#lov her so much ❤
mango-bango-bby · 2 years
Hey Mango I was wondering if I can request for a L.O.V Were darling reader had a relationship (secret) and they comes back crying because they found out there partner cheated On them?❤
♡ Cheated ♡
(A/N: Platonic LOV 🥺🥺 Comforts me and my heart 🥺💖 I’ve gone through this before and what I would give to have had the LOV to be with me during that time!!)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, platonic yandere, protectiveness, readers boyfriend cheats on them, mentions and implied murder
Summary: Your boyfriend cheated on you, but your family is here to comfort you (Platonic!LOV x GN!teen!reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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You are the baby of the league. By that, it means you were the youngest and they refused to let you go on many missions with them. You were mostly a nurse, taking care of their injuries. They all treated you like a child, even though you were a teenager. You hated it, how much they babied you.
You immediately feel the tension when you enter into the bar. Kurogiri being the first one to speak up. “Where were you?” He asks stiffly, saying what the rest of the villains were thinking. You keep your eyes fixated on the floor, trying not the let put the tears you were trying so hard to hold in.
“I’m going to my room” you say trying to keep your voice stable but being unable to keep your voice from wavering. Toga is the first one to get up, grabbing onto your arm as you try and walk away, spinning you around to face her. “Oh my gosh, you are crying! Oh, my poor Y/n!” she gasps, immediately pulling you into a tight hug. You want to push her away tell her that your fine, but you don’t.
You bring your hand up to hold tightly onto her as well, burying your face into her neck as you let out sobs. “Is this because of that boy?” Dabi sneers, watching you nod your head while still holding onto Toga. You had a huge crush on a member of a villain group they had worked with before, the whole league knew. However they didn’t know you started dating him. They just thought it was a crush.
“W-we started da-dating-” you start only to cut off. “You what?” Tomura interrupted, disgust in this voice. They were so protective over you, it wanting you dating anyone or even being around anyone else. Knowing that you start dating that dirtbag and now he had made you fucking cry? Didn’t bode well. You were like a little sibling to all of them!
“He cheated on me” you whisper, feeling the energy in the room immediately darken. Not only did this boy date you behind their backs, but then he broke your fucking heart?! He broke your heart, he made you cry! “I’m sorry-“ you start only to be cut off once again.
“Don’t be sorry, that boys a fucking idiot” Dabi seethes. As much as most of them would deny it, they really cared about you. “Poor baby, don’t waste your tears on someone like him” Toga says, petting your hair. Although she’s upset for you, she is excited to comfort you. Every time your sad it means you get some quality time with your ‘big sister’.
Shigaraki is already planning murder. And not a quick one, one that would hurt. Something that would hurt the same way he hurt you. That’s not even including the person he cheated on you with, they’re going to get what’s coming to them too.
You sit on the couch Dabi and Tomura sits on, Toga leading you over there. You sit in between both of them, pulling both of them closer to you so you’re squished in between them. You lay your head on Dabi’s shoulder, silent tears falling down your face again.
With your eyes closed, they all look at each other. A silent agreement. This boy is going to get what’s coming to him.
︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ Thank you for reading, darling!!
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nyxivy · 2 years
Dude your boorman fic fed my ❤ I loved it soooooooo much. If you ever do another one you should definitely do one in the Nockmaar castle. If not a graydon one where he's possessed and talking to Y/N like he did with elora which I think was episode 4. They're just sooooo fine.
thank you so much!! <3 There are defo more boorman fics brewing but i just loved the graydon idea so much i just had to!! as always its a gender neutral reader, the reader's a bit angry in this one but i don't think they actually dislike anyone they're just stressed. hope you enjoy!! <3 <3
It was hell to see Graydon like this, for almost as long as you had been a knight, you had been his personal protector. You were best friends and companions in almost everything you did, even on your days off. You had been there the day he-  the day his brother died. You’d seen the thing that had taken control of his mind and body and you had vowed to yourself that you’d never let anything like that in again.
Yet here you were, Graydon chained by his wrists, kneeling on the cold, damp floor of Nockmaar castle of all places. You hadn’t left his side since the injury, your defences heightened to the point it took several minutes of debate to even let Boorman help you carry Graydon inside, you would have slung him over your shoulder and done it completely yourself. Now you knelt beside him, a dirty rag in your hand to periodically wipe sweat from his forehead or vomit from his chin. Your heart clenched every time he wretched and you think you must look as heartbroken as you feel because the others keep looking at you almost as worriedly as they looked at Graydon.
“What happened to Ballentine and Merrick is gonna happen to me,” Graydon says quietly into the silence of the cavernous room. It feels like he’s voicing a thought that everyone’s having so you screw your eyes shut and shake your head almost imperceptibly. You knew this was going to happen, Graydon was far too smart and far too righteous for his own good and you swear if he suggests any one of you kill him you were going to scream.
“And you guys are gonna have to stop me before I. . .”
A well timed thunderclap echoes through the room as your grip tightens on his tunic where your hand is laid on his shoulder to keep him steady. You're unable to muster up anything in response so you just swallow hard, trying to get rid of the lump in your throat.
In the background you can hear Elora questioning Willow but all you can hear is the rushing of blood in your ears, you only pay attention when Graydon speaks again and you can’t help but smile, of course he can still recite the epic tale of Bavmorda’s defeat whilst in his condition. He was obsessed with stuff like this. It was one of the things you lov-  admired about him. At the end of his speech he retched again.
Throughout the evening you attempted to feed him tiny morsels of food, you hadn’t said a word to the others, the only sounds you made were to murmur things to Graydon calmingly and the only time you moved was to fetch him water, more food or a clean rag. Right now you sat cross-legged with his head resting on your thigh, you stroked his head lovingly and hummed softly so that only you and Graydon could hear it, although you wouldn’t have really cared if the others did hear.
“How long does he have?” 
The sound of Jade’s voice catches your attention although you don’t look up
“Until it takes hold?”
Eventuallly, Willow answers her 
“Not long. Some time in the small hours of the morning he’ll lose control”
“I mean we all know what has to be done.” Kit says gravely
This does make you look up and you hurl a venomous look at her
“You little sh-” you begin, your voice croaky from the hours spent in silence but still seething with rage.
“Kit’s right” Graydon says quietly, laying a gentle hand on your leg, halting you before you can start to throw insults around.
“I’ve had some experience with this before and I know I’m not strong enough to stop it. . . I don’t want to hurt you guys. . .But I will”
His voice is so forlorn that it only hardens your resolve.
“You are not dying tonight,” Your voice is steely but your eyes are soft as you put a hand on the back of his neck and press your forehead to his. It was perhaps too intimate a gesture for the company but you had left your manners behind long ago.
Elora stands from where she was seated besides the two of you
“If Her Highness is in such a hurry to see it done, she ought to do it herself.”
You were glad to have at least one ally in this
“Oh, you don’t think I will?”
“Uh, I don’t” Boorman pipes up from his place beside the fire, his mouth still full. “Killin’ someone who isn’t trying to kill you back, it's not an easy thing to do”
You stand to take a step towards them, besides Elora, your hand going to your sword at your belt threateningly.
“There’ll definitely be someone trying to kill her back”
Elora pleads that there must be something Willow could do and you can’t help but agree, he was supposed to be the greatest sorcerer in the world. If Graydon died tonight and his personal fucking hero; the allmighty sorcerer Willow couldn’t save him you might just kill everyone in this room and then yourself.
When Willow agrees to at least attempt to help Graydon, you follow him out of the room and into what looks like a large storage cupboard, although you recognise very few of the ingredients in the jars on the shelves. You hurry to help everyone collect the ingredients and tools Willow listed off, nervous about leaving Graydon for too long.
“We can’t allow Graydon’s infection to pass to any of us, if it does we won't get out of here alive” Willow says as everyone gathers at a table ready to split up to their own tasks. You’re biting your nails, restless about getting back to Graydon.
“How infectious are you talking, like if he coughs on us? Or if I touch him and then I, you know, touch my face or. . .”
“I’ve been touching him all night, you couldn’t have said something before?” You demand. You can tell Boorman’s about to make a comment without even having to look at him “Not like that” You growl.
“The vermiscus goo.” Willow clarifies “Don’t sniff it, don’t wipe it, don’t eat it”
“Why would we eat it?” Elora ponders but you’re already done with this conversation and about halfway to the door when Willow seems to remember something else.
“Wait! There’s one thing even more important than that. No matter what, stay out of the High Tower. It’s maybe, probably a portal to the Netherworld”
“Portal to the Netherworld,” You mutter “Of course it is”
There’s another thunderclap and you leave the room before anyone else says another word.
Once you’ve returned to Graydon you deposit your armfuls of ingredients on a small table and when Willow arrives not long after you , you help Graydon into a reclined position on another kind of table. 
“Hey, now this is looking like a real exorcism” You joke, trying to lighten the mood. 
Graydon chuckles but it quickly turns into a cough. When Kit returns with the rest of the ingredients, you busy yourself with mashing together something the way Willow instructed, if you listen to her for more than five seconds right now you’re not sure if you could stop yourself from doing something stupid and what Graydon really doesn’t need right now is a fight. You had always been wary of Kit. She didn’t want to get married, you get that, but the way she treated Graydon had been grating on you from the moment you met her. Graydon had tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but your patience was wearing thin. It’s not even like her status as Graydon’s fiance meant she was trying to take him away from you. Not that you owned him, obviously, but you couldn’t help the bubbling jealousy beneath the surface that she was the one who got to marry him. And now she was basically advocating for his death, without even trying to save him. It was a double edged sword, you hated that she didn’t like Graydon but if she was any kinder to him your jealousy would probably be unbearable.
You’re snapped out of your thoughts when Willow puts a hand on your shoulder and you realise that the ingredients are far past mashed together and the mortar and pestle in your hands are gripped so tightly that they threaten to shatter. Willow gives you a tight lipped sympathetic smile and takes the bowl from you gently.
When Willow pulls out a large pair of shears you jump to your feet, ready to defend Graydon once again but Willow just uses them to cut open his shirt. 
You’d seen his scars a few times before, the first time when you had been showing him some of your scars and he was adamant he had you beat and you wouldn’t let it go until he showed you, the second time you had burst into his room while he was changing, much to the embarrassment of you both and the third time on one glorious summer evening when the two of you had been walking by a lake and you had convinced him to come swimming with you. He was usually very wary of anyone else seeing his scars but you had convinced him it was just the two of you. The memories flashed before your eyes as you put a comforting hand on his shoulder while he explained them to Willow and Elora. You wanted to tell them to mind their own fucking business but you were trying to keep a hold of your temper for Graydons sake and pissing off the only two people who might be able to save him was not smart.
Willow retreats to grab a bucket from his workstation and returns, gesturing for you to move out of the way. Reluctantly and with one final squeeze to his shoulder you step back to stand besides Elora. 
Graydon screams as the liquid from the bucket connects with his flesh. You screw your eyes shut, the sizzling sound of his flesh making you want to vomit or curl up into a ball or both. Elora’s hand finds yours and she squeezes you tightly. You squeeze her hand back and the two of you stand there for what feels like an eternity.
You feel utterly fucking useless, hours go by and all you can do is stand and watch. You’re not a sorcerer, you don’t know how to do spells or make potions. Hell, you’re not even that good at cooking. You knew how to fight, this sorcery stuff was Graydon's specialty, if only you could just punch this fucking Lich out of him. The sound of Willow and Elora chanting was driving you insane, the same gibberish over and over again and nothing seemed to be happening. Even in his state Graydon was able to correct Elora’s pronunciation of the spell. It made you smile despite the circumstances
Eventually Kit returned with the final ingredients. Graydon seemed to have settled down into a restless sleep while Elora and Willow finished the salve. You hovered nervously at Graydon’s side, biting your nails as you watch the two sorcerers work. Willow collects a blob of the salve on the tip of a knife that Boorman had retrieved earlier and presses it to the wound at Graydon’s shoulder. You tense up ready for the screaming to start again but it doesn’t seem to bother him. You don't know if that's a good sign or a bad sign.
Suddenly he sits bolt upright, his hands coming to fists in Willows tunic 
“Get me some water, peck”
It was Graydon's voice but it didn’t sound like him at all.
“Or you die. Understand? Water”
Elora hurries to fetch him water and you take a step forward, your hand outstretched tentatively, unsure if you should touch him or not.
“Graydon?” You ask softly, his eyes snap to you before his head flies back and the sound of Airk’s voice emanates from his throat.
“It’s not Airk, it’s the Lich, trying to break our concentration” Willow warns. 
Unable to cope, Kit runs from the room and Elora and Willow continue their chanting. When Graydon's voice switches to Mims, addressing Willow now he stuffs a rag in his mouth and your resolve breaks. You don’t care if you’re risking infecting yourself, you sink to your knees at Graydon’s side, an arm reach over his chest to hold him, your other hand around his chained bicep. You press your forehead to his side and the sound of Elora and Willow chanting and then breaking into argument is far in the distance. You focus on the fact you can still hear him breathing and you murmur quietly to him, telling him it’s gonna be alright. And that Willow and Elora are going to save him. Eventually you feel a hand on your shoulder, it’s Willow, holding some sort of instrument that looks more like a weapon than anything that would be used to heal someone. He has a grave look on his face
“You need to leave. You’re not going to want to see this.”
Silently you stand, and give Graydon one last look before leaving the room. You hadn’t noticed that Elora had left but there was no sight of her as you’re walking down the corridor. Piercing through the silence, Graydon’s screams start up again and you clap your hands over your ears and take off running, you need to get away from this awful place. Eventually, when you can no longer hear Graydon’s screams you stop running, you don’t know where you are, all the corridors look the same anyway, you sink down against the wall, bringing your knees up to your chest. There you sit, huddled up against the wall for what could have been minutes or hours. Eventually you’re too exhausted to keep your eyes open and you doze off. You think you’re dreaming at first, you can hear Graydon’s voice echoing around you but as it gets closer and you begin to wake up you can still hear his voice, and is that Elora too? You scramble to your feet and run towards the sound.
“Graydon?” You call, the hope in your voice is obvious.
You turn a corner and there he is, looking a little bit worse for wear but otherwise unharmed. You race towards him, collecting him in a bone crushing hug
“What happened?” You demand “Where’s Willow?”
They explain what Graydon told Elora, that the exorcism worked but now the Lich was possessing Willow and they needed to find him. Elora tells you that they think he might be in the High Tower and you nod, it makes sense but you can’t help but get a bad feeling about it in the pit of your stomach. Something wasn’t right. 
Right now though you couldn’t care less, with Graydon’s hand clutched in yours you felt like you could do anything and you were going to kick that Lich’s ass.
The three of you race up to the High Tower, Elora leading the way. Every so often, you catch Graydon glancing over at you with a smile and you wonder how much of the evening he remembers. The butterflies in your stomach soon overtake the previous unease and you’re almost embarrassed by how much of a wreck you were earlier. The door to the High Tower creaks open, revealing a dark and dusty yet empty room.
“He’s not here” Elora says, sounding defeated.
Graydon’s hand slips from yours and he begins to walk slowly into the room.
“No.” he says. You frown.
“I don’t understand, where could he be?”
“I don’t know, but maybe it’s okay.”
“What do you mean okay? We have to find him before it’s too late”
“Don’t you see?”
The sinking feeling in your stomach has returned and you find your hand creeping towards your sword.
“It doesn’t matter.” The previously unlit candles spring to life and you feel sick.
Graydon turns to face the two of you, two minutes ago he had looked unharmed, now it looked like his skin was blistering and peeling from his face. 
You unsheath your sword, it feels heavy in your hands as Graydon says
“He can’t help you anymore.”
Elora runs for the door but an unseen force slams it shut before she can reach it. You don’t take your eyes off Graydon
“We’re gonna finish the ritual. Tonight”
You take a step towards him
“Graydon, I know you’re in there. I know you can hear me,” you plead “this isn’t you”
“I’ve never felt stronger” His voice is distorted. This is not the Graydon you know. And it certainly isn’t the Graydon you love. He picks up a boulder from the floor and hoists it over his shoulder.
“Look! I’m strong now! I can finally protect you like you want. You don’t have to be the one looking after me all the time” His voice breaks and you hear the real Graydon underneath and your heart shatters. You shake your head at him, clutching your sword in both hands, terrified that you’re going to have to use it. 
“That is not what I want. You’re already strong, Graydon,” 
You can hear your blood rushing in your ears, your head is pounding, there’s definitely something fucked up about this tower. The tears you’ve been holding back prick at your eyes and threaten to spill out.
“You’re strong in ways that matter! In the real way! You’re smart and kind, I wish I was more like you!” Your voice cracks and you’re desperately trying not to let the tears spill out. Graydon looks unphased but you can see something swimming in his eyes. The real him is still there.
Suddenly the door swings open and Willow appears
“What did I say was the number one most important safety rule?”
Graydon hurls his rock at Willow who dives out of the way just in time. You launch yourself at Graydon, who just flings you backwards with a flick of his wrist where you fly into the door, hitting the back of your head with a slam. You black out for just a second but when you come to Graydon has Elora levitating high into the air.
“So tell me, how will you defeat us?”
You stand as willow says 
“Same as last time, with my friends.”
The door opens and Kit, Jade and Boorman stand besides you. You think for a moment that Graydon looks worried and is soon proved right when Willow uses his staff to send him flying backwards into the wall. Kit, Jade and Boorman run to pin him down. You’re still dazed, using a pillar to stop yourself from collapsing back on the floor when you hear Boorman's voice.
“We have to do it”
You know exactly what he means and you let out a yell, hurling yourself towards him. You are not letting anyone kill your best friend. Your tousle with Boorman for a moment, you think you’ve just got the upper hand when he lands a blow right to the bruise on the back of your head. Your vision swims and he manages to get a grip on your arms, holding you as you struggle against him. You scream in frustration, the tears finally spilling over onto your cheeks. Kit and Jade still battle to hold Graydon down although Jade has her sword half unsheathed and only Kit’s exclamation to wait stops her from using it. You’re sobbing now, fighting fruitlessly against Boorman’s hold. You just need to get to him, you just need to be with him. The world grows strangely silent as you turn your attention to Elora
“Please-!” you choke out “You need to save him please”
Slowly she makes her way over to you, you think it has nothing to do with your pleading and everything to do with whatever it was Kit just said to her but you don’t care. You just need her to save him. She holds her hand out to you and reluctantly Boorman lets you go to take it.
“I need your help” she says
You shake your head, the tears still flowing. 
“I’m no good at that shit. I can’t do magic. That’s Graydon’s thing”
“Do you love him?”
You’re taken aback but slowly you nod
“Then you can do it.”
She leads you over to Graydon who doesn’t fight back as Jade relinquishes her hold on him. Elora’s hand remains firmly in yours as you lean over the man you love. You feel as though he’s staring directly into your soul as your eyes flutter shut and your lips connect, the taste of him mingling with your salty tears. When you part you can see the wisps of gold light, streaming out from his mouth and into yours and when you turn to look you can see it travelling through your arm and into Elora where your hands connect. You watch as it dissipates out of her into the night air and you turn around to see Graydon staring at you in awe. You sob, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and burying your head in his neck
“You asshole, don’t ever do that to me again” You blubber. His hand comes up to the back of your head and he laughs breathlessly 
“I knew you could do it.”
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woozi · 6 months
helluu yza <333 🫂🫂🥰🥰🥰
i've been doing good overall <33 it comes and goes hddjkd last year ended up leaving a sour taste in the mouth, it's been quiet since 2024 started, not liking it but can't do much to change it either, can you tell i have a hard time letting things go lmao?it'll eventually get sorted out (i hope)
ANYWAY, i decided to join letterboxd community, i am a complete movie person now (if you wanna be moots there lmk), the recent one i watched was "call me chihiro", do watch it when you can, i liked it, AND AND AND there's this indian movie called "three of us" (2022) i'm still recovering from it, people who think 2521 was traumatic wouldn't be able to handle this movie at all, it's about this woman going back to her home town with her husband for a visit after something happens to her, to recollect herself and she meets her childhood friend there 😭😭😭 IT'S LIKE PAST LIVES MOVIE BUT ALSO KINDA DIFFERENT. i love both of them equally. please do watch it if you can't find link i'll send it you <333 there's too many gems i've been finding out about after making an account on letterboxd. ( also i finally watched kiki's delivery service, i had been meaning to but kept delaying it, it's soo good, the kid with specs annoyed me lmao but i got over it quickly (in the sense that i didn't care much about him or his plot hdjskss)
we can always pick up our movie hangouts, feel free to lmk on disc or even if you want ro reach out to say something 🥰 it'll reach me faster compared to here im not much of a tumblr girl anymore it seems
what's new with you? how are you doing?
i hope you're well
i find myself humming to wait so much these days, it's funny because when it was released i listened to it and then never looked back 😭 ( fake carat booo fake ot13 booo 🍅🍅🍅🍅) now it stays rent free in my mind as i go about my day, the dance break towards the ending is so so good, i've been also enjoying yugyeom's album esp summer blues it's so my kind and OMG YES I WANTED TO ASK WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON BIBI'S BAM YANG GANG? 🎤 (atp i feel like i should call myself bibi stan)
thank you for even replying back even though you don't really have to hddjsk i missed you too 🫂 you're so kind to me always <333 sending you more peaceful and good weather days, i hope you are also finding space and time for pausing in between the chaos around you 🥺💌
MA CHERIE 🥺🥰😻😘😚😍♥💜🧡❣💝💞💟💌❤💛💚💙🖤💓💖💗
i'm so sorry to hear that :(( and if it's any consolation, it really is as they say!! all things really will come to pass, it's just a matter of time <3 hope u know i'm always here to lend an ear as well i lov u 🥺
ALSO LOVE LETTERBOXD REALLY IS A FILM GIRLIE EXPERIENCE FDJKJFDJKFD i unfortunately dont have it (shame on me as a prev film major LMFAO) but i'd love to be moots i'll create an acc for u <3 ALSO LOVEEEEEEEE THESE RECCS I'M TAKING NOTES!!! also still dk why 2521 was So Sad for people, i really loved it and just thought it was realistic 😭 AND KIKI'S!!!!!!!!!!!! that was also super fun for me and i loved jiji's little love story line SOOO MUCH
also felt abt that </3 I WAS ALSO JUST GONNA TELL U ABT DISC GJKFDKJFDKJ we really r soulmates atp <33 think i've also been away from tumblr since jan of 2023 now 😭 i honestly just come back during times when my love for the sebongs is Monumental and bc there r svt nets who still dont have admins 😭
the past year has also been super rough for me so i really get u when u said u hope things will sort themselves out soon FDJJKFD but i'm sure it will on both our ends!! that's just how life is sometimes. thank u for checking up on me <333
ALSO SO REAL ABT JUST CHECKING OUT RELEASES AND DIPPING DKJSJKDSS I LOV U SM!! AND I REALLY LOVED ITTTTTTTTTTTTT, think it showed a v different side to her <33 ((although the lyrics are Very Much still bibi, it's just the melody and presentation that gave her a new spice)
AND WHY WOULD U EVEN THANK ME 😤😤😤😤 i should be thanking YOU for the gift of friend chip <33 hope the days r also kinder to u, i'd fight ur demons if i could 😡 LOV UUUUUUU LET'S HANG OUT AND WATCH MOVIES AGAIN TGT SOON <#3333333333333 MWAH
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ptilopseth · 10 months
I just wanted to say you have really great taste! Ptilopsis is a platonic of mine! I STILL dont have her but I plan on getting her from the free 5 star in the anniversary. Im prefarming her and everything
Its great to see arknights selfshippers in general hihihihi (ignore I have like 20 mains)
IM NEVER ON TUMBLR SO I DIDNT SEE THIS but hello thank you!!!!❤❤❤🎆🎆🎆🎆
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serekiri · 11 months
U should rate top 5 dr yuri pairings
hii freddy, hope you're doing okay. since you've asked nicely, here are my ratings on dr yuri pairings that ive picked at the top of my head. hope you enjoy ❤💕
well ill start with the first 5 if that's fine, this is very opinionated so sorry if it may seem biased, im just going off on what i remember from the dr series (god i need to revisit the games and the franchise as well iirc, since this is just thh first, sdr2 second, udg, dr3, and then v3 final, and then ill get around to consuming some supplementary materials in a bit so yeah.) sorry for the rambling now i should get to it!
1- celesgiri. my old favourite. its really just a crackship if im being honest as they barely interacted at all, but that makes it so fun afterall, plus their colour palettes both synchronise with each other really well. like lilac lavender purple/dark purple scheme colours synchronised with black and candy red together as well? really good. i really like their designs together, and i think that they're the only detective/liar ship that matters, really.
celestia being a selfish manipulative liar that cares about no one but herself also is fine, although the shit she did do was unjustifiable (lying about the sexual assault thing for money is very fucked up id admit but i can't really hate her. sometimes we need female characters that are huge unrepetant pieces of shit, don't we..?) regardless of what she did, i found the ship interesting back then. (and i still do! even though its for siller reasons.), because of how it clicked to me at first, and how kirigiri is very distrustful and cold and aloof and often doesnt trust others and has very strained relationships with like. naegi for example, and makes paranoia-driven desicions and throws people like him under the bus for example and whatnot, and her having backstory of her being forced to be a detective because of her grandfather after her mother's death, really, and having issues with her dad and hating him as well cause of what he did. and plus! celestia pretending to be someone she's not, along with her selfish and silly dream of wanting to be a queen in a castle to her vampire butler servants is so funny. she didn't even have to sugarcoat what she wants. its nothing more than merely a childish selfish dream, but it's still something she holds in anyways. could be the fact due to the fact that she wishes that she was just as cool as her dream self is, and portrays herself as this evil, selfish tyrant who would backstab others just for one thing she selfishly desires, compared to her real self taeko, who's more quiet, reserves to herself and is sitting alone while her classmates are around and about. i feel like, they're both the kind of secretive and cagey gals?
now, for the less pretentious answer that you're probably looking for it, i shipped it so much cause i loved their designs so much and their colour palettes. their colour palettes look so so tasty. lilac lavender colours contrasted with lilac purple colours shifting to a deep dark purple with orange, contrasted with the simple dull victorian goth black with candy red eyes. its so good. i lov their hairstyles as well. they look soo pretty!! together! i shipped them cause i just wanted 2 see 2 pretty girls kiss together and i really loved their character designs and thought they were so cool back then. so! 8/10 crackship! they're so fun to draw and write about! i could write all of the scenarios for them i could muster about. been a while. i should draw and create edits about them soon. i really do miss them.
kirizono - ohhh. them. they're a good pairing, not healthy, its very toxic yuri coded, especially with sayaka being a manipulative individual who's very strategic and bases her whole identity on self destruction from an industry that's very competitive, hence her being less of a good person as she grows up as she gives herself away to an industry that eats her from the inside like a parasite. what i do like about the ship is that it's based on two, two people who are cagey for the most opposite reasons, and contrast one another. kirigiri is distrustful for reasons, like parental issues and has some secrets to hold, while sayaka is secretive due to her idol persona, maintained by her idol industry. sayaka is an hollow shell of the person she used to be, as the once lonely child who watched idols on the tv and got her ethics and morals from them, while being young an aspiring died out as she probably learned the horrors of the industry, and did so many horrible shit to keep her existence alive. also not to mention the fact that she's VERY OBSESSIVE AND FIXATIVE on the idea of keeping an strong ideal on her bandmates altogether. i mean.
do you know why she tried to kill leon and frame makoto for murder and stab him in the back for it? do you know why sayaka tried to break makoto's trust for it? it's because she bases and centers her whole life unhealthily, and MANIPULATIVELY to the fucking stage. she cannot trace her entire existence to nothing other than a stage, she has to devote her ENTIRE life to dancing dancing dancing and making an entire career out of it, she has to keep the entire song in her head going. because of the horrors she was exposed towards against HER own will. that's why she was desensitised to the horrors. thats why she has to get up on the stage to make music again. she has to make music again for the others even if it's very twisted. she has to hurt and harm and ruin others lives to make an impact.
she's not a very good person. deep down, she may be a bad person, who's refusing to help herself get better and direct her love for song in a way that doesn't trace back to the industrial capitalist machine that's numbing her slowly inside. she might be as well tearing herself to shreds and setting herself to fire as she continues this fight. maybe she's just as not good of a person as she presents herself out to be. maybe she's a misunderstood mentally ill person who had a horrible life and was not offered help when she desperately needed it the most when she was suffering. ohh my god. kirizono drives me nuts. maybe in another life, kyoko and sayaka could heal and sayaka could be a better person in another life if she was treated right, and probably raised better? her raising is just unhealthy. idk. they make me feel sick.
8.5 out of 10 i love them so much but only on sayaka's part. she makes this pairing so much interesting. sorry. the fucked up mishmash phoenix wright and jeff the killer combo of a girl x just some girl who’s very stoic and purple drives me nuts it’s crazy.
kaeangie- SO CUTE OUTSIDE OF CANON!!! angie was portrayed in a very racist, orientalist manner unfortunately by kodaka, and her portrayal of an indigenous polynesian woman was very horrid. never again. if you like completely separate it from the very racist, orientalist portrayal of her character and her indigenity and her faith as a whole, it's so much more refreshing and better as a pairing for real. i love this ship because of how fun and colourful it really is, and angie trying her very best to like maintain a cheerful environment within the killing game (as she herself is very stressed and paranoid to an extent i bet.) they would have a really good dynamic! i like the idea of angie having insomnia and crying to kaede about a very valid and reasonable concern she has (for example, her being scared that her friends might die, her having a nightmare again, etc.) and kaede coming to comfort her. its very good. also angie telling kaede about her culture and her indigenous heritage that's implied (but not in a good way due to the game's portrayal of it.) such a good ship omg. 10/10. i luv it so much.
soniakane- soniakane is so so good also. its way much better than soniaki. nanami is not even a good character. sorry. she could be better. sorry if this opinion about her makes you feel bad but i cannot get myself behind to like soniaki at all. although i really do like soniakane for example. such an interesting concept for yuri because of the dynamic of a person who lived in poverty presumably trying her very best to live 4 herself..in this fucked up loveless environment, vs princess who came from another country has to learn the perspective of a what akane has to go through, and definitely sympathising with her as she's definitely a nice person even if i dont care about sonia's character that much. such a good pairing. need to rehash my very foggy memory of the sdr2 plot, since the last time i fixated on sdr2 was at 13 years old? in 2018? i don't know. need to revisit it again.
tysm for asking, and i was very indesicive im so sorry if you were expecting an much interesting answer, it's my first ask being recieved like this. have a nice day, ill see you soon! (-:
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yamikawas · 3 years
HEY DID YOU KNOW!!! That Yoomtah is so in love with you! Head over heels! Absolutely obsessed with every part of you!
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lesbianpikachuu · 5 years
i want kiss her
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#my girlfriendnefnfnfnfnfhhdhhdhfnfjdjfndskdfndjkfndjddjdnsmdn#im so sleeeeeeepyyyyyyy but i wanna lovepost................aaaaaaaaa#look at her shes an ANGEL!!!!!!!!I LOVE HER SO MUCH💖💚💞💙⚢💋👭❣💞🌺⚢❣⚘💙🌸💚💝❣💌💜🌸💙🌷💐💋💙💛❤❣💜💝💙💋💖❣💖🌺💌💚💚💝💮💌🏵💌💛💮🌸💌#aaaaAAAAAAAA SHES SO ADORABLE💞💌💞💚🏵💚💜💚💚💮💛💌🏵💐💮💌💮🌻🏵🌺⚢💌⚢⚘💙⚘💋⚢💋🏵💝💝💙💝💋💋💕💓💚💝💚🏵💌🏵💌💐💮💌🌹💐⚢🌻⚢💌⚢💌⚢#SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DKDJTKKRHFJDHDJDHSJSHDJDJDF CJJDJDJSJS#WHAT AN ANGEL..........AN ABSOLUTE DARLING...............I JUST WANT TO KISS HER#THE CUTEST THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!💟🌻🌹💌💚👭💋🏵💞💝💝💚💮💚🏵💛⚘🌷💋🌸💋💓💚💓❣💜🌻🌼🌼💞🌻💞❣💋🏵💞🌹👭❤#❤💋💗💕💚💝💞💌🏵👭💌⚢💌💮💮💚🌷💋💜💚💜💛💞💛💐💟🌹💐👭🌻💮💌💮💛💕💐💕💜💞❣🌸💙💛💛💞💐💞💌🌹💐👭💚💟💘💞💘💕💋💓💚💝💌🏵#💙💞👭💋💖💌💖💚💕💜💚💮💌🌸❣🌼❣💌🌷💌⚘🌻⚢🌻⚘🌻🌻🏵🌺🌹💌🌹💌🏵💟💌💖💛💛💖💛💝💘🌸💙💜💚💜❤💝❤💝💘💕💘💞💚💖💚💖💕💚💚💖#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA💖💞💌💚🌹🏵💘🏵💘💝💚💕💌💞💌⚢💚⚢💘💞💛💖💛💝💛💛💞💛💞💗❣🌹❣👭💙💘💚💖💌💮💚💘💮❤💛💓💐💓💐🌸💌💚🌷💋🌷💋#shes so cute.........im gonna cry i love her so much#i wanna cuddle with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#jjfjdjjfhdjskdhfjfnfksjdkjsjsjfhdhbfjshsfjjsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa#happy......my gf............i lov her...............#shes so cute i just wanna hug her rlly tightly💖💚💮💚💜💘💝💘💝💚💝❣💟💌⚢💌⚢❣⚘❣🌷💌🌷⚢❣💝💌💚💝⚘💜💚💖💘💋💗💋💟💋💞💋💞💋🌹💙👭❣💮❣❣💜💘🌸#DHHFFJJSJFJS SHES SO ADORABLE#CUTEEEEE#AAAAAAA#i love her so much💖💌🌹💋⚢🏵💌💌💝💌❣⚘💚⚘🌸💙💝💙💝❣💛💙💋🌷💙💐❣💛🌻❤💌💌💚🌷💘💜❤💓💐💝💐💮💛⚘💞❤💜💖🌸🏵🌸⚢👭💝💕💗💕💝🌹💮
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specialagentlokitty · 3 years
Shigaraki x reader - care
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Yes I have come to put in another request, if you would wanna write it that is! Can I request a shigaraki x reader - where the reader joined the lov with dabi and toga, through dabi spends a little to much time with the reader and shigaraki gets jealous so he tries to get her attention? Thank you! ❤ (also you get make the reader any gender you want I don't really care/mind) - @fatherfigurefreddy 💜
Leaning against Dabi’s side, you were mindlessly scrolling through your phone, watching random videos that came up.
Dabi had his arm draped over you, flicking through channels to try and find one that interest him.
“I’m bored.” You sighed.
“That sucks.” He shrugged.
You rolled your eyes and shocked him lightly making him glare at you.
You gave him a sweet smile back and sat up, stretching over the back of the couch.
When your eyes locked with the ones of Shigaraki, you froze and flipped over, giving him a grin.
He stared at you for a few seconds, making you raise a brow in questioning at him.
Quickly he averted his gaze and frowned heavily.
“If you’re so bored go out.” He shrugged.
“Dabi won’t come with me.”
“He’s not the only one here.”
You were slightly take aback by his harsh tone, but you were used to it so you didn’t really think about it too much.
You looked around and shrugged slightly.
“No one else will come.”
“I have to go out so you can come with me I suppose.”
You beamed brightly and nodded, running to go grab your hoodie before meeting Shigaraki at the door.
You guys slipped into the streets with ease, immediately blending in with all the people wondering about.
“Where do you have to go.”
Shigaraki flicked his eyes to you before turning around, stuffing his hands into his pockets with a simple shrug of his shoulders.
“Doesn’t matter. Where do you want to go?”
You stopped, looking around the streets for something to do.
You never really had a plan when you came outside, since you were a masked villain no one knew it was you, but everyone knew who Shigaraki was so he had to be more careful.
Taking this into account, you remembered a quiet little spot on the beach where no one went due to how badly it used to be covered in trash.
“The beach? I know I quiet spot where we can stay hidden.”
“Whatever, lead the way.”
You nodded, and you guys slipped through the backstreets. It was easier to avoid the busier areas, and you knew for a fact it just so happened to be faster.
Neither of you spoke, you didn’t really speak to Shigaraki, since he never really spoke to you.
It was slightly awkward but you didn’t mind if, you enjoyed the little time you spent with the leagues leader, he wanted overly harsh to you like he was the others.
As you guys slipped over the beach wall, you landed on the soft sand and sighed in content, breathing in the salty air around you.
Shigaraki leant against the wall, watching as you wondered through the sand, up to the water for a few minutes then back over again.
Just as you were coming over, you flipped you so you had your back against the wall, and he was leaning over you, his hand on your shoulder, finger raised so he didn’t hurt you.
“People…” he whispered.
You flicked your gaze behind him and nodded.
They started whispering, so you acted quickly and wrapped your arms around the other villain, resting your head on his chest.
“What are you doing?” He asked lowly.
“Trust me…”
He didn’t say anything, but you could feel how tense he was.
Peaking around him, you saw the people walking away and sighed in relief.
Pulling you, you were quickly pulled back into the embrace leaving you confused.
“Uhm… Shigaraki?” You mumbled.
“You give Dabi hugs.” He grumbled.
You immediately clicked on to what he was on about, and you knew he was jealous.
“I can give hugs to you too?” You asked.
“Only when no one is around.”
You nodded, smiling brightly as you hugged him.
He was still tense and after a few minutes he slowly started to relax, his chin resting on your head, eyes carefully watching for anyone.
He couldn’t be caught be soft, but he didn’t want to let you go, at least not yet
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heavensickness · 3 years
would hg woohoo them tho?
if toasty would mod sims so hard to make his current ffxiv character, would she?
or if nightowl would make onion to indulge him in their dumb activities?
or if xyx would make himself as a glup shitto with extremely hot brother who looks suspiciously similar to xyx himself, would she still go for "the real xyx"?
(quest wouldn't play sims, he's too much of a server grandpa for that, also, if she'd ask him on the server, societyboy would say that sims are stupid and childish and he only plays gta:online because he can wear joker suit there)
hg and nightowl: look, we made you in the sims! he is wearing the same glasses with you and he is a comp sci student too. right now he is crossing his arms because he is angry at our own sims. do you like it??? ^_^
onion, choking back tears: it's fine.
JOKER SUIT ANDIQIDJWJ i don't think about s*cietyboy because i truly hate him ❤ but hg would make him in sims and make him pee his pants or fall asleep in public. xyx would also do that and send screenshots to hg captioned "idiot bastard pissed his pants again" and hg replies with a bunch of heart emojis
i think Quest would like the sims but he would play it in an animal crossing way? making his sim paint, go fishing, gardening, living a quiet life. he would launch the game on the weekends, see his lil sim and its cute house, and go ehegehehe :^). he would get attached to his beloved sim too and would get sad when his sim dies :( i lov Quest so much
i made this post for different AUs where she is dating each of them ajfjajdj not at the same time! and hell yea she would woohoo her love interest!!! idk anything abt ffxiv but if other players can see ur characters woohoo, then she wouldn't 🙈🙈🙈 she's shy
xyx WOULD set traps. at least 5 sims who look like him. she has to find the right one by learning each of their traits. she would find him eventually before he almost got eaten by a cowplant. most tragic love story since romeo and juliet
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
oh my god, i am so fucking here for peaches being cold towards bucky. even if breaks my heart a little for him but he definitively deserves it and maybe a little jealousy in the middle? 🤭
again, i am fucking obsessed with your story. 😫 your writing haves it all, the angst that leaves you heartbroken🥺, the feels who gets you all warm and fuzzy inside 🥰, the sexual tension🥴 and something that not every writer can put it out naturally, that is the funny moments between peaches and her friends or bucky or/and emma. just, god. so good. i am sorry i am rambling and annoying. lov u 💗
Oh there will be so so much jealousy honey! ❤ Like, Bucky and Peaches are both terrible at dealing with their emotions and now that they broke up...😈
Omg this is so sweet of you, thank you! ❤ And please never apologize for that, I love asks, they make my day! 😍❤❤ Love you! ❤❤❤
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garcello-my-beloved · 2 years
Annie sketch dump
I lov her I lov her so much❤❤❤
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Hey Skippy 😁 I am still furious over the GMA incident. Who do they think they are, disrespecting and bullying an innocent little boy who is also the future King. MM and her ignorant backers have no respect for Royalty or anyone or anything. They contribute absolutely nothing to society (Allegedly). I am so disgusted! In my opinion, Lara’s apology was worthless. Take them ALL down!!! (Allegedly) lov to LG ❤❤❤ ……………………………………………………………………..On a brighter note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PG 🎉🎈🎁🎂 Thanks for all your wonderful and hard work on the riddles. You do a great job! It is much appreciated! I hope you have a magical day filled will lots of laughs and love. My daughter loves sloths too, so I forward her all the sloth pictures and videos. ❤ She loves them. Thanks again! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PG 🎉🎈🎁🎂
Thank you so much!  We won’t forget Lara Spencer....she will be known as the “one”....thank you!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
PG you have mail💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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weebsinstash · 5 years
can we please have a part two to the shy!virgin!reader x dabi? how you wrote the reader was so good and i related to her so much. maybe she tries to escape to the police while dabis gone or maybe its dabi moving her to "her new home" and its dabis secret home away from the lov? this is less of a request and more of a plea;;
Aaaa I'm so glad you liked it ❤❤❤ I was worried that reader was acting too inconsistently or would be seen as too much of a pussy but I mean... I definitely would be scared into submission being threatened with BLUE fire like... It sounds like permanent scars waiting to happen 😭😭😭 half of reader's dialogue was honestly shit I would've said lmao
I've already started considering ways it would be potentially continued somehow, and I've had a few ideas of what to do though unsure of which one to choose, which is why I gave "part 1" such an open vague ending. WHY does he plan to come back? WHEN? For WHAT reason?
Honestly I can very easily see Dabi as a homeless little gremlin without a penny to his name which is actually like 80% why that didn't end with Dabi whisking away his new princess
there's also the... very intriguing dynamics I could introduce if I decide to play into the "Dabi is Touya" theory (which I believe in and wouldnt doubt to become canon at all)
Regardless fjfjfkg I'm really glad you connected to it and feedback is always welcome ❤❤❤
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lesbianpikachuu · 5 years
i made this during chorus bc a certain group was singing and i was feeling gay
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lesbianpikachuu · 6 years
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#I LOVE HAPPY💘👭❣💟🌸👭💖🌹👭🌷💟👭🌼💟🌷💟❣❤❣💜💗❤💖❤💝⚢💜🌸⚢👭🌸💟🌷🌹🌼🌷💟💚💮💚💘💜💞💗💟💞❤💛💮💙🌷🌷💟❣💟🌷💚❤🌷💟❣💋#I TAKE ONE LOOK AT HER AND MY HEART JUST MELTS IMMEDIATE HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#I JUST WANNA KISS HER SWEET LIL FACE AND PLAY WITH HER FLUFFY HAIR AND GIVE HER EVERY LIL BIT OF LOVE IN MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#SHE DESERVES ALL THE CUDDLES AND KISSES AND I WILL GIVE THEM TO HER💖🌹🌷🌺🌸🌹❣🌷🌹💘💚🌸💚💝❣💟💛💌💘💙💛💜💞🌸💌🌸💌💘💋❣💋💜🌸🌹🌷🌹❣🌹#IM. GAY. BIG GAY. I LOVE HER SO MUCH💗💟💚💖💟❣🌺🌷🌺🌷🌷🏵💮💛💚💛💜💚❣💙🌸🌷💜💟💐💟❣💜🌸💙💐❤❣🌺💞💟💜🌸💚❣💟🏵⚢💚🌻🌺🌷🌻❣🌹🌸💙💋💘💖#SHE IS LITERALLY THE CUTEST THING IVE EVER LAID EYES ON JUST!!!!!!!!!LOOK AT HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#SHES JUST SO LOVELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!💝💗👭💟🌷👭❣💟🌷⚢⚢🌸🌹💘🌹🌷🌺🌷🌻🌼💟❤🌸💋❣💋💝💚💛💜💐💚#SHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!HSJRHSNDJHFKFJSFHEKHEKSJFKFJJFEJEHFHEHRJG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!G A Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#I WANNA CUDDLE WITH HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!💜💗💟🌸🌹🌺🌷🌷💟💐❤❣❤💞❤💗💝💞❤👭❣💚🌷👭🌹🌷💘🌹🌷🌺🌷🌺🌸💟🌸❤💛💜💞💜🌸💙💛🌷💜💗#I JUST WANT HER TO HOLD ME..............HHHHHHNNNNNN WARM...................💟💟❣💚❣💜💞💚❣💚💋💝🌹❣⚘🌹🌹 🌺🌼💌💮💜💗💙💗❤💖💜❣👭💛💟💛👭🌷#IM LOV HER.........IM GAY❣🌹⚘🌹👭🌷❤💘💜❣💟💖💟💞💝💮💟🌼🏵⚘👭💘💟💛💙💞💙💋💜💞💟🌸💚🌷🌷🌹❣🌹👭❣💚💛🌹🌷👭🌼🌹💗💟💜💟💌🌸🌹💗💙❤💖#🌸💟⚘🌹⚘💝💟💘💐💋💘💓💖💕💋💗💟🌹⚘💟🌷🏵⚘💜🌻💙🌷💟💙💘💚💘💜💛💜💞💌❣💜💛🌸❤💙💛💜💖💚⚢💜🌷💚🌷👭💮🌹💘👭🌹💗💞💌🌹🌷👭#IM GONNA POST THIS BEFORE MY LESBIANISM GETS TOO OUT OF HAND FJFDNJFHFKSHDJDDKFJJD#happy girl#.............DID I EVER MENTION I WANT HER TO KISS ME. I WANT HER TO KISS ME💖💟🌹❣👭⚘💐💙💘💟❣💌💝🌷💋🌹🌼💜💛💜❣💐💙💜⚘🌼💛👭⚘💜💐💙💚❣💚#UM!!!!!!SHE IS MY GIRLFRIEND AND I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!💖💜❣💜⚘💟🌷💜🌷🌹🌼🌹⚘💟💘💓💛💜💛💚💗💚⚢💚💚🌸💐💚💙❣❤💜💖👭🌸💙💜⚘❣💚💞🌹🌷🌹🌷
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lesbianpikachuu · 6 years
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#LESBIAN💖💜🌸🌹💮💟💘💖💙💝💙🌷💚🌷💚💘💜💞💜💐🌺🌷👭💛💟💗💟💗❤💞💋🌷💟🌹💐🏵🌷💌❣👭💋💝💚🌼⚢❤💝💚👭❣💟💞👭🌷💟🌷🌹🏵🌸💌❣❤#IM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#💟🌷💚⚢🌷💌💘🏵❣💟💜💛💞💕💋🌻🌹🌸👭🌼🌺🌻🌷🌺🌼🏵💚❣💚💐💚⚢💟⚢🌸⚢💐💚💘💜💚💝💋❣❤💛❤💗❤💖❤💕💙🌸💟🌷💜💛💜🌼💌💙🌷💋🌸#LOV HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🌹🌼💌🌼🏵⚘⚘🏵⚘💙💙💘💙💞❤❣💟❣💟🌹💘⚢❣💚💞💙💮💜💛❤💞💙❣❤💝💚💙💮💚💮💜💞❤💕💋💕💜💗💜💕💙#NDKFJEJFJRJFKDJEKESKJDLJEDJKEJEEJDMWJDJDKJJFDJDKDKS❣💟🌷❤💋🌷💐🌹💌💐🌷🌹👭💛💟💞💜❤💕💋💞💜💝💘💝⚘💚🌷💙🌼💙💘💜💛💚💗💚💝💙💌🌼🏵🌸💚🌷⚢💟#LOOK AT HER SHES SUCH A SWEETHEART💌💟👭💚💐💙🌷🌹💘💗❤💗💋💕❤💗💜💗💟💮🌹🌷💚💛❣💜💜🌷💋🌷💚💛💚💗💚💞💚💙🌷🌹🌷💘👭👭💛👭❣💚🌷❤💙💐💟💚💜#IM FRICKINH GAY❣💟🌷💌🌹💐💜💮👭❣💟💖💋💕💋💐🌹💐🏵🌷🌹🌷👭🌺⚘🌻🌺💙💐❤🌼💙💝💌💕🏵❣💋💐💙❣💚👭💛💜💘💙🌷💌💐🏵💙🌼💋🌷💚❣💜💛💝#BIG LESBIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#happy girl#DNFFJSMJDMFJDNFKDJD I LOVE HER SO MUCH💮💟💐💚💝🌹🌷🏵⚘🌹🌼🌹🌷🌺🌸🌻🌺⚘❣💚💐💚💝💙💐💜❣👭💗💜💝💋❣💋💕💋💚❣💌💛💟🌸👭⚢❣💜💐👭👭❣⚢❣💚💝💌#HHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNN IM GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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