#love Ku’gath
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clownaddict · 3 months ago
Love that part of the Buried Dagger where Mortarion trips balls in Nurgles garden and has a heart-to-(gangrenous)heart with Ku’gath and getting really pissy about his psyker abilities before Ku’gath slaps a pair of wings on him and he goes on a spiritual manhunt for his adoptive father
Edit: or maybe the story is called “Grandfathers Gifts” but I was under the impression that it was a chapter title in the book “Buried dagger”
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lathan-chillyfilm · 2 years ago
The beast, Ku’gath, had been putting up with this… This prison, this ball and chain around his ankle, for but a few months now. A great and powerful demon, he intended to create a patron pact with a truly wicked, malicious warlock, in a far-off land… Only for the worst to happen.
A single, confused letter.
Within the day, the hellish creature found himself in a fairly normal-seeming home. Looking around, he appeared to be in a children’s room. Small child, no older than 8. Looking down to his clawed feet, there stood a little girl; Orange hair with pigtails, glistening green eyes, and a smile missing one tooth. She was 5… And she didn’t seem scared of him at all.
“Woooaaahhh… You’re tall!” She chimed, eagerly hugging at his leg, to which the demon scowled, and pushed her aside.
“Away from me, unclean one… Where is the great Beckai Woodroth I seek? The cruel & malicious tyrant, I sought to grant power to for a thousand lives?”
“Oh! I know, I know!” The girl piped up, eager to make a new friend, in spite of the beast’s immense stature.
“Then tell me, sniveling weakling, before I burn you into cinders, and scatter your ashes across the realm.”
“That’s me! Becky Wood… Wood…” She trailed off, looking away with a puzzled expression… She was likely still learning her last name.
And so it set in. The mistake.
Oh no.
No matter what Ku’gath tried, no matter the god or lord of Hell, he could not free himself from such a torment.
Every day, it was something else with this little cretin; On some days, he was requested to play childish games with her. On others, check her closet or under her bed for monsters. On occasion, he was even called for a pathetic social event she called a “Tea Party”, which revolved her sharing nonexistent beverages and meals with compatriots who were not reciprocal, or even conscious.
Ku’gath nearly thought of exiling himself. It was torture beyond compare.
As a pillar of smoke flared from a firey vortex, he emerged in the mortal plane once more, speaking in an annoyed tone, “Yes, pathetic human who has become the bane of my very existe-…”
He trailed off. This time was different.
Becky was sat out on a sidewalk, in the pouring rain. Grass and mud has caked themselves onto her skirt, and she looked heavily bruised. She looked away from the demon, and shivered in place, as thunder crackled above.
As water sizzled against the fallen angel’s stony, reddened skin, he spoke.
“…Strange… What has happened human? Where has your home vanished to? The ones who birthed you?”
“Mmmnn..!” The girl tensed up, hugging her knees and bawling.
Ku’gath felt a strange… Warmth, in him. Not quite hellfire, this was… Different. Deeply-rooted. Having no other way to gather information, he sighed, and sat down beside her, wrapping a calloused hand over her shoulder.
The girl gasped a bit, eyes widened as she turned to the beast.
“Human. You will die out here without aid or shelter. Your wounds are real.”
“…Where are your caretakers? Where is your residence? How did you grow so wounded?”
Tears in her eyes, the girl spoke up, sniffling and coughing between her words.
“Mm… M-Mommy, and Daddy said they… Th-They don’t love me anymore…” She quivered, making the demon grow wide-eyed with genuine shock.
“Th-They saw you leave… They splashed water in my eyes, th-they hit me with crosses, I… I-I dunno what I did wrong..!” She wailed, before hugging him close, tears turning to steam against his warm epidermis.
Ku’gath gave an uneasy expression, almost looking disappointed in himself. Of course. The girl’s family was Christian. They likely believed he was The Devil, tricking & puppeteering the girl into performing unspeakable acts.
Carefully scooping the girl up, his wings unfurled, and the monster spoke in a hushed, yet bassy voice.
“…I’m sorry you had to experience that. Such a travesty… Among all my kind, and among all such divine beings as I… Never once have I seen an act so cruel, and injust.”
“…Rest easy, Woodroth.” He sighed out, gently cradling her in his arms, and wiping her face of dirt. Slowly but surely, the girl fell to sleep, no-longer shivering.
Ku’gath then returned to his place in the underworld, Becky still in his arms. He knew what he was risking. He knew that bringing mortals to the underworld before their time was taboo… But he had no choice. He could not stand by, and leave the girl to suffer in her final moments.
Even if it meant fighting with all of Hell, Heaven, and whatever fell between them… Protecting Becky became the most important thing to him.
And protect her, he would.
Due to a paperwork filing error you, a terrifying demonic creature, are now trapped in contract with a small little girl. She is constantly summoning you to play tag, check for monsters in the closet, look at her drawings… It’s truly torture.
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blightsire · 2 years ago
Vertic Blightsire
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Ⅶ • Species: Great Unclean One (Greater Daemon)
Ⅶ • Patron God: Nurgleth
Ⅶ • Patron God
Ki’litzli the Poxdame (mother)
Methanion (brother)
Dungrut (brother)
Blistrorgal (brother)
Ⅶ • Faction: The Farmhands
Ⅶ • Realm: Mortal World / Realms of Chaos
Domicile: Various (Nomadic)
Ⅶ • Height: 35��1″ / 10.1 meters
Ⅶ • Weight: 14 Tons / 12700.6 kg
Ⅶ • Voice: Darin De Paul (Cyprin the Dragon)
Vertic Blightsire is a Great Unclean One, a Greater Daemon sent upon the mortal world to deliver Grandfather Nurgle’s love onto the various races that live there. While most Great Unclean Ones aim for critical mass, Vertic enjoys tormenting those mortals who live out simple lives on the countryside, tending to their crops and livestock. He calls it “tying up loose ends”, content to catch little fish while his poxbrothers devastate cities and metropolises. The truth is, Vertic enjoys the countryside...and tormenting every creeping creature on it with his maladies.
Blightsire is rather obscure in comparison to famous rotbringers like Ku’gath Plaguefather, though he does have the distinction of being the sire of the Bastard-King of Ice-Horn Peak, Orghotts Daemonspew. The boy has managed to gain notoriety where Vertic prefers the shadows so he can do his own thing. He had little, if anything, to do with the raising of the boy but if asked about him, will respond as any proud father would about their son’s successful exploits.
Vertic is somewhat larger than a normal Great Unclean One, despite being typical rather than exalted. Despite his relative obscurity, he does have some titles, such as The Wandering Blight, Wickmaster, or the more well known Candle-Crown. This due to the Great Unclean Ones rather symmetrical horns bearing candles of green warp-flame. It isn’t clear why he has this accoutrement, aside from it’s aesthetic appeal.
Like most Unclean Ones, Vertic is good natured and easy going, helped along by his accent. He will entertain all comers readily, unless they’re Tzeentchian, then a good portion of his jolly nature melts away into annoyance and snideness. More intelligent than he seems, Vertic is learned in morbidity, disease, and mortal physiology as most of his kin are. He has a particularly robust knowledge on animals...and how to break the species barrier with certain diseases. Vertic was the devious mind behind many zoonotic diseases, the most famous of which being Bovine Frenzy.
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skunts-own-truth · 6 years ago
Let’s Talk Guy Haley’s “Dark Imperium.”
Damn, feels like a long time since I’ve finished a book. Last one I gave my all to was Josh’s “Soul Wars.” I did try my hand at the Witcher novels, but book one didn’t really feel like the end of a book- SO, yes, let’s shift over to Dark Imperium:
Chapters 1-3 are a beautiful work of art. I’ve personally read these chapters around eight times now, out loud, fully acting it out with friends and family, on audio and to myself. If you are not aware, these three chapters make up the death of Roboute Guilliman at the hands of the daemonic traitor Fulgrim. My recommendation is to read this with your eyes. The audiobook is actually pretty swell, but it misses a beat with how Fulgrim is read. I honestly can’t say much more to you about this, just, please. Read this. It is a condensed look at the Imperium, the Galaxy as a whole, the nature of conflict in an uncaring universe, and the life and death of a son who has lost everything. It is Gods and Monsters at its finest, and is a world apart from anything else in this pretty good book.
Now, on to everything else:
I will not be reviewing this novel, no. That’s not my intent, so know now I enjoyed it. I can tell you I found myself a little bored from time to time, especially with scenes that were clear set up for the sequel novel “Plague War,” but, but despite that this book is very much worth a read. No, review is not my intent. I want to talk about characters and events as shown in this novel.
Guilliman, Lord Regent of Terra, Commander, the living Primarch, and to some: a true Demi-god and Living Saint. I loved him. I truly, truly loved Guilliman. He stole the show, entirely so, even in his own book. If Guilliman was on screen, you were damn near mystified. THIS, this is how a primarch is written. It feels completely different from the stoic man I knew from the Heresy.
He’s grown so much, and lost so much of himself. He’s tired, old, so very sad, and so very angry. You see Guilliman make some very bold moves in this book: outright making a new organization to undo the damage against history the Inquisition has done. Outright oppose the Codex Astartes, drag the Sisters of Silence and Custodes into the light of day, gives his active support a madman who would play Emperor with his biocraft, curses everyone and everything around him for not doing more. Guilliman has awoke to his worst nightmare: true ignorance, true stagnation, and a terrible regime that spits in the face of everything human he had once believed in.
You can feel it. His rage is barely contained, it’s right at the surface even as he’s a clever, kind politician to some, and a father to others. He’s so over it all, yet, he can’t let it stand like this. His Imperium, humanity’s destiny, done in by his father’s lies and his brother’s treachery. He will not back away, he will rise up against ignorance, and take the mantle of Regent and Lord- but in doing so, I see him damn himself.
Guilliman is no fool. He’s not Magnus, not by a long shot. Yet, a lot of his decisions throughout the book seem to lack an awareness for how truly terrible things have gotten. He uses his autocratic power to go over the heads of 10,000 years worth of stagnation, and you see it infuriate. You watch people yell, protest, and look on in horror as a man they once prayed to as a saint breaks their rules and traditions without thought: some of which people believed he even came up with. This is, I admit, only a small part of the book... but it was important. It was a view of an Imperium who may, eventually, ignore the near god-like presence of a Primarch and say “No.” when that day comes, I don’t think Guilliman will be ready for it.
Before I move on, let me just say I love that Guilliman spent a hundred damn years trying to make Cato learn what a joke is. He tried so hard, and got so far, my friends.
Cawl will be my next subject, and damn... Haley, if you ever read this, my dude, I beg you and the Black Library to let you do a Cawl novel series. Look, everyone, after reading this and Wolfsbane, I am smitten. Cawl has changed dramatically between novels, oh sure, but he’s still Cawl. Haley has made a remarkable character here, and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time Guilliman was talking with the Cawl Inferior.
Something that drove me wild in that scene was Cawl overtly making two things clear: 1. He wants to be made Fabricator General, and 2. He wants to use both the traitor legion geneseeds AND the two lost Legion geneseeds to swell the ranks of Primaris. He makes a damn good argument for the seeds, I’ll say, but the Primarch says a firm “NO.” Oh well, I love the mental image of loyal Emperor’s Children meeting their ancient, twisted kinsmen.
Out of everyone, though, you know what perspective hit me the hardest? The single view I was most interested in was Calgar’s, which... I wasn’t expecting. He shows up near the end of the book, and two or three chapters are centered around him, his relationship to the Primarch and his relationship to his realm. Those chapters are... golly, I don’t want to spoil much, but... I would never have expected this reaction from him.
Haley did something phenomenal with this book. He brought a Primarch into 40k and didn’t make it some huge, gritty civil war in the Imperium. He didn’t make the Imperium roll over and perfectly accept Guilliman’s rule, no. He made it feel alive, natural even.
It was beyond interesting reading about such an uncertain time, in a future that was set in stone only a few years before. 40k and Guy have truly breathed life into not only reading about Primarchs, but reading about the Imperium, about Chaos, and even war. I was engrossed, and I could barely put the book down at times because I needed to see what new things and new concepts were just around the corner!
Guilliman has a damn crisis of faith about his father, for God’s sake! That’s something I never expected, not once, and that’s just it: we could have always picture what would happen if Guilliman or the Emperor woke up. I’ve talked about this sorta thing endlessly with friends, and never would I have guessed it would be written so... well, WELL.
Guilliman is a man of logic and reason thrown into an illogical, ignorant future. That is his hell, my friends, and I highly recommend watching this man attempt to fix hell itself.
I fear I can’t say more without giving out any big spoilers, so I urge you to check it out. If you like Nurgle, there is some CHOICE Nurgle scenes in this book. Ku’gath, Mortarion, and Typhus all show up for a bit, and their conversation together is a must-read if you feel anything about the Death Guard. Spoiler: Typhus calls Mort a “Trophy,” and burns his ass with some of the harshest disses I have ever read in Warhammer.
Damn, Guy... you wrote a book. I’m glad I already have the second one, ‘cus I am not in the mood to wait for more of this. Let’s get reading!
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luci-yabs · 8 years ago
8th Edition Rulebook (Fluff)
So I paged through the Rulebook for the 8th Edition. Just some random notes in no particular order;
- Confirmed Craftworlds represent the largest percentage of the Eldar/Aeldari population.
- White Consuls lost their Chapter Homeworld to Chaos, though its confirmed they survived and escaped.
- Seems a bit of backtracking regarding Biel-tan, although its also very confusing still. Whilst Fracture implied Biel-tan was going to be repaired, the Rulebook now seems to imply the Craftworld has been abanonded and Biel-tan’s just become a much smaller migratory fleet, whilst another part seems to suggest either Biel-tan, or just its army, has now moved into the Webway. Very sad to hear if the Craftworld is gone for good since that means no more Avatar of Khaine and I loved my Bahzakhain being lead by a shard of their War god ;_;
- Ghazghkull and the Swarmlord teamed up (ignored each other briefly) to fight the ‘Blood Crusade’ together on Octarius. It is noted this is one of only two times the Blood Crusade is halted. Guess Ghazghkull is back on Octarius despite Rise saying he was leading a fleet through Imperium Space.
- Iyanden was attacked by another major invasion force (I’m sorry but this is just silly GW, attack a different freaking Craftworld already) this time it was Slaanesh but Eldar of all the known factions (even Exodites are mentioned) rallied to their side and defeated the invasion.
- Imotehk went on a reconquest spree and seems to probably have the single largest congruent empire right now, judging by the map.
- Cadian System, not Cadia itself, largely weathered the worst Abaddon could throw at it and have now begun fighting back, preventing Abaddon from having the Spearhead he’d hoped for in Imperium space. Abaddon himself is having a nap (I guess) since he’s basically not mentioned and apparently his united Chaos Forces are already all attacking each other.
- Nurgle got the Scourge Stars. Tzeentch got himself a small domain too and besieged the Mordian’s homeworld but couldn’t conquer it cause Ulthwe showed up to help the Imperium beat him.
- Khorne though just sending random Daemons at Terra would work and he lost badly. He got so angry he obliterated a bunch of the Bloodthirsters leading the attack for good (which considering they’re part of him is kinda like cutting his nose to spite his face I guess).
- Ahriman raided some places. Amazing.
- Tau do nothing except lose the 4th Expansion fleet and launch the 5th.
- Tyranid lose on Baal but that’s been covered, same for Armageddon going Daemon.
- The War in Ultramar is gone into in quite some detail. Ku’gath, Mortarion and Typhus are commanding, Typhus operating out a fleet. Typhus destroys half the Starforts which protect Ultramar’s Trade lines, Kugath conquers some system between the Scourge Stars and Ultramar and Mortarion doesn’t have quite the same success. Important losses is that the pristine hospital world of Iax is wrecked by plague for good. Mortarion and Roboute fight to a standstill there but the Deathguard lose the overall Plague Wars cause they all get summoned back to help defend Nurgle from his brothers. Of note also is that the biggest Ultramar Starfort, Galatan, is boarded by Typhus and the Novamarine Chapter Master dies aboard it but, judging by no further mention, I’m guessing the Starfort itself is fine. The Plague Wars do end with Ultramarine victory after the Deathguard pullout of course.
- Big ending point is Chaos is now going majorly to war with itself. I dunno it seems kinda like a bad time what with their major offensive having just stalled, Roboute coming back and so on. Really not sure where Abaddon’s gone. I mean when Archaon had this problem in AoS it was only after Chaos had practically conquered everything, and the moment their is pushback Archaon was capable of knocking heads together and formulating pretty good responses pretty quick. Abaddon seems to have just disappeared, I dunno.
Overall the Fluff looks pretty good if you’re Chaos or the Imperium. I won’t lie, the book definitely tries to make Chaos look better than normal, including mention of the White Consul’s defeat and the Scourge Stars creation. Even the Plague War is written more as Ultramarine+Deathguard tie but Deathguard get pulled away to a more important battle. So its definitely an improvement...for Chaos and the Imperium. Xenos still don’t do much but lose, like Baal, boring Iyanden rehash or kinda irritated that Ghazghkull is back on Octarius again with seemingly no indication he’s ever returning to Armageddon.
Really surprised there isn’t a more detailed timeline section. Also kinda wanting more info on the Primaris and the Indomitus Crusade (what it actually did). The book seems scarce on this stuff, which seems kinda like the necessary info for the new setting to start standing on. Dunno, just thought there’d be more on both the Primaris Marines and Indomitus Crusade.
They did say Chaos/Imperium was the focus (it always has been though so I don’t get that statement) but I can still appreciate that what new fluff was in the book did try hard to actually pain both sides as doing well and not just one side losing, I’ll still respect that.
Honestly though the lack of info on the Indomitus Crusade really leaves me now just wanting to know more about what has actually happened. Several questions come to mind;
- What happened to Chogoris? Last we heard it was pretty much completely wrecked by the Red Corsairs
- What happened to Ghazghkull’s teleporting megafleet?
- What is the situation with the Wulfen and the wider Imperium? Dark Angels and the wider Imperium? How will the Bloodangels recruit when Baal has been scoured of all life, will they establish new recruiting worlds further afield?
- What exactly is the state of Biel-tan?
- Will Saim-hann ever do anything?
- Did Badrukk’s Waaagh!!! hit Catachan? What happened?
- Why does Angron need a summoning Ritual when Magnus, Fulgrim and Mortarion are already walking about fine?
- When will Asdrubael get his groove back?
- How is Sergeant Harker alive after 102 years?
- Segmentum Pacificus? Does it even exist still? Wasn’t it lost reported to have gone completely silent? There are clearly still Imperial Worlds there and its treated as part of the Imperium without much mention of problems.
- Is the mention of Exodites and -Redacted- in the Aeldari section evidence we’ll get an Exodite and Slaaneshi-Aeldari factions soon? (I can only hope).
An ending note which is quite nice. The book calls Belisarius Cawl, Katarina Greyfax and Saint Celestine the Greatest Heroes of the Imperium, so that’s my headcanon now. Stand aside everyone else, these are the true Greatest Heroes of the Imperium.
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puppygirlyuri · 4 months ago
Love the fact that Ku’gath is the only nurgle daemon with depression
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And a terminator for scale
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clownaddict · 2 years ago
Just read the lovely little short-story called “Grandfather’s gifts” by Guy Harley in which Mortarion passes tf out in his laboratory and wakes up in the garden of Nurgle. He then proceeds to just... frolic for a while? Walk around and smell the (very stinky) flowers and just be chill for a while? And then he runs into Ku’gath, sitting in a giant bath and crying about his creation. (he feels bad for slurping up all of grandpas rank plague soup) Ku’gath then picks him up, molds his body like actual weird warp clay, slaps a pair of wings on him and sends Mortarion off to murder the soul-essence of his adoptive father and keep it in a glass jar for all eternity.
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thefandomexpert · 9 days ago
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ku’gath i continue to love u
also confirmation the primarchs are all warp beings on some level. i feel like i see that posed as speculation/heavily accepted fannon a lot but like. it’s Said Out Loud.
plague wars time babie >:3c
Mathieu has a skewed perspective but doesn’t strike me as a super heavy exaggerator, did gman actually cry?
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thefandomexpert · 9 days ago
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1) i love ku’gath
2) LMAO?? morty idk if magnus cares about u so much that he’d side with daddy’s new favorite golden boy. he did try to fuck gman over like. immediately upon his awakening and also i think u hold a grudge better than he does tbh
plague wars time babie >:3c
Mathieu has a skewed perspective but doesn’t strike me as a super heavy exaggerator, did gman actually cry?
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