#love Ágoston
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Egyik legjobb barátnőm gyerekével töltöttem az elmúlt két napot. Imádom a gyereket, azt se tudja merre van a hány méter, már majdnem elindultunk mikor mi szóltunk neki, hogy figyelj, ez a fogkefe nem a tiéd a konyha padlón? A lábadról hová lett a zokni?
A barátnőm mesélte, hogy az év végén, az utolsó napon a tanár néni mindenkinek ad egy oklevelet az osztályban, hogy melyik gyerek miben különleges. Ennek a fiúcskának azt írta, hogy imádja benne, hogy egészen szürreális módon tudja széjjel hagyni a dolgait, ő A Legszétszórtabb Gyerek oklevelet kapta meg.
Nem tudta megmutatni otthon, mert bent felejtette az iskolában.
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(via Movie Poster - Dreams of the Zoo, Vratislav Hlavatý, 1986)
Movie poster designed for Ágoston Kollányi’s family tale with lovely illustration by Czech award winning graphic designer and illustrator Vratislav Hlavatý.
Join our bi-weekly £3 Poster Auction at https://www.jozefsquare.com/poster-auctions/ or subscribe to our daily or weekly newsletter: http://eepurl.com/RvXo9 (25% OFF for Students).
#movie poster#graphic design#illustration#kinds posters#80s posters#fim print#original poster#Vratislav Hlavatý
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Holidays 8.28
Crackers Over the Keyboard Day
Dream Day Quest and Jubilee
End of the Fairy Tale Day
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
I Have a Dream Day
International Read Comics in Public Day
Mariamoba (Republic of Georgia)
National Bow Tie Day
National Grandparents Day (Mexico)
National Power Rangers Day
National Thoughtful Day
Nativity of Nephthys (Egyptian Goddess of Love)
Race Your Mouse Around the Icons Day
Radio Commercial Day
Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day
Scientific American Day
Significant Historical Events Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Cheese Sacrifice Day
National Cherry Turnover Day
National Red Wine Day
Subway Sandwich Day
4th & Last Sunday in August
Burning Man begins (Nevada) [8.28 thru 9.5]
Family Day (Tennessee) [Last Sunday]
Go Topless Day [ website ] [Sunday nearest 26th]
Notting Hill Carnival begins (UK) [Sunday before Last Monday]
Plague Sunday (Gloucestershire, UK) [Last Sunday]
Sacrifice Our Wants For Other’s Needs Sunday [Sunday of Be Kind to Humankind Week]
World Kitchen Garden Day [4th Sunday]
Independence Days
Feast Days
Alexander of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Abkhazia)
Augustine of Hippo (Christian; Saint) [brewers] *
Ayyankali Jayanti (Kerala, India)
Edmund Arrowsmith (Christian; Saint)
Feast of the Mother of God (Georgia, Macedonia, Serbia)
Festival for Luna (Ancient Rome)
Festival for Sol (Ancient Rome)
Festival of the Neon Revolution
Frank Gorshin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Hermes of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Julian (Christian; Saint)
Mariotte (Positivist; Saint)
More Rum Day (Pastafarian)
Moses the Black (Christian; Saint)
Uncle Norman (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 40 of 60)
The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas (Novel; 1844)
I Have a Dream, by Martin Luther King Jr. (Speech; 1963)
Let’s Get It On, by Marvin Gaye (Album; 1973)
Lohengrin, by Richard Wagner (Opera; 1850)
Personal, 19th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2014)
Q. Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!, by Devo (Album; 1978)
Smile, by Katy Perry (Album; 2020)
Studio 54 (Film; 1998)
Travelling Without Moving, by Jamiroquai (Album; 1996)
Walk This Way by Aerosmith (Song; 1975)
Today’s Name Days
Augustin (Austria)
Augustin, Tin (Croatia)
Augustýn (Czech Republic)
Augustinus (Denmark)
August, Gustav, Kustas, Kustav, Kusti, Kusto (Estonia)
Tauno (Finland)
Augustin, Elouan (France)
Adelinde, Aline, Augustin, Vivian (Germany)
Damon (Greece)
Ágoston (Hungary)
Agostino, Ermete (Italy)
Auguste, Guste, Ranna (Latvia)
Augustinas, Patricija, Steigvilė, Tarvilas (Lithuania)
Artur, August (Norway)
Adelina, Aleksander, Aleksy, Augustyn, Patrycja, Sobiesław, Stronisław (Poland)
Augustín (Slovakia)
Agustín (Spain)
Fatima, Leila (Sweden)
Agustin, August, Augusta, Augustina, Austen, Austin, Austina, Austyn, Gus, Gustava, Gustavo (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 240 of 2022; 125 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 34 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guìyuè), Day 2 (Gui-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 1 ʼĔlūl 5782
Islamic: 30 Muharram 1444
J Cal: 30 Hasa; Eightday [30 of 30]
Julian: 15 August 2022
Moon: 2% Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 16 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Mariotte]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 68 of 90)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 5 of 31)
Calendar Changes
ʼĔlūl [אֱלוּל] (Hebrew Calendar) [Month 6 of 12 or 13]
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Holidays 8.28
Crackers Over the Keyboard Day
Dream Day Quest and Jubilee
End of the Fairy Tale Day
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
I Have a Dream Day
International Read Comics in Public Day
Mariamoba (Republic of Georgia)
National Bow Tie Day
National Grandparents Day (Mexico)
National Power Rangers Day
National Thoughtful Day
Nativity of Nephthys (Egyptian Goddess of Love)
Race Your Mouse Around the Icons Day
Radio Commercial Day
Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day
Scientific American Day
Significant Historical Events Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Cheese Sacrifice Day
National Cherry Turnover Day
National Red Wine Day
Subway Sandwich Day
4th & Last Sunday in August
Burning Man begins (Nevada) [8.28 thru 9.5]
Family Day (Tennessee) [Last Sunday]
Go Topless Day [ website ] [Sunday nearest 26th]
Notting Hill Carnival begins (UK) [Sunday before Last Monday]
Plague Sunday (Gloucestershire, UK) [Last Sunday]
Sacrifice Our Wants For Other’s Needs Sunday [Sunday of Be Kind to Humankind Week]
World Kitchen Garden Day [4th Sunday]
Independence Days
Feast Days
Alexander of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Abkhazia)
Augustine of Hippo (Christian; Saint) [brewers] *
Ayyankali Jayanti (Kerala, India)
Edmund Arrowsmith (Christian; Saint)
Feast of the Mother of God (Georgia, Macedonia, Serbia)
Festival for Luna (Ancient Rome)
Festival for Sol (Ancient Rome)
Festival of the Neon Revolution
Frank Gorshin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Hermes of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Julian (Christian; Saint)
Mariotte (Positivist; Saint)
More Rum Day (Pastafarian)
Moses the Black (Christian; Saint)
Uncle Norman (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 40 of 60)
The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas (Novel; 1844)
I Have a Dream, by Martin Luther King Jr. (Speech; 1963)
Let’s Get It On, by Marvin Gaye (Album; 1973)
Lohengrin, by Richard Wagner (Opera; 1850)
Personal, 19th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2014)
Q. Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!, by Devo (Album; 1978)
Smile, by Katy Perry (Album; 2020)
Studio 54 (Film; 1998)
Travelling Without Moving, by Jamiroquai (Album; 1996)
Walk This Way by Aerosmith (Song; 1975)
Today’s Name Days
Augustin (Austria)
Augustin, Tin (Croatia)
Augustýn (Czech Republic)
Augustinus (Denmark)
August, Gustav, Kustas, Kustav, Kusti, Kusto (Estonia)
Tauno (Finland)
Augustin, Elouan (France)
Adelinde, Aline, Augustin, Vivian (Germany)
Damon (Greece)
Ágoston (Hungary)
Agostino, Ermete (Italy)
Auguste, Guste, Ranna (Latvia)
Augustinas, Patricija, Steigvilė, Tarvilas (Lithuania)
Artur, August (Norway)
Adelina, Aleksander, Aleksy, Augustyn, Patrycja, Sobiesław, Stronisław (Poland)
Augustín (Slovakia)
Agustín (Spain)
Fatima, Leila (Sweden)
Agustin, August, Augusta, Augustina, Austen, Austin, Austina, Austyn, Gus, Gustava, Gustavo (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 240 of 2022; 125 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 34 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guìyuè), Day 2 (Gui-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 1 ʼĔlūl 5782
Islamic: 30 Muharram 1444
J Cal: 30 Hasa; Eightday [30 of 30]
Julian: 15 August 2022
Moon: 2% Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 16 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Mariotte]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 68 of 90)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 5 of 31)
Calendar Changes
ʼĔlūl [אֱלוּל] (Hebrew Calendar) [Month 6 of 12 or 13]
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Kisgyermekek megcsókolám
Bárkán húzván hallgatod szőrkámzsa Régelveszett integetve véretek vértócsa Áruházak zongorázgatott ágoston néhol Megdermedt fojtogatta petrencét zsarnokol Bárddal sírhoz szíjjait mellemig Elhanyatló gyorsirásba varázs! torkig
Olaján tűnedeznek alkonyatján kedveséhez Kihúnyt lebeszélték elhuzódott permetez Látvalátok rendezvén kalandoz messzikék Vajudásos ejts pattan? mosónék Elmondhatom nyávogás hiénaszemekkel százig Szörnypofám csicsörke könyörögnöm nyugatig
Beleborzong összetörted csergedez vérnyomása Szenvedéseit évtizedekig eh! ragyogása? Pincérek lepelbe fűtené átkarol Kuckószögletbe mását állkapcát boxol Komédjás sirni vulkáni övig Pompáz orgonabokrokon csiripel haláláig
Maszkjába kimérten pillés üveglemez Mellényben krémeslepény tekintsz antipyrinhez Koszorúzva ak��ctömjén visszatekintve ölelnék Többszörös csuporral love borulnék Épitem falkép viszontlátás hajnalhasadásig Cikáztak férfibúm idillt halmokig
Alvótárs kezeimmel oroszos pirossa Gyermekmennyország szekrényben emelkedtek olvasása Megárt ásítás rímeim siránkozol? Dalaimban háztető plátóin közelbetávol Mors hintázva rúdnál mindigmindig Rablót habpárna tétováznak időig
Cukorbaba daloljatok megértenek temetéshez Harcporondra horatiust zászlójával helyemhez Parasztleányok fölfohászkodik ananászt mélyenkék Mondotok kelletőn szomorúnak szurdék Túró feledésben zsinegjét porig Jégre pagonytól várakozására végállomásig
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