#love lucia getting her money girl boss
loveisbreathinghere · 2 years
not jennifer coolidge!!!!!! but they really gave her the most in character death. it was so lackluster yet simultaneously the only way tanya would die.
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merrock · 1 year
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face claim: Nathalie Kelley
full name: Lucia Martinez
nickname(s) / goes by: Lucia
pronouns & gender: she/her, cis woman
sexuality: bisexual
birth date: March 3, 1985.
birth place: Lima, Peru
arrival to merrock: 5 Years Ago
housing: The Coast and Pier
occupation: Wedding Planner
work place: Memorable Affairs - Business going to be submitted at a later date
family: N/A
relationship status: Single
Did someone say Girl Boss? Because if there was a tailored definition in the Oxford Dictionary it would definitely have Lucia's name under there along with a professional headshot. The girl can do it all and she prides herself on the very fact making sure it's the fore front of her aesthetic, marketing herself to be successful and determined in anything she does. In saying that she does drive a hard bargain and can come across as having the biggest resting bitch face but it's something that Lucia uses to her advantage to get exactly what she wants and at the end of the day she really couldn't care less if you wanted to get to know her or not. She's not at a loss without you.
WRITTEN BY: Harls (she/her), gmt+12.
Luxuries are the foundation of the Martinez family, with a father that runs and owns a gold mine that produces only the finest of gold to international companies and a mother who was a actress back in her day it was safe to say that money was no hard feat. Not to mention the countless of investment properties and titles that they own bringing a child into the world was always on the agenda, someone expected to carry on the bloodline and companies when things eventually ended for the two of them.
But one thing they didn't counter for was the fact that Lucia was going to come out of the womb screaming and not stop even in her late thirties, and by screaming that meant getting what she wanted and when she wanted it. It wasn't exactly being spoilt if it was marketed well or at least that's what she thought any ways. Growing up meant learning a lot of lessons, specifically around humbling one's self but for the most part Lucia did grow up with a strong level headedness about herself and very quickly learnt to protect especially when it came to avoiding bullies. Probably why she was the Queen Bee.
Money made things easier for her after graduating because it didn't quite put the pressure on her to follow through with University like everyone else did, her parents had gifted her specific titles and shares in companies over the years so her bank account was flowing just as much as her wardrobe was in designer gear, so this meant for a majority of the time she could travel the world and see the beauty of what the planet had to offer, occasionally taking the time to study a few courses online.
And when that got boring she sought to find a small town like Maine to try and settle in for a few years, after all she did have a degree in Planning Events and while it wasn't exactly a mandatory requirement for her to have a career it was fun to be known as the woman who thought she would never get married but be the one to put the events together. These days she is toning it down in terms of her life style but is still very ravishingly revelling in the luxurious goods that come from various brand deals and being a influencer on Instagrammer in her free time, because who didn't love some free and easy money?
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crimsonfluidessence · 3 years
Endwalker Reactions and Thoughts
Writing this both post story and as I go through it. Just my textual reactions to things and so on. Obviously don’t click until you’ve finished the main story.
I did NOT expect to see Hydaelyn in human form right off the bat. Wow that’s some juicy ass lore immediately. You bet your ass I took the opportunity to call her out because I really don’t trust her, still.
Sharlayan is quite pretty. I like how they have one (1) fine dining establishment. Fourchenault is still a fucking asshole. Erenville is cute but I worry we’re going to put him in danger.
All the cute and relaxed moments we get with the Scions during this part of the story are really nice and I quite enjoy them. Also Krile being relevant is great.
AMELIANCE IS BEST MOM, HOLY SHIT. MOMMMMM. I love how her and I get to have an Adult Conversation while the kids are occupied, very appropriate for Esredes.
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It was really nice of the MSQ to give him a plot relevant flower.
Sharlayan is basically a nation that is half boomers, half zoomers. Tell me I’m wrong. I want to like it but people like Fourchenault make me unable to.
I have to agree with the masses, Labrynthos’ daytime theme is grating. Also by god this zone is fucking impossible to navigate without flying.
Can we just appreciate how unapologetically edgy and broody Estinien is? How this fucker won’t stop /leaning on everything? Oh my god it’s hilariously awful. Also I’m just going to say it, by the gods is he a fucking himbo.
I really liked the look of Thavnair, and I was so excited to go to it. Estinien being bad with money is hilarious but makes sense.
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This is about how I imagine these two interact.
I would die for Matsya. I managed to make one sale!
WHY ARE THE BABY’S HORNS GREEN???? His tail isn’t green and no one is explaining or acknowledging it and it’s bothering me.
My god the people of Thavnair besides the swindlers are so nice??? I feel so bad everyone’s fallen on hard times.
Esrey as the alchemists escort Estinien off: Lol Glad That Aint Me
I don’t know how but I managed to dodge every mechanic of the final boss on my first go around (statistics show this has not been replicated on further runs.)
G’raha with his cheeseburger is such a mood. I feel that hard.
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Esrey with his tea is also a mood.
As said before, friendship ended with Hraesvelgr, now Vrtra is my best friend. Like holy shit he is the most valid dragon in the game. He cares so much??? There’s actually a dragon that’s alive and not a dickhead besides Vidofnir??? I LOVE THIS DRAGON SO MUCH. AND AHESWANN IS ALSO VALID.
And also oh fuck that was NOT a child that was Vrtra’s humansona also my god the LORE---
By the way fuck you game for that montage of chars who die AND FOR SHOWING YSAYLE FIRST
I really, really enjoyed the Garlemald arc. That hit so fucking hard. They did not hold back on showing the sheer devastation and the complexity of the situation and my god... Garleans deserve SO much better than to be constantly played by malevolent forces that don’t care about their well being. This whole section hurt and hit me so hard. Also seeing so many characters come back is quality and ESPECIALLY LUCIA LIKE FUCK YEAH GIRL, YOU GO!
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It took me three tries to beat that instance holy mother of fuck. Zenos Esrey will haunt my nightmares. Seriously how can anyone simp for Zenos at this point. Like now I’m at the point where I just want to do unspeakable things to him because oh my god he’s such a complete monster it’s not even charming anymore it’s just FUCK YOU I HATE YOU SO MUCH SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Is the second boss of Babil supposed to be the guy turned INTO a robot or in a robot suit why did they never clarify this--
Oh god we’re going to the moon already? OH SHIT WE ON THE MOON BOYS. MORE AMAUROT LORE IS NEAT.
So was the shardless world called Etheirys, and now that she split the planet Hydaelyn is just naming it after herself now? That’s kind of a selfish dick move, don’t you think? And then everyone starts calling it by its original name like are we not calling the planet Hydaelyn anymore???
Of all things I did not expect a Doggo Friend on the moon.
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I am so ready to kick Zodiark’s ass. Update: I was not, in fact, ready to kick Zodiark’s ass. We wiped five times. Kill me. I am so not ready for an extreme of this, there is no way the mount could be worth that agony, they already did dragons.
Also every time I see the word oblivion or ALPHINAUD USES YSAYLE’S LINE I die a little more inside.
Not going to lie I did not enjoy the bunny arc as much as the rest of EW so far. My mind is kind of too preoccupied that the WORLD IS ENDING to be entertained by the bun buns and their antics. The Urianger bit was nice, though.
So I had to pause right before the feast in Thavnair because I just. Am not okay after all the shit that was just thrown at me. I don’t feel like I’ve earned a celebration at all. I just watched countless people die and a woman jump to her death and her baby almost die. I’m glad Vrtra’s people accept him, at least, he deserves that so much. But jesus fucking christ. And this isn’t even the worst part????
Okay so let me get this straight. Sharlayan knew the fucking APOCALYPSE was going to happen, and instead of try to help anyone deal with it, they just show up and go ‘come to our ship bro’? I’m actually so incredibly mad. Fuck you, Sharlayan. FUCK YOU. YOU PIECES OF FUCKING SHIT HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU JUST--
Fuck this, I need a break, man. So I powerleveled LTW to 90 for the outfit and then BLM to 50 to get all this old casting gear out of my inventory.
I miss Lyna and Ryne so much and I teared up at seeing them again. I LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH, GOD DAMN IT. LET ME HUG THEM BOTH. SO GLAD THEY’RE DOING WELL.
It is. So weird to hear Elidibus’ voice come out of that tiny body. I know he’s not actually a child but still. I felt compelled to apologize to him. At least he’s not upset anymore and more chill?
Wait if he knows how to control the tower why hasn’t he freed himself from it--
Also man I forgot this tower’s a fucking time machine
Now I feel bad for Elidibus though... man, fuck, poor guy... I teared up I can’t fucking help it FUCK--
Emet looks JUST as grumpy holy shit. Also I can’t believe he’s a karen. Actually yes I can but holy shit. The Emet fuckers must be eating this shit UP.
Esrey is a big boy now too I’m so glad he grew up
I actually love grouchy karen Emet so much he’s hilarious holy shit
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Esredes is very confused.
Etheirys doesn’t seem so perfect anymore... no individuality and no value of life not ancient? Huh. Also all the little creatures are killing me.
Hyth is no less of a gremlin and I love it. I legit burst out laughing when I saw Hermes in the tree.
This is a lot of lore with interesting implications we’re getting in Elpis... limit break confirmed dynamis whatever? Also you’re literally telling me these people can TRANSFORM and it’s INDECENT BEHAVIOR? YOU’RE ALL FUCKING NUTS WHAT THE FUCK THATS DOPE
Also I really like Charmion. She’s cool.
Hermes is such a good man... how did your soul become so fucked up, buddy?
Damn, Hydaelyn, your past self used to be so cool, what happened???? Also wow, everything is no coincidence. It’s starting to make sense.
Emet-Selch calling out his own character writing is the funniest fucking thing I’m so sorry it’s also sad but holy shit
I can’t believe I have to fight mom. HOLY SHIT THAT INSTANCE WAS AWESOME. I LOVE YOUNGER MOM SO MUCH WTF??? Like she has to be in my top 10 but AGAIN HYDAELYN ISN’T COOL WHY IS SHE SO MUCH BETTER.
Me for the last hour of the Elpis quests: what the fuck is going on
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Even as not an Emet fucker, I love seeing him be a good guy in the past. It’s just soothing to the soul after Shadowbringers. It gives me MANY emotions.
TIL the final days happened because of nihilism. Thanks, assholes. Also Meteion is the final boss I’m calling it.
I have no idea what is going on.
Zenos I literally do not care at all at this point just fuck off however Jullus and Alisaie popping off at him was great. Also Forchenault still sucks.
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Victory is mine.
So far Endwalker has taught me to never go to space. Only bad things come from going to space.
White haired moms are the best in this expansion, my god. Also I love seeing all the supporting Gang show up.
Me: oh it’s the aetherial sea look at all these people from the past NO DON’T GO man I bet they’ll forget about-
I never thought I’d say it but for once in my life I am with Asahi. This is extremely satisfying. BYE, BITCH.
Holy shit it’s Hydaelyns real form. Damn she pretty. DAMN WE FIGHT HER.
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Now we finally understand why she broke the world.. I feel oddly at peace?
I cried actual tears.
I told Em to try Archon Loaf because I’m sorry but he deserves to be bullied. I don’t feel bad about it.
I still don’t care for Forchenault. Good on you buddy for having your character development moment but did you really have to disown your kids and act completely apathetic to the suffering around you and do nothing to help with except show up and tell people to go to a ship?
NGL I actually think the PLD artifact is cooler than expected. Not cool enough to make a glam of but it looks decent on him even so. I’m gonna wear it to the end.
Me getting progressively more nervous at the quiet vibing with the Scions....
Oh shit, is this place the Dragonstar?! Why else are there a bunch of sad dragon shades?! ALSO CHRIST IS METEION CREEPY
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He’s not doing so hot.
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He’s REALLY not doing so hot.
oh jesus christ the baby
oh jesus christ
I am at least really intrigued by the lore coming out of this place. Of all the thematics going on.
Meteion is so creepy jesus christ
GO EMET GO AAAAAAAA HOLY SHIT I AM FEELING SO MUCH AT THIS CUTSCENE AAAAAAAAAAAA My god the emotions in this expansion are so fucking powerful it moves me.
Giant Meteion is equal parts pretty and scary af
ZENOS ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME JESUS CHRIST YOU REALLY DON’T QUIT Okay this is actually pretty fucking awesome
Okay punching the shit out of Zenos was VERY satisfying but I really would have rather walked the fuck away and said no fuck you
All the scions around Esrey is making me EMOTIONS AGAIN FUCK
Estinien being an Empyreum guard sounds hilarious to me. He’d never get any work done, people would be fangirling over him so hard.
HOLY FUCK ITS ELIDIBUS oh it’s set up for the raids I haven’t done yet gotcha
And we’re done, holy shit. I’m glad the Scions get some time to do whatever they want, Meteion is free, and I’m off to keep being an RP fiend and grind my last two tanks up so I can discard all this old tank gear.
What an incredible experience that was. I’m amazed. This hit hard and I can’t possibly dictate all my thoughts.
MVPs of the Expansion: Alisaie as always, Venat, Vrtra, Aheswann, Matsya, Nidhana, Hythlodaeus, Jullus, Lucia. You all did amazing and you’re in the top levels of my favorites.
Estinien tried.
If you’re wondering, yes, this expansion gave me several ideas for my character. I’m gonna say fuck it and have him be part of the Garlemald arc, and he needs to go to Thavnair and secure an audience with Vrtra some imagined months after all the despair. And all the theming around the meaning of life and suffering and the like makes me wonder about devising some means to shed him of some of his giant pool of angst. I just have to be a good enough writer for it which I’m not sure I am but who knows lmao
Besides that, I really enjoyed the handling of the existentialism themes and the meaning of life. I genuinely feel I learned something, for myself, as a person, from this expansion. I’ve never seen the theme handled so in depth and so well, honestly, in such a satisfying manner. I think they handled the characters well and all of that, the way everything from the past built up and called back and the like was- beautiful and satisfying. Fucking beautiful. Amazing job with the story, I am just, touched to know an MMO, with its already low quality writing standards, can achieve this level of feeling like a valuable and meaningful story and not just be an excuse for a game.
I’m happy with how the end was walked. I feel resolved and ready for whatever comes next of the series, and man am I intrigued.
And god knows I still need my Empyreum house. I will not rest until I have that in the area that APPARENTLY CAN’T SPELL YSAYLE’S DAMN LAST NAME RIGHT.
Until then, know this expansion will lead to some new material for myself and my character and I hope you enjoyed my screaming.
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no-whump-on-main · 4 years
Elora Series-1
hi friends!!
I’ve been meaning/wanting to turn my Elora shorts into a full fledged story for a while now, but never had the proper motivation and ideas to do it, but I’ve decided now is the time to start! I’m super excited to share this with you all :) I’m going to try to post consistently, let me know if you’d like to be added to a taglist!
TWs-nothing too bad is happening yet. Drugging and kidnapping, obviously.
     “Are you sure you don’t want a ride home, kiddo?”
     Elora Larkin gave a wry smile from behind the register of Agathangelou’s, the local, well-loved bakery native to Cape Cod. She’d gotten her very first job here as a bright-eyed sixteen year old with trouble telling sugar from salt, but over the past three and a half years, her boss and the owner, Demetrios Agathangelou, had the pleasure of watching her flourish into not only a hell of a good baker, but also a confident, well-adjusted adult.
     Elora was a tall, willowy woman, with long blonde hair that fell to the small of her back in waves. Her eyes were a deep shade of green, complimented by a few freckles that dotted her rounded facial features. Her body language seemed to nearly constantly be open and friendly.
     Demetrios was an older man, with graying hair, bright blue eyes, and lines across his face that made him look like he was always smiling, which wasn’t far from the truth. If anyone in his life were asked to describe him in one word, it would undoubtedly be kind. He cared for his family and his employees above all else, far above any concerns of profit or productivity. The incredible workplace he’d created through his gentle nature, though, meant that there were very few worries about any of that nonsense, anyways. They made plenty of money to keep everyone afloat, with enough left over to buy fancy new machines that made Elora extra excited to come in to work every once in a while.
     His kindness was why he always asked her if she’d like to be driven home after her evening shifts like clockwork. She’d bought a small cottage just a mile down the road only a few months ago, and ever since then, she’d begun walking to and from work, both for the joy of the outdoors and to cut down on her carbon footprint. Before then, her mom would drive her every day, always stopping in for a few minutes to greet Demetrios. Their connection was how Elora got the job in the first place; his wife, Lucia, worked as a neonatal nurse at the local hospital along with Elora’s mother, Jodie.
     Elora’s walking habit always worried Demetrios, especially when she worked late and it was dark by the time she clocked out. She always passed on his offers to drive her home, though, despite his insistence. She was a stubborn girl, set in her ways; that wasn’t going to change any time soon.
     She wiped her hands off on her apron before untying it behind her back, locking up the register and stepping out from behind the counter.
     “I’m okay, Dima. Promise.”
     Demetrios gave her a look that was almost fatherly, resisting the urge to put his hands on his hips. Elora grabbed her backpack from the break room and put her apron away in it, her grin cracking wider at his expression. 
     “Oh, come on. It’s nice out. Autumn breeze and everything.”
     Demetrios simply shook his head at her, smiling back.
     “Go home, you mule. See you Monday.”
     Elora grinned. She was excited to have the upcoming weekend off; she usually worked a Saturday or Sunday shift, at least, but Demetrios had insisted on a nice long break, and she was looking forward to it now that she had gotten used to the idea of it. She already had plans; tomorrow she was going to go down to the beach and read out there all day, and Sunday, she’d go over to her mom’s for dinner.
     “See you Monday.”
     She slipped out of the front door of the charming bakery, giving one last wave through the window before she headed off towards her home.
     The streets were just as quiet as usual, the sidewalk covered in leaves that crunched under her feet as she set on home. When she’d first moved, going home alone at night had unnerved her, but now, she was familiar enough with the whole route that she didn’t have a single worry. It was the same old walk every morning and night she worked. Nothing was ever wrong.
     And she was right-tonight, as usual, nothing was wrong. Following a few minutes of walking, she could see her cottage at the end of the road after taking her normal right turn.
      Nothing was out of the ordinary until a car she didn’t recognize started following behind her. She looked over her shoulder, the bright headlights shining right at her.
     Okay, that was weird, but not too weird. Maybe they’re just lost. Oh! Or maybe they’re the one who moved into that house up on North street. That would make sense.
     The car was just a small black sedan, anyways. It looked shabby, and Elora really had no reason to fear it. She turned her head back in front of herself, continuing to walk on like normal. It was probably better to mind her business, anyways. She didn’t want to be rude. She kept on going, shaking off any fears she had.
    Just a few seconds later, she heard the car abruptly break, and the driver’s      side door opened with a pop. She whipped around, turning on the flashlight on her phone and pointing it towards the car. Instinctually, a strong pulse of magic flowed and sat around her fingertips, its energy buzzing beneath her skin.
     “Hello?” She called into the night, ready to change from the flashlight to the phone app to dial 911 in all but an instant. 
     There was dead silence. A figure stood there, unmoving, their features indiscernible in the low light. Yep, okay, time to call the police, time to run-
     She didn’t have enough time to get past the nine before they pounced. 
     Elora screamed at the top of her lungs as her phone was knocked out of her hand. The attacker tried to wrap an arm around her neck, but she shoved it off, muttering a spell under her breath that sent a shockwave of sharp pain through them. She winced at the sound of the load groan of pain that resulted, guilt eating her. 
     Magic isn’t supposed to be used like this. But she-there isn’t another choice, is there?
     The attacker had already picked up her dropped phone, leaving her with no choice but to turn on her heel and sprint back towards the bakery. It was a ten minute walk from this point, but she could make it a two minute run.
     Unfortunately, the attacker was right back behind her in seconds. Frustrated by their initial failure, they lunged at Elora, their weight sending the both of them tumbling to the ground. Elora screamed gain, her cry sharp in the silence of the night. 
     Before she could even think of what to do next, they flipped Elora over, straddling her waist. She kicked and clawed at their face with her nails, but in one swift movement, they pinned both of her arms against her sides by leaning down and draping one large arm across her upper body, applying all the force they could. Without hesitation, they used their free hand to hold a rag they’d been carrying since they got out of the car to her face, their fingers digging in hard enough to leave bruises.
     Elora thrashed with everything she had, desperate to get away. They weren’t far from the bakery; if she could just get up, she’d have a fighting chance…
     The rag smelled like chemicals. She knew instantly that this was bad, really bad. She held her breath while kicking and trying to utter spells that were too muffled by the fabric to have any effect. She could only resist breathing for so long, though; after hardly half a minute, her body forced her to gasp for air, taking the chloroform soaked into the rag deep into her lungs.
    Her thrashing stopped a few moments later. And a few moments after that, she was out.
Tags: @exploringspaceinpyjamas 
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emotionsofthesoul · 6 years
Capter 2 _ La Primera Foto
Valentina woke up early as usual for her 7am class. She had a full schedule this semester. 18 units, the max permitted by the university. She wanted to finish as soon as possible. She didn’t mind freelancing without a degree but her dad was very serious when he said, “Get your degree, show me you will actually commit to this. I won’t allow it if you just want it to be a hobby. I need you to do something with your life. If you get your BA you can even get a photography position in the company. I’ll give you your own department and magazine if you want, do with it as you please. Just graduate.”
She is daddy’s little girl and definitely the black sheep of the family. Grupo Carvajal is run by her father and siblings, Evangelina and Guillermo. Eva is the COO and Guille is the company’s lawyer. Valentina on the other hand doesn’t want to be tied down by the company let alone running it. She was convinced by her father’s proposal though because with that department she could bring exposure to up and coming artists, be it designers, photographers, or even models. She had it all planned out from the moment she agreed. She would make as many connections as she could for when the time came to run the department. Her family was a very influential part of society. She wasn’t sure why her father chose Sacramento of all places but he built his empire nonetheless and made it what it is today. The company has enough power to get governors elected, heck even presidents if Leon chose to use his power for politics. Nonetheless he always said he would not allow the company to campaign for politicians or to get involved with shady dealings.
Valentina has been in love with photography since she was 5 years old and her parents gave her her first camera. She still has that camera, in a glass box above her editing desk as a reminder of where it all began. It’s one of the things she shared with her mother and after her death it became her one true outlet.
Every Tuesday she would get up at 4am to be in class by 7 since she lives about an hour from campus. She decided to stay local because even though they have more than enough money to go to any university she wants she doesn’t care about the degree as much as her father does. It helps that many of her friends also go to Sacramento State.
Valentina is effortlessly beautiful but today she wanted to put a little more effort into her being since she would be meeting with her new friend. She was very cheerful this Thursday morning and no one was awake to notice. Valentina couldn’t wait until noon to see Juliana’s gorgeous smile. She could not stop thinking about the girl. She decided she would get a candid shot of her smile today and post it to her photography instagram if Juliana agreed.
Juliana woke up around 9am. She had gotten home late due to traffic. She told her parents about her new friend and that they planned on meeting the following day. Her mother Lupita was happy Juliana was finally allowing herself to make friends here. Juliana decided to hold off on telling her about Renata and the school as to avoid an argument. Her mother was going to her seventh interview since they got here. It had been hard for her to find a decent job during the day so Juliana hoped this job would finally be it for her mother. She could hear her parents’ stressful chats about money issues on most nights. Her father, Macario Valdes also known as El Chino had gotten a job the very first day they arrived working for a local grocery store but it was barely enough to survive. He had to get a second job and Juliana would barely see her father on most days. Lupita was applying for a secretary position at a very prestigious company in town and if she got the job she would be earning more than enough to give her husband the opportunity to look for a better job while quitting his night job.
Juliana wanted to get a job from the moment they arrived but her parents were against that because they said that as soon as she started earning her own money she would no longer bother with school and that was something they couldn’t allow. They wanted her to be someone, make something of herself. They wanted her to study a stable field, something in medicine. They were not too happy about her wanting to pursue fashion. Juliana wanted nothing more than to be a fashion designer and have her own shop.
Choosing to make her mother breakfast before her big interview she decided to make Lupita’s favorite pancakes with eggs sunny side up. While she made breakfast she couldn’t get Valentina out of head. She had such a great time with the girl and she was genuinely looking forward to their lunch date.
As time ticked away and noon rolled around she started heading towards the restaurant they had decided on. Valentina was already waiting for her at a table when she arrived.
“Hey, you’re early. How are you morrita?” Juliana said as she approached Valentina.
“Hey, yeah lecture wasn’t long today and since I’ve edited most of my images at home I didn’t have to stay for lab so I decided to head over. It’s been a good day so far, how are you how did your morning go?” Valentina asked in a tender tone.
“My morning went well. I cooked breakfast for my mom, she has a job interview today with some big company so I wanted to wish her luck and make sure she ate. I got a lot of reading done so it’s been a chill morning.”
“That’s very sweet of you, que tierna. Where is she applying?” Valentina asked taking a sip of her  water.
“Some company called Grupo Carvajal? For a secretary position, I don’t know much about it but I hope she gets it because she definitely deserves it and my parents definitely need this.” Juliana said as she held eye contact with Valentina.
“Grupo Carvajal? Really? What a crazy coincidence, that’s my family’s company. I’m telling you, it was destiny that we met! She’s probably applying as my dad’s secretary because he’s been looking for one since Lucia, my stepmother, stopped working there. I can pull some strings and get her the job if you want?” Valentina said.
“That’s crazy, you might be right. & no, it’s okay, we like earning everything we have and I don’t think my mom would be okay if she found out she was handed the job because I know the bosses daughter. Wait so why do you go to Sac State then, you could study wherever you want, why here?” Juliana asked very interested. She didn’t really care that Valentina had money she figured as much last night, the girl has a driver for crying out loud.
“Well it wasn’t really my decision to study but my dad said I had to get a degree in photography to show my commitment to the craft. I saw no point of studying elsewhere when I’m mostly doing it for him. We came to an agreement that I could run my own magazine and department once I graduate so that’s why my schedule is as full as it is. I have 5 classes I’m trying to finish as soon as possible.” Valentina said getting ready to order.
“That’s cool, I’m sure the magazine will turn out great. How much time do we have? What do you recommend?” Juliana said looking over the menu.
“Pues how about this, we order my three favorite rolls so you can try them and we order a side of popcorn shrimp just in case? My next class doesn’t start for another 3 hours so we have time.” Valentina said with a smile.
“Okay sounds good Val.”
The girls joked while eating their lunch. Juliana was very pleased with the sushi Valentina ordered. They were both stuffed by the time they finished everything.
“Oye we still have 2 hours do you want to go to the fab 40s? It’s a really pretty neighborhood that I think you’ll like.” Valentina said as she waved the waiter over to get the check.
“Okay pero we’re gonna split this right? I can’t let you pay for it all.” Juliana said concerned.
“Juls no te preocupes I got this, you pay next time, sound good?” Valentina said with a soft smile.
“Val… okay then I’ll take you to my favorite taco shop on Saturday before our walk.” Juliana said thinking quickly on how to repay Valentina.
Valentina told her driver to go back to the offices because she was going out with Juliana and she would take her back to campus. That she would let him know when she was out of school. As they got into Juliana’s Mustang, Camila Cabello’s Consequences started playing softly.
“Te gusta Camila?” Valentina said with a small giggle.
“Hey don’t judge me, that’s my babygirl right there. I’ve loved her for years. Just shut your eyes and listen to the song okay. The raw emotion in her voice.” Juliana said in defensive joking tone.
“Okay but after this can I play you a song?” Valentina said with the biggest smile yet. Juliana could not stop herself from smiling, looking at her with admiration and nodded.
They drove around for a bit as Valentina showed her the different houses she loved and showed her the crazy Halloween decorations. She told Juliana they had to go trick-or-treating here this year because they give the king size bars and it’s an experience she must live. After a while Valentina told Juliana to pull over in front of a brick house she loved. They stood leaning against the car as Valentina told her she always wished to have a house that looked like this and wants one like it when she gets married and has her own family. Juliana looked at her with complete tenderness in her eyes as she listened and hung onto every word Valentina spoke.
“Que? Porque me miras así?” Valentina said with a slight blush.
“Es que como quieres que te mire?” Juliana said with loving smile. “You look so cute talking about this house and what you wish to have one day.”
Valentina was fulling blushing now and couldn’t stop nuzzling into Juliana’s neck as to hide from her. “Okay can you please stand in front of this house while I take your picture I love your outfit and I think you owe for making me blush so much.”
“What, no! I’m gonna break your camera Val, no one wants that.” Juliana said while laughing.
“Hey, no, don’t say that.” Valentina said getting a bit serious and standing in front of Juliana. “Juliana you’re beautiful and everyone who can’t see that has to be blind.” She said caressing Juliana’s cheek.
“Ya, okay pues, how do you want me to pose?” Juliana said trying to change the subject and avoided eye contact.
Valentina noticed Juliana’s reaction and decided to respect that, “Um sit on these steps please. Get comfortable and pretend like I’m not even here.”
After getting a few good shots they went over them and Juliana gave her permission to post one of the images. As they drove back to campus Valentina showed Juliana her song and Juliana was smiling with her entire face including her eyes, in such a beautiful manner that Valentina felt it would be a crime to not capture this moment. Juliana noticed Valentina pulling out her camera but she didn’t mind and allowed her to snap the picture. They continued talking until they got to the photography building. Valentina didn’t want to exit the car but she hugged Juliana and they linked pinkies as a promise that they would meet again on Saturday.
As Valentina’s day went on she edited today’s images and uploaded the one Juliana agreed to and then she printed the candid shot from the car and put it up on her wall with all the rest of her friends’ picture. This picture though was different, it had a different impact on her heart. Something she was yet to understand.
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leightaylorwrites · 7 years
Leigh Dissects YA fiction: Fallen Kingdoms (Chapter Nineteen- Chapter Twenty-two)
Chapter 19 - Limeros
“I think you have the potential for greatness, even if you don’t believe it yourself.”
The fact that Magnus literally means “great” in Latin makes this mini-splooge even more annoying.
“Are you sure? [...] I think you’re lying.”
“I’m not. What I am sure about is that I’d like you to leave my chambers.”
The way this is worded makes it seem like Magnus could be answering her question of “are you sure” when he’s actually saying he’s not lying. I feel like the editor should’ve caught this.
“I grow lonely.” Again she walked slowly around him. Her gaze felt weighted and uncomfortable. “And I know that you’re also lonely.”
What the fuck is up with this family?
“The same thing that I suggested to your father when he was not much older than you. I’m offering myself to you as a lover.”
White people.
“You’re old enough to be my mother.” “Age can be an asset, Magnus. With age comes experience. You are young and, apart from that maid and perhaps a handful of other meaningless girls, you have no experience.”
“You have no idea how much experience I have.”
“Sharing a mistress with my father doesn’t sound like a very good way to help strengthen our father-son bond.
She kissed him until she realized that he wasn’t kissing her in return. She stepped back and looked up at him with confusion. “Is there a problem?”
Uh, you’re boning his dad????????
“I suppose for someone already lusting after his own sister, I’m not all that surprised.”
Drag him.
Here comes a rather long quote.
“My younger sister Jana was gifted with sight - a rare thing for a common witch. Within herself, she held the ability to read the tales the stars can tell. She believed in the prophecy, passed down from generation to generation, that one day a child would be born who would hold elementia within her greater than anyone since the original sorceress, Eva - she whom my kind worship as you worship your goddess [...] Sixteen years ago, Jana saw the birth heralded in the stars. Lucia’s birth. Together, my sister and I combined our magic to increase its power tenfold in order to locate her, knowing she would need our guidance one day when her magic finally awakened within her. My sister perished in the quest, but I brought Lucia here to Limeros to be raised as a princess… and as your sister.”
In ONE paragraph, we erased the need for the prologue so WHY is the prologue in this book still? The only difference between the prologue and this paragraph is that the prologue shows us Sabina killing Jana, whereas here, Sabina just saying Jana died. Given that Jana’s death only raises more questions that I know won’t be answered (why would Sabina kill the person who could teach Lucia the other two elements?), this whole thing is a jumbled mess of choosing tropes, cliches, and aesthetics over good writing.
“She’s not your sister.”
Cool motive, still incest.
[Sabina] lashed out and hit Magnus again. He snarled at her; his fist was so tight that Lucia was certain he would strike back. If Sabina was not a woman, she was certain he wouldn’t have hesitated.
Fellas, if a woman has hit you TWICE, you have the right to knock her ass out.
[Sabina’s] skull shattered against the hard surface [...] “Your… air magic… it’s even stronger than I thought.”
Her brother’s attention was on the door - now fully open. Standing there was her father.
With all this commotion and fighting, NOBODY heard anything until their father showed up? You were SLAMMING people around??
Chapter 20 - the sanctuary
In recent months, he’d despaired that he was wrong and had been following a girl who held no magic within her.
But before today, wouldn’t he know she was at least a witch, even if he didn’t know she’s a sorceress? He’s known she has magic for a while now.
It was another elder, Danaus. While all Watchers held the same eternal youth, the same level of beauty, Ioannes had always felt that there was something dark and sinister about Danaus lurking just beneath the surface. Danaus had never done anything that went beyond the unspoken rules of the Sancturary. But there was still… something. Something that Ioannes didn’t trust.
Perhaps it’s the fact that he’s named for a figure in Egyptian mythology and we can’t have the one explicitly black character be anything but sinister, dark, and shady.
What he’d discovered had to be protected. At any cost.
So he’s not going to tell his bosses that Lucia is an awakened sorceress because of SUBCONFLICT!
Chapter 21 - Paelsia
[...] to prove to himself that it couldn’t be Princess Cleiona.
How does Jonas know her full name? I get Magnus knowing it because they’re both heirs but Jonas is a peasant so what reason could he have for knowing the proper name for a foreign princess.
“A sixteen-year-old spy? Who is also a princess? Please.”
ToG is scared.
How bold and disrespectful she was - this princess who saw no harm in coming to the same place where she’d caused such pain and suffering.
Again, Jonas proves he’s the only relevant character in this story.
“What better than to have the king’s own daughter if the negotiations go awry?” Jonas said.
DEADASS THE ONLY SMART CHARACTER HERE. I know the author won’t put CEO in actual danger that she lowkey deserves to be in but if someone a bit more daring wrote this book, CEO being a hostage is exactly how this book would play out.
Chapter 22 - Paelsia
Time for hands down the WORST chapter in the book, where CEO finally is confronted by my angel son Jonas.
She would make sure that the old woman would be sent money and gifts for coming to their aid last night.
So a random old white lady gives you dinner and tells you some boring exposition and you’re going to shower her with riches but you’ll do nothing about the countless impoverished PoC you’ve seen? Cool.
“I’ll stay for a while. And I’ll do whatever I can to find information on this Watcher you’re convinced is hiding out somewhere in this land.”
LITERALLY, Nic just said what I suggested chapters ago, which SHOULD HAVE been the first plan. The only reason he didn’t figure this out earlier is because the author needed CEO to be there for the exposplooge ugh
“Very well. Have it your way. You can be the hero.”
Because we’ve got to let the man be the hero and think of this obvious solution. We couldn’t have CEO decide to send him to Paelsia when they were still in Auranos because then we’d have to acknowledge that men and women can be heroes in different ways and well, this book can’t have such nice things.
“Are you saying that you care for him? That his death might cause you pain?”
“Let him go right now!”
“Why should I?”
She had to remain calm so she could negotiate with this heathen.
You let his brother be murdered so you could keep your clean reputation.
“I can give you plenty of money if you spare his life.”
His expression turned to ice. “Money? How about fourteen Auranian centimos for each case of wine? Sounds fair, doesn’t it?”
“You won’t get far, but you can try. It would be a moment of bravery for such a cowardly girl.”
She glared at him. “If you think I’m cowardly, you know nothing about me.”
“And I was wrong not to stop [the murder] when I had the chance.”
Yes, hello, that’s called being a coward.
“Shocking,” he said. “Maybe there’s more to you than beauty and a shallow personality.”
There’s really… not.
“I’ve heard what happens to girls who are kidnapped by savages.”
This book is literally so racist.
“Is that really what you think of me? A savage? How Auranian of you. I could just kill him, you know. I’m bargaining with you because I’m no savage. Unlike you and your friend who killed my brother.”
Mortal Kombat voice: finish her!!!
“Now take that blade away from his throat or you’ll be very, very sorry, you scum-sucking son of a pig.”
Again with the racism.
Also, very, VERY.
What she despaired about wasn’t that she’d fallen into the clutches of a savage boy who was willing to kill without a second thought.
“I’m surprised you’d even bother to use my royal title. It’s obvious you don’t respect it.”
You’re not his queen, he has no reason to respect you, you helped KILL his brother.
“That term [savage] seemed to bother you. Why? Are you afraid it’s true? Or do you consider yourself more refined than that?”
He literally just told you that he’s above being a savage, you racist clump of white garbage.
“I’d think someone like you would relish any chance to spill blood.”
This entire chapter is one racist line after another.
Here’s another long passage.
A brown rabbit darted in front of them and into a meadow with tall grass - surprisingly green for this otherwise faded, dreary landscape. She didn’t ask any more questions. She knew he wouldn’t answer them. And she didn’t want to risk losing her tongue.
Finally, fooled by her suddenly calm demeanor, Jonas let go of her arm long enough to wipe the back of his hand across his forehead.
Without a moment’s hesitation, she bolted away from him, feet quick as the rabbit’s as she left the path and burst into wide, grassy meadows.
Yes that entire section just metaphor-splooged all over this book, comparing CEO to a rabbit in a ~faded, dreary landscape~ running off to a grassy, green place. It wouldn’t be so bad if the author hadn’t LITERALLY compared her to the rabbit. We get it. You read a sparksnotes on metaphors and decided to put one in your book, even if it doesn’t serve any purpose.
[...] she stumbled, fell, and slammed her head against a chunk of stone protruding from the earth.
Yeah, no she’s dead. What’s up with these characters and surviving blunt force trauma so easily?
This girl was a snake.
Every time Jonas drags CEO, I just wanna smile.
He couldn’t deny that she was lovely… maybe even the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen.
Jonas honey I’m so sorry this author wants you to be a splooge victim too.
Long passage alert
Then he felt her throat for a pulse. There was one.
“Too bad,” he breathed, although part of him was deeply relieved. He studied her face, pushing the silky hair back from it. She was tiny, a foot shorter than him and at least seventy pounds lighter. Her pale lavender dress was made from the finest silk - he’d never seen anything like it before. She wore tiny blue sapphires in her pierced ears and a green stone ring on her finger, but that was the sum total of her jewelry. Smart, since any flashier jewelry to go along with her fine clothes would have undoubtedly made her more of a target for thieves. Her face was free of the paint Laelia wore, but her cheeks were still bright and sun-kissed and her lips the color of roses. Unconscious, she didn’t seem nearly the cold, manipulative, rich bitch he’d fully decided she was.
My poor baby, my innocent sunflower angel, my sweet Jonas just spent a long ass paragraph having to splooge over CEO because we can’t have one man in this story not splooge over her. Someone save Jonas from this white hetero trash fire.
Just as he’d begun to think she was harmless and vulnerable, the beautiful snake had managed to sharpen her fangs.
Stop this.
She got up awkwardly, keeping the dagger trained on him, and retreated to the other side of the stone wheel that she’d fallen over.
HOW is she only walking awkwardly after hitting her head on a STONE????? She should be DEAD.
“But I’m planning to cut you if you come any closer.”
The girl’s tongue was a thousand times more dangerous than any weapon in her possession.
Because she said she’d cut him? EDGY!!!!!
He increased the pressure on her throat and stared down into the face of the girl who’d stood by her fiance’s side as his brother bled to death.
So he’s choking her to death, which she deserves, but we know she’s not going to die. However, if this turns into a romance later on, I’m giving up on YA books.
“All you look at me is something evil. But I’m not evil.”
Wow CEO it’s almost like you call him a savage every chance you get. So that’s cool but him LOOKING at you wrong is a problem? Cool.
At first glance, she appeared so small and fragile - but the princess possessed a fierce and fiery core that could burn anyone who got too close.
All she’s done since Jonas met her is whine, be a racist, hit her head, and threaten to cut him.
She was lucky she was only dealing with a bit of dizziness after knocking herself out. It could have been much worse.
She was unconscious after hitting her head on a stone and the author thinks the only problem she’ll have is being dizzy. If this comes back later on as a problem for CEO, I’ll give it a pass but it currently feels like bad writing.
“You are a horrible savage for keeping me here. My father will have your head for this.”
Jonas took hold of her throat again and pressed her up against the wall.
Stop teasing me and just KILL her already.
“And I’m not an evil bitch who rejoices in the deaths of others.”
You let an innocent man die so people wouldn’t know you’re not a virgin.
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panswaywardmuses · 7 years
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Chatzy Summary: Both families ban together to rescue Amelia and Ashlyn from their kidnappers, setting a trap for them. But it does not go down without causalities, and consequences that changes the course of both families. 
Bryan pulled into the abandoned warehouse on the docks that the O'Sheas owned, the location decided on for the exchange. There was nothing else around, no people to overhear what was about to happen. He felt calm, though his mind was whirling with the possibilities. Everything had to go perfectly, not just for the girls' lives, but for all of them. Both families were coming in with everything they had, both Bosses and Underbosses would be there. It was dangerous, and if things went wrong there was a lot to risk. But it was the only way, and Bryan was confident that Lucia would keep her side of the truce. He parked outside in the lot, then turned to look at Liam, their eyes meeting. "Are we ready?" he asked, his voice even and calm, his head cool for once.
Liam had trusted Bryan in making this whole thing happen, well him and Lucia, and although he'd never fully trust the Winters he knew they had just as much as stake here as the O'Shea's did. All he was concerned with was getting both the girls back unharmed. Bonus if all the rest of them got away from this unharmed as well. Every other worry Liam currently had was out of his head, completely focused on this one moment. Looking over at Bryan once the question was asked he nodded his head. "We don't have much of a choice." He said reaching to open up the door, his eyes wandering around as he stepped out of the car shutting the door.
Aidan got out of the car. His nerves were radiating through his body. He trusted Bryan not to make the wrong decision about teaming up with the Winters but at this rate he was willing to do everything and anything he could to get Ash back even if she wanted nothing to do with him. He glanced down at his feet once they touched the ground, his eyes moving around after that to check their surroundings. He glanced over at Liam and Bryan, inhaling at the words between them. He turned his head to see the Winters car pulling up. "Here comes the Winters."
Lucia pulled up to the warehouse, her hand moved the car into park as she exhaled. Her head turned to her Mikey, moving her hand out to his shoulder. "Look at me." She said softly, waiting for his head to turn. She wasn't surprised her mother didn't want to ride with the three of them, she knew the whole way here her mother would try to control the situation. "You need to keep your calm. The second you let your anger get in the middle of this it could ruin everything. Don't make me leave you in the car." She turned her head back towards Frankie, giving him a simple look. These two men were her most trusted, these men were her men. She called the each of them for the biggest things and there was no one else she wanted by her side. She got out of the car, looking over the hood of her car at Bryan and Liam, nodding her head once. She shut the door and walked around her car to make her way over to the other three men.
Mikey sat in the passenger seat, his good leg bouncing up and down, a nervous tic. The impending notion of meeting the people who had done this, who had taken his girl and put all this in motion, was filling him with hate and anger. He wanted nothing more than to tear them all apart, and it was a feeling he'd never experienced before. His only other kill had been Amelia's stalker, and that had been kill or be killed. This time, he was more than ready. He looked over to Lucia when she demanded his attention and he took a breath to steady himself. He knew that she would have preferred to leave him behind, he was injured and he was a liability. She meant it when she said she'd make him stay in the car. "I'm okay. I'm with you," he assured her. He had to be there, he had to see Amelia with his own eyes, he had to protect her. He got out, leaning on the car door and his good leg before turning to Frankie. His crutch was in the back seat. "Gimme that fucking thing," he said, frustrated by it.
Frankie could only imagine how wrong this whole thing was going to go, not that he was going to say that. His mind automatically went to the worst case scenario since that was usually how it played out for him. His eyes looked around the warehouse from backseat, sitting directly in the middle of the two passenger seats. When Lucia spoke to Mikey telling him to keep his cool, he didn't entirely believe Mikey would be able to. Only because if it was his girl, well, some people had already seen how he handled that. "Are you sure you're going to be alright with just one good leg right now?" He questioned, stepping out of the car pulling out the crutch afterwards to hand it to Mikey looking over when another car approached, so obvious on whose it was.
Mikey looked over at Frankie, taking the crutch and leaning on it. "I don't have a choice, man," he grumbled. There was no way he was sitting this one out, he would push through the pain. "You got my back, right?"
Frankie nodded his head glancing back at Mikey. "Always." He responded, now waiting for Estelle to step out.
When Estelle received the phone call from her daughter, she was livid. Teaming up with the O'Sheas. What the hell was she thinking? Not to mention, her other children. Mariana galavanting around with some joke of a man and then Amelia getting herself captured. Thank god for the other two. Henry was trying to calm her down, telling her that Lucia did have this under control, but the older woman refused to believe it. Why would her daughter make a deal with these idiots? Why would she truce with their mortal enemy? When the car finally arrived to some hell hole the Irish decided to meet at, she told Henry to remain in the car. He was rather nice eye candy. Such a shame he preferred her daughter over her. Getting out, she made her way over, looking at the others. "Well? Do we know when they are arriving? I'd like to get this over with, quickly." Looking at Mikey, she let out a sigh before looking at her daughter. "He's the best you can do? Send him back. My daughter's life will not be risked because of a cripple."
Lucia turned her head seeing a car pull up. She glanced over at Liam and Bryan. "I apologize now." She muttered as her attention turned towards the car. She watched her mother get out of the car, seeing Henry in the back. She shouldn't have been surprised that she brought Henry with her but once she saw the car door shut she pressed her lips together. She parted her lips to say something but she turned to Mikey and started to talk. She put her hand up to stop her. "How about you do the world a favor and shut the fuck up?" She forced a smile on her face. "Mikey is here because he loves your daughter. You don't like it. You don't need to be here." She turned to see another car rolling up. "Alright, ready people?"
Liam's eyes wandered over the other faces, noticing Mikey and the state he was in. He wanted to say something but decided against it, he wasn't one of his men after all. Watching as the other car came up Liam slid his hands into his pockets. He glanced over at Lucia when she apologized, arching a brow in curiosity. He looked over when Estelle stepped out, watching her criticize within five seconds of being there which only reminded him of someone, causing a bitter taste in his mouth. Glancing over when another car came up he took a deep breath. "You two can have a family squabble at home, we have business to attend to now." He stepped ahead when Lucia asked if they were ready, answering the question without a word.
Estelle pressed her lips together as Lucia spoke. If there weren't people around, she would've gotten slapped for her comments. "I'm here because I want to get Amelia back. I do not care who she has affairs with. I want competent people," she hissed at her before smiling fakely at everyone else. When Liam spoke, however, she immediately lowered her gaze. "Ugh. Another one. Fine. We'll stick to business. Do any of you have a plan?"
Ashlyn sat in the back of a van, a cloth bag over her head and her wrists tied together with a zip tie. She couldn't see where they were going, and she assumed the reason was so she couldn't later find a way to escape from where ever they were holding her. Jonah had told them that their families had chosen to release Amelia for the cash, and Ashlyn understood why. But she knew how hard it was going to be to see them so close, just to be pulled away again until the rest of the money was wired. In the back seat, her hands held onto Amelia's, who was in the same position next to her. When the van pulled to a stop, he heart started pounding in fear. The sliding door was opened and she was dragged out. Jonah growled at them both, "Be smart, and both of you will make it out of this." Her bare feet stepped onto the gravel, having left her heels behind in the house, since still being in a dress was bad enough. Someone grabbed her by the elbow and made her walk forward, in front of the car but not far, so her family could see her but there was still distance between them. Then the bag was yanked off her head and she blinked in the sudden light, before her eyes adjusted and she took in the sight of her brothers and Aidan, with the Winters entourage right next to them.
Amelia was petrified. Yes, she was the one being released, according to Jonah, but it didn't feel right. Her heart was racing a mile a minute and it didn't help that they were bound again and had a bag over her head. Seriously? A bag? Along with the adrenaline rushing through her body, she could feel herself becoming dizzy and tired again. She squeezed Ashlyn's hands, not wanting her to be left behind. She shouldn't be left behind. When they arrived, she growled a little at Jonah's words, but ultimately complied. She felt someone grab her by the arm, leading her over to wherever they wanted her to be. When the bag was off her head, the paleness and sweat was now evident for the others to see. Her eyes immediately noticed Mikey on a crutch, making her want to lecture him. Then, she saw her sister and Frankie. Of course, what surprised her the most was her mother.
Aidan saw the van pull up, his hands were at his side curled into fists. He took a step forward once he heard the van door opening. He had ignored everything else going around him, his mind was on seeing Ashlyn and Ashlyn only. He had been furious to think they were going to let Amelia be the first one released but he understood. He did. Even though he was on edge about it. He saw her, her head was covered with a bag which made him take a few steps closer. "You son of a bitch," He said as his eyes moved to Ashlyn. He wanted to make a run to her but he knew he would get in trouble. "Untie her."
Bryan, for once, wasn't the one to lose his temper. At the sight of Ashlyn, he was immediately relieved that she seemed okay. Tired and weak, but okay. When Aidan stepped forward, Bryan could feel the anger in him. He put a hand on the kid's shoulder to keep him in check. Across the lot, Jonah chuckled at Aidan's command. "Do you forget that she's the one we're taking back with us? She's just here to show you that she is alive and well. We won't be untying her." Laughing, he shoved Ashlyn into the hands of one of his goons.
Mikey's heart nearly leapt out of his chest when he first saw Amelia. The hand on his crutch tightened until his knuckles were white, but he stayed where he was next to Lucia and Frankie. When the bag was taken off her head, he could tell that something was wrong. She looked sick, and he would have given anything to go to her. But this was a balancing act, and he knew everything had to go as planned or it could go horribly wrong. "Mel, it's okay," he called across to her, meeting her eyes. His other hand went to his hip, where his gun was holstered, and he waited.
Lucia held her half of the money in a bag, her feet took a couple steps as she turned her head towards Bryan. "We got your money." She tossed her bag out towards Jonah as her eyes lifted up towards him. "Give me my sister." She said in a stern tone, waiting for the right time to distract him so they could grab Ashlyn too.
Jonah looked back at the two girls by the van, making sure they weren't trying anything. He turned when Lucia threw her bag of money in the middle, then he looked at the Irish. "I still need your half," he said, walking forward to get the first bag. "And we're counting it all before you get your little ballerina back." He reached down to pick up the first bag.
Ashlyn watched, holding her breath as Liam stepped forward with the bag. This might be the last she saw of him, of any of them, for a while since she knew her captors were just going to take her back with them. The man who had been holding her elbow let go of her, his hand hovering over his gun as Jonah went forward. Ashlyn's eyes flicked over to him, then back to Liam as he heard his words. The second he used their code, with her childhood nickname, her eyes went wide. She grabbed Amelia's hands even though they were both still tied up, and she tugged her towards the ground with her, knowing bullets were about to start flying but careful not to let Amelia hit the ground on her stomach, going onto their knees first. Not giving her a chance to protest, Ashlyn covered Amelia's back with her own body, draping herself over her and then covering her own head with her arms as the sound of gunshots went off.
Lucia was expecting Bryan to be the one to pull the trigger but when Liam stepped up and did it, it should have shocked her but it didn't. Her hand went for her gun to start shooting. Aidan brought up his gun and started to fire as well, trying to make his way towards Ashlyn.
A few of the remaining men on Jonah's side moved to the other side of the van, ducking behind the open door for cover while the ones up front got hit and went down. Amelia felt herself start to swoon before Ashlyn tackled her. By time they both hit the ground, she had passed out. Estelle grabbed her own gun, hiding under her blazer as soon as the first shot was fired. This was their plan? She began to shoot, noticing someone heading right for Lucia. In a moment of intense motherly love, she pushed her daughter out of the way, taking the bullet in the heart herself.
Mikey's gun was out the second the first shot went off. He would have made a run for Amelia, through the criss cross of fire, if he hadn't been on one leg. Instead he aimed carefully and took out one of the guys who had been running towards the girls to grab them and get them back into the van to take off. His shot hit home and the guy went down to the sounds of one of the girls screaming nearby.
Lucia was focusing on one of the guys closet to the girls she didn't see the man coming up from behind her. She turned to look at Mikey, seeing how he was doing when all of a sudden she was pushed aside. She tried to keep herself on her feet but the person who had pushed her had enough strength to take her down. She fell down, hearing a gun fire near her. Her head turned over to the guy who shot the gun, bringing her gun up to shoot him, seeing how it him right in the chest. Her head turned to see who had pushed her. Her mother. She parted her lips to say something but she noticed the pool of blood coming out of her. "No," she muttered, moving herself into a crawling position to crawl towards her. "No no no." She said, moving her mother's upper half towards her. "Estelle." She said, giving her a bit of a shake. "Come on, don't do this."
When all hell broke loose, Bryan's response was instant. He got a few shots off, taking out some of them while the rest dived behind the car door. The return fire from behind the door came fast, and Bryan knew they were vulnerable. Liam, meanwhile, was still standing there stunned in the face of his first kill. Bryan grabbed his brother's wrist and dragged him back into the doorway of the warehouse, the distance enough to keep them out of the range of the bullets. Bryan reached up for a second to touch Liam, hand curling behind the back of his head. "Stay with me, man."
Her head turned back to find Frankie. Lucia couldn't handle something like this right now as horrible as it sounded to leave your mother's dead body to someone else. "Frankie!" She called out to him. She waited for him to acknowledge her before she got up and ran towards Amelia.
Liam's entire body went numb after the shot had been fired and the body dropped. He stared at it, not in shock from a dead body in his sight but that it was that way because of him, for the first time. As the place erupted around him with bullets flying everywhere he almost zoned it all out until Bryan came up and pulled him back. His eyes focused on Bryan when he was forced to look at him, nodding his head. "I'm good." He said, motioning for Bryan to go and do what he did best.
Frankie's gun was out the second all the shots started going flying around, dropping a body himself but when Lucia called out to him his eyes went to her first, then they found Estelle. "Shit." He muttered to himself, running over. "I got her!" He told Lucia, motioning for her to go as he got down to the ground.
Seeing Lucia make a run for the girls, Bryan pulled Liam back and stepped in front of him, raising his gun again. He gave Lucia cover, making sure no one got to her while she ran for Ashlyn and Amelia. The one left behind the car door was still firing at them and Bryan got one last shot off, shattering the glass over him but he had ducked and didn't get hit. He was out, and stepped back again to reload his gun.
Aidan turned his head over towards Bryan to see him handling the mess with Liam. He knew he had to run for it. He lifted up his gun and started to fire as he made his way across the distance between the two cars. He slid himself next to Ashlyn, moving his arm around her and tucking one underneath Amelia. "Hey hey, I got you." He whispered into Ashlyn's ear. Lucia in that moment hadn't cared about protecting herself to get to Amelia but when her head looked back she noticed that Bryan was covering her. She turned back and slid in the dirt, crawling her way over to Amelia. "Melly," she whispered, looking at Ashlyn. "I don't know how to thank you."
Mikey gritted his teeth when Frankie moved towards Estelle and Lucia and Aidan took off for the girls. There was one guy left, behind the door, and Bryan was out of bullets. Mikey dropped his crutch and moved, grimacing through the pain and running anyway, until he was in eyeline. The guy was focused on Bryan, he didn't see it coming when Mikey put a bullet in his head from the side.
Ashlyn looked up when Aidan appeared next to her, but she refused to leave Amelia unprotected until Lucia came over to her. She just nodded at Lucia's words, too scared to talk until the shooting finally came to an end. All of a sudden, it was over. She turned to Aidan, tears running down her face as she moved into his arms and clung to him.
Amelia came to a little when she felt a little more weight on her. "Luce," she whispered, eyes blurry as she tried to focus. The world was spinning again as she tried to reach out for her sister, instead, turning onto her side to throw up the sandwich she had ate earlier. She then collapsed again, the world went black again.
Mikey limped as fast as he could around the car and over to them, his stitches pulled open and the wound in his leg bleeding through his jeans, but he didn't care. He skidded to a halt and fell to his knees next to Lucia, his hands moving to Amelia's face. "Mellie, hey, stay with me babe..."
Aidan slid his arms around Ashlyn, inhaling her scent. He pulled her closer to him, slowly helping her get up off the ground, knowing all the guys were down around them. He pulled back a little, not realizing how tight he had been holding onto her. "Go get your brothers." He whispered, moving his hands to her face and pressing his lips against her forehead. Lucia looked at Amelia, taking a hold of her hair, knowing she was going to vomit. "It's okay, babygirl. I'm here." She whispered, turning her attention towards Frankie who was holding her dead mother... their dead mother. She turned her head quickly towards Mikey when he came over. "Get her to doctor." She said softly. "I gotta get Estelle."
Mikey looked up at Lucia when she told him to get her to the hospital, his heart pounding in fear. His hands moved from Amelia's face to gently lift her up and stand with her, the weight making his leg a searing pain. "Come on, baby, we're getting out of here," he murmured as he started towards Estelle's car, not caring that she couldn't hear him. "Henry!" he yelled for him to get the back door open. "Hospital, now!"
Ashlyn's gripped Aidan's shirt in her fists, tears streaking her face when his lips touched her forehead. She looked up into his eyes and nodded, still speechless but so glad to see him. She nodded and took in a shaky breath, letting him help her to her feet. Then she ran, barefoot, across the gravel and threw herself into Liam's arms, crying harder.
Henry hated having to sit back and watch this entire thing go down. He had begged Estelle to let him go out there and protect her. He had years of experience with guns and protecting others, but the eldest Winters had told him no. She didn't need her confidant to be in any sort of fire, so here he sat. Watched her get killed protecting Lucia. Lucia... he was snapped out of his daze when he saw Mikey hobbling towards him with a lifeless Amelia, immediately getting out of the car to grab her from him and place her into the back seat. "I got you two," he told Mikey before getting back into the driver's seat and driving off as fast as he could.
Once the bullets stopped flying around, Liam didn't notice anything else, just looking to find Ashlyn. Seeing her with Aidan he let out a breath of relief. Then when she made her way over to him he threw the gun aside, wrapping his arms around her instantly, one hand moving to the back of her head. "You're okay. You're safe now." He mumbled holding onto her, looking over at Bryan.
Ashlyn was up on her toes, her arms wrapped tightly around Liam's neck, her sobs starting to calm down at the sound of his voice. She buried her face in his shoulder. Bryan caught Liam's eye and went over to them, wrapping one arm around Liam and one around Ashlyn, holding onto both of them as relief flooded through him. He leaned down to press a kiss to Ashlyn's head, and she murmured, "I love you guys so much."
Lucia sat there, watching Mikey pick up Amelia and take her way. She couldn't bring herself to move her legs after that, her head turning to look over at Frankie once again. She pushed herself up after a couple minutes, ignoring the O'Shea's family reunion that was happening. She sat down across from Frankie, looking down at Estelle. Her fingers moved over to her eyes, closing them slowly. She moved her arms out to take her mother into her arms, looking down at her. She risked her life to save Lucia. Even her own father didn't do that when she was shot all those years ago. She swallowed, looking up at Frankie. "Find something to wrap her in." She kept her eyes on him. "Go." She knew Frankie probably didn't want to leave to go do something so small but Lucia knew she needed a moment. Just one little moment.
Bryan pulled away from the two of them, leaving Ashlyn in Liam's arms. He watched Lucia with her mother, the reality hitting him. Everything was going to change, and despite how Lucia may have felt about her, she just lost her mother. Bryan let her have a few moments of peace to herself, waiting until Lucia stood up before he went over to her. "I'm so sorry," he said, meaning it. "What can I do?" Bryan didn't know what Lucia might need from him at this point, but he wanted to at least offer to make this was easy for her as he could, on his end. As far as he was concerned, the truce still held.
Lucia inhaled, looking down at her mother. "Fuck," she said softly. "What am I gonna tell Matty?" She glided her tongue along her lower lip. In that moment, that was her one concern, her little brother and his already rocky path. One thing after another this year and this could push him over the edge. Her head lifted up once she heard Bryan's voice. She wanted to stand but she still couldn't feel her legs. "I don't know if there is anything but keep the deal we had. Truce." She whispered. "No more blood shed. No more fighting. A truce." She said as her eyes lifted up towards him. "If you are still okay with that."
Bryan looked down at Lucia, knowing partly what it felt like, but this was different. Desmond had died by Bryan's own hand, while Estelle had jumped in front of a bullet to save Lucia. Still, the grief would hit her hard, when she let it. But there was still work to be done first, and Bryan understood that more than anyone. "Lucia," he said, calling her by her first name and not Winters or some joking nickname for the first time in all their dealings together. He reached a hand down to her, helping her to her feet gently, then set his hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes. "Yes," he said, not consulting Liam, just agreeing. After all this, how could any of them want to go to war and lose even more? "The truce stands." He gave her shoulder a little squeeze. "Listen to me. You're in charge now." He knew that she had to hear it, let it sink in. "You got this. We'll figure the rest out between us, create territories or whatever we have to do to make a peace work. But we WILL make it work. I've still got your back. Alright?"
Lucia looked at him in a slight awe when he called her by her first name. She reached up and took his hand, standing up. She glanced down at feet, rubbing her hands against the jeans she was wearing. Her head lifting up towards him when he said the word yes. She nodded her head a little, wanting to find the right words to thank him to say something other than stand there like a complete fool. She ran her eyes over his face once he started to tell her how she was in charge which made her stand a little more. "Yeah," she said, moving her hands to his shoulders as well. "I am honestly speechless, um, thank you." She said softly, glancing behind him to see Frankie coming towards her with a blanket. "Take your family home, Bryan. I'll call you when things settle down on my end." She took a step closer, wrapping her arms around him to give him a quick hug. She moved back, pressing her lips together awkwardly as she walked past him to talk to Frankie.
For the first time in his life, Bryan was looking forward to peace, instead of chaos. He had always thrived in chaos, in war, because that was how his father raised him. But they had lost too much, on both sides, to still be at each other's necks all the time. It wasn't worth it. Bryan smiled softly at her, seeing Lucia as a partner in what was to come, instead of an enemy. "We're in this together," he said again. He was shocked when she moved to hug him, as brief as it was, and he squeezed her back for a moment before they parted. He nodded at her, in respect and understanding, then turned to get his family and take them home.
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jesi-arlene-dreyer · 6 years
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Jesi McMurray, You are such a FUCKING LIAR! This very message to Lucia shows you admitting to cheating. Yet you told everybody that we weren't together. You lie so much that you yourself begin to wonder what is true and what is not true. Fact of the matter is Tim tried for 3 years. You were sucking up every dick you could get your hands on. so, don't sit and think that you tried cuz you didn't try and all of the stuff that you did for me this last time you mean talking to TJ up until 2:30 in the morning sending messages Bobby, Joseph, Joe Carney, Jason brisco, and I can name more. Just so that you understand I know every phone call that you made from your phone from the very first day that you got your iPhone 7 plus in February. Oh and did I fail to mention all the stuff that you were doing for me you were contacting Lorne again right around lunch time which I'm pretty sure you were going over there and fucking him or sucking his dick. What's funny is people know that you've lied they all know that it wasn't me I didn't treat you like shit I didn't treat you like shit at all you did things to me that are unimaginable that someone to do to a person. But that's okay because something is going to happen I promise you wait and see karma is going to come around and knock you on your ass. And just so you know everybody knows that he is on dope Jesus he looks like he's lost 30 lbs Jes. And you look like you gained 50 pounds. You look terrible. That motherfucker can even get dressed up for your wedding. It look like a fucking ragtag ceremony. And please do me a favor it's fine that you used several of our songs that were our songs for your little bitch ass wedding with your bitch ass punk but please take the quote that I sent you off of your Facebook. And one more thing, it might not be tomorrow or next week, but on my life and all that I love, ALL DEBTS will be collected. And tell Sean I said he is a weak punk ass snitch that talk all kind of noise about what he was going to do to me, LOL I have yet to see him make good on his word. You can play like you're all into him all you want but you know what I would do to that boy that's why you didn't let him come over there cuz you didn't want it banged up. And people still know that you're talkin to Lorne and I'm sure that's just one person everybody thinks that's why you married Shawn because he's a dumbass. The wedding that you just had means absolutely nothing. It changes nothing with you you are a dirty slut that's just who you are and you're always going to be. You could marry ten Seans and Tim's and Lornes and it wouldn't matter one damn bit. Because you see you're the problem in everything you are the common denominator and everything and don't think Lauren is not going to pay his debt because he will and it's going to come do I will promise you that. What you did to me is the worst thing any human being to do to anyone I don't know what I did to deserve you doing this but there's going to come a time in your life so you're going to think back on this and regret having done that to me. Not because you're going to be back with me but because everything around you is going to fall apart and you're going to know that it's because of what you did to me to bow. I brought you a Medlin I fell in love with you and the girls you were my world. if you did not feel that way why did you come to Midland to begin with why did you keep coming back? You look at the letter here that you wrote them seeing that message it's terrible. You basically told her that you knew it was going to happen and blah blah blah so in other words you went in intending to be unfaithful. What's that is I used to think that you were the most beautiful thing that had ever walked on this Earth and now when I see a picture of yours come across I don't know if it's that you look bad or it's just that I see you for who you really are because when you see someone for who they really are all the beauty in the world cannot mask what's lurking be nice. You are damaged in the head and in the heart and it will surely follow you all the days of your life. so the whole time that you say you were doing this and that for me did that include sending picture and video messages to three guys that you worked with and then several other guys. I mean I literally had to stop looking because everywhere I look I found something else another name I don't think that maybe you even realize how bad a person you are. And no you don't have to be with me and because you don't want to be with me does not make you a bad person what makes you a bad person is the amount of time that you cheated on me the amount of times that you suck dick for money sucking my boss cheating on me constantly but beyond that what you did to the girls not right I was their parent you know that and now you've got a punk kid to be their daddy. You may not know it and you may not believe it and I really don't give a damn but there are a lot of folks laughing at you right now and some of them are a lot closer to home than you think so enjoy the good times for the surely will not last.
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