#love them dearly but i cant believe they failed to consider my obligation to stephanie harrington when they asked for my help
its @stevieweek day 5!!!! here's a modern vampire AU with some dom!stevie flavouring and eau de monsterfucking. amen.
wc: 1397 | rating M (for rampant sexual tension and simpism)
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Eddie’s pretty sure he’s been pranked. He looks around the club as he sips his whiskey- it’s a nice place, kind of swanky, music loud enough to loosen inhibitions on the dancefloor but not so loud that you have to yell to be heard at the bar or in the velveteen little booths that line the edges of the room. There’s even a little stage area for live music or performances, currently unused, but he saw a flyer for a drag show while waiting in line and he’s actually considering coming back for that.
So while he’s not disappointed with the club itself per se, it’s not really what was promised to him.
Weeks ago, during a smoke sesh with the rest of the Corroded Coffin boys, Gareth had broken the news about a cool club he’d just discovered. “It’s a pretty cool place- kinda bougie and expensive, but the point is- the best part-”
Gareth had paused, wildly looking each of them in the eye. “It’s run by vampires.”
Obviously, everyone else had burst out laughing. “No the fuck it is not, Gare.”
“It is, I swear!” Gareth had said, completely straight faced, if not a little red from the mockery of his friends. Freak had almost passed out, he was laughing so hard. “My cousin- remember Chrissy? She goes there all the time! She said the owners run it to like- okay so obviously in, like, a Post-Twilight World, obviously there’s loads of people who’d love to get macked on by a vampire. So instead of, like, attacking people, they just. Let people come to them.”
“So it’s a vampire sex club.”
“Okay well when you say it, it sounds dumb. But essentially, yes. Vampire sex club.”
And so now Eddie was sitting in a club that was definitely not a vampire sex club. Sure, it’s kind of old-fashioned in a sort of swanky speakeasy way, and it uses a lot of red decor, but nothing else about it really screams vampire. There’s barely even any goth patrons, which he’d expect to be the main clientele of a vampire sex club. 
It was whatever. Honestly his main reason for coming was just because he trusted Chrissy’s judgement when it came to cool clubs.
He continues sipping his whiskey, leaning back against the bar and keeping an eye out for anyone pretty. Maybe turn this failed vampire sex venture into a successful regular human sex venture. Sure enough, a woman soon approaches the bar, and Eddie almost chokes on his drink.
She’s the most beautiful woman Eddie has ever seen. Miles of sun-kissed, mole-dotted skin revealed by a shimmery gold minidress, gorgeous chestnut waves cascading over one shoulder, and when she turns and catches Eddie’s eye he’s immediately lost in her honey coloured bedroom eyes.
Honestly, he barely even registers walking up to her, too busy cataloguing every inch of the woman before him to pay any attention to where he’s walking. She smiles as Eddie approaches, and he just about manages to avoid staring at her glossy pink lips for too long.
“Hi,” he says, smiling wide enough to show off his dimples. “I’m Eddie!”
“Stevie,” she says, as she shakes his offered hand, looking him up and down in a way that makes him feel like some kind of specimen on display. But like, in a pleasant way. A very pleasant way. “I haven’t seen you around here before. First time?”
“Yeah, actually. You a regular, then?”
Stevie smiles again, something indulgent. “Something like that. Can I buy you a drink?”
Eddie gladly accepts, and he and Stevie quickly grab their drinks and head to one of the curtained booths tucked into a corner of the club. Eddie nurses his whiskey as Stevie sips at her water (she says she doesn’t drink, but comes to the club for the ambience and the people, which Eddie can appreciate). As they talk, Eddie mentions knowing Chrissy, which makes Stevie light up as she recognises Chrissy from previous nights at the club. Apparently Chrissy’s got some kind of thing going with Stevie’s sister Robin, and they while away some time laughing over stories of their shared friend.
“So that’s what brought you here, then? Chrissy gave you a recommendation?” Stevie asks, tilting her head adorably. It draws attention to the line of her neck, and the pretty little moles that dot it in just the right place to kiss.
He wrenches his eyes back up to her face, where she’s smiling knowingly. “Well- okay. You can’t laugh.”
Stevie nods, crosses her heart, and schools her face into something overly serious. Eddie huffs a laugh of his own.
“Okay, so. My friend heard that, apparently, this place is a, and I quote-” Eddie takes a breath, scrunching up his face and quickly saying, “a vampire sex club.”
“A vampire sex club?” Stevie says. Eddie’s eyes are still closed, but he can hear the smile in her voice.
“Those were his words, yes.”
Fabric shifts, and Eddie opens his eyes to see that Stevie has leant forward a bit into his space, elbow on the table and chin propped up in her hand. She gazes at him with hooded eyes and a slight smile on her face, like she’s in on a secret. Eddie never wants her to look away. 
“And you thought you’d, what, come see? Watch maybe?”
“I mean, I guess I was hoping someone would get a bit of a bite in,” Eddie laughs, and is gratified to hear Stevie join in. “Just a little nibble! Like, what, is it a crime to wanna get your neck munched on by a hot vampire?”
“No, it’s very reasonable,” Stevie says with a laugh in her voice. She reaches forward and brushes some of Eddie’s curls off his shoulder, exposing his neck and fixing it with an appraising look that makes Eddie blush. “And it’s a lovely neck. Probably get a lot of offers.”
Eddie waves her away playfully. “I see how it is. You only want me for my neck.”
“Not just for that,” she says, leaning in a bit. “You wanna know a secret?”
She’s so close now, Eddie can probably count her every eyelash. Her perfume is amazing. Her hair is brushing his shoulder. He’s gonna die from horniness, and he’s completely okay with that. He abstractly nods in response to her question, and she smiles like he’s being a Very Good Boy. Which he absolutely is. He can be such a good boy.
“Well,” she whispers, pulling Eddie out of his increasingly X-rated thoughts and graciously allowing him to lean in even closer to hear her. “It’s not not a vampire sex club.”
Eddie tilts his head and makes a wordless noise of interest.
“There’s just the two of us, and any sex that happens isn’t actually in the club. Non-mandatory, but,” she looks Eddie up and down like she wants to eat him. Maybe she does. “It’s definitely on the table.”
Eddie’s gobsmacked. “Wha- really?”
Stevie nods, lips pulling back in a grin that shows off- yeah. Those are some very sharp teeth.
“Please,” he says, voice hoarse with want, the word practically tearing itself from his throat with very little input from his brain.
Stevie tilts her head, Cheshire-cat grin still in place, and Eddie feels very much like a mouse being batted around in her paws. “You gonna beg, baby?”
“Stevie, sweetheart,” he puts his hand over hers, hanging onto her like a drowning man would a liferaft. “I’d worship you like a goddess.”
He’s rewarded with a pleased hum, Stevie’s eyes darkening in a way that gets his own heartbeat quickening. She lays a gentle hand on his chin, turning his face this way and that like she’s inspecting a purchase, before leaning back with a considering nod like she’s come to a conclusion. “Yeah, you will, won’t you?”
With that, she stands up, leaving Eddie blinking up at her from his seat. Stevie smiles her ‘good boy’ smile at him, like she’s pleased to see him exactly where he should be. Below her, gazing up in awe and adoration. 
“Come on then, big boy,” she coos, and then walks briskly to the door. Eddie scrambles after her, barely remembering how to use his legs but powerless to do anything else.
He’s gonna have to buy Gareth a gift basket.
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