#love thy enemy
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Love Thy Enemy Part 6
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
For all Callista's talk of winning Vorrin over, it was surprising that she returned to ignoring his existence. Pins and Switch even informed him that his designated visit to her chambers had been canceled for the week. Usually, Vorrin would've been thrilled, but considering the circumstances... How was he supposed to gain the empress's trust if they didn't see each other?
"Is she busy again?" Vorrin asked as he took a bite of strawberry scone. He kept his tone bland and stared with what he hoped looked like disinterest at the wall.
"I hear she's taking a trip to the border cities," Pins mumbled, sewing needle held between his lips as he turned the half-finished embroidery in his hands. "Probably takes a lot of prep work."
Vorrin had felt rather guilty about his outburst the other day, and remembering Switch's comment about waste, he'd asked the manservants if it was possible to repair the torn shirt. The short answer was no. Nothing could get the shirt exactly back to its original state. The longer answer, with more cloth and designs to hide the stitches, the outfit could be salvaged. So here the pair were, with more work thrust upon them, though Vorrin couldn't say he wasn't grateful for the company.
Vorrin set down the scone, turning full attention to the manservant. "The border cities? Why?"
"I only caught pieces from the soldiers while fetching your dinner the other night, but I think an emissary from Avarose is meeting her there."
"An emissary?"
"She has been out of the country for almost a year now. Maybe she needs an update from Prince Suthand on the state of the kingdom?"
"An update can be sent in a letter."
"You know more about politics than us," Switch said, stacking up some of the empty breakfast plates. "Why do you think she's going?"
Vorrin pondered it a moment. Callista was calculated, and she knew her hold on Totholan was tentative. She wouldn't leave the capital unless she thought it was absolutely necessary.
Perhaps she wanted to check on the strength of the border troops. But she could outsource that to a general couldn't she?" And then there was the emissary. That would be political. But why would she need a representative from her own kingdom? And why didn't they meet her here instead of the other way around?
"I don't understand anything she does," Vorrin said finally, picking back up his scone. He only managed to nibble it a little further before asking, "When will she return?"
Switch raised a brow. "You're certainly eager to see the empress again."
"I wouldn't say eager. Simply...interested."
"Well, she hasn't left yet," Pins said. "She might still come to say goodbye."
As if Vorrin was worried about not receiving a proper farewell. He was her consort, not her lover. He forced a smile anyway. "Maybe."
Pins smiled brightly back and turned the finished tunic around for him to see. "How's this?"
A spattering of golden stars and a large sun now hid the repaired tear. They glimmered against the white fabric like the celestial bodies they were imitating.
"It’s beautiful,” Vorrin said, “it’s a wonder you were hired as a manservant rather than a tailor’s apprentice.”
Pins flushed appreciatively and lowered his eyes to the ground. “I used to do the repairs to the servants' uniforms, back before I was officially hired. My mum said I had a gift. But…apprenticeships don’t pay in money, just room and board, and my family couldn’t really live on one income so…” His face fell a bit, but as he lifted his head again, it abruptly brightened. “When I was offered this position, it paid twice the amount as a regular manservant, and I still get to do sewing, so better off for me, I say.”
Vorrin fought the frown dragging down the corners of his mouth. He knew what it was like to come from humble beginnings. Living day to day on whatever scraps he could get. Going hungry. Survival topping every other thought or desire. The main reason he'd joined the King's army as a boy was for the pay. Squires received a gold piece every month, and the stipend only grew the longer he stayed alive. Not to mention the free board in the barracks. As he’d risen in the ranks, he’d created a comfortable place for himself. Luckily, or maybe unluckily, he hadn't had any family to rely on him, so he’d only had to worry about himself. He could only imagine the pressure of supporting a family at such a young age.
“Is your mother in Totholan?”
“No, she stayed back home. But I send her half my earnings whenever any of the soldiers travel back to Avarose with the Empress's letters.”
“Which they skim,” Switch muttered.
“It’s fine,” Pins said, forcing one of his bright smiles, “I just think of it as a delivery fee.”
This time Vorrin did frown. “That is not fine. They recieve their own wages, they don’t need any of yours.” He doubted it was something Empress Callista would allow either. “I’ll speak to the Empress about it.”
Switch audibly choked.
Pins shot to his feet. “Oh, no! You don’t have to— It’s much too small a matter to bring so high as the Empress.”
Yes, Vorrin understood it was unconventional. King Duras would have imprisoned a servant for wasting his time with such a request, that is if he even allowed it to reach the level of audience, and with the state of the kingdom, Empress Callista probably would brush it off too, but…
“If she cares about me, she’ll care about you,” Vorrin said firmly.
“I don’t want her to think I’m complaining or gossiping about the soldiers. Especially not to you."
"Because you don't want to be blamed for my poisonous attitude toward all things Avarosian?"
Pins pressed his lips together, his lack of denial an admittance all its own.
“If it bothers you, I won’t tell her it’s you.”
"I...well..." Pins slowly folded the tunic over his arm and moved gingerly across the room to tuck it away in the wardrobe. "I guess its ok. If it comes up that is. And as long as it doesn't inconvenience her. If she seems put out, tell her to forget it. And don't make it seem too urgent." He cleared his throat and plucked out a new outfit, lithely changing the topic. "How about this?"
It was another set of robes, this one a couple layers, the bottom a silky vibrant gold and the top a poofed, gauzy white that muted the underlying fabric, almost like looking through fogged glass. Glimmering gold strings hung loosed off the sleeves, ready to hold each one in perfectly puffed sections."
Vorrin grimaced. Where did the empress even get all these clothes from? Had she sent for them as soon as she’d taken him hostage or had she planned for this ending in advance? From what he'd seen Pins and Switch wear, robes were not uncommon for Avarosian men, but the fancy ones in his wardrobe were on another level. Either high-class styles were different, or the empress had some tastes. Maybe a bit of both.
"Well, I was hoping to attend the training grounds today," Vorrin said. "That is if there is a soldier to escort me today."
One of the things he and the empress had agreed upon in their last conversation was that Vorrin should have more freedoms. The training grounds to practice his sparring and more visits into the city were at the top of his requests. Surprisingly, both had been granted, on the condition that he was watched at all times.
"Oh!" Pins put the garment set back and sifted around the wardrobe for something else. "Then this?"
The new outfit was two pieces, a bottom and a top, so that was at least closer to Vorrin's regular style.
The top was a black compressed shirt with the sleeves cut off mid-shoulder and silver-threaded embroidery stretching from the shirt's high throat to the middle of the chest, giving the appearance of a layered necklace. The bottoms...were a skirt. Blue. Long. Plain except for the embroidered hem in matching silver.
"Er...I can't exercise in that," Vorrin said. It was the more diplomatic reply.
"This is a sparring outfit," Pins said. "An expensive one, but still equipped for actual sparring."
"I don't see how I'm supposed to fight in that." Vorrin stepped closer and flicked the hem of the skirt. "It's too long. And constricting. I'm not going to be able to move without tripping, ripping it, or showing everyone everything."
"It's not a skirt if that's what you're worried about," Switch said, setting the stacked dishes on the breakfast tray. The young man was as sharp as ever. He marched up the proffered outfit and grabbed the hem by one side, pulling it up to show the wide trouser legs beneath. "The overskirt is for show. It's split so it doesn't get in the way. Think of it as robes for fighting. Most of the military has switched to more obvious trousers, but most generals still wear this style. I don't know if you've noticed."
Vorrin couldn't say that he had. He didn't really pay attention to what his opponents were wearing in battle, and since becoming Empress Callista's consort, he'd been mostly confined. He assumed he'd seen mostly low-level soldiers since then, but it was also possible he'd missed it, either being in too much of an angry fog to notice or assuming they were robes like any other.
"The outfit's fine," Vorrin said crisply.
"Good!" Pins said. "Then let's get you ready!"
"I'll send for a soldier to escort you," Switch said. A shadow of a grimace crossed his face, but just as quickly it was gone. Replaced by his usual straight expression. "It might take a little while, so I should go now."
"We can go together," Pins offered.
"No, no." Switch drew himself up proudly. "I'm fully capable of finding someone. And it will be more efficient this way."
With a short bow toward Vorrin, he was out the door.
Pins had Vorrin dressed within a half hour. The bottoms were much more comfortable than he'd expected. His hair had taken on a simple style today, tied up into a tail. However, Pins still managed to make the simplicity elegant by using a silver hair ring instead of a regular hair tie.
The bedroom door burst open. Switch stormed in red-faced and hair-mussed, slender hands barely catching the door before its handle could hit the wall.
"I found someone," he said, easing the door shut before sitting hard in one of the dining sets.
"What happened?" Vorrin and Pins said together.
"Nothing. Like I said. It just takes a while to find soldiers who aren't busy."
"Switch, you're shaking," Vorrin said, his voice falling into the firm tone of his old station.
Switch looked down at his trembling hands with a surprised expression.
Switch clenched them. "I'm not scared or anything. I'm just mad."
"What happened?" Vorrin pressed again, this time summoning the authority Switch responded to.
"It's just soldiers being soldiers," the manservant spat. "Being crass and difficult and idiotic as usual. I swear, this is why I dropped out of the military. They're all so stupid. But of course, they can't let it go. I'm a traitor because I didn't fight in the war and even more so because I serve a Totholi consort." Switch's tone grew sharp and sarcastic. "Apparently, it's very unpatriotic of me to be at the beck and call of a Totholi general. Oh, and I think I'm better than them because of my cushy safe job and better pay and face-to-face meetings with the Empress."
At that last part, Switch let out a little gasp and pinned his lips tightly shut.
Another time, Vorrin would have seized that slip-up. He knew that Empress Callista was getting information on his behavior from someone. His manservants had been the most likely suspects, and this confirmed it. However, this was not the time.
"I didn't know you were military," Vorrin said instead.
"Was." Switch looked steadily at the ground a couple feet ahead, clenching his fists harder so the knuckles turned white. Vorrin knew that look. He kept dry anger at the forefront of his emotions, but he was probably fighting off tears. "I only squired for a year. I hate soldiers."
"Is that why you sometimes have a hard time with me?"
Switch flushed a little and a long pause stretched over the room. "Maybe. I don't know. I guess sometimes I see the resemblance. But you're not like them. I know that. Even if you are aggravating." He cleared his throat abruptly. "Sorry."
"Did the oh-so-proper and strict Switch make a joke?" Vorrin said with a mock gasp.
Switch rolled his eyes, but a small smile crept up his face. "Don't tell anyone."
"They're just being jerks because they're jealous," Pins piped in.
Vorrin nodded. "As a once stupid soldier, I have to agree. For men like them, there is a pecking order, and they're worried you're on top. And they hate that, so they're trying to convince you that you're not."
"But I don't want to be a part of their stupid pecking order at all," Switch said.
“Then you need to find the biggest instigator and give them a good punch in the nose.”
“You are a soldier.”
Vorrin shrugged. “It’ll at least show them you’re not going to take their rubbish.”
“But it’s so unrefined…”
“And they are? They’re a bunch of insecure bottom feeders with too much space in their skulls. I’m telling you, the only thing people like that respect is brute force.”
“I’m really beginning to doubt your strategic ability as Totholan’s best general.”
Vorrin chuckled. “Well, I can always punch one for you. I doubt they’re allowed to hit me back.”
Switch let out a long sigh, though it wasn’t entirely exasperated. He scrubbed his tearless face. "I’ll think about it. Pretty sure letting the royal consort get into fights isn’t a much better look. Anyway, the escort is waiting outside when you're ready."
Vorrin stood, stretching his arms over his head. “Time for me to go then. Guess I better show this little guppy who’s really in charge. ”
“Don’t worry, Switch. I know how to handle grunts.”
“Seriously don’t.”
Vorrin only grinned, flexing one of his bare arms before sweeping out the door.
As he stepped out into the hall, the soldier leaning against the outside wall stood up straight. He was about what Vorrin had expected: young, a little below average height, and built just enough to have real muscle but still feel uncomfortable in his own skin. Vorrin could see the inexperience in his shifting posture.
“Good morning, Royal Consort,” the soldier said offering a short bow. Obviously, his feelings on a Totholi consort were much different when face-to-face with him. “My name is Raoden. I’ll be escorting you.”
“Yeah, I’m not remembering that,” Vorrin said, stepping past the man without a second glance and starting toward the training ground. “How about I call you Button?”
“Well, er…”
“Perfect. Come on."
The soldier scrambled after him, needing to use his full stride to keep pace at Vorrin's side. As they reached the end of the hall, he angled toward the right, the direction to the main entrance of the arena.
Vorrin turned left.
"Um, I think the training grounds are--"
"I know how to get there," Vorrin said.
He strode the full length of the hall, turning left and then left again. He barely glanced at the other soldiers and servants they passed along the way, only stopping when he reached a worn, narrow door the same grey as the stone around it.
"Royal Consort--"
Vorrin was already pushing inside.
"Hello, boys!"
The whole room scrambled to their feet. A couple of men fell off their beds. One hit his head on the bunk above him as he rushed to stand.
“So this is where you all go to slack off.”
One of the soldiers without his shirt or shoes squirmed. “We’re off duty, your…Royal Consort…sir.”
“Of course. Don't mind me.” He mosied down the aisle, looking idly around with each step, gaze skimming past the soldiers enough that they dropped their heads to avoid eye contact. “I just wanted a look at my old quarters before Button here escorts me to the armory. Well, close enough. These were the squire quarters. You're all full-fledged soldiers, aren't you?"
"Er...most of us," Button interceded from behind. When Vorrin glanced back at him, the man stood by the entrance, looking desperate to lead Vorrin back out. "Military rankings work differently in Avarose. Um...should we perhaps..."
"Really? That's interesting." Vorrin sat himself down on one of the now-empty bunks. He crossed his ankle over his knee and leaned back on one hand. "How is it done in Avarose?"
Button looked around the room, but no one else spoke up. "Royal Consort Vorrin, I really think..."
Vorrin raised his brows. "Yes?"
"Uh...well, in Totholan there are three titled ranks, right? Page, squire, and knight? Though of course some knights can reach the higher rank of Knight General or the highest rank, like yourself, Grand Master."
Vorrin shook his head. "King Duras was the Grand Master. I'm just a general."
Button blinked and glanced toward his comrades and back. "Respectfully, sir...that wasn't what we were told in our briefing. That's why the Empress specifically--" He abruptly cut off and cleared his throat. "My point was Totholi military is more simplistic."
One of the soldiers snickered but stopped before Vorrin could identify who it was.
"Whereas Avarosian military is sort of...complicated."
Vorrin leaned his chin into his hand. "Oh?"
"There are ranks within ranks. Sort of like your knights, but with much more variety." He lifted one end of the wide scarlet sash wrapped around his middle. Looking at the colors may help. The lowest rank is yellow. Children in training wear the palest shade and it deepens as they move up. Green is the next rank, usually utilized as messengers or apprentices to higher-ranked soldiers. Blue is reserved for military medics. Red is for ordained soldiers, again the palest shades are always reserved for those with the least experience. Generals wear black. The sovereign wears white. But only on the battlefield.
Vorrin closed his eyes a moment, tentatively summoning a memory. He could still picture that day perfectly. Empress Callista standing over him, half of her hair escaped from its braid, the long tails of her "white" sash whipping in the wind. In reality, it had only been white in small patches; the majority of it was dyed red with blood. The point of her blade pressed carefully into his throat. He'd swallowed. She'd grinned.
Vorrin's eyes shot back open. He pushed himself back to his feet, shoving the memory's emotions deep down and instead surveying the soldiers once again.
"It seems every one of you carries a red sash. I'm surprised."
"It took thirty minutes for my manservant to acquire one of you. You do realize that a request from my servants is a request from me?"
Button bowed his head. "Yes, Royal Consort."
"Tell me, how long did you spend arguing, drawing straws, and over me instead of doing your duty."
Button sank so far between his shoulders he resembled a turtle. "Too long, Royal Consort."
A part of Vorrin wanted to punish them further for Switch's sake. But Button had admitted his fault without excuse. Vorrin had to give the man credit for that. Many of the men looked equally chastened. No need to press further when a reprimand was being received.
"I suggest being a little quicker next time," he finished.
"Yes, Royal--"
"You're not in charge of us, Tolothi," another soldier interrupted. The man was all wiry muscle and unruly hair. Vorrin noted that his sash was vermillion whereas many of the other's were crimson.
Vorrin stalked up to the man, gazing down at him from under half-lowered lids. "Am I not?"
"You're a pet."
"Argin," one of the crimson soldiers hissed warningly.
"A dog may be pampered and protected," Argin continued, meeting Vorrin's eyes. " but that doesn't make it less a dog. And a dog holds no authority no matter who it belongs to."
Vorrin only smiled. "You sleep in a bunk bed. I sleep beside the Empress. Maybe I am a dog, but between the two of us, I wonder who has more authority. I suppose if you're really concerned I could ask the Empress what she thinks."
Argin paled a fraction and clenched his teeth hard enough to crack. He ducked away from Vorrin's gaze. "Aren't you supposed to be practicing sparring or something?"
"You're right. Thank you, Kitty."
The man flushed equal parts embarrassment and anger.
"Come along, Raoden."
Button looked a little shocked at the usage of his real name, but he quickly fell in step, following Vorrin through the door at the back of the room into another room of bunks, this one empty. The Knights' old quarters. They passed rows and rows of beds before exiting another door into the armory.
Unlike the barracks, this room had been completely reorganized. Probably so it could hold all the weapons that the Avarosian army had brought with them.
Vorrin ran his hand down the row of spears lined along the wall. "Any limits on which weapons I'm allowed to use?"
"I don't think Empress Callista established a rule." Button looked around the room nervously. "Maybe nothing too sharp?"
Vorrin tsked. "Do you have so little faith in yourself that I need a handicap?"
"When it comes to you, sir, yes."
"Really? You don't think you could stop me if I was armed? A little concerned for the person who is supposed to keep me from escaping.
Button swallowed. "I don't know, sir. But I know it took the Empress to defeat you, and I couldn't win against the Empress." He gathered himself taller. "However, Royal Consort, I don't think you plan on running. Even if I fell, there are at least a hundred guards between here and the end of the palace grounds. They would catch you immediately."
Button's tone begged Vorrin not to try anything. He almost seemed to be trying to convince himself as much as Vorrin. He was right though. Vorrin suspected that having a watch was more about preventing him from stealing weapons than stopping an escape attempt.
"I'll stick with the quarterstaff then," Vorrin said, plucking the long wooden pole off the wall. "I only want to practice some movements today anyway."
Button nodded, relieved, and they exited the armory into the training grounds. A light breeze wafted the smell of the dusty earth, and the musty hay of the training dummies to his nose. Vorrin closed his eyes, breathing in the familiar scents. It had been a long time.
The quarterstaff felt a little strange in his hands. Though his hands instinctively gripped the right places, the weapon no longer fit the same against his too-smooth palms.
Vorrin spun the staff a couple times before trying a stab. He stumbled a little and gritted his teeth. He'd overextended.
His immediate reaction was a surge of rage, but he exhaled the emotion slowly. This is fine. Just go back to the basics.
He fell into a defensive stance. Block, parry, stab. Block, parry, stab. He moved slowly, perfecting each movement as he went. After about four times, he picked up speed, throwing in a few dodging movements and thrusting out the pole in low and high attacks.
Button yawned from the sidelines.
Vorrin half-wanted to ask the guard to spar with him, but he doubted that was allowed. Maybe he should asked for two guards next time, one to spar with and another to watch him. Better yet, maybe he could begin bargaining for the release of his soldiers. Not at all at once, but one or two at a time. He missed their familiar company. Not to mention, he’d need them if this uprising was going to work.
Having enough of the repetitive movements, Vorrin imagined an invisible enemy before him. He’d done this all the time as a boy when the other pages refused to be his sparring partner. Having Captain Kenric for a mentor had remedied that, but he’d still found solace in solo sparring once in a while.
He lowered into a defensive stance, holding the quarterstaff diagonal from his body. He circled slowly, searching for weak spots, knowing his enemy was doing the same. Abruptly, he thrust the staff forward. The enemy dodged, swinging back at him violently. He barely stepped back in time, throwing the staff sideways to block the blow. He gritted his teeth and widened his stance further against the imaginary weight. He shoved forward hard, knocking the figment backward. He stalked forward, raising his elbows in preparation for the finishing jab. He thrust the weapon forward, and...
A very visible, very real sword collided with the end of his staff.
Vorrin inhaled sharply, retreating back a couple steps and instinctively throwing out his quarterstaff in front of him. It took a couple moments for him to make sense of the red-and-gold-clad figure in front of him.
Empress Callista glanced at the weapon then casually back to his face with a widening grin. She slid her sword back into its sheath. “Hello, dear."
Vorrin exhaled slowly, doing his best to hide the tension ebbing from his muscles. He'd felt like a hair-trigger ready to fire. "What are you doing here?"
"What, I can't visit my consort? you weren't in your quarters; I was told I could find you here." Her eyes roved back to the weapon. "It's been a while since I've seen you in action. Serious as ever I see."
Vorrin furrowed his brow. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Some people spar for fun, you know. But you have that same look you have in battle. Fighting isn't a game to you, is it?"
Where did she get off acting like she knew anything about him?
"I spar for fun," he said a little sharper than intended. "But there's nothing fun about swinging a stick around by yourself. Besides, if I'm going to regain all my skills, I can't afford to be lax."
Empress Callista let out a little amused breath. "Well then, we'll need to spar together sometime."
Vorrin's face warmed. "I wasn't implying that I wanted--"
"I like the outfit," she interrupted. "Very classic."
“Well, it was in my wardrobe.”
Empress Callista gasped in mock offense. “Are you suggesting that I gave you those clothes just because I wanted to see them on you?”
“Is that not true?”
“Well, maybe.” She winked, her smile landing somewhere firmly between flirtatious and wicked. However, the sly curve quickly straightened into a more serious expression. “I didn’t know what you looked like until the first time we faced each other in battle. I had no idea what would suit you, so we brought lots.”
“You didn’t think we had clothes here?” Vorrin said.
“Dressing you in our styles was intentional."
"And now?"
"It still is. But your comfort is also important, so we'll find a compromise."
Vorrin let the butt of the quarterstaff rest against the ground. He leaned into it like a walking stick. "Dressing me like an Avarosian isn't going to win over the people. They're just going to be mad that I'm betraying our culture."
"Maybe. But it does show them who you belong to." Her gaze darkened. "And it's not just for your people. Mine need reminders too."
Vorrin's insides went cold. Empress Callista was so confident, so domineering in every action and word, he'd never considered that her people might have as many disagreements with this plan as he did. He was safe...wasn't he?"
"Anyway, darling," she said, shattering the frozen feeling encasing him, "as much as I love our little tiffs, I came to wish you farewell. I'm heading to the border this afternoon."
Vorrin remembered what Pins had said about the Empress saying goodbye. He sincerely hoped that neither manservant had shared his interest in her departure. "You don't need to do that. My servants would have told me."
"Ah. Of course." She cleared her throat and gathered herself up a little straighter. "It's a two-week trip--5 days to the border and another 5 back. I would have felt strange saying nothing at all."
Vorrin didn't quite know how to respond, so he stayed silent.
The empress cleared her throat again. Wait a minute. Did she actually feel awkward right now?
“Is there anything you need before I go?” she said
"I need your soldiers to stop terrorizing my manservants."
The empress's forehead furrowed. Not confusion, or doubt. More...disciplinary. The look of a parent when they're told their child has been caught teaching curse words.
"Pins gets his wages partially stolen whenever he sends money back home to his mother. And Switch gets harassed when he makes requests on my behalf. It has to do with serving a Totholi, which, I would like to remind them, is literally his job."
Empress Callista raised her brows. "Switch and Pins?"
"That's what I call them."
She didn't push it further.
Vorrin continued on. "They're in positions of power and servants to the Empire. They're abusing those positions for personal gain. If it were my men they'd be cleaning everyone's armor for the next week. Or be working directly with me until they wised up."
Vorrin caught movement out of the corner of his eye. Perhaps his voice had risen too loud because Button shifted uncomfortably from his post at the arena's edge. His eyes flicked their way, briefly connecting with Vorrin's. The young man's shoulders leaped a little, and he hastily averted his gaze to the empty space ahead of him.
The young man had been properly chastened earlier, but Vorrin wanted him to bring this information back to the others.
"They can't be allowed to act this way, can they?" he said, letting his anger raise his voice even louder.
"No," the empress said firmly. "Their behavior is unacceptable. Unfortunately, I don't have control of every action the people in my employ make. However, I will be alerting my generals and captains of the issue. They should provide some correction. Let me know if it continues."
Vorrin nodded. Despite the many things that bothered him about the empress, the one thing he could count on was that she was fair. King Duras had allowed, even encouraged, a toxic dynamic in his army. One where power and physical strength reigned as dictators. It had taken a long while for Vorrin to clean up once he became Knight General, so he couldn't help but appreciate the empress's standards.
She tipped her head to catch his gaze. "I assure you, Vorrin. The trust I have in my army is critical to me. I allow error, and I allow redemption, but those I deem untrustworthy have no place with me.
"I know. Thank you." The words came out before Vorrin knew what he was saying. To his surprise, he actually meant them.
"Anyway," he said, diverting the attention from his last words. "Why are you going to the border?"
Empress Callista smiled thinly. "There's confidential information I don't want to be written in a letter. At least not one that passes many hands. Not only that, but I'm going to be surveying the area for construction."
"For the new capital. With the kingdoms merging, I can't stay here. Avarose would be outraged. But I can't return as if nothing happened either, or I risk losing my foothold. We need a neutralized city equally distant between both locations."
"Idosa won't be the capital anymore?" Vorrin didn't know why he hadn't thought about that sooner. Technically, Idosa had ceased being the capital the moment Empress Callista won the war. Yet, everything remained so much the same, the castle, the stationing of the guard, the mannerisms of the city... He'd never imagined this type of reform.
"Don't act so sullen. This will be a massive change for all of us. Streles has been the Avarosian capital for centuries. I'm anticipating a heated argument with every noble and advisor I have over the next few months."
"And me?"
It wasn't a very articulate question, but the empress seemed to understand.
"You'll come with me, of course. Not only to the new capital but to Avarose as well. The new city will take time to build, so we may travel back and forth for some time."
"I could stay here." That was something consorts did, right? Have their own homes? At least, King Duras had gifted his mistresses residences within and without the city. Then again, many of them were not official consorts. Still, it wasn't as if Callista needed him outside Idosa. If she gave him this place, he could fix it. It wouldn't be exactly as it was, but it could be close.
Even as he tried to convince himself of nobler intentions, the truth gnawed at him. He was scared. Outside of battle and expeditions for the King, he'd never lived anywhere else. He'd grown up here. He'd become something here.
Empress Callista shook her head, a little sympathy peeking through her steady expression. "You're my token. A representation of our countries' union. You'll always be with me."
Vorrin's lungs suddenly felt tight. Like he'd been shoved into a space--a cage--too tight for his body.
The empress's hands found his face, stroking his cheekbones with her thumbs. "It's alright, love. I will take care of you."
As if that was what worried him. Like he was a child who needed consoling about moving away from his friends. As if this was just about him and not everyone in Idosa--no Tothalan! And him a helpless bird with clipped wings.
No. No, don't think about that.
He released a shuddering breath.
He could stop this. None of this had to happen if he completed his mission. Calm. Calm. He just had to endure a while.
Vorrin stepped back out of her reach and looked down at her gold-button travel boots.
"Good luck, on your journey."
Empress Callista's hands dropped to her side, but she stepped forward, regaining the ground between them. "If you need anything, if you have any trouble, send for me. I'll return."
"Ah, so you expect trouble," Vorrin joked, not quite able to summon the humor into his smile.
She gently took his chin, raising his face to her eyes before withdrawing again. Her eyes appeared almost molten in the sunlight.
"I will be back before you know it."
Vorrin wasn't sure if that was meant as a comfort or a warning, maybe both. It made him feel strange.
He took two long steps back this time, properly distancing himself.
"Well, goodbye then. Bring me back something nice." With that, he turned his back on her, striding back to Button. "I'd like to go back to my room now."
Vorrin allowed the soldier to lead him through the proper exit this time. As they left, he felt the empress's eyes following him.
He did not look back.
@whatiswhump, @aprilraine, @ilovescarletwitch, @conniedensazation, @feedthebirds, @bloodinkandashes
#love thy enemy#creative writing#empress x general#empress x soldier#royalty#royal x soldier#writing series#fiction#writblr#writeblr#enemies to lovers#slowburn#writing#thepenultimateword#chapter#orginal characters#orginal story
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Alright, so, we have four years to endure reign of an idiot and his lackeys. Nothing we can do about it. It’s coming no matter how any of us feels opposed to it. So I say let us look forward to the day after his presidency ends. The we can finally move on and be free of the whims of an idiot. Once and for all.
If he lives that long. I’m not suggesting that someone may do him harm. No, from what I understand his dietary habits are atrocious and he’ll be lucky he doesn’t have a heart attack sometime during his term. God help us if he does because that would leave his disciple, Vance in charge.
Seriously though, this entire situation was inevitable and in some ways necessary. Trump is the embodiment of all that America has been suppressing and hiding, for many years, what we don’t like to admit about ourselves as a population. We’ve ignored the rascism, the misogyny, the homophobia, the sadism, the classicism etc.,, rather than confront these issues head on and bring them to the light we’ve ignored these issues and acted as if they were going away and hoping that each successive generation will lose these -isms but in reality these things have been floating right under the surface. By not facing these issues head on they have risen in pressure to the point that an explosion has occurred. Twice now.
Our shadow self is now out and uncontrollable and destructive. It forces us though to address these issues now and for the next four the voiceless will be heard and it is up to us as the collective good to listen and help the enlightened see why those -isms are not the way.
Trump’s supporters have to learn the hard way but will soon understand why their choice was the wrong one. When he turns on them and his motives become clear that he used them we must not gloat or become prideful. The sooner we help them up and dust them off. The sooner we will have allies to fight back against his tyranny.
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Put down your weapons and embrace your enemies.
There is nothing to gain from fighting and hatred other than a fleeting moment of triumph.
There is no true winner in a war, only losers.
The only way we can all win together is through embracing our differences.
Life is too short to make enemies.
Fostering hatred for others will only bring the same to you.
Put down your weapons and embrace your enemies.
Even if they stab you in the back, just put on a smile and make them realize your seriousness and sincerity. Only then would they understand that they were wrong.
Choose to live without bearing the weight of hatred.
Choose love. (As cliche as it may sound :3).
#late night thoughts#motivational quotes#quotes#letters#love#freedom#figurativewar#literature#hug#embrace#love thy enemy#choose love
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n his Urbi et Orbi Christmas address in 2024, Pope Francis went after Putin and Netanyahu in particular for killing so many civilians and leaving such a vast number homeless. Reconciliation, the pope said, by showing compassion to one's enemies, is another option. --one that I submit is two degrees of separation from the mentalities of Putin and Netanyahu. https://thewordenreportinternationalrelations.blogspot.com/2024/12/pope-franciss-christmas-urbi-et-orbi.html
#Pope Francis#Netanyahu#Putin#Israel#Russia#Roman Catholic Church#Papacy#religion and morality#religion and politics#international relations#kingdom of God#love thy enemy#political violence#two degrees of separation#theology
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Join me at your local church, pray for
The homophobes
The transphobes
The racists
The sexists
Phillip Morris
The opposite of whoever you voted for
May God be merciful with them - keeping them from wicked deeds and touch their heart with a love so perfect it roots out whatever of rancor there was therein
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#he speaks truth#also the sentiment i feel like i needed this evening#love thy enemies#love thy neighbor#a radical mission indeed#christianity
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if we are to love all our neighbors and hold compassion for our fellow citizens, we must find a way to hold love and compassion for…at least some Trump voters.
we must do so knowing that they, intentionally or not, undermined this country’s support for human rights.
basically how the heck do we, like, how do…yikes
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He is watching. You will pay for your sins once your body is rotting in the ground. You are not safe. You will never be safe. He will find you. ✝️
well i hope god has better things to do than watch underage girls 24/7. kinda giving predator vibes tbh
#⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ angel’s dreams⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎#⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ angel’s enemies >:( ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎#thy neighbor is not feeling very loved right now i’m ngl
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Been working on attacks,here's one for the super-talented @xusze2 of his mafia boss,Alfonso! 🐰
#art fight#art fight 2024#original character#oc#bunny oc#plush bunny#enemies to lovers#to love thy enemy#artwork#digital art#fan art#artists on tumblr
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I wrote some more to Love Thy Enemy Part 6 today! I’ll try to do even more, but in the meantime I found this pretty picrew so I made Vorrin and Callista!
This is the picrew for anyone else who wants to use it. I will definitely be using it for more characters.
Also, I’ve been daydreaming them to the music I’m listening to, and I realized the song Woke Up from Adventure Time fits them so well, especially for future events when Vorrin starts to like Callista but then stuff happens to erase all their progress again.
I couldn’t find a good male cover that I really really like, so I’ll just share the original version. You guys imagine Vorrin as the perspective singer.
Link here!
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thorfinn is so jesus coded its not even funny. oh? you want to save people’s souls by leading them to a promised land without violence? and how are you leading them? like lambs? doesnt that make you a shepherd? is the Lord not your Shepard? who is telling you to go to the promised land? youre following the will of your father? your father, who had no enemies because he forgave those who trespassed against him? ohhh, you must be delivering these people from evil. i see how it is. you are trying to act on earth as you would in heaven, because heaven is what your father was.
#btw following this line of logic heaven is facilitating the creation of life and being kind and eating the food that you have grown with the#help of many hands with the people you love and hell is killing someone for killing someone for making some inane slight against you#or treating vilence as honorable. love thy neighbor#love thy enemy etc etc#vinland saga#thorfinn karlsefni#thorfin#thorfinn#thors
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hehehe HI BABY <33 how are you wifey <33 i'm here to send stuff in for your milestone event!! congrats once again!! <33
i'm interested in 🗡️: thy enemy hehehe ; i'd love to get it with supernatural! my random facts are that my fav season is fall, my signature look is also a big brown jacket hehehe, i'm 100% moon coded, i'm learning some witchcraft, i'm very artsy (visual arts + dance), i'm super silly goofy and optimistic lol, andddd i love learning languages! hope those facts work LOL i wasn't sure what to say heh
and also! 🎥: interviews! i'd really like to ask who your favorite percy jackson characters are??? are there any characters or ships that you don't like? we should just talk more abt pjo together in general hehe <33
-mari @prentissluvr
OMG HIII LOVER MARI @prentissluvr !! <33 im doing well thank you for asking and i hope you're doing great as well!! also another huge thank you bc i wouldn't haven't gotten to this milestone with your post about wet hair sam!! (then it devolved into me writing a scenario about it and now we are where we are rn ;P)
okay okay time to get to the events you requested!! (they're going to go under the cut bc i fear it might be a long one LOL)
🗡️: thy enemy event! [also implied that you're a hunter]
⟡ lover: sam winchester
where do i start? sam would one, love love love your personality! your optimism, free spirited, and silly personality is what drew him to you in the first place. it was like a breath of fresh air after stewing in dean's pessimism and the dread that hung over the two of them while hunting/ being hunters for so long. he admires the fact that you love to learn new languages and even would try to learn the one you're currently learning atm. this totally didn't happened but before the two of you started to date and found out that you loved to pick up new languages, sam tried learning one of the languages you already knew to try and impress/surprise you with. the fact that you can dance and draw makes sam fall for you even more, loving the fact that you have such a creative spirit and it shows in the doodles you give him as you absentmindedly draw on napkins from a dinner or even have the opportunities to draw on his hand or arm. it also shows with how graceful and agile you are as you hunt.
sam would be so intrigued that you're picking up witchcraft! though he would be hesitant at first but eventually open up to the fact that you are. he would listen intently to your ramblings about what you had learned as you researched about the craft. sam would smile at your fascination with the moon and how much you love fall, being to see your face brighten when you see the leaves change and seeing you bundled up in your favorite brown jacket (that looks eerily similar to one in his closet) as you guys walk together hand in hand down the bustling streets of whatever town you guys are staying in for the time being.
⟡ best friend: jo harvelle
jo would adore your silly and goofy nature! at first she'd thought that your attitude didn't match hunters at all but as you rolled through the roadhouse every so often, she found it refreshing. it was better than the gruff and brash personalities that floated in and out of the bar that she was used to and found that when you come in, a smile stretched on her face as you greeted her eagerly. from then the two of you attached to one another like glue. she can always tell when you’re at the roadhouse because of the brown jacket you always wear when your favorite season rolls around. jo loves when you get slightly tipsy enough to where you start to dance with her in the empty bar after closing to the old jukebox in the corner or when you accidentally slip into one of the languages you’re learning or fluent in. the two of you as best friends would probs make the world collapse if you spent everyday together.
⟡ (fre)nemy: dean winchester
okay i don't think you'd have any enemies in spn, but you and dean would def have a frenemy/bickering relationship with one another. at first, dean would find your optimism a little grating and just confusing because why would someone so optimistic be a hunter? he likes to pretend he's a serious hunter but we all know deep down he is a silly goofy guy and seeing that reflected in your personality makes him envious that he doesn't express it is often as he wants to. so in turn he either shuns you or makes some off-handed remarks about it. but in turn you would dish it right back at him, throwing him off but then you guys would devolve into a little bickering battle, only ending when sam has to interject like a referee and almost separate you guys (sam sends you guys to opposite sides of the motel to cool down). but after a bad hunt, you sit with dean in silence and things shifted between of you. the bickering wasn't out of malice but dean has to keep up appearances and can't show that he tolerates you (even though by the time the bickering is over, there's a small smile on his face). he'll never admit this out loud but he finds it cool that you know a lot of languages and that you are creative spirit (you gave him sketch of the impala and he still has it to this day even though he said he was going to throw it out).
🎥: interviews!
⟡ i'd really like to ask who your favorite percy jackson characters are???
OMGG i have too many, i love all of them so much!! but if i had to choose like top five it would be: percy, annabeth, leo, frank, and reyna!
⟡ are there any characters or ships that you don't like?
oof ermm that is a tough question mari 😭😭. but for one FUCK OCTAVIAN im glad that little rat bastard died in blood of olympus LMAO (octavian got what he deserved) but other than him i don't really hate any characters in the pjo universe, but i mean i could also say the godly parents bc that's a given. but sally jackson is our queen! 🙌
when it comes to ships, most of them i like but there is one where it doesn't make sense in my mind lol which is leo and calypso? its not that i don't think leo could bag calypso, he literally did lol, but like we've seen leo's perspective in the books and mans would not benefit from a relationship. another than that i like any of the other ships that are canon or fanon. i'm not a huge shipper myself but i obvs love percabeth, solangelo, frazel, and jason x brick LOL.
#daisy's celebration#daisy's 500+ celebration#my moots#mari !!#thank you for sending this in mari!#i love you mari#🗡️: thy enemy event!#supernatural#spn#sam winchester#jo harvelle#dean winchester#🎥: interviews!#pjo#percy jackson
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music video still from Future - Love Thy Enemies
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oh borderline personality disorder. how kind of you to stack one of the best mornings ive ever had on top of one of my worst nights
#love thy enemy or whatever#anyway ive never gotten tingles while running like i did when i broke into my sprint today#properly warmed up body = painless exercise
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To my dearest friend(s),
From the long walks in the odd hallways.
To the chaotic messages over on the internet.
Through the long difficult cryings, to the laughing till we cry or piss ourselves.
Gussing of each others futures and outing our reality/fantasy ideas!
I am so glad you are in my life!
Whether you know it or not, you made it bearable to live again and again and again.
Just to have another moment/chat with you! You matter in my life cause you made life matter again and again and again and again!
Thank you for still being an awesome badass friend shaped being!
I love you. <3
-Sincerely, Mi!
#I'm glad you're in my life#I love you friend#friend shaped#You're a lovely being to be around#I can only hope you have a wonderful joyful life!#You go you badass#Slay thy enemies#Goodvibes
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🥀 𝕸𝖞 𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝕰𝖓𝖊𝖒𝖞, 𝕿𝖍𝖞 𝕹𝖆𝖒𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝕳𝖚𝖘𝖇𝖆𝖓𝖉
#webnovel recommendation#korean webnovel#webnovel#novel#josei#romance#imperial family#regression#magic#loving ML#drama#historical#상냥한 원수와의 정략결혼#My Sweet Enemy Thy Name is Husband#An arranged marriage with a kind enemy#Political Marriage With a Friendly Enemy
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