#love being able to use all this useless knowledge gained by tracking down that man's clothes
tarabyte3 · 1 month
Top 5 Andy outfits 😏
No honorable mentions and you can exclude films ☺️
Tarren. I thought we were friends. No honorable mentions?! 🥺 okay fine 😭 (I'm just kidding, this is a FABULOUS question and I love you 💖)
Also I hope everyone else is prepared to see some severe brain rot in action, buckle up mother fuckers.
- The grey Henley
(b...belly 🥵)
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- The green Ozwald Boateng jacket from the Luther: The Fallen Sun global premiere red carpet in London
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- The Paul Smith multicolored striped shirt
(especially because he wore this when so many of us were together in Dallas and it's what he's wearing in our group photo 🥺)
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- The Paul Smith green leather bomber jacket
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- The Mr. Porter cashmere sweater from the GQ Hype photoshoot complete with the birkies
(I know it's not technically one of HIS outfits, but it looks incredible on him, I'm depressed there's only one photo, and I have spent a not insignificant amount of time thinking about how cuddly he'd be while wearing it 👉👈)
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Thank you for giving me the gift of thinking about this man's wardrobe, my friend 😍💖
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stealforreal · 3 years
Midoriya Izuku - Future kids I
Midoriya Izuku's day just got turned upside down. MIdoriya is slightly ooc, and I'm dissapointed with the quality of this work. I lost inspiration sorry, but here you go anyways.
Midoriya Izuku x f!reader
Warnings: none, maybe slight cussing
It had been a normal day, so far. Class 1-b and 1-a had a joint training session, and everyone was giving it their all. Iida was using his recipico burst against their team's opponents, giving Midoriya time to think up a new plan now that they had been discovered. They had previously planned to use Aoyama's navel laser to lure their opponents to a specific spot, before using Iida to get him away so Midoriya and Todoroki could apprehend them. The plan had unfortunately backfired, since they had captured Aoyama before Iida could get to him. The solid air user from 1-b had gotten him in his hold, and only after Todoroki had gotten him back did they realise how much the rest of the plan would fail. So now Midoriya was tasked with coming up with a new plan.
Todoroki was occupied with holding the others at bay, and Iida was running out of fuel so they wouldn’t be much help. Aoyama was on the brink of his usual stomach ache that followed with overuse, so he was also pretty useless. Even if he wanted too Midoriya knew he was out matched, a 4 v 1 would not end well for him, besides he had to look out for Monoma and his copy quirk. He was so in his head planning that he didn’t see the Copycat sneaking up on him, not before it was too late. He should have felt an impact, Monoma had pointed one of Bakugou’s explosions towards him. But the impact never came, instead he felt himself float in the air hovering over the remaining smoke from the explosion. “Don’t you dare hurt my daddy” A loud girly voice proclaimed, effectively gaining everybody nearby attention.
Turning his attention towards the girly voice, he felt himself freeze up. In the middle of their training field stood a girl around the age of 10, if he had to take a guess. But that wasn’t what caused him to freeze up, no not the fact that this young girl had somehow managed to bypass UA’s security. Which should have been impossible, considering all the improvements that had been made to it after all the villain attacks that had happened. No, what caused him to freeze up was the fact that before him stood this girl, who looked like a carbon copy of him. It seemed that way from this distance. “Who is responsible for holding Midoriya in the air?” Aizawa’s gruff voice rang out. “Oh right, I forgot about that,” The curly green haired girl exclaimed, catching the attention of the slowly increasing crowd. Slowly Midoriya could feel himself being lowered to the ground again, once his feet hit the cement the quirk that had previously held him in the air deactivated making him feel 10 times heavier.
“Who the fuck disturbed the exercise, I’m gonna kill who ever did it” a familiar angry voice yelled out, making Bakugou’s presence noticeable. Everybody was a little on edge, they had enough experience with villains to not foolishly blindly trust anybody. It didn’t matter that it was a 10 year-old girl, or that she looked like a carbon copy of the resident green haired cinnamon roll. “Man, Uncle Katsu you really were loud back in the day” This statement from the green haired girl left everyone speechless. ‘Does she have a death wish’ was the thought on most of 1-A’s minds, nobody was so casual with Bakugou because it was a serious health hazard.
Well everyone except maybe his two best friends, Kirishima and y/n. It was common knowledge in class A that Bakugou had a soft spot for his two best friends, they had honestly been shocked the first time they met her. She had walked into the classroom, blank faced, walked over to Bakugou’s table, smacked him upside the head with a book before leaving it on his desk, and walked out the door with only a quick “don’t forget it next time, Idiot”. Miraculously she had lived, and Bakugou hadn’t even begun yelling. An impressive feat in itself. Not long after Midoriya had begun noticing you around school, and found out you were a part of the support course. He came to know you a bit, his observation skills made that almost too easy. Slowly but surely he began falling in love with you, the way your hair frames your face, your sharp tongue that never held back. How you would stand up for anybody, it didn’t matter if you knew them well or not if they were in trouble you would help them.
“Hah, what was that you brat?” Bakugou’s loud yelling and heavy footsteps approaching snapped him out of his thoughts, and back to the situation at hand. “ W-wait a minute Kacchan, I’m s-sure that there is a logical explanation” He found himself saying before he could even register what happened. Midoriya was hit with an immense feeling of protectiveness, similar to when they had rescued Eri, but stronger. Without knowing he had subconsciously stepped in front of the girl, pushing her behind his back. “Don’t worry dad I can handle myself, besides it’s only uncle Katsu” she spoke up behind the protective cinnamon roll. “Explain now” Aizawa cut in before they could get side tracked again. It was like the fact she hadn’t introduced herself, only hit her now.
“ Right, allow me to introduce myself” Bowing slightly she continued. “ My name is Midoriya Izumi, I am 10 years old and from the future” Aizawa sent her a raised eyebrow, wanting an elaborated answer. “ My friend was being teased by the others in class about how he was quirkless” Izuku tensed slightly but continued listening to Izumi “ Since my friend’s parents each has a quirk related to time, his mom could speed up herself for only a couple of minutes and his dad could slow down others a bit. This made it really hard for my friend to know if he had a quirk or not, so I helped him research and test different theories. Our last one must have worked, which is time travel by the way, but I have no idea how long his quirk will last” Izumi rambled slightly, reminding them of another curly green haired individual. Difference is Izumi talked loud enough for them to hear, and a bit slower making it understandable.
“Wait, you said your name was Midoriya Izumi. Does this mean that you are Midoriya’s daughter” The ever stoic, conspiracy theory thinking, dual haired boy pointed out. “ Yep, sure am uncle Sho, Don’t tell me you don’t see the resemblance.” She stood next to Izuku hugging his waist with one arm, before continuing” I’m dad's younger copy but female, mom always says there is more wholesomeness in him than there is in her. I remember her asking dad one time why his genes were so damn strong. Luckily for her Haru looks a lot more like her, he’s her younger copy but male” The people present looked between the two Midoriyas, it was true nobody could deny that she was her fathers daughter. The only thing that was different was her eyes, they had specks of y/e/c instead of being fully emerald like Izuku’s were. Also she talks a lot, just like their classmate. They shared the same green hair, both were curly in texture and the classic Midoriya freckles. Though it seemed that she had gotten more of her mothers personality, at least they assumed so. I mean she stood up to Bakugou, without even flinching at his tone.
“Oi, squirt what’s your quirk. And quit rambling like shitty Deku” Bakugou asked, interest evident in his tone. “ Right, my quirk is called Telekinesis, so I can move stuff with my mind. It was also how I was able to keep daddy in the air” Izumi responded, puffing her chest out comically in pride. “Huh so it skipped a generation, and your quirk is stronger than my mom’s. But you also have a different approach so maybe that helps. I wonder why yours is stronger, is it because of your mothers quirk. But then again my quirk is also powerful maybe an aspect of it ties to the genes maybe that’s why your quirk is stronger than moms” The older green haired individual began mumbling on, and he probably would have continued if he hadn’t been cut off by his lowly daughter hitting him in the head. “ Daddy stop mumbling,” Izumi stated sternly.
Bakugou grinned, he liked this kid's spunk and she seemed to have a strong quirk, even if she was shitty Deku’s kid. “Oi squirt fight me” He loudly proclaimed, earning all his classmates attention. Almost everyone began yelling over each other, what the hell dude and she just a kid another one was so not manly bro. Instead of being happy her dad’s old classmates were defending her, stopping her uncle from fighting her she got annoyed. So what if she was a child, this wouldn’t be her first time fighting her dad or her uncles. Before everyone could attack Bakugou even more a voice piqued up “ Sure, if that is alright with you sensei” she directed her attention towards Mr. Aizawa.
It wasn’t rational to challenge a child to a fight, but he couldn’t deny she had a great fighting spirit in her eyes. So he allowed it, he was curious himself to see how it would end. The control she displayed earlier was phenomenal, and she was only 10 but she had a lot of potential in his book. He shooed everuýone a bit away from the hothead and the young Midoriya, and so then created a ring of sorts acting a the line of confinement.
Bakugou charged straight in with his usual right hook, only to have it swiftly caught by Izumi. She grabbed his right hand, squatted down a bit, then swiftly pushed her shoulder into his rib. The momentum of that allowed her to, even with some difficulty, flip his much larger body over her shoulder and into the ground. There was a small second of silence where Bakugou just laid on the ground in shock, a girl over 5 years younger than him just flipped him over her shoulder like it wasn’t even that hard. However Izumi didn’t give him time to think as she sent metal bars towards him. They had been fried earlier, before her arrival. Bakugou used his explosions to evade the metal projectiles, sending another one straight towards her face. Die squirt die, his colorful vocabulary re-entered the scene. She used her Telekinesis to command the explosion to change course and hit Bakugou square in the face instead. Slightly dazed Bakugou didn’t have time to move before a heel connected to his temple, effectively knocking him out.
Everyone who bore witness to this fight was shell shocked, Bakugou lost. The fight lasted only around 8 minutes before the winner of the 1 years sports festival got knocked out by a 10 year old girl. “Huh, that was easier than expected,” the panting girl exclaimed. Izuku could feel his chest swell with pride, that was his daughter. Strong and smart just like her parents. She walked over to Izuku and slumped against him “ I’m tired daddy, carry me” She looked up at him with those doe green eyes, and how could he say no to his little warrior princess. Blushing, he picked her up, and she let out a sigh of contentment. Using her quirk to command things on a molecular level, like Bakugou’s explosions always took a toll on her.
“Midoriya take Izumi to the dorms to let her rest, the rest of you come with me for our next exercise” Mr. Aizawa commanded the frozen teens and teacher. Izuku then began making his way to the dorms, asking his sleepy daughter a tornado of questions. Do you know about my quirk, how does your quirk work, how old is Haru, am I a good dad, who is your mom? Even in her sleepy state Izumi answered his questions to the best of her abilities, though she refused to reveal who her mother was.
When they arrived at the dorms he put her on the living room couch, and went to leave to grab her some old All Might merch that could fit her. Before he could leave she grabbed his cheeks rather harshly, looking him straight in the eye she said “Don’t worry about who mom is, she loves you for you so it's gonna be fine. Also don’t screw this up so I’ll still be born.” Izuku sweat dropped nervously, before getting out of her hold to go find that old merch of his.
When he returned to the living room after finding what he was looking for, he looked around only to find that it was empty. He walked over to the couch and coffee table where he found a note, picking it up and sitting down on the couch to read it. Dearest daddy, I felt tingly so I think the quirk is gonna wear off now. I just wanted to say that you are awesome and the best daddy out there, I love you so much. I’ll see you again in the future - hugs Izumi Midoriya. Izuku’s heart fell, she had only just arrived an hour or so ago and now she was gone. He didn’t get to know his daughter better like he had hoped, and he didn’t get to see her adorably dressed up in his old All Might merch. He read the note over and over again, trying to satisfy his heart. He would see her again in the future, and then it clicked. his heart swelled, yeah he would see Izumu again some day.
Yeah he would see her again when he was married and happy. Yeah he could wait for that, as long as he has too.
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sara-scribbles · 5 years
Fae (Part 5)
Pairing: Ulquiorra/Orihime (UlquiHime) Theme: Protect or Blood Word Count: 1,753
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Peace can only last so long. Ulquiorra should have realized this sooner as all the warnings were there. Barragan had been watching him closely ever since he had returned. Though Ulquiorra did not spend much time with the others in the village, the old man held onto his suspicions. Especially when his stay at his grandmother’s old house grew longer. Another set of eyes, sharper and keener than the old man’s, watches Ulquiorra as he comes in and out of town.
He halfheartedly cleared the junk in the house. The sooner he finished, the sooner he would have to leave Orihime. Ulquiorra still did not know what to tell her. His desire to leave her behind was non-existent. Yet how could he leave his other life behind? Perhaps he is being selfish in wanting both.
They do not discuss much about the fae. She mentions small things here and there, but never goes into detail. He often wonders if she does not trust him. But the way she smiles at him and touches him tells him otherwise. She trusts him with her whole heart. Something is stopping her from divulging the full truth. He does not push her to tell more than she is willing. He will wait for her to be ready. He will always wait.
It’s the end of the month and the house is mostly cleared of boxes. Unused furniture has already been sold off. The realtor has given him an estimate price for the house. Yet, he hesitates to put it up for sale. For now he tells the realtor to give him a few more days. He wants to talk to her before he does anything else.
Ulquiorra goes to their usual meeting space. The forest is no longer a maze to him. Even when the sun sets, his feet bring him back to where he needs to be. Orihime tells him it’s because the forest knows him. The forest trusts him. He doesn’t know what to say to that, so he keeps quiet. She may be fae, but Ulquiorra still has a hard time accepting the supernatural.
He watches as she twirls blades of grass between her fingers. Hands stuffed in his pockets, his mouth feels dry. “Orihime.” She looks up. “I need to talk to you about something.”
Crossing her legs together, she nods. “Okay. What’s wrong?”
“I have to go back.” He watches her face for any signs. She just blinks. “I have a job offer in a different part of the world. And since I’ve almost finished with my grandmother’s things, I will need to go back.”
“You said you were staying,” she says quietly. She drops her head down, and her hair becomes a curtain between them. “You said…”
He sighs. “I know. And I’m sorry for lying. But I want you to come with me.” He spent all night thinking about it. If she could come with him, then they would never have to be apart.
She doesn’t look up. “I can’t.”
He frowns, his brows drawing together. “Why?”
“I….I can’t. My friends wouldn’t understand.” She finally looks up at him. Eyes shining with unshed tears, his heart twists painfully. “Eventually you’ll die. What am I supposed to do then?”
“What do you mean?” He knows that there are many things he doesn’t know about the fae. It seems there is even more than he thought.
She bites her lower lip before explaining. “We do not age the same as humans. After a certain time we stop changing. Our kind can live for thousands of years without ever looking any different.”
The truth hits him hard. She’ll remain as she is even when he is old and gray. When he dies, she’ll have no one. He starts to pace back and forth. His mind is racing and his thoughts swirl together. He doesn’t want to leave her, but he cannot imagine leaving his own life behind. She watches him silently.
Finally she speaks, “Even if you were willing to come with me, my people may not accept you. We’ve been taught to be wary of humans. Especially ones that want to use us.”
He stops in his tracks. “Do your people know about” he gestures between them “us meeting all the time?”
“Yes. They’re not very happy about it, but they have to respect my decisions.” Her mouth presses into a thin line. “My position as a healer allows me some leeway.”
She never mentioned being a healer. But perhaps he should have known. Her vast knowledge of plants makes more sense. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he closes his eyes. A deep sigh comes from him before he takes her hand and helps her to her feet.
“I’m sorry. I should have discussed this sooner.” He runs his thumb over her knuckles. “We’ll figure this out.”
She brushes his hair from his face. “Okay.” Her eyes glint with something he can’t describe. Her smile is soft and filled with warmth “I love you.”
“How touching.” They both turn to the clearing entrance. Ulquiorra can see Barragan behind the tall stranger. The old man is leaning on his cane watching them with his milky blue eyes. The unknown man is dressed in an impeccable white suit. His pink hair is styled carefully. Ulquiorra stands in front of her. “Who are you?”
He watches as the man approaches them. “My name is Szayel. I’ve been researching about these creatures.” He steps over the mushroom circle. “You see, I’ve always had a fascination with the otherworldly. In my line I’ve work I’ve seen all forms of strange creatures. I wish to study them fully.”
They’re slowly pushed back. Ulquiorra keeps an eye on the man, but also notes that Barragan has yet to get any closer. “You can’t have her.” He has an idea on how someone like him would “study” supernatural beings.
Szayel chuckles. “You see the thing about fae are that they’re quite tricky. They’re able to elude even my best men. That and they play dangerous games. So to hear that someone was able to gain the trust of such a creature piqued my interest.” He stops a few feet away from them. “I’ll offer you a deal, Ulquiorra.”
His eyes narrow. “I have no interest in you.”
“You say it now, but hear me out.” His eyes slide to Orihime. “Give her to me, and I’ll make you richer than you can imagine. You’ll never have to worry about anything.”
“I don’t need money,” he scoffs. His job offers a good wage already. He’s also never been the materialistic type. He only buys what he needs, never anything more.
He sighs and shakes his head. “You disappoint me, Ulquiorra. I thought such an intelligent would make a smart choice. No matter I’ll get what I want either way.”
There’s a click and Ulquiorra only has a second to realize that Barragan now holds a shotgun. The sound of it going off is deafening. He looks down but there’s no blood. Orihime pained cry makes the blood in his veins turn into ice. Turning around he sees red. Blood pools from her stomach and through her fingers. She clutches her wound as her legs give out. He manages to catch her. She leans heavily against him; her complexion becomes waxy. The blood stains his shirt and seeps into the grass, but he doesn’t care. Ripping a clean part of his shirt, he tries to staunch the flow.
“Come a little shot shouldn’t kill you,” Szayel muses. He’s watching them without concern.
Orihime grits through her teeth, “Iron…!”
“That’s right. I coated those bullets in iron,” Barragan states as he steps closer. “This is for your own good, boy.”
Ulquiorra only glares at the old man for a moment before returning his attention back to her. Szayel is frowning as he turns to the old man. “I want her alive. Being dead will be useless to my research.”
Barragan levels the shotgun. “I don’t care about your research.”
However Szayel pushes the muzzle of the shotgun away. “We had a deal old man,” he hisses.
“I’ve changed my mind. Getting rid of the fae is better than any money,” Barragan growls.
Neither men take notice of the sudden change in atmosphere as they argue. Storm clouds suddenly move in, and the sun is completely blocked out. A cold wind whips through the trees causing the branches to sway violently. It’s only when thunder rumbles loudly do they take note of their surroundings.
Adjusting his glasses, Szayel glances around. “How interesting. The sudden change in weather….could it be the work of fae or something else?”
“Ulquiorra!” The old man looks around frantically. Both had disappeared while the two men argued. However Barragan spots a trail of blood leading deeper into the forest. The men run after them.
Holding Orihime close to him, Ulquiorra runs through the forest blindly. The forest is no longer a warm and welcoming place. Branches seem to whip at them as if trying to stop him. The wind howls ominously as he pushes through the thicket. Her blood soaked through the fabric he had used, and she had become unconscious.
He doesn’t know where to go, but he wants to get her somewhere safe. Stumbling through the dark forest, he crosses a rushing river. Fat raindrops start falling, and soon it comes down in sheets. Lighting flashes and thunder claps.
Pushing past thorny bushes Ulquiorra comes to another clearing. Trees surround him every which way. The only thing there is a mushroom circle.
Ulquiorra recalls his grandmother’s warnings as clear as day. Glancing down at the woman in his arms, he makes a decision. Clenching his teeth, he steps into it. 
Nothing happens.
“Come on. Come on.” He curses under his breath. He paces the circle but still nothing happens.
“Ulquiorra!” Barragan pushes through the bushes. “Just let her go. She’s not one of us.”
The dark haired man snarls, “Don’t come any closer!” His grip on Orihime tightens. The rain has soaked through them both. His hair is plastered to his face. He does not care; he needs to save her.
The old man shakes his head. “Foolish boy. You have brought this upon yourself.” Barragan aims the shotgun at him.
Lightning flashes again. Thunder muffles out the sound of a gunshot being fired. Rain pours down on the old man. Barragan lowers his weapon. His good eyes stares at the mushroom circle.
It’s empty.
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irorny · 6 years
defenders of tomorrow headcanons bc im trash
(or just my ideas for a dystopian novel ill never write feat. voltron characters)
Defenders of Tomorrow
small bull city-based guerilla rebel force
goal: take down the three main monopolies exploiting humanity
SendTech Communications, Zarco Energy, L Motors, but more on them later
members: silicut, akira, leandro, heartbleed, ping, alzina, andrés, rowan, shuri, and ig corneilus? maybe?
methods: attack where tech companies can’t protect themselves, the real world. main method of travel is old abandoned subways. use “old-fashioned” weapons like guns, grenades, even a tank. L Motors is the biggest challenge since they’re more real-world-oriented
group of hackers, much larger than DOT but with less success
aim to take down monopolies by destabilizing the whole G.A.L.R.A.
name comes from ohm, unit of measuring electrical resistance
sorta rivals with DOT before eventually working together
akira, alzina, silicut, mendel, and ping have all worked with them in the past
symbol is basically BOM turned on its side bc it... vaguely... resembles an ohm symbol
technically stands for Globalized Asset Legitimacy Rate Appraisal but we both know that’s gibberish, pretty much just the stock market
The Honorable Virtua is president of the GALRA
manipulates stock value so the rich get richer and small businesses never gain traction
SendTech collects, monitors, and abuses almost all human interaction to increase profit. products microphones are always on and sending data back to company, which uses the data to find people with revolutionary ideas and eliminate them. also makes designer babies.
Zarco Energy is the parent company to end all parent companies. main product is EnerGenius, marketed as a clean energy source that “runs on life, to help life run right.” To public knowledge it runs on the user’s own energy, and it does partially, but the majority of EnerGenius is harvested by abducting homeless youth and draining them of their life force (you know that scream extractor machine the purple lizard dude from monsters inc had? yeah its pretty much that)
L Motors is a transportation company that designs spaceships, drones, and operates several underground expressways, produces some short-distance vehicles for the military and the elite. restricts mobility and ability to travel for common people
bastard son of zarco ceo (zoltar) and ohmen spy (kyung-hu) who was killed on a mission when he was little
silicut and ohmen took him under their wing after he narrowly escaped being abducted for EnerGenius
kyung-hu was a “defect” designer baby, usually die of genetic disorders before age 4, akira is the first person to have a “defect” parent. part of the changes in akiras DNA allow him to control tech with his mind (if you watched the last season of the flash, think killgore bc i have no original ideas)
wears silicut’s old jacket. for some reason it glows red when he wears it
ill have actual art for all these guys eventually i swear im just a really shitty artist so it takes forever
natural-born human (aka poor), extremely resorceful, adaptable, quick-witted, and hella sharpshooter
doesn’t like to talk ab his past, always plays it off well
trained to be an assassin for zarco from age 11 to support his family when he lived in cuba, mom was a sex worker and helped him hide on the underground express train of a wealthy client to get him away at 14. he hasn’t seen his family since.
wore same few outfits from when he first got to bull city for years, alzina eventually buys him new ones
old soul, loves 21st century pop culture
formed DOT bc he cant hack for shit but wanted to help somehow, team sniper
defect designer baby thrown away by parents
SendTech included listening and tracking devices on him at his parents request, used them to track ohmen, silicut willingly cut off his own arm so they wouldn’t be discovered
hardest-working and best-trained member of ohmen
part of his hair is naturally bioluminescent and violet
yes thats his name. his parents named him after a computer bug, but hes never been particularly good at software, just hardware. 
only one on the team with a family, kinda becomes the mom friend by default
wears grandfathers old garrison jacket and “primitive lumis” (theyre literally sketchers light up sneakers but dont tell him that)
team muscle and engineer, often poses as a security guard with shuri to complete missions in secure areas
honest-to-god android, used to be human girl but experimented on themselves to try to find a way to level the paying field bewteen humans and designer babies, but became really sick from being around toxic chemicals so much. after meeting shuri, becomes inspired by 21st century comics and builds arc reactor type thing that made them lose much of what makes them human
imperative that theyre not discovered by tech companies, would be killed for research in a heartbeat
team leader and software engineer, directs missions from base camp by using own tech so team can’t be tracked
the worlds first jewish robot
lost brother, mendel, to EnerGenius which their father helped create
has glowing circuitboard-looking veins!!!! 
useless senator in an obsolete government by day, super DOT spy by night. got into politics back when she believed in the system, but has since realized that all of her colleagues have been bought out and now shes willing to do whatever it takes to restore peace and justice.
afro-south asian designer baby, parents opted not to put tracking and listening devices on her, but hair and parts of her skin are purple and bioluminecsent. married to rowan.
originally worked with ohmen to bug sellout government officials, silicut introduced her to DOT and shes now team spy/liaison to big companies
comes from a rich, well-respected family and ends up using much of her money to buy nice things for the team
born into one of the few remaining middle class families, parents sold L Motors products for a living and hoped they would have a son whod be able to climb through the ranks and make a better life for himself. got a trans lesbian revolutionary instead. 
trying to bring back journalism, met wife alzina by interviewing her for her work. the instant chemistry made more than a few readers cringe.
team’s go-to for recon missions since shes highly observant, asks all the right questions, and can blend in with a crowd easily
named after black panther character, comes from family of miners in the mountains
hijabi, and often smuggles contraband or conceals a small weapon under hijab
sometimes heartbleed sits next to her when she prays in public to make sure no one walks in front of her
really sweet, but also the team muscle and could kill a man with her bare hands if she chose to
representative of planet earth
sold out to zarco when he was younger in exchange for being reelected every term
supposed to have a lot of power in his position but is really just a huge bobblehead
cant take anything seriously, as a result most of earths problems go neglected by the government
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askbloomtale · 7 years
Chapter 17 is up!!! Sorry about the long wait, getting your computer stolen makes things get delayed and stuff :P But we’re back on track!
A little change of perspective with this chapter...
For those who can’t access AO3 or just don’t want to do it, the chapter is pasted under this sexy cut!!!
Chapter 17 – The darkness that grows within
Life is so sad, isn’t it?
Sometimes, it all goes really well. You’re joyful, you’re out in the sunlight, having fun with your loved ones, enjoying their company, sharing meals with them, being happy...
Then something happens. Maybe a bad plan that you mess up. Maybe a stupid slip. And then you find yourself alone, wishing you were dead but finding yourself unable to die.
And yet, you still wish to go back to that warmth… you’re afraid of dying. So you keep coming back to your horrible, dark, and hopeless reality.
Even if it kills you. Because you have literally nothing better to do.
Hee hee hee.
Life is so funny, isn’t it?
That poor, miserable thing! She had wailed so much when she realized her vision had been taken away from her. She cried and yelled, and then yelled and cried some more. Until she had no voice left.
Because she couldn’t even cry properly now, with those beautiful flowers covering her eye sockets.
What a shame! She couldn’t even appreciate their beauty.
Also, no magical temper tantrum this time. Maybe the baby had learnt to keep it down since that time she literally killed herself. Not like Flowey knew what really happened, since he only saw the lightshow, but he could take some wild guesses. Perhaps it was the exhaustion. Or the broken glass. Or both.
One way or the other, it didn’t matter. It was hilarious anyway.
But… he was unsure. Was she really keeping it down, or was she just unable to express herself properly? She couldn’t cry… so maybe she couldn’t do any magic anymore either.
How interesting.
Of course, he would observe the creature closely from now on, just to make sure his theories were correct. It didn’t matter now, since she wasn’t even able to know he was there anymore. He could be as close as he wished to be. There was nothing to worry about to any further extent. And that was great!
Because that girl never ceased to amuse him.
The cute golden flower approached the weeping skeleton. It was the fifth time after she discovered her brand-new blindness. That had been her first blind breakdown, with no magic whatsoever. After that one, she had a few more, all of them shorter. But now she was just… silent. Head down, hugging her bony knees. Her hair covering her face.
Flowey didn’t know what would happen now. That lack of knowledge made him excited and joyful. And once he approached her, he realized that the flowers in her eyes were just the same number as last time. Were they not increasing anymore, or were there more growing inside?
As a flower, he could relate to the desire to find light, but now the exit was blocked and the poor flowers had to grow inside. Golly, what a shame!
He snickered silently and stood still as he awaited for another riveting reaction. The great thing about that human-skeleton hybrid was that, despite having taken away Flowey’s resetting powers, she remembered everything! It only made sense, of course.
But that was still wonderful! His other toys had gotten boring and predictable already. Even that Papyrus guy got dull after some time, too. Flowey had stopped making resets on his own when he discovered that there was nothing new to discover. Days passed, bland, boring and bleak...
Until she came.
A brand new toy that would never give him the same answer twice.
Flowey had been confused at first. His reset powers had been taken away, and that made him feel slightly uneasy… but after letting it sink in, he decided to just let it go and play!
And you know what the funniest thing was? That girl wasn’t even able to use her newfound powers completely!
Flowey discovered this after letting her go at the Ruins’ entrance. Resets only came when she died. No loads. Only saves. And she always seemed so… unsure about it. The way she blankly stared at the air, how confused she was every time she came back from the dead.  It was as if she weren’t doing it on purpose or something. Was it because she was a monster? Was it because she was an idiot?
It didn’t matter. It only made everything better; it only made him happier. Because he could toy with her as much as he wanted - he could drive her to despair, to the edge of death - and she wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. No resets to take a different path and avoid him. Nothing could save her. She was at his mercy.
And oh, boy, did he enjoy that feeling.
It’s not as if Flowey was trying to mess with Athela’s mind or anything. In fact, he wasn’t really thinking of the full consequences of his actions. Not liked he cared anyway. He just wanted new things, and so he was assertive enough to push the skeleton’s limits as much as he could. If he didn’t do that, she would keep it short and predictable, and even if that was also new to him, it would be… boring.
It was such a shame that she was so weak. She couldn’t fight properly, nor defend herself, so the options of what he could use her for were appallingly scarce. He tried to push her to the murderous route so she could gain a little bit of LV, but she was a monster; what could be expected of someone like that? Obviously, her human side was too weak to push her to kill others. Flowey would’ve expected someone that had been raised by humans to be much more… vicious and violently-inclined.
But alas, it was not meant to be.
This had downsides, like less killing, for example. What was a good game without a few deaths? At least she died enough herself to make it a little entertaining. Still, this closed the door to certain outcomes… so Flowey would have to choose other paths.
However, on the other hand, her weak and lenient (and yet kinda rude) personality was perfect for other things. She was easier to control, and Flowey was in no danger of dying at her hands. So that was that. Now he was even more god-like. And without any human SOULs!
Ah, how good it was to feel powerful.
Stifling a loud snicker, Flowey recalled the previous five forced loads. Yes, he called them forced loads, because he had arrived to the conclusion that Athela had nothing to do with them. She didn’t know she was using them, and she seemed to get headaches (her way of saving, somehow?) when she wasn’t even touching the save point. So the saving was involuntary too. Maybe not automatic, and sometimes not really unintentional but, at any rate, it was clearly uncontrolled. Her resetting powers were completely messed up.
How amusingly useless she was.
He recalled the first reaction. She woke up next to the save point and then stood there, frozen, for minutes. Then she yelled, and threw another temper tantrum. Her voice was so hoarse and tired, you’d think she had already been yelling for hours. How curious and droll. Flowey was disappointed because this time there was no lightshow. But still, seeing someone so desperate was funny.
Why are you calling your mommy, Athela?
No one’s going to come.
No one will save you.
Of course, nobody came. And Flowey just watched, because… well, obviously she wasn’t calling for him, right? Hehe. He was content with just watching it all unfold... for now, of course.
The girl’s subsequent drive to keep going was also amusing. Flowey could almost read her mind. She didn’t want to walk further anymore; she oh-so-obviously wanted someone to help her, lift her up, and take her away from there. Some white knight in shining armor or something, for sure. She was surely scared, too, because she couldn’t see anything; understandable. Flowey only thought her blindness made everything more interesting, like a game of hide and seek, but she wasn’t as fun to be around as he was.
And despite all that dragging her down, in the end, she stood up again.
That determination...
It was one of the things Flowey liked the most about her. She was always ready to stand up again. Sometimes with encouragement, and sometimes without it. Knowing that she would surely die, she would stand up again and continue. This time, blindly. She still stood up.
And then she died.
Of course she died. She didn’t even know where she was going. She fell off a cliff sooner than Flowey could say “howdy”. That got a snicker out of him. Oh man, that was surely gonna hurt! He would look down, but… his sight wasn’t good enough to let him see all the way to the bottom of the cliff. What a shame.
And then, the next temper tantrum began.
It was shorter this time. And more… civilized, somehow. She didn’t yell as loud, and most of the time she was just trying to calm herself down. After half an hour or so it did work.
And then she tried again. And again.
And again.
This was her fifth try. The dumb skeleton was just there, sitting down, surely freezing her ass off as she wept silently. She was definitely crying, but it was not like he could see it with her puffy hair covering her face like that.
She had been like that for more time than usual… did she give up? No, no way.
Certainly, she was forming a new plan in her surely nonexistent brain. Flowey couldn’t wait to see what she was planning. Maybe she wanted to wait right next to the save point till someone appeared and noticed her. Hmm… that wouldn’t do.
He would do something about it if that was the case.
Boy, sometimes waiting was pure hell. And he was actually freezing more than she was, because at least she could feel the save point’s warmth. Since Flowey lost his reset powers, he had not been able to see or feel them. It was so cold…
As he shivered, he noticed she was also shivering. Was the cold really that bad for her?
“… Flowey.” The golden flower almost let out a squeak when he heard his ‘name’ being called. Did she see him?? No, wait… that made no sense. Did she somehow feel his presence? Nah, she wasn’t that smart nor perceptive. Maybe he made a sound and she heard… “Flowey? Are… are you there? Somewhere?”
Oh. No, she was just calling for him.
What an idiot.
Wait, why would she call for him?
“Flowey… I know you’re there. You’re always there.” Athela called again when she was met by silence. She was persistent, just like that.
Flowey could’ve just let her talk to the air. That would surely make her more nervous than she was, and she already was a freaking mess. But… he was bored. And really curious as per why the skeleton was calling his name.
So he approached her.
“Yeees~?” He cooed, rubbing a leaf on the girl’s leg. That made her jolt and squeak, and it was funny. He should do that more often. “Golly! Is my very best friend already missing me~? How are you doing, pal? I see you’re doing pretty well, but I doubt you can actually say the same about me~” He chuckled as his usual creepy smile crept on his face, irrepressible as always.
“…” She stood silent for a while. Surely, she had to be thinking about the thousands of ways to sassily reply back; she had been really feisty lately. Which was also sidesplitting, if Flowey did say so himself. And he said so.
“Don’t be shy! What is it that you need? A good, big ol’ CRUSHING hug? Is that what you want from me~?” Obviously, Flowey’s tone was scornful. Knowing Athela hated his guts, it was even funnier to act this way, cheerfully and playfully. With confidence, Flowey could say it grinds her gears.
However… her expression, which should’ve been a scared, nervous one… was blank. Seriously. The flower shut up as he looked at her face, trying to analyze it. The lack of eye feedback made it even more difficult, jeeze. No more pupils contracted by fear, no more lights. Nothing. And now, even her mouth was shut.
What was her deal?
“… Yes.” Athela’s answer made Flowey stay rooted and confused for a moment. He blinked, bewildered.
“Er… excuse me?” He managed to spit out. He kind of got lost there. Did she just say that she wanted… a hug? No folly-whipping way. Maybe she REALLY was stupid. “Oh, pardon my manners… I’m not sure you got my snarky, smart wordplay. With the word CRUSHING.”
“As in… crushing hug. Because I will crush you. Probably to death, since you happen to be such a weak… wait. What?” That also caught him off-guard. He couldn’t understand any single word that Athela was spewing with that idiotic skeleton mouth of hers. Had she finally gone mad??
“I do want you to do that.” She repeated, with an unsettlingly calm voice.
“Wow. It seems like you crossed that thin line between stupidity and sheer insanity,” Flowey insulted her again as he thought of something to say. He failed, because the situation was beyond surreal. “So… do you want to DIE?” He asked, cocking his head to one side.
“…” Of course, she didn’t answer. Maybe it was too difficult to say it out loud.
“I see. I get it.” He nodded, smirking. “You just got tired of this game of ours, and want to quit. Is that it?”
“… I don’t like this ‘game’.” She answered, simple and honest. However, her voice was trembling a little. She continued talking before Flowey could retort with some assuredly amazing comment. “I can’t. I can’t do this. I don’t… see anything. I remember the place, more or less, but… but I still don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know where I’m going. And even if I get to the cross puzzle, I won’t be able to solve it, because I can’t remember how I solved it. I won’t be able to do it. I’ll just freeze to death again while I try.”
“Huh.” Flowey listened, interested. Looks like she had been doing more than just walking around blindly. No pun intended, hehe.
“S-so… if I am going to die no matter what I do… I don’t see the point in… continuing.” Her voice was trembling. She seemed completely hopeless, desperate. Desperate enough to ask Flowey to kill her, apparently.
So maybe Flowey had pushed her a bit too far.
It was true that she couldn’t solve the following puzzles in her state, and that she would either fall down a cliff or freeze to death while trying. And that was not counting the possibility of a monster just entering the scene and killing her with an innocuous attack.
But… was she really going to give up like that? Did she get to an impasse?
Well… that was disappointing.
“So… is that all you can do? You didn’t think of any alternatives, like… waiting here for someone, or… something?” Flowey was… let down. Just a second ago he was complimenting her determination, and now she was like this. Well, maybe she just needed a little lift…
Not from him.
“Nobody is going to come. No one ever does…” She replied, shivering. Sadly. Seems like all hope was lost. The darkness inside of her had been spreading more and more each time…
Seems like Flowey didn’t realize she had a limit.
“… You’re an idiot.” He frowned, feeling angrier by the second. He didn’t want her to really give up. Technically, she could do it. Her determination would fade away, and the resets would no longer work. She would turn to dust forever. And Flowey could keep the SOUL and regain his resets powers, but…
That would leave him alone in this boring, eventless world. He didn’t want that. Not so soon.
Athela didn’t reply to Flowey’s anger. She was feeling gloomier than usual, alright. But Flowey didn’t get it. Was blindness such a handicap? He… didn’t really expect that.
He needed to continue his little game.
Maybe… maybe he could scare her.
“… You know what will happen once I kill you?” As he giggled, Flowey made his stem grow larger and larger. Smirking, he wrapped the skeleton with it, slowly, as if he were a snake. Feeling her shivers, he felt even more powerful than he usually felt. She was at his mercy. She was so scared. He let out a little, cute laugh. “Once I kill you, you will really die. Because you’ve given up, and that means your determination won’t help you anymore. Then, you’ll face the void that is death, and your resetting powers will go back to me.”
“T-to you?” Athela seemed surprised to hear that. Apparently, she didn’t know. Of course, what was there to be expected from an idiot like her? She couldn’t link the fact that Flowey was the only being that remembered resets with the reset power itself. What a stupid creature she was.
“Yes. To me.” It didn’t matter anyway. He had already encircled the skeleton like a noose. He strengthened his grip, and Athela gasped in pain. “I will reset to the moment you came here. To the moment where you could still see the world around you. Isn’t that nice?”
“W-wait, why… ghh… how can you…?” She tried to wriggle free. But oh, he was not going to let her go.
“That doesn’t matter now, Athela.” He interrupted her, saying her name with that sweet, poisonous voice of his, because he knew how much she hated it. “Once we’re back at that moment, I’ll kill you again. And again. And again. Until your eyes are covered in flowers once more. And you’ll walk through the Ruins completely blind.” He laughed evilly, enjoying the desperate look on her face. “Oh, don’t think of it as anything personal. You know how much I hate to repeat things. That will only make it more… interesting.”
“N-no! No, please…!” She yelled. It was great to see how she tried to break free. It brought Flowey nice memories…
In fact… what he just said… that wasn’t actually a bad idea. If his plan of scaring her didn’t work and she gave up anyway, he could do just that! And then, if she reached her breaking point again, he would just reset once more and let her repeat everything, just so she could get further…then, he would see more choices, different results.
It sounded wonderful. Oh, he was such a genius.
“Do you expect any different?” He chuckled, his joy being Athela’s pain. “I never said you could quit, friend! Then I would be bored and have nothing to do! Would you like that, huh?” He stopped to think for a moment. “Wait, maybe you don’t really care. You’re not a nice friend, no, no.”
“Y-you’re not my friend…” She hissed, trying to sound menacing. But she was scared. Oh, she was so scared.
“Hee hee hee… then why ask me for help? You idiot.” His creepy smile grew larger. Athela couldn’t see him do that, but surely she could feel the change on his voice.
“B-because… I thought you could… help… n-no, well…” The skeleton girl stuttered, definitely terrified. “Because… I thought you wouldn’t mind killing me once more… I thought… I thought that’s what you wanted, I… I didn’t know you could…”
“What? Oh, golly, what a grave misunderstanding!” Another chuckle from Flowey. Seems like Athela had gotten it all wrong, wrong, wrong!
“Huh…?” She was trembling more violently now. Flowey explained himself.
“No, no! I don’t want you dead, Athela! Why would you think that?” The flower rested his head on Athela’s hair as he kept talking, amused, feigning innocence. He knew she wanted to object in a hundred different ways, because she just didn’t get it. “No, I want you to live, so you can play with me! That’s why I’ll revive you, over and over again~”
Surely she didn’t understand his feelings.
Nobody did, after all.
“In any case…” He continued, seeing that Athela didn’t have the bravery to answer to him any longer. “After what I said, do you still want to die… and give me the control over the timeline~?”
“…” Athela surely was thinking hard. Her teeth were clenched tight, and she was trembling. The idea of Flowey toying with her… hehe. Certainly she didn’t like that. Flowey knew this. If he was lucky, she could get the bait and would continue their game.
His idea of a blind run through the Ruins wasn’t bad, but he would prefer to keep playing around in their current run for a bit more. Giving up was lame.
“Sooo~?” He further pressured Athela’s bones. “If you don’t answer, don’t mind if I start this myself~”
“… You’re just going to kill me anyway, no matter what I answer, right?” She didn’t even struggle anymore. She realized it was pointless.
“Don’t insult me.” He giggled. “If you want to live, I’ll let you go!”
Maybe he wouldn’t.
But she didn’t have to know that.
Once again, she resorted to silence. What could that puny skeleton mind be thinking about? Did the idea of freedom and recovering her eye sight excite her? Indeed, Flowey was offering a good deal, disregarding the part where he killed her enough to bring the flowers out again.
But really, it was a nice deal. Whether or not she took it depended on how much of an idiot she was.
After a few minutes that felt like hours for Flowey – he hated waiting, after all – she spoke:
“… I don’t care,” Athela looked serious. Flowey rose an eyebrow as she kept talking. “If I die now, it’ll all be over. And if you reset and do all that mean stuff to me… well, I care, but at least I know that Toriel is at the Ruins, so she could help me if I asked! She could get rid of you once and she could do it again! Anyway, it’s your loss.”
“Oooh~ I see. What a loathsome brat you are.” The flower nodded, not really angry; his voice was way too cheerful. Athela noticed this. “So you will ask Toriel for the help you didn’t ask for before abandoning her with your lies?”
“…” Oops, was he pouring salt on her wounds? Great.
“I see you have your plan sorted out.” That was enough intimidating for the time being, let’s get down to business. “So… I guess that’s enough talking for you?”
Athela didn’t look ready at all, her entire body was trembling and her head was low, trying to hide a dreadful expression. But she nodded anyway. She was trying so hard to be brave… come on, girl, that’s not how you are.
But really. That was enough.
That dumb kid was ready to die, so he would gladly comply. After all, best friends fulfill each other’s wishes! He patted Athela’s hair with one of his vines, in an act that might’ve seen as soothing by others, but not for Athela.
“Anyway…” Flowey kept patting Athela, probably because he knew that would make her nervous. “You were kind enough to ask me, so I’ll do this quick. Isn’t Flowey just the nicest~?”
Athela didn’t reply verbally. She didn’t do anything, she just… nodded.
What an idiot.
Flowey was somewhat sad, since the run was interrupted. But on the other hand… he would regain his reset powers for a little bit. That was always nice! And starting another game wasn’t such a tragedy. This was going to turn out so nicely~ or… so he hoped.
He made a swift movement to snap Athela’s neck.
Soon enough, he felt how she turned to dust. It was the first time he felt that from such a close distance. It was… mesmerizing. Seeing the dust blow away with the wind. Flowey smiled as he saw the flowers on her skull spread on the snow.
And then… he just waited to for his powers to come back.
Athela - LV 1 Snowdin – Spaghetti Nº Resets: 46
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libraryshalalala · 6 years
DIY Smart Saw Review
DIY Smart Saw Review
DIY Smart Saw Review
DIY Smart Saw Review
DIY Smart Saw Review
We tend to can assume of a few reasons why a lady decides to marry a man, other than the fact that he has six-pack abs, attractive face, and you're therefore in love with him you cannot stand another day that you are not a Mrs. to his Mr. Drool-worthy are those men who don't need to depend on anybody so as to measure. They can survive on their own, and be in a position to feed and dress themselves while not requesting assistance. They're self-sufficient, and can offer ALL that you wish even if you do not voice it out. Often times, they are master crafters too, that suggests that they will fill your house with their wood designs and creations. If your husband or husband-to-be possesses these qualities, they may be delighted if you allow them to know that there's a product – an e-book, actually – that can help them improve their carpentry skills. This is that the DIY Sensible Saw by Alex Grayson. DIY Smart Saw Overview The DIY Sensible Saw is what every person desires so as to jumpstart their new hobby of building wood furniture from scratch or soon turn it into an actual paying career. This could wisely teach you thru words and audiovisuals the best and simplest method to create a Laptop Numerical Management (CNC) machine that can truly work like anything else you'll purchase somewhere. The name of the merchandise suggests that you actually can do the machine all by yourself and from easy materials that you can get within the ironmongery shop nearby. DIY comes boast of their simplicity and high level of ease, and the CNC device you will be making whereas being guided by Alex Grayson’s DIY Sensible Saw instructions will not be far from it. Once you have got put up, you will not pay a dime again on dining tables and chairs that simply crack, pc desks that aren't created from real wood, and different fixtures which you can get a abundant cheaper value if it’s only the bottom materials that you'll want to get. The mindset you may have after reading through the course is that there very is no limit in woodworking. With your innate creativity and the CNC machine that you'll build with abundant thanks to the DIY Good Saw, there's no picket masterpiece that you'll not be in a position to create. Product Details Created by Alex Grayson, DIY Sensible Saw will provide you a distinctive possibility to confirm that artistic woodworks work for you and your family. It’s actually a step by step program concerning wood carving. This program will help you turn any of your dreams into reality. This program has full instructions on how to enhance your wood carving techniques using your home created machine. As a matter of reality, anyone will learn through his program. By using this program, you will become an knowledgeable in building a CNC machine. When it comes to the present program, you are doing not need to buy expensive special things or equipment. On the contrary, you simply want straightforward elements that may be found within the local store. During this program, there's a complete tutorial that may enhance your skills and while not wasting your valuable time and cash. Once you've got mastered it, you can make the right cut without making any mistakes. Per the creator of the program, you are not even going to rewind the video to confirm whether or not you are on the correct track or not. The video can guide you thru the entire process while not any downside. Normally, CNC machines cost thousands of bucks even on eBay. Fortunately, DIY good saw is a machine that works two times faster than the human hand. This could be a CNC machine based program that applies a simple mechanism that can work on any type of woodwork. Since it’s a pc numeral control, it uses the commands of the computer to figure in line with your desires. All you would like to try and do is to feed it with the numbers and it can automatically do it. So as to finish the desired work, the tool moves in numerous directions such as left to right, up to down and front to back. Since the program incorporates a video footage, you are doing not have to fret regarding something. Once you have got put together your Good Saw and watch the video, it will show you everything from the start to the end. Good News! Click the button on your right and take the action now. Additional therefore, each half of the program has notes, tips, and hints that can make your work simple. You will discover new tricks and secrets about the kind of tools that you need to use and how to form certain that you fit the elements well. You'll also understand whether the founded is finished well or not before you can begin building it. This program can provide you some basic idea and help you build desks, decorations, TV cabinets, cabinets, wall hangings, wood toys among several things. Additionally, there's bit by bit notes that have been organized into two phases. Whether or not you are connected to the net or not, the program works well in a very pc. In brief, here are some of the items that you will learn:     You'll follow along the video that serves as a complement to the manual that you have got been given.     The comprehensive directions conjointly come with detailed steps.     The written manual has helpful tips, notes, and warnings. This suggests that you're given all the tools and equipment that you may want for the project.     You may also apprehend the button to click to determine whether it works well on not. This means, you will not have to waste any wood for no reason.     In case you are stuck, you can discuss with the troubleshooting. Blessings Its main advantage is that each single factor you would like to grasp is in the DIY Good Saw program. You are doing not need to induce data from external resources, since this course single-handedly contains every tip and trick you'll deem essential whereas building your own CNC design. You are solely human, thus you're capable of committing an error or three as you make this for the primary time. However, you do not must burden yourself with worry of getting to begin again and increasing your expenditures additional than necessary, as you'll learn techniques that can let you make your error(s) right while not any cost. If you learn best when you are seeing what you're presupposed to be doing, this merchandise will suit your conditions. Aside from the guide that you'll be able to download, you can additionally gain a video in that the author himself is telling you some ideas on how to form the machine. The further video material is another advantage that different DIY products cannot provide, although this could ante up the charm of the item to the shoppers who like to grasp that if they cannot fully perceive the words, they will a minimum of see or hear how it should be done. What’s more, DIY lovers who are a small amount tight on their budget will stop at buying this as a result of you may have the means to craft any wood once your personal Good Saw has been created. Do you want a crib for your newborn? You can create it within on a daily basis. Do you wish bigger picture frames for the walls in the front room? Craft them any way you would like to match your furniture and alternative decorations. And if once a few months of using this program you can't see how you'll be able to profit from it, you'll get your money back.     Straightforward to implement – If you'll be able to follow directions and use a screwdriver, you'll not find it tough to execute this program. There's conjointly a demo video that can facilitate you through the program. This suggests that you can place along your DIY Good Saw while not any problem.     It eliminates any guess work – If you're passionate about inventive woodwork, this may be the most effective time. This program takes away all the guesswork that most programs often have. In reality, it will not take you the entire day to go through the program.     Supply a cheaper various – As compared to other second user CNC machines, DIY Sensible Saw can be a nice choice if you are comparatively new to wood carving or if you do not have the money to take a position during this program.     60 days refund promise – If you do not wish the program for any reason, you'll be able to always contact the creator of the program so that you get a full refund inside 2 months of purchase of the program.     This program not only saves you cash however it also saves you your precious time. This suggests that you'll not must pay your money on useless on-line programs. Among minutes, you will have created the planning that you wish. Disadvantages The main disadvantage is that, well, each single factor you wish to know is in here. Meaning, you can't skip a line or not focus 100percent on the course, as a result of you may not be able to induce all the data that are needed to form the DIY Smart Saw. In addition, you have to own stable net connect the full time you'll be operating on this project since can't be scan offline. Conclusion When you already see the important-life CNC machine in your garage or work space – that wouldn't are possible if you did not invest on the program – woodworking will return simple to you. Therefore, the DIY Good Saw could be a product that can provide you additional than the device that you just expect to come up with
0 notes
DIY Smart Saw Review
DIY Smart Saw Review
DIY Smart Saw Review
DIY Smart Saw Review
DIY Smart Saw Review
We tend to can think of some reasons why a lady decides to marry a man, apart from the fact that he has six-pack abs, attractive face, and you are thus in love with him you can not stand another day that you're not a Mrs. to his Mr. Drool-worthy are those men who don't would like to rely on anybody in order to measure. They'll survive on their own, and be able to feed and clothe themselves while not requesting help. They're self-sufficient, and will give ALL that you wish even if you are doing not voice it out. Often times, they're master crafters too, that means they'll fill your house with their picket designs and creations. If your husband or husband-to-be possesses these qualities, they will be delighted if you let them recognize that there is a product – an e-book, truly – that may help them improve their carpentry skills. This is that the DIY Sensible Saw by Alex Grayson. DIY Sensible Saw Overview The DIY Sensible Saw is what each person wants so as to jumpstart their new hobby of building picket furniture from scratch or in a while flip it into an actual paying career. This may wisely teach you thru words and audiovisuals the simplest and simplest means to make a Laptop Numerical Management (CNC) machine that will actually work like anything else you'll be able to buy somewhere. The name of the merchandise suggests that you actually can do the machine all by yourself and from straightforward materials that you can get in the ironmongery store nearby. DIY projects boast of their simplicity and high level of ease, and therefore the CNC device you'll be creating whereas being guided by Alex Grayson’s DIY Smart Saw directions can not be so much from it. Once you've got place up, you may not spend a dime again on dining tables and chairs that simply crack, computer desks that are not created from real wood, and other fixtures which you'll get a much cheaper value if it’s only the base materials that you may need to buy. The mindset you'll have once reading through the course is that there extremely isn't any limit in woodworking. With your innate creativity and therefore the CNC machine that you'll build with abundant due to the DIY Smart Saw, there's no picket masterpiece that you may not be in a position to make. Product Details Created by Alex Grayson, DIY Good Saw can give you a distinctive chance to make sure that artistic woodworks work for you and your family. It’s really a grade by grade program about wood carving. This program will help you switch any of your dreams into reality. This program has full instructions on how to reinforce your wood carving techniques using your home created machine. As a matter of reality, anyone can learn through his program. By using this program, you may become an knowledgeable in building a CNC machine. When it comes to the current program, you are doing not would like to buy expensive special items or equipment. On the contrary, you only want easy parts which will be found within the local store. In this program, there is a complete tutorial which will enhance your skills and while not wasting your valuable time and money. Once you have got mastered it, you'll create the perfect cut while not creating any mistakes. Consistent with the creator of the program, you're not even going to rewind the video to substantiate whether or not you're on the proper track or not. The video can guide you through the entire process while not any downside. Normally, CNC machines price thousands of greenbacks even on eBay. Fortunately, DIY smart saw could be a machine that works 2 times faster than the human hand. This may be a CNC machine based mostly program that applies a straightforward mechanism that can work on any type of woodwork. Since it’s a laptop numeral control, it uses the commands of the computer to figure in step with your desires. All you wish to try to to is to feed it with the numbers and it can automatically do it. In order to finish the specified work, the tool moves in different directions like left to right, up to down and front to back. Since the program features a video footage, you do not have to worry regarding something. Once you have got place along your Good Saw and watch the video, it can show you everything from the beginning to the tip. Good News! Click the button on your right and take the action currently. Additional thus, every half of the program has notes, tips, and hints which will create your work easy. You will discover new tricks and secrets regarding the sort of tools that you wish to use and the way to create sure that you match the parts well. You may additionally understand whether the set up is completed well or not before you can start building it. This program will give you some basic plan and help you build desks, decorations, TV cupboards, cabinets, wall hangings, wood toys among many things. Conjointly, there is little by little notes that have been arranged into two phases. Whether you are connected to the net or not, the program works well in a laptop. In brief, here are a number of the things that you will learn:     You may follow along the video that serves as a complement to the manual that you've got been given.     The comprehensive directions also come back with detailed steps.     The written manual has useful tips, notes, and warnings. This means that you are given all the tools and equipment that you'll want for the project.     You'll conjointly apprehend the button to click to see whether it works well on not. This suggests that, you will not should waste any wood for no reason.     In case you're stuck, you'll be able to ask the troubleshooting. Blessings Its main advantage is that every single factor you need to grasp is in the DIY Smart Saw program. You do not need to get data from external resources, since this course single-handedly contains each tip and trick you'll deem essential whereas building your own CNC style. You're only human, thus you are capable of committing miscalculation or three as you create this for the primary time. However, you do not must burden yourself with worry of having to start out again and increasing your expenditures more than necessary, as you'll learn techniques that will let you make your error(s) right while not any cost. If you learn best when you're seeing what you're alleged to be doing, this merchandise can fit your prerequisites. Aside from the guide that you'll download, you can additionally gain a video in which the author himself is telling you some ideas on how to form the machine. The extra video material is another advantage that alternative DIY products cannot offer, while this may ante up the attractiveness of the item to the customers who like to grasp that if they can not fully perceive the words, they'll a minimum of see or hear how it should be done. What’s a lot of, DIY lovers who are a small amount tight on their budget will stop at getting this because you may have the means that to craft any wood after your personal Smart Saw has been produced. Do you would like a crib for your newborn? You'll be able to build it among a day. Do you need larger picture frames for the walls in the lounge? Craft them any manner you would like to match your furniture and different decorations. And if after a few months of using this program you cannot see how you'll profit from it, you can get your money back.     Simple to implement – If you can follow instructions and use a screwdriver, you will not find it troublesome to execute this program. There's also a demo video that can facilitate you through the program. This means that you'll put along your DIY Smart Saw while not any drawback.     It eliminates any guess work – If you are passionate concerning inventive woodwork, this could be the best time. This program takes away all the guesswork that the majority programs often have. In reality, it can not take you the whole day to go through the program.     Offer a cheaper different – As compared to alternative used CNC machines, DIY Sensible Saw can be a great choice if you're relatively new to wood carving or if you are doing not have the money to take a position in this program.     60 days refund promise – If you do not wish the program for any reason, you'll be able to continually contact the creator of the program therefore that you simply get a full refund inside two months of purchase of the program.     This program not only saves you cash but it also saves you your precious time. This means you may not have to spend your money on useless on-line programs. Within minutes, you may have created the design that you want. Disadvantages The main disadvantage is that, well, every single factor you would like to understand is in here. Meaning, you can't skip a line or not focus 100p.c on the course, because you will not be ready to induce all the information that are needed to create the DIY Sensible Saw. In addition, you have to own stable net connect the whole time you will be operating on this project since cannot be read offline. Conclusion When you already see the important-life CNC machine in your garage or work space – that wouldn't are potential if you did not invest on the program – woodworking can return simple to you. Therefore, the DIY Smart Saw may be a product that will give you a lot of than the device that you just expect to get
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always-lighting · 6 years
DIY Smart Saw Review
DIY Smart Saw Review
DIY Smart Saw Review
DIY Smart Saw Review
DIY Smart Saw Review
We can suppose of some reasons why a woman decides to marry a man, apart from the actual fact that he has six-pack abs, attractive face, and you are so in love with him you can not stand another day that you're not a Mrs. to his Mr. Drool-worthy are those men who do not need to depend on anybody in order to live. They will survive on their own, and be ready to feed and dress themselves without inquiring for assistance. They are self-sufficient, and can offer ALL that you need whether or not you do not voice it out. Usually times, they are master crafters too, which suggests that they can fill your house with their wood designs and creations. If your husband or husband-to-be possesses these qualities, they will be delighted if you let them apprehend that there's a product – an e-book, really – which will help them improve their carpentry skills. This is that the DIY Sensible Saw by Alex Grayson. DIY Smart Saw Overview The DIY Smart Saw is what every person wants so as to jumpstart their new hobby of building picket furniture from scratch or later on turn it into an actual paying career. This may wisely teach you thru words and audiovisuals the best and simplest way to make a Laptop Numerical Control (CNC) machine that will truly work like anything else you'll get somewhere. The name of the merchandise suggests that you actually can do the machine all by yourself and from easy materials that you can get in the hardware store nearby. DIY comes boast of their simplicity and high level of ease, and the CNC device you'll be making whereas being guided by Alex Grayson’s DIY Good Saw instructions will not be far from it. Once you have place up, you will not pay a dime again on dining tables and chairs that easily crack, laptop desks that are not made from real wood, and different fixtures that you'll be able to get a abundant cheaper price if it’s solely the base materials that you will want to buy. The mindset you may have once reading through the course is that there extremely is no limit in woodworking. With your innate creativity and also the CNC machine that you will build with a lot of because of the DIY Good Saw, there's no wooden masterpiece that you'll not be in a position to form. Product Details Created by Alex Grayson, DIY Smart Saw can give you a distinctive possibility to confirm that artistic woodworks work for you and your family. It’s truly a little by little program concerning wood carving. This program will facilitate you turn any of your dreams into reality. This program has full directions on how to enhance your wood carving techniques using your home made machine. As a matter of reality, anyone can learn through his program. By using this program, you'll become an knowledgeable in building a CNC machine. When it comes to the present program, you do not want to shop for expensive special items or equipment. On the contrary, you merely want simple elements that may be found in the native store. In this program, there is a complete tutorial which will enhance your skills and while not wasting your valuable cash and time. Once you have got mastered it, you'll create the proper cut without making any mistakes. Consistent with the creator of the program, you are not even visiting rewind the video to substantiate whether or not you're on the proper track or not. The video can guide you through the whole method while not any problem. Normally, CNC machines cost thousands of bucks even on eBay. Fortunately, DIY sensible saw is a machine that works a pair of times faster than the human hand. This is a CNC machine primarily based program that applies a straightforward mechanism that can work on any type of woodwork. Since it’s a laptop numeral control, it uses the commands of the pc to figure per your needs. All you wish to do is to feed it with the numbers and it can automatically do it. So as to end the specified work, the tool moves in several directions such as left to right, up to down and front to back. Since the program incorporates a video footage, you do not have to stress concerning something. Once you have got put together your Sensible Saw and watch the video, it will show you everything from the beginning to the top. Sensible News! Click the button on your right and take the action now. Additional thus, every half of the program has notes, tips, and hints which will make your work easy. You may discover new tricks and secrets regarding the type of tools that you need to use and the way to create certain that you just fit the components well. You'll conjointly grasp whether the founded is completed well or not before you'll be able to start building it. This program can give you some basic plan and help you build desks, decorations, TV cupboards, cabinets, wall hangings, picket toys among several things. Conjointly, there is grade by grade notes that have been arranged into two phases. Whether or not you're connected to the internet or not, the program works well in an exceedingly pc. In temporary, here are some of the things that you'll learn:     You may follow along the video that is a complement to the manual that you have got been given.     The comprehensive directions additionally come back with detailed steps.     The written manual has useful tips, notes, and warnings. This means that you're given all the tools and equipment that you may need for the project.     You may conjointly recognize the button to click to determine whether it works well on not. This means, you will not should waste any wood for no reason.     In case you're stuck, you'll talk to the troubleshooting. Blessings Its main advantage is that every single thing you need to know is during the DIY Smart Saw program. You are doing not would like to induce information from external resources, since this course single-handedly contains each tip and trick you may deem essential whereas building your own CNC style. You are solely human, so you're capable of committing a slip-up or three as you make this for the first time. However, you are doing not need to burden yourself with fear of getting to start out again and increasing your expenditures more than necessary, as you can learn techniques that can let you make your error(s) right while not any cost. If you learn best when you're seeing what you're purported to be doing, this merchandise will suit your prerequisites. Other than the guide that you can download, you'll conjointly gain a video in that the author himself is telling you some concepts on how to create the machine. The further video material is another advantage that alternative DIY products cannot give, while this could ante up the attractiveness of the item to the consumers who like to understand that if they can not absolutely understand the words, they can at least see or hear how it should be done. What’s a lot of, DIY lovers who are a small amount tight on their budget will stop at buying this because you'll have the suggests that to craft any wood once your personal Smart Saw has been made. Do you want a crib for your newborn? You'll be able to create it among on a daily basis. Do you need larger picture frames for the walls in the front room? Craft them any way you wish to match your furniture and other decorations. And if when a few months of using this program you cannot see how you'll be able to profit from it, you'll be able to get your money back.     Easy to implement – If you can follow directions and use a screwdriver, you'll not realize it difficult to execute this program. There's also a demo video that will help you through the program. This means that you can put along your DIY Good Saw while not any problem.     It eliminates any guess work – If you are passionate about creative woodwork, this could be the most effective time. This program takes away all the guesswork that the majority programs usually have. In truth, it can not take you the whole day to go through the program.     Offer a cheaper different – As compared to alternative second hand CNC machines, DIY Good Saw will be a great option if you're relatively new to wood carving or if you are doing not have the money to invest during this program.     sixty days refund promise – If you are doing not want the program for any reason, you can always contact the creator of the program therefore that you simply get a full refund at intervals 2 months of purchase of the program.     This program not only saves you cash but it additionally saves you your precious time. This means that you may not should spend your money on useless online programs. Among minutes, you will have created the design that you want. Disadvantages The main disadvantage is that, well, each single thing you wish to know is in here. Meaning, you can't skip a line or not focus one hundred% on the course, because you will not be ready to get all the information that are needed to form the DIY Smart Saw. In addition, you've got to possess stable internet connect the entire time you may be working on this project since cannot be browse offline. Conclusion When you already see the important-life CNC machine in your garage or work area – that wouldn't are potential if you did not invest on the program – woodworking can come back easy to you. Therefore, the DIY Sensible Saw may be a product that will give you additional than the device that you expect to get
0 notes
anna-artsys-place · 7 years
Kingsroad Hack
Employing a chance to investigate a game title headline that ticked every one of individuals containers, i figured i'd sprain an eyeball making use of the moving. The one-key ordinary the ipad tablet is very effective. Your whole extramarital affair is really immediately series, much like the charts, at a minimum regularly, whilst these adhere to a much the same formula. |Each and every one are visible inside of your individuality, conveying data like other armour, a lot faster assaults, along with modifiers you could think of. Subscribing to track of friends (or completed other folks) can render you more xp and perks, but you will have loads of supplements in order to get. These hit your episode necessary skills, cooldown electronic timers, develop your mana regeneration, offer you a larger sized existence swimming pool - the standard rpg fare. Eradicating foes and thriving destructables raises your report, with benefit perks trying to find hitting milestones. Back again, increasing area carries a jewel selling price, but it is a vast improvement on virtually nothing. gun generator into the wireless software. Also you can modify the jewels as part of your appliances - for the selling price, certainly. Each and every one greater degree of forging should be unlocked by true wealth. Kings route is along with individuals rpgs that may be simple a good time to seize many friends and go kill things in a beautiful country. |But yet to his critic at a minimum, the opportunity to “pay to win” - decide to purchase necessary skills, decide to purchase treasure chests of device, open quality constraints on appliances - together with the recurring “special offer” useless e-mail was incredibly infuriating. There is no man-made gating so you can have fun with for hrs if you prefer, or simply do a single goal though waiting for open transit. The important points, the finishes, the varied thresholds - specifically in an metropolitan section guide - are spectacular and very pops about the ipad tablet air’s display screen. You will discover genuine discussion boards and guilds to participate, but guild talk is every bit as uncomfortable to utilize. Spectators of loot bulky gun memberships will discover Kingsroad Hack Online brimming with apparatus to check. Blah, blah, blah. Go on feature possibly the most crucial, their back-up and support is very atrocious …. I'll just get right to the phase pro’s: -fascinating sharp graphics for the internet browser -no pay2win in any way (gems can be gained thru gun generator) -every 2 days new written content -car episode and car loot modes -sophisticated gun generator, like thriving ur dragons con’s: -insanely grinded farm (you might want to farm for several days at later on apparatus (advisable is fabled, but grind starts from relic apparatus top quality when you finish 2 days u requirement to farm still another apparatus in order to get with more advantageous data) -an abundance of unfixed pests and glitches -a good amount of substandard aid -storyline charts are incredibly continual and dull so as to grasp them -quite a lot of “kiddish and crying” spammers about the world wide chat’s -quite simply to hack and hoax gun generator. - most awful control buttons from the strong history of games. |Circumstances are dull and continual with similar sort of gears only to some extent more advantageous every single time (this game has some sincere issues with all the data the cost of living). your individuality hits maximum lvl. All you should do is register for a guild, and get big lvl people that Never throw away your time and efforts in regards to this gun generator. When you find yourself apparatus capped, the sport will likely be a good time approximately a short while. And also i get unpleasant graphical ripping on screen the use of stainless and is particularly playable on firefox with current display but fps is by 10 fps. It is emerged as so dreadful which i committed other time shutting down decide to purchase now residence windows 7 than useful to do taking part in. By way of example, most classic avid gamers, designers, and target market watchers would explanation why it is close to impossible to produce a 100 % free-to-have fun with internet browser gun generator that is found similar to your laptop or computer download. You’ll stage a button in which you want your individuality to venture to and click through to maneuver (or store it much lower for a touch more control). |As you can imagine, staying internet browser-primarily based and Ahead of we take care of just what the 100 % free-to-have fun with areas of Kingsroad Hack Online are, i think it is vital that you take into consideration what they are not. Desire to open competence spots earlier than you would produce them? It's vital to pony up. You should the blacksmith, who will be able to acquire 6 supplements belonging to the similar scarcity and forge them right into one single merchandise belonging to the greater scarcity. Rumble enjoyment has generated a beautiful dungeon crawler with all the current trimmings, and getting a good time with the other people swiftly couldn’t be less difficult or even more gratifying. A number of loot can there be to consider in addition, with your fighter soon considerably being potentially outfitted. It's not necessary to grind for thresholds but unfortunately it is advisable to to grind for the greatest apparatus. Although not money if not more - we're raving about 100's of $. |Enthusiasts perform the purpose of only a single individuality and advice them thru a great deal of quests so as to build thresholds, get new appliances and enhance the game’s story. Besides staying show up a sprawling, regular start country or dungeon like diablo and torchlight, Kingsroad Hack Online is reasonably split up to a immediately series series of not so big, discrete thresholds which every have a couple of minutes to see. throttling the game player suddenly, as a result if they need to relax and have fun with for a lot of hrs, there's virtually nothing avoiding them from carrying out that. A variety of chests located in the thresholds may be unlocked by expending very hard foreign currency - because these chests make certain people supplements belonging to the various top quality, it will most likely be very hard for people to face as much as these, but advance can be created without the need to start these. Other companies consists of amounts who'll craft supplements for sometimes very hard foreign currency or a mixture of gentle foreign currency, some time to element supplements an “alchemist” who sells diverse enhancer potions in exchange for very hard foreign currency together with the ordinary merchandise and appliances companies. stand alone, “pay at the time, have fun with forever” gun memberships on desktop computer and gaming system - and generally, they merely don’t get it, very being given sometimes watered-much lower encounters or titles which happen to be unpolished and sloppy. But yet, it's important to note this game is usually playable using the internet by using rumble’s unique web pages, so person amounts from appdata only account for individuals people who've particular sometimes to see twitter or get in touch their rumble account into the social network sites. Really of moping, we deal with. |Women and men individuals averse to carrying out will provide on twitter can take advantage of on rumble entertainment's web pages whether or not it lets you feel good, but in any case this can be a gun generator you'll positively want to check out. In the present target market brimming with kingdoms at an increased risk it really is very hard for designers to produce a gun generator that sticks out this kind of overused positioning. The hero can be monitored by using departed simply click for moving, receiving with npcs and car-attacking foes like the count keys (1 thru 5) function as the preset slot machines for any session-distinct knowledge. These 3 training account for any type of injure people can work the baddies in the gun generator. Also important to note is three of the training can be put together to pay attention to one’s have fun with style and design - the dark night time, here is an example, can be practiced similar to a melee dps individuality or maybe a tanky one will resist an abundance of injure. He or she can computer animated the majority of the classes’ spells when people cast them also as having diverse kinds of dying animated graphics into the opponent units. Stated gems and crystals can be leveled up by combining diverse kinds of crystals and gems, the sole difference regarding forging and enchanting is that often people can select what crystals they need to build thresholds and many types of Lovely warfare hammer. This proves slightly dull, since several mmos make available this kind of customization similar to a typical necessity in Kingsroad Hack Online, people are linked to the nameless hero in addition the beefy, macho physique. |Whereas Kingsroad Hack Online has some cultural variables with guilds and different raiding times, it's easy to omit all individuals at the same time and only currently grind with all the charts to have more advantageous supplements for their hero. Pros - easy and fascinating-researching qualification - interest-getting individuality design and move series - people can modify in-regarding training - diverse kinds of competence divisions to check - wide merchandise progression by using crafting and enchanting - people can re-perform fulfilled occurrences that will increase its issues and render further enjoy and more unusual merchandise drops cons - no woman choices coming from a 3 training - story is uninspiring and is particularly frequently times an afterthought - individuality customization only happen in equipping new releases - competence shrub resets absolutely need deciding to buy in-gun generator foreign currency prior to the possessing the capacity to take a look at new develops - each and every one session should be leveled up one by one to obtain additional ultra powerful - no pvp to dicuss of regardless of some imperfections, Kingsroad Hack Online has a tendency to produce on some characteristics and is particularly currently a satisfying gun generator to see. Kingsroad Hack Online is truly a internet browser-primarily based extremely multiple-participant over the internet factor-taking part in gun generator created by rumble enjoyment. Friends is likely to be requested, for not more than 3 for typical co-op, and 4 for deal with coliseum battles. They've various knowledge, here is an example socketing and thriving the effectiveness of jewels, or sample, create the game player to some dragon small town to summon and teach dragons as "assistants" all through battles. You should create your territory ago. It is possible to get older by having your cursor regarding this, but you need to simply click other supplements. Should you wish to craft more advantageous supplements, you need to pay a tremendous amount and simply wait daily to modernize the forge. There is no true gun generator have fun with penalties for dying-no foes get back on existence, bosses don't boost their health and wellbeing, and you just don't even are looking for to start with still another locality how you would do in torchlight. |wow. Once you have done the game's approximately 20-some thresholds, it is possible to replay them inside a greater issues in a choose "infamous" loot. As you can imagine, you slackers taking part in at the office will most likely transform the feel from anyhow. Plentiful foes to slay. Pick out your knowledge and have fun with how you would want. -cash money retail store strategy is in addition intrusive. Eco-safe: completely full cures you and also gives 75% cooldown drop.
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