#love and LIGHT as long as you don’t hate Pierre welcome to my little corner of the internet
You know in fandom when you follow people solely because their interests are so far away from your own it’s just fascinating to see what the other side of the fandom is doing? I wonder how many people I am that follow for sometimes
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hookingminor · 4 years
Could you do 62 with pld?
a/n: who doesn't love a little enemies to friends and wow this got really long really fast oops
62. “Do you have a ride home?”
The last place you wanted to be was in a crowded apartment for a party.
Sadly for you, it was Josh’s birthday and you promised him you would be here. If it wasn’t for the fact that it was your best friend’s party, you would be in your own apartment having a quiet night in and not stuck with the most insufferable person you knew.
But you were a good friend, so if enduring Pierre for a night was all it took for Josh to have a good time, you’d have to go through with it.
You didn’t understand the hype around him. When Josh had first introduced you, Pierre came off as an arrogant asshole. As if you should be so lucky to be graced with his presence. He was hot shit, and he knew it. And that made you hate him instantly. The way he walked around taking up so much space with his bulging arms and gorgeous beard, it infuriated you.
You weren’t blind. You knew he was attractive, and you’d be lying if you said your stare didn’t linger on his tattoos from time to time. That was all contradicted, however, by the awful way he acted around you.
You tried pleasantries. You tried being nice. But all that resulted from that was overzealous flirting as if he was just waiting for the moment you’d go home with him.
“Hey there, babycakes, I didn’t know you were coming tonight,” Pierre greeted you with his signature cocky smirk.
You rolled your eyes as he placed a hand beside your head on the wall and leaned against it. Just your luck, you only got ten minutes to yourself before you were finally spotted.
“It’s Josh’s birthday, why wouldn’t I be here?” You retorted, meeting his smirk with an annoyed look. It was so like him to start a conversation with a dumb remark. Of course you’d be here tonight.
“It’s good to see you again, babycakes,” he said, ignoring your retort, “You should come by more often.”
“There isn’t enough alcohol in the world that would make me enjoy your company, Pierre,” you replied, taking another swig of whatever Josh had mixed you earlier. Normally, you’d never accept a drink from him since he made them way too strong, but tonight you were thankful for it.
“You hurt my feelings, babe,” Pierre clutched his chest in mock offense, “And I told you to call me Luc.”
“Ah, but that would assume we are friends, Pierre,” you said.
“You love me. I know you do,” he replied with a grin. You rolled your eyes again at his presumptuousness. It seemed you were constantly rolling them whenever you were around him.
“As much as I’d love to stay and chat, your fan club is getting a little anxious,” you nodded your head towards a small cluster of girls who kept sneaking glances in his direction your entire conversation, “I’ll see you later.”
Not giving him a chance to reply, you stalked off to the kitchen to refill your drink. You turned your back away from him, but Pierre’s eyes followed you the whole way to your destination, only breaking his stare when he saw you engage in conversation with Cam.
The rest of the night flew by in a drunken haze, and you were considerably tipsy by the end of it. You’d only seen Pierre in passing throughout the evening, and he hadn’t bothered you since your initial interaction. You spent most of your time around Josh and his girlfriend, and you were happy to report that the night wasn’t as terrible as you thought it’d be.
The crowd dwindled down to a small group over the hours. You were one of the last remaining people when you decided to call it a night.
“I think I’m going to head out now, guys,” you said finally. You were met with a few ‘boo’s, mainly from Josh’s girlfriend who didn’t want to be the only girl left.
Josh walked you to the door and gave you one last hug before you exited. You only got about fifteen steps down the hall, though, before you heard the door open and close again.
“Hey, Y/N, wait up,” a familiar voice called out.
You turned around to face Pierre, stumbling a bit. Your hand shot out to steady yourself on the wall, and Pierre was at your side in an instant to offer support.
“Do you have a ride home?” He asked, placing a hand on your hip.
“I was just going to order an Uber or something,” you answered. The alcohol must’ve seriously lowered your inhibitions because you were clutching onto Pierre’s arm as he led you down the hall.
“I can drive you,” he suggested when you entered the elevator.
“It’s fine, Pierre. I don’t want to bother you,” you said.
“You never bother me,” he insisted, “I’m not letting you take a car home when you’re drunk.”
“I’m not drunk,” you said, but even you could hear the way it slurred together.
Pierre laughed as he guided you out to his parked car.
“Yeah, babycakes, you are drunk,” he replied when you were seated in the passenger side.
“Why do you call me that?” You asked, “It’s never my name, always babycakes.”
“You hated it when I first said it, so I kept saying it,” Pierre explained casually. You doubted he would be telling you this right now if it weren’t for your inebriated state, “I kind of like it now, though.”
“It doesn’t bother me as much as it used to,” you admitted, “I kind of like it, too.”
Your head fell to rest on the window as Pierre drove you home, and you let your eyes fall shut for the brief ride. The corners of his lips quirked up in a smile at your admission, and he found himself glancing over occasionally to check on you.
When you arrived at your complex, Pierre gently shook your shoulders to wake you from your nap. He helped you out of the car and into the building, all the way to your apartment.
“Thank you for the ride,” you said as you fumbled your key into the lock, “You’re not so bad when you’re being nice and not an unbearable ass.”
“I’m always nice,” he defended, though his voice didn’t carry the lilted tone you were expecting.
“Never around me,” you chuckled, kicking off your shoes in the doorway.
“You make me a little nervous,” Pierre said quietly with a blush, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“I doubt that. You’re confident all the time,” you scoffed.
“I’m not,” he said quickly, “I try to be around you, but you don’t seem to like it.”
“So then why do you keep doing it?” You inquired.
“I guess I’m a dumbass and don’t know how to act around you,” he sighed.
“Have you ever tried just being yourself?” You offered.
“That probably would’ve been a good idea. Pretty girls don't usually make me this nervous,” he chuckled awkwardly.
You’d never seen Pierre look as uncomfortable as he did now. In all the times you’ve seen him, he always radiated confidence. People gravitated towards him, they always have, and he always welcomed it.
“How about we start over then?” You asked, stepping closer to him and sticking out your hand for him to shake, “I’m Y/N, not babycakes.” You added that second part with a light laugh.
Pierre’s face broke out in a warm smile, and he took your hand in his.
“I’m Pierre, but my friends call me Luc,” he said.
“Nice to meet you, Luc.”
“You too, Y/N.”
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fortune-fool02 · 5 years
Date Night
Jean Pierre Polnareff x female reader
Requested by: anonymous
Please enjoy.
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Polnareff ran the comb through his wonderful hair one final time before finally setting it down, happy that it was perfect before grabbing his keys and making his way out his apartment, a bouquet of flowers in hand.
After a handful of weeks of being unable to spend some quality time with his lover, [Name], Polnareff had had enough. He had told her to put everything on hold and spend a night with him to unwind and relax before she collapsed from exhaustion. He hated seeing his lover stressed and worn out so he wanted to help her. 
And by that, he decided it would be perfect to take her out on a date. Just them two. No work, no enemies, nothing. Just him and her. 
The door to [Name]’s apartment opened, revealing his beloved in a beautiful outfit that fit her perfectly, [Hair colour] locks tied in a loose plate that framed her delicate face. Polnareff felt his breath escape him. Every time he saw her, she was more beautiful than he ever recalled. 
“You’re beautiful, ma chérie.” The comment left his lips without realising it, brushing over her cheeks and leaving a shade of red there. A smile on her lips, her hand tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 
“Thank you. You’re just as handsome as ever.” she shot back, making Polnareff smile brightly. He pulled himself from his little daze and presented her with the large bouquet of vibrant red roses. 
“These are for you, though you’re beauty is only making them jealous.” Polnareff chuckled at her growing blush as she took them, pressing a soft kiss on his cheek before dashing off to put the flowers in a vase. 
Polnareff and [Name] have not been dating long but they have been friends for a while. From the moment they locked eyes, there was a connection. A force drawing them together at any given chance; each time Polnareff tried to admit his feelings for her, something prevented that. An enemy attack, mostly but there were some occasions where it was his own nerves that stopped him. He was a flirt by nature, praising and complimenting women -especially [Name]- but when it came to true feelings, he stumbled a little. 
Then, one day, he had had enough of tripping over his own feelings and told her how he felt about her. How she could light up his day just by being there. How each time he saw her sad he felt his heart ache. How he was willing to do anything to make her happy. For her to return his feelings was something he had prayed for but didn’t actually expect to happen. The Frenchman was over the moon when she admitted her own feelings for him. 
Thus leading to this. He took her smaller hand into his and led her down to the car parked outside the building, smiling all the while. 
The car drive was silent, not awkwardly silent but that nice, comfortable silence where no one felt like they needed to make small-talk. Peaceful. A sense of security filled the car as if there was an invisible shield around the vehicle, protecting both of them from anything that could harm them as well as all the worries of the world. 
Parking the car in the car park, Polnareff rushed out the car and ran around to [Name]’s side, opening the door for her. She thanked him and stepped out, these sweet displays of affection was something she was not used to but she welcomed with open arms; she also tried to return these gestures with equal affection which Polnareff adored. Sometimes he wondered how he could be so lucky to have such a wonderful woman to call his own. 
Dinner was nothing short of wonderful. Candle light glowing between the two lovers, casting a soft, romantic atmosphere. Polnareff making small jokes throughout it just to make [Name] smile and with each smile, he felt his heart bloom with warmth like a flower on a summer day. The soft light brushing against her face made her appear to glow with an angelic look. 
After dinner, the two made their way out of the restaurant when Polnareff caught a glimpse of someone watching them. Oddly enough, he recognised the person from inside the restaurant, who had been watching them from the corner of the room. The man didn’t order a single thing the entire time he was there. 
“Ma chérie, get in the car and wait for a moment. Don’t leave the car.” The playfulness he tried to mask his concern with didn’t fool [Name] but she did as told, taking a seat in the car and watching him walk off towards the alley. Before he even disappeared around the corner, she got out and followed him, concern nipping at her. 
As she rounded the corner, she caught a glimpse of Polnareff’s Silver Chariot dashing down the alley. If Polnareff’s Stand was summoned that meant there was danger close by, and Polnareff was at risk! Quickly, she rushed down the alley, following where she saw the Stand run down only to watch as her French lover was thrown into the wall with a pained groan. A thin trail of blood trickling down the side of his face.
“Polnareff.” At her voice, the silver-haired male’s head snapped his head up at her, eyes wide at the sight of her. 
“Ma chérie! I told you to stay in the car!” he shouted, jumping to his feet. As [Name] opened her mouth, a sharp pain struck her side, sending her flying into a wall. A pained groan slipped her lips, her hand clutching her shoulder that burned with pain.
Her [Eye colour] orbs looked up to see the Enemy Stand hovering over her, a bladed weapon in its hand as it pointed the blade at her. Before she had a chance to summon her own Stand, the blade came swinging down. 
“[Name]!” Polnareff’s fear-laced voice shouted followed by the clashing of metal as Silver Chariot’s rapier blocked the attack, protecting her. With that moment of time, [Name]’s Stand materialised in front of her, lashing out at the Enemy Stand with brutal attacks. Her mind set on one thing and one thing only: Protect Polnareff. That was the only though that swirled inside of her head, everything else was irrelevant. 
With a powerful strike, the Enemy Stand’s head cracked under her Stand’s fist, earning a painful scream from the user as the wounds inflicted themselves upon him. Bones crushing could be heard as the man collided into the wall, his head splitting open from the impact of both the wall and [Name]’s Stand. His life ending then and there. 
[Name]’s Stand faded, the adrenaline fading along with it and allowing the pain of her injuries to seep in. Her hand clutched her shoulder, it wasn’t broken but it was bruised badly, nothing to cause concern. She turned to Polnareff and was immediately engulfed in a hug from the Frenchman. 
“My love, are you hurt? What did I tell you? You should’ve stayed in the ca-” [Name] cut his off by cupping his face with her hands, her eyes gazing into his sky blue eyes with a softness that eased his worry. 
“Jean, I am fine. I didn’t want to see you hurt, that’s why I didn’t stay in the car.” she told him. Polnareff sighed, holding her close, 
“I just didn’t want you to get hurt, my love. I could never forgive myself if anything happened to you.” she smiled at him, pressing a soft kiss on his lips and resting her head against his chest, listening to his heart beat in a steady rhythmic pace. 
Polnareff smiled, enjoying the warmth that her bod radiated. He would never let anything happen to her. He loved her too much for that.
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I Don’t Know What I’m Searching For
Summary: Only two Sides have never been a Dark Side. Now, there is one less Dark Side, and a certain someone can't handle his family changing around him. Enter a scheming snake and a scheming sunshine cinnamon roll who just want to see everyone happy. But, before that can happen, there needs to be tears and pain. Dark Side Logan AU
Notes: Alright. I refuse to believe any Side of Thomas can be evil, so the Dark Sides are all just Giant Dorks who are a Family and while they all have Issues, they're not Evil. Don't like that? Please leave now.Deceit is a little shit and I love him. Fight me. Enjoy this crazy brainchild.
                                     Chapter I: I Have A Big Old Heart 
The sound of laughter floated down the stairs, stabbing into Logan’s ears and heart and stomach with a vengeance. He gritted his teeth and clutched his book tighter, trying to ignore all other external stimulus that was not the words on the smooth pages in front of him. Oh, how he wished he still had his noise-cancelling earbuds, but he’d given them to Virgil right before Virgil had-
“No. Bad Logan. You will not think about that,” Logan gritted out, allowing his nails to dig into his arm to distract him from the thoughts that were usually locked up in the Do Not Touch box but were now swirling around freely. Virgil was happier without him, and he needed to accept that. He was Apathy, for crying out loud! He should not be feeling bad over this, but, for some unknown reason, he was. The laughter grew louder, a deep rich one accompanied by a high-pitched giggle and Virgil’s soft chuffing causing something nasty to writhe in Logan’s stomach. His nails dug harshly into his palm as he forced himself to keep reading and just… ignore everything else.
“Logan? Can you come help? We’re… having some problems cooking,” a soft, timid voice said, breaking through Logan’s swirling, tumultuous thoughts. Logan looked up to see Dexter standing nervously in front of him, wringing his hands. His hair was messy, his undereye bags were larger and darker than they were last night, and he looked pale and shaky, but he had clearly made an effort with a turtleneck sweater and jeans, and that knowledge warmed Logan’s heart a little. Dexter had been trying lately to get better (“If Virgil can, why can’t I?”), and Logan knew he needed a little extra support.
“Of course,” Logan murmured, smoothly standing and walking towards the kitchen, gently grabbing Dexter’s hand and giving it a light squeeze. While Logan was not always comfortable with physical contact (you can never truly touch someone, his mind whispered, as electrons will always repel each other), it helped Dexter tremendously, and that was more important in this case. Dexter grinned shakily and followed, secretly glad his plan to distract Logan away from the stairs had worked. Everyone in the house had noticed lately that… Logan was spending far too much time by the stairs, in perfect earshot of the Light Sides, and he always seemed to come back on the verge of tears. So what if they all orchestrated a cooking disaster to get Logan away? It was just helping, wasn’t it?  
Logan walked into the kitchen to find it a chaotic mess. Ezra was desperately fanning the stove where a small fire had erupted, Pierre was trying to wrangle a fire extinguisher into working, and Dee was muttering to himself as he seemed to be trying to see where in the recipe they went wrong. Logan cleared his throat and everyone froze, looking over at him with shame in their eyes. Logan let out a soft smile and walked forward, gently turning off the stove and dumping water into the flaming pan.
“I can do this, alright? Why don’t you all go calm down, and I’ll call when dinner is ready?” Logan offered. The others all nodded, grateful, and left, leaving Logan to stew alone in his thoughts. He sighed and set to work on making a simple soup that would cater to everyone’s needs. This was partially why dinner was so hard to make, as everyone had different diets.
“Tofu for me… and gluten-free noodles for Dee… no milk for Dexter… and Ezra hates tomatoes… I think I have it,” Logan muttered, dropping everything into a vegetable stock and stirring, sighing in relief. Cooking was soothing for him. It was logical, relaxing, something that required all his concentration so nasty thoughts could not enter his head. Soon, however, far too soon, the soup was ready, and all the thoughts came rushing back. He choked back tears as he set only five places at the table (There should be six, why weren’t there six, why did Virgil leave-) and poured everyone a glass of their favourite healthy beverage before calling for dinner. Almost instantly, the others flooded in, all thanking Logan profusely for dinner before ladeling their portions. Logan smiled and sat beside Dexter, ignoring the empty place on the other side of himself in favour of spending his energy listening to Pierre ramble about this new show he was watching. Soon, far too soon, dinner was over, and Dexter volunteered to clean up, leaving Logan alone to stew in his thoughts in his room.
“Knock knock, Lolo. Can I come in?” Dee’s voice called. Logan sighed and, with a wave of his hand, the door opened, allowing the snake into his room. Dee closed the door behind him and walked over to where Logan was curled into a ball in the corner, crouching down in front of him.
“What do you want, Deceit?” Logan grumbled. He wasn’t in the mood for any long conversations right now. Dee sighed and held up a glass of water.
“You haven’t been taking care of yourself. I’m here to make you.” Logan blinked, confused. Why did Dee care?
“Why do you care?” Logan asked, voice a bit rough. Dee sighed and shoved the water into Logan’s hands, glaring.
“I care because you’re family, Logan,” he grit out, clearing forcing himself to put effort into telling the truth into his words. Logan blinked again, a bit taken aback. “Listen, just drink your damn water and go to sleep. I’m making you breakfast tomorrow, no arguments.” Logan, a bit intimidated, drank his damn water and crawled into bed, snapping himself into a soft sweater and leggings. Dee nodded and tucked him in, smiling. “Goodnight, Logan. Sweet dreams.” He planted a soft kiss on Logan’s forehead before leaving, switching off the lights on his way out.
Now, normally Logan had immense trouble sleeping, his mind too busy putting puzzles together and analyzing Thomas’s day, but for some reason, tonight was different. Tonight, sleep came quickly, dragging at his eyelids and pulling him down. He let it take him, exhausted, as his last conscious thought played in his head.
I wonder how Virgil is doing right now.
“Thomas. We need to talk.” Thomas looked up, confused, until he saw his yellow-and-black-clad Deceitful Side leaning against the wall. He closed his laptop, sighing heavily. Dee, as he prefered to be called, had been popping in more and more over the past month or so, ever since Virgil had permanently moved in with Roman and Patton, and while it had scared him at first, he was more used to it now. Dee really was just out to make sure that everyone was okay, and that care extended to both Thomas and all of his Sides.
“Yeah, sure, buddy. What’s up?” Dee sighed and walked over, sitting down next to Thomas with his hands clasped in his lap.
“Logan… I think Logan’s about to snap for good.” Thomas blinks, well aware of who Logan was despite never having met him. He knew that Virgil’s joining with Roman and Patton had hurt Logan, but he’d had no idea-
“What do you suggest? I… I want to help, but I… I don’t know how?” Thomas asked, concern bubbling in his gut. Dee sighed and bit his lip, clearly thinking. The two fell into silence for a few minutes until Dee’s eyes lit up, clearly an idea in his mind.
“What if… you know you can forcibly move our rooms, right?” Thomas nodded, the dots slowly connecting in his mind. “Put Logan’s room in the Light Side area. He was always the closest with Virgil, and it’s clear he needs to see that Virgil is okay and hasn’t forgotten him and still cares.”
“Dee… you are a genius,” Thomas slowly said, grin stretching across his face. Dee giggled and beamed, a real, genuine smile.
“No, I just have good ideas sometimes.” Thomas giggled back before focusing, getting a feel for the being known as Logan. Once he found him, he gasped, tears springing to his eyes.
“Is he always… that sad and scared?” Thomas whispered. Dee nodded sadly before placing a comforting grip on Thomas’s shoulder.
“Yes. But we can fix this, okay?” Thomas nodded, sniffing, before focusing again. He imagined picking up Logan’s room and moving it, dropping it into place next to Virgil’s, and locking it so it would not move. He felt something shift, and then it was done. He looked at Dee, worried, and the Deceitful Side seemed to get it.
“We’ll see what happens. You’ve done what you can, Thomas. It’s all up to Logan and the others now.”
Notes: If you've read my stuff, you know the drill. If you haven't, hi, welcome, I'm your resident Angst Lord who vanishes for months at a time before updating :) Please feel free to scream at me in the comments! I love hearing what you think. See you all next chapter! ~Logan
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chippadore · 6 years
Stereo Hearts
Day 6- Stereo Hearts- @ygo5dsmonth2018  
Your local friendly Stage Manager™ is here with all your Yugioh 5ds hits. If you hate musicals, you’ll definitely hate this, because this is all musicals. Welcome to theatre hell! I have a link attached to every song I mention. 
Yusei Fudo- Boy Falls from the Sky (Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark)
I'd be myself/If I knew who I've become/You don't have to fly too high/To get too close to the sun/See the boy fall from the sky
Jack Atlas- Not a Common Man (American Pyscho the Musical)
Look at history, open the books/There are statues with great looks/There are gods, there are kings/I'm pretty sure I'm the same thing
Aki Izayoi/Akiza Izinski- Monster (Frozen the Musical)
A monster, were they right?/Has the dark in me finally come to light?/Am I a monster full of rage/Nowhere to go but on a rampage?/Or am I just a monster in a cage?
Crow Hogan- Proud of Your Boy (Aladdin)
Tell me that I've been a louse and loafer/You won't get a fight here, no ma'am/Say I'm a goldbrick, a goof-off, no good/But that couldn't be all that I am
Ruka/Luna- In My Own Little Corner (Rodger and Hammerstein's Cinderella)
In my own little corner/Just as long as I stay/In my own little corner/All alone/In my own little chair/I can be whatever I want to be
Read below for more characters, ships, and OC Fun!
Rua/Leo- My Shot (Hamilton)
Oh, am I talkin’ too loud?/Sometimes I get overexcited, shoot off at the mouth/I never had a group of friends before/I promise that I’ll make y’all proud
I don’t think the song exactly matches Leo word for word, but the tone certainly does.
Bruno- Who Am I If the World Turned Upside Down (Finding Neverland)
I ignored the beat inside my heart for too long/Had accepted what was right/But always felt wrong/It's the second hand of time I'd been a slave to/But inside there was a feeling/Something I always knew/When the world turned upside down
I could’ve put Who Am I from Les Miserables to be a shit, but I decided to be serious. While If the World Turned Upside Down is a short song, the lyrics (in my opinion) describe Bruno/Antimony’s conflicting feelings with what was happening around him. 
Sherry LeBlanc- Here I Go (If/Then)
Now I know all the motions/The steps to every dance/And I count cards at the table/I never bet on chance/I leave nothing to the gods/I know all the odds and even so/Still, here I go
Sherry is a wild card who doesn’t believe in fate, and will do anything to achieve her goals. I feel this song is an accurate representation of that!
Kyosuke Kiryu/Kalin Kessler- Raise a Little Hell (Bonnie and Clyde)
I can't take no more of this/This nightmare has to end/In this godforsaken place/Death would be a welcome friend
This is what I find myself thinking Kiryu would feel during his last moments in the Facility, or even while in his last fleeting moments before being arrested. 
Jack/Yusei- Playing His Game (Death Note the Musical)
He's on the brink/He could win/I can't use the same plan/Time to start thinking like him
Not exactly a ship song, but hey, it’s an amazingly perfect rival song for the pair of them. And I can shamelessly promote Death Note the Musical.
Faithshipping (Yusei/Aki)- A Part of That (The Last Five Years)
And then he'll smile/His eyes light up and deep within the ground/Without a sound/A moment comes to life/And I'm a part of that/I'm a part of that
Yusei is the hero of the story. A lot of the time, he’s in his own world that Aki may not understand, but he tries to include her as much as he can. 
Firebirdshipping (Aki/Crow)- Easy to Love (Anything Goes) and Perfect for You (Next to Normal)
So worth the yearning for/So swell to keep every home fire burning for/Oh, how we'd bloom, how we'd thrive>
I can't fix what's fucked up/But one thing I know I can do/I can be perfect for you
I had to pick two songs. The first one is sweet and slow. It describes how Crow loves Aki, despite the fact she might not believe she can be loved. The second describes how neither are perfect, and that’s okay. 
Scoopshipping (Carly/Jack)- You’re Getting to be a Habit with Me (42nd Street)
No, I can't break away/I must have you every day/As regularly as coffee or tea/You've got me in your clutches/And I can't break free/You're getting to be a habit
I couldn’t not pick this song. Imagine this as a montage during Jack and Carly’s fun day at the park. It’s cute, quirky, and describes both Carly and how Carly ended up in Jack’s life. 
Retributionshipping (Dark Signer Carly/Jack)- Dyin’ Ain’t So Bad (Reprise) (Bonnie and Clyde)
Seems you get to live your life just once/If that's how it's gotta be/Then I'd rather breathe in life than dusty air/Dyin' ain't so bad
This song was picked because both Jack and Carly were ready to die for each other. In the end, Carly may have saved him, but Jack was prepared to go down with her. 
Toolshipping (Bruno/Yusei)-You Walk With Me (The Full Monty) 
Is it the wind there, over my shoulder?/Is it your voice calling quietly?/Over the hilltop, down in the valley/Never alone for you walk with me
I was going to pick something else, but this song came on. I can hear this playing after Bruno’s passing. It’s such a sweet, but sad, song that describes what Yusei could be feeling after the fact. 
Treasonshipping (Kiryu/Yusei)- Ever After (Bare: A Pop Opera)
So much for our ever after/I thought the good guys would triumph/I trusted the hero, I didn't hear his goodbye/I guess it was lost in the talk of a straight-acting coward
Yusei and Kiryu (Or Kalin, whatever you prefer m8) definitely had a rocky relationship up until the last notes of Satisfaction Town. This song specifically works for the Dark Signer Arc.
Roseknightshipping (Aki/Sherry)- Fight for You (Heathers)
Hey could you face the crowd/Could you be seen with me and still act proud/Hey could you hold my hand/and could carry me through no man's land/It's fine if you don't agree/but I would fight for you/if you would fight for me
This song is cute. Sherry was the one who introduced Aki into the world of Turbo Dueling. This song just fits. 
Psychicshipping (Divine/Aki)- Dangerous Game (Jekyll and Hyde)
The frightened princess/Doesn't know what to do!/Will the ghosts go away?/Will she will them to stay?/Either way, there's no way to win!
This song is so so chilling. Meant to Be Yours from Heathers was a close second, but this one won out in the end. It’s just too perfect for me, and describes the abusive relationship Divine and Aki had. 
Lina Kazukata- Journey to the Past (Anastasia) 
Home, Love, Family/I will never be complete until I find you/One step at a time/One hope, then another/Who knows where this road may go/Back to who I was/On to find my future/Things my heart still needs to know/Yes, let this be a sign!
Lina is my OC from a fanfic called The Game Begins! This song, while she doesn’t have amnesia like Anya, accurately covers Lina’s fears of self-identity, finding family/where she belongs, and her hopeful optimism. 
Lina/Yusei- No One Else (Natasha and Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812)
And your childlike eyes/And your distant smile/I’ll never be this happy again/You and I/And no one else
I feel this song perfectly captures the innocence of Lina, and of her relationship with Yusei. I don’t have a cool ship name for Lina and Yusei. Fite me. Shout out to Crazier than You from the Addams Family for being a close second!
Yuuka- Where is the Justice? (Death Note The Musical)
Show me what's right about/The wrongs that we allow/Real people need to feel/Protected here and now/This whole damn system's broken way beyond repair/It's just law, not law and order/Not much good and seldom fair
This is based on Yuuka Sasaki from @dearlybelovedfeels fanfic calling Waking Up Normal. Why this song? This girl is all about equality and justice, that’s why. 
Stellarshipping (Yuuka/Yusei)- Shouldn’t I Be Less In Love With You? (I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change)
Shouldn't I be less in love with you?/Shouldn't I address what time can do?/Shouldn't I be more inclined to flee?/Shouldn't I explore all I can be?
I tried finding a musical song I knew you wouldn’t know. I can see this song covering their lifetime together. 
Bonus Satellite Angst Songs
Bonus Satellite Angst songs!? On my Tumblr post?! Yep! These are just some songs I feel capture that Satellite aesthetic ™
Facade (Jekyll and Hyde)
There's a face that we wear/In the cold light of day/It's society's mask/It's society's way/And the truth is/That it's all a façade!
Will I (Rent)
Will I lose my dignity?/Will someone care?/Will I wake tomorrow/From this nightmare?
Rent (Rent)
How do you start a fire/When there's nothing to burn/And it feels like something's stuck in your flue/How can you generate heat/When you can't feel your feet/And they're turning blue!
Scrap (The Full Monty)
What I want? That's easy asshole/I want a job/I want to feel like a person instead of a slob/I wanna wake up knowing where I'm gonna go/Not going nowhere
Skid Row (Little Shop of Horrors)
Poor! All my life I've always been poor/I keep asking God what I'm for/And he tells me "Gee, I'm not sure/Sweep that floor, kid."
The Dark I Know Well (Spring Awakening)
There is a part I can't tell/About the dark I know well
Want to debate songs or add more? Send me a message. I can talk musicals all day. Try me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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