lindscys · 8 months
@unsnare ♡’d for a starter (still accepting) !
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a quietness washed over the room, leaving just the two agents behind. it wasn't the easiest of situations to navigate, but once again, keen had surprised her. "how are you so calm?"
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wolfkcst · 11 months
§ *coughs* yes. Shocker, I know.
ship with me cowards -Accepting!! @unsnare
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does that mean eivor and erick get to share kisses with blood again-
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v011d · 16 days
🔆🔆, obviously !
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I feel the same way about you and have been admiring you from afar for a while. I love all your muses.
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Send me “🔆” if you love seeing me on your dash.
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wellfell · 11 months
§ Saw you wanted spare change. (:
do you want to ship with akina ?
i mean .. aren't we already ? we have lizkina and does erik want a piece of thIS 🍑 ? he needs to tone down his god complex but i appreciate him and that's kinda hot for akina so . she's into a man who knows what she wants and a woman who's not afraid to be violent . phenomenal . yes let's do this i'm beg gi ng .
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s1lentlamb · 1 year
????? Why is your writing so good, so ethereal, so perfect, so mesmerizing, so hypnotizing, so gorgeous? Which demon made you trade your soul for it?
once again , i am asking you to stop . you're so sjisiq you're making me giddy like a little girl you're so kind you're my darling cupcake . i get excited when people wanna write w me that's all . my love .
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In the Clavis Continuity, I love imagining Emma happening upon Cyran and Kai and Hugo having an animated discussion in the Obsidian language one day. Upon seeing her, they invite her over and ask her how she's coming along with her own studies of the language.
She nervously says a few sentences, and of course all three of them are quick to sing her praises. But even Emma knows her effort was far from perfect, so she asks them to be totally honest with her. After some prompting, they finally relent.
A little too much. The next 30 seconds is filled with so much unintentionally-harsh critique that Emma is practically on the verge of tears. This understandably lands the trio of men in a particularly insidious affair in the Lelouch Trap Series.
This leads to Emma having to launch a full-scale rescue. Unfortunately Clavis catches her in the act. Naturally he's is super-excited about Emma engaging him in his little play session, so he devises an impromptu game out of it. She'll have three chances to free them, but each time she fails, she'll earn a special naughty penalty (to be delivered after sunset in the privacy of Clavis' room).
Because this is Ikepri, Emma gets down to her last shot, having already incurred XXXX and XXXX on her Lascivious Lelouch Ledger. In the meantime, Clavis has also fine-tuned his trap so Emma can no longer physically get to the trio. For their part, they've begun passing the time by listening to Hugo talk about the time he fell asleep during one of Gilbert's speeches at the military academy. It's a riveting story full of twists and turns and Clavis mistakes the resulting gasps as proof that his trap is truly the hallmark of his career in villainy.
Emma uses this opportunity to start singing an Obsidian folk song (learned from the Obsidianite immigrants in the kingdom) for seemingly no reason. At least no reason that Clavis can surmise. But she cleverly changes some of the lyrics to incorporate obscure vocabulary she'd learned from the trio earlier that day. And, in incredible coincidence, that vocabulary is weirdly relevant to helping the trio navigate Clavis' trap and get themselves out.
After Emma 'wins' the game and the trio are safely back in the realm of the unsnared, they begin singing her praises about her singing. And then Kai tells her that she mispronounced one of the words as a very naughty word and that's why they'd started turning red from attempting to hold back their laughter. Cyran and Hugo chastise Kai for being too honest.
Clavis, growing increasingly jealous and needy as he stands by, decides to employ drastic measures and he walks up to Emma, Chevaliers her over his shoulder and absconds for his private quarters, looking nothing like a gentleman but every bit like an insecure boyfriend.
The end.
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what made you pick up the muse you have? i have impulse control issues so two multis is better and more feasible than 160+ blogs. i like the freedom of being able to add and drop muses as i please and explore everything.
is there anything you don’t like to write? i'll write pretty much any subject or genre within reason but what i don't usually write?? men 😂 i tend to lose interest in writing them pretty quickly so i don't have a lot of male muses cause i just can't promise i'll keep them
is there anything you really enjoy writing? i love angst and unfortunately i really love spicy, unhealthy dynamics. anything where i really have to think and challenge myself as a writer
how do you come up with your headcanons?  dreams, delierum right before bed and instagram mostly (and also watching movies n shit)
do you write in silence or do you play music? usually i listen to music or youtube videos but i am fully capable of writing in silence and sometimes i need to to get anything done
do you plan your replies or wing them? usually i wing replies, but some of my best replies are written mentally while i'm brushing my teeth i've realized
do you enjoy shipping? i do! most of my rp experience before transferring to tumblr i didn't get the chance to write ships and i always felt left out on that front and sometimes i still do but it's still so new and fun and special to me. i love exploring romantic dynamics when there's room for it
what’s your alias/name?  nico !
age?  22 !
birthday?  october 28
favorite color?  maroon and yellow
favorite song?  rn probably rowan by raffaella
last movie you watched?  dirty dancing (and i fucking loved it)
last show you watched?  the x-files
last song you listened to?  bardot by raffaella
favorite food?  tacos
favorite season?  fall! especially late october
do you have a tumblr best friend?  i talk to @fyrewalks @razorfst and @loneewolfe pretty much every day and if i don't i genuinely feel like something is missing from my life
tagged by : @selfregard tagging: @loneewolfe , @fyrewalks , @razorfst , @livedtough @unsnare + VIEWERS LIKE YOU!
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spxnglr · 2 years
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Thank you so much for this.
I reached nine-hundred followers last night. Nine-hundred. Wow. Honestly? I really, GENUINELY don’t know how to respond in a way that will offer it any kind of justice. On the six-month anniversary of the blog being made, as well. 
The last month has been one of the roughest of my life, given my health, so to see that people have stuck around, people still want to write with my Egon, people actually think the utter shite I post here is of any good...trust me, it’ll mean so much more than you’ll ever know. From me, and from Egon, thank you.
So, in the spirit of dragging everyone back to the past, I’m going to be doing my second follow forever. I’ll try my utmost to remember every single person that has had an impact on this blog, but there are SO MANY names to mention, so if yours is not here, PLEASE do not take it personally. My memory is absolutely awful at the moment, and if we’re mutuals, just know that I love you and your work. So, let’s begin.
𝙵𝙴𝙻𝙻𝙾𝚆 𝙶𝙷𝙾𝚂𝚃𝙱𝚄𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂. - exactly what it says. Those who also write canon muses from the fandom. You have all been incredible and I can’t wait to see what more we can do together in the future:
@doctorvenko, @raystxntz, @egonspenglerofficial, @melnitzj​, @bassclefdana​, @venkman-and-rookie​, @sfc-russell-ziskey​ (you still count), @torntruth​, @anderwhohn​.
𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽-𝙳𝙾𝙾𝚁 𝙿𝙾𝙻𝙸𝙲𝚈 𝙰𝚃 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙵𝙸𝚁𝙴𝙷𝙾𝚄𝚂𝙴. - Muses we love. Muses we vibe with immensely. We’ve chatted and plotted a lot OOC and we’re besties. Simple as that.
@betterdcyz, @starnamedlyra, @huntedvideo, @daemondaes, @the-arkham-librarian, @escapedartgeek, @anywherexwhen, @theresastargirl, @frstwomn, @witchaotics, @crygod, @flawed---by---design, @boriiqua, @summerxmelodies, @prtld, @monmuses, @tellescope, @manaborn, @hxzelwallflower, @lefae, @vortexparadox, @immortaljackal, @starkastichotmess, @spynorth, @gabrielthegoober, @arkhampsychiatrist, @funnystvff, @ofendlessleep, @demurc, @soulstcne, @starlightwalked, @qknows, @moonshadowed, @curiosityshop, @dtperez, @chokethelight. @zloslwy, @unsnare, @pistoiet, @ziggytm, @rapxir, @pagetorn, @timeagxnt, @timetakeover​, @flyatahighergame, @skaeptical, @ghostbustingreen, @archclergy, @crystalpower, @wintersovereign, @vulcnlogic, @smokedanced, @dyuuku, @o-rusted-heart.
𝙿𝙾𝚃𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙸𝙰𝙻 𝙲𝙻𝙸𝙴𝙽𝚃𝚂. - Muses that I admire from afar! Whether it’s due to a wee bit of shyness and/or just not having chance to write much with you just yet, I would LOVE to interact more soon. Fingers crossed!
@hellmartyr​, @brbievamp, @babydxhl, @ragesense, @trencri, @blueminke, @herbtm, @canonfoddcr, @r-edfield, @destallo, @traumamade, @sinfection, @sndmsm, @indyflanery, @jensationals, @nightmdic, @alwaysthesitter, @survivoirs, @luxcruor, @cantfixyou, @hcze, @iinventor, @overclocks, @pessimistics, @277-00, @huntended, @wolfwithin, @conzierge, @theshcdes, @deciphertheriddler, @darkwoodlane, @ladamereveuse, @shotgunscn, @shxkespexre, @calledshine, @fromtower, @chmerical, @athousandmilesandcounting, @likeprotege, @aerlcos, @stygicniron, @pizzatheif, @aachvez, @wildcardwheeler, @innerwar, @iinmortales, @percentstardust, @res1dents, @idolkills, @hamadaxfighter, @seeasunset, @hauntedreality
OK, before I perish, I’ll leave it there - just know that this list is by NO means exhaustive. I love you all so so much, you’re all the reason why I’m here day after day. Thank you so, SO much for being amazing, awesome, and most importantly, yourselves. Much love.
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thecoiiective · 5 months
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NAME: Ashley
PRONOUNS: she/her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: I'm fine with IMs here on Tumblr and, if we're mutuals, I'm happy to give Discord to whomever wants it!
NAME OF MUSE(S): Check out my ROSTER!
BEST EXPERIENCE: I love when just ranting about two characters in IMs turns into a thread. Like, nothing immediately planned, just going back and forth like "Person A would be like 'blah blah blah'." "Well then Person B would be like 'blah blah BLAH!.'" "Should we write this out?" I dunno, maybe?" <3
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: The purple prose fad from a couple years ago gets me and I don't know why? When did we start dropping articles in sentences?? "Door creaks and wind blows through open door." THE door creaks and THE wind blows through THE open door! I have NO idea why that gets me so irrationally angry lol
MUSE PREFERENCES: I have a few on my muse list that are bolded because I have the most muse for them, but I really LOVEEEEEE crossovers! If you like Sansa Stark but you want to do a Walking Dead thread??? 100 FUCKING PERCENT! I will put my girl in a post apocalyptic world SO fast!
PLOTS OR MEMES: I like both but I've found memes turn INTO plotted threads so easily! They're great little ice breakers!
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I don't do 5 paragraph responses but I usually do 1-3 paragraphs. Not sure if that qualifies as long compared to some of the ones i've seen floating around.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: LATE at night when I should really be in bed or during the day when I should be working and I'm hiding in the back room instead.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): I think I gravitate toward muses that I share some aspects with but not all. Or I like to highlight those traits that I share over others the muse has.
tagged (unofficially) by: @godstrayed & tagging: everyone who's followed me in the last week since I resuscitated this blog! @wiredcapability, @unsnare, @heartlesshuntsman, @parainvestigate, @silcntsinners, @mythunderlegion, @strictlycanon, @nvincbl, @playerstwo, @esoterium, & @tragedyxbound
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fantasywritten · 2 years
Happy New Year! For my first post of 2023, I just want to spread positivity and thank those who made this year in the tumblr rpc AWESOME! In all honesty, every single one of my mutuals made this past year a great one, so if I forgot to tag you, I’m so sorry! It’s past midnight and I’m EXHAUSTED lol.
@dcmure — I love youuuu!!! You’re such an amazing person and have so much talent! Valerie is one of the best OCs I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with! I can’t wait for more interactions this upcoming year!
@depictedblue — I figured I’d just tag your Cassie blog but this obviously goes for all your blogs lol. I’ve loved writing with you since the moment we met! You’re such a genuinely sweet person and I love every single one of our interactions, no matter which muses we’re using! Here’s to more awesome interactions in 2023!!
@extraordinarygrrls — We didn’t meet that long ago, but ever since we started writing together, I ALWAYS look forward to our threads! You’re such a sweet person ooc and an amazing writer! Plus I love Abby to death lol. More interactions in 2023, coming right up!!
@inkmchine — SAVVY!!! I love youuuu!!! It’s always so much fun to write with you! Your Bendy is AMAZING, and I’ve fallen in love with him (as have two of my muses lmao) because of your spot-on portrayal! There’s a lot of Bendy roleplayers out there, and yours is extra unique because of all your awesome headcanons and all the thought you put into him. Not to mention the fact that you’re an AMAZING artist, like… hello?!? Anyway, I can’t wait to write with you even more!!!
@inkabys — I will literally follow you to the ends of the earth! No matter what blog you’re on, no matter when you’re on tumblr and when you’re not, I always want to write with you! Charlotte’s my favorite XD but all of your other muses are absolutely amazing as well! Always a pleasure interacting with you, and I can’t wait for more of our stuff in 2023!!
@lcveblossomed — Interacting with you is always such a joy!! You somehow manage to bring all these different muses to light! I love all of your OCs, and I love to interact with all your different characters, even if I don’t know their fandoms! Our ships are amazinggg and I’m so glad to have written with you so much last year! I can’t wait to write with you more this year!!
@hellmersmyopathy — I know you’re not super active on this account right now, but I just need you to know how special you are to me. We’ve been friends for a while now and I wouldn’t give that up for anything! The way you write Berlin is INCREDIBLE, and I find myself reading all of your threads just to get more of him! I cannot wait to interact with you more in 2023! Please feel free to reach out to me anytime — I’m always here for you!!! <3
I’m absolutely exhausted so I’m going to bed now, but a special shout-out to the blogs below for being so awesome!
@shireentheunburnt @unsnare @wellfell @chaxticdreamxrs @slashaer @dehvils @auriibus @arcaneprophesied @diviines @hrrorstrie @madeofstxrs @insomniiatic @theolderhenderson @rebelliousfamily @rosydreamiing @wheezycigar @wrenmusezs @queencheer @zoomingupthathill @drecmsdrcwn @familybyerstm @scarednotscary @the-goddamn-babysitter @dcllsent @iworryalotdarling @chocolatercake @thxwxlf @theresastargirl @tragicsongs @killjoysanonymous @truesymphony @hvbris @princewished @lovepurposed
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aftermoved · 6 months
Munday Music Playlist !
Put your liked songs (wherever you have them) on shuffle and write (or link) the first 10 that come up. No skipping!
Pink + White - Frank Ocean
Disparate Youth - Santigold
shakes - Stevie Howie
Unknown/Nth - Hozier
Yes I'm A Mess - AJR
Out of My League - Fitz and The Tantrums
Manic Monday - The Bangles
MONROE - Crawlers
Some Type Of Skin - AURORA
Monster - Willyecho
tagged by: @unsnare, i loved this :)))))))
tagging: @hebled, @cragsnow, @spiritcrown, @carnivorare, @never-surrender, && whoever else wants to !!!
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cripplemagics · 10 months
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starter for Kenzo / @unsnare bc i love youuuuuu
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The only people Jay ever expects to appear anymore is family, Elias, and the occasional capitol elite thinking they're available for sex. They never expect Kenzo for a handful of reasons. Mainly the fact that they assume he's busy with Snow, and that he hates them too much to see their face. So to see him at their door is nauseating.
"I promise that for once I haven't started fights and I haven't antagonized anyone. I've just been here nursing a dislocated knee." Kinetic tape draped over said knee and an uncomfortable looking physiotherapist in their den confirms the statement. "Would you care to leave?"
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wellfell · 1 year
Did you know that I love you very very much? :) 🖤🔪
how much ? come show me w stab wounds ( kisses ) .
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thewrittenupdate · 8 months
what if i’m the worst? what if i care more about chasing the adrenaline high that comes from skirting along the knife line of desire? what if i have more fun with half truths and white lies? what if i had love in between my palms and i crushed it like a baby bird? what if that’s me? what if i’m the bad guy, the one who is going to love you and love you and love you and then one day i realize i’m bored with loving you and i leave? what if i always leave? what if love is an endless maintenance of observations and knowings and i’m tired? what if it doesn’t matter if i’m known and loved in return, because i don’t want to be, i like being a mystery and an enigma and i’m having more fun when i’m only half of me for you?
what if loving me is a mistake i can’t seem to convince anyone out of? what if i know i’ll get sick of you and i’ll run away, what if it’s my inevitability? what if i’m not unloveable but i am unsnareable, what then? what if there’s always something about me you can’t touch? what if i’m worse than the bad guy - what if i’m just a coward?
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landwriter · 2 years
just spent several minutes wailing over ur depictions of physicality in border country (and also the sequence where hob just says “yes” to every question,,,,,,,,,holy god like,,,,,,,,,,to want someone like that even just as much as they’ll give you that it’s “yes” with no questions,,,,,,,,,,,,violently unwell) (AND ALSO “His heart is a rabbit again, now unsnared, tearing across wide-open moor. Away from something, toward something” AND “a gift in bone, in skin, in silk” YOU’RE UNDER ARREST FOR THIS)
i would like to extend to u a Ramble Card (if u so wish to ramble) like this fic altered my brain chemistry tell me anything abt ur process abt how u write abt how u actually managed to reach into my chest cavity and reconstruct my lungs free space to talk abt writing or anything!!
thank you thank you thank you vergil <3 <3 <3
i think we are so used to inhabiting our bodies that we can forget how animal they are. until those moments before you kiss someone. or until you feel a wash of queasy anxiety during a hard conversation. until you do hard physical work and can feel your muscles singing and blood thrumming.
and i thought abt how someone like dream, who is at once both so imbued with feeling and so existentially petrified of acknowledging it, would be betrayed by that sort of body. it is a horror to him. he looks so viscerally uncomfortable in the waking and i decided it's because he is and this is why there's so much animal metaphor and especially animals in fight or flight mode (in pursuit, being snared, being freed, being frozen in fear), and kind of lushly violent descriptions of the human body (bones sinew blood etc) because from dream's POV i think that's how it would feel to him. like a bleeding, pulsing, violent, terrified thing. a thing he cannot so easily bid to his will as his realm/himself in the Dreaming. he needs the clothes to hold himself together. hold himself in.
i love our bodies. i love the crazy wet electric ferrous flesh bone HOLLERING of them. i love our sweaty palms and frisson and the way our faces go when we're turned on. it was really fun and neat for me to lean into that level of description but slap a totally different normative take on it.
also despite my weakness for overlong descriptive language all my story ideas come from, are born of, orbit around dialogue. the yes, yes, yes, yes is the spine of border country. thank you for appreciating it!
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j4degoyl · 1 year
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I . Enemy - Imagine Dragons II . Purge the Poison - Marina III . Love From The Other Side - Fall Out Boy IV . Her Name Is Alice - Shinedown V . DNA - Lia Mary Johnson VI . Heartbreak Feels So Good - Fall Out Boy VII . Liar - The Arcadian Wild VIII . Gossip - Måneskin IX . A Good Man - Semler X . Waiting on a Miracle - Caleb Hyles (originally from Encanto)
TAGGED : @antigodeus <;33
TAGGING : @w1nterwolf @firstsorrow @unsnare & whoever wants to!!
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