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garebearandnan · 2 years ago
Love Island Game Season 2: MC Fashion (Day 1 and 2)
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Days 1-8 are now posted! I never checked to see if the other seasons outfits were available for purchase. Like with Love Island TV series it is a very cool feature to have in the game. I think I there were a couple of outfits from S3 too. I know AJ's jean jacket was available to purchase.
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garebearandnan · 2 years ago
Just for fun today at lunch I decided to give S2 girls a fashion update from the Finale. I liked MC, Chelsea and Hannah prom dresses but the others were seriouosly lacking in style. Lottie looked like she was wearing a fish net and Hope's dress color was lovely but didn't care for the style. Here are the girls new looks which were selected from fashionnova website. Maybe in future I'll select another fashion site and do the same. Maybe from Nookie, Jovani or Nadine Merabi. Oh, my FAV is couturecandy but pricey!!!
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garebearandnan · 2 years ago
S2 Casa Girls Outfits (Shannon and Blake)
Does anyone know where the outfits are from for S2 Shannon and Blake? I found some, but not all!
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Took a break from writing, 'A Bit of Me' fanfic (S2), and played around with S2 fashion boards. I started these about a year ago but didn't save some of the outfits. Does anyone know where the outfits are from for S2 Shannon and Blake? I found sleepwear for Shannon only. Couldn't find exact match for Blake's swimwear!
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garebearandnan · 2 years ago
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LANGUAGE GUIDE FOR LOVE ISLAND - ISLANDERS VOCABULARY (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1276992159-language-guide-for-love-island-islanders?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=ArtAngel8&wp_originator=qKm00Ms6fXXWv9Jgo2Jc7umNAe%2FIP0BUkXp32uZypONFS9hDlG1jzf304GOMw0dneD%2BQlA3gqROjtQ24Ef82vFTubk8YVG5r5v0pPz%2Bo84177epuErHonXUFJvz6GoSI 
I hope this DICTIONARY is HELPFUL! I've complied this dictionary from all 9 seasons of Love Island TV show (UK).  I remember watching the first few seasons of UK TV series and like wtf on what the Islanders are saying! Then scouring the internet for the meaning. This basically prompted me to compile as comprehensive list as I could from so so many sources.
If there are any words to add, please don't hesitate to let me know! I am sure I will be adding more words when the 2023 UK summer season ends. Especially the sex lingo. Every summer it seems the Islanders try to come up with their own LINGO.
                         LANGUAGE GUIDE FOR LOVE ISLAND
The Islanders have a very specific language while on Love Island. The words and phrases used by the Islanders have specific meanings within the context of the show. 
                                    ISLANDERS VOCABULARY
AGGY. Contestants will use this word to refer to islanders that are angry, agitated, or aggravated. You could say, "She's so aggy today".
BANTER/BANTZ.  The act of teasing or kidding, ‘Banter,’ is the existence of high-level rapport between two people. Banter is the hottest commodity in the villa on a show like Love Island, where fit birds and geezers are a dime a dozen. Some islanders pride themselves on their bants (jokes). This is especially popular when trying to graft on with someone. 
While banter can be fun, witty chat, the islanders refer to it as the ‘playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.’ Islanders either have banter or they don't, and this can be the key difference between whether or not two contestants get flirty with each other and become romantically involved.
BELLEND. A derogatory word.
BELTER. Someone who is really gifted in the looks department.
BEVY/BEV. This new word has been introduced for the 2019 season. Used to describe a hot guy. If he's your boyfriend, he's your bevy, but if he's not your boyfriend, he's a bev.
BIRD. Girls are often called birds.
BISH. BOSH. BASH. Indicating the completion of a task with efficiency.
BODY POPPING: The art of dancing like Drake. 
BOMBSHELL. A contestant who enters Love Island after the initial group.
BREADCRUMBING. This term is used when an Islander is talking about being lured by someone. Leading someone on, or playing mind games.
BRUV. Brother, for short, not referring to a blood relative but a friend. Typically used between male islanders.
BUDGIE-SMUGGLERS. Reference to a man's tight-fitting swimming bottoms or swimsuit.
BUNDA. Means a good bum
BUZZIN’. Happy or excited about something, extremely thrilled. (i.e., "We are completely cracking on and having a great time, and bruv, I’m honestly buzzin’. I’m proper buzzin'.")   
CAPPING. Means lying. If an Islander says "no cap", that means they're not lying.
CASA AMOR. Definition (from Series 3 on): The second villa either the girls or the boys go to about halfway through every series. New people come to both villas, and it's all about whether you stay with your original person.
CHALLENGE. An official setup game the contestants play that almost never has any substantial consequences. Usually a challenge starts with them running to the little challenge area in slow motion.
CHEEKY. It means fun, brash and cute.
CHIRPSE. To flirt or chat someone up.
CHIVED. To be hacked off or peeved.
CONNECTION. A way of saying you like someone romantically in a deep and meaningful way.
COUPLE. The two-person team contestants are in. A couple shares a bed, competes in challenges as a unit, and can be up for elimination together. Love Island is won by a couple.
CRINGE. It is used to describe the peak awkwardness of a person or situation.
CWTSH. To have a cuddle
DAY DOT. Day one.
DEAD. A word used to add emphasis, such as, "That man is dead fit".
DEAD TING. The term islanders use to describe someone who isn’t attractive or good looking. Can also be used to describe something as boring or dull. 
DEFFO. A shortening of the word ‘definitely’.
DICKSAND. Like quicksand, 'dicksand' is what you get caught in when you're totally obsessed with a guy and can't get him out of your head.
DMC. An abbreviation for Deep Meaningful Conversation, often necessary on Love Island whenever one feels insecure, in love, or has fallen into dicksand.
DOGHEAD. A derogatory word for an ugly person.
EXCLUSIVE. When two islanders go 'exclusive' it means that they're only dating each other but still don't have the girlfriend/boyfriend label. It's the stage before going official with each other.
EXTRA. When you take something too far and are overly dramatic about something, over-the-top. (i.e., "Why are you getting so extra about it?")
FANCY. To have a crush or be attracted to someone.
FIT. Good-looking, in ways beyond physical fitness, ‘hot’. (i.e., "That new islander is fit, bruv.")
FLAMES: Very hot.
FISHING. 'Fishing for compliments' when trying to win over your love interest.
FUCKBOY. A male who treats females like garbage. Used in a sentence: “Chris is NOT a fuckboy.”
FUMING. Super angry or really pissed off.
G. Means girlfriend.
GAFF. House (i.e., "My head's all over the gaff.")
GASSED. This means that your excited. According to Urban Dictionary, ‘gassed’ is when one is overwhelmed or cannot hold in the excitement any longer’.
GEEZER. A term of endearment used to refer to a male friend; can also be shortened as ‘geez’.
GIRL CODE. Although girl code is not exclusive to Love Island, it is a term which is regularly used by female contestants. It is used to describe a special female pact/code that should not be broken, even for an attractive man. Hoes before bros, as they say.
GRAFT/GRAFTING. Simply put, grafting means an islander is working hard at getting another islander to like them. If an islander is not putting in the work to find love in the villa, then they won't make it far on Love Island. Grafting, therefore, is essential to the show.
GROWER. In the Love Island villa, a grower refers to someone who can slowly become more confident and outgoing as the series goes on. But it can also refer to a love interest who "grows" on you.
GUTTED. When an islander is gutted, they are emotionally devastated, usually because the person they were seeing has cracked on with someone else.
HIDEAWAY. The room where the contestants are sometimes allowed to go, almost always as a couple, for the purpose of getting away from everyone else. There are still cameras in there. People can do lots of bits.
HUN. Now this one all depends on the tone of voice used when saying it. Although potentially an endearing term of friendship, it can also carry LOTS of sarcasm. After all, ‘I’m not your hun, hun’, went down as one of the best one-liners of the show in 2018 when Eyal hit back at Hayley.
ICK. Simply put, 'the ick' occurs when someone becomes creeped out by the person they're seeing, making it difficult to continue dating them.
INNIT. A word you must often say when you end your sentences, innit.
KNOBHEAD/KNOB. An insult like bellend or dickhead
LIKE. A word used to punctuate sentences. Used in a sentence: “Like, I really am into him, but, like, I’m just not sure if I’m, like, really into him. Like, we get on, but, like, do we really, like, get on? Know what I mean?”
LING. 2022 Social media users reckon it's another way of saying something's 'leng', which is to say, incredibly attractive. Used in a sentence: 'Wow, this villa is ling.'
LIPSING. A new one for 2022. Lipsing is a slang term for kissing. If an Islander says they want to lips someone, it means they want to kiss them.“Have you been lipsing him? Or was there any lipsing?” is a question you'll often hear being asked by the Islanders after dates and each morning.
LIT. A term used to describe when something is amazing.
LOYAL. Describes someone who stays true to their Love Island partnership and friendships. Reassure others that their 'head won't turn' and that they'll stay true to their partner.
MARJ. Marj is slang for mum. 
MATE. How every guy will refer to every other guy in the villa. 
MELT. A person who is soppy and so into someone else that it's an embarrassing flaw.
MINGING/MINGER. An unsightly, unpleasant, or smelly person or thing. It comes from the word "ming," meaning smelly.
MINT. As in ‘mint condition’, a term used to describe a person, place, or things, superb superficial appearance.
MOVING MAD. This is basically when someone starts to move out of character in the villa. 
MUGGY. Like you're trying to play someone or dump them. Go behind their back, or act sneaky, disloyal.
OBVS. A shortening of the word ‘obviously’.
OG. Used to simply mean that something or someone is 'original'—meaning, the first of its kind.
Oi Oi.  A way for a large group of men to greet another person they've never seen before.
PENG SORT.  Very hot. (Synonyms: Fire, flames, proper fit.)
PIED/PIED OFF. The act of being dumped or ditched without warning. Reject someone. Every islander's worst nightmare is to be pied off on national telly in front of everyone from their nan to their boss. If an islander has been pied off, it means they've been unceremoniously dumped.
PRANGY. A term used for feeling anxious, paranoid, or scared—particularly at the prospect of someone new entering the Love Island villa.
PUNCHING. A shortened version of ‘punching up,’ it is the act of dating out of one's league.
RANTIN’. Engaging in a fierce debate with another islander or just having a good moan about something or someone.
RECOUPLE. One of the biggest causes of stress and constant topics of conversation revolves around ‘recoupling’. Recoupling is where the contestants find out if they will be picked by a fellow contestant or if they will be kicked off the show. The viewing public may be asked to vote on their favourite couples.
ROW. An argument or fight
SALTY. To behave unfavourably towards someone. Used it in a sentence, ‘Why are you being so salty with me?’
SALMON. A way to jump into the pool where you shake your body like a fish.
SAUCE. Your personality, character, and what makes you, well, you, or sex appeal.
SHADE. To throw shade is to make a public show of contempt for someone or something, often in a subtle or non-verbal way.
SITUATIONSHIP.  Love Island is full of uncertain romances, where the boundaries are not clearly drawn. ‘Situationship’ is the perfect word to describe this kind of entanglement where there are no labels yet, but it might be assumed to be exclusive.
SLAG. A disgraceful, derogatory term akin to a slut. The Love Island villa is a place of acceptance, forward thinking, and sexual freedom, and thus, slag is one of the worst words one can utter while on the show.
SNAKE/SNAKEY. When someone’s being sneaky, deceitful, or sly behind your back Or right in your face. In the villa, someone is 'snakey' if they make romantic advances towards a coupled up islander.
SNOG. To make out, often with some heavy petting.
SORT. If you’re the right sort, consider yourself lucky. In the land of Love Island, a sort is someone that is considered to be extremely attractive, and therefore, is a compliment of the highest order. (i.e. ‘He’s a right sort’.) If you think someone is a sort they’re probably also your type on paper and you’ll want to graft them after pulling them for a chat and finding out the vibes.
SWIPE RIGHT. Derived from the Tinder function. Refers to the idea that you approve of someone based on their looks.
TING. Someone who you aren't necessarily dating, but someone to have fun with while you are single.
TOSSER. Somehow a little bit more acceptable than wanker, despite the two words having exactly the same meaning.
VIBE. Islanders recount how they're 'vibing with each other' i.e., they're each other's type on paper.
WANKER. An insult. (Synonyms: Dickhead, bellend, or knobhead).
WAVEY. Wavey is just another word to describe someone as good looking. 2019 Casa Amor has new slogans on the walls, including 'wavey', 'catch feelings' and 'buff'.
WEAPON. The use of the word doesn't relate to an illegal firearm, but more of a way of saying someone is the full package. (e.g., "I'm chatting to the new girl in the villa, she's an absolute weapon.")
WIFEY. The term the guys will use to refer to their girlfriend.
                           ISLANDERS CATCH PHRASES
100% MY TYPE ON PAPER. Phrase used to describe someone who possesses qualities that you initially find aesthetically or otherwise pleasing.  Variation: A bit of me. 
A BIT OF ME. Someone you're attracted to. The object of one’s affections. 'A bit of me' is a phrase used by Islanders to indicate interest in a fellow Islander, most often soon after a new contestant has entered the villa. Someone tends to announce "He is a bit of me" or "she's a bit of me".
A SORT. A term to describe someone a person finds physically attractive.
AT THE END OF THE DAY. A phrase meaning ‘ultimately’.
BACK YOURSELF. To ‘back yourself’ is to have self-belief or self-confidence. The boys this year seem to like saying ‘you’ve gotta back yourself’ to one another, which is basically them telling each other to believe in themselves. Cute, really.
BYE FELICIA. The term is used by people who don’t care when someone is leaving. The ‘Bye Felicia’ neon sign is aptly placed by the front door of the villa.
CAN I PULL YOU FOR A CHAT. When an islander wants to speak with someone for a private, often more serious conversation, or simply to try and ‘graft’ someone, they’ll say something like "Can I pull you for a chat?" On Love Island, we hear this phrase a lot. (i.e., "I just wanted to go for a chat and see where your head's at").
CAN’T BE ARSED. A state of uncaring, ‘couldn’t care less’; When islanders say they ‘can't be arsed,’ the truth is that they could very well be arsed.
CATCH FEELINGS. Refers to falling in love when you weren't supposed to or starting to like who you were matched with too soon.
CHEESE TOASTIE. A grilled cheese
COULD BE HAPPIER. The type of happiness that's not big enough to stop you from ending things with who you're with in order to get with someone else.
COUPLE UP. Become (or remain in) a couple with someone during a Love Island recoupling
CRACK ON. For two people to pursue each other romantically. The whole point of the show is to crack on with someone. The most compatible couples on Love Island are usually those who have cracked on really well, meaning they've developed quite a romantic relationship.
DBS AKA DO BITS SOCIETY. The Do Bits Society or DBS as it became known later, was a secret members’ club for islanders who had successfully taken part in sexual activities in the villa.
DEAD IT. Means to end something. This could be used when referring to a romance or an argument. 2023 viewers will have seen Kai recently trying to dead his feud with Olivia, although she's refusing to let drop the issue.
DECLARATIONS OF LOVE. The speeches the final four couples’ say to each other at the Love Island prom.
DEEPING IT. You’ve probably heard one or two of 2023 Islanders say ‘I’m not deeping it”. Think of the phrase ‘it’s not that deep’ and it starts to make sense. If an Islander says they’re ‘not deeping it', then they’re not thinking too deeply about something. Nah, too easy.
DIGGING ME OUT. The act of having a dig at someone. Or, if you're reading what 'digging out' means on Urban Dictionary it is MUCH ruder… Used in a sentence: "Why you digging me out forrrrrrrrrrr?
DOING BITS. To fool around in a sexual manner, more than kissing and less than the full shebang.
DOING MY HEAD IN. Somebody or something is bothering/upsetting you and/or giving you a headache.
DROP ME OUT.  Essex slang for "Oh My God!" - an expression of disbelief or shock.
EARLY DAYS. It is too soon for you to be completely sure about something
EGGS IN ONE BASKET. The term refers to the act of going all-in on something. Within a Love Island context, this is when a contestant decides to give all your attention to just one other Islander.
END OF THE DAY. An expression signalling that the declarative statement that follows will be a total summation of the matter at hand. A phrase meaning 'ultimately' that shouldn't be used nearly as much as it is.
EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. Islanders are actually bringing back an old classic this year: 'everything happens for a reason'. This one's pretty self-explanatory, right?
FACTOR 50. Really, really, really try to woo a person.
FANNY FLUTTERS. A tingling or aching sensation that women feel when she is aroused or when they get excited. (When someone has turned you on.)
GET THE HUMP. To become annoyed, perhaps unreasonably so, about one’s current state of affairs.
GET TO KNOW. Talk to someone with an intention of sussing out potential romance. (i.e., "Yeah, I'm very interested in getting to know you. Like, very.")
GOOD CHAT. Phrase used to summarise someone's conversational ability, used like banter (i.e., "He's got good chat")
GOOD CONNECTION. A nice romantic vibe and/or dynamic.
HAVE A CUDDLE. To cuddle, usually with one islander as the big spoon and the other as the baby spoon. Since couples sleep in the same bed, islanders will wonder in the morning whether other islanders ‘had a cuddle’.
IS WHAT IT IS. Expression of defeat when something, usually a relationship, does not go the way you’d want it to, so it must be accepted even if it is undesirable. (i.e., “There's nothing you can do about it”, “It is what it is, innit”). Basically, English for ’c’est la vie.’
I’VE GOT A TEXT! What would Love Island be without this! A saying sure to put the fear in the Islanders, whoever’s been unlucky enough to hear the ping of their phone shouts this out. The common reaction to receiving a text message from the producers, shouted when done correctly, instructing them to do something. Most stick with the classic ‘I’ve got a text’ but former Islander Ovie Soko introduced the shorter and quite honestly refreshing shout of ‘message!’.
I’VE LOST MY HEAD. A way to describe how you are feeling. You've lost control of a situation, you could be a little confused and upset. (i.e., "I've lost my head since he dumped me.")
Je ne c’est quoi. Bringing a bit of European flair to the villa's lingo. If you see someone and they’re your type and you click, and they’ve got that je ne sais quoi.
KEEP HIM/HER/THEM ON THEIR TOES. Keep the relationship in a kind of guessing, fun, non-boring vibe?
KEEPING MY OPTIONS OPEN. This phrase is used when the islanders don't want to commit. If they want to see what happens in the series they will 'keep their options open'.
KICK OFF. Get rowdy through clear anger.
LAY IT ON THICK. Try reeeaaalllyyy hard to graft someone. He has no idea you fancy him; you've got to lay it on thick tonight.
MUGGED OFF. Someone who's been disrespected, deceived, or made to look like a fool for being played. (i.e., "Now I look like an absolute mug".) Being mugged off is a rite of passage on Love Island , but being labelled as muggy is deeply frowned upon. On Love Island, this is typically done by selecting a new partner with little regard for their former one. Most islanders feel mugged off when a presumed friend chats up someone they're interested in. This disloyal friend is then deemed muggy, and their reputation is thus tarnished.
MY HEADS GONE. A phrase said by someone who is struggling to think straight after catching the eye of someone else in the villa and being unsure as to which romantic interest they should couple up with.
MY HEAD’S BEEN TURNED. All of your emotional attachment and attention shifts from the person you may have liked to another, usually a newer islander. This phrase is something no happily coupled islander wants to hear.
MY HEAD IS SCRAMBLED. When Islanders say, "My head is scrambled," they mean that they're confused or not sure what to do. This is usually a result of a new bombshell entering the villa and turning their heads.
MY TYPE ON PAPER. A way of describing a person’s type. The kind of person you're usually attracted to physically. But usually followed by a ‘but’…  
NOT BEING FUNNY BUT. A great way to start a sentence when you’re about to be incredibly rude about someone. (i.e., "Not being funny, but… you’re a prick.")
NOT GONNA LIE. A phrase to indicate you're not lying, often filler. (Synonym: If I'm being honest. E.g., “I…not gonna lie, I expected more from this conversation.”)
OH MY DAYS. An exclamation of shock that apparently everyone's agreed to say a lot.
OH MY GOD. A way of showing that a person is excited by something. Used in a sentence: “Oh my god! Can you believe we’re really here?”
ON JOB. 2023. This year’s lot are all about putting in the hours. The boys especially love saying they’re ‘on job’, or telling each other to ‘get on job’; this refers to putting in the hours and grafting to form stronger connections. In other words, they’ve got one job to do – get the girl or boy – so they better get to work.
PRANGING OUT. To behave erratically. (e.g., "I just feel like everyone's pranging out. I'll make some nettle tea.")
PROPER FIT. It’s often used to quantify the level of attractiveness, anger, or horniness. (i.e., "That new islander, is proper fit, bruv.")
PUT IT ON. Flirting. The phrase "put it on" is commonly heard in The Beach Hut confessions or chats between close friends. Typically, an islander will announce they need to put it on as a way of grafting and, ultimately, cracking on with them.
PUT ME IN MY PLACE. Match me in terms of dominance, and give banter back to me equally. 
SHOOT YOUR SHOT. Taking the opportunity to tell someone that you are interested in them. (i.e., "You should shoot your shot with him. What's the worst that could happen?").
SQUASH IT. Similar to 'dead it', 'squash it' is normally used when the Islanders are try to end a feud or argument.
STEP ON TOES. Try to get with someone who someone else is already with or likes.
STICK IT ON. Variations: Put it On, Crack On. To graft or make a move on someone an Islander finds physically attractive, either by flirting or by attempting to kiss. 
SWIPE RIGHT. Derived from the Tinder function. Refers to the idea that you approve of someone based on their looks.
THE MATH IS NOT MATHING. You may have heard the expression "the math is not mathing" being used in the villa. This means that something is not adding up or doesn't make sense.
THIS IS NOT FRIEND ISLAND. Specifically, what Love Island is not. This phrase is Love Island's version of ‘not here to make friends’.
TO BE FAIR. A common phrase meaning, "I'm about to point out something," or, "I just pointed out something."
TRUE TO MYSELF. Often found in the same sentence of ‘shooting your shot’, if you’re staying true to yourself you’re following your feelings. It should be noted that when an Islander says they have to ‘stay true to myself’ and ‘shoot my shot’, then drama is very likely to be on the way.
WAVEY. Another word to describe someone as good looking.
WE GET ON. Shortened way to say we get on together (i.e., "I get on with her/him.")
WHAT HE/SHE BRINGS TO THE VILLA. The ultimate sign of respect from other islanders. It means the other islanders actually like you and recognize that your personality adds something of value to their cohort. In recouplings and other voting scenarios among Islanders, if you ‘bring a lot to the Villa,’ your chances of staying in the Villa are higher. 
WHERE'S YOUR HEAD AT. The go-to phrase for any islanders wanting to know where someone’s romantic interest is at.
WINDING ME UP. To wind someone up is to annoy someone, usually in a joking or teasing manner. It is often used on the show as, "I was just winding you up" or "You're winding me up."
YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. To ask if somebody understands what you are talking about. But most of the time, it’s used as a way to end a sentence. 
LAY IT ON THICK. Try really hard to graft someone.
OH MY DAYS. An exclamation of shock. In a moment of exasperation, a much more fun, much more charming way to basically say ‘Oh my god’.
PLAYING THE GAME. Is seen as slimy and as low as it can get. Despite the cash prize and fame at stake, one of the best parts of the show is that the contestants rarely mention the potential windfall.
PRANGING OUT. To behave erratically.
STICK IT ON HIM/HER. To make a move on someone (graft), flirt.
TAKE THE PISS/TAKING THE PISS. To rile, mock, or be a jerk to another person, joking or being serious. Can be used like, "Are you joking?" or "Are you taking the piss?"
WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT. You are asking someone, often in a slightly annoyed way, what they mean.
                                 BEDROOM CODE- SEX LINGO
LACING UP MY BOOTS- which could mean that a guy is ready to have sex with his partner. If you hear the guys saying “1-0” it could mean that they’re talking about a sex act performed on one person and not the other.
2018 DBS (AKA DO BITS SOCIETY). The Do Bits Society or DBS as it became known later, was a secret members’ club for islanders who had successfully taken part in sexual activities in the villa.
2018 THE DRY HUMP SOCIETY. Love Island girls created a society for people who don't do bits. The codes are: Level one- ******* and chat. Level two- normal dry hump. Level three- cock-up the leg.
2020 FOOD CODE. Boys. Avocado- giving oral; Avocada - getting oral; Tomato - giving hands stuff / Tomatah - receiving hands stuff; Toast- meant the full monty aka SEX.
2021 FOOTBALL CODE. The Love Island 2021 boys decided to use football terms as a code for sex in the villa. The codes are: One nil- an act performed on only one person; Handball- Hand stuff; Header- oral/head; and Streaker on the pitch- full on nudity. 
2021 NVQ LEVEL. The Love Island 2021 girls decided to use NVQ levels (aka National Vocational Qualification levels) as their code for sex in the villa. The codes are: Entry-level NVQ- a kiss; NVQ1- hand stuff; NVQ2- oral; and NVQ3- Full sex.
2022 BEAUTY SALON. The UK 2022 girls have thought of their very own beauty-themed sex code. This is in a state of opening up for business or closed- if the salon is open, a couple has engaged in sexual acts together. If it’s closed, there has been no under-the-sheets action between them. Beauty salon 2022 code consists of: 
Acrylics- Possibly full-on sex. 
Blow dry- Oral sex.
The phrase 'blow dry' has been used a fair few times when discussing treatments in the, ahem, salon. 
Manicure- A hand-play, hand-job or fingering, depending on which person is giving the manicure. Manicure with mouth- oral.
Pedicure- Possible foot stuff? This may sound outlandish, but considering some islanders (Bobby), apparent propensity for feet it’s entirely possible. 
French tips- Normally we'd only refer to our french tips when we're getting a new set of acrylics, but getting french tips in the villa means some sexy time involving your fingers.
Full set- The Islanders might think they're being subtle with their euphemisms but the meanings aren't too hard to work out. As you can imagine, getting a full set means going all the way. 
Window shopping- You might've heard some of the Islanders talk about 'window shopping' before they open the salon. In other words, they mean checking out the goods and possibly getting a little bit touchy feely before they commit to a full treatment.
The 2022 boys have had their own scientific code as follows: Pipette: Penis. This can be referred to as either full or empty depending on whether certain, um, acts were completed or not. Bunsen burner: Also penis. Flask: Vagina.
2023- Football warm up. For the 2023 winter season it seems the girls have decided to go going for footie references.Tanya kicked things off (see, we can do sporty references as well) when she told the girls there had been a 'football warm-up' between herself and Shaq in January and before their night in the hideaway happened. One of the girls then asked 'are you ready to start the game' to which Tanya replied: 'I'm not ready to start the game... but I'm liking what it's looking from where I am standing - how the pitch is looking where I'm standing.'
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garebearandnan · 13 days ago
I love this scene when MC says this in front of her partner, Gary. MC keeping the boys on their toes, 'chefs kiss!' Should have had more choices like this... Love Gary's grumpy face.
yeah. turns out I AM going to say that in front of Gary.
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garebearandnan · 2 years ago
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Chapters: 36/  EP07 Pt3 Lips Don't Lie Fandom: Love Island (Video Game), Love Island (UK TV), Love Island Game S2 Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Main Character (Love Island), Hope (Love Island), Lottie (Love Island), Hannah (Love Island), Marisol (Love Island), Noah (Love Island), Rocco (Love Island), Ibrahim (Love Island), Priya (Love Island), Gary (Love Island), Bobby (Love Island), Henrik (Love Island), Lucas (Love Island),  Day 7 part 3 cont.
Summary:  Everyone has their own idea of what constitutes the perfect kiss, but there is one thing they all have in common: an experience that is unforgettable when it rocks your world. We adore the kind of kiss that causes butterflies in your stomach as well as the kind that causes time to seem to stand still. If you just had a kiss that left you feeling like your heart would burst out of your chest, there's a good chance it was a helluva kiss.
‘Time stands still when I’m with you when we’re gazing at the stars and the moon.’ ~ Rene Sweetz.
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garebearandnan · 2 years ago
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Chapters: 35/ EP07, Pt3 All I hear is Rocco. Fandom: Love Island (Video Game), Love Island (UK TV), Love Island Game S2 Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Main Character (Love Island), Hope (Love Island), Lottie (Love Island), Hannah (Love Island), Marisol (Love Island), Noah (Love Island), Rocco (Love Island), Ibrahim (Love Island), Priya (Love Island), Gary (Love Island), Bobby (Love Island), Henrik (Love Island), Lucas (Love Island), Gary Rennell's Nan, Grace (Love Island). Summary:  The aftermath of the kissing challenge.
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garebearandnan · 2 years ago
New Chapter out! S2
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'A Bit of Me'
Day 11 The Morning After
Read it on Ao3
OR Wattpad
Coming next week: Part 2 Snogathon, similar to the actual TV show.
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garebearandnan · 11 months ago
I agree whole hardily with mrsgaryrennell that Chris Hemsworth is the best Gary in RLT. Outgoing, charismatic, down to earth, a family man at heart.
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Gary Rennell: Chatham’s smooth crane operator.
DOB: 9th of January, 1996
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garebearandnan · 2 years ago
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(2019) Love Island Game S2: 'A Bit of Me' fanfic. Gary and Grace. Special Thanks to @libelle949 for the ART. You are amazing!
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garebearandnan · 2 years ago
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A Bit of Me - EP 05 Pt1 Two's Company (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1309617322-a-bit-of-me-ep-05-pt1-two%27s-company?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=ArtAngel8&wp_originator=z55fDAjN3JIPfZ10QbvTYVZIo7k4kDuQUH7kcjN1d2wO5njn%2FNbLi5Na9EhLoiECHeYuH7jmL2A4PkPqHeylWlYPmf6w7CRg6vPP2cjvCjgvm1fE5pDjoS7zhZU8MWFg This fic is largely based on Love Island game Season 2 and the actual TV Show.
SUMMARY: Two new arrivals are causing a stir in the Villa! Whose Head Will Turn?
Iain Stirling: Now, it's time for you to take control. Which two girls do you think should go on a date with our two new boys, Lucas and Henrik? Should it be… Grace, Hope, Lottie, Marisol or Priya. You can pick one girl for each boy and you have just ten minutes to make your decision. 
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garebearandnan · 2 years ago
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A Bit of Me - EP04 Pt 3 Never Have I Ever (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1307134506-a-bit-of-me-ep04-pt-3-never-have-i-ever?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=ArtAngel8&wp_originator=HzV5gdxdU3cAWWVbEE%2BW7a%2F7JJcrNGtAUQV3LzarITnwDDml1o%2Bgh%2FV08vxfRweEkVpkjhe00mL7PheaSlYhJAzfMrvQr8q6nf53jG4GUDIZeA5FPOVhC7uguO%2B3yEcT This fic is largely based on Love Island game Season 2 and the actual TV Show, with a few twists and turns along the way and more fire pit gatherings, and challenges. For one lucky girl, Grace Adamson her journey begins pre-Villa and post Love Island some fun adventures. Will Grace be lucky in love and leave the Villa with her soul mate?
Last Page updated as follows: Anyway…Our islanders are happily coupled up… Well some are happier than others…  But not for long, because two hot new boys are heading into the villa. And they're definitely going to shake things up. 
'Meet Lucas.' - I'm Lucas, I'm 27, and I’m a Physiotherapist from Oxford. Once I gave a girl a foot rub on our first date. I'm not going into the villa to break anyone's heart or to upset anyone, but I have no problem going after a girl if they're in a couple. The lads should be worried, the ladies should be excited, and I can't wait to stir things up.
'And now Henrik.' - I'm Henrik, I'm 23, and I’m a Climbing and Wilderness Instructor from The Isle of Wight. I won second place in a Thor look alike contest. My main objective is to find a girl, not to make friends, I've got a load of friends. I'm not afraid to tread on anyone's toes, and I'm ready to go.
Lucas - Daniel Henney
Henrik- Ton Heukels
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garebearandnan · 1 year ago
Does look sexy in black. Loved to have seen this as prom outfit!
also @cranesandshipyards requested a Gary wearing a black suit so I cobbled this together
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garebearandnan · 2 years ago
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A Bit of Me - EP04 Pt 1 That Bloody Spark (on Wattpad)
S2, Day 4 Part 1: Brunch is over, and the Islanders are enjoying an afternoon in the Spanish sun.
NOTE: What is a spark? A spark is often something you feel physically. Even though it may sound like a cliche, you might experience a rush of butterflies in your stomach or even a sense of lightheadedness because of the release of feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain, such as oxytocin and serotonin.
 https://www.wattpad.com/1300051311-a-bit-of-me-ep04-pt-1-that-bloody-spark?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=ArtAngel8&wp_originator=Iei2QQ%2F2udFwCeZlM%2BLn8uOIg7pZag3u4Yx74A2Gm1f9pimaU5mNXiH8XxL5Y4GflyEtgN91cF88PpEvewtv0TUZL7WzGzYReSLtfwAuRKKD5WUA7SwshgVilvVpzlv6 This fic is largely based on Love Island game Season 2 and the actual TV Show, with a few twists and turns along the way and more fire pit gatherings, and challenges. For one lucky girl, Grace Adamson her journey begins pre-Villa and post Love Island some fun adventures. Will Grace be lucky in love and leave the Villa with her soul mate?
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garebearandnan · 2 years ago
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A Bit of Me - EP04 Pt 3 Never Have I Ever (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1307134506-a-bit-of-me-ep04-pt-3-never-have-i-ever?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=ArtAngel8&wp_originator=OTZ3HoCY2ULuO1HS2Kf%2BTVOvsRgDr2TT0igrWJ86oRbUF6Tw%2FxcINcPUiDRnpvXWBZ5ZsivLkFPvlRnUhOfsyT0upF2loR0lA5K0hejQe5ert3nKqJNpHbp7IIJnFQhv This fic is largely based on Love Island game Season 2 
SUMMARY: Let’s find out who your fellow islanders really are.
Note: I really wanted Love Island Game S2 to have more challenges and night time games similar to the TV show. I have added some S1 and S4 Love Island Game dialogue to this S2 story.
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garebearandnan · 2 years ago
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A Bit of Me - EP03 Pt 3 Dress to Impress (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1287661311-a-bit-of-me-ep03-pt-3-dress-to-impress?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=ArtAngel8&wp_originator=M9d%2FnJrdoSknoikv85NFoJG2SOPQKWP%2F9326gvsXQJyLFliiJRe3C0FidvMKNiovT6ClwTcIRj2%2FGVhfs4i14vEVeu67fzQhOu9zToCSoeW%2F%2FwEuFOfNdSxNF8PlXSt5 T
SUMMARY:  It's time for the recoupling ceremony. Who will pick who?
NOTE: The recouple has been changed to a surprise dumping versus Canon, where the Islanders are told Day 3 Pt 1 that the Islander not chosen at tonight's recouple will be dumped from the Villa.
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