#love me my hotd dragons too like even a one second frame of a dragon im happy
nonbinarylesbianherb · 2 months
glad to see I'm not the only one enjoying the season, I felt like I shouldve been more critical of it from what I was seeing (not that it's bad people are being critical of it, that's their own right to talk about of course)
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tagged by the lovely @setnet who gave me the words:
river | help | often | shimmer | interests
I really only have one big WIP, so we’ll see what I scrounged up 😁
river - from “The Golden Slipper,” original
Katenka never thought she would feel sorry for a fish. Yet, when Papa handed her the bucket, she felt a stab of sympathy. The gleams of green scales circled continually against the dark wood planks, and when she saw how the pike-perch’s long striped fan of a fin knocked against the side of the bucket over and over again, Katenka knew she was going to be hungry tonight.
Mother peered over Taisiya’s shoulder, looking into the second bucket. “Osip, how much did you waste on these?
“Nothing, my love.” Papa grinned, his nose red as his lips. “It was actually in return for a favor. I lent a fisherman a hand last spring, hauling up his catch from the river, so he gave me these fish as thanks.”
Mother stood up, hands on her hips. “You worked for someone without getting payed!”
Papa shook his head and laughed. “It was just a small little favor, my love.” He grabbed Mother and kissed her. “We get what we give.”
help - from untitled Jonsa fic, ASOIAF
Her mother had taught Sansa how to swim when she was still too small to be scared. She remembered her mother taking Sansa into her arms, and lowering them both into the waters of the hot spring. Her small feet kicked out, as she explored the feeling of weightlessness. Sansa held her mother’s hands while she treaded water, helped up by both the water and her mother’s grip.
Catelyn showed Sansa how to float, to lay back and gaze at the frame the trees of the godswood made against the sky.
Sansa used to practice holding her breath, spending long moments completely below the surface. Curling her feet up, she wondered.
often - from “a poison tree,” HoTD/F&B
Cousin Rhaenyra may have Syrax, but she never goes anywhere on the dragon, not really, not like Lady Jeyne who always has the dust of somewhere else on her, with her steady horse and coin for ships. She was always going to and fro on her own business, from Maidenpool to Duskendale to Harrenhal and back again. She may go wherever she likes, even to Gulltown, simply because she wants to, and there is no one tell her different.
Alyssa thought she might very much like to travel, if it was in the company of Lady Jeyne, who never laughs but smiles often.
She had told her father that she might like to be a widow, and he had laughed. “Already plotting to do your poor husband to-be in? That’s the sort of thing you might get in trouble for.”
shimmer - from “a poison tree”
It was a child’s harp, made from a pale golden wood, with ravens carved up the pillar. Alyssa ran a hand along the strings, listening to the shimmering sound. “Is this for me?” she asked in wonderment.
“Indeed, it is,” Lady Jeyne said with warmth in her voice. “It is the same one I learned on as girl, and it’s been gathering dust at Harrenhal for years now. I thought it might be worth making it sing again.”
“Thank you, Lady Smallwood. But,” she said, frowning, “I do not know how to play.”
“I thought I might be the one to teach you.”
interests - from “a poison tree”
“I have never sought the crown, Rhaenyra. I have no taste for ambition, not for myself or my child."
“Nothing is final, as you said, Uncle. Have you not told me before that you had my best interests at heart? Your daughter is a Targaryen, a princess. She should be married to one of our own.”
Great fun!
tagging @cappymightwrite, @woodswit and @notbloodraven with the words and variants:
 salt | crackle | soft | hover | run 
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