#love psychic reading canada
taratarotgreene · 8 months
Venus square Nodes, Fated Love Break-ups and more
Astrology is real. If you are not on X,formerly Twitter, you may not be aware of that Tucker Carlson went to Russia to interview Putin and that will be posted on X and on the net. This is exactly literally what the planets are doing right now. Mercury conjunct Pluto at 0 AQUARIUS Mercury=communications,conversations, conjunct Pluto, which is about the death and ending of Power elites, in…
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astrovijayram · 2 years
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Astrologer Vijay Ram is the best person to help you in love related situations. His uncanny abilities make him the best love psychic and best specialist in Toronto . He will understand your mind, guide you towards finding your true love or to the one you are destined to love. Vijay Ramji will also be the best person to help you to make a relationship with someone you already love by providing you with useful love spells.
When one is single, one is anxious to know whether one will meet the right person. During such times, one requires the guidance of a psychic reader. Astrologer Master Vijay Ram is the person to provide the best love psychic reading in Toronto. 
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communistkenobi · 10 months
Hi, you tend to have well-thought-out political opinions (I don't always agree with you, but your reading liveblog were the kick in the ass to make me read Orientalism, and you have managed to change my mind more than once), maybe might have a better answer here than me.
Is there an ideological reason that American (b/c it typically is, god help me) left-of-center types love electoralism so much online (and offline too, tbh. College continues to deal new and fun kinds of psychic damage), but only in the context of the general national elections? I so often receive various extensive breakdowns of reasons that I MUST vote for Biden in 2024, but less about the benefits of, like, getting really invested in my city council elections or the school board.
We have so many freaking elections for goddamn everything because the US/Canada are fuck-off huge that it's super easy to argue for the importance of participating in electoralism and instead I (especially recently) see so many people picking the worst hill to die on, that I really struggle to. Well. Understand why.
I’ll speak mostly to Canada since that’s where most of my formal knowledge comes from and also because I live here lol. Also a lot of what I’m talking about is coming from books I’ve read - Still Renovating by Greg Suttor for example is a pretty in depth history of social policy (primarily housing) in Canada, it’s very dry but is useful for this conversation. This is off the dome and not meant as a PSA or anything, it’s my own perspective, if people want sources for what I’m discussing I can go dig those up, but I’m just putting this disclaimer at the top in case this post leaves my circle.
To answer your question, my instinct is that it’s because north american democracy is increasingly necrotic and disconnected from the general public (with the usual list of caveats about how much liberal capitalist democracies have ever been “for the people”). Reading up on social policy in Canada directly post-WWII is pretty bleak when comparing it to today - social housing used to be a robust part of the housing market, people were paid far better and had far more economic security, our healthcare was freshly socialised and invigorated, the promises of the Keynesian welfare state were generally being met (for a predominantly white middle class electorate, of course), and so on. Even conservatives were basically on board with these things in the 60s, at least in Canada, although that obviously did not last long. And over the decades we have become entrenched in neoliberal cutbacks, the gutting of public institutions, the sale of public space and utilities, the downloading of responsibility for social welfare onto provincial and then municipal governments who have smaller budgets and more limited institutional power, the massive expansion in public-private partnerships, the militarisation of the police - these things really kicked off in the 80s/90s in Canada and have showed little signs of stopping or even really slowing down since (something that also obviously happened in the US). People make the joke that if libraries were suggested as a policy goal today it would be called a communist plot, but it’s true - all of the shit the government offered us forty years ago is unthinkable to even suggest now. Life in general has gotten more difficult as private wealth and deregulation has taken a progressively stronger hold on domestic affairs. This happened slowly over the course of decades, and as political horizons shrunk in terms of what you could expect/demand of your government, there was a real air of this being inevitable, not a result of conscious political decisions but just some organic outcome that no one had control over (“the invisible hand of the market”). Democratic civic responsibility demands we vote as citizens of our country, but for all the reasons outlined above plus a bunch of others I’m sure I’m forgetting, the liberal conception of democratic participation shrunk to the ballot box alone.
And while we all joke about everyone having the historical memory of a goldfish, I think the pandemic made this a deeply dissonant position to hold onto - we saw the government seemingly awake from a long slumber to exercise its might. It placed eviction bans on landlords, enforced mass quarantines and social distancing measures, provided economic relief to people who lost their jobs, stationed itself inside every building and public space to enforce mask mandates, rolled-out universal vaccination programs that were mandatory if you wanted to keep your job - we saw the government flex its power in labour, in housing, in healthcare, in civic life, and at the border in a way previously unheard of, particularly for people who were not alive to experience the welfare state of the 50s and 60s and even 70s. The state revealed itself as the life-structuring force it always had been before receding again, telling everyone to go back to normal as if nothing had happened, as if millions of people had not died in a global plague, as if it had not just demonstrated to everyone in the country that the state can at the drop of a hat order your landlord to stop evicting you and your boss to give you paid time off. This of course didn’t really happen in the US, or at least not nearly to this degree, which resulted in the deaths of over a million people.
So now when politicians perform this same incapacity to do anything, when they trot out hyper-specific policies that might benefit a couple thousand people at most, when they make stupid non-promises and shrink away from even mild forms of social democracy (eg Sanders-style campaign promises), I don’t know how much people buy it. I’m not particularly optimistic about the pandemic radicalising large amounts of people, but I think even if it doesn’t, we saw what happened! And we’ve all seen a million fucking articles about how people don’t want to go to work anymore, about labour shortages, we’ve seen essentially every sector of labour go on some kind of strike in the past two or three years - there is popular organised political participation happening far away from the ballot box, and is only growing in power by the day. Socialism is now a word that exists in the national consciousness, something that was unthinkable even a decade ago. Currently right now we are seeing an international conversation about (and global popular support for) indigenous sovereignty, we are seeing a full-throated articulation of what a LandBack policy would look like, and this comes on the heels of the national Canadian conversation of residential schools and missing and murdered indigenous women. Decolonisation is now a household term. In the case of the US, we are seeing people make the very obvious point that America can conjure billions of dollars to bomb hospitals and civilians, but any social policy to help its own citizens is too expensive, pie in the sky fantasy nonsense.
And by the same token, there is organised right-wing and fascist violence happening in the streets, massive increases in hate crimes, insane political stunts and demonstrations like the Freedom Convoy and 1 Million March 4 Children (inspired by the Capitol Hill storming in the US), Qanon plots to kidnap and execute elected officials - things that right wing parties are actively encouraging, particularly the PPC and CPC. More and more we see that electoral politics is the domain of the far-right, whose culture war issues have the best chance of being realised through the sacred portal of the ballot box. Democrats can’t even offer people legalised abortion now!
I think this is why liberals are in a state of hysteria. A healthy liberal democracy does not require constant, unrelenting reminders to “vote your ass off.” Liberals are very much aware, even unconsciously, that voting does less and less of what they want every single day - you see this openly admitted to by American liberals, who are now doing Hitler % meter calculations about which fascist to vote for come the next federal election. Voting itself is what matters, even as they openly, frantically admit it will do nothing but slightly delay the inevitable.
So to like directly answer your question: I think it has less to do with federal elections as a specific political strategy and more just an expression of anxiety about the fact that voting does not do what you want it to do, or what it once did - perhaps encouraging larger questions if voting does anything at all. If national federal elections don’t do anything, if you voting for the most powerful position on the planet doesn’t really change very much regardless of who’s in power, what is the point of voting at all? So I don’t think they are articulating an actual political strategy or way of doing politics, because by their own admission it’s not going to do much of anything (while at the same time being an existential crisis). I’m in a similar boat to you, I vote in smaller elections where I feel they will do some measure of good (in part because municipalities are responsible for so much more of civic life than they were a few decades ago), I have engaged with the Ontario NDP for several years (although that has come to an end now because of their position on Palestine). Electoralism is a compromise, it is an avenue for potential good, but not always, or even most of the time.
Thankfully there are other avenues for politics - labour organising, protesting, mutual aid support networks, getting involved with community work, even something like local neighbourhood councils. Those are places of political potential, and a single person’s presence in them can make a legitimate noticeable difference (speaking from several years of heavy involvement in community orgs). I have never really felt like I was making a change while voting, but I have felt that way helping community members not get evicted, or offering them free daycare a few times a week, or running programs from lgbtq kids who don’t want to go home after school. Those things legit save peoples’ lives, a lot of them are low stakes relative to their benefit, and they help stave off the alienation and loneliness I know everyone feels. Obviously you run into the same structural problems you would everywhere else, it’s not a paradise by any stretch of the imagination, but they are so many avenues outside of voting that do actually help people around you.
And I think if liberals admit that these actions are more powerful, more effective than voting, they are admitting to themselves that their core beliefs are wrong, that the communists and anarchists are correct and have been correct long before their dumbass was born. They can no longer point to any institution that gives a fuck about them as a defense against left-wing critiques of liberal electoralism. I think that is part of what animates their hysteria, their temper tantrums, their screaming about the only thing to do is do nothing at all. It is a full-throated defense of self-defeat. They are wailing as everything they believe in dies. I’d be pretty upset too if that were me! Luckily I grew out of that when I was like 19
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floral-ashes · 7 months
Book release day! Very queer, very trans, very fun~~ <3
🚨📚 Today is the Canadian release day for my new book Gender/Fucking: The Pleasures and Politics of Living in a Gendered Body! Reviews of the book and links to where you can get it are at the bottom of this post.
But first, some pictures!
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Asking what we can learn from sexual arousal, the book takes an incredibly raw and thought-provoking look at community, queerness, fetishization, trauma, and hope. The book tricks you into reading theory by sandwiching it in erotica. Or maybe it tricks you into reading erotica by sandwiching it in theory? I don’t know anymore...
I decided to go with an indie press that believed in the book and its transformative potential. But it means we don’t have the marketing budget of Penguin et al. I really need your collective help with spreading the word about it. Because it could benefit so many.
Early readers told me it’s a book that unmakes you and puts you back together piece by piece. It hurts, it troubles, and it nourishes. It gives voice to truths that were hidden deep in your bones. That’s how I felt writing it, and what I hope I get to share with all readers. I was using the expression “academic smut” to describe the book, but someone said it might be better called “smut therapy.”
I’ve joked a few times with friends that this is a book best read one orgasm per chapter. But it has more than a grain of truth to it. I do believe that we can learn from arousal, instead of seeing it as the antithesis of knowledge. Don’t disavow the truths of the body.
The book is an ode to the messiness of human experience. I wrote it as a way of healing and of connecting with others. While I foremost wrote it with other queer and trans people in mind, everyone can see themselves in this book and gain from it. We all share in humanity.
This year has been rough, between the intense harassment, death threats, and hate hitting really close to home. Knowing that this book was coming out has sustained me. Knowing that I would have this moment of community, of shared passion, has been a balm on those psychic wounds.
Once you get your copy, post pictures and share your impressions as you read under the hashtag #GenderFucking. You can also tag me! This book is a journey. You will feel deeply. You will have many thoughts. Some challenging, some cathartic, some freeing. All worthwhile.
You can also help me out by posting reviews on Goodreads and Amazon. If you want to write a longer review for a blog or a magazine, or suggest it for review at your favourite newspaper or magazine, that would be tremendous! All help spreading the word is truly appreciated.
Ignite the flames of passion and curiosity. Join me in embracing the raw, vibrant truth of our gendered existence.
𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤:
“This book is a light among a sea of uncertainty and darkness.” -Haley (spoonie.reads)
“This book aroused me, laid bare my trauma, and rang a bell deep in my soul. […] This book could change your life. It changed mine.” -Gwen Marshall, philosopher
“Transsexuality has never been sexier.” -Cáel Keegan, author of Lana and Lilly Wachowski: Sensing Transgender
“By introducing new ways of thinking about love, sex, relationships, and the impending future, this book meditates on the stigma against daring to have a body—and especially a transfeminine body—in public space.” -Amy Marvin, author of Laughing at Trans Women: A Theory of Transmisogyny
For longer reviews, head on over to Goodreads.
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐮𝐲:
Find a local bookstore in Canada by using the “shop local” function of this website.
For a partial list of bookstores in Canada and elsewhere.
For the ‘muricans among you.
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ladysophiebeckett · 4 months
need to talk all of you about this amazing movie i watched after watching a couple of duds (sometimes we have to watch duds to find gold)--
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and you think 'oh its another hallmark movie'--no. as u can see it's 'reel one entertainment'. dont confuse them. (its like the same thing)
anyway--'the marry me pact', starring Rejected Property Brother #19203 (i assume they have more of them in canada) and Brunette American Carey Mulligan--brings the drama in this 'my best friends wedding' rip off.
opens with rory (rejected property brother) on his 29th birthday reminding 'charlotte' of the pact they made at 21--(bc some girl dumped him) that if he wasn't married by 30 he could marry his best friend charlotte (american carey mulligan). and rory wants to cash in bc this is his face when charlotte says 'yeah but u weren't serious right?'
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he was charlotte. he was.
so then she buys him a plane ticket out of miami to like, south america or something. as a present.
then its a year later.
charlotte visits a psychic for research purposes (she's a writer). the psychic tells her 'hey girl there's a man in ur life and also a pact to marry him'. she got all that fm tarot cards. but at no point does she actually do any book research. its over. now the idea of getting a man is in her head.
and boy does it. bc then at the end of the day shes like 'what if rory is the love of my life???' uh u didnt even want him a year ago....
psychic tells her one thing and she's all in.
then rory calls her and is like 'im back in miami' and says 'i have some things i need to tell you'
so they're at dinner (it's pizza at her sister's restaurant. bc a man wrote this so they just eat pizza its their favorite food blah blah blah) and he's like 'yeah i want to settle down. i started to envision that for myself', she's like---
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thinking he's gonna say its her. out of nowhere.
but then rory says 'i met rachel!'
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then rory's like 'oh yeah we're engaged. and getting married in 3 weeks. and also can u be my best man? and on top of that, can u help me plan my wedding, bc im absolutely useless'.
charlotte: uhh
rory: you're gonna love her. she's a nerd like you. she loves food, like you. she loves the green witch fm that musical, like you. in fact, why dont you meet her right now?
yes, why dont we.
this is charlotte and rachel hugging:
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this is rachel in case you're confused.
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and this all three of them having wine in his kitchen--
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that's right. rory went to south america and found the first american brunette that looked like charlotte and called it a day.
this man is sick.
then charlotte's like 'damn it looks like u couldnt get rory to have better taste in art' and rory's like 'uhh that's one of rachel's paintings' and then rachel spills wine on charlotte. but it was an accident.
im not kidding that really happens and i laughed.
moving on to another hilarious moment--charlotte's finally checking her fan mail that's been sitting in her organized office for 6 months--and what does she see? a postcard rory wrote her from chile declaring his love for her and he says in it 'you dont have to reply and nothing will change between us if you dont feel the same way'
charlotte reading this like--
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and what does she do after this? nothing. she just mopes. like a loser.
then later, somehow in a big city like miami, they all run into each other---
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the woman in blue is charlotte's pizza sister, she has a boring ass romantic subplot of her own but it doesn't matter.
the script makes it a point to tell us that rory and charlotte love bookstores bc they 'make them feel safe' while rachel the fiancée complains that she likes hitchcock movies but rory falls asleep during them.
rachel is such a loser for liking 'psycho' meanwhile im pretty sure rory's lying about knowing how to read.
anyway he has the audacity to complain that charlotte hasn't been helping him plan his wedding to another woman, literally in front of her (rachel). bc apparently charlotte's been blowing him off. gee, i wonder why.
then he tricks her into going to find a tux and then he tricks her into trying out a wedding dress with the excuse of 'i just want to make sure i look good standing next to rachel in her dress'
we dont even know what rachel's wearing. but sure.
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anyway, this little freak got what he wanted.
then charlotte's like 'can u get my shoe off, its stuck in the dress' idk how that even happens but whatever--
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then that little freak got what she wanted. ect ect.
of course we get a scene of his brother saying 'hey we always thought you would marry rory lol' and then charlotte leaves immediately.
then we meet the psychic again who says she got a vision of a woman in a wedding dress leaving a wedding. and we think 'oh is she gonna run out on rory?' but the psychic says, what i think is a great line, 'my child, i dont get visions of the future. i get visions of the past'
charlotte and anyone watching this: what?
psychic: i dont make the rules.
this is the worst psychic in miami. she'll give you the lottery's numbers but it'll be the winning numbers fm like, a year ago.
so then its like 10 days before the wedding and we're doing cake testing with rory, rachel and his best friend charlotte.
rachel when charlotte shows up:
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rachel (in private), is like ' wtf is she doing here??'
rory: shes helping us out.
rachel: i thought this was something we could decide together??
rory: i could tell her to go...she does find this all tedious..
rachel: no..i dont want to make things uncomfortable
rory: i think u should be happy someone like her is helping me tho bc im so stupid :\
rachel: yeah ur right :\
personally i think rory is getting away with too much.
so theyre tasting cakes but rory and rachel dont agree and ask charlotte and of course charlotte like's rory's choice, which leads to another hilarious moment--
rachel: well what do you know about wedding cake?
charlotte: i know you never ate your first one
and then rachel almost chokes on her own spit.
fast forward--rory's like 'what was that about?' and charlotte's like 'uh nothing'.
rory: do you mind cutting rachel some slack? its important to me that you two get along.
charlotte: i promise.
so now rory has two women apologizing to him for fuck ups he initiated.
let me remind you that a man wrote this.
then charlotte has to apologize to rachel and takes her to a Hitchcock retrospective. rachel's tells us about her failed engagement that happened 'years ago'. but then charlotte stalks down the ex fiancé and finds out rachel left him a year ago. not 'years ago'.
and if you think that's gonna come up later or be resolved--you're wrong.
then charlotte had to help rory find the location of his wedding and we find out that he hasnt written his vows.
rory: u know im terrible at writing. you'll help me right?
like,,,is there anything rory's good at? i dont think so.
now im fastforwarding filler scenes to get to the bachelor weekend--
the boys and charlotte go on some partnered up seeing sight hike and rory's sprains his ankle in his attempt at trying to win...something.
later that night, charlotte and rory have a talk.
rory: im sorry about the hike. i rushed into it--
charlotte: like you do everything--
rory: what does that mean??
charlotte: you rush into everything--today, the south america trip, this wedding--
rory: you supported me doing that trip--u basically bullied me into doing it--
(she did no such thing)
rory: u dont like rachel. that's the problem.
charlotte: that is not true. i dont think u should be declaring that you're gonna spend the rest of your life with someone u dont even know.
rory: why are you telling me this now? my wedding is next week.
charlotte: exactly! i dont want you making some huge mistake! maybe you need more time to decide if this is something you really want--
rory: i do want this
charlotte: does she?
rory: what are you talking about?
and then charlotte spills about rachel's runaway bride incident and shes like 'does that sound like someone who knows what she wants??'rory's like 'you went behind my back'. which is not true imo.
rory: i would have thought you had more faith in me, as my best friend.
charlotte: your best friend? you barely contacted me while you were away.
rory: i contacted you. i wrote to you. i told you i had feelings for you. that i had feelings for you for years. you ignored it.
charlotte: i never got the post card. not until recently.
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charlotte: it's too late now anyway
rory, grasping at straws: i mean...do u feel the same??
charlotte: it doesnt matter now does it?
rory, still grasping at straws: doesn't it??
and then charlotte says what i think is the best line in this whole movie---
charlotte: no because you left the fate of our relationship to the postal service!
(i just want to say that it is no way the post office's fault. that fan mail bag was in her office long before that. so the USPS delivered. she just just never bothered to read her fanmail. USPS is a great service and we should continue to support it. thank you. )
rory, seeing that he's not gonna his shot with charlotte: so why are you bringing this up to me now? we had all of our 20's for you to tell me how you felt. now im engaged and im happy and you want to dredge all this up---
( he's the one who brought up the postcard!!! he also could have said something in his 20's!!!! )
Charlotte: all of this has been really hard for me
rory: so what do u want me to do? not get married? have you and i try and figure out whats going on?
(that's literally what he wants. he's still hanging on for hope)
charlotte: I can't tell you what to do.
rory: you know what? this is so selfish of you. i cant believe that you chose this moment to do this.
charlotte's face rn:
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girl ur being gaslight !! get out!!!
rory: i would have expected a lot more fm my best friend. i think u should leave and i think its best you dont come to the wedding.
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he's literally the worst. he didn't get his declaration of love and he's like 'okay get out. ur uninvited to the wedding i made you help me plan'
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anyway shes back to moping when really she should have booked a flight out of miami to get away fm him.
she gets flowers and she thinks its fm him--
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WRONG! its her agent telling her to get her ass up and get to work!!
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and she's really happy about it. she's like 'i love work. work is never gonna uninvite me to its wedding or gaslight me or make me plan a wedding'.
then rory and rachel have a pizza dinner night before their wedding and they realize they dont dont know anything about each other and when rachel tells him to ask her anything, he has nothing to ask her.
yeah because he doesnt care about you rachel. ur were a charlotte replacement. wake up.
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also this card is fm target. i know bc i have this same stack in my drawer.
its the wedding day and rachel's missing (the escalade broke down) and rory's panicking but he makes his brother call her. this man is useless. he has everyone else doing thing for him. can someone kill him?
so charlotte sees rachel running through the park and she's like 'i'll help u get to wedding on this scooter and i promise it wont look gay'
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that promise was broken.
so rory and rachel make it down the aisle and they almost do get married until rory has his flashback thinking about charlotte and then at the same time rory and rachel stop the wedding. but instead of rory being a man and being the one to say 'i cant marry you bc i love someone else' --rachel is the one to stop it and take the blame. she runs out and gets charlotte.
rory tries to apologize for being a dick but charlotte doenst let him and then takes more blame.
you think theyre gonna get married but luckily that doesnt happen.
rory: you know i think you'd make a better wife than best woman
(so he's still trying to trap her)
charlotte: for now why dont we get a slice and watch some figure skating?
rory: i like that.
yeah, those are things HE likes to do. we dont really know what SHE likes to do.
and then they kiss--
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i know i said at the beginning that this was an amazing movie and if you've read this far, you're like 'this wasn't amazing'.
i said it was amazing, i didnt say it was good. it was just incredibly messy and i think rory should die.
3\5 stars for being incredibly messy.
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hide-in-imagination · 3 months
How do you think the plot of the series would have progressed if Luna and Ambar had stayed in the mansion much longer during the fire, before they come to save them? I mean, they were in the place for quite a long time breathing in the smoke directly, if the firemen got to the place later, it could have turned out much worse. So, back to my question, what do you think would happen next if they had to go to the hospital immediately, because they were already unconscious after inhaling a lot of smoke? I mean it in the sense of Simbar, like how Simon would probably react if he and the boys subsequently came to the mansion and they told them that both Ambar and Luna were in the hospital, etc. I don't know if you didn't already answer a similar question, but after what I this came to mind, I just had to ask my favorite Simbar creator 😅❤️
Anyway, I have to say that I love the new chapter of Roads! Although I cried and I read it for about two hours, because after reading one paragraph I always had to put my phone down and breathe every single sentence I just read, so I love how you described the whole situation, it was really something, incredibly good you described everything and i love it! At the same time, I hate the thought of waiting for the next chapter, but I know that the wait will always be worth it, and especially I can't wait for more updates to your other stories, like Cruel Summer or even a oneshot about Simon. I can't even put into words how much I love your work! And above all, please take care of your health and enjoy the summer! XOXO 💋❤️💞
🥹🥹 I can not explain how much your message meant to me, I genuinely teared up a little 🥹 💕
I'm so happy that you liked the chapter so much 😭 I worked hard on it. It makes me feel so good that the effort payed off. I mean, of course at the end of the day we writers write for ourselves, because we enjoy it, but it really warms our heart when our readers tell us they loved it too 🥹 So thank you so much for that, and thank you for having so much patience with me hahah I know the waits are very long.
I promise to enjoy the summer when I go to Canada, hahah. God, I miss the sun!!
Now, as to your question. I... actually wrote something along those lines already SDLKJFS. SPOILERS, I GUESS. But, um, that's in the universe of one of my works, not in the universe of the actual series, so, I'll answer according to the canon material.
So, I did some research about this, and it is to my understanding that most victims of smoke inhalation would be treated to on site immediately instead of taken to the hospital, either because there was a paramedic with the firefighters or the firefighters called emergency medical services. Now, it sounds way more dramatic if they're taken to the hospital, and I guess they would be if their symptoms were bad enough, so, for drama's sake, let's forget about reality for a second, shall we? 😂
So, I guess the guys would go to the hospital immediately after being informed of what happened. If the girls are conscious and well enough to have visits, they could talk. Since they're rich they might each have their own private room, or they might share because they're legally family, I don't know. Like I said, it depends on how bad their symptoms are. They could just be in observation and have no rooms at all.
I imagine Matteo would make a quip to Luna about how "I know I did this to you once (end up in a hospital bed) but I wasn't expecting you to get even with me." 😂
Simón would be very worried and in Care-taker Mode, and in his case, unlike Matteo, he would probably have to deal more with the emotional damage rather than the psychical one. You know, try to reassure Ámbar that Sharon will be fine (she was taken to the hospital too but is in way worse condition), and support her through her guilt, because she'd probably feel bad for 1- The fact that her godmother burned the mansion, she can't believe she would do that, and 2- What if her godmother dies and the last thing Ámbar did was betray her by telling everyone her plans?
Suffice to say, Ámbar is crying, and that doesn't help her poor lungs that are recovering after being deprived of oxygen, so Simón would try to calm her down, and just, hug her, you know? She needs it. She needs to be held right now.
I imagine the girls would be free to go home after a few hours (their symptoms stabilized so they have no reason to keep them, but they're advised to come back for a check up if any other symptom shows up in the following days), which would bring up the problem of-- Where can they go to? Sure, it's not like the whole mansion burned down, far from it, it was a couple of rooms at most, but that still means damage to the house foundations, and that needs to be checked and secured before they're allowed to go near the area. Not to mention the smoke needs to clear out. Could they use the opposite wing of the mansion? Is it far enough from the damage? Would it be safe enough? Maybe. Tbh I'm not sure. But I do think it'd take at least a day before they're permitted to stay there. And this affects everyone.
I imagine Matteo would be like "You're all coming to my house", but 1- While his dad is rich and the house is big, they can't fit all those people, and 2- Even if they could, Matteo's dad wouldn't permit it, so, I think Simón and Pedro would go to Matteo's house with him (much to Matteo's annoyance because he wanted to help Luna and her family but his dad only allowed the guys to stay) while Mónica, Miguel, and Luna would be received at Nina's house. (Alfredo goes to one of his friend's house. Maybe his girlfriend/not girlfriend?👀 I don't remember that storyline, but you go, Alfredo, take the chance to flirt.)
I imagine Rey and Maggie have their own apartments so they would be fine (Or they would be held in jail, I don't know, I honestly don't care sdfjn)
Where does Ámbar go though? skjdfn. I guess Matteo's dad could be convinced to let her stay as well. After all, he knows Ámbar from when she used to date his son, and he probably approved of the relationship because of her high status, so he might have no issue with her staying. Hell, maybe he would even want Matteo to get back together with her 😂 But it becomes clear very soon that she's dating that other guy Simón now, and plus, Luna is the new heir of the Benson fortune, so he approves of Luna now (status-seeking money-leech).
((Was it ever mentioned what Matteo's dad thought of Lutteo?😂 I don't remember and I don't care. If my estimations are contradicted by canon, sue me, I'm not re-watching Matteo's scenes))
I would love it if this forced Simón and Ámbar to share a room 😂 But I'm sure that wouldn't be the case. The guys would offer to share one so that Ámbar could be comfortable on her own.
(Although, Simón could sneak into her room after everyone goes to sleep...👀 It was a very tough day for her and maybe Ámbar would appreciate not having to sleep alone. Just a thought.)
After that, the mansion is deemed safe enough to be inhabited again (as long as they stay clear of the damage zone, which they'll have to start working on repairs for, obviously) and everything goes back to pretty much normal.
That's all I can imagine, anon. I hope it served your curiosity ❤️🫶
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mychaotic-academia · 1 year
I’ve never posted any “about me” stuff so here’s some random me-based facts if anyone was curious!
I am 27 going on 28 (my birthday is October 21st)
I’m married to the love of my life, Vee, and she and I met when I was 18 and she was 21. I auditioned for her A Capella group in college and she fell in love instantly (the funny part is I was just thinking “I hope this girl lets me into her A Capella group” but I wasn’t far behind)
I have a cat named Bunny that I’m obsessed with. She’s a calico short hair and I do sometimes post pics! I tag them #Bunny
I work as a paraeducator in a high school, which basically means I help students with IEPs and such in classrooms. Right now I work in a classroom for students returning to school after school avoidance or hospitalizations. I love my job!
I’m in graduate school to get my Special Education degree so I can become a Special Ed teacher. I love being in classes again and I’m excited for the new step in my career!
I majored in Psychology in my Undergrad, and the 4 years I spent at University were amazing! I was originally going to be an adjustment counselor, but changed my mind.
I’m a creative person, and I write (poems, stories, novel length projects that never come to be), paint, play music, and sing. I sometimes post some of my creative content here too!
I’ve been a voracious reader since I was old enough to read. Before that my Dad read to me every night before bed. We kept that up through sometime in Middle School as we read all the Harry Potter novels, most as they were coming out (I’m old!)
I’m a pagan and a not quite professional but working on it psychic. I love doing readings for folks so ask away! I’m working on getting fluent enough to pick up a gig somewhere as a reader.
My parents are both writers. My mom has a published book of poetry and is published fairly widely for her poetry. My dad has self published two novels (he didn’t want to deal with getting a publishing deal but his books are good!)
I’m majorly into aesthetics and general awe. I see beauty everywhere and I’m constantly amazed by the world. My theory is that I’m a brand new soul and so everything is exciting to me, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
My old blog (if I follow you it is unfortunately still my “main”, nullnvoyd) was a BPD blog. I deleted everything and pretty much deactivated it as far as I could because it wasn’t helping. I’ve struggled with mental health since I was a kid, but am in a very good place right now, which feels amazing.
I was diagnosed with ADHD a couple of years ago and it has explained so much!
I live in Massachusetts and am watching the trees for any signs of leaves turning because it truly is a marvel to live in New England in the Fall.
I was born in Newfoundland Canada. My parents grew up there. In the early-mid 90s (when I was born) the fishery crashed and Newfoundland had unemployment of around 30+%. My dad got a job down here because he was, at the time, one of the few people who could do what he does with computers. I’m still only a Canadian citizen, mainly because its expensive to become a citizen in the US. I want to be a citizen for the next election though so I’ll have to prioritize it.
I used to own a crystal shop, but its down for now because I’m working and in school full time.
I was on Tumblr back in the day, when it was at the height of its popularity. I think it was 2011 or 2012 when I made my first account. Crazy how time flies once you leave public education and start getting older.
I love makeup and fashion, and I was self conscious about it for a long time because it didn’t feel like an “intellectual” pursuit, but that was completely a misconception. They are forms of art!
So thats a bit about me! Theres more, I’m sure, because people always contain untold multitudes, but those are what I could think of on half a cup of coffee on a Sunday morning.
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Blah Blah:
Well, my back is definitely getting better but it's still nowhere near back to normal... It honestly wouldn't bother me so much if I knew what the hell I did to piss it off so badly.
Seriously, I've been wracking my brain for days trying to think of anything I could have done that would have put me out of commission for an entire week and unless I'm completely mistaken the day I hurt it we mostly hung in, worked on music, and only really stepped out briefly to grab a pizza.
Oh well, at least it's heading in the right direction.
In other news, we're working on fleshing out a bunch of Rot Coven tracks that we wrote while recording the new album. Musically it'll be about what one would expect from us (ugly death/ noise/ doom) except we're both doing vocals on this one and a couple of tracks vary up the tempos a bit more than usual. Might be a while before it's done. We'll see.
KEN Mode - Dissonant noise rock/ hardcore from Canada. Cut from pretty much the same cloth as Great Falls, Yautja, Faking, etc. Been listening to a ton of their most recent album in anticipation of the new one that's coming out next month.
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Defiled - Long running Japanese band. At first glance they'd seem like your average "meat and potatoes" death metal band: No frills, fairly ugly and grizzled, mostly pretty fast. But then you start to notice how weird and angular and almost "proggy" a lot of their riffs are, and how theres a ton of odd part changes and some seriously weird interplay between the riffs and the drums, and all of a sudden they start to sound a bit like Zeni Geva sped up to 3x normal speed.
This newest release is pretty great, but I think "In Crisis" is still my favorite of their albums.
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Psychic Teens - I hadn't listened to Psychic Teens in kind of a while before one of their tracks popped up on shuffle while I was doing laundry last week and reminded me how good this album is.
Think: Scrungy, sweat stained, noise rock ala The Jesus Lizard welded to gloomy vocals and the heavily reverbed-and-chorused guitar tone of "Dreamtime" era Cult.
Video Games:
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk - How long has it been since they announced this game? Four years? Maybe five? Something like that... Cool that it's finally out. I've only had time to play it for about half an hour so far but it seems like they definitely nailed the Jet Set Radio vibe.
The first JSR is pretty close to my favorite game of all time so I'm really stoked to dig in and spend some time with this.
Gonna make a run at the Drizzt books by R.A. Salvatore 'cos I loved them when I was a kid and haven't re-read them ever. I seem to remember them being like a Jean Claude Van Damme movie set in the Forgotten Realms and I really hope they live up to that.
Dust Devil - Watched this with DD last night... One of my favorite films ever. Up there with Razorback, The last Wave, Hardware, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I love how Namibia looks like a dead planet and how that lends the whole movie a ghostly/ otherworldly feeling that totally suits the story of a predatory spirit bound in human flesh.
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ramswamypsychics · 1 year
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iamblue15 · 2 years
(Grand Canyon, AZ)
Calamity Coraline: (Carrying Raz and Lili) Ooookay? This doesn’t look like the place where you'd find the hidden headquarters of psychic espionage.
Lili: Yeah, the last place we'd wanna gather at is one of the country's biggest tourist spots.
Calamity Coraline: Can you at least be grateful i'm offering you a ride?
Raz: (Reading a designated Psychonauts GPS) We went way too far west that we flew out out Pacific Northwest.
Calamity Coraline: Guess I need to control my distance, I've only ever flown to the Pink Palace and back at the Shack.
Raz: Ok, try heading northeast this time, same stretch.
Calamity Coraline: Copy that, navigator.
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(San Francisco, Ca)
Raz: Well, we're getting closer.
Calamity Coraline: How about you just lend me that thing?
(As she goes to grab it, the device flies out of his hand. She attempts to catch but the GPS avoids every her every time like trying to catch an annoying mosquito)
Calamity Coraline: For the love of- Raz, knock it off!
Raz: It's not me!
Lili: It's a classified security measure for undesignated civilians. Try all you want but your normie hands won't even come close.
Calamity Coraline: (Groans) Psychic stuff can be so annoying!
Raz: Tell me about it. (Catches GPS) Alright, head north but cut down on the speed.
(Vancouver, Canada)
Lili: (Sarcastically) Huh, it's gotten a little colder here than usual. Climate change is looking scary.
Calamity Coraline: I swear to god, I will toss you out of the stratosphere.
(Many trips later)
(Motherlobe, ???)
Hollis: What is going on? Razputin and Ms Zanatto were supposed to arrive hours ago!
Sasha: I offered to send them the jet but they said they would use another mode of transportation but didn’t clarify what that will be.
Milla: Everyone look!
(Milla points at the sky where does a light blue light coming straight for them!)
Everyone: (Coughs)
Sasha: Quickly! Formation!
(As the smoke clears, what it reveals is...)
Raz: (Nervously laughs) H-hi Agent Forsythe, Nein and Vodello! Apologies for being late.
Sasha: Raz?! Lili?! And you are?
Calamity Coraline: I-its me, Coraline Jones, Agent Nein. This (Gestures her new form) Is what we wanted to talk to you about.
Hollis: Than you better not waste anymore of our time.
Lili: (Loudly Slurps)
(Lili drinking out of souvenir cup from the San Diego Zoo gains everyone’s attention.)
Lili: What? 
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astroramtulasiji · 28 days
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Astro Ram Ji: A renowned astrologer extending intensive services across the USA and Canada. Expertise in Vedic astrology and love psychic medium readings are his hallmarks. His transformative influence uplifts lives, fostering enduring contentment. #AstrologicalLuminary #VedicInsights #LovePsychic #LifeEnrichment #planets #cosmic #natalchart #moonphase #sunsign #astroguidance
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bestlovespellsinusa · 3 months
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ramswamypsychics · 1 year
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sagar77777 · 4 months
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Psychic Reading In Victoria, Canada
Psychic Reading In Victoria, Canada Astrologer Srimatha is serving everyone by means of showing him the right direction to get out of trouble. Love, profession, relationship, budget and there are many things that he guides. In his popular paintings experience, he has helped human beings, however by no means allowed them to trust in superstitions. Black Magic Removal In Kawartha Lakes, Canada
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astroramtulasiji · 2 months
Astro Ram Ji: A renowned astrologer extending intensive services across the USA and Canada. Expertise in Vedic astrology and love psychic medium readings are his hallmarks. His transformative influence uplifts lives, fostering enduring contentment. #AstrologicalLuminary #VedicInsights #LovePsychic #LifeEnrichment
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