#love how even the king is sick of the cardinal's shit
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3x03spring · 11 months ago
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demvalhaken · 8 months ago
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I decided to make Satan more brown and not your stereotypical kinda guy. Also, I need a Lucifer design because right now we have purple/pink goober
I’ve been kinda hit with the sickness of artblock again because of how many things I need to design but don’t want to
I imagine Satan and Lucifer being rivals, but that’s just me
I don’t why but I kinda tried to make Lucifer look like the sky of Pride, which is purple at night and blue at day. Completely unrelated but at night there’s three bright glowing stars and at day, four stars. This is from the Purgatory of The Divine Comedy. They represent the cardinal and spiritual virtues! I think that’s really cool, because if I ever do make a purgatory, the stars will be shining from there into Pride and maybe Treachery. In the actual story, Dante goes from Treachery and into Purgatory, but Purgatory is one step closer to Heaven and Pride is the highest ring of Hell. So just picture that in your head if you can.
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Hehe, Bael’s mother. Her name is so hard to pronounce, it’s great on paper though. Curse you Alrofes. I’m not even gonna reveal wtf she is because that’s for future Dem to decide.
Not much to say about her other than she’s protected by Satan because if anyone knew what she was, she would be killed on sight. You can make assumptions on what she is because she’s literally a freak of nature (With love)
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I didn’t colour her eyes like Alrofes’s because it just didn’t look right. Also she now has finger glove markings because I thought it was really cool and it started as a little headcannon on what her hands could look like. I ate with her design btw! I don’t know what past Dem was on, but she cooked a 3 Michelin star meal and got a 20/10 by Gordon Ramsay himself. Okay, I’m joking. She’s such a silly goober who has 0 social skills, she was homeschooled. Why is King Bael of the Ars Goetia a woman, I don’t fucking know!!! It’s been like this for absolutely no reason!!! I need to learn how to stop making ocs that are woman and draw an actual man for once, damn
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My dinner, the tape is holding back the entire universe
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Okay bye I need to stfu before I start geeking and tweaking
Eat this up and stay a menace to society, I have like one week and six days before I go back to school and I need to see some actual people in my life.
Look out ladies, here comes Dem!!!
Edit: Guess who’s getting her school shit done, we bouta be back in Hell fr
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marya-blackbone · 2 years ago
he checked
Steve hates Robin Buckley’s boyfriend. He visits Scoops Ahoy nearly every other day now to flirt with her, and he hates how he bows, kisses her hand and calls her lady Buckley, eyes glinting as though they share some kind of secret.
He doesn’t know why it bothers him so much – they’re dating; they probably share lots of secrets – but there’s just something about Eddie Munson that… irks Steve. Because that has to be what this feeling is – this strange twist in his gut; this flare of jealousy whenever he swings by to say hello.
He thinks he gets it when realises he’s jealous because they’re happy (in a way he and Nancy never were after Barb). Then, he thinks he gets it when he notices how pretty Robin is and finally concedes Dustin might be on to something when he said Robin is cool, the full package.
He doesn’t really get it until much later, after the Russians, but until then, he manages to convince himself that he hates Eddie. He hates how loud he is; hates his taste in clothes, music; hates his stupid, long hair.
But most of all, Steve hates it when Eddie just… looks at Robin. (He doesn’t think to question how he doesn’t care when it’s Robin looking at Eddie.)
“Not me,” Robin mumbles – also the wrong thing to say because the jaws of pretty much all the girls within hearing range drop and several gasps are heard.
On one particular day, in the weeks leading up to the summer of 1985, someone asks Robin what she’s going to do with her summer. It’s an innocent enough question, but God does it turn Robin’s quiet life upside down.
All she does is tell them she has a summer job at Starcourt – Scoops Ahoy to be precise – but that was the wrong thing to say apparently because it was hot gossip that Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington is also going to be slinging ice cream after graduation. Half the cheer squad applied for and were rejected by Scoops when they found out, and any one of them would kill for regular one-on-one time with King Steve.
And then Eddie slings an arm over her shoulders, plants a kiss on her cheek, and tells her he missed her, in a very loud voice.
By lunchtime, the rumours have started.
This is Cardinal Fear Number One for Robin and she. is. freaking. the. fuck. out. Around the fifth time she hears that word, Robin’s panicked gaze meets that of one Eddie Munson.
He’s not hard to spot – he’s standing on his chair, again, and he’s making a spectacle of himself, again. But when he looks at her, he smiles. And it’s not one of the many sneers she’s had directed at herself today, but a real, genuine smile, and before she knows what to make of it, he’s crossing the canteen to where she stands like a deer in the headlights, reeling from the first few moments of what she fears will be the rest of her life as a social pariah. No, worse than that. If she doesn’t figure this shit out, she doesn’t know if she’ll ever feel safe again.
And that’s that.
Almost everyone just assumes what she meant when she said she didn’t want a piece of Steve was that she already had a piece of Eddie. She stops feeling sick, because yeah, ‘freaks in love’ isn’t going to go away any time soon, but it’s a hell of a lot better than the other one; the dangerous one; the truth.
Later, when Robin and Eddie have a moment to talk, she asks why he helped her – afraid for a moment that he expects something out of it. She learns just how wrong she is when he answers by telling her that Scoops Ahoy wouldn’t hire him because of his tattoos.
He checked.
She laughs then, explodes with it, really, and with Eddie’s laugh overlapping with hers, she thinks it might be okay – easy, even – to pretend she’s in love with Eddie Munson.
And then it all just seems ridiculously ironic that now Robin’s the one with eyes on her that he wishes were on him.
Getting flat out rejected by Robin didn’t hurt as much as Steve thought it would. In fact, he’s weirdly relieved.
In the end, it’s not even the biggest takeaway for Steve from their whole discussion on the floor of the men’s room.
That comes when Robin describes how she wanted Tammy Thompson to look at her. And it’s not even because Robin tells him she’s a lesbian – it’s because there’s something familiar about that feeling of wanting someone to look at you. Wanting them to look at you when they’re looking at someone else.
Maybe if he were more lucid, Steve would realise there never was anything to be jealous of, and maybe if he was more observant from the start, he would have noticed to whom Eddie’s eyes always strayed.
But for now, it’s enough that he knows what that weird feeling really means, even if he has absolutely no idea what to do with it.
(He’ll figure it out.)
A/N: so I’ve seen steve being robin’s beard, but what about eddie? this is a short drabble that i hope inspires someone else with more time than me
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jessikahathaway · 4 years ago
Into Eternity - Part XIV
Holy shit I’m back. Here’s the next chapter, hope you enjoy :)
Pairing: Jimin X Reader
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Royalty!AU
Words: 5,439
Warnings: Major Character Death
You woke up that morning, warmth covering your back. Jimin’s arm wound tightly around your body. 
Groaning slightly, you shifted in discomfort. Your husband truly did a number on you last night. 
“Darling...?” Jimin said, moving from behind you at your pained noise.
“I’m fine Jimin, go back to bed,” you said, coughing suddenly hitting your chest hard.
“Y/N?” He said, laying you on your back against the pillows. 
Shame crossed his face as he saw the state you were in. Your body bruised from his hands, no doubt between your legs hurt even worse. But what killed him was the smile on your face. It was big and bright, like it always was when you saw him. 
“I’m fine, Jimin, truly-” more coughing came from your lips.
“I’ll get you something,” he said, covering you up with the blankets and hurrying to grab his clothes that had sat on the floor all night.
“Jimin come back to bed,” you whined. Your pleading tone made his fluffy head pop up from the other side of the mattress.
“But you’re sick-” he began.
“Sick and tired of waiting for you to get back in this bed!”
“Now aren’t you a little monster, demanding things so early,” he muttered.
“I’m so sore,” You huffed, leaning back into the pillows. 
“I’m sorry, I should’ve been more gentle,” Jimin lamented.
“You can always make it up to me,” you teased, rubbing a thumb along his pouty lips.
Jimin’s eyes grew wide at your suggestion, taking your thumb in his mouth obediently. Just as you were about to suggest your less than appropriate plan to your husband, a knock came to the door.
“Highness? Lady Y/N? The morning has broken, we have a witch to kill,” Jungkook’s voice echoed through the room.
The playful air diminished as you looked at Jimin with fear in your eyes. 
“Very good, Jungkook. We will be out momentarily,” Jimin answered. 
The sound of the head guard walking away made your body tense. Jimin’s palm found your back as you shuddered from the cold. Bringing your body close to his he sighed. 
“If only we could stay in this bed all day, my love,” Jimin teased, “I wish I never had to see you put on another gown in my life.”
“Yet you’re the one always buying them for me,” you countered.
Jimin laughed and fell back onto the bed with you in his arms. “We’ll be free after this day, Y/N... Free to live how we want... To rule how we want. The Kingdom is ours once we get back to the Royal Palace... What is the first thing you’d like to do as Queen?” he asked.
“First thing I’d like to do as Queen,” you thought... Your eyes became starry as you pondered all the possibilities. Jimin loved this look in your eyes. So sparkly and bright. He’ll never tire of it as you grow old together. Because this is the look of a woman who has a future. Not the dead eyed look of a woman who was not living her days, but existing within them. Your doe eyes made him chuckle, snapping you out of your stupor.
“What’s so humourous to you?” you asked, raising a brow in his direction.
Jimin simply shook his head, placing a kiss on your hairline. 
“Nothing, my love. Nothing at all.”
The first time you laid eyes on Morgana was horrifically calm. She wasn’t angry, nor was she stupendously hideous. She merely look like a feeble, old woman. One who should be walking around with a cane and a small smile etched into her aged skin. But, you knew the truth about her. She was a wicked, despicable woman. One who prayed on the weak of will and faint of heart. She had a sliver of ice that had consumed her heart and soul. 
Now, as you looked at her in chains, your heart still raced. 
Your palms still sweat.
Because you knew she could kill you. And she would given the chance. 
Jimin’s hand was interlocked with your own. The pair of you were walking behind the procession. Jungkook was at the front, leading with his hand on his saber the entire time. Father Jin and Hoseok were next, holding Morgana with the magically charmed restraints. Lord Taehyung and Yoongi were behind them, keeping a good distance between you and her. 
You looked nervously at Jimin, knowing something was off in the air. You could feel it in your gut, something was wrong. 
“Jimin,” you whispered, leaning into his side. He accepted you there, holding you around the waist as the pair of you walked. 
“Yes my love?” he asked, kissing your head gently. 
“Something is wrong, something doesn’t feel right,” you warned. 
“I understand your nerves, we are about to kill the witch that has made our lives hell. You are nervous, as am I... But I know we must do this. This is the right thing,” Jimin stated. 
“J-Jimin that’s not it,” you whimpered. 
“Y/N? What is it?” he asked. 
“Up ahead!” Hoseok shouted, pointing to the monument growing in the distance. 
“Finally, soon we’ll be free,” Jimin breathed. 
Before you in the sky rose four large stone gates that appeared to be facing in the cardinal directions. In the very center was a pedestal, covered in green moss and lichens. You shivered in the chill of the winter air. But how was there life growing upon the rock in this kind of weather?
“Wow, do you feel that?” Jimin asked as the two of you got closer.
“Yes, it feels... Strong,” you whispered back. 
“It’s the magical energy of the monument. It was here before my forefathers were born. They performed all of their rituals here during the dark ages. They prayed to their Gods to provide good harvest, to have the women birth healthy young, for the Kingdom to be prosperous. But they gave that up when the frosts started to become more brutal, women started dying as well as the children. There’s a reason the capitol isn’t here anymore,” Jimin explained.
“Morgana, to the pedestal,” Jungkook practically growled. 
You stood besides Jimin, gripping his hand as you watched the witch get led forward. Father Jin latched his side into a stone hitch that lay towards the back of the cold slab of rock. Hoseok did the same on his side. 
“Morgana, you are here for committing attempted murder on the King and Queen of this Kingdom,” Jungkook began.
“Which one? There’s been many before these little gutter snipes,” she sneered. You cringed as you saw her teeth, cracked and green before you. Jimin held you close, smoothing his hands down your back. 
“Silence you putrid hag!” Jungkook yelled.
“I will read you your rights under God,” Jin said, approaching her with a tenderness she didn’t deserve.
“I don’t believe in your God, take pity on yourself and save the breath, you will need it for when your blood curdling screams take off across the snow later,” she smiled. 
“What?” Taehyung said.
Her broken cackle echoed across the area, filling your stomach to the brim with dread. You knew something wasn’t right. You knew it, and yet you still followed. You let Jimin come here, and now-
The chains that held Morgana’s hands to the rocks broke, as if made of string. Jimin threw you behind him, keeping you out of her sight. 
Jungkook moved to attack, when Morgana moved her hand, sending Jungkook flying into the stone column behind him. 
“Jungkook!” Hoseok yelled. 
“Now now, Hoseok... Let’s not pretend anymore shall we?” she teased. 
Your blood ran cold.
“No,” you breathed, the fog of the word catching in the air in front of your face. But you still found yourself reeling. 
“Hoseok you traitor! I’ll never forgive you for this!” Jimin snarled. 
“I’ll never forgive you for taking me away from my pregnant wife! From my child whom I never got to hold in my arms. No, I had to follow my Prince’s orders and miss my wife’s delivery... But no matter, they will be back soon enough,” Hoseok huffed. 
“Hoseok, they’re gone. But that isn’t Jimin’s fault! It’s her! It’s Morgana’s fault! She’s the one who attacked the village where they were! Jimin had nothing to do with that!” you tried to rationalize.
“He knew she could go into labor any day, and yet he still sent me. Not Jungkook, not my brother Namjoon. Me,” Hoseok stated.
“Hoseok, you were the only man who could do what I asked. You know that!”
“I can’t forgive you Highness... I just... I can’t,” Hoseok whispered. 
“Hoseok dear, I believe it’s time for you to fulfill your end of the bargain,” Morgana chuckled. 
“Yes, I believe it is,” Hoseok said. He took out both of his daggers, wielding them in the air before running.
Straight for you.
You closed your eyes tight and waited for a blow that never came. But a sharp metallic ringing is what echoed through the air, not your screams. You peaked your eye open and saw Jimin, sword drawn and being pushed against by Hoseok’s daggers.
“I won’t let you touch her,” Jimin growled, shoving Hoseok back hard against the rock.
“You won’t get a chance to say otherwise,” Hoseok rebuked. 
The two began to fight. Jimin on the defense while Hoseok came at him again and again. You watched in horror as the two parried and lunged at each other. It was as if they were dancing, each trying to outsmart the other in the way they moved their bodies. 
Hoseok was much more aggressive than Jimin. Hoseok had power behind each move, but Jimin had agility. He swooped and ducked, even falling to the ground to avoid his attacker. 
But Hoseok was getting frustrated fast. He wanted this to end, and quickly.
“Hoseok, we’re like brothers, why are you fighting me?” Jimin asked, practically pleading in his tone. 
“My family was all I had, and you took that away from me... So I’ll take your family away too,” Hoseok stated, lunging past Jimin’s cheek, leaving a cut across the tender flesh there.
“Jimin!” you yelped, moving to rush forward when you were caught around the waist. Taehyung whispered in your ear, pulling you further away from the action.
“Don’t, let them go, they need to do this,” he explained. 
“They’re going to hurt each other, I can’t let that happen,” you whimpered. 
“Neither of them truly want to hurt the other, but we need to fool Morgana” Taehyung whispered.
“But his cheek,” you gaped. 
“It’s all a show, Morgana thinks that Hoseok is on her side...”
“On her side?” 
“Hoseok confessed last night. He told us about his plans and what Morgana was forcing him to do. And that it was all based on the promise of his family being returned to him. But Father Jin discovered that Morgana has never possessed the power to reanimate beings, she was lying to get to him. The weakness of his recent loss made him susceptible,” Taehyung said, slowly pulling you away from their fighting.
Suddenly, you felt a force rip Taehyung from your side, throwing you to the ground with the strength of it. There was ice in your mouth as you coughed, your lungs desperate for oxygen. “Enough!” 
Morgana’s sharp voice echoed through the cold stone.
You looked up from the snow and towards her. Jimin and Hoseok were breathing heavily, looking at each other with fierce eyes. For people who didn’t really want to kill each other, they were certainly playing the role well.
“Hoseok. That little wench over there is still breathing. Why is that?” Hoseok froze.
“He’s not giving me any room to attack,” Hoseok explained, sweat dripping from his brow.. 
“I have a reason not to lose,” Jimin stated, “I won’t let her watch me fail.”
Hoseok lunged forward, appearing to attempt a surprise attack, but Jimin simply moves to the side with practiced ease. Hoseok’s face flushed with frustration. 
“My prince, you are stubborn. I will give you that, but I won’t lose. I can’t.”
Hoseok moved forward again, and this time Jimin moves a second too late. You heard him hiss in pain as Hoseok’s dagger shredded through his jacket and shirt, cutting his upper bicep. 
You screamed and Morgana’s eyes focused on you. A shudder ran down your spine, the equivalent to ice water running through your veins at the look in her eyes. It was as if you were the very bane of her existence. As if she hated nothing more in the world... 
Jimin gripped his arm, blood beginning to seep from the wound. “You caught me off guard, Hoseok. Revel in that attack, because it will be the last one you land on me,” Jimin teased, hitting Hoseok’s dagger from his hand and kicking him square in the chest. Hoseok’s breath flew from him as he landed harshly against the ground, Jimin’s shoe digging into his tender flesh. 
“Hoseok, it appears I have the upper hand. And what do you say to that?” Jimin gloated.
“I say, NOW NAMJOON!” Hoseok cried. 
“Namjoon?!” you yelled. 
Then, Morgana lurched forward unnaturally, legs bowing forward as her chest puffed out. Behind her, Namjoon stood bravely. His saber skewered her, through and through.
Tears sprung to your eyes. He wasn’t dead. He survived the Forsaken, and now he was here to fulfill his promise to you and Jimin both.
Hoseok smiled as Morgana cried out, black blood pouring from her ripped skin. Gurgling sounds echoed throughout the clearing, making your stomach churn. Namjoon pressed his foot into her back and shoved her off his sword, watching as she fell into a heap on the ground. 
“Hoseok... Y-you traitor... N-Now your family will... be in purga-tory for the... rest of time,” she groaned from the bloodied Earth. 
“My family will rest in peace with their murderer dead,” he growled. 
Morgana lay there, unmoving. Tentatively, you stood, holding your side. 
“Ji-Jimin?” you asked, looking at him with teary eyes. 
“Y/N,” he breathed. 
You ran over, past Morgana’s body and wrapped your arms around your husband. Jimin smiled as he picked you up and spun you around. Pure elation ran through your veins, burning bright from within you. 
“We’re free,” he whispered, kissing your face. You smiled as he set you down, hands locked behind his neck.
“We need to clean your cheek,” you whispered, fingers tracing his wound in a delicate manner. 
“We’ll worry about that later, I think someone wants to say hello to you,” Jimin stated.
You turned around and saw Namjoon looking at you, a big grin on his dirty face. “Lady Y/N,” Namjoon greeted, bowing slightly. You matched his smile and ran over, giving him a big hug too. 
“I thought we’d lost you,” you whispered, holding him tight. 
“I have a duty to uphold my lady. A duty that I will forever follow,” Namjoon declared. 
“I’m so glad we wound up not needing this,” Father Jin said, pulling out a small knife. 
“What is it?” you asked, taking the blade between your fingers. 
“Careful, there is an extremely potent poison placed on the blade,” he warned. 
“Why didn’t we just use this instead of Namjoon’s saber, this is more discreet,” you pondered.
“Well it was kind of our last resort. It’s dangerous to wield it as well, because just a nick with this blade could spell death for the injured, I didn’t want to risk anyone’s life if it wasn’t necessary,” Father Jin explained. 
“Y/N, you should put it down,” Jimin said, moving forward. 
“I’ll be fine,” you said. Looking up at your husband, pure fear trickled down your spine. Morgana’s corpse had moved, standing behind him in a menacing posture. 
Everything seemed to move in slow motion. 
Jungkook started to run from his place behind the pedestal. Father Jin was thrown backwards, as well as Namjoon and Hoseok. Taehyung remained back where the two of you had been thrown earlier, but his eyes widened in shock. Yoongi took aim from the back.
Before you had time to think, you moved forward shoving Jimin to the ground. Morgana’s blade barely missed his neck... However, it stabbed into your stomach square on. Pain erupted from your abdomen. 
Jimin looked up in horror.
His wife...
His beloved wife stood above him, taking a dagger meant for him. 
“Y/N! No!” 
“I knew you’d protect him. Finally,” she sneered as she twisted the blade in your stomach. You whimpered in pain, feeling your strength begin to sap from your limbs. 
“I-I’ll always... protect him,” you heaved. 
“Foolish girl, this is what love gets you. Pain and suffering,” Morgana declared. 
“No, love has brou-ught me so m-much more than you’ll e-ever know.”
Jimin was frozen to the spot, his heart hammering against his chest. How could he let this happen? He was a failure. He couldn’t even protect his wife from the one thing he knew would harm her. 
He failed you.
“Die and know that your husband will fall in love with me, forgetting all about you. All he will know, is me,” she gritted, pulling the knife from your abdominal area. 
You collapsed to the ground, blood pouring from your wound. Jimin scrambled to hold you, gripping your face. “Y/N, Y/N look at me,” he panicked, keeping your face level with his. 
Morgana grabbed him by the back of his shirt, lifting him into the air with ease. She smiled a black tooth grin at him, making Jimin want to gag. Sniffing around his hair and neck, Morgana licked his injured cheek. She shuddered, seeming to enjoy the sensation of his agony. 
“Your despair is so delicious my sweet, and your blood is addictive... God, I can’t wait for you to be mine,” she beamed.
“I-I’ll never be yours,” he fought, kicking his legs and attempting to fall from her ironclad grasp.
As she toyed with Jimin like a cat with a mouse, you saw your opportunity. Reaching forward, you took the knife in your hand and stabbed it directly into her foot.
Morgana shrieked, dropping Jimin onto the ground as she glared at you. 
“You little bitch!” she cried, kicking you in the jaw. You groaned in pain, head knocking back aggressively. 
“Y/N!” he whimpered. 
However, just as Jin said, the poison began to take effect. Morgana’s body seized up unnaturally, twitching and shuddering in pain. “W-What is this?”
“Nightshade poison, mixed with brimstone you unholy demon!” Father Jin cried. 
“N-No!” Morgana howled, body crumpling to the ground, continuing to twinge until a few moments later when she finally laid still.
Namjoon rushed over and pushed her over with his foot and took the dagger, ramming in through her skull. Crimson blood and brain matter covered the ground, making your head spin. 
The air was eerily quiet. 
A soft breeze came over the party.
Jimin scrambled onto his feet, rushing over to your mangled body on the ground. “Y/N? Y/N can you hear me?” he asked, pulling you into his lap. 
Your eyes were drooping as you looked at your husband. Your vision was doubling, seeing your husband multiply and then come back to one person made your mind whirl in confusion. “Jimin,” you whispered. 
“I’m here my love, I’m right here,” he said, holding your hand to his cheek. 
“I-I’m dying,” you stated, weak voice cracking from the strain of speaking. 
“No, no Y/N you’re going to be just fine, you’ll be okay,” Jimin said in a pained voice. 
He held you close, leaning into your palm that cupped his cheek. Namjoon stood behind him, face grim. Father Jin had come up, kneeling down besides the two of you. Taehyung and Jungkook stood back, looking on with sorrow in their eyes. Hoseok couldn’t bear to watch. 
“Keep pressure on it,” Father Jin ordered, pressing his robes to your wounds in an act of desperation. 
“Will she live? Father please tell me you can help her,” Jimin pleaded. 
Father Jin kept applying pressure to your wound, but you couldn’t feel it anymore... You had gone blissfully numb. You brushed his wounded cheek once more, frowning at the injury with distaste. 
“We nee-d, to clean your c-cheek,” you coughed, blood seeping into Father Jin’s robes at an alarming rate. 
Jimin felt his stomach drop into the Earth. “Just keep your eyes open, focus on me,” Jimin begged, fat tears rolling down his cheeks. You tried your best, you really did. But your head was swimming from blood loss and pain that it was impossible to complete the task. 
“Jimin, we’re... free,” you breathed. 
“We are my love, we are free, so now you have to live... You have to live so we can have a family, rule the kingdom together, love each other... forever,” he sobbed. 
“I love you... so much, J-Jimin,” you stuttered, vision finally blotting out. 
“I love you too, I will love you for the rest of my days,” Jimin cried. 
You went limp in his arms, blood starting to stop it’s flow from your wound. Father Jin removed his hands, leaning back and looking down at the ground with tears falling from his eyelashes. 
“Father, we must keep pressure on the wound,” he shouted, pressing his hands to your stomach with anguish. 
“No we don’t Highness, no we don’t,” Father Jin cried softly.
Jungkook turned his back and was shaking, trying to keep himself together. 
“Highness, I failed you, I’m so sorry,” Jungkook weeped.
Taehyung wrapped his arms around the younger male, bringing him to his chest. Taehyung coddled him like a small babe fretting. However, honestly the older man just didn’t want his subordinate to see him cry. 
Yoongi covered his mouth, shocked by the proceedings. 
Hoseok collapsed to his knees. “I-I... After everything we did, I gave up everything... And she still beat us,” he whispered.
Namjoon moved over to Jimin, placing his hand on his shoulder. “Highness, we must go, the Forsaken still exist, and they will be savage at the loss of their Queen.”
Jimin shook his head, burying his face into your cold neck. “I can’t leave her, I refuse,” he whimpered. 
“Highness,” Namjoon urged.
“No! I won’t leave her here, I promised I would never leave her,” Jimin howled. Anguish covered the younger man’s features. Tears ran down his cheeks, making pathways to the earth on his face. 
“Jimin!” Namjoon screamed. 
The world was rocked into utter silence.
“We all loved her, we all are going to miss her. But now we have to let her go... We have to go, the last thing Lady Y/N would’ve wanted is for you to die with her as well. She died so you could go on living, please Jimin... Please let her go,” Namjoon said. 
“Perhaps he can’t,” a distant voice uttered. 
Namjoon pulled out his sword, directing it towards the noise. 
“Who’s there?” Namjoon called, looking into the distance.
Jimin cradled your body closer to him, hand smoothing down your hair as he cried. 
A sliver of blue mist appeared, circling above you and Jimin both. Namjoon pulled out his saber and pointed it into the air. 
“Back demons, we’ve already lost so much today, please have mercy,” Namjoon stated, closing his eyes.
“My sweet Y/N,” Jimin sobbed, kissing the tomb of your head. The poor man was broken. The one thing he loved most in this world, taken from him in an instant. He thought the two of you were going to be together forever... But why did forever have to be so short?
“We... are not... demons,” a sweet tone answered.
“This is where we lost each other, and found each other again,” another voice answered.
“Who are you?” Taehyung shouted.
“I am Park Lee Suk, High King of Arcane Kingdom,” one sliver of blue mist answered, transforming into a full apariton. One that looked exactly like the deceased High King. 
“And I am Park Lu Na, High Queen of Arcane Kingdom... Or, at least I was supposed to be,” she smiled, sheepish as her body came into view.
“Ghosts?” Jungkook whispered, trying to be brave.
“If you’d like to think of us that way, perhaps it will make it easier,” Luna said, smiling softly at the young male.
“Why are you here?” Father Jin asked, looking at them with interest. He’d never seen spirits before, the Holy words spoke of the dearly departed who can’t move on, whether it be an untimely end or unfinished business that keeps them...
“My poor child,” Lee Suk said, kneeling behind Jimin.
Jimin tightened his grip around you, cradling you close to his chest. “Who are you?”
“You don’t remember me, boy? You look an awful lot like me,” Lee Suk smiled. 
“Y-You’re... You’re the ancestor who fell in love with Morgana!” Jimin exclaimed.
“It was not love that Morgana and I shared. She forced me into loving her, placed me under a spell of infatuation. The only thing powerful enough to break that spell, was true love. And Luna here, she set me free. Much like how Y/N set you free as well,” Lee Suk said, giving the boy a reminiscent look.
“Why are you here?” Jungkook asked, coming forward and placing his hand on his sword.
“Oh there’s no need for that. 
“Oh, Y/N,” Luna said, coming closing and sitting besides you. 
“Y/N,” Jimin whispered, brushing the hair from your face, keeping you within his grasp.
“Tell me, Jimin,” Lee Suk began, placing a phantom hand on Jimin’s shoulder, “Do you believe you could love after Y/N?”
“How could you ask me that? I can’t ever love someone the way I love her... Y/N is everything to me... And now she's gone...”
All beating hearts in the area ached with his broken tone. Jimin looked so utterly torn apart by your passing. 
“I want to know you mean it, Jimin,” Luna said, looking him dead in the eyes.
“I can’t ever love someone the way I love Y/N, she’s the love of my life. The only love of my life, and today I failed her... I let her down. When she needed me the most, I couldn’t protect her. It’s all my fault,” Jimin whimpered, hiding his face in your stiff neck.
Luna and Lee Suk looked to one another and nodded before coming towards your body. Jimin tightened his grip around you and tried to keep you away from them. 
“What are you doing?” He asked, looking at them with uncertainty. 
“Just trust us my child,” Lee Suk said, interlocking his hands with Luna.
“Lay her down,” Luna said, motioning with her head. 
“Sire,” Namjoon interrupts, “Do as they say.” Jimin gave him a frightened look, as if letting you go would mean losing you forever.
“Okay,” Jimin whispered, slowly lowering you from his iron grip to the soft and white blanket of the snow below. 
Your hair fanned out against the beautiful ice crystals made Jimin want to cry harder. But soon, his ancestor and yours went to work. 
They started at your head, laying their hands about a foot above you. A piercing blue light emanating from their palms. Jimin could barely keep his eyes open, but he watched on with morbid curiosity. Carefully they pressed on, moving over your neck and chest. As they proceeded Jimin realized they were whispering to each other. 
Whether it was sweet nothings or a spell, Jimin couldn’t be sure. But soon, you were starting to rise from the snow, levitating into the air with the same blue aura encompassing you now.
“What’s going on?” Yoongi asked, looking up at you.
“I think,” Father Jin began, “I think I know this spell.”
“Father, what are they doing to her?” Taehyung asked, coming up to hold onto Jimin, who looked ready to collapse.
“They are giving the last of themselves. Their very essence, to bring her back,” Father Jin said, 
“Oh God please let this work,” Hoseok said, rubbing his face.
“It has to, what other option do we have?” Jungkook whispered.
You were now at least twenty feet in the air, your body surrounded by this blue light. Lee Suk and Luna were with you also.
“Y/N,” Jimin croaked, reaching out for you like a child.
“Be strong Jimin,” Taehyung said wrapping his hand around his friend’s wrist. Trying desperately to stop his own tears.
“Taehyung what if they can’t bring her back? What am I to do?” Jimin whispered. 
“Don’t think like that, this will work,” Namjoon said, coming forward to hold onto his friend’s shoulders.
The rest of the men came forward. Showing their support in the only way they could. By being there, next to their King, whom they adored more than anything. Father Jin came forward and took Jimin’s hands. 
“Father?” he asked, looking down in confusion.
“You must say these words with me,” he said, wrapping his hands around Jimin’s slowly.
“What do you mean?”
“I know this spell, and it is difficult and rarely used. They’re giving their life force, their souls to bring her back. And they need our help. We must complete the circle for them. They are trying to do it with two people and it’s not enough. We must help them if we are to bring Lady Y/N back,” Father Jin urged, reaching out for the Taehyung as well. “All of you, interlock hands and repeat after me.”
The men did as they were told, all coming together and joining hands.
“From the blessed light above.”
“From the blessed light above.”
“To the hellish darkness that consumes all.”
“To the hellish darkness that consumes all.”
“We ask you take this offering of two souls.”
“We ask you to take this offering of two souls.”
The light above them began to pulsate and writhe as if it were wrapping itself around you in a way that was binding. 
“Focus on the words men! Only the words!”
“But Father Y/N-”
“Will remain as she is if we don’t continue!”
“Keep going!” Jungkook yelled.
“Please accept our humble offering.”
“Please accept our humble offering.”
“Arenatha hotep, inelex totum.”
“Arenatha hotep, inelex totum.”
“Urelian, mosef Y/N, et illiad terinuman.”
“Urelian, mosef Y/N, et iliad terinuman.”
“So let it be done. On this Earth, there may remain only one!”
“So let it be done. On this Earth, there may remain only one!”
The light above turned crimson red. Lee Suk peered down at his descendant. A bright smile crossed his face. “I hope you two are happy, like we never could be. Please, never take her for granted. Always cherish her, and remember us.”
Jimin looked at him, a single tear falling down his cheek and he nodded.
With that, the light burst as bright as an explosion lighting up the sky with its fury. Father Jin turned and looked up at your body still hovering in the air. 
“She’s gonna fall! Hurry, get ready to catch her!”
Everyone gathered around, locking arms and creating a sort of net to ensure you wouldn’t hit the ground. Soon your body hit the ‘net’, causing everyone to fall down with you. Luckily the snow was deep and took a majority of the impact. Your skin was still paler than Father Jin had hoped. And your dress was still coated in your blood. 
“Get her up on the stone, I need to examine her,” Father Jin said, urging everyone up. 
“Father did it work?” Jimin asked, coming closer.
“I’m not sure,” he answered, helping to lift you into the air and onto the slab of stone next to you.
“Father,” Jungkook started. “There are Forsaken in this area, we need to move.”
“Jungkook is right, we can’t stay here,” Namjoon responded, coming forward.
“Is there any way for us to move her?” Yoongi asked, looking along the forest line his bow drawn.
“We can move her,” Father Jin answered.
“Then let’s get her to the carriage and back to the castle. I’ll send for guards to come as soon as it is possible,” Jungkook said, moving towards the stone slab.
“Taehyung get Jimin to the carriage as fast as you can, we’ll get Lady Y/N,” Namjoon said. 
“Yes, Jimin come on, we’ve got to go,” Taehyung said, pulling his friend by the wrist.
“Y/N,” he whimpered, softly. 
“She’ll be alright, come along,” Taehyung cooed.
Jimin slowly tore his eyes away from you and followed Taehyung to the carriage.
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let-it-raines · 5 years ago
How about showing them during and/or after the Yankee’s crappy 2020 season? As I’m not a Yankees fan (no, not even your lovely story could convert me!) I would enjoy some bad season angst with a heaping side of comfort coming from Emma. Thanks for considering! - jonirobinson64
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Excuse me for having to send myself an ask. lol. Sometimes I do that when someone gives me a prompt not in my ask box. It helps me not forget it. Thanks @jonirobinson64 for being a sweetheart and a forever supporter of me! Here’s a little insight to that 2020 season ♥️ 
found on ao3 | here |
June 2020
“What the hell is wrong with all of you?” Al yells, throwing his clipboard down onto the ground. “Scarlet can’t hit, Fisher can’t catch a fucking ball because he’s too worried his wife is going to go into labor, and Jones has forgotten that the ball has to go over the plate! These are simple parts of the game! A five-year-old in Little League knows this!”
The locker room is silent except for the sound of uniforms being stripped off and feet shuffling across the floor. Al’s breathing is heavy, his chest heaving, and while Killian’s already showered and gone through his post-game routine, all he wants to do is go back out on the field and practice his pitches again.
That won’t screw up his shoulder or anything.
They’re losing a series against the Orioles.
They’ve owned the Orioles for his entire career. Hell, last year they barely lost a game to them. They were shutting them out and getting a ridiculous amount of runs, and now they can’t seem to string together two good plays against them.
Then again, that’s been happening against everyone.
This is the season from hell, and Killian has had some pretty shitty seasons before.
Coming down from the high of back-to-back World Series wins isn’t exactly the easiest thing in the world when they don’t even look like the same team they were when they won those Series.  
To be fair, King is gone. He’s with the Cardinals now, and Killian never thought he’d miss that asshole. He doesn’t. He treated Emma like shit, and Killian was constantly ready to knock his front teeth out, but he was a damn fine ball player.
He doesn’t want King back, not really, but a part of him thinks even Emma would take King being back in her vicinity if he could help them win a few more games.
“I’m in Maryland, and my wife is back in New York a week past her due date. I’m allowed to fucking worry,” Eric growls as he slams a t-shirt against the ground.
“You’re supposed to be focused on the ballgame and nothing else out there. We’re getting fucking embarrassed!”
“Hey,” Robin interrupts, standing from his locker and running his hand through his hair. “I get that we suck, Coach, and that you’re pissed. Trust me, we’re all pissed. But telling Eric he can’t worry about his wife and his kid is a load of shit.”
Al groans, placing his hands on his hips and looking up at the ceiling while his foot taps. He’s usually level-headed. He can get angry and upset, but it’s never been this bad. It’s never been him getting into their personal lives, and Killian can’t quite believe Rob is having to stand up and try to calm Al down.
What the hell is wrong with them?
“Do you guys know what’s being written about us? Half of it is articles about how we’re suddenly shitty at baseball and the other half of it is your personal lives. If I’m asked to give another statement on where Jones took his girlfriend to dinner or to comment on pictures of her in her bikini at the beach, I’m going to lose my goddamn mind.”
There’s a round of whistles across the locker room, and Killian really should have left as soon as his PT was over.
“Al,” he grits out, “I understand your frustration, but I suggest you hold your tongue. If there’s anyone in this room who should understand to tread carefully when talking about Emma, it’s you.”
“You know I didn’t mean it like that.”“Aye, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to get pissed off. I hate more than anyone that the only news about his team is how much we suck and my personal life, but that’s how it is right now. We’re not as good as we have been, and the other teams are better. Doing what we’re doing obviously isn’t going to cut it, and I don’t think making us all hate each other is going to make it any better.”
“You’ve got balls saying that to Al,” Will mutters under his breath as his knee hits against Killian’s.
“I’ve been putting up with this shit with Emma for a year and a half from everyone else. I’m not going to hear it from our coach. My personal life is none of anyone’s damn business.”
“Just go to the hotels” Al finally sighs. “I don’t know what to do or how to fix this, and apparently, none of you are going to let me yell at you tonight. Be at practice at ten. If you’re late, you’re running the field.”
“Aye, aye, Captain,” Will salutes only to get stared down by half the locker room.
The team spirit is obviously alive and well tonight.
“Do you guys want to get dinner?” Will asks as they walk out of the clubhouse hours later, warm downs done and press conferences unfortunately suffered though. They’re walking down the hallway to get to the loading bays so they can take a car back to the hotel, and Killian has no interest in going out for dinner.
“I want to get back to the hotel and call Ariel,” Eric sighs. “I honestly keep expecting to get a call that she’s at the hospital and that I need to be at the airport.”
“We’ll be home tomorrow,” Robin assures him. “If I know Ariel, she won’t have that kid before you get home.”
“As the only other man here with a child, I feel like you should know that’s not how it works.”
Robin chuckles. “You can hope.”
“I’m going to order in for dinner,” Killian says. “You can come to my room and do the same if you want.”Will actually snorts at that. “And spend more time with you when you’ve lost a game and someone has talked shit about your girlfriend? That’s like asking to be tortured.”
“Shut it, Scarlet.”“I only speak the truth.”“I think we all need a break from each other.” Robin opens up the door of the van that’s waiting on them. “After we share this ride.”
Emma’s on her laptop when he gets back to the hotel room. She’s already changed out of what she was wearing earlier, is in her pajamas, and has her makeup wiped off, and he knows better than to bother her while she’s writing her article on the game to the network. They’ve got her running circles and jumping through hoops this season as some kind of sick test to make sure she can handle being promoted to a regular in-booth commentator.
It’s fucking ridiculous. Of course she can handle it. She doesn’t need to run up extra reports and think pieces on top of working on the field and traveling full time with the team in order to prove herself when she’s already proven herself time and time again.
She’s doing more work now than she would ever do once she’s up in that booth.
This is not how this season was supposed to go. It was supposed to be better than this.
It was supposed to be better than the both of them running themselves far past their personal limits and still coming up short.
At least his arm doesn’t hurt.
Killian doesn’t believe in jinxes and superstitions, but thoughts like that should probably stay far away from his mind if he doesn’t want to get injured again. With all of the people watching him like a hawk, it’s not like he’d be able to hide it even if he wanted to.
He’s definitely learned that lesson.
Quietly, he puts his bag down on the table in the entryway of the room and goes into the bathroom in order to brush his teeth and wash his face. He wants to shave, but he didn’t bring his razor. Dammit. That’s all he really wants to do right now, to have some kind of control over something, anything.
His phone buzzes in his back pocket, and he pulls it out.
Liam: Addison wants you to know that she is not mad at you for losing.
Killian: So she’s lying to me now?
Liam: Oh, absolutely. She’s genuinely upset. We’ve got to get her a new hobby.
Killian: I think she’d be brilliant at soccer. I’m surprised she’s not already in a league.
Liam: We’ve got her signed up for the fall league.
Liam: You okay?
Killian huffs and turns the water in the sink off after splashing his face one more time.
Killian: I’m fine. Tired. Pissed off at how I played.
Liam: Fine and pissed off aren’t exactly the same.
Killian: I’m pissed off BUT fine.
Killian: It’s late. You should go to bed. I’ll call tomorrow before we fly home.
Liam: Don’t beat yourself up about any of it. I love you. Addy loves you, too.
Killian: I love you both.
Sighing, Killian opens the bathroom door and walks back into the hotel room, tugging his t-shirt off, tossing his phone onto the couch, and then grabbing the room service menu before laying down on the bed next to Emma.
“Have you eaten dinner, Swan?”
“I had a salad earlier.”
“You mean the salad we had at lunch?”
Emma’s brows furrow together, and she keeps on typing. “I’m not really sure. I had a salad at some point. I’m fine.”
Killian groans and reads through the menu before picking up the hotel phone and calling down for a plate of their grilled chicken rice with a side of steamed vegetables. It’s not at all what he wants, and when he orders to basket of fries that he tells himself is for Emma, he knows that he’ll end up eating them as well. It’s late, though, and the kitchen isn’t staffed as much as it usually is, so the man on the other end of the line tells him it could be anywhere between thirty minutes and an hour.
If he hadn’t eaten a little in the locker room, he’d probably bitch and moan over the wait team. He gets the wait. He does. He’s not about to complain over people trying their best, but damn what he would give for something other than a package of crackers to eat.
Emma keeps working, and Killian turns on the TV, putting it on mute as he flips through the channels. There are baseball games on what seems like every other one, but he eventually settles on some action movie he doesn’t know the name of and watches it in silence to the sound of Emma’s fingers clicking against the keyboard.
What a banner day.
Suddenly, Emma’s laptop clicks closed, and she places it on the foot of the bed before turning to him and placing her knees on either side of his thighs while her nails curl into his biceps and her lips move over the side of his neck, leaving hot, open-mouthed kisses.
Fuck, that feels fantastic.
She’s like magic when she’s like this, her lips heaven and the feel of her pressing down on top of him something even better, and Killian wraps his arm around her back as his hand sneaks up underneath her tank top while the other presses into the back of her thigh. He bloody loves when she sleeps in the pajama shorts like this, the material barely covering her skin.
Her mouth is hot against his neck and flames flicker down his spine as Emma keeps working his skin, nibbling before soothing the spots with her tongue, and when he palms her ass through her shorts, she rolls her hips into his like she’s trying to kill him with how good that feels.
“Are you trying to kill me, love?” he rasps as her tongue circles around the shell of his ear. He can feel his cock twitching in his sweatpants, and while he’s doing his best to ignore it, he can’t help but jut his hips up into hers for some friction.
“Something damn near close then.”
Emma laughs into his ear as she rolls her hips over his, and she really is trying to kill him. He’s fine with letting her succeed tonight.
“Take off your pants, twenty-nine.”
“Well, when you say it like that…”
Emma pulls back from him and looks into his eyes. “What? Do you not want to?”
He juts his hips up into hers again. God, that friction feels good, but it’s not enough. “I very obviously want to.”
“Then what is it?”“It’s nothing.”“What? Are you too tired? Was the adrenaline of the game too much? Because I was fully ready to have some hate sex.”
“Darling, I don’t believe it’s hate sex unless you hate each other. I think it’d just be pissed off at the trajectory of the season, ESPN executives for making you jump through hoops they’d never make any man do, and the fucking Orioles.”
“That is too long. No one would ever say that.”
“Then pissed off sex.”
“Okay,” Emma sighs, leaning back even as her fingers curl into his chest hair. She’s always doing that, and he can’t say he minds. His right hand leaves her hip and moves to grab onto the chain around her neck, the cool metal soothing. “Then I was ready to have some pissed off sex.”
Killian chuckles and leans his head back against the headboard and closes his eyes. “Can we do a raincheck on that until we’re home and in our own bed? I’m exhausted. I didn’t realize I was exhausted until you said it, but I am.”
The exhaustion hit him like a ton of bricks, and even if he knows Emma would be fine doing all of the work this time, it’s not what he wants. It’s not going to be what she wants either.
“Rain check it is,” Emma promises. He doesn’t know she’s leaned forward until her mouth moves over his. “I hope we still have something to be pissed off about.”
“If this season keeps going how it’s going and if we keep ending up on every newsstand in New York, I think we’ll have something to be pissed off about.”
Emma pulls back, and her brows furrow. “Hey, don’t do that.”
His hand reaches up to tuck her hair behind her hair, thumb lingering against her cheek. “Do what?”
“You know exactly what you’re doing. You lost, and you’re about to go into some kind of downward spiral over it.”
“We’re horrible, Swan.”
“Yeah, you are.”
His thumb presses into her cheek while her hands fall away from his chest and land in her lap. “That makes me feel great.”
“If I said you weren’t horrible, you’d be pissed at me for lying.”
“You know what – ” Killian snaps his mouth shut, leaning back against the headboard and taking a deep breath. Emma is still on his lap, and he chokes back the hiss when she shifts. “I’m not going to fight with you on this, love. It’s not worth it.”
There’s fire in Emma’s eyes and he’s sure a fight on the tip of her tongue, but she leans back and shifts until she’s on her side of the bed again, pulling her knees to her chest.
“I’m sorry today was rough, twenty-nine. I’m sorry that the season sucks. Like, big time. I’m sorry that our life, ours, is something people think is their business. None of it is fair, and as much as I wish you were out there winning, it doesn’t make a difference in who you are. I’m not going to stop loving you just because you’re having a hard time.”
Killian huffs and lazily reaches forward until his fingers are intertwining with Emma’s. “Are you sure? You’ve only been dating me as a champion. This whole thing might go to hell now.”
“Don’t even say that.”“Why not? All I really want to do is impress you. Indefinitely or something. This isn’t very impressive.”
He’s pitying himself. He knows that. He wants to stop, but at the back of his mind, there are all those awful thoughts about not being good enough: for the team, for himself, for Emma.
God, he thinks all the time how he’s not good enough for her.
“If you think I’m only with you because you’re good at baseball, that’s the stupidest thought you’ve ever had. And I know how smart you are, twenty-nine. I’ve seen your engineering books. That’s not a degree for dummies.”
Killian chuckles. “To be fair, I don’t know what’s happening in those books either.”
“Liar.” Her hand squeezes his. “If you want to be pissed off, be pissed off. It’ll apparently come in hand for our sex life later. I’m just saying that the season sucking doesn’t mean you suck. As a ballplayer or human or boyfriend or whatever.”
“Those are some eloquent words there, Swan.”
Her eyes roll, but there’s a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. He can feel one tugging at his lips too.
“I lied when I said I wasn’t hungry earlier. I think it’s affecting how my brain works.”
“I ordered you fries. There weren’t any onion rings.”
“I heard. Should I go find a vending machine and get some more junk food? I know you don’t really want to eat your food.”
“Trying to watch my figure, love.”
“Shut up,” Emma groans, leaning forward and quickly kissing his cheek. “Where’s your wallet? I’m going to go get us snacks.”
“Why do you need my wallet for that?”
“Because I don’t have cash on me.”
“It’s in the safe.”
Emma nods and rolls off the bed, adjusting her shorts from where they’d risen to expose half of her ass. “Eating vending machine food in a hotel room is pretty much a tradition for us, you know?”
“So is having sex after you’ve seen me in a pool.”“That happened one time. That’s not enough for it to be a tradition.”
He moves his brows up and down. “We could make it happen more times.”
“Go take a shower, twenty-nine. A cold one. Room service is going to be here soon, and you haven’t calmed down from the almost hate sex.”
“Pissed off sex.”
She shakes her head, just slightly.
How the hell did he end up with someone like her?
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Get me some barbecue chips if they have them, yeah?”
Emma holds his wallet between her fingers. “Was already planning on it. I hear the guy paying makes damn good money even though his baseball team sucks.”
Killian throws a pillow at Emma, but she dodges it before slipping out of the room, the door clicking closed behind her.
Love of his life, that woman.
One day he’ll tell her so with something other than words.
Tag list: @bluewildcatfanatic @killianswannn @dorisquinn​ @onepunintendid​ @authorarsinoe​ @stunningswan​ @eala-captian @galaxyzxstark @xellewoods @mariakov81 @ultraluckycatnd @royalswan @shey-starsfury​ @superchocovian​ @sals86 @iam2307 @ashley-knightingale @karenfrommisthaven @scientificapricot @captswanis4vr @ultimiflos @jamif @idristardis @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @tiganasummertree @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @captainsjedi @teamhook @notoriouscs @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog​ @cs-forlife @andiirivera @jonirobinson64 @qualitycoffeethings​ @carpedzem​ @tornadoamy​ ​
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sadbi-hours · 5 years ago
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Here it is! Finally! My Stranger things’ Fanfic Rec list I’ve put off for months yooo! Anyway, I hope you find something to read and enjoy y’all :)
(Oh, the * at the front of the fic title means they are my favorites!)
* objects in the mirror by Snickfic  (Complete)
Jonathan has no f**king idea why Nancy and Steve gave him the Nikon. He doesn't know why they're so insistent on seeing the pictures he takes, either. 
why you should read it?:one reason: you can’t tell me that Jonathan doesn’t have a thing for taking pics during sexy times! you just can’t...and this fanfic is the reason why!
And you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars Series by  Drhair76 (WIP)
The many adventures of Steve, Jonathan and Nancy as they figure out their relationship. (feat. Robin, the kiddos and a heck ton of parental figures.)
why you should read it?: Because Steve/Nancy/Jonathan’s relationship is the cutest thing in this little series...but it’s also very real in a way that’s not supernatural. Just go read the series! Warning: It does get a little angsty in later parts!
Emotion Sickness by  Shypt  (WIP)
After the Battle of Starcourt, Steve struggles with the damages that the Russians left behind. In dealing with the aftermath, with the help of Robin and the Party, he uncovers a larger conspiracy at hand than just re-opening the Gate.
why you should read it?: Post s3 fic, where Robin and Steve are left with powers after the Russian’s experiments...and how they deal with that and the large conspiracy at behind why. 
* it's a risk, it's a gamble by  nondz (pinkjook) (Complete)
“I think we should pretend to date,” Robin says.
"What?" Steve answers.
why you should read it?: read this post and all my feelings will be revealed...or aka the emotionally sweet stoncy fic where Robin and Steve pretend to be each others beards... that might have made me weep silently a few times haha!
* Strike from the Records (it's not over 'till we're done) by SylphofScript (Complete)
If there’s one more thing Steve should have walked away with after so many incidents with the otherworldly, it’s to never trust the slow points.
They were only ever a blanket of lies, covering up a brewing storm.
Too bad Steve never learns.
why you should read it?: A long connective fic, where each character is common or not so common whamp trope! So beware, it gets super angsty in parts!
Have Happened by cortexikid (Complete)
"I overheard you. You were talking in your sleep.”
Steve's heart fluttered nervously.
“It was a little funny at first,” Nancy admitted, her tone a mix of teasing and apologetic, “you were moaning my name and I thought it’d be kinda funny if Mike accidentally overheard you having a sex dream about his sister—”
Steve couldn’t control the guffaw that escaped him.
“But then you said Jonathan’s name. Right after mine. All in the same breath.”
why you should read it?: You know, why not! I’ll admit, this story doesn’t entirely work for me anymore since the monster hunting trio had grown so far from their s1 characterizations, but it’s still a fic worth reading! So i am rec-ing it!
Slide Over Here by empathieves (Complete)
Nancy says Jonathan's name instead of Steve's two weeks after the Monster Hunting Incident. Steve says it instead of Nancy's name a month after. They don't talk about it until two months after, when it's become increasingly hard to ignore that Jonathan Byers has become a part of their sex life without even being in the room.
why you should read it?: Another post s1 fic, where Nancy and Steve slowly start bringing Jonathan’s name into their sex life...and how they eventually act on their desires! 
Searching For Your Heart by cali-chan (girls_are_weird) (Complete)
One of the world's biggest action movie superstars is coming to town, and every kid in Hawkins High is determined to win MTV's back-to-school scavenger hunt and get a face-to-face meeting with their idol. Mike and his friends are sure they've got this in the bag— until the contest throws a wrench in their plans and their only shot at winning is partnering up with Mike's longtime crush, El Hopper.
why you should read it?: I’ll admit I didn’t finish this story...I was a little too fluffy for my tastes, but It’s still a cute story worth reading!
Bad at Love (Can You Blame Me for Trying) by GeoffsEightGreatestMistakes (Complete)
He liked to think the world was done throwing him curveballs. He’s had to kill the Demogorgon, get his face punched in by a crazed stepbrother, listen to his drunk girlfriend tell him she doesn’t love him, and tell his best friend that he’s a piece of shit. He thought he had somehow managed to catch enough curveballs for a lifetime. He was wrong. The newest curveball may be the hardest one yet.
why you should read it?: It’s Stoncy and my fav romantic angst trope: (not so) unrequited love/Pining! 
* every night my mind is running around her by magneticwave (Complete)
In which Nancy gets married, Lucas gets hot, and Dustin gets to give lots of people advice that he’s only moderately qualified to dispense. 
why you should read it?: This was my first ever ST fanfic! I had to add it on principal...of it being absolutely amazing lol! 
* Ducks on the Pond by The Stephanois (ballantine) (Complete)
Steve Harrington knows two things to be true: the St. Louis Cardinals are the best baseball team in the world, and Nancy Wheeler is far too amazing for him to hog all to himself.
why you should read it?:  It’s one of my all time favorite stoncy fics, it combines two things I absolutely love into one story: Poly relationships and Baseball (I won a MVP trophy in HS for Pitching) ...and also uses the age old euphemism of bases for sex;) 
Across the Many Miles by FeoplePeel (Complete)
Nancy packed her bags and moved out West for Caltech. Jonathan’s East at NYU. Steve’s in the middle, Hawkins, Indiana and separated from the only people who understand by a seemingly endless stretch of land on each side. The story doesn't start there, but it doesn't end there, either.
why you should read it?: It’s actually been so long since I’ve read this one...and bruh is it long...so it’s definitely not a causal read, but it’s very very good read if you have the time for a long, long story. 
* let this pass you by CallicoKitten (Complete)
Steve’s not entirely sure at which point in his life he became Dustin Henderson’s personal chauffeur. Okay, maybe that’s not entirely true. Maybe he can pinpoint the exact moment it happened and it honestly keeps him awake at night more than the demo-dogs or the Demogorgon or any of the insane shit that’s happened in Hawkins recently.
the kids drag steve on a trip to chicago to find El's sister, steve figures some shit out in the process
why you should read it?: It’s stoncy, the party, and a road trip all rolled into one...what more can you ask for haha?!
Talk Me Down by anomalation (Complete)
Nancy knows what she wants: Steve and Jonathan both, and maybe a fight. Steve knows he'd do anything for these dorky kids. Jonathan doesn't seem to want anything, but he'd also never ask them. And none of them are interested in forgiving Billy.
Featuring: some D&D, a Christmas party, a lot of relationship negotiating, no excuses for shitty behavior, and yet also the firm belief that nobody deserves abusive parents.
why you should read it?: Another really long, long fic that I completely enjoyed the one time I read it...and It had a nice and real redemption arc for Billy that I liked. 
* For the Three of Us by brokenpromisesandhope
5 times Jonathan loved Steve and Nancy and one time they loved him back.
why you should read it?: The summary pretty much says it all...
* decide on me (decide on us) by mjolnirbreaker (Complete)
Robin could very well die tonight in her stupid work uniform, and honestly she doesn’t want to dwell on it. So she’s going to make it her personal mission to figure out what’s up with Steve’s romantic life, and hopefully they don’t die before she solves the puzzle.
why you should read it?: It amazes me to this day...just how close to canon this author had gotten for Robin’s characterization and her relationship with Steve! 
* fly me to the moon by bleuboxes (Complete)
It's a Saturday night; he's watching one of those Star Wars movies with Robin - who won't shut up about how hot Leia looks.
Steve mentions something briefly about how he likes Han’s hair, rugged tough guy appearance, and general aloofness. Robin rolls her eyes, mutters an 'of course you do', then throws popcorn at his face.
why you should read it?:  Okay, I related way too well to this story! Han Solo was one of my bisexual awakens too...and I didn’t realize until years later lol! It’s also a sweet story about how Robin slowly helps Steve through his awakening like a real BFF should. 
God Help the Outcasts by willwrite4coffee (Complete)
Robin Buckley's always been a little different, but to her, that's never been a bad thing.
She's been on the outside looking in, an outcast, but she'd rather spend her evening with Sousa than at a kegger.
Being an outsider has never been a bad thing.
(also known as, why does no one know Robin in such a small town like Hawkins?)
why you should read it?: A cute little story about Robin and Steve’s friendship directly after the events of s3...and how the party and Nancy and Jonathan slowly begin to accept Robin into the fold. 
Oh, and anything by @trulyalpha! Here’s the Ao3 link!
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necromancy-savant · 7 years ago
My opinions on Early Modern plays other than Shakespeare
I’m definitely going to keep this updated since I intend to read a lot more of these. I’m putting them in the order I read them, except that the Ben Jonson plays are going to be listed separately, in the order I read them, for now at least, because I’ve read a couple of those, because when I find something I like I might as well keep going with it. If you want to know more about a particular play, feel free to ask me. I don’t want these to get too long so I’ll refrain from putting in too much summary, but I love talking about plays so if you want a summary before you decide to read something, hit me up. I’m going to include very brief summaries of each play because I assume most people haven’t read these and would like to have some idea of what they’re about. 
Doctor Faustus – Christopher Marlowe
Summary: Wanting greater things in life, Faustus summons a demon to serve him for 24 years, after which time he will go to Hell as part of a contract signed in blood. 
This play is a weird combination of bleak and silly that somehow works. On the one hand, Faustus just wants to feel like something he does will do him some good, but the devils he sides with are even worse than Christianity is in terms of the freedom he wants and they don’t give him any answers. On the other hand it’s really funny. Some of the things the demons and Lucifer say are hilarious, Faustus literally uses his powers to “haunt” the Pope and hit him in the face and give a guy literal horns over some petty argument. He does all kinds of stupid shit and hangs out with frat boys, but he eventually regrets all of it and get dragged to Hell still lacking any purpose in life. It’s also different in that it doesn’t follow the typical 5 act structure.
The Revenger’s Tragedy – Probably Thomas Middleton 
Summary: The old Duke killed Vindice’s fiancee, Gloriana, before the events of the play, and he seeks revenge for that while everyone else in the Duke’s family is 100% out to get each other.
I really love this play. It’s sort of like a cross between Richard III, King Lear, Measure for Measure, and Titus Andronicus, except it’s more violent than Titus Andronicus. Like, this is mire what I thought Titus Andronicus would be. There’s one really fantastic scene where a guy makes out with a poisoned skull and then they stab him and kick him while he watches his bastard son hook up with his wife and it’s just so good. The language strikes me as crude compared to Shakespeare and I don’t mean that in a bad way; actually there’s something I rather like about it. Everyone is out to get each other, except they’re all terrible at it except for the protagonist, Vindice, and his brother. Those guys get what they’re after and then some, and they almost get away with it too if they weren’t so goddamned pleased with themselves. Talk about letting your guard down at the wrong moment.
The Duchess of Malfi – John Webster
Summary: The Duchess has two brothers, Ferdinand who is her twin, and the Cardinal. She’s a widow and they forbid her from getting remarried but she does anyway to a lower class guy named Antonio and has a couple of kids with him in secret, and her brothers really don’t like that.
It takes a little while to pick up, but once it does it’s a wild ride. You’ve got some crazy shit going on here and most of it is Ferdinand: he loses his shit over every little thing and is constantly just screaming bloody gore for no reason, he fakes killing his sister’s children, gives her a motherfucking severed hand (and mind you the stage direction does not say where this hand comes from, it’s just a severed hand he happens to have on him), hires a bunch of crazy people from the asylum to yell random bullshit at her, and by the end of the play he’s running around digging up skeleton’s legs because he thinks he’s a fucking werewolf. Everyone in this play is so extra. The Duchess herself could stand against Constance in terms of being extra. Also, her servant Cariola is like the nicest person in the whole play and everyone is so mean to her, like when Ferdinand finds out about the Duchess and Antonio (they get married in secret behind her brothers’ back) the first thing Antonio does, he comes in and points a gun right in Cariola’s face and says “it was YOU” and then later they’re talking about faking going on a pilgrimage so she can see Antonio and Cariola’s like “don’t you think it’s sacrilegious to fake going on a pilgrimage” and the Duchess is like “shut up Cariola nobody cares what you think is sacrilegious” only she definitely should have listened to Cariola. Cariola deserves better.
The Roaring Girl – Dekker and Middleton
Summary: Moll Cutpurse is a woman who dresses in men’s clothes, spends her time chilling in taverns with sketchy people, and doesn’t give a single fuck. A young man, Sebastian, is in love with someone his father doesn’t approve of, so he tells his father he’s in love with Moll to make his actual girlfriend look good by comparison, and enlists Moll to help him get his father’s permission so they can marry. 
The jokes in this play are really silly, the plot is a little confusing, but even so I like it. Mostly I like Moll Cutpurse. She is a badass and yet also somehow surprisingly upstanding for someone named Cutpurse. I kind of thought she would be some sort of queer, and there’s really nothing in the play to suggest that, but there’s also nothing in the play that says she isn’t. She stands up for everyone with the use of her sword. She pulls her sword on fuckboys all the time, and she keeps people from getting arrested and from getting pickpocketed, and so basically she’s like a vigilante who isn’t concerned with the law at all, only with what’s right. She says she is not a cutpurse or a thief at all but doesn’t give a fuck what anyone thinks of her but just wants to be independent. She threatens this one guy Laxton saying he’s one of those guys who hits on women and then goes around calling them whores whether they have sex with him or not; he uses women and then punishes them for either doing what he wants or denying him sex. Also this play has some ridiculous archaic slang but it has Moll translate for you. And there’s a whole scene where they’re just chilling and smoking a few bowls and I have so many ideas for how you could do like a stoner version of it, you wouldn’t have to change any words or anything, just in terms of staging and blocking. It’s really all I could think of that whole scene. I may have read it wrong but I think I saw a line where it says that nobody wants to smoke with Laxton because he cheefs the bowl. Typical Laxton. 
‘Tis a Pity She’s a Whore – John Ford
Summary: Giovanni is in love with his sister, Annabella, and their father is currently trying to marry her off to one of a few other men. Giovanni and Annabella start hooking up and chaos ensues as they try to cover it up at the same time as a few different subplots involving revenge and murder go on. 
I don’t think this is a bad play by any means, but it mostly reminds me of The Revenger’s Tragedy and a little bit of The Duchess of Malfi, except that I like both of those much better. Like, it was a quick, entertaining read and I was never bored, but I can’t say it’s one of my favorites. There is incest, and that adds a new level of fucked up I suppose, but the novelty/shock of that wore off after like half a scene. The last scene was pretty great, but the rest doesn’t live up to that. Having Giovanni walk into the banquet with Annabella’s literal heart is a nice touch but it’s nothing compared to that poisoned skull. As a side note, Bergetto reminds me of Bartholomew Cokes, and really all this leads me to my final point. The book I read it from calls it derivative but not in a bad way, and that is a good way to describe it. That’s not necessarily a bad thing and I don't wholly dislike that it reminds me of a bunch of other things I like, but it didn't really give me anything new so on the whole I don’t find it too memorable.
The Spanish Tragedy – Thomas Kyd
Summary: A war between Spain and Portugal has just ended, and everyone’s ready to make peace, except that Balthasar, the prince of Portugal who has been captured and brought to Spain, falls in love with Bel-imperia who is in love with Horatio. He and Lorenzo kill Horatio, prompting his father, Hieronimo, to seek revenge.
Now this one was really good. It takes a solid two acts to pick up, but when it does, it’s worth it. You’ve got ghosts, personified Revenge, and descriptions of Hell which is basically Hades. It’s kind of a play about how just when everything seems peaceful and good after a conflict, there’s still a billion loose ends and everyone secretly still hates each other.  This was written in the 1580s and predates Shakespeare or anything else I’ve read, and you can tell it had a big impact. It’s got the play within a play thing from Hamlet, but way better. I loved that whole scene so much. Lorenzo reminds me a little bit of Iago, Horatio and Bel-imperia remind me a little bit of the secret meetings and honor concerns from ‘Tis a Pity (but don’t worry, they’re not related), there’s some lines that really remind me of Richard III and Anne but they’re played straight and honest unlike Richard’s use of the same kind of language. I really wonder how you would stage Hieronimo biting out his own tongue though. Also, there’s a lot of Latin which is always a good thing, and a lot of rhyming which is a little annoying but I feel like it rhymes less and less as it gets to the end, but I may have imagined that.
Volpone - Ben Jonson
Summary: Volpone is really rich, has no heir, and is pretending to be sick and dying so people will bring him presents in hopes of being made his heir. His servant, Mosca, keeps telling people throughout the play that they are the heir to get more stuff out of them and tries to get everything for himself until that backfires. 
Absolutely hilarious. I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect going in but I was really impressed. It has kind of a fucked up sense of humor that really does it for me. Jonson’s sense of humor actually reminds me of Spongebob. I love how Volpone can’t resist sneaking out of the house at every possible moment to go troll people he’s already trolled, like he has to go and see the outcome of his trolling. And it’s so funny how Mosca promises four separate people they can be the heir, then has to kick them out at the end of the play and he’s like to Voltore: “damn I thought you’d be out the door first you’re smarter than this. You know I would give you everything but it says it’s all for me, so, you know…plus you already have a high paying job, and you’re damn good at it too you really killed it out there I’ll hit you up if I ever need a lawyer now have a nice life” and then everyone just fucking books it back to the courthouse to go tell on each other. Also when Lady Would-be comes over and Volpone keeps trying to get her to shut up and she’s like “actually I have this long ass book on me right now let me read you some” and I just picture him signaling wildly to Mosca to kick her out of the house. Actually Mosca’s entire job is basically getting people in and out of the house as fast as possible so Volpone doesn’t have to talk to them, and make sure they keep coming back with more stuff. Also, Volpone’s first line is basically “good morning world, and my gold that inhabits it!” He’s such a piece shit I love him in spite of myself. The only thing I didn’t care for was the subplot.
 Bartholomew Fair - Ben Jonson
Summary: Bartholomew Fair was a fair that was held every year in August. A bunch of people go to the fair, including Bartholomew Cokes who is 19, really stupid, has supervision from his servant Wasp but runs away and gets lost, and is supposed to get married to a young woman who really doesn’t want to marry him because he’s such an idiot. Meanwhile this guy Overdo who is a judge and gets people sent to him from the fair every year because so much sketchy shit goes down, disguises himself to go to the fair and see for himself what goes on there. 
I got a real kick out of this one too. It’s very different from Volpone but still has that sense of humor I enjoy so much and the kinds of sketchy characters I like reading about. It was a little confusing keeping track of such a large cast of characters, but god if they don’t have the best names. Just reading the Dramatis Personae I was like “this was a good choice I’m already having a good time.” I literally waited the whole play for Wasp to demand to some vendor that he speak to their manager after the fit he threw waiting five seconds for Win to get him that marriage license in Act 1, but it never happened. Anyway I would go to this fair; they have alcohol, tobacco and food. I imagine it’s somewhat like the little festival they have in my hometown every year except with alcohol and prostitution. Although nearly everyone has a pretty bad day there, except for Quarlous and I guess Purecraft. I thought it was really funny how they wanted to make the puppet show, which is in part a version of Hero and Leander, like a modern edgy version so Cupid’s the bartender and he puts something in her drink. I see so much bullshit like that today. I’m starting to see how some of these comedies are a bit like Measure for Measure but this one is actually funny. I love reading these plays about sketchy people, because they remind me of the many sketchy people I have known. 
The Alchemist - Ben Jonson
Summary: There’s a plague in London and this guy Lovewit leaves his house indefinitely, leaving his servant, Face, in charge. Face has an extended sleepover with Subtle, a con artist who pretends to know alchemy who he finds on the street, and Doll, a bawd, and together the three of them draw in customers as the house becomes a brothel and a place where Face can lure people in for that and for Subtle’s alchemy scam.
Reminds me of Volpone in that you have these two guys who just cheat everyone out of their money and keep piling on the cheating and lying until it all blows up in their faces. Something about the way characters in both plays flatter people and lead them on so enthusiastically is just hilarious to me. Like Bartholomew Fair, the ending is kind of abrupt and not what I was expecting. Also I really don’t think Lovewit has the whole picture because he’s willing to forgive his house becoming a brothel and them hiding all kinds of stuff they cheated out of people in the basement in exchange for a 19 year old wife. Like, he shows up to his house after having been gone a few months and left Face in charge, and is like “what the fuck has been going on here?” and Face is like “never mind that, I got you a 19 year old wife” and suddenly it doesn’t matter what else he’s done. The plot is a little hard to follow because they tell so many lies to so many different characters, and a lot of the play is Face just making stuff up on the spot to keep himself out of trouble so it can be easy to get lost in all of that.
Epicene - Ben Jonson
Summary: There’s this guy Dauphine who’s uncle, Morose, who is fanatical about needing everything to be quiet at all times, is trying to cut him out of his will. Dauphine devises a plan to trick him into making him his heir in writing. He gets Epicene, a teenage boy, to go undercover as a woman and marry him under the pretense of being silent and then start talking as soon as they’re married so Morose will do anything to get a divorce. 
There are some really funny lines, and it did teach me the word “wind-fucker,” but on the whole it’s not my favorite. The characters are all upper class and don’t really do much of anything. Compared to other city comedies, it’s less Saints Row and more Importance of Being Earnest. They spend the play getting ready for a party, going to the party, playing pranks, and not much else. Like I said, it’s funny but very silly and I don’t really get it in some respects, maybe because I don’t live there. And I really don’t know what to make of the ending. I can’t decide if I think it’s sexist or not, but as a man I’m not the best person to decide that. It does seem vaguely sexist that the best woman is a man. Plus I don’t think any of the male characters have ever spoken to a woman. There is the possibility that I’m supposed to be laughing at how stupid they are, but even then the women really aren’t given an opportunity to weigh in on any of the things men say about them. They do say that they should accept favors from men, because if men are going to be stupid enough to do things for them hoping for sex that’s on them, and they do refrain from slut-shaming Epicene in a show of solidarity at the end. On the other hand, they’re quick to turn on each other in competition for Dauphine, a man they all desire, and their independence, at least Mrs. Otter’s, serves to humiliate her husband in front of other men. But the play says explicitly at the end that he, Daw, and La Foole are punished for being the type of guys who spread rumors about women who reject them, which is similar to something Moll Cutpurse accuses Laxton of in The Roaring Girl. So there’s a lot going on and it’s hard to say where it stands.
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zukadiary · 8 years ago
All for One ~ Moon Troupe 2017
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This was my first live Tsukigumi since Puck. And really, the only Tsukigumi I’d seen at all since then was Aasa’s A-EN and part of one Arthur stream... so yeah, long time no see, Tsukigumi. I’m not sure anything can beat HOT EYES!! in terms of how far past my expectations it flew... but this is a really close second.
All for One is an original Koike-sensei fantasy involving the Three Musketeers. It’s 2 acts, and I was concerned that it would be presented in a questionable state of doneness and not interesting enough to hold my inevitably sleep-deprived attention. I was very wrong!! The first thing I did after leaving the theater on Tuesday was hunt down a good seat for today, and now I’m kind of desperate for a third chance. This show presses buttons I didn’t know I had (but apparently denim capes and barrel throwing are real turn ons for me). 
The story is very silly even for a comedy, and nearly all the punchlines are pretty groan-worthy. Chapi is not actually Louis XIV but his twin sister; she was supposed to be tossed aside when they were born but they gave away the wrong baby, and raised her as a boy while frantically searching for the real Louis to no avail. So she’s assumed the role of king, and meets d’Artagnan (Tamakichi) when he’s brought in to give her fencing lessons. d’Artagnan gets overexcited and knocks her down, she gets upset (mostly from being compelled to fence in the first place) and orders him to leave the Musketeers. Later, sick and tired of pretending to be a man—especially now that her mother is trying to concoct a plot marry her off to the Queen of Spain (Umino Mitsuki) despite this lie—she puts on a dress and wig and goes out to mingle. She sees d’Artagnan in a bar drowning his sorrows with the other Musketeers, and starts engaging him in conversation in hopes of drawing his feelings toward “the king” out of him. They fall madly in love! Meanwhile, everyone else in the bar starts making fun of Cardinal Mazarin (Itsuki Chihiro), whose nephew Bernard (Tsukishiro Kanato) is the captain of the royal guard. Bernard and some guards walk in just in time to see this, and the Musketeers are ordered to disband as punishment. They find the real Louis while visiting Porthos who has taken another job as an actor, and the rest of the show is just kind of a general hullabaloo of Chapi trying to figure out how to avoid marriage and be with d’Artagnan, and the Musketeers trying to get the real Louis into the palace and their band back together, while Bernard continues trying to ruin everything. Act 1 felt more polished; it has some really big impressive musical numbers (and I’m always wowed by Tsukigumi’s overall vocal level when I see them live). Act 2 felt like Koike ran out of steam a little; it was more generic Takarazuka, and the final chaotic series of fights on the rotating stairs reminded me an awful lot of the end of Kenshin. He’s also clearly still really excited about sword noises (not complaining... so am I).
It’s not the story that I fell in love with as much as the incredible balance this troupe has APPARENTLY DEVELOPED WHILE I WASN’T LOOKING, and I think Koike’s biggest success here was putting every little piece in exactly the right place to maximize that balance. We all joke that Chapi is the real top star of Tsukigumi, but in All for One she essentially was. MiyaRuri and Toshi are so obviously more polished than Tamakichi, but they don’t hold back, and instead of showing her up it highlights her purity. Reiko definitely doesn’t mesh yet, but Bernard is a ridiculous character, so she’s free to be awkward for now and still totally succeed... plus she’s a type that I think really adds something to the troupe. Ari has the challenge of being overly masculine and funny, and she’s still finding her feet but it’s a great time to make her try this. The energy of the troupe overall has gotten so much less competitive and more FUN AND HAPPY since the last time I watched them. I did not think making Tamakichi a premature top star would accomplish that, but it seems it did, and I’m so glad I was wrong... this Tsukigumi is truly a delight, and I hate them a little for making me want to continue throwing them my money. 
My highlights...
Manaki Reika as Louis XIV/Louise: Completely the star. Every time I see Chapi I think about that 2012 Christmas TV special where she barely knew how to talk, and every bit of growth makes it harder to believe she’s the same person. It’s so fun to see her dance, order people around, do a boy and a girl and both voices (and SING in both voices) all in the same show. I also love that they don’t make her do the standard musumeyaku only-think-of-your-partner thing, and lower herself to raise Tamakichi up; it was so much fun with them both at the center.
Tamaki Ryou as d’Artagnan: I found Tamakichi SO COMPLETELY CHARMING in this, she has the overgrown puppy appeal dialed up to 1000. I just LOVE that they’re aware of her youth and USING IT instead of trying to hide it, and lord I hope that’s not a one-off thing. Having her play the wide-eyed hopeful pure hero/young man IN LOVE (circumstances be damned) worked so well, especially coupled with her very imposing stature—it was adorable. It’s kind of a weird feeling, because she’s definitely not my type, but I still loved watching her so much, just with like... a completely energizing and not life-ruining happiness. IMAGINE THAT.
Miya Rurika as Aramis:
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You know that feeling, when you see that one role, played by someone who you *like* but who isn’t *yours* or anything, and you can’t even say “this was a brilliant portrayal because of xyz,” but you’re like, ok, this is just the trash can where I live now, please forward my mail...
That’s all I’m going to say, lest I risk descending into impurity. 
(RIP the lady she targeted during her solo today, with a last second lunge, several rows back from her usual spot)
((Also, she just seems so much more comfortable with both Kacha and top stardom (?) out of the picture. I guess I don’t know if it’s just 3 years’ growth or if a weight really has left her shoulders, but either way it’s made her lethal x1000))
(((Also, her lips are like a Rococo painting. Who looks like that??)))
Uzuki Hayate as Athos: Not generally being a watcher of Tsukigumi, this is probably the first major thing I’ve ever seen Toshi do (although one time I took an internet quiz and it said she’d be my boyfriend). I do know this was kind of a big deal role for her to land, and I loved her in it very much. Her LOOK is ON POINT, and she really completed the chemistry of the main-4 group as the serious one. I particularly liked the dynamic between her and Ari, when they paired them—”SIGH, don’t drink that,” etc. 
Akatsuki Chisei as Porthos: Ari still has a lot of growing to do, but her youthful exuberance and the fact that she’s a giant person worked really well for big, strong, (perpetually drunk?) Porthos. She also had some of my favorite individual scenes, featuring the hurling of shockingly large objects at her troupe mates. I’m glad she’s getting a role that’s forcing her to stretch herself, and I think more than anyone she’ll get better and better as the show progresses. 
Tsukishiro Kanato as Bernard: Predictably, Reiko is completely Yukigumi... but in her favor, she BROUGHT THAT SHIT TO THE SWORD FIGHTS, dear lord girl. Bernard is a safe stretch for her, if that makes sense... it’s a comedic role, which is not her forte, but he’s ridiculous enough that she can go over the top with it, which I think is easier than finding subtlety. And she looks DAMN GOOD all in black, and consistently flanked by Kizuki Yuuma *swoon* and Chinami Karan, who also look damn good in their dark metallics and wildly colored hair (this show really is looks for days). Reiko has also adopted Chigi’s exact furrowed eyebrow smolder face for finale numbers, which is both heartwarming and heartbreaking, and VERY WELL suited to her particular brand of otherworldly beauty. 
Saou Kurama as the Dutchess of Montpensier: I’m here for Lady Koma. She’s in love with Louis and determined to teach him the joys of indulging in women until she figures out what’s really going on. It’s not a huge role and not strictly necessary, but it definitely adds another layer of charm and silliness to the story, and it is what it is specifically because it’s Koma. 
I also particularly enjoyed Touka Yurino as Chapi’s mother. 
I think I could watch this every day until I leave. I’m not even sure why I love it so much... it’s pretty dumb. But I love it. Tsukigumi, this was not our arrangement, you were supposed to leave me alone. 
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knightofbalance-13 · 8 years ago
Boss Battle: Vs. Sokumotaka 2
Oh god look it’s clear to me you people who keep sending these either can’t read or lack the ability to understand the situation going on in this show and how fucked up it is from a writing and social perspective.
Actually as we go on, we’ll see this is more of a case of you being incapable of understanding that one’s crimes does not justify another’s actions.
The whole “We’re not working with the evil side of the white fang would have been good cause RT is trying to emulate freedom fighting organizations and spitting on them. Literally did the underground railroad (Yeah remember how many innocent black people died to even get to that place to free themselves?) But ignore that miles and kerry can spit all over harriet tubman’s legacy. okay maybe I’m a bit annoyed about that but making the entire minority organization that originally wanted equality evil? Is a bad idea! http://glyndathegoodwitchofbeacon.tumblr.com/post/138657005354/the-white-fang
Mind showing us the connection between using a system of connections to lead freed slaves to freedom to a group that goes around killing innocent people and breaking up peaceful protests to attack humans for being humans? Because all I see is you trying to drag the writer’s through the mud and instead doing that to yourself.
And let’s take a look at that link shall we? The justification given for the White Fang’s actions is that they are treated like dirt by every human in Remnant. Not only is that not  a reason to kill people in the first lace (I should know, having gone through a  personal version of that before), not every human treats them that way. In fact, judging by how disdainfully Cardin is regarded, racism in current day Remnant is much like how racism is treated today: Prevalent but looked down upon. So that doesn’t excuse the White Fang’s actions against humans, let alone their actions of breaking up peaceful Fanaus protests like they did in Episode 1 of Volume 1 which cannot be excused by that. SO they have plenty of crimes that cannot be excused by what you give them.
So let’s talk about renegades: Adam torchwich a man who falsified a faunus white fang rally one where looking at it the faunus there weren’t bloodthirsty at all, in fact during his speech he talked about equality and overthrowing the government (remember the government that’s oppressing them.) and possibly replacing them with people who would actually give a damn about faunus rights and he tricked them into thinking a train/bomb was going to do it , not that it was below an inhabited city. So you wanna talk about lies then let’s bring him up too humans did their fair share. (Let’s not forget how he talked trash on the faunus race not the white fang but the *FAUNUS* during him and ruby’s last encounter. But I’m sure you’ll brush that off too.
... Who? IS it Adam or Roman? Because if it’s Roman than I can saw about how does this connect seeing as Adam was willing to blow up a train full of innocent humans in the first lace and agreed to work with Cinder when it benefited him. And if it’s Roman, the white Fang had to know what they were gonna do seeing as they had a train of explosives, a bunch of Grimm and tracks leading to Vale. And even then, I can point out that Roman never demanded the genocide of Fanaus, unlike Adam AKA a leader of the White Fang. And then there’s the fact that Roman is a villain and is supposed to represent the worst of humanity, not the majority so it’s not even justified that way.
Okay so we’re gonna base the entire white fang past present and future on a dumb “twirl my mustache oooh so evil.” scene? That’s asinine! Let us not forget again the white fang held peaceful protest (again which I support but you heathens only hear “Blah blah Racist.” again which I also stated the first time I brought up the white fang and even linked to post like this but ha who’s counting?) for “Despite being promised keyword PROMISED equality, the faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate.” -Blake belladonna
No one here is saying that. In fact, the very quote you have at the top talks about how the White Fang has fallen, showing that they were good once before. You’re the only person saying that they were bad past, present and future. We just acknowledged they have soured. And the White Fang ONCE held peaceful protest, they now actively BREAK up peaceful protest, meaning they now longer do that so the point is moot.
And yes, they were promised equality and they didn't get it. So the fuck what? You think that justifies the deaths of innocent people, numbering possibly in the hundreds if not thousands? A single innocent death is inexcusable and the White Fang has caused so much more than that with the attempted Train bombing and the fall of Beacon. Blake (that person you’re quoting) outright left them BECAUSE they were so murder happy. One of the most devoute members jumped ship because they got too radical. Says a lot.
And despite this (usually violating the terms of a treaty was to the writers justified to start all out wars and there has been wars on this that were *ahem* justified.) The faunus met this injustice with peaceful protesting for many many years so they reacted to this injustice for several years (double digits from what the show tells us) before retaliation.
Doesn’t matter how long they’ve suffered. The jewish people were enslaved by the egyphtans for centuries, the Christians were hunted and killed for centuries as well, the African Americans were enslaved for decades and discriminated against for decades more. It doesn’t matter how long your people has suffered: The killing of innocent life is never justified. And if I hear they deserved to die because they were human: That’s racist you asshole.
Way less than real life peaceful protesting last.
I can feel Martin Luther King Jr. rolling in his grave.
Think about this the white fang had justification for reigniting a full scale war for 20+ years but held back in favor of peaceful protesting, not to mention the literal murder of them because as the WOR stated “they looked different or threatening” so humans would hunt them down with NO again retaliation from the faunus until they stated “No we had enough.” and in the end what? got a small cramped island that’s mostly desert and lacking in resources? Yes what a gift for the murder of our loved one’s in which none of these people pay any consequences.
War is never justified because inevitably, innocent blood is spilled. Terrorism is never justified. Especially against a race of people which is what you are demanding. You are demanding that the human race pay for what they did to the Fanaus, even if said humans never did such a thing and even disagree with such a disgusting action. Those people who are all but on your side must pay because of their race correct? Sounds pretty racist to me.
So I mean if you want to say the white fang’s actions aren’t justified because they’re sadistic murderers, causing genocide well so we’re humans in that regard and no one reined them in when they shed so much blood so I think you sound like a hypocrite.  The humans aren’t justified for their actions either.
No one ever said that they were. Ever heard of the concept of “Black and Black morality?” Where neither side is right and it ends u as two assholes punching each other? That’s what this is you idiot. The world isn’t some squeaky clean Black and white place.
In the end I just think making a splinter group that wasn’t 100% twirl my mustache evil would have been realistic, smart and a good call especially since so many people can relate to the white fang’s want of peace and equality, it makes them more sympathetic than the humans who lied to them about equality, oh did you gloss over that too?
But there IS members of the Fanaus race fighting for peace and equality instead of genocide and oppression. Blake, Sun, Ghira and Kali: They want TRUE equality and REAL peace but you ignore that and think that the White Fang should have been this handsome group of freedom fighters right? Well, time for a life lesson: Fight an enemy long enough and you BECOME that enemy. You adapt their style, their attitude and their ways. It happens in real life: Deal with it.
Lastly let’s squash the idea right now that you can’t like villains (Let’s just call them that in case your thick skull doesn’t register that.) I’m sorry but after several of this same message from the same person? I think you’re kinda pigheaded. Anyway let’s squash the idea that you can’t like villainous characters, people like frieza from dbz who’s racist, people like S.U villains who view humans as trash and you jerks like cinder who attacked and is now using the white fanus for murder and stuff because before she took over there wasn’t a single murder only dust stealing but hey let’s not give cinder any blame she’s too sexy.
Ah yes but the White Fang were hurting people long before Cinder came around: She just gave them better guns. Before Cinder, Adam tried blowing a train full of innocent humans. Who forced his hand there? It had to be forced since Blake outright asked about the humans. It’s not like Adam wanted to kill every human he could find because he’s a genocidal bastrad who deserves to be put down like a rapid dog. It was never said that the WHite Fang didn’t kill people before Cinder and Adam tried to before Cinder so no excuses there.
But hey, let’s not blame Adam. He’s oppressed uwu
Christ! Do yourself a favor and just do what I do: Just say everyone on remnant is a little bit of an asshole. And again for the last time leave me out of it, I already debunked this same argument like 3 times come up with some new material.
Really? Because from where I am sitting, sick and in the middle of the night, I just tore your debunk apart in a matter of minutes. Kind of shows how shit your argument is at it’s very basis.
Considering the fact that people like Ruby and Jaune exist on Renment, people who have done nothing but try to help others, I refuse to say that. I will not hold them accountable for the actions of people they don’t know or agree with just because they share the same race. That’s stupid and wrong. Just like you.
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flauntpage · 7 years ago
Bird Droppings: Bombs Away
What a delicious and truly tasty win. For real, I want to lick it. Not like that fucking freak, Dolphins offensive line coach Chris Foerster wants to lick a stripper’s hoo-ha, but in a friendly way, like a dog warmly greeting you with a smooch on the nose and oh, did you have beef while you were out? WHERE DID YOU GET THE BEEF? OHHHHH BOY I WANT SOME OF THAT BEEF!
The Eagles are slowly, but surely, like an effective Doug Pederson offense, proving to us that they are among the best teams in the conference. Wins over the Redskins, Giants, Chargers and Cardinals aren’t exactly enough to print those Super Bowl tickets, but it’s encouraging that the Eagles are improving and, yesterday, demolished an opponent as the heavy favorites.
I thought the Cardinals’ defense was good enough to STYMIE the Eagles’ running attack and force them into some bad offensive habits. I predicted the Eagles would lose a low-scoring affair, 19-15. I’ll wear that like a mark, a mission, a brand, a scar. If Love Ertz, then Blount Scars. And he continued to do so yesterday with a 14-carry, 74-yard performance, good for an average of 5.2 yards per rush.
To be fair (to me), the Eagles’ early offensive outburst was helped greatly by their field position. On their first three touchdown drives, they started at the 46, 36, and the (Cardinals) 15, respectively. I suspect that without those luxuries, they wouldn’t have jumped out to a 21-0 lead, which had the added benefit of forcing Arizona to all but abandon their dreadful-without-David-Johnson running game and rely on 402-year-old Carson Palmer, who hasn’t been good since Larry Fitzgerald took one into the end zone in overtime against the Packers in the playoffs two seasons ago. Spending the offseason learning how to fall should be a sign that it’s time to hang ’em up. As such, this game script was written so unabashedly in the Eagles’ favor that even EL James would’ve been like yeah, OK, it was one thing for Ana’s friend to get sick before the big interview, but it’s another thing entirely to go up 21 against an aged quarterback on the road playing an effective 11 a.m. start time. We should take out that Burner punt return to keep things realistic. Does anyone have a whip?
But all those things did happen, and an effective offense, which has progressed and earned its Deep Ball and Slant Route stripes the past two weeks, made the Cardinals pay. The defense and special teams put the offense in a position to succeed, and then they dropped the hammer once the lead was secured. It’s hard to imagine a better team win.
So where does this put the Eagles in the NFC?
They have yet to play the Packers, Cowboys or Falcons, arguably the three best teams in the conference. They’ll play the Panthers on Thursday night to cement the fourth team. But you can only play the games you’re given, and the Eagles are 4-1. The Redskins and Cardinals aren’t total dog shit, and there’s also this:
The Eagles are 4-1 and their one loss was against the only undefeated team in the NFL: Chiefs. It was KC’s closest game in terms of score.
— Brandon Lee Gowton (@BrandonGowton) October 9, 2017
But the NFL doesn’t run on an Elo system, so being “slightly worse” than the Chiefs and “substantially better” than the Cardinals has no bearing on upcoming tougher matchups.
For me, this season will come down to whether the Eagles are better than the Cowboys. If the Eagles game was the entrée yesterday, then the Cowboys game was the dessert. Or perhaps the Eagles game was the appetizer and the Cowboys game was the entrée, because the Packers-Cowboys tilt was one for the ages. I could watch a full season of those two teams playing each other. There is genuine star power on both sides of the ball, and Aaron Rodgers is an absolute freak. One of the best ever. He is so much fun to watch that today I feel like gushing over him more than Wentz. And his heroics might mean more to the Eagles. The two-game lead over the Cowboys is a HUGE deal. Throw in the possibility of Ezekiel Elliott missing the next six games, including the Eagles game, and it seems even larger.
Still, this season will come down to whether the Eagles are better than the Cowboys, on the field. That is what will get them in the playoffs. We’ll worry about the Falcons and Packers later.
I can’t put the Eagles ahead of either, though. Rodgers it too good, and the Falcons are supremely talented. But with the Eagles beating up on lesser opponents, the pecking order is becoming more clear. The Eagles are working their way up the ladder, like a simplistic video game structure– this week they will take on the Panthers for fourth place, and in a few weeks they’ll take on the Cowboys for third.
As far as stats go, the Eagles have some impressive ones:
The #Eagles have held the ball for 2:57:42 so far this season. That's 11th most in NFL history through five games.
— Dave Zangaro (@DZangaroNBCS) October 9, 2017
Think how far they’ve come since Chip Kelly, who was actually allergic to time.
NFL Offense Leaders – Yards per Game 419 … Patriots 414 … Chiefs 398 … Eagles 388 … Falcons 382 … Rams
— Reuben Frank (@RoobNBCS) October 9, 2017
That… is some good company.
Third-Down Leaders 53.4% … Eagles 50.0% … Panthers 48.4% … Packers 47.0% … Rams 46.9% … Chiefs 46.7% … Broncos
— Reuben Frank (@RoobNBCS) October 9, 2017
This is even more impressive. Carson Wentz is a damned wizard on third downs. If he were Sam Bradford, he’d be:
Let’s do more because I’m having fun:
The Eagles are ninth in passing yards per game (259).
They are fifth in rushing yards per game (138).
They are second in total plays run (345), just one behind the Cardinals.
The are ninth in yards per play (5.8).
They are third in first downs per game (23), just behind the Patriots and Chiefs.
They are first in time of possession (35:32), a full two minutes ahead of the second place team.
And this is for a team whose defense is considered its strong point. They are middle-of-the-pack in most defensive categories, but they’ve clearly dictated play on many occasions this year, not to mention they’ve played the last two games without arguably their two best defensive players.
How horned up were you to see the Eagles’ baseball touchdown celebration followed by the Mike Trout sighting?
#VictoryMonday mood: http://pic.twitter.com/ZHuCNtw9EO
— Philadelphia Eagles (@Eagles) October 9, 2017
"Hey there's Mike Trout!" http://pic.twitter.com/45aE6Kaocv
— Michael (@mikeVSphilly) October 8, 2017
That was the NFL equivalent of an 80-second porn trailer.
Apparently the baseball idea was Alshon Jeffery’s, because he wanted the Eagles to hit home run plays. Truly awesome.
Rhy Hoskins weighing in was just the icing on this two-sport three-way:
A+ celebration I think for our next lesson we’ll work on the bat flip #FlyEagelsFly https://t.co/KaDZgVdbf0
— Rhys Hoskins (@RhysHoskins22) October 8, 2017
  Tom Petty
Moments later, the Linc rocked to Tom Petty:
#Eagles🦅playing Tom Petty after TD!
“I Wont back down”
Whole Linc singing http://pic.twitter.com/4462sLdk9j
— John Clark NBCPhilly (@JClarkNBCS) October 8, 2017
The @Eagles DJ is better than the Beaver Stadium DJ 🦅⚪️ Tom Petty Tribute after TD✊ Sincerely, The Beaver Stadium DJ #FlyEaglesFly http://pic.twitter.com/GrQZx3rLxk
— PJ Mullen (@psuPJ) October 8, 2017
You can stand me up at the gates of hell…. #TomPetty #FlyEaglesFly http://pic.twitter.com/b8GqcK3iAD
— Marisa Magnatta (@MarisaMagnatta) October 8, 2017
I Won’t Back Down won the weekend. Between Jason Aldean’s brilliant and fitting performance during the cold open on SNL, the Florida Gators blaring it during their game, and the Eagles following suit on Sunday, the song became a rallying cry for a nation without being contrived. It was all kind of moving, really.
  Former Five
Locker room visitor jokes that he "had more swagger" escaping sacks than Carson Wentz shows. Enjoyed watching Wentz. http://pic.twitter.com/eXK6qeGzp7
— Les Bowen (@LesBowen) October 8, 2017
Jesus Christ Donovan McNabb got fat. But he remains the king of back-handed compliments:
And now here he is pretending to not secretly resent Carson Wentz:
Donovan McNabb in #Eagles🦅lockeroom
Introducing his son Donovan and getting autograph from Carson Wentz http://pic.twitter.com/femDBYYdVR
— John Clark NBCPhilly (@JClarkNBCS) October 8, 2017
Still, good to see McNabb back (and sober). All good vibes at the Linc yesterday.
Nelson Agholor did the best thing he’s ever done yesterday and his fall into the end zone was a tribute to DeSean Jaccson:
Nelson Agholor on splash into end zone: "That was kind of a tribute to [DeSean Jackson]…I watched a lot of his tapes, shout out to D-Jax."
— Tim McManus (@Tim_McManus) October 8, 2017
Wat it do baby one time !!
Chris Myers stinks. I hate his face. The Kenjon Burner mistake was fun, but he said a bunch of things that made little sense. Daryl Johnson was only marginally better, but him continually saying “Allshon Jeffery” made me want to vomit. I can’t wait for Tony Romo on Thursday night. I can’t believe I just wrote that.
Bird Droppings: Bombs Away published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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