#love the eyeseyeseyes
apathetic-microwave · 2 months
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Eyeseyeseyes I love eyes
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ovaruling · 7 months
eyes eyeseyes…..dj got us falling in love again……….eyeseyeseyes……zombiezombie backback to life………
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elsewhereuniversity · 6 years
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Hey there nerd, Hope all’s going well Connecticut. I still can’t believe you’re so far. I don’t think we’ve ever lived this far apart. I’m out here in the North Dorms, my room looks down to the forest and at night I can see these faint lights in the trees. It reminds me of looking out of my old bedroom window and seeing your light on through the trees. Sometimes I feel like if I just walked out into the woods I’d find myself back at your doorstep.
Do you remember last time when I sent you that sketch of the school crest? You remember that weird girl with the glasses who invited me to the bonfire party? Well I went out and met them there. It was Friday and my roommate-Whisper-they were acting really weird when I said I wanted to go out. They actually tried to stop me, even more when I said I was heading down to the bonfire. Something about there being no moon? As if that makes a difference. I told them they could come but they just kept going on and on about a “dark harvest.” Man, my roommate is so weird. At least they don’t snore.
So I head out. It’s cold, but no so much as the dorms. I swear, the heating is so crappy here. I’ve been piling blankets by the window and under the door but it always seems like a draft. But once I went out into the night air I felt warm again, weirdly warm. Well, I was pregaming. I had some trouble finding the bonfire. Elsewhere’s campus is pretty large and I still have trouble navigating the place. I know where Glasses told me to go, but damn, I just can’t remember where. All I recall is their voice saying to find them “where the Oaks all Silver” whatever the fuck that means. I just remember their voice. They sounded beautiful, wistful, and a little sad, like the roundtheroundthereelingroundofshatterin Huh. I’m sorry I kinda drifted off there. Maybe I need a snack. I just start wandering around the edge of the woods. I mean, it’s a bonfire in the dark, it’s gotta stand out right? The woods are huge. You could probably throw, like, five raves at once in there and no one would notice. It can get a little disconcerting. But I really wanted to meet Glasses so in I go. And wouldn’t you know it, just a few steps in and I see something glimmering in the leaves. Like it was waiting for me. Lucky break or what? The music was so weird. Well, it is the music majors, probably trying to be avant garde. The air smelled heavily of smoke and something really sweet. Maybe a strain I haven’t tried? In any case it was rich and floral and made my head spin.
The party was right in the trees, barely even a cleaning. I really wish Glasses had told me this was a costume party. Most everyone was dressed in these really incredible outfits. There was this dude with an incredible Elizabethan costume all done up with roses. And a lady with silvery hair who had painted all these scales all over her body. Someone else had huge light-up antlers on. And there was another woman was wearing a really nice evening gown and a super-realistic fox mask. She had weirdly small hands. I think she was juggling something. But I just want to find a drink and Glasses. I head over to the bonfire, took a weirdly long time, seems it was farther into the trees than I thought. There were all these kegs (wooden if you can believe that) and dancing. Really strange swirling dancing. Some odd trends over here at Elsewhere, then again you know I’ve never been much of a dancer so what do I know? I was just getting a drink when suddenly, there’s Glasses. They were wearing this wild getup, huge faceted goggles, this gauzy dress…thing, and they’d done something to their hair. Looked like a bunch of tiny fluttery wings. They saw me looking and came running in for a hug. I think someone must have had trouble with boundaries because I’m sure I felt an extra set of arms. Now they wanted to go dancing, but I hadn’t had a single drink. But then they pouted and well, I can’t resist a good pout. They were shivering a lot, almost like their skin was moving so I lent them my jacket. They seemed disappointed somehow. Not sure what to make of that. Glasses leads me back to the fire and that weird music. The music, it starts getting to me now. I’m completely forgotten about my drink, the other people, all I’m thinking about is Glasses. Something about their eyeseyeseyeseyeseyes Oof, still hungover. Anyway, they pulls me into the dance and well, I don’t remember much after that. There was fire and eyeseyeseyes and chitteringthechitteringchitteri Where was I? And then suddenly everything stopped. The fire went down and we were standing there in the dark woods. Some people were walking about in uniforms. I think they were groundskeepers or rangers of something. I saw one talking to this really weird dude with like, a wild sequined robe on. She was going on about some treaty and poaching or whatever. I guess there’s wild animals in the woods or something. And then next thing I know I’m on the lawn outside the North Dorm, the one that looks over the quad and the sun’s rising. I’m all alone, I left my jacket with Glasses. That said I was feeling really warm, I guess all the dancing got to me, I don’t really remember. Must have gotten a really bad contact high or something. Anyway when I got in Whisper had set all these nails around the door. They are super into the most bizarre school traditions. Like, weirdly into them. But that’s a legacy for you. And they keep spilling their seasoning around me, it’s getting annoying, I keep finding salt in my clothes. If I didn’t know any better I’d say they were doing it on purpose. In any case they haven’t been spending as much time in the dorms so at least I get a little privacy. Might be helpful if I hit it off with Glasses. Anyway that’s how things are going now. I gotta run, I have Intro to Psychology in ten minutes and I’m still having trouble finding my way around. Oh and let me know if you ever figure out what’s up with your email address. Otherwise we’re just gonna have to keep the postal service alive all by our lonesome.
Later, Firefly
P.S. I couldn’t stop thinking about Glasses so I doodled them during psych. Here they are sans goggles.
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conceptstage · 5 years
They still do the fucking 'eyeseyeseyes' thing and I love it so much
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tikiniki · 5 years
Have I told you how much I love To the Emperor's Chambers LOL
Opening scene with GENERAL DEACON tripping over a pair of boots what a bold choice for a smut fic I salute you darling. *loud clapping* His cape is a red blanket I’m already loving this wwwwww EMPEROR FREDDIE WHAT A BABE John trying not to laugh and break character is gold wwwwww Aweee I love how you write about the subtle little movements like them checking each other out and more. Well can’t blame John for getting into character the minute when he laid eyes on Brian and Roger I MEAN GOOD JOB FREDDIE THEY ARE SO BEAUTIFUL AHHHHH ohhh I’ve noticed something curious here you’ve picked out the color red for Brian and blue for Roger is there any particular reason for that? It’s nothing bad ofc but from I’ve seen it’s usually the other way around. <3 PEARL NECKLACE DRAPED OVER BRIAN’S CURLS I’M GONNA DIE THIS IS TOO MUCH. Roger wwwwww Dear wwwwww Come on ahahahahaha and John you cheeky bastard Freddie threatening them with cooking is priceless. You’re really good at writing movements that immediately tells you about the characters this is extraordinary it really is like watching a movie and you’re basically showing us things instead of telling us. SUB!BRIAN IS MY LIFE AND I’M GETTING EVERYTHING I NEED RIGHT HERE I’M GONNA CRY I love Freddie’s endearments of his boys. Yes John making sure Roger’s alright before taking action that’s my man. Roger is so hot I can’t even?! And him going into sub space is??? asgfdhjksk???!!! I was gonna quote some of your parts as a demonstration on how well you use character movements to construct a story but I realized I would just end up quoting the entire thing see this is how good you are. <3 ““That’s enough treasure.” Freddie commanded and Brian shot away from Roger as if he’d been burnt. “Come here.” “S.. sorry your Majesty.” Brian stuttered, hazy eyes meeting John’s briefly before hurriedly returning to Freddie, climbing up between his thighs when Freddie spread his legs invitingly.” But I have to point out this part about how you write sub!Brian this is exactly how you’re nailing him! That show of obedience and that brief eye contact with John before returning to Freddie I’m so fucking impressed with you dear.
Honestly this is just a small part of my internal monologue while reading like I’ve said everything is absolutely perfect I know I didn’t mention equal amount of all the boys but they are all so good! It’s rare for authors to be able to have such a firm grasp on everyone and I know you’ve said Brian is kinda the hardest for you to write but believe me when I said one could ever tell, really. That’s how good you are, love you darling, thank you for this masterpiece and I hope my mess jumble of screaming(?) would somehow amuse you LOL.
GAH gosh this is too much, you’re too kind love <3<3 (blushing like a maiden here).
I’m so happy you enjoy it that much hahaha. I had a lot of fun when writing it and I just effing love all these boys together so damn much. They’re all precious. Brian has red because Freddie talked about how good he’d look in red when he mentioned this fantasy for the first time, in the secod chapter of King of the Sleaze. Also for some reason I’m a slut for Bri in red. And Rog just feels like he goes well with blue. I wonder why... (EYESEYESEYES).
Anyway, you have no idea how much this means to me. Holy fuck you make me smile. THANK YOU HUN <3
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