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getfitwitjoanna 7 years ago
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Non Fitness Related: - Just sharing some very happy and proud moments. To experience your son鈥檚 excitement is such an amazing fulfilling warmth in your heart. I was sweating while he was on the court. Hoping he was having fun with his best buddies and he wasn鈥檛 nervous. I say he was more comfortable then I ever seen him. We may not get this opportunity do this again but I know for sure this day will continue to play in my head. - #inlovewithmyson #happymama #lovebeinghismommy #fitfam #basketballdreams #nyknicks (at The Garden)
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2mumstiredmuch-blog 7 years ago
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#gn #frommeandmine #helookssocute #whenhesleeps #myweeangel #momslove #momslife #lovebeinghismommy #momsofsons #momsandsons #momsandkids #momsofinstagram #instagood #instadaily #instamom #moms #mums #mothers #tiredmama #isitbedtimeyet馃槾
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elbaj1029 10 years ago
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Ready for his 50's Christmas performance! I can't be physically this year but mommys spirit and love won't ever leave his sight!! #growinguptoofast #lovebeinghismommy #50sbadboy #pricelessmoments #proudmommy
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sylvicious 11 years ago
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Congrats to My favorite kid in ALL the world!! #SunnySandsElementary #StudentOfTheMonth #IsaiahMaximus #LoveBeingHisMommy
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2mumstiredmuch-blog 8 years ago
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#babyfootprints #babyfingerprints #babyphotos #penquins #babywall #lovelovelove #soproudofhim #motherslove #motherslove #lovebeinghismommy #moms #mothers #mothersandsons
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sylvicious 11 years ago
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The kind of loving you will cherish forever!! I love my baby!! #LoveBeingHisMommy #LoveMyFridayNights #MyWorld #MyLittleGemini
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sylvicious 11 years ago
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My sons journal for the month of August...I like Friday. I get to go with my Mom!! I love seeing my sons papers and thoughts about his life. Makes me happy to know his life is happy with me!! #LoveBeingHisMommy #MyLilGemini #HeLovesMe #Blessed
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sylvicious 12 years ago
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#SunnySandsElementary #Hurley #LookinFly #MyLilGemini #LoveBeingHisMommy
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