#love love love alpha soap getting bitched by alpha ghost
spidehpig · 2 months
So I'm pretty new to your page and I recently read an offering in your favor (spoiler alert it made me cry) and the angst was so good especially the end but a part of me wants revenge for the dead omega because I felt so bad for her and I can't stop imagining her just haunting johnny every second of the day for killing her (got this idea after listening to sex with a ghost by Teddy Hyde) Feel free to ignore this ask if it sounds cringe!
AHHHHH ANON ILY SO MUCH. offering is my baby. my first ever fic. i might some day come back to it and edit it or add an epilogue once i get better at writing. but i love ghoap so so dearly they are my babies. on my self insert/x reader bullshit right now but ghoap is my main fave ship in the fandom. and yesssss poor bird :( she didn’t deserve to be fated to that lunatic :(( justice for bird!!!
anyways im so obsessed with alpha soap getting bitched by alpha ghost and soap just being so delusional and obsessed with ghost. clearly the universe got it wrong… him and ghost are made for each other. two sides of the same coin. yin and yang. they’re meant to be. society just does f understand… yes ghost’s wife through and through.
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nervouslaughter05 · 2 years
Of Monsters and Men-Chapter 1
A/N: As promised, here is my second (and much happier might I say) addition to the CoD fandom! When the CoD edits started pouring into my TikTok feed, you would not believe how happy I was. Instantly, the healthy love I had felt for Ghost when I was younger and playing the game with my friends blossomed into a thirst quenchable only with the finest literature (Tumblr and Ao3 have been my saving grace) could satisfy.
I will be posting a ref sheet and a fact file for my OC on my art insta and here within hopefully the next week or so. Just know she is 5'6", has auburn hair she wears in a single french braid, and greyish-blue eyes.
Anyways, please heed the tags! I will be putting a note at the top of each chapter with some tags for that chapter specifically just for added protection for you readers :). Thank you and enjoy!
Art Insta: @timtoart05
C/W: blood and injury mention, OC patches up a bullet wound of a soldier and a knife wound (neither are described in graphic detail but blood is mentioned), minor language, mentions of killing and shooting
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“Soap, I’m running a little low over here!”
“Here, catch!”
Grizzly snatches the magazine from the air, deftly reloading her rifle and taking aim at the incoming hostiles. She pulls the trigger and sends a ball of lead right between the eyes of one of the men. As he crumbles to the ground, she takes aim again, staring into her scope and sending another man into the dirt. 
“We cannae keep this up!” Soap yells to be heard above the sound of gunfire, taking down targets of his own. “The fuckers jus’ keep comin’. ”
She sends another man to the grave, shouting back, “You think I don’t realize that?”
“Alpha, where the hell are you?” Grizzly questions, pressing the com resting in her ear that was tethered to a radio on her vest. “We’re gettin’ hammered out here!”
“About four minutes out,” her captain replies, the sound of helicopter blades slicing through the air traceable in the background. “Hold on.”
“Copy that.”
The marine to her right falls onto his back, clutching at his shoulder with a cry of pain. Her attention snaps from the rifle in her hands to the injured man, dropping it and hurrying to his side with her kit already open and ready to go. She keeps one of her hands pressing down on the one he already had on his shoulder to stanch the bleeding while the other pulls out gauze and cotton to pack the wound. Grizzly gently moves his shoulder up from the ground to check for an exit wound, instantly plugging her finger into the hole while she grasps a bottle of antiseptic. 
“Count to three for me, corporal,” she orders, flicking open the cap while the injured soldier does as told. 
Except she pours it on when he’s at one. He curses in pain, stiff beneath her steady hands. She expertly packs and bandages the wound. Once the gauze is firmly secured, the latex gloves get tossed away in favor of being swapped out for the combat ones. 
“Can you still shoot?” she questions, hands already back on her rifle as she gets a nod from the corporal. “Good. Back to your post.”
Grizzly transitions from corpsman to sniper instantly, resuming her position and taking aim at the men below. Right as she gets ready to take down one of the men hunting them from the outside of the compound they’d holed themselves in, the remaining men begin dropping like flies. She catches sight of a sniper taking aim at them from their spot on top of a nearby building right before there’s a hulking form shooting them in the back of the head. 
“Fuck yeah!” she yells, watching the last man drop dead as Alpha team sweeps through. 
“Take that ya sonuva bitches!” Soap cheers, rising to his feet and a hand going to the com in his ear. “Just in time fellas.”
“You’re welcome,” Gaz replies, his voice filtering smoothly through the coms. “You comin’ down or do we need to move in?”
“Meet us halfway,” Soap tells him as Grizzly rises to her feet with the rifle grasped firmly in her hands. 
He leads the way, their squad moving behind him in a line. She’s second to last, the marine with the injured shoulder in front of her while a massive brute is behind her. They move with ease, boots thumping on the stairs as all eight of them make their way from the third floor to the first. 
Fresh air brushes fondly over her face once the squad is outside, soothing her heated skin.
“Good to see ya in one piece,” Gaz says, bumping Soap’s fist with his own in their handshake.
Grizzly ushers the marines onto the helicopter, turning to Gaz once the last soldier gets on. “Of course y'all make an appearance right as the numbers die down.” 
He laughs, turning and leading them to the helicopter just as Ghost was coming back. 
“Lieutenant,” she greets him, nodding at the helicopter. “Nice move out there. Bet that poor bastard didn’t even see you comin’. ”
He nods to her, voice gruff as he speaks. “Sergeants.”
She grins, climbing into the helicopter after Soap and settling into the first open spot she sees. Ghost follows closely after, dropping heavily into the seat at her left since the others had all filled up. Price enters last, nodding to her and Soap before taking a seat and ordering the pilots to take them back to base. 
And just like that, the mission was a success. 
“Soap if you don’t stop moving I have the authority to knock you out.”
The man chuckles at the threat. “Doesn’t that go against your oath, Griz?”
She snorts, shoving him. “We’re surrounded by marines. You really think they’d care?”
Gaz laughs at the pout the Scot puts on at the reply. “Aw c’mon, man. Ya know she loves you too much to do somethin’ like tha’. ”
“Debatable,” she quips, winding the bandage around Soap’s thigh where he’d been knifed during the fight.
“A’m hurt, Griz,” Soap tells her, placing a hand over where his heart is and putting on a mock frown. 
She chuckles. “Oh come on ya big baby. Even if I did knock you out, I’d make sure you were properly taken care of. I can’t be the only raging Scot around here to celebrate the death of the queen.”
Soap laughs at that, unable to stay mad while Gaz deadpans. “Guess yer right, lass. Even if yer only half.”
“Only one who ken wat yer talking ‘bout, Soap,” Grizzly says, laughing at the other man in the room with them shaking his head. 
“Even after all these years I still can’t understand the two of ya.”
“Don’t need to,” she hums, standing and encouraging Soap to do the same to check his bandages. “How’s that feel?”
“Better,” he replies, heading for the door of the med ward. “Wanna get some eats? The mess should still be open.”
Grizzly follows closely behind the other sergeant with Gaz at her side, making their way through the base. It wasn’t the one they called home, but considering she had spent five years in the marine corps before being called by Price to join his budding 141, she was able to steer them in the right direction. Marines walked past, nodding in respect to her and the team. More than once she heard a teasing “Evenin’, Mama Bear” passing by. This just made her grin and keep walking, knowing it was the soldiers own way of showing their respect to her as a doctor. 
“What’s up with their whole thing of calling you ‘Mama Bear’, Griz?” Soap asks as they enter the mess hall and get into line. “I don’t think I’ve heard any of them refer to you by Grizzly once.”
She shrugs. “That’s just the marine way, Soap. Gotta show their respect somehow. Many of them knew me back when I was still a corpsman meaning that I saved a lot of their asses out in combat.”
The room was still full of marines of various rankings shuffling about and sitting at tables eating. When she steps out of line to wait for Gaz and Soap to finish being served up, a squad marches in. They’re all very loud, shoving one another with playful roughness in line. She rolls her eyes at the display, all too familiar with it even after being officially away from the scene for nearly three years at this point. 
Her other two team members finally step away with their food, at her sides as they find a place to sit down and eat. She spies an empty table against the back wall, turning to face Gaz and Soap. Grizzly nods in the direction of the table, weaving through the mass of tables and bodies crowding them. They get to the back of the room, settling down and digging in. 
“How was the mission, Mama Bear?” a marine sitting at the table about two feet from theirs inquires, catching her attention right as she was taking a bite of her food.
Another marine cuts in before she can answer. “Oh come on Daniels. Ya know it went well. Any team with Mama Bear as the corpsman is gonna make it out in one piece. Ain't that right, Mama Bear?”
“Damn straight,” she replies, a grin on her face. “There’s a reason why you’re cautioned against riling up a grizzly with cubs, fellas.”
The marines chuckle at her response, leaving her to eat the rest of the meal in peace. 
“That was so corny,” Gaz teases, sipping his juice. 
She shrugs. “True though ain’t it?”
He just huffs out a laugh and keeps eating. Soap swaps banter with the marines and Grizzly joins in every now and then, amused highly at the confused expressions on the faces of the marines when she used her thick Scottish accent. Eventually the marines finish up, leaving with a chorus of “bye Mama Bear!”s and nods to the men she was with. 
She pulls her phone out, shooting a quick text to her older brother as she remembered something random he’d asked her on a call they’d had a few days ago. Before she could put it away, her ringtone goes off and the caller ID of “Mom” pops up. Without skipping a beat, her ringtone is silenced and the phone is put back into one of the side pockets of her cargos. 
“Scammer?” Gaz asks, gaze curious. 
Grizzly shakes her head, going back to eating. “Nah. My mom.”
Soap’s head snaps up, eyes meeting hers. “Why’re you hanging up on yer mum, Griz? Wat’s the woman done now, aye?”
“The usual,” is all she replies with, finishing off the last of her food and drinking the rest of her juice. “Her latest fixation is kinda funny though.”
Gaz seems slightly nervous as he asks, “And what would that be?”
She looks up from her tray of food, meeting his gaze. “When she’s gonna be getting grandkids from me.”
Soap nearly chokes on his drink from the snort of laughter that spills from his lips while Gaz takes a moment to process her words. 
“Wat aboot findin’ a partner first?” the Scot manages to say between his wheezing laughs, trying to rein it in. “Ye cannae jus’ pop out a pup at her request.”
“That’s what I tried to tell her,” Grizzly says, pinching the bridge of her nose between her pointer finger and thumb with furrowed brows. “So then she just goes ‘When’s the wedding then?’ and I almost lost it.”
Soap’s laughter rings out as Gaz shakes his head, shoulders shaking with his own laughs. 
“Sounds awful,” Gaz concedes. “She want you out of the military or somethin’?”
She nods, rising from the table as the men do the same. “Exactly. She hates how long I’ve been in for. Thinks I need to get out and do normal ‘woman things’-whatever the hell that means.”
“She’s very old fashioned isn’t she?” Gaz remarks, walking beside her. 
“Old-fashioned is an understatement, Gaz.”
The three of them walk out of the mess hall together, passing by the packed tables of marines. Murmurs follow in their wake, speaking of the prestige of the team. She’s amused by the murmurs, having grown used to them after spending a few years in 141. Soap and Gaz converse while they walk, the former very animated in his speaking and hand movements. 
Her phone vibrates in her pocket against her leg, but she pointedly ignores it. 
“Ey Ghost!”
She had zoned out, not seeing the approach of their team’s lieutenant. He nods to them in greeting, trying to go on his way around Soap. The insistent sergeant however blocks him, striking up–or at least tries to–a conversation with the other man. 
“Where ya off to, L.t?” Soap asks, sunshine attitude leaking from him in waves. 
Ghost looks down, voice neutral. “None of your business, Johnny.”
Grizzly rolls her eyes with an affectionate huff, stepping forward and placing a hand on Soap’s shoulder. “Leave ‘em alone, Soap. Maybe he just wants some peace and quiet away from you.”
The Scot guffaws, pouting at her. He looks back at Ghost. “Tell me it’s not true, Ghost!”
Ghost huffs, and she can tell from his expression alone he was raising an eyebrow beneath the mask. “Why? No point in lying to ya.”
She laughs at the mock anguish Soap plasters on his face, getting to relieve the sergeant’s drama from earlier when she’d been treating his wound. Gaz chuckles, heading down the hallway in the direction of the barracks and showers with a soft “M gonna clean up” to Grizzly. She watches him go for a moment before turning her attention back to the lieutenant and the other sergeant. 
“Ya wound me, Ghost,” Soap sighs dramatically, sagging down into Grizzly’s hold. “At least I still have ya Griz.”
“Wouldn’t change a thing, Soap,” she tells him, patting his back. 
“Since ya want to know so badly,” Ghost says, getting the Scot to perk up. “I was heading to the gym.”
She looks up at the lieutenant, slightly surprised before realizing this was Ghost they were talking to. 
“Lookin’ for some sparrin’ partners?” Soap asks, slinging an arm around Grizzly so she couldn’t slink away. “Am sure Griz would love to spar wi’ ya. Right?”
“I’ll break your arm, Soap.”
He laughs. “Calm down, shorty.”
“Show some respect to your superior,” she orders playfully, squirming from his grip. “I didn’t get into the military two years before you did just to not be shown the respect I’m due.”
Soap grins. “Sounds like we ‘ave an issue to deal wi’. Care to fight it out?”
She glances up at Ghost–Christ why did she have to be so short compared to him–who had an expression of a man resigned to an interrupted workout and then back at the Scot. “You’re on.”
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