#love that my mom can just be so casually transphobic to me then dance all jolly in the kitchen like nothing happened
sloaaaa · 3 months
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Survey #479
“war sends our sons to slaughter  /  another failed attack; there is no turning back”
Have you ever boycotted something? Yes: Chick-fil-A. Homophobic, transphobic pieces of shit. Has anyone ever borrowed something from you, and not returned it? Yes, a video game when I was little. I was so mad, lol. Do you vent a lot on social media? No. I don't want people to get annoyed with me. What was your first bill you started paying on your own? I haven't been responsible for any bills yet. What is your favorite charitable cause to donate to or volunteer for? I can't/don't do either really, but if I could, I'd probably donate to uhhhh... suicide prevention organizations. As for volunteering, definitely something with animals. Have you ever dated someone who wasn’t at all your usual type? No. What is something you have no patience for? Waiting at the doctor's office. Have you ever received a misdiagnosis? Yes. What’s that you’re listening to? I'm watching Gab play The Evil Within 2. What kind of relationship do you have with the last person you kissed? We're a couple. What is your biggest accomplishment in life? Still being alive. What is one thing that you really wish you could understand, but don’t? Political stuff. Economics. Have you ever been tutored or tutored someone yourself? I had an Algebra tutor the last time I was in college, and I had to strangle an anxiety attack down because I wasn't understanding the material AT ALL and felt so dumb and annoying. I never did it again. What was the last thing you said out loud (singing doesn’t count)? "It's really embarrassing," to Mom. It really is fucking humiliating that my ankles are swollen from walking/standing more and pushing my desk chair back against the resistance of the carpet. That's pathetic. I'm trying to focus on the fact it's good my body is even reacting to moving more, though. Is everything you have on actually yours? Yep. Do you ever just randomly drive around when you’re upset about something? I don't drive, but if I did, that would NOT be my method of de-stressing. What was the last act of creativity you displayed? Writing an RP post. What’s your favorite department in Wal-Mart? Uh, I guess where you can go see the plants and flowers. Do you find kite flying boring? I LOVED it as a kid. I'd still probably find it kinda fun. Do you have any interest in visiting Japan? Yes, but it's not a massive interest. I've heard the humidity can kill a bitch, and I am NOT into that. Have you ever run a cash register? Yes. I sucked. Have you ever worked as a server? No. Have you ever done the Bratz challenge on YouTube? No, but I saw James Charles do it and it was v unnerving, holy shit. Would you rather paint or carve a pumpkin? Carve. What was your worst experience in high school? My depression as a whole. How much did your senior prom dress cost you? I don't remember. Have you ever been in a serious romantic relationship? Three, if you include my current one. Which part of your body is the most muscular? Uh, nothing? What is the first site you check when you get online, generally? KM. Are you good at creative writing assignments? That's my forte. In elementary school, I actually won a I think county-wide creative writing short story assignment. Not to brag, but I've always been very proud of that, ha ha. Or would you rather just do an informative essay? That's easy for me too, but I prefer writing creatively. Are you more attracted to the badasses, or the goody-goody types? Definitely the goody-goodies. The "bad guys" have never appealed to me romantically. Do you raise your hand or participate in class? I did if I really wanted to ask something or was confident in an answer. What is something BIG you want to do with your life? Make a difference, somehow. What do you think of people who own wild animals? Do NOT just casually take in animals from the wild. That's selfish and just generally disgusting. If you're going to keep an animal generally described as wild and undomesticated, you'd better have a license and deserve that license. Know what you're doing and be certain that keeping the animal in captivity is in the animal's best interest for its unique case. Are you good at explaining things, in general? NOOOOOOOOO, I suck at that. Do you like visiting the mall? Why or why not? Not our mall, no. Its stores suck/are extremely limited, and SO much crime has happened there. Do you like window shopping? Why or why not? YESSSSSSS, mostly on Morph Market, a mostly reptile selling hub online. You can browse TONS of breeders and literally thousands of reptiles, especially ball pythons. They even have a tarantula section I like to look at sometimes. If you lost your job/home/etc., who would likely help you? If I'm losing my home, I'm assuming my mom is gone, so my dad. Why did you first kiss the last person you kissed? We were a couple and I felt like I was supposed to. At that time I didn't see him romantically, but I desperately wanted to. Funny how we're back together and I've no reservations against kissing him now. Feelings change, for sure. Plans for tonight? Girt and I will probably play some WoW Classic together. We've started playing that together, and it's lots of fun with him. :') Has anyone seen you kiss the last person you kissed? Actually, no. Have you ever been kissed in a car? Yeah. Do you think anyone has feelings for you? I know Girt does. Is there anyone in your life that knows right away something’s wrong with you? My mom. Who last made you smile? Girt, 'cuz he's a sweetheart. Where is your mother? She's in bed in her room. She feels like shit. Like, you would think she WASN'T vaccinated, though her long-time doctor has said she'd probably be dead without it while having Covid. Would you rather look at clouds or stars? Stars. Think about your biggest mistake, would you go back and change it? I absolutely would. Are you dating the person you last kissed? Yeup. What is the most immature item you own and actually use? Um. Idk. Do you always take a shower after you have sex? I... didn't know people did this? Like I know women are advised to pee after sex, but full-on showering? No. Do you like chocolate popsicles? Oh hell yeah. Are your parents proud of you? They claim to be. I don't see how. Are you interested in the ocean? Yeah; it's inarguably so fascinating. Hot dogs or hamburgers? I prefer burgers. Have you ever been to a Chinatown in any of the cities you’ve been to? No. Have you ever been to couple’s counseling? No. Do you have any dietary restrictions? No. Have you ever turned down a job offer? No. What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet? A dog named Cali that was a boxer mix. Do you ever pray, even if you don't believe in God? What exactly is the point if you don't believe in God...? Anyway, I don't. Have you ever been to Mexico? No. Have you ever gotten stuck in quicksand before? No. What's the shortest or longest length you've ever had your hair grow? To around the small of my back. The last nest you saw - was it a bird nest or a hornet's nest? I think a bird's? Do you enjoy Jeff Dunham? I don't know if I'd like him as a person, but I do think he's a funny comedian. Who is your favorite character from Frozen? I was never into the movies. I do think Elsa is kinda cool (no pun intended, lol), though. I like that she has her flaws. Did you finish high school? If not, do you plan on doing so? I did. Have you been in a simulator that mimicked a submarine or rollercoaster? A rollercoaster, yes. How often do you go out to eat instead of cooking for yourself? Mom and I try to avoid fast food for our health. We do a pretty good job at it, but sometimes for convenience's sake, we do eat it. What is the largest family of siblings that you know of? This is probably gonna come across as very judgmental, but... it really bothers me. I don't know how many kids she has now, but one of the dance moms from the studio has SO many children; I've completely lost count. Now if you want that many kids and can provide for them, that's cool. But that's not the case. She uses the "if God wants me to have a baby, then it will happen" mentality, and I'm just like... um, no hunny. Poor choices are leading to kids you're not adequately providing for. She uses no methods of protection and literally has twins whose room is a fucking closet. Ugh it just really bothers me. What foreign languages were offered to you at school? A whole lot. Only Spanish and I believe French were offered as in-school courses, but there were lots of online classes. If you were required to take a course right now, what would you choose? Photography. Team Biden or Team Trump? Over my dead body would I have voted for Trump. My vote went with Biden. What is an animal native to your country that may not exist in others? Bison are factually exclusive to North America. Note that bison and buffalo are different. What are some of your favorite autumn activities? Taking pictures of fall scenery. <3 What are some of your favorite winter activities? Going out in the snow. :') Especially with a camera. Do you eat a shit-ton the week before your period? uuugggghhHHHHHH yes Wendy's, McDonalds, or Burger King? Wendy's. What's the weirdest question you've ever asked Alexa? I've never asked Alexa anything. Do you prefer your apple cider to be warm or cold? I've actually never had it. Do you prefer your coffee hot or iced? Y'all know the story of me and coffee. Can you sing the alphabet backwards? I can't. Have you ever sent flowers or chocolates to yourself before? Ha ha, no. Is there any meat that you won't eat? Yeah, fish and ANYTHING that comes from a wild animal. Does your cat use anything other than it's scratching post as a scratcher? When we got him a scratcher WITH CATNIP, the lil butthead ignored it. -_- He scratches the carpet instead. Did you go through a vampire craze before? Are you still going through it? Nah. Have you ever forged your parents' signature on a poor test paper, etc? No. Has a bird ever pooped on you before? Omg, no. I'd die. Have you ever been sprayed by a skunk before? No. Are black jellybeans delicious or disgusting? I HATE them. Have you ever rolled down a grassy hill before? I have! I miss that.
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offbrand-valk · 7 years
So I didn’t manage to post anything yesterday do to real life™ getting in the way, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to catch up today, for starters here’s:
Stephcass week day 5 -   Bonding
(Yeah, I know I went a bit off the rails with this one, it is what it is)
My first impression on the new batgirl probably wasn't the best in the world. I say probably because... Well, she didn't really talk back then, but I did kinda call her a mute demon child made out of criminals' blood and tears behind her back so.
My second impression on the new batgirl wasn't really that much better, considering she had to swoop in and save me from falling off a rooftop, because I wasn't paying attention while practicing the "single ladies" dance.
The less said about 3rd impression the better, let's leave it at the fact that my hair smelled of burned acrylics for a month.
So this was pretty much my last hail Mary attempt to get batgirl to not hate me, and I really needed batgirl to not hate me, seeing as she was pretty much my only chance to have a friend of my own gender I could talk about superheroing with. Technically there were alternatives, I could also go for the oracle who would aggressively sister me, or the scarily buff soldier lady who invited me to a night of drinking and punching transphobes/Nazis.
Besides, I had a sneaking suspicion that Cassandra wasn't really scary or aloof, just shy, and boy did I know how that felt.
Hence: Ice cream!
 "So I was thinking." I said one night when I "randomly" ran into her on patrol. (Yeah I had absolutely been running around the toughest parts of Gotham for an hour looking for her.) She looked up without saying anything, I guessed that was the closest thing to a reply I would get.
"Do you want to, I dunno, maybe someday, when we're not at work, go, i dunno get ice cream or something." I stammered, it was pretty much the scariest thing I've ever done in my life.
Batgirl got up from her gargoyle, and walked way too far into my personal space. "Yes" She said, and somehow I could tell she was smiling beneath the mask.
 Me being me, I of course forgot to actually agree on a date, and next thing I knew Penguin's thugs broke into Gotham National and we had our hands full for the rest of the night.
For a few days I figured I had blown my chance for a bonding session. Until Cassandra walked up to me in her civilian clothes one day after school. "Ice cream?" She asked, and I won't lie, I completely forgot what words were because of the smile she gave me.
No but seriously, who taught her how to dress like that? I know I probably wasn't the best judge of fashion, being a gremlin living in an eggplant hoodie myself (granted a flawless princess gremlin, but still: a gremlin). I was expecting jeans and a t-shirt, not a stylishly casual silk shirt of the kind you saw in the fashion magazines your mom left next to the toilet, and you read because you forgot to bring your phone.
After I eventually stopped choking on air, and remembered why this goddess among men just randomly decided she wanted to talk to me about my most favorite topic of all time, I managed to stumble through a "yes".
 "So uhm, what kind of ice cream do you like, personally I love anything with chocolate or strawberry, but not both at the same time, unless it's white chocolate." I rambled as we walked to the ice cream place.
"Don't know." She said, shrugging as if that was a completely normal thing to say.
"How can you not know what kind of ice cream you like?! Ice cream is like the single greatest invention mankind has ever made! It is the essence of childhood and summer." I said flailing wildly with my arms, had it been anyone but Cassandra I was walking with, I would probably have hit them like 5 times.
"Never had." She replied, and I gasped so loud and for so long that I started seeing stars at the edge of my vision.
"That settles it! We're trying all of the flavors!" I solemnly declared.
 And so we did, with the exception of rum/raisins because that was the grossest thing in existence! "So, which one do you like best?"
Cass (she told me to call her Cass!!!) wrinkled her nose thoughtfully. "Oreo." She said after a few seconds in thought.
"Oh my god, we are so in sync! Oreo is totally the best! It's like, all the best parts of Vanilla and Chocolate, but with little bits of cookie in it! Hey, did you know Oreo wasn't actually the original brand, the original brand was something called O2 made by a Spanish company. Oreo ripped off the idea and started selling them in the US, so by the time O2 started appearing here, everyone thought they were just knock off Oreos!" I said, then hid my face in my hands from embarrassment over dropping cookie knowledge bombs to a brand new friend.
"Talk lots." Cass said, grinning ear to ear.
"I'm sorry, I'll turn it down I promise." I replied, happy that she was willing to just turn it into a joke.
"No, is nice." She said.
"Oh you are gonna regret saying that, I promise you!" I said, but she never did.
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