal items in his home.
"Magic thing. They think it's cool although I doubt they'd want to actually live on the weird side. I don't know...it feels nice to have the normal side accept it. Honestly, they have my back in magic more than the Lunas sometimes...."
Those soft brown eyes scowl for a moment at the thought. But he smiles once he looks at Beth.
"It's no surprise but they think you're cool. I agree wholeheartedly. "
Chris gives her a wink.
"Have you got a chance to see your mom's side of the fam?"
[ @brooklynislandgirl ]
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bewitchingbaker · 9 months
A lively night in Chicago.
Music pumps through the windows of various apartments and drunken laughter fills the streets. In the midst of all the chaos, one could hear the sounds of Chicago locals lighting fireworks in celebration. Bars were busy with increasingly drunk patrons while locals lit small fireworks to hold them over until the Navy Pier fireworks show.
Pretty standard New Year's Eve for the Windy City.
On the 30th floor of the Four Seasons, a familiar duo relaxed on a couch. Clad in their rather fancy clothes for the evening. For one, the baker was found in a nice blazer, complimented by a black tee that hugged his physique in all the best ways. Not wanting to ruin the look that earned him compliments from Beth, he kept on his perfectly measured black pants. Though even he had to take off his shoes due to spending hours on his feet.
Resting her head on his shoulder, Beth could be seen in a lovely black evening dress. Classy with a slit that gave her date a hint of her beautiful legs. Much like Chris she too had to kick off the heels due to the hours spent standing on them.
As nice as it was to go to a party with Jess, they admittedly preferred relaxing together. Though Beth loved seeing Chris's footwork and his dorky room-filling laugh at his sister's jokes.
Their hands interlocked as they looked over the Windy City. As always, Chris earns a few laughs with his recap of the night's events. Joking about his sister's dance moves and retelling childhood stories of his strange neighbor. Of course, Beth has her own jokes about catching Chris distracted by her dress (he'd deny staring at the cleavage in his peripheral) and hopes for the new year.
"I think you have some good goals," Chris smiles. "You know you got my support. Just like you have my back, I have yours!"
She smiles. The smile that often made Chris forget how words worked. A smile that would never get old and would remind him of the day he fell for the rokea.
The baker feels the excited tug of her sleeve once she notices the fireworks preparing to be launched.
Before they knew it, the night sky was filled with oranges, blues, purples, and red sparks. Even with their magic, nothing would top the spark of fireworks on New Year's. But even with the beauty of the fireworks, nothing. Not one single thing could be as beautiful as the smile on Beth's face.
A red hue fills those cheeks as he presses a quick peck to her lips, hand giving hers a squeeze.
"Happy new year, mi amor~"
[ @brooklynislandgirl ]
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bewitchingbaker · 9 months
"I'm t'ankful for you because I dunno I would be same-same person wi'out you havin' been in my life. Ya nevah judge me, ya nevah get short when I mess some kine up, always dere to lissen, an' you're jus'...you're jus' my bes' good friend andiloveyou. So mahalo mau loa."
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'I like your shirt'
'I like ya glasses'
The first words the duo ever exchanged. Simple yet kind compliments. Yet somehow, this was an instant connection between shy young kids. To think they met because their siblings simply brought them along to the local skate shop. Initially hiding behind their 'cool' older siblings at the mere sight of the other.
Christopher Noe Luna, bearing his mother's glasses.
Elizabeth Irene Riley, clad in a two-size-too-big turtle shirt.
Two souls that would become inseparable through out their lives. Experiencing many firsts all together. The first day of school, where he would learn his name in Hawaiian. Her first time tasting Luna's Moonlight Delights Concha ended in squeals of delight, making Chris smile. The first time he performed an Ollie, where he would fall flat on his face and she would tend to nose that leaked blood from his fall.
Of course, their first kiss would end in a surprising bite that led to the feint scar that still rests on the left side of his lips.
Even when it came time to separate and pursue higher education, they made the promise to keep in contact. In between all-nighters and quizzes, one could hear calls between them that lead into the late night. Chris often sent letters and packages filled with silly photos and tasty treats that he came up with. Beth usually would wow Chris with photos of New York and its iconic locations.
When Andy died, one would think Chris would freak out and leave after his experience with loss. But he was on the first plane to New York so she wouldn't be all by her lonesome. Not once did he ever make her feel unheard. He was all ears for her in between baking her sweets and performing any chores she needed. After the service, they would find themselves exchanging what he thought would be their final hug for a long time.
His entire flight, he kicked himself for not saying the words he truly wanted to say.
But now, the baker finds himself looking over his hometown with a nostalgic smile. His attention turned to Beth's words. Each reason made the red hue in his cheeks grow with each word. The small smile spread to a warm albeit dorky grin.
A bashful laugh escapes his lips.
"I mean," he begins. "What kind of a friend would I be if I judged you? You never judged me through any of my annoying phases cause you've seen them all. Making mistakes is part of everything we do and you've seen me damn near set fire to the bakery and you still hung out with me."
He takes her hand in his. Chris knows she struggles with the L word, but he swears he can hear her say it. In return, he gives her hand a gentle albeit warm squeeze.
"I'll always be your best and good friend who gives ya smooches."
A small laugh.
"De nada, mi amor."
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[ @brooklynislandgirl ]
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bewitchingbaker · 10 months
“When you laugh like dat, it just — you’re so beautiful, you know?”
Another night in Christopher Luna's home. The apartment was clean. The familiar trio of Dee, Houdini, and Lord Quas comfortably asleep in their beds. With all of the usual house chores done, Chris and Beth thought they'd earned a chill night.
A random movie with a glass of Brachetto d' Aqcui and a bowl of of chocolate drizzled popcorn. Cuddled under a blanket, the duo decided on a comedy as they watched one of Chris's bad horror faves (while Beth found Halloween: H20 a little too bad, Chris would defend it with Busta Rhymes martial arts scene). After a while, they decided on the Will Ferrell classic 'Talladega Nights'.
The baker and the nurse hadn't seen the film since they were kids and thought it could be a perfect chill movie to watch and see if it stood the test of time. Plus, Beth remembered Chris's adorable laugh when they watched it.
'Don't you put that evil on my Ricky Bobby! DON'T YOU PUT THAT ON US!!!'
Like clockwork, a giggle creeps from the baker's lips. Another giggle that turns into a chuckle. A chuckle that evolves into a laugh from the deepest parts of Chris's stomach. One hand covers his face as he continues his laughing fit just like all those years ago. The icing on the cake? A dorky snort that made him laugh even harder.
"I'm sorry that's just so dumb I can't help it," Chris laughs.
However, a blush filled those chubby cheeks when he heard Beth's compliment on his laugh.
Just like all those years ago, the nurse would always find a way to leave him a blushing and flabbergasted mess. Over the years, Chris had gotten used to his laugh. He no longer reserved it for those he was close to, though he was still embarrassed by it. Being such a quiet young man, it was pretty ironic to know he had a laugh that could fill a room.
"You think so? Even with the snort?" he asks with a bashful chuckle. "It's a little dorky to be honest with ya."
He smiles.
"But I appreciate it, mi amor~"
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[ @brooklynislandgirl ]
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