#loving reminder to everyone i tagged that 2021 was a FUCKED YEAR
gaslightgallows · 1 year
September 2023 Writing Round-Up
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I just checked my tags, and I haven't done one of these since… three years ago. Exactly three years ago yesterday (9/29/20), to be precise. Which was pretty much when my mental health and my personal life started to crumble in earnest, and it took my desire to write for public consumption along with it.
Most of what I did for the rest of 2020/2021 were either struggling to finish works in progress (and largely failing) or archiving stuff from my LJ days. I didn't post anything in 2022. I was still writing (a lot) but it was either for Patreon (…fuck, right, I have a Patreon) or it was personal, not meant to be shared.
And then Good Omens came back and ended up being really fucking relevant to my life, and @meldanya44 was there urging me to get back into writing for other people besides her. I think it was a good idea, over all. ♥
So… yeah. Thanks, Good Omens fandom, for reminding me that writing is meant to be shared, and that I am a prompt-based lifeform. (I'll be putting up a new prompt list tomorrow, if anyone wants an artisanally crafted bespoke ficlet of their very own.)
Anyway, here's what I did in September:
Authorial Intent (G, one-shot): Michael’s plan to erase Aziraphale from the Book of Life has certain… flaws. A revision of the final season of S2 Ep6, where the Metatron does not make an appearance. (Actually posted at the end of August but this is my list and it counts. Written very shortly after I finished S2 for the first time. Effervescing with joy.)
Put Out the Stars (T, currently a one-shot, planning to continue): Crowley stole the photo of himself and Aziraphale from the shop a long time ago. (Inspired by one of @fellshish's asks. Angst angst angst… with more to come!)
An Invisible Wound (T, one-shot): “I almost killed you tonight.” “I almost got you killed tonight.” Their first kiss, soft and futile, is in 1941. (Bittersweet canon-compliant 1941 truthers unite.)
After the Rain (T, one-shot; for @meldanya44): The Second Coming has come and gone, and Crowley was calling him ‘angel’ again. (Wonderful quiet post-series fluff.)
Like Petals in a Storm (M, currently a standalone but working on a sequel; for @meldanya44): Between the discorporation and the almost-execution, Aziraphale’s having a bit of trouble keeping body and soul together. (My reputation-mandated 'one partner helps another bathe' fic.)
The Taste of Salt (G, one-shot; for @iamhisgloriouspurpose): The lingering taste of ox ribs are bitter and rich in Aziraphale's mouth, and he isn't sure what he believes anymore. (Continues the 'I'm not taking you to Hell, angel' scene in the Ep2 minisode. Nice and angsty. No one seems to like this one and I'm not sure why.)
Pipe Dream (G, one-shot; for @unwholesome-gay): All Aziraphale has ever wanted is to give heaven back to Crowley. (Domestic fluff about Aziraphale buying the South Downs cottage for Crowley. Fun fact: I struggled to write this and finally posted it in dismay and tried to forget about it. And then my inbox exploded with HEARTS, so I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought.)
The Patience of Angels, Chs 1-4 (M, multi-chapter WIP): An old enemy is on the hunt for the demon known as Crowley, and it will take all the powers of one very protective angel to save him. But in keeping Crowley safe, Aziraphale will uncover more of the terrible truths of Heaven than he ever wanted to know. (The longfic I first conceived of in 2019 and then never got around to finishing enough to post, and am now trying to revise the HELL out of in real-time because the original version doesn't work anymore. I love this fic with a burning passion and hope it finds an audience someday… which it probably will if I can update it, y'know, more often than once a month…)
Fics Posted: 8 Word Count: 28,182
I'm never going to be as prolific as I was when I was in the MCU fandom and had a much less-hectic job, but I'd call that a decent comeback. Thanks, everyone. ♥
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ppeonppeonhan · 3 months
All-Time Favorite BL Character Challenge
Rules: Make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
No one tagged me (to my knowledge) -- just looked fun. I chose characters who've been the boldest and most inspiring these last few years.
And, in case you need a reminder, of why each of them are the baddest:
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Ayan (The Eclipse) was on his king shit since day one. Fighting for the truth, breaking all the rules, and inflicting gay panic on his future bf, Akk. Love to see it.
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Gavreel (Gameboys) was truly the definition of a golden-retriever boyfriend. Tan (We Are) and him would get along quite well. He was so incredibly patient with his baby-gay bf, and even though his rizz game was cringe-inducing, he made up for it with his emotional intelligence.
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Jae Young (Semantic Error) makes the cut cause his entire idea of giving Sang Woo a taste of what it would be like to date him was so fucking boss. I'm still waiting for someone to make that an entire plot of a series.
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Joo Hyuk (Love Class 2) should give a masterclass in playing hard to get AFTER getting ghosted. Like...how Sway? Had Sung Min out here questioning his life choices.
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Ou Wen (Love is Science?) not only stood up to homophobes, he inspired one to become a better person, and to discover and embrace his true self. An absolute queen, in every sense of the word.
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I posted 2,690 times in 2022
That's 2,690 more posts than 2021!
1,258 posts created (47%)
1,432 posts reblogged (53%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,908 of my posts in 2022
Only 29% of my posts had no tags
#severus snape - 551 posts
#pro severus snape - 475 posts
#pro snape - 320 posts
#snape community - 285 posts
#hp fandom - 187 posts
#anti snaters - 174 posts
#harry potter - 132 posts
#not hp related - 95 posts
#anti marauders - 93 posts
#anti james potter - 87 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#“professor snape! you’re doing the fingy flex thing again! do you get hand cramps or is it something you do when nervous? that’s adorable🥺
My Top Posts in 2022:
Book!Snape definitely hisses at people.
And I stan that.
386 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
I’m genuinely trying to figure out why ppl hate Snape…and I’m not talking about disliking the character, not every character is loved by everyone, but why do people go out of their way to “daily reminder that Severus Snape wasn’t a good person” or “fuck Snape and anyone who likes him”…it’s confusing.
It can’t be because he bullied children because there’s a lot of that going on in the hp series. The Marauders bullied people, Draco bullied people, Minerva traumatized and humiliated Neville, Sirius choked Harry and broke Ron’s leg, and as much as Duds was a lil shit, Hagrid mutated Dudley, a child, when Uncle Vernon insulted Harry's parents and Dumbledore…Hagrid retaliated on Dudley with the pig's-tail jinx. Hagrid later told Harry the spell was a mistake - he actually meant to turn Dudley completely into a pig…tf
Then I thought: Is it because he joined the DE’s? Noooo it can’t be because the vast majority of Snape haters like Regulus Black (canonically obsessed with Voldemort, and was a DE), and the vast majority of the hp fandom makes hella excuses for Draco (who was actually blood prejudice)
Then I was like: it’s because he’s ugly…but nowhere does it say he’s ugly. There’s nothing wrong with having a big nose, and greasy hair can be from a NUMBER of things, not just poor hygiene.
Is it because people don’t like that he isn’t a perfect victim? Naaaahhh, people usually like those unhinged characters who’s trauma haunts them
Is it because of that dumb headcanon that he’s obsessed with Lily? Cause if I’m being honest, Snape wasn’t the one who told her he’d stop torturing her friend if and only if she went out with him…and he isn’t the one who wrote her initials on a snitch as if she’s an object to catch…HES not the one who “made a fool of himself whenever she was around”…
Is it because he called her Mudblood? It better not be, cause pure blood fan-favorite Draco loved that word more than him…and didn’t Kreacher hurl that word around a lot? As if he’s used to using it or used to his owners using it? Interesting…Didnt Snape actually stop someone from saying Mudblood?
“And now Snape stood again in the headmaster's study as Phineas Nigellus came hurrying into his portrait. "Headmaster! They are camping in the Forest of Dean! The Mudblood - " "Do not use that word!"
Thought so…
So what is it?
399 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
Alright I just saw this and I snorted so I had to share with you 💀
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The scream I just scrumpt 💀
And he did!
Then he’d watch him take it like
See the full post
410 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
Poppy: You have an impressive pain tolerance.
Snape: Thanks, it's the trauma.
517 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Tag yourself
10,030 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
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domestikhighway58 · 1 year
9 (shit nine?) People you'd like to get to know better.
Thanks for the tag @masterwords & @eldrai, IDK how to do these so i did the old person thing and copy/pasted lol.
last song: before you snap by Yonderboi
favorite color: Green
currently watching: Criminal Minds when i need to work, write or sleep (lol), Young Royals when i feel like learning more Swedish, and call the midwife, always. parks and recreation smattered in there to remind me i have work in the morning.
last movie: Catch Me if You Can. baby bad boy Leo and FBI agent Tom talking about unsubs, puleaseee, it is perfect.
currently reading: .... can we not say fanfic? all i read is fanfic or advertising copy anymore. so much for my English major. if i had time to delve into a book again, it would be, without shame, Pride and Prejudice. because fuck it, I fucking love Jane Austen and it's been too long. I need to go to the damn beach.
sweet/spicy/savory: spicy/savory. i don't do sweet. unless it's winter and it's a really delicious cinnamon treat, like monkey bread on a Monday snow day or sweet cream my mom left behind in the fridge after a frigid visit.
relationship status: partnered for eleven years this October. it's been a ride. he's snoring at the foot of the bed right now. and no, he's not a dog. he just likes the foot of the bed. probably covered in fiberglass shards.
current obsession: hah. the same one i found Winter of 2021, coming down from long COVID while fighting back against poverty. writing silly CM fanfic and subtly attacking the status quo will be my obsession for the foreseeable future. holding onto my house and land, I guess, too.
last thing i googled: spicy Serrano hot sauce recipe. i have a few pounds of Serrano peppers waiting to be made into something wonderful. if anyone has ever tried to make hot sauce, i think you'll agree... developing the recipe is everything. the SFW search before that was "how to treat internal burns from repeated electrical shocks." same vein, really.
currently working on: i am obsessively writing one single fic right now. i have many just sitting there waiting to be updated and while i feel guilty that they're in limbo, I'm just happy they're there at all. it took a lot to start writing and i don't want to limit that by feeling guilty over imaginary deadlines for completion. i ain't gettin' paid. there is no boss and no editorial staff here in free fanfic land. <3 my main project is to write whatever i want to write in the very little free time i have. i used to have more time, and the fact that i now don't is a good thing. still working on how to balance it all.
zero pressure tags: @chaotic-librarian @tobias-hankel @brillianthijinx @goobzoop @starzzyeyed @merpancake @aesthetictek goodness i don't remember everyone's names on here at all but ayo <3
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badger-bear · 2 years
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I posted 7,833 times in 2022
That's 2,181 more posts than 2021!
389 posts created (5%)
7,444 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,973 of my posts in 2022
Only 24% of my posts had no tags
#hs - 800 posts
#hslot - 652 posts
#lt - 278 posts
#ltwt - 237 posts
#fic rec - 213 posts
#makes me smile - 156 posts
#people are so talented - 118 posts
#prev tags - 109 posts
#hl - 106 posts
#pride - 97 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i have lived in my small town for years and i was definitely percieved definitely when i was at walmart with my ex girlfriend and now with
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Take a Chance by wabadabadaba
GA | F/F | Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | Strangers to Lovers | 35k
“I’m not trying to push you into this if you aren’t ready, Harry. I don’t want you to hold yourself back because you’re scared.”
“I’m scared,” she admitted with a sigh. “But Louis hasn’t done anything to make me uncomfortable or make it seem like she doesn’t approve of our dynamic and she’s great with Hattie.”
“Go for it then,” Liam smiled. “You’ve always been brave, Harry. You can do this and don’t you even think about using our scheduling as an excuse to wait two more weeks.”
“I wasn’t going to do that.” Liam raised an eyebrow making Harry roll her eyes. “Alright fine, I was probably going to do that.”
or Harry and Liam used to be married and after the divorce Harry decides to move close to Liam so their daughter can still have a relationship with Liam. After months of isolation, Liam urges Harry to attend a wlw event and meets Louis, who not only gives her much needed friendship but the love and acceptance she craves.
Read now on ao3!
123 notes - Posted April 15, 2022
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Marcel Styles/Louis Tomlinson • Mature • Porn with (a little bit of) Plot  • 6k
“Louis, you’re cuter than a button. Will you be my valentine? Hm, no,” Marcel scowls. “It is true but no. ‘I love you a latte!’ But wait, does he drink coffee? Only sometimes so that doesn’t make sense.”
Marcel sticks his tongue out as he ices three more cookies.
“I go bananas for you,” Marcel giggles. “That’s cute, but not sophisticated enough. He’s the best designer on our floor, he deserves something better. ‘Right from the start, you stole my heart?’ No, I don’t want to scare him off. I should probably just speak from the heart, that’s always what mom says. But then Gemma says that’s lame, I don’t knooow,” Marcel groans.
or the one where Marcel has a huge crush on his coworker, Louis, and decides Valentine's Day is the day to put himself out there.
Surprise! I was going to post this on Valentine’s Day but I can’t wait, so you can read it on ao3 now!
123 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
I am very much on the outskirts of the DWD discourse which is where I want to be. I have seen some stuff floating around recently and I have read a few articles and want to remind everyone that Shia Labeouf is an abuser. He is manipulating this situation to help his comeback to Hollywood and it's working- which is terrifying. Think critically and don't trust what he is saying because you have a vendetta against Olivia Wilde. And for those of you who don't know, Shia Labeouf also has a new movie coming out. Quite convenient all this is coming out now, no?
128 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
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GA || Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson || 2447 words || Fluff
Harry knew his first name, but he liked the way Dr. Tomlinson sounded more. Harry watched as Louis unclasped her harness and set it aside and pet her back and under her chin. Louis kissed the top of her head and murmured sweet nothings to her- mostly about how pretty she is and how well behaved she is. Harry wished it was him. or Harry has a huge crush on his cat's veterinarian and finally decides to do something about it.
Read Now on ao3!
142 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Explicit | Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | 45k words | written for the @1dkinkfest
“Fuck,” Louis whispered. “That’s Liam, my ride, so I have to go. Can I get your number so we can continue this conversation?”
“Uhm…” Harry furrowed his brow. Did he want Louis' number? Did he want to keep talking to him? He had a good time so far and felt comfortable in his presence but that’s a far cry from wanting to build any type of relationship with someone.
“Or can I give you my number so you can call the shots?”
That was still scary, Harry thought, but not as bad as giving Louis his own number. He could hear Liam calling for Louis again, so he quickly slid his phone out of his pants pocket,  unlocked it and handed it over to Louis, who quickly put his number in.
Or, Age play was never just about the sex for Harry. After his old domme tainted his experiences, he didn’t think he could regress again. He didn't think he would find someone to submit to, to let go of his worries and be the caregiver he craves. So, after a two year break, he decides to reenter the local BDSM scene. Meeting Louis Tomlinson at his first munch back wasn’t what Harry expected, but maybe it was what he needed.
read now on ao3!
286 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
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radley-writes · 2 years
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I posted 8,300 times in 2022
That's 2,151 more posts than 2021!
373 posts created (4%)
7,927 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#jugemu jugemu go-kō-no-surikire kaijari-suigyo no suigyō-matsu unrai-matsu fūrai-matsu kū-neru tokoro ni sumu tokoro yaburakōji no burakōji
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hello yes I am another toothpaste pain experiencer
I am allergic to the mint flavouring in toothpaste and it is the worst
On the upside, I have discovered that watermelon flavoured toothpaste is a thing that exists, even if it is aimed at toddlers
I have SUCH a mighty need, that sounds amazing
except uh, I would absolutely eat that stuff right out the tube
1,052 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
THE STRICTLY NO HEROICS (Feiwel & Friends, Macmillan Children’s, 2023) IS UP FOR PRE-ORDER!
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[ID: cover of a book showing a figure in a gasmask, hoodie and gloves, leant on an old TV. A rainbow pride pin is pinned to their jacket. Text reads ‘STRICTLY NO HEROICS’ in neon pink and green, and ‘B. L. Radley’ in white.]
If you're a powerless normie in a world run by superheroes, you need three rules to survive:
1: Keep your head down
2: Don’t make enemies
When a hero gropes her best friend, Riley Jones breaks all of them.
​Her attempt at serving justice gets her fired from her summer job. Luckily, Sunnylake City’s biggest business is booming (literally, when there's C4 involved).
​Every villain wants henchmen: masked cronies who take their coffee orders, vacuum their secret lairs, and posture in the background while they fight. The HENCH agency provides a steady stream of drop-outs and losers who are willing to get beaten up by sidekicks for minimum wage.
​Riley might just be the perfect candidate.
I’ve worked so hard on this project, with an incredible team of people. And we’re getting closer to that sweet, sweet pub date (March 28, 2023)!
Any boosts would be greatly appreciated <3 Let’s give my debut some love?
If you like queer & wlw content, teenage activists organizing strikes, and superhero stories from the perspective of the civilians... this is the book for you!
Goodreads page!
(If you’re short a bob but still want to get your hands on this glorious beast of a novel, consider requesting that your local library buy it! x)
2,470 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
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has this already been done or
2,487 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
.....roe v wade being overturned is fucking horrific, but as I’ve already seen more than one grumbly ‘why are people still posting casually like nothing happened’ post, it feels like a great time to remind folks that a) performatively posting on social media is not activism and you don’t know what people are doing irl, b) not everyone is American, c) some people really mentally struggle with being surrounded 24/7 by doomposting and misery, d) not everyone is American, e) people often have sideblogs categorised by the sort of material they post, so you might not be following the place where they are posting about roe v wade, f) NOT EVERONE IS AMERICAN -
6,941 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
...Do you ever see people critiquing specific word usage in novels and wonder if they know that language can be used in fun and figurative ways? And that this is half the joy of writing?
An example off the top of my head - if I say ‘He gave a whisper of a smile’, it does not mean that the smile is literally whispering; it means that the word ‘whisper’ invokes a sense of smallness, due perhaps to subtlety or shyness, and that is something I want connected to your mental envisioning of this dude’s smile. 
Saying ‘But that makes no sense; a smile and a whisper are two different things’ misses the point e n t i r e l y
28,585 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
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itsladykit · 2 years
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I posted 2,143 times in 2022
That's 1,349 more posts than 2021!
119 posts created (6%)
2,024 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,112 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#sandman - 86 posts
#my work - 73 posts
#the sandman - 73 posts
#writing - 62 posts
#ofmd - 57 posts
#our flag means death - 56 posts
#not my work - 50 posts
#awesome art - 47 posts
#undertale - 44 posts
#boost - 43 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but also…sometimes it’s nice to find that sweetspot in boomer humor that allows for people to decide to just circumvent the complication of
My Top Posts in 2022:
Sometimes, a mutual will surprise you. Unpleasantly.
And you just gotta unfollow and write a vague vent post about it.
25 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
You know what?
I don’t think Tumblr should give writing advice like they’re offering absolutes. Some things work sometimes, but sometimes they won’t.
It reminds me of all advice I grew up with about creating characters without making them “Mary Sues”. You know what you get when you follow that advice to the letter? Boring ass characters.
Just write. Write your shit. Don’t worry about using “said” too much, or using too many adjectives. Don’t even worry about plot holes or writing something believable. Just. Fucking. Write.
Then, when you’re finished, tuck the thing away and bring it out once you’ve forgotten most of it. Now you can see it through a reader’s eyes and notice that the adjectives are distracting or you forgot to resolve a plotline or the romance is forced. Half the job of writing is editing, but they’re two different hats. Put them on one at a time and stop trying to make your first draft perfect.
(Obviously this format doesn’t work as well when writing fanfic or episodic pieces. I still think getting the bones down first is a good place to start. Fill in the flesh and tendons when you give it another look. Be patient with yourself and stop trying to mold yourself to some rando’s rules.)
28 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
You got any thoughts, headcanons, or whatever about Imp you haven't had a chance to share before? And/or about Hordak and Entrapdak as well.
(Also they changed the ask window, it looks like the text post editor now and it's weird. Which has nothing to do with anything, I was just surprised by it.)
^_^ I’ll have to check it out in browser, now that I have a functional computer again.
I don’t think my Imp headcanons are outside the common interpretation. Most of it cribbed from a @cruciferousjex fic, which I highly recommend. (Link HERE.)
I think the most significant thing about Imp is that he very much symbolizes Hordak’s commitment to being different from Prime, even before he makes the conscious decision to split from him. He doesn’t discard Imp because of his disabilities; he accommodates them. I very much headcanon that Imp is incapable of speech, but—in addition to sign language because I fucking love sign language—Hordak created the voice modulator that allows Imp to “speak”. He accommodated Imp’s disabilities in a way Prime never would have accommodated him.
I suppose my most unique headcanon about Imp is that he prefers the modulator despite its limitations. He knows sign language, but he just enjoys using others’ voices to speak.
39 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
Alright, I’m resisting the urge to write for What We Do In The Shadows, so….
(Beware spoilers for season 3 finale)
I know everyone is completely upset that we were robbed of the happy Nandermo road trip we all wanted, but please imagine—
A tense reunion after some time has passed. (Let’s call it a year.) Perhaps after a dust-up of some sort. (I’d be lying if I wasn’t visualizing Nandor being given the chance to showcase his own warrior prowess. Him and Guillermo back to back, fighting baddies? Please.)
Anyway—Guillermo expects to settle back into his role as familiar bodyguard, but he quickly realizes that…Nandor doesn’t need his help with all the little (and big) things Guillermo used to do. Nandor’s had a year on his own—perhaps a hard year on his own—and he’s recovered his independence.
At first, Guillermo’s happy about this. Less work, right? But then he really starts to realize…Nandor doesn’t need him. And that is crushing, because no matter what speeches he makes about “found family”, in his heart of hearts, he fears the vampires kept him around because they needed him, not because they’re fond of him.
As he’s starting to spiral, though, Nandor asks to speak to him. And he doesn’t ask him as he would an underling. He doesn’t demand or whine. It’s a request, and not one Guillermo knows how to deny.
They talk. It’s awkward at first. Stilted small talk between people that are re-learning each other. Guillermo loses patience first, and asks what Nandor wants to talk to him about. He’s not sure what he’s expecting, but it’s not what he gets—an offer to turn him. Here and now, no trip to the Tigris needed. Because Guillermo has earned it. It’s offered formally, stiffly, and without feeling.
Guillermo breaks. It’s everything he ever wanted but in the worst way possible. He shouts his frustration and his anger and every emotion he’s repressed for more than a decade.
But he’s not the only one. Nandor breaks too. And is finally, finally willing to admit what he feels for Guillermo and how terrified he was that Guillermo would leave him when he was turned. But he’s had a year away, and now he knows that he can bear the pain when Guillermo leaves again, even though it will break his heart. And Guillermo has earned this, and Nandor…Nandor is strong enough now to let him go.
When they settle, they realize that they’re both idiots that they both have strong feelings for each other. And now…they can enter into a relationship as equals, both wanting the other more than they need the other.
57 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
While I very much don’t mind the interpretation that Hob and Morpheus have romantic feelings for each other…there’s a big part of me that really wishes there was more appreciation for the developing friendship. I mean. Listen—
Dream starts this whole thing like a scientist observing a weird little bug. He’s disdainful of humanity—at this stage, he has more in common with Desire than Death—and puts Hob in a position he fully expects Hob to regret. This isn’t a gift. Not from Dream’s perspective.
It’s a classic story, really; deity gives human exactly what he wants, only for the human to realize this is more curse than gift. Dream’s just fulfilling that archetypal role, and he’s waiting to see how the story will conclude. He’s waiting to see Hob come to that realization and how he’ll react when he does.
Of course, this very classic story is turned perfectly on its head. Dream keeps waiting for the turn. He’s waiting for the story to reach its natural conclusion, the only conclusion he can see. And it never does. Further, as time passes, Dream stops seeing Hob as an object of study or an archetype in a story. He begins to see him as a person—in some ways, an extraordinary person—and eventually, as a friend.
That progression is beautiful. Again, I’m not trying to sink anyone’s ship, I just wish that slow growth from disdain to fascination to respect to real friendship wasn’t brushed over so often.
413 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
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worldsentwined · 2 years
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I posted 231 times in 2022
55 posts created (24%)
176 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 231 of my posts in 2022
#my art - 39 posts
#the queen's thief - 24 posts
#dnd - 23 posts
#the murderbot diaries - 21 posts
#dungeons and dragons - 20 posts
#queen's thief - 20 posts
#poetry - 19 posts
#silly things - 16 posts
#oh i love this - 15 posts
#murderbot - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#because at this point i've sort of forgotten who's into what and also half of my brain is at all times consumed with my original characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Not quite midnight here, but since the AO3 collection is live, here is my gift for @vaysh11 in the @mbd-gift-exchange! True story, I haven’t actually watched the Mandalorian but the idea of Murderbot and the Mandalorian encountering each other in a bar in space was such a good mental image that I had to draw it. I hope you like it! You can also find it on AO3. (Bonus: a ficlet describing Murderbot’s reaction to this heavily armored stranger, as seen in a conversation with everyone’s favorite research vessel. Read it on AO3 or under the cut!)
<opening secure feed channel>
SecUnit? Is everything okay?
I'm not sure. Running a risk assessment now.
Do I need to deploy the-
For fuck's sake, ART, do NOT deploy the Pathfinders. This guy just has a lot of weapons, that's all
Just weapons?
And armor
What kind of armor?
<file sent: ArmorGuy.img>
That's a Mandalorian warrior. Culturally significant armor style, beskar steel. I can send you an info packet if you want
<file sent: Mandalore_culture.file>
<file sent: Mandalore_history.file>
<file sent: Mandalore_religion.file>
Sure, ART, go ahead and send it, not like I have anything better to do than read
You don't have to be sarcastic, I'm just trying to help
You can help by telling me if I need to worry about him going after my humans
Our crew, you mean?
Yes, our crew
Unlikely. Has he shown any interest in them?
No. I just...he has a LOT of weapons
And armor, don't forget the armor
Yes, thanks, I'm very aware of the armor
Do I detect a note of jealousy?
Fuck off, ART
<secure feed channel closed>
62 notes - Posted December 31, 2021
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Wanted a new phone wallpaper (that would fit my new, awkwardly large phone) so I played around and doodled on top of a pretty texture my friend @audreycritter made.
92 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
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New @mayakern skirt arrived today! I love how the pockets are green inside, it's such a fun detail. (Also, many many thanks to Devin for exchanging my order for the next size up after I bought a different skirt in the recent sale and realized I'd prefer a larger size, this one fits perfectly!)
124 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
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Immakuk and Ennikar they anointed each other with the oil of the gods made only for the gods
So a few weeks ago @shaelit asked if anyone had drawn that scene, and then the request got shared in the QT discord server and I was bullied into drawing it lovingly reminded that I have the ability to draw. Anyway, it was high time I did some art from these myths, the Immakuk and Ennikar stories are my favorite in the series and this one is a particular favorite.
124 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
This has probably been said before on the posts about leaving comments on fics you like (especially when you get the "already left kudos here" banner) but it just occurred to me that the easiest comment to leave when you have already left kudos is "I liked this fic so much I read it twice".
223 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
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jankwritten · 2 years
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I posted 9,419 times in 2022
That's 9,419 more posts than 2021!
246 posts created (3%)
9,173 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,098 of my posts in 2022
#pjo - 460 posts
#jason grace - 431 posts
#hoo - 369 posts
#nico di angelo - 277 posts
#percy jackson - 178 posts
#leo valdez - 134 posts
#jasico - 105 posts
#annabeth chase - 90 posts
#omgcp - 75 posts
#piper mclean - 72 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#in the meantime. love y’all. anyone who reads this and anyone who doesn’t. y’all are important no matter who you are. you deserve to hear it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Jason and Nico being able to unmask around one another for pretty much the first time ever is one of my favorite things about them. Like no matter if their relationship is romantic or platonic or if they're even just acquaintances, I feel like there's always this prevailing sense that the two of them get each other better than most people get them. They also both suffer the same "curse" of identity - they want people to see them for who they are, but people tend to only see them for who their parent is. They hear Jason Grace and think son of Jupiter before they think anything else. They hear Nico di Angelo and they think child of Hades before any other thought comes to mind. These two are the only people for each other (that they know of so far, anyways) who hear their names and think friend, or dork, or nerd about temples first.
Sure, I understand that they didn't always start out that way. Jason in canon had a LOT of issues to work through when he was on the Argo - he had his memories wiped, he was in a relationship with a girl he wasn't sure he really remembered, he was being told to be a leader even though Percy also wanted to be a leader, and so he treated Nico the way he did because it was what everyone else expected of him. But then he saw Nico open up, or more he saw Nico be forced to open up, and he realized that he didn't have to obey what everyone else thought anymore. He saw this guy who was struggling, who was hurt and hated and he saw himself in that guy, and he wanted to help.
I just think Jason and Nico's relationship is so fucking awesome. The one that they tend to have in fanon, anyways, I haven't reread HoO recently enough to form an opinion about their canon relationship. I think it's fucking awesome that we have these two characters that, to us, bond so well.
238 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
currently writing an AU where Chiron convinces Sally to take Nico home after the summer camp session is done because despite all they've tried, Nico isn't getting better mentally and it's clear that the atmosphere around camp is inhibiting him (kids still treating him like shit, his own feelings of inadequacy regarding his parentage, the way it reminds him of waiting for Bianca and Percy to come back only to learn Bianca would never come back, etc.)
So Sally Jackson takes Nico home with her and Percy, and Percy is PISSED. Like beyond angry, will not talk to Nico and is a total dick to him most of the time because he's a 17 year old boy who's finally going to see his mama again and NOW HE'S GOT THIS SHITTY LITTLE FUCKING SIDEKICK who he's still not TOTALLY convinced isn't in love with his girlfriend despite Nico literally coming out to him. In this AU Percy is definitely still dealing with a lot of his own trauma and none of it in a super healthy manner - hence, he hates Nico.
At least, that's how it was supposed to go. Now Percy and Nico have bonded into essentially being brothers. They wrestle in the backyard so often Sally has taken to spraying them with the garden hose when they're being too rowdy. They bicker and fight over whose turn it is to walk Mrs. O'Leary. They end up having to go to the same school (Nico kept getting kicked out of the other ones) and Percy defends Nico from people being dicks while simultaneously being a dick to him (but lovingly).
I love it when AUs get totally out of hand from what I originally wanted them to be and I elect to make this Jason Grace's fault for becoming Nico's boyfriend when I wasn't paying attention. Jason put Percy and Nico into a get-along shirt.
also Nico and Annabeth become good friends because she's around a lot and she finds him an invaluable resource on the topics that she can never wrap her head around, things that are too old to even really be in any online databases - things that Nico can access by speaking to the dead. They start off being very iffy about one another but by the end they are also Practically Siblings.
309 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
I think that Jason has a stuffed animal that one of his guardians in New Rome have to him when he was a baby. A wolf or a fox or some other dog/cat-like creature - maybe even a stuffed hellhound or something, something that he rediscovers on accident while in the 5th Cohort’s barracks, something that makes him sit down on the floor holding it in his hands and cry, for some reason, something he can’t even remember but he knows was important to him once upon a time.
460 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
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Okay so the last time I read HoO was in middle school, like JUST before blood of olympus came out, so ofc i have a very bad memory for the details of certain scenes but like this 100% happened, I thought that maybe i didn't remember it right or something but. I mean it's right there so.
1,190 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
See now I think it would be really funny if IN CANON Hermes was Lin Manuel Miranda. Like in the show he is still the exact same as he is IRL. Hermes wrote Hamilton. He got bored of listening to Apollo prattling on about Broadway so he went out in disguise as a mortal and Did That.
That’s the only way I will accept him as Hermes, is if THAT is the reason.
4,711 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
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(Tumblr telling me how to use tags makes me want to throttle somebody KAMDKCKMSNF BUT THIS WAS FUN TO SEE)
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dianaraven · 2 years
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I posted 3,561 times in 2022
That's 536 more posts than 2021!
297 posts created (8%)
3,264 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 732 of my posts in 2022
#diana rambles - 56 posts
#diana watches nightmare time 2 - 47 posts
#boost - 33 posts
#food cw - 24 posts
#food tw - 24 posts
#food mention - 22 posts
#diana watches yellow jacket - 16 posts
#diana is finally getting a degree - 14 posts
#diana watches ted lasso - 14 posts
#for a bad day - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#he scoffs at it cuz his dad never cares about his safety.... doesnt love him... but lasso cares about his safety.... lasso cares 🥺🥺🥺
My Top Posts in 2022:
15 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
Hey chicago friends be careful out there there was a shooting in Highland Park today
27 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
Ngl chivalric romance is kinda queer... why do you wanna serve your king? So you can serve him in bed? So you can serve his wife?
37 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
Actually you know what fuck stories where the hero can't go home again. Stories about home are IN. Stories where the hero feels like they've changed and is afraid but home welcomes them back with open arms because that's what home is. The place to where you can always return. Where unconditional love is waiting for you. Where change isn't scary because we can be changed together.
136 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
On Yom HaShoah I want to remind everyone that we aren't just mourning those killed by the nazis. Those seperated from their families, from their culture and heritage, never to know they were Jewish again.
I want to take a minute to talk about the other victims. The ones not killed by the nazis.
I want to talk about a small, Jewish cemetary somewhere in Poland. Unfortunately I have forgotten this town's name, and the name of the cemetary. There were a bunch of children killed in a mass grave by the nazis and they are memorialized there--but that's not what I'm going to speak about here.
What I'm going to speak about is a person, probably a man, who was killed after the war on his way home.
No one knew his name. No one knew his family, if they still existed. And now no one ever will.
He was sleeping in the JCC in that town. This was common after the war, as many Jews were going home or going somewhere new, and needed places to stay. He was just staying there for a little bit, before migrating on.
Somewhere else in the town, unbeknownst to him, a little Polish boy was picking cherries when he shouldn't have been. He got lost, and didn't come home that night, and understandably, his father freaked out. That's the understandable part of the story. The human part.
What happens next is not.
The boy reappeared, and, afraid of being punished, told his father that he had been kidnapped by some Jews. So the town took their torches and weapons, and killed everyone in that JCC and burned it to the ground.
There were many people killed that night, and this memorial remembers them all. And then there is this person. This one. Someone who was going home after years in a labor camp, perhaps even a death camp.
And I know all of this about him. I know so much, but there's one thing I don't know, I don't know his name. Because when his remains were buried, on the stone that marks his memorial, there is only a number. A four digit number starting with 2.
I'm sure many people reading this have heard the statistic that in a labor camp the average lifespan of a prisoner was three months. Multiply that by millions and you can get some very large numbers, and many, many deaths.
This man had a four digit number that started with a 2 tattooed onto his arm.
Historians guess that this man was sent to Auschwitz close to the beginning of the war, perhaps in '41 or '42. He survived probably three or four years there. He was going home.
Today we remember him too.
292 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
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onesweetworld18 · 2 years
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I posted 16,023 times in 2022
That's 2,502 more posts than 2021!
1,020 posts created (6%)
15,003 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,385 of my posts in 2022
#wow - 45 posts
#pta mom - 29 posts
#i love this - 28 posts
#i love him - 24 posts
#this is amazing - 23 posts
#oh my god - 23 posts
#omg - 17 posts
#this - 17 posts
#yes - 17 posts
#louis tomlinson - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#if harry’s favorite group of people is his merry band of white men managers i think i would stab myself with a steak knife
My Top Posts in 2022:
I will do a post-show write up, but I think this sums it up the best. I asked my mom after the show which of the three that she has seen did she like the best (Harry, Niall, or Louis) and she said, “I think Louis. They are all very good. Niall really like the music and is very talented, Harry puts on a show, but Louis is all heart. You can tell he’s all heart.”
And like if that doesn’t explain Louis I don’t know what does.
421 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
Ok, a few notes on the Louis show.
I was in the VIP viewing area so I was right in front of where he came on. Security kicked EVERYONE out aside from press. Like Elie Goulding’s crew even had to move to the back of my section. His whole team (Matt and Mark managers) and people who look like they were in the BMG camp were there and behind me.
The way Louis walks with the absolute BDE energy is insane. Seeing it in person is just truly, truly unreal to witness. He truly is a wonderful person to just admire.
Josh runs around everywhere and sings as he is filming.
Krystal is shorter than I thought she would be!
People did the “woo woo woo” thing Harry does during his shows and the people from Elise’s crew were so so confused so I had to explain why that was happening. They found it odd (as did I.)
While Louis wasn’t overly chatty, he was so fucking amazing and had the crowd in the palm of his hand. Everyone was into him and basically him alone. I truly don’t know if anyone came specifically for another artist. (Speaking as an Oldie™️) who is Young Gravy and why is he a thing? He was disgusting.
Oli got stopped for trying to go backstage. My friend goes “what does he do?” And I explained his role and she found it amazing.
I love Louis so much. Bigger Than Me sounds so good live. It’s just going to get better.
They played Harry like 5 times before/during the sets.
I love him. I love him. I love him!
There was also a huge ad for his album on the screens as we were leaving!
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450 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
Sometimes I’m reminded of Louis going to Barcelona and Harry showing up with the Barcelona coin bracelet just as soon as Louis came back and like I need to lie down. Must be the mold.
459 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
Coachella was an opportunity for the general public and (mostly) non or casual fans to see Harry. These are the people who read the headlines, believe what they are told, and (probably) believe the womanizing het narrative they’ve been sold. But instead of playing it safe, instead of toeing the line, Harry didn’t play. He said rainbow sequin jumpsuit and gay cowboy fantasy with my initials on the ass. These people saw the Harry we have known for 10 plus years. The flamboyant, supportive, funny, talented, flamboyant, goober he is. I hope that at least a small percentage of these people will leave and go “that was gay. That wasn’t the dude I’ve been told about” and question the narrative they’re forced. He isn’t that, and I’m really glad Harry got to prance in front of 100,000 people and be the Harry we know and love. I hope everyone else catches on that HARRY is enough.
829 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Harry having a pretentious music festival forced to sing and listed to “What Makes You Beautiful” a song and fan base that has been constantly disparaged and overlooked by music snobs and executives is probably the best and biggest flex ever.
1,099 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
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lenasai · 2 years
before 2022 ends (for me) i'm gonna steal an idea from @thehallstara and do a recap of the stuff i wrote this year, with commentary because i feel like it...and also so it's not like. exactly the same thing lmao
first, go take a look at hir post if you feel so inclined. if you have the time, those twines are all bangers.
list below the cut because this will probably be long when it appears in the tag:
the splorts poetry series as it exists now. the first two sets were from 2021, but i started the series after realizing i was going to post more individual blaseball poems. turns out putting a bunch of poems in one work and waiting for those to be done before you publish them means a lot of stuff just goes unpublished, so i moved toward publishing stuff individually. if you wanna just look at the poems i wrote in 2022, start with lucky number 81 (what if)
the merry exit (un?)memorial dimension traveling club - a fun little exploration of the merry exit from the gamma 1 test circuit and the merry exit from the tutorial game
hold on, you'll live to play again - look i KNOW what's going to be in the second chapter. i just haven't written it yet. every now and then i go "oh no i abandoned the happy story about the kids" and stare wistfully at the pages document hoping the second chapter will just write itself. i will write it eventually. shoutout to the random person who left kudos on the first chapter like 50 years after i wrote it, knowing there's a nonexistent second chapter. anyway. i wrote the first chapter for the first anniversary of longest thursday. it's about the season 20 postseason and the moment we knew everyone (mostly ivy) was going to be safe. it's got more core lore than i expected to write. thank you mechs.
ashes, dust, and other reminders of what once was - for the garages fic exchange, about chorby soul and parker macmillan. HOO BOY this is the one i'm proudest of. if you read only one piece from this post, i hope you will consider making it this one...which is a huge ask because it's nearly 11k words. if i had a nickel for every time i wrote over 10k words of People In The Vault Being Sad About Things i would have two nickels. that's not a lot of nickels, but very funny it happened twice. this is also the first work i've written for another person, and they were an absolute pleasure to write for. anyway. i think chorby soul and parker macmillan should be besties.
what if the light at the end of the tunnel burns me again - for the firefighters fic exchange, about Agan Espinoza's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Season 24. i love them. i curled up into a little ball of shrimp emotions when they fell in the last fall ball with parker macmillan. god damn.
end-of-the-world tour - i wrote 1.5k words about parker macmillan's roam to the (prehistory) crabs and immortals in like two hours. absolutely no proofreading went into it. i wrote it and tossed it into the void after my computer threatened to fuck me over at the deadline. written for the blaseball zine jam.
batting practice - yeah so i procrastinated until the week of the deadline, then got possessed by some kind of writing demon and wrote 5.5k words about wyatt quitter and jasmine mason. not to say it was rushed, but it may have a residual formatting glitch i may have missed when copying from pages into ao3. i went over it many times to try and get rid of those, but if you see a couple of paragraphs fused together, no you didn't. written for the lift fic exchange.
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girlboss-enthusiast · 2 years
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I posted 3,519 times in 2022
That's 3,251 more posts than 2021!
350 posts created (10%)
3,169 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,345 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#fav - 283 posts
#laugh tag - 224 posts
#self.txt - 206 posts
#art - 164 posts
#gender ideology - 114 posts
#cute - 98 posts
#dogs - 69 posts
#ref - 69 posts
#reminders - 55 posts
#radical feminism - 49 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#that's literally how you grow as a person...protecting your kid from it might feel good in the moment but it's not right or good for the kid
My Top Posts in 2022:
A well-known rapper recently switched his IG pronouns to they/them. He hasn't made a statement yet, but people are swooning over this and talking about how he's "bringing gender diversity to hip-hop" and is "so brave," etc.
Oh, did I mention he was convicted of assaulting his girlfriend and threatening her with a firearm earlier this year? I bet this is totally unrelated.
Male abusers come out as non-binary now and the public immediately forgives them - if people even cared about their violence in the first place. Gender ideology is a great way for men to avoid social consequences.
863 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
It’s amazing how many normie women will agree with the basic concepts of radical feminism if you don’t frame them as Radical Feminism(tm). Things like porn culture, sex vs gender, male violence, are all observable and radfem conclusions are logical. It’s just when you start bringing out the theory of why it’s like this that women get skittish. Which is understandable—fully understanding the breadth and depth of misogyny is scary, and for a lot of women, it’s too much, and they will disengage.
But some women won’t, and while they might not read Dworkin or call themselves radfems, they’ll be more aware of how to protect and love themselves and other women, and might become politically active if they weren’t already. That’s the end goal for me—I don’t really care what women call themselves, I’m just happy they’re striving for female solidarity and class consciousness, even if they don’t use those words.
892 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
You know what, I really do think social media, maybe the internet in general, is rotting people's brains. Like "terminally online" and "brain worms" are not half-ironic jokes. It's destroying our attention spans and ability to interact with each other or form bonds, it's putting us in a social panopticon with no opportunity for privacy or ability to think for ourselves without fearing the judgment of our peers. People's boundaries are being eroded by the twin pressures/desires of fitting in and going viral. Sexual harassment is getting worse and worse, partially because of those two pressures. Corporations know more about us than we know about ourselves. Kindergartners arrive at school without the motor skills to hold pencils or the spatial awareness to play with Lego bc they were raised with tablets. Our eyesight is getting worse; our rates of depression and anxiety are skyrocketing; in fact, our physical and mental health are both plummeting. We are polarized, afraid, subject to groupthink, slowly being subsumed.
And you know, this is all linked to capitalism, bc who is benefiting from this? Who wants a tame and distractible populace? This particular analysis has been done by ppl better equipped than me, but the total ignorance/avoidance of this fact is simply playing into the hands of the capitalists. It scares me, honestly. I worry it's not going to get better.
tl;dr delete your social media
1,077 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
So sick and tired of people calling everyone they don't like Nazis. Sorry you don't like JK Rowling or whoever the fuck, but making that comparison is laughable and frankly offensive. Do you actually know what the Nazis did, or is it just a story to you? Because some people sling the word around with such ease, I wonder if they think it's fiction.
1,121 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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2,232 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
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casuallivi · 2 years
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I posted 1,895 times in 2022
That's 1,792 more posts than 2021!
135 posts created (7%)
1,760 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,461 of my posts in 2022
Only 23% of my posts had no tags
#elain archeron - 188 posts
#elriel - 137 posts
#elriel fanfic - 130 posts
#elrielmonth22 - 117 posts
#azriel - 63 posts
#elriel fanart - 59 posts
#elriel month 22 - 45 posts
#lol - 44 posts
#elain x azriel - 32 posts
#my writing - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
Remember when back in ACOMAF Feyre thought Azriel was the safest to strike a conversation with, even if he probably wasn’t??! (reminds you of another archeron?😏)
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Yet, Azriel didn’t answer her, silently urging Cassian to talk about it.
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Rhys and Cassian go on telling Feyre the story of how they’ve met, but Az is silent, tense, entering in a loop caused by the mention of his past, illyria, even Mor is worried with his frozen state.
See the full post
150 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
Them: Azriel needs a chalenge! A fucking-strong-extrovert-warrior to teach his ass to be better!
Azriel: *crushing on Mor but perfectly content in letting golden-retriever-Cass entertain her loud-and-sexy-blond-ass for 500+ years*
Azriel: *takes four centuries to go clubbing with her*
Azriel: *meets lovely friendly flower girl*
Azriel: I like this one
Azriel: *glues his ass to hers for the next three years*
Everyone: 👁️👄👁️
Azriel: what?
155 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
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156 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
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206 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Rhys: agrees to be Feyre's distraction and give her body release, not offering anything else for fear she will shut down.
Readers: omg, that's so romantic! 😍 So hot 🥵
Cass: offers to be Nesta fuck buddy because he knows how she is pushing away from her feelings.
Readers: omg, he loves her so much! 😍 So hot 🥵
Az: gifts Elain with a especial necklace made for her, softly caresses her neck because he can't help it, ventures to kiss Elain after she gives him offer and permission, doesn't allow himself to think what comes next because she has a mate (who happens to be upstairs during said attempt!), but still dares to question the gods, implying he feels a connection so strong he can't understand why she is mated to another.
Some Readers: ew, fucking pervert! 😠 He clearly doesn't care for her 🙄 he wants to use her for perverted sex 😑 he's just saying that because she is the third sister 🙄 he doesn't even like her, who do this without a plan? How dare him not plan their next 500 years before that kiss?! 😒 Lazy bitch 😒
236 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
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1-800-pastelskies · 2 years
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I posted 209 times in 2022
That's 164 more posts than 2021!
81 posts created (39%)
128 posts reblogged (61%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 209 of my posts in 2022
#♡peach’s paint pallet♡ - 208 posts
#﹄❏♡•peach answers•♡❏﹃ - 30 posts
#🤍via🤍 - 5 posts
#art - 4 posts
#🤍heather🤍 - 3 posts
#prev tags - 3 posts
#tumblr milestone - 2 posts
#aphmau - 2 posts
#artists on tumblr - 2 posts
#edits - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#ok ok so mikal (the kid we’re trying to make jealous) found the snap acc and he didn’t know it was me bc my snap doesn’t have my name so tha
My Top Posts in 2022:
i had two b's and a c+ for my classes and my mom goes up to me and says "wow u have amazing grades!" and smiles and gives me a hug- it wasnt sarcasm at all and i was like "WHAT THE FUCK"
bestie those are average grades is that not a common thing for you-
12 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
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silly little block people
18 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
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♡dakotah’s 100 follower celebration♡
while going through my follows i realized that with my followers from my old account and my new account i have a bit over 100 follows which means celebration time!
i would like to thank everyone who followed me and my lovely mutuals
so let’s get onto the asks
🍑 - mood board based on your blog’s aesthetic
☁️ - voice reveal and what you want me to say
🍓 - which one of my irl friends do you remind me of (mutuals only)
💿 - makeup look inspired by your blog (may not answer these until later)
✨ - a song you remind me of
🌙 - which stuffed animal of mine that you remind me of
🧸 - what i think you look like (using pinterest photos so it might not be the most accurate)
@daydreaming-cheese-weasel @ddepressedbookworm @rihaayi @wyrm-in-a-closet @idiotacadamia @maisiepeterss @murdermf @d4nkug0 @cinnamonstickrayofsunlight @jaemssna @gay-every-2-weeks @so1987 @satanshairycoochie @dosiedior
20 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
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23 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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a lot of people on my old blog liked these so uh they’re on this blog now
49 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
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hugintheraven · 2 years
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I posted 4,434 times in 2022
That's 1,637 more posts than 2021!
33 posts created (1%)
4,401 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,212 of my posts in 2022
Only 50% of my posts had no tags
#q - 787 posts
#politics - 249 posts
#religion - 108 posts
#lgbtq - 92 posts
#dracula - 68 posts
#d&d - 54 posts
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#about me - 38 posts
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Longest Tag: 133 characters
#it's impossible for me to actually figure out how good it is because every single possible change is infinitely better than jj's crap
My Top Posts in 2022:
So, some basic thoughts
The sequence of events is basically Chris Rock makes joke, then Will laughs while Jada looks hurt, then Will walks up and slaps Chris, then Chris tries to play it off, then Will says “Keep my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth” until Chris agrees.
So I think initially Will didn’t register the joke. He’s an actor at the Oscars, Smile and Laugh is basically his job for the night. Then he saw how Jada was taking it and reacted to that. Which I like. It makes the situation less “don’t insult MY wife” and more “don’t hurt the woman I love”. 
I also don’t think that was over the line. It was an extreme reaction, but this isn’t the first time she’s listened to jokes about her medical condition. It might be the last, though. Which appeals to me, honestly. It reminds me of high school, sometimes the only way to make people stop is to hurt someone. And Will kept it controlled. 
Honestly, a good reminder to all stand-up comedians, late night hosts, etc, there’s some jokes you shouldn’t make. Learn where the line is and stay on the right side of it. Or invest in a good dental plan, whichever. 
99 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Dracula Daily and Fanfic
So, I decided to look into AO3 and see what this fandom produced since the beginning of *gestures vaguely* ALL THIS. 
Historical context: Pre-2016, there were 166 fanfics total in the Dracula(Bram Stoker 1897) tag on AO3. 2016-2019, there was an average of 60 fics added to the tag per year. In 2020, Moffat dropped a BBC Dracula series and the fandom exploded, posting 242 fics in 1 year. 2021, things died down, only 156 fics posted, still far better than any pre-2020 year for the tag.
And in 2022, as of November 11, the tag has 320 new fics. Double last year, and the year’s not even over yet. Of those, 265 have been posted since May, which is more than the previous record year(Moffat), and this fandom did it in 6 months. Congratulations, that is legit impressive and I just want to say thank you to everyone involved. I hope to see more fanfics added to that list so that I have to revise my numbers even further in 2 months.
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Now, some disclaimers. This data was gathered manually so I may have messed up some marginal things, and the practice of uploading other archives and backdating fics makes it more confusing. I have also not excluded crossovers. This means that this definitely includes some works based on the 2013 TV show(for example) that were tagged with this fandom as well, but defining a crossover in a useful way for my purposes here seems difficult. And I only checked the Bram Stoker Dracula tag, because the “All Works” Dracula tag will include plenty of other unrelated works. And of course, there’s fanfics that are in the tag for this year that aren’t Daily-related. But the conclusion is pretty clear anyway, this was a good year for Dracula fanfic.
181 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
So, that one 911 scene is based on a true story
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See the full post
223 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
Summer is coming
Do NOT leave anything in your car that you aren’t willing to see melt. That includes pets and children. Yes, you’ll “just be 5 minutes”, but then there’s a line. You get some poor retail worker on their first day. And then you get back to your car and it’s 115 degrees inside. Don’t do that. Small creatures can’t regulate their temperatures as effectively as you, they can overheat and die very quickly. Bring them with you or leave them home, do not leave anything in your car. 
1,868 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Oh look, there’s a reason Elon’s suddenly become so transphobic recently. One of his 18 year old kids just filed name change paperwork. She’s going by Vivian Wilson now. All the support for her, and given how he’s behaved about this, hopefully one of Elon’s rockets screws up and renders him no longer anyone else’s problem. 
2,648 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
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