#lovebombing always goes crazy
mrsnancywheeler · 6 months
how does billy act when he shows up at at her muses door like what does that man do that she takes him back every single time
gonna be so fr rn, it's the love bombing (a reiteration that I've never said this kind of behavior is okay I'm just crafting a story pookies)
I'm totally not speaking from experience when I say that after a really rough time when someone suddenly starts being so sweet, buying you tons of gifts, saying the sweetest things, loving on you, it makes you want to forget everything that happened bc the good times just feel so good
and that's totally how billy is, showing up with flowers, songs to proclaim his feelings, makeup sex in the back of his car, long drives, taking her to her favorite places, sweet words, lazy mornings, just holding each other in bed, praise, compliments, a reentrance of the honeymoon phase to make up for everything. bc deep down he feels terrible but he also is struggling with addiction and just not working on himself as a person so it all just becomes part of the cycle even if he doesn't always intend it too.
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ozzy-boy · 9 months
Cole love languages <3
(this is a long one, strap in. theres so much to write about considering hes literally obsessed)
((can you tell he's my fave?))
-When it comes to love languages, all of the above is pretty fitting for Cole... If you asked him directly what his favorite is, he'd struggle to find an answer. There are so many wonderful ways to love you...
-One he leans towards is words of affirmation.
-Cole lives and breathes to compliment you. It comes easy to him because he thinks that every single thing you do is cute. Every. Single. Thing.
-You could stand perfectly still, doing absolutely nothing and Cole would compliment the way you breathe. Everything about you is simply magnificent, and he's not afraid to speak his mind.
-In return, he feels like he's walking on air for days after you compliment him.
-Your words float around in his head and heart like butterflies, and he repeats it to himself constantly. You think he's handsome, you love him, you think he has a cute smile...
-No matter what it is, he holds your praise close to his heart.
-An extremely big fan of physical touch. But watch out. He gets crazy cuteness aggression sometimes.
-Gets sudden, overwhelming urges to squeeze or bite. Admittedly, he tries very hard not to act on these urges out of fear of hurting you. (Unless you're. Y'know. Into that kind of thing.) He kind of jokes around about it to gauge your reaction but it's very, very real.
-Often takes his aggression out on a pillow or something soft when the urge gets unbearable. Even just thinking about you too much can give him an overwhelming burst of energy. Needs to get it out of his system every once in a while so that he doesn't let it slip around you.
-At first, in your early relationship, Cole keeps his hands very notably to himself. He's always either holding himself or has his hands folded at the small of his back.
-Despite... well, everything, Cole is not delusional. He understands very well that his feelings and urges are not... normal. He worries quite a bit about scaring you away by revealing too much. So he keeps to himself for a long time, only occasionally dipping into your personal space for a few brief moments. Usually to whisper in your ear or tease you when he sees the opportunity.
-He allows you to set the pace of your relationship, only delving into his desires once it's been made clear that you feel the same way. Contact between you two will have to be initiated by you at the start.
-Once you've been together for a while though, this caution goes out the window. Now that you're his, get ready, because Cole. Is. Clingy. Wants to be touching you at all times. The only time he feels like he has true control over himself is when he's in your arms.
-Sorry but he is 100% guilty of lovebombing after he's done or said something suspicious lmao.
-Oh, you just caught him following you...? Er, well, has he told you recently how cute you are? And hasn't it been a dreadfully long time since he kissed you? Looks like he'll have to spend the next several minutes remedying that haha nothing suspicious about that haha....
-Always finds a way to weasel out of anything regarding his 'tendencies'. He's cute enough that he usually succeeds.
-Side note, he's a biter. Cole will occasionally stride over to you, bite your neck or shoulder (sometimes leaving a hickey if you'll let him), and then walk away like nothing happened. He'll also nip at your lips or fingers to tease. If you ask him about it, he'll say that it's a lingering effect from the curse, but how true that is is debatable.
-Your quality time is very dear to him. Always annoyed when something (or someone) cuts into your time together.
-Quality time is often intrinsically linked to physical touch for him. Would spend every waking moment in your arms if he could. It's not realistic of course, but a man can dream...
-Although, he'll enjoy doing anything with you. Loves to join in on your hobbies and the activities you enjoy, and appreciates it if you return the favor. Admittedly, Cole doesn't indulge in many hobbies (at least not many that he can actually tell you about) but he loves it if you get involved with his interests.
-Will often spend his time lackadaisically following you to and fro, if only to have a few more minutes with you. This is especially apparent in the mornings when you're getting ready for your day. He'll trail after you while you make breakfast, shower, get dressed... Everything, just for the few extra seconds of attention it gains him. And if he gets a few kisses along the way, then he certainly won't complain.
-If you're going somewhere, Cole will always offer to tag along. Going to the grocery store? He'll come with you to carry your bags. Going to work? He'll walk you there. Can't be too careful, now can we? Going to see a friend? Well... why would you do that when you could be here with him?
-tldr this man doesnt understand the concept of personal space nor time
-He's not super into gift giving, but he's hardly against it.
-Cole likes to get you presents more than he likes to receive them. All he desires is your time and attention (all of it).
-Shockingly good at getting you gifts. Almost suspiciously so...
-You know that weird phenomenon when you start wanting something and then suddenly you start seeing ads everywhere for that thing? Yeah, that's kind of what receiving gifts from Cole is like.
-You'll get something from him before you even know you wanted it.
-It's not like he stalks you when you aren't together and watches your every move and notices when your eyes linger on things when you're shopping or snooping through your phone when you leave the room to see if you've searched for anything recently haha totally not.....
-He loves the look of surprise that passes over your face when you open gifts lovingly wrapped by him.
-While it's not his preference, he loves receiving gifts from you, especially if there's no particular reason for it. Makes his heart squeeze painfully to know that you think of him when he's not around enough to buy him things. Perhaps you think about him as much as he thinks about you...? (impossible)
-Couldn't care less what the actual gift is. For Cole, it really is the thought that counts.
-Goes nuts over acts of service. You'll never have to lift a finger around him.
-Cole could wait on you hand and foot for the rest of his life and be content. Treats you like royalty. A prince/ss and their lowly servant... Born to fulfill your every whim.
-Loves to dote on you. Please let him dote on you. Even the most minor of things will be done in a flash if you want... Or the most major of things.
-Will do absolutely anything for you. No questions asked.
-He rather enjoys household chores, actually. Cleaning sort of comes naturally to him. If you live together, expect Cole to keep the house spotless. Just don't think too hard about how many surfaces/materials he knows how to clean blood out of...
-Additionally, he loves to cook for you. Cole would hardly describe himself as a health nut, but he is very mindful. He likes to be in charge of your meals to ensure you're eating properly and being healthy. King of making you eat all your vegetables.
-He's lowkey a pushover when it comes to you though so he'll do or make whatever you want anyways <3
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hi!! can u maybe write hcs for gwen with a girlfriend strictly fluff please :]
gwen stacy x fem!reader
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𖹭 okay so i don't see her as someone who's very big on extreme pda, but she has no problem with small gestures like holding your hand when the two of you walk together.
𖹭 at the beginning, gwen was still very hesitant to even make new friends. you were in the same school so you knew about what happened to her peter, and how closed off she was bc of it.
𖹭 the longer the two of you were together, the more comfortable she became with you. you're the first person she goes to when she wants to get something off her chest or just needs comfort, and you always accept her with open arms.
𖹭 she loves spending time w you, loves getting to see you whenever she can. impromptu dates and meet-ups are one of her favorite things.
𖹭 she'd literally come at the most random times, with the most random activities for the two of you. one day it's going to a takeout restaurant after school or her taking you to the rooftop at night to watch the bustling city below.
Where are we going Gwen? It's late as hell, y'know," you say rubbing the sleep from your eyes. "It's a suprise, c'mon. grab a jacket," she answers offering you her outstretched hand as she sat in your window ledge.
𖹭 she has an entire photo album dedicated to you. pictures of the two of you, along with a bunch of candids she took herself.
𖹭 whenever the two of you plan on going somewhere, she'd arrive at yours earlier to help you choose an outfit. she loves spending time with you this way; admiring you as you frantically sifted through the hundreds of options you have.
𖹭 she has a playlist of all your favorite songs, and always plays it when the two of you hang out in your or her room.
𖹭 like i said before it takes a while for her to warm up to people, but once the two of you are officially dating, she doesn't shy away from affection. it gives you a bit of whiplash, being so used to the stoic gwen and then her being so unabashedly crazy about you, but you don't mind at all.
𖹭 her sudden surplus of affection may seem overbearing at first, maybe even like lovebombing, but it comes from a place of genuine love and admiration. she's just crazy about you!
𖹭 as corny and out of character as it seems, she likes all the corny couple stuff. matching bracelets, diner dates or impromptu picnics on the rooftop, she loves it.
𖹭 in all honesty though...she can be one sarcastic ass sometimes. i mean, it's not gwen without a snide comment thrown in here or there. you're in tune with her humor though, so you're always ready to quip back with equal snark.
𖹭 she always invites you to dinner with her and her dad, which you always accept gladly.
𖹭 she has a Polaroid of the two of you stuck on the inside of her closet door, a few more laying around her room.
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she's just so pretty and cool man :((
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skullfacedog · 8 months
I accidentally stumbled upon a text document of my old journal thread from a therian forum from when I was a teen and now I'm going thru it bc I'm really curious of the signs I had headmates or repressed memories back then
-so far, I've described myself as "being able to switch personalities easily" and wondering if I was half demon or had a demon headmate all along that I didn't know about because I had multiple sides of me that felt very contradictory. I am hellhoundkin but I feel like a lot of the demonic feels I had as a teen have worn off a lot, especially since my mental health has gotten better.
it's crazy reading these old posts bc I'm like a totally different person now lmao. I rlly said "I have violent urges and it's hard to hold back from hurting ppl just to hear them scream" YOU COULDN'T EVEN HURT A FLY WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUTTTT
-another thing that's kinda weird is that I was really obsessed with outer space at some point and mentioned that in my journal and mentioned questioning being stardragonkin but now it's like ?? I mean space is cool but it's nowhere near one of my main interests. I'm more of a fantasy person than a scifi person. naturey shit is wayyyy cooler than stars sorry.
-post about feeling sick for no reason like not having a cold or anything and being unable to eat but I thought it was species dysphoria??
-post complaining that I "don't feel like myself lately". depression or headmate??
-previously talked about feeling hellhound shifts that feel different from normal and kind of having a weird change in mindset. then in this post I mention I have a hellhound headmate named xarashi. that's them!!! that's the hellhound I "shifted" into!! also happy bc I fully forgot their name and it's been killing me that I didn't remember their name and just referred to them as "the hellhound headmate I had as a teenager". I wonder if they're still around but I feel like if I ask I would get an answer just bc I asked, does that make sense?? like I'm afraid my brain is making shit up but also, they were 100% a headmate at one point so it's not crazy to think they could still be there somewhere.
-also mentioned eshari who was a little demon girl headmate I had for a short time who was weirdly malicious. I distinctly remember like having a fight or something triggering me really badly with my internet friend and I just started feeling entirely emotionless and dissociatey and responded to my friend in ways I would not normally. and later I realized that was a headmate and tried talking to her. I genuinely thought she was an evil demon or something but I'm pretty sure she was a persecutor?? girl I'm so sorry I was so fucking dumb. anyway the lore goes that xarashi chased off eshari and kind of replaced her.
-not related to the general post idea here ig I'm just giving a live reaction at this point but I got to the point where I posted about meeting my ex abuser irl when we were dating and I said "I've never been that nervous in my life" "he kept hugging and petting me, it made me a bit uncomfortable bc I'm not used to him, but I liked it!" BITCH YOU ARE LYING TO YOURSELF BECAUSE HE LOVEBOMBED YOU AND YOU SO DESPERATELY WANT TO BE LOVED AND FEEL USEFUL YOU WILL CONVINCE YOURSELF YOU'RE OKAY WITH UNCOMFORTABLE SITUATIONS!!! STOP!!!!!!
literally the next post I made was the announcement of our breakup LMAO
also I still wonder if he reminded me of my CSA abuser bc I was literally IMMEDIATELY wildly uncomfortable when I saw him for the first time irl and I've always kinda been uncomfortable around men with his body type, like kinda big and masculine and with facial hair. I could not date someone who looks like that and I swear it has nothing to do with attractiveness like I'm demiro I do not give a fuck if someone isn't the standard of attraction but I can't date someone too big and masculine bc they scare me?? I'm so thankful my partner is the same height as me and skinny and always shaves. I mean he's cute with facial hair at least, not like overly masculine.
-mentioned always having been closed off to my parents, not telling them that I wished I was a dog (in an otherkin way before I found the community online) or that I "didn't want to go to heaven". why was I such a weird ass kid lmao I remember I wanted to go to hell purely so that I could fight the devil myself and bc "heaven seems boring" ?? why did 7 year old me have like a self sacrifice complex or smth idk like I was OBSESSED with the idea of me going thru pain for other ppl even as a very young child. I have nooo clue if that could be SA related but it is certainly Odd
-mentioned being able to do a really good impression of karkat from homestuck (according to my friends) and wanting to cosplay him. I sorta wondered at the time if I had a karkat headmate bc I could like Become him really easily it was weird. and he has like the complete opposite personality of me.
-mentioned dissociation like. many times throughout the entire journal
that's all but I may do similar posts with some other stuff I can find online from my past bc I need to psychoanalyze myself and search for every little sign that something was Wrong that I didn't notice at the time. the internet being forever is a good thing for me rn because I threw out every single physical journal I had which makes me so sad bc I would've lovedddd to read my old cringey journals, not just to search for trauma signs but also for entertainment purposes </3
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ovaryacted · 6 months
Questions 3 and 30 for the ask game <3
Also hiiiii nic, how've you been? 🩷🩷 I'm so glad the ask box is open again. I hope you are feeling better since you said you were really busy a while ago, if I remember correctly?
Also OH MY GOD THEY WEREN'T KIDDING WHEN THEY SAID COLLEGE LIFE WAS WILDD 😭😭 ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO DATING 💀 tell me why I met this boy and got into a relationship with him after an embarassingly short amount of time, then he lovebombed me, had a mental breakdown, got bored and attempted to fake his own death 😭😭 safe to say we're over, though I'm still a little worried about his mental health lmaoo. It's a shame though, I thought I met my brunette version of Leon Kennedy irl, he was really sweet and dorky and all I could ask for. But whatever, life goes on. I think I might quit dating real men until I graduate tho 💀💀 Leon and Chris it is until then!
Sorry if this felt like a rant, but it was too hilarious not to share 😭😭 I hope you're having better luck with real men than I am nic 🥲 it's okay tho, who needs some crazy Texan nerd when Leon Scott Kennedy is right there?
Also, if you have any vague details to share about your upcoming fics, please do! I always stalk your blog for updates, your writing is just that good!! I can be patient though, no pressure. I hope you're having lovely writing time :3
Take care pookie, sending lots of love <3
writer ask game
Omg hey new moon anon! It's always so nice to hear from you. 🫶 I'm doing alright for the most part, dealing with migraines so that's fun but I'm handling it. I hope you're doing good too. And yeah, I was busy and a little burnt out from answering all of those asks for like a week straight so I closed my ask box to regroup, but I'm more energetic now so that's good!
#3. how do you feel about your current WIP?
Oh my current WIP is a pain in the ass LMAOO. I've been working on it for like a month on and off and I'm about to revisit it today and re-edit it completely. Sometimes I think I overstress myself about writing certain things because I'm a perfectionist and want to put out stuff that I am happy with, but I'm really hoping I get this done. It's the first chapter of my series, which is hilarious cause I've been drafting this idea out for like 6 months and I still haven't uploaded it. I will though, eventually, I'm just scared about putting it out into the world since it's something I've planned so thoroughly.
#30. share a fic you're especially proud of
I believe I've answered this already but definitely One Of Those Days simply because of how cohesive it is and how easy it was to write. It's one of my favorite things that I've written, and because lord knows I want a dilf to take care of me after a stressful day so it's personal.
Now college boys? Babe, as someone older I'm going to tell you, stay away from them boys at school. Obviously, have fun and be safe duh, but don't let these LEWSERS derail you from your education. I'm sorry that happened though seriously, being lovebombed is the absolute worst thing ever, but he sounds crazy for that like. Don't think that what happened determines your worth romantically, believe me, you will be okay. <3
As for me? I haven't had a man within 6 feet of me in 2 years by choice HAHA. They just get dumber and dumber and frankly I don't want to be stressed so I choose to keep my peace, I can't deal with another dating horror story and trust me I've had plenty. Celibacy does get annoying though, I feel like as you get older, your hormones get out of wack and every ovulation cycle gets more intense. I'm literally at my limit but I'm trying to stay strong and not let the voices get to me. May break my celibacy this summer, I'm feeling reckless, but nobody is a #realfucker like me so I'd rather save myself the dissapointment. Sadly, real men are nothing like the fictional ones we all thirst over, so we must all suffer booo.
And as for my fic ideas, I have a lot written down and I'm actually deviating from Leon Kennedy because I'm fixating over Chris Redfield so I'll tell you some of the things I want to write for him in particular!
Essentially, I have a DDLG fic idea I want to crank out with Chris and it kind of extended to me wanting to create a mini universe of Chris and his sub partner just navigating life and learning more about kinks and how to grow in a dom/sub dynamic. I originally wanted to do that with Leon, but the ideas I had just didn't fit his characterization naturally in my head, it felt forced. And now that I've been doing a fuck ton of character analysis and plotting with Chris, my brain changed and everything that didn't fit Leon fits Chris in my head (because they're foils of each other). So yeah, I'm definitely planning on doing that, probably several different one shots about Chris and his gf in a dom/sub partnership and how they explore it together, and they can all be read as stand-alones or in the same "universe" type of deal.
I'm still hesitant cause of how people think about DDLG as a whole and how they view Chris, but I'm just learning to not give a fuck anymore and post it anyway. :)
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ozziesjester · 11 months
💢💗 for adam and ces :3c -milkydudzz
you monster... making me talk about adam again............ but i always love a chance to talk about cesar too so Here Goes............
💢 - be honest, how often do you and your f/o argue? does it ever escalate? who's usually the one that apologizes?
cesar: we don't argue too often - we see eye to eye on most things, and arguments usually end up being about smaller things that don't really matter that much. but when we do get into bigger disagreements, he tends to get overly upset and angry and ends up being the one apologizing. Sometimes he goes too far and that's okay :3
adam: however, adam's love language might as well be arguing ... even if it's not even worth getting angry over, he's got a hairpin trigger temper and explodes over everything. it's a little exhausting! im usually apologizing by the end to keep the peace, he's tough to convince that he's ever in the wrong ( ̄з ̄)
💗 - does your f/o ever lovebomb you? what does the lovebombing look like - is it more physical gifts, or doting on you constantly?
cesar: oh god yes. always. the second anything goes sour between us he's showering me in love and affection - kissing all over me, trying to get touchy with me, telling me how much he loves me. the works. and i fall for it every time because he's just so damn cute ( ω-、)
adam: he's more of a physical gift kind of person. he won't say he's sorry, but he'll sure as hell cover the next few meals of mine and offer to do things he wouldn't usually do for me (which is sweet, sometimes, except when it comes to blunt rolling because he fucking sucks at it) lovebombing is less frequent with adam for sure, but holy hell does he lay it on thick when he does. maybe he'll even say "i love you" once or twice, if he's feeling crazy
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