#love everyone's WoL
axelofthekey · 1 year
Oh boy I'm in the WoL Tournament
So, I'm in the B-Side of the tourney being hosted by @woltourney. You will, in time, hear about this fine gentlebun.
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Axel Kristallwesfv, Bun of Light, master of green, and above-all-else just a good dude.
He loves dressing up in all sorts of outfits, most of them green!
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He loves to travel, increase his talents, and make people's lives better.
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But also he can be a goof
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So go ahead and vote for the green bun himself, Axel Kristallwesfv! If you want to. If you don't that's fine too.
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the-random-tyler · 5 months
general ffxiv hcs
Daily Routines
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More under the cut
The Rising Stones
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wildstar25 · 4 months
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The 3rd Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon - or in other terms, June 3rd - marks the day a very special cat entered the world. Happy Birthday Arsay!
(Opening images in a new tab is recommended for best quality viewing, thank you!)
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pinkadillydoo · 1 month
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hello random elezen man
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lavampira · 4 months
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do you picture me like I picture you? am I in the frame from your point of view?
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driftward · 9 months
I'm flipping through el tumbles, and I'm seeing everyone's WoLs, and I am like demn these are some cool Warriors of Light. And I see them with perfect lighting and excellent posing and the colours and I am like I am in love your WoL needs to be loved. I see a picture of a Warrior of Light with perfect bokeh, seeing them just pop out in a field of tasteful blur, and I am like nice. I see another one with just the freshest glam and I'm like what a cool character. I see an image with someone shrouded in darkness and smoke with reds and purples and I am like whew that is sick.
And then there's this.
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sapphire-scarletta-wol · 10 months
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Was trying to draw my wol for practice again but its not coming out too great, i wasnt liking my skecthes so i decided to just draw kitty raha to soothe my soul.
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picaroroboto · 2 months
underscoring the WoL's whole story I think is a sort of horror story about what it's like being turned into a story while you're still alive
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haunted-xander · 1 year
The scene w the twins held hostage in Tertium is probably one of my favorite scenes in the entire game (which says a LOT). It's a very good portrayal of their characters and their dynamic to each other.
The scene starts with Alisaie trying to kick the door open, despite knowing she's better off staying put until we get them out. Point 1: Alisaie is reactive. Alphinaud then responds to this by explaining that, while he also hates this situation, they're better off staying put like we told them to. Point 2: Alphinaud internalizes.
Alisaie walks to sit by the wall like he is, and then kinda shyly scoots closer to him after realizing she's sitting too far away and he's not moving any closer, and puts her head on his shoulder. Point 3: Alisaie displays affection more freely (if a bit embarassed by it sometimes lol) while Alphinaud is a bit more reserved with it, typically waiting for others to initiate.
Alisaie starts to vent about her frustration regarding both the current situation in Garlemald and with Fourchenault(and the Forum as a whole), while also understanding where it all comes from. Alphinaud responds by looking at the people in questions views and feelings on the circumstances, while still agreeing that yeah, it sucks. Point 4: Alisaie is openly emotional (frustration being her typical form of expression) and tends to personally involve herself with most things, while Alphinaud takes things from a more distanced and factual point of view (while still expressing his own thoughts in a polite and professional manner).
After this they start to discuss the focal points of their respective characrer developments. Alisaie remarks that one's will and wants should be their own and not an extention of anothers, in the same way her character arc revolves around her finding her own reason for wanting to help the people of Eorzea, which she later admits that she has found. Alphinaud talks about how Varis' ideal of a single, united nation bereft of dividing factors was similar to his own ideals in the beginning, which he now admits is pure ignorance and will solve nothing but doom everyone to misery.
They make affirmations of their shared conviction and such, but the part that really hits this whole things home, is Alisaie asserting that she will stand by Alphinaud as he takes the lead. Because she has her role as an activist, she is the one who acts on what needs to be done and does it, whereas Alphinaud's role is as a leader and politician, to make it so that what needs to be done can be done. Alphinaud is a bit unsure if he can do it, because he's already failed so many times, but he won't give up and neither will Alisaie let him. She states as much with her typical dose of gently scolding love sprinkled in there.
The scene packs in so many details of them in such a nice way. Alisaie is outwardly emotional, typically unleashing her feelings in the moment and then calms down afterwards, while Alphinaud internalizes everything, holding on to his feelings for a long time and let them simmer down to a more managable level. When Alphinaud expresses his feelings more clearly, Alisaie is typically the more collected one(this is shown a lot in stb, like when we first meet Hacock and Alphinaud is instantly defensive, while Alisaie is the one to suggest at least hearing him out) and vice versa.
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swiftcast-selene · 7 months
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Day 1: Introduction
"O'nehgi Tia, is it?"
he laughs. "ah, no, no. just Negi, please. and - Selene, too, if you wouldn't mind. she doesn't take well to being ignored..."
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catgirlcrisis · 1 year
its actually so crazy how the writing team was like “lets make grief and loss important themes for alisaie as a character” so in BCOB she learns about making peace with her grandfather’s death to live life on her own terms, for her own sake. she goes out herself to explore eorzea. and then emery dies while shes powerless to do anything about it. and then she almost dies believing that urianger was going to betray her and the scions. and then she watches the same tower her brother was supposed to be in get bombed not knowing if he escaped in time. and then she watches the people she loves be picked off one by one, physically present but spiritually gone, while being powerless to help them. and then she loses contact with alphinaud (again) not knowing if he’s okay. if he’s safe. and then the next time she sees him immediately its his limp body being carried by a stranger. and then she begs the warrior of light to not leave her alone. and then she watches tesleen die powerless to do anything about it. and then she watches the warrior of light nearly succumb to becoming a sin-eater, risking dooming not only the fate of the first, but the source. and then she finds the cold bodies of licinia and her sister, ultimately more victims of their despair than anything else, people who she’d been trying to help. and then s
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wildstar25 · 5 months
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Arsay borrowed Tataru's fabric shears again <3
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ysandrethedreamer · 20 days
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"The Colours"
I wish You a good day/night! <3
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lavampira · 9 months
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I saw you in a dream, then it came to an end I wonder if you’ll come and visit me again
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indigaygo · 7 months
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On this weeks episode of "How Will Dionysus Piss Off Hades Today?"
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celestiafaerie · 2 months
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Dawntrail has been absolutely amazing. I have loved every second of it and it has made me think of a lot of different things in my personal life. Whilst I was doing MSQ, I was in this area in Urqopacha and it was perfect. The sun was rising and the setting looked gorgeous. I had to stop and take it all in.
I do also want to mention that I have started writing, and now that I am completely caught up, I can do so much lore writing. I am wanting to do a whole set up of Celestia's life and her adventures through Eorzea (through each expansion and everything). But more importantly I want to write fanfiction of her interacting with G'raha Tia. I have already started, but I want to do a gpose of it, which means I have to wait a bit longer. So I will post it here one day to share with y'all.
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