#love obeguda still though
mako-neexu · 1 month
love obeguda because oberon's brand of care is that he wants guda happy in a way guda would be away from danger and they deserve a good reward and rest. especially when oberon cant help but clench his jaw and bare his teeth upon those he cares about being foisted a role upon them and thus have to bear the burden of their responsibilities he seriously loves guda and cas
but then edguda hit my brain with a spiked bat that it changed me in march and made me realize i truly love seeing guda suffer and would like to see them move forward and experience more horrors nonstop i am an unforgiveable person but even so i want them to be happy at the end of it all wow i really have proto merlin's mindset ww) its just that dantes' mindset is great because the deeper despair youre in, the happier you'll be when you achieve what you want... even in simple moments such as spending time with each other for but a second, it becomes a luxury you cant help but treasure so deeply and in the face of despair your heart will not go back to the way it once was. in the lull of a dream you can only be cradled in sweet embrace and theres nothing wrong with that but its always so satisfying to see someone claw their way through desperation with bloodied fingertips, their faces twisted in so much agony and when they find light at the end of it all. their smiles tend to be the brightest in the sky so much like a star that stands out in the inky black darkness of the night i love you edguda
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trashybugs · 2 years
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[Obeguda malewife AU] 
she just wants a kissy....
Oberon haven't given her a single kiss ever since they got married :( he only acts charming and affectionate to woo her to marry him, but he stops acting like that. not because he's mean or he doesn't love her, but because he has his past life memory as a servant and he's still traumatized from being a pretender and being branded as a liar by the world. 
even though in his current life he doesn't have the curse, he still keeps second-guessing himself does he really love Guda or not. he avoids speaking words of love cause  he's scared the moment the word came out of his mouth it will turn into a lie
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mako-neexu · 9 months
obeguda is,,, insane... this year we had the material give us extra info on him which reveals the true meaning of his VD, the ENTIRETY of summer event istg, then the uhh foot event.. but in any case hes so sweet he loves guda so much.. he only ever worked with guda's interests in mind🥺 he investigates the situation for guda and even said that he would watch from behind the monitors of the command room,, he gives advices to guda just when theyre in danger/panicking, he always happen to there to during when guda needs some help, during white day even, he dressed up as idol beside merlin bc guda requested it, even though we know he doesnt want to deal with him to the point of masking his spirit origin from him,, then he also showed up as butler for hotel beside muramasa but even though he ended up not being helpful, i think he still complied bc guda asked him to be butler for a week at the hotel,,and of course my favorite line of why!!!! not!!! trust!!!!! someone else!!!!!!!!!! OTHER!!!!!!!!!!! THAN ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hes so cute he loves guda............ and then as nemo christmas is approaching some artists are drawing him as "guda's accomplice" because its their request.. oberon is more willing to help them/hear them out... cute...
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mako-neexu · 1 year
i love obeguda so much so much VD shows how much guda holds oberon in pretty high regard because of their question to castoria about whether oberon will hate their present or not, they still banter with him though, there is snark and retort in their friendship its evident they are able to rely on each other as made canon by summer event, various mentions in other VD and interludes, material book thirteen, lb6 itself.... oberon's feelings towards guda is like "fluffy pink"... when back then everyone almost thought "ah its a dark kind of love?" but its fluffy pink! its a fluffy pink of "i wish for your happiness" (i wish for "your after"!)
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mako-neexu · 10 months
[wip tag game] I am crawling into your askbox to see what happens when I poke the button labeled "obeguda fairy ball" with a stick (and maybe also the other obeguda button)
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hello! thank you for the asks! as of now, i havent gotten to the part where oberon is in it yet but it is basically the fic in which i put ritsuka in a "bridal" gown i like and sending her to a dangerous mission that would also give me jealous/possessive oberon haha
Ritsuka smiles and curtsies just slightly as she and the elf she had talked to had finished their conversation.
As she moves along the crowd, she makes sure her mask was in place, her small faux fairy wings avoiding the crowds, taking care not to step on her white backless mermaid dress...a mystic code Miss Crane and Da Vinci had worked on for a little more than a month.
Ritsuka knew that they loved to add intricate designs such as the very faint stardust that gleamed just enough for a person to see as well as the embroidery but was the sweetheart neckline necessary? And these arm-length satin gloves seemed just for show as well.
She could only hope Da Vinci was telling the truth that she wouldn't get a scratch despite wearing the dress and gloves as well as a pair of matching thigh-high stockings… At least the golden flower hair ornament that was embedded in her bun wasn’t distracting. Besides, she would be lying if she said that she didn’t like the temporary change in her hairstyle.
At least the spells she included in it was enough for both offense and defense battles.
That didn't mean she wouldn't be able to run around with ease considering the heels they had her wear...and if it comes down to it, she’s prepared to tear a slit into her dress to run for her life.
Still, the important thing for the night is to lead one of the leaders of the ongoing war into a secluded area and have him get incapacitated by Oberon, who was watching the ball unfold below from the large rounded stained glass window high above them.
Though some of the security measures outside were now disabled thanks to Mash and Medusa, it was up to her to execute the final stages of the plan.
"Did you hear? The human bride he's going to choose tonight will be a special one!" Said one of the fairies, their excitement as apparent as day.
Ritsuka thanks the waiter after taking a drink that was offered, slowly walking past the fairies that gossiped.
"Naturally, as its a full moon, he would want one of those things again and turn it into a puppet for destruction. Y'know how he planned to turn the tides of war to his favor, right?"
She observes the couples that were on the dance floor, gracefully gliding across the room as they followed the music.
This step of the plan was the hardest.
Finding the leader should be an easy task considering his status and aura. But he was said to be a shapeshifter that liked to mingle among the crowd to personally pick his targets.
So on top of acting as one of the fairies invited to this occassion, she was supposed to discern which ordinary looking fairy he was before he revealed himself and announced who his bride was for tonight.
Because if he did, the final cycle of the war would be complete, eradicating the humans of the lostbelt regardless whether they were outsider or not.
She has to act fast and try her best to safeguard the girls that were likely candidates for him tonight. Though they were treated normally like the other guests, she'd like to save them too as she saw their ashen faces forced to smile amongst the crowd.
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mako-neexu · 1 year
im still overwhlemed but again, netsuyumi's obeguda today is amazing.
to drink poison just like that? seriously, your heart will never go back to the way it was anymore. it is said to be a lethal dose that can kill you on the spot too? isnt your heart too transparent? its a good thing oberon came in time and saved guda before the man administered sleeping pills to guda's drink next so he can sell guda to the black market...
i think this is my first time seeing a comic where the extreme poison immunity of guda is addressed. "a woman who is foreign immortal would fetch a fine price"... i love it when i read it. not only is it just poison, but alcohol as well... the said details made me scream. wait i just noticed now but theres three cups!?!?!? did you give guda THREE cups of extremely lethal poison? www this guy ww eugh my heart cant take it!! i love the detail of the man getting scared of guda, naturally. but going back i like this guy's thinking. crushing the nerves in guda's hand, cutting guda's throat so as not to leak info after administering sleeping pills in the next drink... only then he sells her to the black market for a high price...
ahh oberon saving her just at the right time is amazing but ugh guda heart transparent moment was the best. you worried over the one who poisoned you first? guda didn't even care if it was poisoned or the alcohol was something else... she simply had the hunch about the man she was conversing with. and the look in guda's face drives me insannnneeeeeeeeeeeeee
the heart is transparent at its finest <3 although there is no evidence of poison in the drink/s, if she refused to drink she might not have gotten information at all. if she did drink it (if it is a poison that would instantly kill), the man would loosen his lips on the info guda needed... because there was no other. choice.
"If it ever happens again, I'm sure I'll make the same choice again. As much as possible, singularities should be resolved early because its preferable. I don't think its wrong if I act for that matter."
also yumi's end notes for that is being: if the singularity is resolved quickly, if it will only endanger guda and not anyone else... that is guda's reasoning....
THEN OBERON'S FAIRY EYES MOMENT GODDDDDDDDDDDD "i know why oberon is angry" "sorry. it was thoughtless of me to do that"
what are you doing!!!! youre making me fear for you gudaaaaa!!! OBERON'S POV THOUGH!! AGHHGGH!!! AGH! "sorry if thats how you see it." "no matter what i will say,your way of thinking will not change. because your circumstances wont allow you to" WONT!!!!!!!!! ALLOW!!! YOU TOO!!!!!!!!
the omakes made me laugh though wwwwwwww the guy now tied up went from "oi, ill bribe you with money! side with me and catch that woman and sell her to the black market!" to ("ah this insect looking guy likes her so-") "along with the money, you keep the woman, wdyt?" to also eventually having thoughts of "on top of this woman having a strong heart, she has a pretty face...maybe ill make her mine." and oberon progressively just wanted to kill him then and there its so funny wwwwwwwwwwwwww
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mako-neexu · 1 year
[violent urges] obeguda. summer 8. "rely on people other than me".
implies. how much oberon loves guda. because even though his wish is to "make Titania happy". because he thinks guda being titania wouldnt make guda happy.
"rely on people other than me". oberon is guda's friend. he understands them well. he understands guda's heart well. and for that, guda's trust to oberon is very deep. profound...a bond that went past the usual relationships formed with guda. so it would make sense guda would lean on him when it counts.
to give fujimaru a semblance of normalcy, he wants them to "rely on people other than me". normalcy as much as possible. something they most likely wont have once all of this is over.
"rely on people other than me".
i can interpret this as so many things. "i'm not your destined one/soulmate". "only rely on me when no one will be by your deathbed, call me with a sigh." "until then, focus on your star. focus on what you have on the present" "be with everyone as much as possible. after all, your bonds and memories are what you cherish, right?" "even recurring actors need intermissions in between plays" "knowing you, you still have much to do before you could fall into the abyss. so rely on people other than me. hah don't tell me you forget that im britain's doomsday device? the abyssal insect itself? you really are an idiot for relying on me...hm? me coming to your rescue? haha please dont make me laugh. i might vomit on you" "rely on people other than me." "i want you to be happy"
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mako-neexu · 9 months
Oh no what are they doing to Oberon? I know he got a little focus in the summer event but still was a gross little freak but what is happening to him now?
ahh well its just something i noticed for the whole year? theres a lot of merch of him but its mostly showcasing his princely side + the recent events with him involved + fgo's decision to make him less inhuman by just giving him a hoodie from hot topic but removing his insect features.........im happy with how much attention hes getting but the more they showcase him, the more there feels like there will be changes....
though i think its kind of sweet in obeguda perspective, im kinda not happy😅? i did fall in love with him bc of his monster arm and legs + his cape of corpses + his form as a literal insect straight out of your nightmares after knowing his character as a whole... so i just wishing fgo would balance on maintaining his inhuman image and his 'princely' image haha
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mako-neexu · 1 year
Aahh you read Death is the only ending for the villainess too!! I love the story and the artist's fate fanart they've done. Callisto actually resembles Gilgamesh to me sometimes though that just might be the coloring. However, an Obeguda death is the only ending au 👀👀...
SERIOUSLY!!!! I thought at first: "Why is Ou-sama here!?!?!?" XD wwwww But he's the best!!! Callisto is the best male lead ever!!!! I read the manhwa a few months ago but I just got back to it now and I have brainrot over it wwww
I loved your idea so I made mini fic!! TvT
I would have loved for Hakuno x Gil death is the only ending AU, but I'm not familiar with her yet ehehe. But I did my best with Obeguda!! Thank you for ask!! I didn't know anon likes both fgo and maybe villainess manhwa 😂🥰
Also the mini fic ended in yakudou trio moment hahaha XDD
Ritsuka knew something was wrong the moment their highnesses had entered the ballroom.
It was the crown prince who had always occupied the emperor’s seat, if only by proxy as he was said to be sickly according to the novel…
She knew who would be sitting on that damned massive chair. But as soon as she saw Tristan and Baobhan Sith by Morgan’s side-
She had a terrible hunch about a certain someone’s reaction.
Of course, of course. They wouldn’t invite the likes of him to the crown princess’ birthday party. Still, Morgan and her children should have known by now that nothing ever good comes out of angering him.
She cringed at the thought and decided to stay away from one of the people who would one-hundred-percent guarantee her death.
As fate would have it, the doors slammed wide open, the loud bang causing screams of shock and confusion to spread throughout the room.
Baobhan’s shriek was one that ripped through all of the noise, “M-Mother–!!! H-He’s carrying a–!!”
“A corpse.”
The uninvited guest cheerfully spoke as the dull thud of the body was accompanied by a wet noise, “Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of what happens to people at the end of their life, my little sister?”
Goddamnit, Oberon Vortigern!!!
While maintaining a fairy-tale like facade, he could easily kill someone with one hand, sword or not. The novel said that that wasn’t his “true” appearance per say, as he only revealed it to the real heroine of the story, Titania, when their relationship eventually progressed.
It was hard enough to get through his route in easy mode, but now that she was playing the role of a villainess?
It was practically impossible to make sure she gets at least ten percent on this cursed affection meter on top of their heads!
Still, she would have to find out if the reset button exists, her only hope of going back to her world.
After the bloodstained prince had said his piece towards the family sitting on the throne, a game notification appeared in place.
A new episode had begun: “The Prince of Liars and Fairies, Oberon Vortigern.”
Would you like to be teleported to the maze garden?
Ritsuka half-wished her only friend in this world was right by her side. 
Castoria!!! You were fucking right!!!! She should have just stayed in the forest with her instead of attending this stupid ball!! ARGHHHH!!!!
Nevertheless, she pressed on the [YES] button before the timer for it counted down ahead of her. Seriously, why even put a [NO] option? When she gets her hands on the being who thrusted her into this world…
Her next blink was the sight of the very garden itself that Titania had confessed her love to. And the very place Oberon swore to protect her.
Ritsuka had to admit that what she was doing was stupid… but she had to try for that reset button. To be able to get back home, to be able to survive in this messed up game.
“I connected shit.”
“No, you didn’t! Oh my god! For the hundredth time, it's because you were going to kill me back then!”
“Nope, nope. Lalalala~ I’m able to see lies~ You know that well by now!”
“Urgh, Castoria!!!!!”
The fairy could only snort and laugh at her two friends. She also didn’t think they would be able to genuinely fall in love with each other, but here they are, arguing already like an old married couple.
“Oi, oi, who are you calling an old married couple!?” The prince growled out, reaching out to painfully pinch her cheek- “H-Hey, that hurts! Isn’t that true though!? Gah!”
“It is not!” They simultaneously said, like an old married couple.
Ritsuka puffed her cheeks before crossing her arms, “As if you don’t act like one with the greatest blacksmith in the kingdom.”
The way her face immediately heated up as she stuttered caused her to internally scream while spewing out excuses, “W-What the!? Muramasa!? That boomer!? Are you serious, Ritsuka!? Psh, as if! He lectures me way too much! I really really hate it! I also hate how he g-g-g-gets rid of his shirt off whenever it's scorching hot. Fuck, I hate him! AAAAA-”
And Ritsuka’s laugh caused her to finally shut up. “Cas, I never said anything about Muramasa.”
“Weren’t you paying attention, tomboy?” Castoria didn’t miss the way her friend’s hand was entwined against Ritsuka’s own.
With Oberon’s tongue sticking out and a finger against his cheek to pull a mocking face at her, she grabbed onto her sword with a battle cry to destroy his ass for pushing her into a beauty contest with Knocknarea and Bageko from last month. Ugh, she should rob him too while she’s at it.
Ritsuka had to admit that her experiences here were nothing compared to what she usually witnessed back home…being the center of a reverse harem novel world of all things…but her goals have not yet changed.
She will still do her best to find a way back home even if the chances of finding it seems kinda bleak. But with moments like this, underneath the sunlight with two of the people she cherished the most, she finds that she could forget about those thoughts for a while and be at peace with them.
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mako-neexu · 1 year
What do you think it would take to legitimately break guda? Not in the way where they will recover within a few hours/minutes like in lost will, but legitimately mentally*break*. The kind where they go ape shit, cutoff their emotions cause it's too much, or become an emotional wreck. Breaking in a way where they are no longer able to function semi-normally as they have been if not become a full on beast of humanity.
i think thats an easy question.
Hmm but ngl canon-wise outright Beast Guda would never happen (or they would die first before it comes to that/or juvenile beast at best??? seal designation is also their next sentence if part 3 happens in the current world where chaldea is persecuted)
... bc they really dont have the ability to give up/cant afford to give up given how bloodstained their hands are at this point, except it did in some way happen in a jp event but thats an event and not canon.
So if it fanon then this is the delusion/scenario in my head:
Killing Mash off in the story.
As in Dr. Roman-dead. No Throne of Heroes allowing them to meet again. No plot armor. Remove all traces of Galahad's elements from Mash to prevent her being fully imprinted into the throne. Turn her simply into the homunculus Marisbury created for his project. Back to the girl who was a successful experiment, unfeeling, cold and innocent. Just an unremarkable thing. Then pull a final curtain call on her.
or just outright kill her without fanfare. +No Throne of Heroes allowing them to meet again. no fou to save her. no grand exit, no final goodbye speech. just a cold and ruthless death.
(Guda already loves a lot, to their friends, to their found family, to the people they meet, says hello and goodbye, saving them as long as theyre able to, as long as they can still think and breathe, theyre a tool to the counter force, two qualifications of becoming a beast fulfilled with "beings oppressed/persecuted by humanity" about to be true if chaldea manages to bring back the real world from CHALDEAS- ah then again theyre already persecuted by the humanity of olympus... )
(theres also where they absorbed all the grief, burdens, feelings, regrets, resentment and curses deep in the trash heap of their subconscious from facing enemies left and right, to the present, the future, and alternate worlds, if left to rot and spread it could also manifest beast guda?)
Mash is one of the people who has been there from the "start"
guda reached out to mash in her last moments in the explosion, held her hand and stayed by her side. to make sure she doesnt die alone and suffering. one offer of a hand was enough to grant a person peace in their last moments. that act of kindness was enough to change a timeline.
guda's kouhai, shield, friend, lover, companion, exclusive servant, a special bond grown by fighting side by side for what feels like almost a decade or more, mash is the servant and the one closest to guda in grand order.
mash is the one who keeps guda from going off the rails, mash is the one person who has bonded with almost the same people as them, so they share the burden and pain. they share the memories of those they loved, those they cherished. mash is literally also one of the few people left to remember dr. roman too
lb6 answers this especially. norwich chapter the most + intense mashguda reunion narrated by a jealous oberon (read: at least to me, where i had my obeguda vision 'on' asdfghjmnbvc) in the trip to the rain clan's ruins haha
so tldr; mashguda went through a lot that their bond is unbreakable, and would kill guda in more ways than one if something were to happen to mash
so dont fuck with mash (this also goes the same for guda even though theyre a little chill about getting betrayed or get practically killed bc they expect it, mash is very protective of her senpai)
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mako-neexu · 3 years
obeguda where its one sided because even though romani is g*ne, gudako still loves him. so here we have oberon falling for his Master(if falling means becoming 10000000x more tsundere than all the tsuns combined,then thats him), his “Titania”, and he vows to make sure that the man gudako loves will be replaced with nothing but him and him only. oberon will do everything he can to make her look at him, even if it means altering her personality (maybe not personality, maybe just modify her a bit) and memories
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