#love this series
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morgannite22 · 6 months ago
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Happy Birthday to the best mc! I totally agree Sullivan! I’m so glad Iruma was born!
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phoebepheebsphibs · 1 year ago
Completely forgot an inked comic I made last year...
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Oh yeah btw I’m a big fan of the Portal series
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glorfys-glorioushair · 1 year ago
Started watching and reading The Apothecary Diaries. Here's some cursed redraws ✨️
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justintaco · 8 months ago
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scrabbleknight · 8 months ago
Fairy Tail is a funny shonen series, in a sense that it's chock-full of fanservice and bikinis and naked guys, but never once do I feel horny about it. Like, so what if Erza is fighting half-naked? She's beating the crap over that other guy? And what if Lucy lost her clothes? Nobody in-universe even cares and she's currently in a life-n-death situation.
The series normalised it all soo much that it's still attractive but not horny-attractive. Fairy Tail is the shonen equivalent of a nudist beach -- everyone's naked but nobody cares. I love you, Hiro Mashima.
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thiatereika · 25 days ago
" 'You all know why we're here,' she told them. 'You know the enemy. He will be on soon. When he comes, we will fight not for some glorious cause, but to survive. The gods have given us time to prepare, we must take advantage of every moment of it. Once the enemy comes, how safe we'll be is determined by these walls and the people in them.'
' You've built our home well. It's true what they say, that northern woodsmen build the very best.' That made the civilians happy; they grinned and clapped one another on the back. Kel smiled. When it was quiet again, she continued. ' We'll finish building together. The more we do before our guests come, the more time we'll have for weapons training with everyone, including civilians, who can hold a bow - or a spear.' The convicts chuckled. She went on, ' If you have problems, or questions - officers, note this - you will see me everyday. You must tell me. I won't know anything if you don't speak up, and if it's something that can be fixed, I'd as soon fix it right away. You look at me and see I'm young. I look at me and see I'm young.' All of them laughed as their eyes remained fixed on her. 'I have seen combat in my years is a Squire to the Knight Commander of the King's Own and I'm willing to learn more, if you'll be my teachers.'
Kel took a deep breath. 'That's all I have to say. We'll hammer out the rest as we build this haven for those who have lost their homes. Now I'll let you go to your beds. Tomorrow comes soon.' She looked down, then had an idea. 'Who's the best woodworker here? Signs and suchlike?'
There was a murmur among the civilians. They pointed at one man, a burly fellow with straggly red hair.
' First thing in the morning, will you make a sign? It's got to be large enough to read across the river. It should carry the word 'Haven'. Not fort, just Haven. Because that's what we are.' The man nodded as a pleased murmur swept through the room. 'I thank you for your attention.' Kel said, and stepped off the box."
Lady Knight by Tamora Pierce
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ladyviren · 11 months ago
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krazycattgurl · 6 days ago
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Some scenes between Tong and Mark from episode 2 🧛🩸
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sulfadimethoxine · 8 months ago
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I have an animation planed but for now….
Quick doodle
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 2 years ago
The New Arrival (Series)
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Alcina Dimitrescu x fem!reader
(Not my gif)
It seems as though y/n has an…admirer?
┌───── •✧✧• ─────┐ Admirer from Afar └───── •✧✧• ─────┘
WARNING: 18+ MINORS DO NOT ENGAGE fluff, angst, smut
Part 2
She still wasn’t talking and Melina truly didn’t know how to communicate with y/n. She’d only ever heard the girl say two words, ‘thank you’. It was astonishing to Melina that y/n could get even the hardest of tasks done in mere minutes with complete perfection. The girl was always on alert and never once has she objected, she was…very obedient.
Fiona, the assistant Grand ChamberMaiden, had helped y/n communicate, somehow. She had gotten y/n to say a few more words. Though, it was quite difficult for the girl. Fiona didn’t understand why y/n was the way she was until she heard from locals about her childhood and past. Tragic, it truly was.
So, Fiona and Melina, knowing the nature of y/n’s past, acknowledging the fact that she will need assistance if the Lady of the castle were to decide to take y/n as her new… plaything.
After a week or so, y/n was getting better but still stayed silent most of the time.
Alcina, one night, came into her bedroom to see it spotless and flawlessly clean. She was taken aback, no maiden had made her room this clean before, even the month old blood stain on her white carpet was gone. She hummed in approval to herself wondering who the maiden might’ve been, it couldn’t have been an old maiden, it must’ve been the new one.
what was her name? Ah, yes, y/n..
This new maiden seemed exceptional. Though, Alcina would never admit it, she was impressed. The Lady had made the mistake of toying around with every new maiden but it was a mistake she was quite fond of. Alcina’s personal favorites were the ones who could handle scrutiny and judgment. Of course, none of them could, most just cried and stayed silent. Which was…tolerable. But soon enough, she grew tired of their company and set the women on their merry way. But, if they dared to object to Alcina’s wishes they’d be gladly turned into a barrel of wine.
The Matriarch summoned for her head maidens, phoning their rooms, she ordered them to come to her chambers immediately. “Yes, My Lady? What is it that you need?” Melina asked, bowing her head, Fiona shortly following behind her, doing the same.
“Who was assigned to clean my quarters? Last night, to be exact, while I was at that family meeting.” Alcina quite bluntly asked, applying her crimson custom lipstick as she spoke. Melina and Fiona looked at each other in slight fear, could it be that y/n had done something wrong? Or had Alcina found a new toy?
“Well…? I’m not the type of woman who repeats herself.” Alcina coaxed, placing the cap on her lipstick. She fixed her straightened hair, adjusting her well tailored suit. “It was the new maiden, y/n, Mistress” Fiona responded, eyes boring into the ground. Not daring to look at Alcina. The Countess hummed, “bring her to my quarters later” Alcina instructed, Melina’s eyes widened. Alcina couldn’t hurt her. Not like she did every other maiden in the castle. Y/n was too naive and obedient, Alcina would ruin y/n. It’d be even worse if y/n fell in love and got attached to Alcina. The poor girl wouldn’t understand.
“My Lady, I must protest. Y/n isn’t ready. She has vocal problems. You might only find her as a nuisance rather than a new plaything. She’s an incredible maiden, but maybe not for as your plaything..” Melina insisted, trying to keep Alcina from ruining y/n like she did most of the maidens in the castle. Alcina stopped her movements and placed her hands down on the edge of her vanity. “Are you…talking back to me, Miss Thornton?” Alcina seethed, the Countess scoffed and stood up lighting her cigarette. “Be happy, I feel generous today, Melina. And as for your little new maiden. You’ve taken her under your wing I see?”
Alcina had taken Melina and Fiona’s words into consideration, maybe this new maiden would be a nuisance. But, as Alcina watched from afar she couldn’t help but gawk at the beauty that was her maiden.
Y/n went on, skillfully dusting the table lifting the objects in her way. Alcina watched from above, entranced by her movement. The Countess made a point to watch the girl, but the more she spent admiring fom afar the more Alcina wanted the woman all to herself. “Y/n, darling. Be a doll and fetch me a cigarette” The Matriarch cooed, elegantly sauntering down the stairs and sitting on her favorite lounge chair. The maiden nodded, walking away hurriedly to grab Alcina’s cigarettes and her cigarette holder.
Alcina couldn’t help but study the young girl as she moved, a slight sway in her hips. The way she gently bent down to grab something set a spark in Alcina.
Incredible indeed…
Alcina had thought, a soft hand under her chin as she smirked, the countess shamelessly looked her from head to toe. She certainly was a delicious sight to look at. The young girl looked at Alcina with wonder and curiosity. Was the Matriarch always this flirtacious?
“Oh, don’t mind me, sweet girl. I’ll just be your Admirer from Afar if that’s alright with you?” She smirked, winking at y/n with a mischevious glint in her eye.
Special Thanks to: @marilynthornhilllover y’all when I tell you this woman is a LIFE SAVER. Also go check her out! Her fics are BLOODY AMAZING! 💋
Tags: @marilynthornhilllover @willalove75 @willowshadenox @simpformelissa @pinklybleu @niceminipotato @tintedrose12 @koing-slvt @enchantressb
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nonexistantfandoms · 3 months ago
…ok :(
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256colorstoo · 26 days ago
I'm rereading(listening) to the song of ice and fire series again. And Catelyn's chapters really are some of the best grief content I've ever seen. Just finished the red wedding chapter and what a heartbreak of a scene for her. Like wow is so much of her character chapters are about exploring grief and how it is triggered by everything everywhere. Still some great writing and I'm glad I picked up this series again after like 10 years of not reading it.
Pain below and TW for grief and murder and anything Game of thrones should be known for
"It hurts so much, she thought. Our children, Ned, all our sweet babes. Rickon, Bran, Arya, Sansa, Robb… Robb… please, Ned, please, make it stop, make it stop hurting…"
And my personal favorite (that hurt when I first read it and was struck with the same pain hearing it again)
"-a hand grabbed her scalp just as she’d done with Jinglebell, and she thought, No, don’t, don’t cut my hair, Ned loves my hair. Then the steel was at her throat, and its bite was red and cold."
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nenehyuuchiha · 5 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson Additional Tags: Jason Todd Lives, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Bruce Wayne doesn't kill, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Cross-Posted on Tumblr, Tumblr Prompt, No Dialogue, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, no beta we die like robins Series: Part 1 of Luke 15:11-32 Summary:
Jason never died. Jason was never resurrected. He joined a book club instead of the league of assasins and gained influence at the Gotham Boys and Girls club. And somehow, Jason Todd is still the Red Hood.
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puniyo · 5 months ago
Things I would like to see in Jack&Joker
After the trainwreck (a good one though)of episode 7, here are a few scenes I would like to see:
*Our precious grandma giving a proper prep talk to Jack about his actions and his bad habit of only relying on himself. It would be great to see her "scold" him for making the people who care about him (i.e. Joke) suffer and "You should not play with the feelings of a woman just because of money. What if something happened to me? Let it happen! My old bones will still be here for a long time."
*Rose actually becoming a good person and wish for Jack and Joke's happiness. It would be really funny to see a family dinner on Jack's place, and she committing the same mistakes of turning the fish and cutting the noodles. However, this time it's Joke who tells her these and stops her at the table.
*Save and Jack having a heart to heart. I don't actually want an apology from him. I would actually love to see Save blaming Jack for being the favorite and putting Hope in a bad spot. To which, Hope would come out and say he never felt any less than Jack.
*Joke stealing the ring of one of the knights and bargaining a nice price for it. All this is fake because he manages to put these people behind the bars for the sh*t they are doing.
*Joke playing that monopoly in a disguise.
*Tattoo and Arun arguing about things nonsense just because they are the best.
*P'Nang doing a tarot reading for Hoy and the poor boy not understanding a single thing. A good comedic moment.
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stuffedwithlove · 11 months ago
In the latest gamechanger episode, i'm not sure if anybody else noticed but when everybody was being introduced again- the players in the 2nd round earliest- but yeah when they were introduced again for a very short second their title cards displayed a pun on their name relating to the loop !! in case you guys need it i decided to grab pics and stuff !!
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[Photo ID: 7 images of contestants and guests of the episode's intro cards. Mike Trapp, Ify Nwadiwe, Siobhan Thompson, Sam Reich, Brian David Gilbert, Josh Ruben and Grant O'Brien. Except the names have been altered so that they reference the episode's 'time loop' theme and instead of their actual names they say 'Mike Trapped', 'Infinity Nwadiwe', 'Siobhan Thompsagain', 'Same Reich', 'Brian Déjà Gilbert', 'Josh Rewindben' and 'Grant O'Rerun'. Ify, Sam and Josh's cards are affected by visual effects like a glitched tv. End ID.]
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