#love this & needed this after today thank you for this masterpiece 🥹
yesloulou · 2 months
this is so lmao i just keep thinking about the other parents at school only being familiar with daniel bc he's the one in charge of picking the kid up, they know his partner is a man bc the kid proudly announced that he has two daddies at the first day but that's the most they know so one birthday party daniel arrives holding max's hand and the parents can't not stare bc not only max younger than they had imagined but he's the youngest adult in the room, everybody is in their middle to late 30s... they try to get some info from daniel like if the kid is from one of daniel's previous relationships or how long he and max have been together but daniel is so unapologetic about their relationship that all the questions pass through him and max doesn't give a shit about any of the other parents, he just plays with the kids or talks to daniel and daniel and the other parents have a good cordial relationship but daniel thinks it's weird how the other moms at the pick up line always seem to find a way to ask about max lmao
why is this so real 😳❤️
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zepskies · 10 months
I just have to say, genuinely everything in the BMD-verse is some of the best stuff I’ve ever read, BMD has managed to climb it’s way up to being one of my all time favorite fics that I could endlessly re-read and I can’t thank you enough for that. It was so well written and so many subtle details went into making the word feel so real, to the point where I truly felt immersed in the plot and could clearly visualize everything in my head. This fic made me laugh, cry, and had me on the edge of my seat wanting to read more to see where everything went with these two. Reading it helped brighten my day when I wasn’t having the best one. Also I don’t think I’ve ever loved OC’s quite as much as I absolutely love Frank and Loco, you put so much world building and detail into this fic and it really shows so beautifully, you were able to encapsulate the personalities of each character so well, down to the little details in how they react to certain situations or things they’d be likely to say, all while still giving your OC’s just as much depth and personality, you even executed the character arcs so realistically and it was done so damn well. This fic truly felt like a masterpiece and I am so grateful that you decided to create it, so genuinely thank you!
Okay, I didn't expect to cry today but you managed it, lovely Anon. 🥹💚
I've actually been going through a roughish time in my personal life, so you sent me this amazing note at the perfect time...
I'm having a hard time forming actual words right now, but I'm so happy that Break Me Down has become one of your favorite stories, and most of all that it helped brighten your day when you weren't feeling so hot. I definitely have my comfort stories, books, movies as well.
I genuinely put my heart and soul into BMD from conception, to outlining, to writing and editing each chapter. Even now I look at those 19 chapters and can't believe it's something I actually wrote. I'm just a sucker for a redemption story, and after SB's character hooked me, something crazy told me that he should get his chance to become a real hero.
(Here are some more details you probably don't want/need to know about how BMD began. 😅):
After writing Checkerboard, @deans-spinster-witch knows, as I've credited her many times, but she encouraged me to write a "prequel" to expand on how SB might get to that level of character growth.
...And somehow, BMD became an "enemies to lovers" epic. 😂
Thank you also for loving Frank and Loco! I've said this before, but one of the best writing tips I've ever gotten about writing minor characters is this: Write them like they're the protagonists of their own stories.
Give them their own character arcs, however short or long, whether tragic or fulfilled, etc.
When they're in the scene, give them something important to do or say that furthers the plot.
If you can't name a character, 9/10, they probably don't need to be there.
Without both Frank and Loco, Ben and the reader wouldn't have made it through until the end. And those two (especially Frank) now live in my head alongside Ben and the reader and their ever-evolving story.
This fic truly felt like a masterpiece and I am so grateful that you decided to create it, so genuinely thank you!
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Damn it, who's peeling onions?! 😭😭
You're so very welcome. 💚💚 It's an absolute pleasure to write for you guys, but also to express myself and get out these stories that live rent free in my head. 😘
(Btw: I totally respect that you're anonymous in my inbox, but feel free to comment on this and let me know who you are -- only if you feel comfortable! You absolutely made my day, hun. 💓)
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lestappenforever · 7 months
Monaaaa, beloved supplier of Lestappen goodness, you have done it once again!
After I’d thought I’d already read everything you’ve written I discovered the Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace one and wow, it was phe-no-men-al. I don’t want to call it my absolute favourite just yet, recency bias and all, but I’m pretty sure if I were to rank your fics tomorrow or so, it’d take the number one spot.
A short but not exhaustive list of my reactions/things I said out loud while reading:
Multiple “awwws”, giggling like a maniac, “biiiiitch” in varying volumes, sassy snapping my fingers, “you did not just do that” while grinning from ear to ear, “yeeeess” in varying volumes and lengths” and generally just a ton of happy/excited noises
Broken record and everything, but once again you absolutely blew it out of the park. Not only were Charles and Max amazingly written, the entire scene/ambiance was impeccable but also all other side characters were spot on. I’ll skip gushing about the little glimpses of Lando (I think my obsession with him is clear enough as is) but my side character highlight this time around was Valtteri. Such a small but powerful and fitting gesture, I loved it
Take all my praise my dear, you created another masterpiece.
Now excuse me, I’ll be off using my uni commute to search your blog for any and all other fics of yours that I might have missed
Lots of love and the biggest hug, M 🧡
P.S.: I saw you answered a question about translating your works yesterday and I was considering trying to create the german translation to one of your works, if you’re okay with it, to see if translation is something I’d enjoy doing. I suppose it’d also make sense to reveal who I am at that point.
M anon, my darling, how I sorely needed to see one of your asks in my inbox today. 🧡
You have no idea how happy it makes me to know that you enjoyed my Speak Now (Or Forever Hold Your Peace) fic! I had so much fun writing this last summer, and it fills my heart with warmth and love to know you enjoyed it. Thank you so, so much, you have truly made my day with your appreciation for one of my absolute favorite fics to write.
You are such a sweetheart, and I will never be able to express just how much joy your messages continue to bring me. It is such an honor that you keep taking the time out of your day to leave me these asks that put the biggest smile on my face.
I hope you're having a great day at uni, and I'm sending you the biggest hug (and all my love) right back. 🧡
P.S.: I would be so honored if you wanted to translate some of my work! So please feel free to do so and let me know if you do because that would make me so incredibly happy. 🥹
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sophsicle · 2 years
“Did you see that Reg?” she whispers, unable to keep the smile out of her voice. “I did it.”
Oh 🥹 oh… I wasn’t expecting cerci on this chapter (i dunno if you said who was on it, but ig I didn’t see her name on the pov list), this was such a good surprise, i love her so much
On another note… gosh it hurt soooooo good!!! I really needed a good cry today and chapter 54 just, you know, exceeded everything i was expecting
Absolutely nothing better than coming home after two tests to find this masterpiece waiting for me
It’s beautiful soph!! Congrats on getting so far with this amazing storie and thank you so much for sharing it with us!
Hello lovely! The POV list definitely changed a few times because I am all over the place but I'm glad that seeing Cerci was a happy surprise! That last line always gives me little happy/sad butterflies. It was nice to have some hope! Thank you so much and I hope your tests went well! <3
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lestappenforever · 7 months
My dearest Mona!
I come bearing the most amazing news, I finally finished my fucking essay, after pulling a late night session until 3am last night and another 4 hours at a café today. Now I’m just waiting for my mum to proof read it (she’s an angel for agreeing to that) and then I can finally cross that seminar off my list.
So to treat myself I am now sat outside in the warm springtime sunshine (it’s insane actually, early March and I’m just in a tshirt and jeans, no jacket needed whatsoever), the birds are chirping, life is good and I just finished reading your Valentine’s Day fic (which turns out I hadn’t read yet).
And let me tell you, I adored every single word of it. Once again you had me snickering, smiling, rolling my eyes (affectionately) and just enjoying it all. I’m starting to feel like a broken record, but you’re just producing masterpiece after masterpiece. I love diving into your little universes and getting lost there for a while. It’s like a breath of fresh air every time.
Thank you for once again making my day!
All the love and the biggest hug, M 🧡
Good afternoon, my lovely M anon! 🧡
Well done for finishing your essay! That must be such a relief, and you definitely deserve to treat yourself now that you've completed it. And what an honor it is to me that you decided to treat yourself to reading one of my fics.
Thank you so much for this incredibly sweet message. I'm so happy you enjoyed my silly Valentine's Day fic. 🥹 Your asks will never stop putting the absolute biggest smile on my face, and I need you to know how much I appreciate every single one of them.
I hope you're enjoying the springtime sunshine where you are! Norway is not quite there yet in terms of sun and temperature, but at least the last of our snow and ice is finally disappearing, so I'll take it.
Than you for making my day once again! You are so wonderful, and I'm sending you all my love and the biggest hug right back. 🧡
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lestappenforever · 7 months
Oooh, what a glorious way to reward myself after a long day!
Even though it‘s half past one at night where I live I just had to stay up a little longer to read your newest masterpiece after finishing up research for today. And holy, it was so worth it, I was alternating between smiling, giggling, aww-ing and laughing out loud the entire time - if anyone heard me they‘d probably assume I‘d fully lost my mind, oops.
But once again, kudos to you and your writing. I love the way you write Lestappen together and I adore how you approach the other drivers too, especially Lando (though I‘ll admit, I have a huge soft spot for that papaya boy). Also - and I don‘t know if you did it on purpose - I loved the part where you implied Austrian to be its own language, that made my Austrian heart quite happy (we‘re not know-off Germans, thank you very much)
I‘d been looking forward to reading your fic all day, you‘re getting me through my nightmare uni project, so thank you! Maybe I‘ll keep up this method and only allow myself to read one work of yours every day if I‘ve been productive, I reckon that could make me finish the essay in record time. Don‘t be surprised if I pop up in your asks more often in the next few days then!
All the love and talk again soon, M 🧡
P.S.: If you have a specific one of your fics you want to recommend to me as motivation for tomorrow, I’d love to hear it!
M anon, you have no idea how happy it made me to see this ask. 🧡
I'm so happy you weren't disappointed by the fic, and @f1writingbyme and I are so honored we could trigger those reactions in you with our words. That's exactly what we were hoping for when we were writing it.
Writing the other drivers is so much fun, and I personally love seeing the way Ilse portrays the drivers she writes. Every time she told me she had written a part for someone, I got so excited, and her parts had me cackling like a maniac so many times. And Austrian is its own language, and therefore it definitely should be implied.
The fact that you want to use my fics as a reward when you've been productive warms my heart so much. 🥹 And I'd be happy to recommend some for you, but I would need to know what kind of vibe you're going for first. Angsty? Fluffy? Silly as fuck?
I hope you're having a wonderful day, M anon. 💕
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