#louisa harland imagine
calummss · 4 months
I’ll Call You Mine | Nell Jackson
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summary: finding a suitor was hard when everyone in london wanted your sister and not you; at least until nell jackson arrived
pairing: lesbian! nell jackson x lesbian bridgerton! reader
words: 1.6k
a/n: basically a nell jackson bridgerton au hehe
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Life as a Bridgerton was not always as easy as the people of the ton thought. Yes, you were a respected family and influential but it came with a price. You loved your sister dearly but having to compete with her when you knew she would always be ahead of you was not a comfortable situation to be in. People looked at Daphne first. Greeted her first. And now that Lady Whistledown declared her the diamond of the first water it had you feeling down. Daphne was beautiful and gentle and deserved nothing more than to be called the diamond of the season. But it was only further proof of her excellence, something you were not in possession of.
Callers came early in the morning and left early in the afternoon. All for Daphne, not a single one for you.
The next day it was the same, only quieter. A few callers came for Daphne, gifting her flowers and jewels. You sat on the sofa reading Jane Austen’s new novel when the staff announced there was another caller.
“Miss Jackson is here for Y/n.” He announced and seconds after a brown haired lady entered the room with the most unusual style of clothes. She wore a billowy white shirt, dark trousers and a matching waistcoat and jacket. A woman in men’s clothing. Yet she looked marvellous.
“Miss Jackson,” your mother stepped towards her with a concealed confused expression. “It is calling hour.”
“I am aware, Lady Bridgerton.” She said, “I’m here to call on Miss Y/n Bridgerton.”
She turned her head to meet your figure hiding in the far back of the room. You smiled at her as you took her in. She was beautiful. The type of beauty you would see beyond your day, wondering whether or not you would see them again. She had light brown hair, contrasting her skin that bore freckles across the apples of her cheeks and nose. Her smile was white and welcoming.
She came over to where you were now standing. “Miss Nell Jackson. I hope you don’t mind me saying that you are the most ethereal woman I have ever met.”
You felt the apples of your cheeks turn warm, thanking her and offering her the seat next to yours. “Normally calling hours are for men interested in the ton’s ladies,” you smiled.
“I am very well aware of the rules, Miss Y/n. I hope you are not bothered by my presence. I assure you if you feel uncomfortable I can leave—“
“Would you like to get acquainted with the garden?” You cut her off, deep down knowing that even if it was unusual for a woman to call upon another, you didn’t want her to leave.
“I would be delighted to.” She smiled in agreement.
You guided her towards the hallways where you briefly met your mother’s confused stare with the shrug of your shoulder. It was different but you liked it.
In the garden you sat on the swings your father built before he died. You had asked her if she wanted to sit down on the bench but she insisted that the swings were just fine.
“Excuse me for being so direct, Miss Jackson, but I do not know you nor do I believe we have ever seen each other…how is it you know me?”
“I must admit I’ve admired you from afar the last few weeks and was unsure whether to visit you during calling hours. I hope you do not feel awkward about all this”
“I do not.” You smiled at her. “I am rather enjoying myself.”
Nell smiled softly, the sunlight reflecting in her eyes as you caught yourself staring at her lips. Gently pressing against each other as her feet pushed her back and forth.
“I suppose you are looking for a wife this season?”
“Indeed I am.”
“What do you look for?”
“If I may be so direct but I think I already found what I’ve been looking for.”
You raised your eyebrows ever so slightly, taken aback by her choice of words. You admitted that you were glad to know of her intentions. It had only been thirty minutes but they showed you her true kind hearted nature. You were immediately smitten with her.
“Is that so?”
“Well then I hope we meet each other at the Fraser’s ball in the upcoming days. I hope you will write down your name on my card?”
“I will find you before the night ends.” She reached out to place a kiss on your hand.
You cleared your throat, “Shall we ehm go back, it is most inappropriate to spend more than thirty minutes alone.”
“Of course, Miss Y/n.”
Back at the house you said your goodbyes and joined your mamma back in the drawing room, picking up the book Colin had gifted you from his travels.
“You cannot see her again.” Your mamma came through the door as soon as you heard the front door close. “People will talk of this if they find out.” She braced herself against the sofa.
“Because a woman called on you, Y/n!” She raised her voice but you could tell she didn’t mean to. “It is not done.”
“But I like her,”
“It doesn’t matter.” She breathed out heavily. “What if Lady Whistledown were to know of this. The entirety of the ton would know by tomorrow morning.”
Just as she finished her sentence Eloise and Penelope joined the room. Penelope greeted you with a smile.
“Well I like her, Mama.” You stood up and walked towards the end of the room to start reading.
“What happened?” Eloise asked.
“A Miss Nell Jackson called on your sister today.”
“A woman?”
Your mamma nodded.
“How exhilarating.”
“We will not speak of this again.”
A few days later the newest edition of Lady Whistledown appeared on your front door.
Dearest gentle readers,
prepare your smelling salts and hold on to your bonnets, for a revelation that will set the ton abuzz. In a society where the heart's true desires are often overshadowed by rigid expectations and whispered disapproval, it is high time we lift the veil on a most beautiful truth: love, in all its splendid forms, deserves celebration.
This author has observed, with no small amount of admiration, the tender affections shared between individuals of the same sex. These connections, whether whispered in secret gardens or displayed with courage at the grandest of balls, are as genuine and profound as any other. They speak to the very essence of what it means to be human: the desire to love and be loved without constraint or fear.
So, let us cast aside the shackles of convention and prejudice. Let us embrace a society where love, whether between gentlemen, ladies, or any soul in between, is met with the same respect and honour we afford all tender unions. For is it not love, dear readers, that makes the world a more delightful place? The heart knows no bounds, and neither should our acceptance of its many splendid forms.
We are all the creations of God and if he disapproved of equal live then why create it at all?
Yours Truly, Lady Whistledown
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Even weeks after Lady Whistdown’s controversial edition the ton was still abuzz. Whilst very few disagreed, the majority had agreed with what was written. Multiple people since then had come forward about their true loves. It made you think of Nell. The last time you saw her was at the ball. She danced with you despite everyone’s eyes on you and all their mouths whispering of the scene in front of them
By the time the ton had settled it was inevitable to try and make society disapprove of the past events that by the time Lord and Lady Smythe-Smith held their annual ball, multiple same sex couples attended.
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You were upset that you hadn’t seen Nell for quite some time. Ever since Whistledown she had disappeared. She wasn’t seen at any balls or in society as a whole. Tonight's ball had you wearing a pink gown with the most beautiful necklace that had been left for you by an anonymous person. Standing by the lemonade table you silently sulked next to your mamma as you watched the others dance. You were about to lean your head on your mamma’s shoulder when suddenly a familiar face showed up in front of you.
“Lady Bridgerton, Miss Bridgerton, you must excuse my absence as I was unsure of what to do with the scandal that was the past weeks.” She admitted. “May I,” she turned her head to face you, “have your next dance?”
You looked at your mamma who slowly smiled and nodded, approving of your union.
“Yes I would like that very much.”
“I hope you don’t mind me writing my name down for all three dances?”
You let out a small laugh, “Not at all,”
“Beautiful necklace.”
“Someone sent it to me.”
“Do you know who it was?”
“Of course I know it was you, Nellie Jackson.” You whispered into her ear as you watched her smile, talking your arms and guiding you towards the dance floor.
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lozza421 · 2 months
‘i’ll always fix you up’ | nell jackson
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pairing: lesbian!nell jackson x lesbian! reader - can probably be read as anyone if wearing skirts is comfortable to you!
fandom: renegade nell
summary: post canon. post final battle. Nell is making her way out of the final battle having been injured, and reader fixes her up, taking care of her.
CW: mentions of blood and wounds, hints at death/loss, I think that’s it please let me know if there’s anymore
WC: 2.7k
i’m very open to feedback and comments so please feel free to comment, reblog, shoot me a message, and let me know what you think! ♥︎
“Nell!?” Roxy calls, a call full of hope and desperation.
My head flicks around, eyes darting to the sandstone entrance of the estate. A figure barely visible behind columns that tower, the human size appearing so small next to this grand structure.
“She’s there” Charles huffs out with relief. Whether it’s for his own confirmation or confirming it for Roxy, I’m not sure… and to be honest I don’t care right now. I haul myself off the ground and out of the huddle of people.
Hiking up my layers of dress I follow Roxy down the gravel path with a hurried pace, watching the limping figure full of deep reds run towards us. These reds filled her breeches, her long coat... the blood on her cheek.
Little Georgie’s close behind “Nelly!”
I stop just behind Roxy, letting her sisters breathe relief into Nell’s shoulder… relief that she’s still here and she’s okay. None of us were willing to say it out loud, but a knowing and troubled glance had been cast between eyes all day. Everyone knew whatever this battle was, it was big. And if Poynton could plunge us into night… God only knows if Nell had stood a chance. But here she was, soul and body together.
The air around Nell is heavy, her brows furrowed, and face scrunched so as not to sob in front of the people she always keeps a strong front for. Despite this, her crying breaths were the only sound that filled the air as she motioned for everyone to go in for a hug.
Slowly, each of us loosens our grip but stay close to offer support of her weight. My arm is linked under her right, Roxy on her left to take as much weight off her limping foot as we could. My own eyes are hot and stinging at this point, from either relief, worry, or both, but this was our turn to keep strong and together for Nell.
Making our way down the gravel path, it is slow and quiet, an air of hope and relief, but also filled with despair, from whatever Nell is feeling.
Here I notice Charles, linked arms with Her Majesty the Queen in the flesh, undoubtedly carrying out the beginnings of damage control. I presume more guards will be here soon to take the Queen back to the palace, and I presume Charles will go along to get back to his toff life. But right now my focus was Nell.
Ahead I could see the horses, with a look of unrest and unease in themselves, heads nodding up and down, hoofs kicking up the dirt under them as they trod about on the spot. There are two horses here, one a chestnut brown that looks almost ginger where the sunlight hits, the other, a broad and tall horse, with a dirty white coat. Both of these horses are saddled with a fine brown leather and all sorts of supplies hanging off it. I have always thought that horses were more in tune with their surroundings than humans. I’ve thought that maybe they’re ethereal in a sense… that they have to know something we don’t. Maybe Nell knows whatever this is too, hence her own unease.
Now standing next to the broad white horse I place my hands either side of Nell’s waist, hoisting her onto the horse.
“Alright?” I say to Roxy, George and Rasselas. They all nod.
“Alright,” Roxy replies, casting the most reassuring glance she could find in herself.
With legs of jelly that still felt like a thousand stones, I hoist my own body onto the saddle in front of Nell. Before I even manage to settle on it, Nell wraps her arms around my waist and rests her head between my shoulder blades.
I strain my head around and again ask her “Alright?” She just nods without lifting her head, her cheek brushing against the middle of my back with each movement, igniting a sort of fluttery feeling in my body.
Right now, with the low sun filtering through the oaks and birches, painting dancing shadows on her frizzy red hair, gentle features and closed lids, I couldn’t help but think she looked so pretty. She’d frown at me all funny if I ever told her that, but after not knowing whether I could’ve lost her today or not I had to stare for a second.
“Oi” Rasselas called, the other Trotter sisters piled around him on a chestnut brown horse, “We really gotta get back.”
This had abruptly taken me out of my moment of peaceful blatant staring, which no doubt didn’t go unnoticed by the others, to reach back and pat Nell’s thigh as I get the horse moving forward.
Back at the Talbot
I guide Nell threw her bedroom door, maintaining contact at every moment I can, whether it’s a hand on her back or arm. I don’t know whether I’ve done this to make sure she knows I’m here, or to make myself sure she’s still here. As we get in, I support her elbows as I sit her down on the edge of the bed, the white linen sheets laid out in a sort of picturesque way. Her usually warm brown eyes are glazed over and cast off to nowhere. What the hell happened in there to shake her up this much? Whatever it was it drives my instinct to just loosely grasp the dip in the back of her head and quickly, but firmly, I place a kiss at her hairline. This seems to just be enough to snap her out of whatever daze she was in and look up at me.
Those big brown eyes of hers will be the death of me, I think to myself.
I muster a tender smile; one I think isn’t totally convincing with a slightly furrowed brow. I reach for her hands in her lap as I squat below her line of eye.
“Nell… what happened in there?”
“I…” she lets out a brisk exhale, one I suspect hiding another sob. “I just lost the most important thing,” she places a hand under her nose, almost as if to catch any of her own soul that may come out through tears. Tears which begin rolling down her freckled, bloody cheeks.
I don’t know what to say to this, what can I say to make whatever this hurt is go away? Nothing I suspect. So I stay quiet for a moment, hands squeezing hers, looking up through the fallen bits of her hair to her squeezed eyes. The image of which gives a squeezing sensation in my own heart.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” I whisper. She gives a small, quick nod, with the corners of her mouth moving slightly up. And although this is small, I notice it and take it as a thanks. I’d do this a hundred times over and more for her. Although I don’t know anything other than this that I can do for her right now.
Moving ever so slowly so as not to startle her, I stand up. I pull her coat down and away from her shoulders. She’s sitting on it, and I won’t dare move her right now, so I let the top half of it fall just behind her on the bed. Next, I move towards the knot of her patterned scarf. I slide between her legs to get closer to work on the knot, delicately untying it and pulling it down and under her ragged ponytail. Nell leans her head forward again, pressing it against my ribs, which very quickly leads to our arms being wrapped around each other tightly.
I don’t know how long we stayed like this. I soak it up though, her smell, how she feels pressed into me. I know Nell isn’t one for hugs normally, and even in the state she’s in, I’m selfish in enjoying it.
Nell and I have had a strong familiarity with one another for a long time now, since the Trotters gave me work at the Talbot. It helped me keep my bills paid and was always good company when I needed it. The Trotters have always been good to me. Still, there always has been something more between Nell and I. Glances that last a bit too long, comments made in jest (but not really), and a real thick air... so thick it doesn’t feel like you can cross it or break it. And often when I’m lying in bed, one side cold with white moonlight, I am warm with thoughts of Nell. Everything she is with her charisma, her strength, her perseverance. On these nights, I am also tormented with memories of the very long year we had been robbed of all that is Nell Jackson. This creeps around my mind, plaguing it. Never for long though, swiftly replaced with the joy that I know she’s only a few streets down.
Tonight, the air between Nell and myself doesn’t feel so thick. Tonight, our souls feel like they’re reaching out, making our bodies reach out too. This bliss with her is nice but worry is quickly filling my mind again.
“Nelly Jackson we really need to get these wounds cleaned up, yeah?” And with a brief, but noticed eye roll, I pull away and move towards the nightstand.
I reach into the bowl of water Roxy had put in here earlier with a cloth, and luckily the water was still lukewarm. I soak the cloth and make sure to ring it out enough to not drip everywhere. As I step back over to Nell, she’s got her back slightly slouched but face looking up waiting for me to tend to her. I start with her forehead. A nasty hit that happened many hours ago now, dried and crusted blood come off as I wipe the wound. She winces a bit.
“I’m sorry.”
She grabs my wrist in front of her face. “No need for that aye? You’re doin’ me a favour.”
“Yeah, well no, well... I’m just lookin’ after ya’, you know.” I say darting from one eye to another. “Looked like you took a good beatin’ back there I ain’t ever seen anybody thrown around as much as you and either lived to tell the tale or got up and walked away like you did.” I babble in one breath, still looking down right at her with what I can only presume is an expression of astonishment.
“Yeah… well… Billy saved me.” She mumbles.
“Doesn’t matter, the point is… I don’t know what the point is but I made it out, yeah? And Poynton’s, well, he’s dead and now Sofia and Thomas are going God only knows where, but away from here. The Queen’s safe, Charles isn’t gonna get hanged so I guess the point is it all worked out?” Nell spits this out, jagged and almost like she’s trying to prove a point. But her tone sounds like a question.
“Yeah. Everyone’s safe. So why don’t I feel like you believe that?” I query.
“Doesn’t matter okay just leave it alone.”
This makes it loud and clear she’s done talking about this subject, so I widen the distance a little, but continue wiping down her face. She’s looking off to the side, just staring at the beams that line the roof. But I’m watching her, still, and I notice she’s in more discomfort than she’s letting on, and much more discomfort than a few cuts on her forehead and cheek are worth.
“Where does it hurt?” I ask. She spins her head back to me, a look of shock but quickly accepts that we have a way of reading each other.
“ ’ere.” She points to her right side. “And my back.”
“Can I have a look?” I ask gently, my hands slowly moving towards the hem of her shirt. She nods at me, reassuring me that this is okay, and I slide the white linen shirt over her head, careful not to bump the wounds.
At the first glance I shudder and let out an ‘oooow’ sound. She has a quick peek too but quickly looks away as if that’ll make it hurt less. With a proper look from myself (who is not a doctor), her right ribs are a deep, unsettling purple, the skin grazed and scabbed. I cast her a worrying glance, more directed towards wishing she wasn’t in this pain right now.
I refresh the cloth, then crouch in front of her, and with a feather touch, I clean it. Now, I’m mostly deeply focused on cleaning the wound and not causing more pain. But I’m not so focused that I don’t notice her looking very directly down at me. This, admittingly, makes me quite nervous. I feel a sudden tension, thick, and I’m urged to break it.
“You know I’d take your pain if I could right now…” I look up at her, eyes flicking between the task and her own encompassing eyes, and earnestly I say “I’m sorry you’re goin’ frew all this.” Nell stays silent after this, which has been of no help to me to cut the tension.
After I do the best I can, I crawl onto the bed and place myself cross-legged behind her. Again I wince at the sight of the injury but I don’t let her hear or see it. I want to do whatever I can to calm her. I pick up her ponytail and brush it over her left shoulder. I presume doing this has tickled her shoulder, because I notice an array of goosebumps growing on her shoulders and arms, particularly noticeable with the angle of the light beaming in the room. With the cloth around my hand, I start with the outside of the bruises and grazes and work my way to the middle of them.
We spend more minutes in silence. This time a comfortable and easy silence. I think we both find each other’s company mostly easy, when we don’t think about it too much.
Once I finish delicately and meticulously cleaning her back, I lean forward and place a kiss behind the last swipe of the cloth. A natural action, I find. But at this, she turns her head and torso back and just gawks at me. The eye contact feels intrusive but a welcome intrusion into my soul.
Nell leans closer in, just inches from my face, excruciatingly slow, and in this moment I’ve lost all concept of time. My thoughts run very fast, but some I catch are lips, soft, eyes. And God she looks so beautiful, bare shoulders in this low light, lips slightly parted, hair draped over one shoulder. I wish I could stare at a painting of that forever. These thoughts are very probably my last tether to composure because my body is leaning forward very quickly and pressing my lips against Nell’s full lips. We both relax into it quickly, and yet I quickly pull back.
“Sorry,” I whisper, fingers brushing my own lips in disbelief. An action you wouldn’t normally do in front of the person you just kissed and yet I have, because I think I’ve lost any sense of self-control. Before I’ve finished gathering a thought on what I’ve just done, Nell plants her own lips firmly on mine again. Instinctively, my hands move around, one planting at the nape of her neck and the other resting at her waist. The feeling of her skin feels divine.., magic.
I notice her hand, cold fingertips buried within my skirt running circles on my thigh. Yet again I’ve lost all senses. After who knows how long, we part. Our foreheads are firmly pressed together, guided by her hand on the back of my head, and we are panting hot breaths into each other’s mouths.
“I’ve thought about doing that a lot,” Nell admits, a smile of relief filling her face. There’s a warmth back in her eyes for now. No more distant stares.
“Hah, me too Nell. More than I’ll admit for now.”
“Thanks for lookin’ out for me. Don’t know what I’d do without ya’.” She huffs out.
“I’ll always fix you up.” I respond. I hold eye contact with her, so she’s assured that if anything serious comes outta my mouth, it’ll be this. I grab her hand in her lap, keep my forehead to hers and just close my eyes. And I hope that we can stay like this forever.
I repeat in a whisper, “I’ll always fix you up.”
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batnbreakfast · 2 years
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Imagine Siobhán McSweeney, Louisa Harland, Ardal O’Hanlon, and others on stage together.
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emilybrontay · 3 years
literally i was just thinking 'i should do the made up movies game' and then u reblogged it so now im here to enable YOU to do the made up movies game. anyway heres a Cast: tom burke, meg ryan, caitriona balfe, and louisa harland.
this is literally my favourite hobby phil omg
Song: About You Now by Sugababes
Title: Cockles and Mussels
I know everything changes
All the cities and faces
But I know how I feel about you
Dublin, 1990. Molly O’Dowda (Catriona Balfe) lives with her sister Emmy (Louisa Harland) and their mother Mary (Meg Ryan). She’s got a good job writing at The Herald, she spends most of her free time trying to chase men away from Emmy or caring for her aging mother, and she never, ever thinks about the handsome Englishman whose heart she broke in 1970. Until one day he waltzes back into her newsroom. Ted Pring (Tom Burke) has never forgotten Molly, or the proposal she rejected. Ted has become an award winning photojournalist, and he’s back in Dublin to show Molly what she missed out on. Molly, meanwhile, is desperate to keep a devastating secret from Ted, even if it means breaking his heart again. As her mother grows sicker and Emmy’s behaviour grows wilder, Molly and Ted are forced to confront the consequences of their choices.
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anteroom-of-death · 4 years
What if....Orla and James had the same father???? They are the same in so many regards.
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mikaeled · 6 years
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So harp must be the head and fish must be the tail?
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kuwaiti-kid · 4 years
The Age of Celebrity Streaming
Say what you will about celebrities singing Imagine on Instagram, but they have been providing us with a lot of entertainment during the COVID-19 quarantine. From cast reunion table reads to staged Zoom plays to spoofs on classics — let’s take a look at some of the highlights we’ve been blessed with during quarantine. 
Community Table Read 
Community creator Dan Harmon reunited the cast to do a table read of Season 5’s fourth episode “Cooperative Polygraphy”. The table read starred original cast members: Donald Glover, Joel McHale, Gillian Jacobs, Danny Pudi, Yvette Nicole Brown, Alison Brie, Jim Rash, Ken Jeong, with Pedro Pascal as a special guest star. 
The Oedipus Project 
The Theater of War Productions launched The Oedipus Project, an innovative digital initiative featuring acclaimed actors performing scenes from Sophocles’ Oedipus the King as a catalyst for powerful, healing online conversations about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic upon diverse communities throughout the world. The program featured: Frances McDormand, Oscar Isaac, Jeffrey Wright, John Turturro, Frankie Faison, David Strathairn, Glenn Davis, Marjolaine Goldsmith, and Public Advocate Jumaane Williams.
A lifetime ago (in May), Oscar Isaac also joined the cast of CMM Theater’s livestream of Beirut, alongside Marisa Tomei. 
New comedy series #Staged, starring #DavidTennant and @MichaelSheen, is coming to @BBCOne in June. Here's a little taster of what you can expect: https://t.co/xmzxmmVHSR pic.twitter.com/hehqJg8OX2
— BBC Press Office (@bbcpress) May 22, 2020
The Good Omens stars Michael Sheen and David Tennant have combined forces to launch a new BBCOne comedy called Staged. The series takes on the challenges of creating drama while in lockdown — both on and off the stage. The line-up includes Tennant’s wife Georgia Tennant, as well as Lucy Eaton, Anne Lundberg, Nina Sosanya, and more. 
Sheen and Tennant previously teamed up during quarantine for a Good Omens reunion. 
Parks & Recreation 
The cast of Parks & Recreation reunited to create a thirty-minute episode centered around how our favorite characters were handling their COVID-19 quarantining. Amy Poehler, Nick Offerman, Aziz Ansari, Rashida Jones, Aubrey Plaza, Chris Pratt, Adam Scott, Rob Lowe, Marietta Sangai Sirleaf, and Jim O’Heir reprised their roles. The cast was joined by Nick Offerman’s real life wife, Megan Mullally who returned as Tammy. 
The Princess Bride 
Quibi launched a hilarious and epic homemade remake of the classic The Princess Bride featuring a wide variety of celebrities. It’s set up like a series with new chapters of the tale being delivered every week on their website. The series goes to benefit the World Central Kitchen and Quibi has donated $1 million dollars, which helped to provide 100,000 meals to feed those affected by COVID-19.
The first chapter, which was aptly entitled “As You Wish,” featured the return of Fred Savage, who previously played the young boy in the 1987 film, this time he portrayed the grandfather, opposite Josh Gad as the boy. Later on, the grandfather is portrayed by the director of The Princess Bride, Rob Reiner. 
As the main story progresses, the roles of Wesley and Buttercup are portrayed by Annabelle Wallis, Chris Pine, Common and Tiffany Haddish, Zazie Beetz, and Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas as a gender-swapped version of the couple. Hugh Jackman appears as Prince Humperdink in a rather un-princely homemade costume created with a robe and dim sum steamer for a crown. 
One of the most hilarious scenes features Jack Black as the Dread Pirate Roberts being rescued by Diego Luna as Inigo Montoya. The scene confirmed that Diego Luna desperately needs to be cast in more period dramas. 
I'm honored to work with @JasonReitman supporting Chef José Andrés' @wckitchen with @DavidSpade @RainnWilson @JasonSegel! Thanks to a $1 million donation from @Quibi, 100,000 meals were funded! Check out our homemade fan film the Princess Bride! https://t.co/HR27NkWesx pic.twitter.com/JqWksCt9B2
— Super Duper Dave Bautista (@DaveBautista) June 30, 2020
Princess Buttercup, now played by Mackenzie Davis, is kidnapped by Rainn Wilson's Vizzini in Chapter Two: “The Shrieking Eels”. Pedro Pascal portrays Vizzini’s henchman, Inigo Montoya in the most chaotic performance of the role (seriously, I have so many questions about those palm tree shorts). Jason Segel steals the show as Fezzik with his André the Giant impression and puppet Prince Buttercup. Dave Bautista and David Spade are two other big names to join the cast of Chapter Two. 
Derry Girls
  Saoirse Ronan made a surprise appearance with the cast of the popular Irish series Derry Girls, to help raise funds for RTE’s Comic Relief. The series creator Lisa McGeen was joined via Zoom by cast members Jamie-Lee O’Donnell, Louisa Harland, Nicola Coughlan, Saoirse-Monica Jackson, and Dylan Llewellyn under the guise of running lines. 
Bottom Line 
I think it’s safe to say that it’s time to forgive Pedro Pascal for being part of Gal Gadot’s Imagine sing-along and embrace the plethora of content that is being created by celebrities for fans and for a lot of really important causes. 
With film sets shuttered for the foreseeable future — this may be how we get new content for many more months!
The post The Age of Celebrity Streaming appeared first on Your Money Geek.
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calummss · 4 months
nell jackson
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one shots (all wlw)
O Captain, My Captain!
I’ll Call You Mine
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calummss · 4 months
O Captain, My Captain | Nell Jackson
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summary: running away from a forced marriage you flee onto the ship of captain nell jackson
pairing: lesbian! nell jackson x lesbian! reader
words: 1.5k
a/n: to my fellow lesbians enjoy 🧡🤍🩷 i want credit for inventing pirate nell j🤓
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You had once hoped you would marry for love or at least find love in an arranged marriage like your mamma and papa. A kind of love that starts with a spark and grows into a small flame. That same flame can light a candle, a fireplace, if big enough it can even engulf entire cities. You hoped that someone would burn for but Mr. Norris didn’t love you. He wanted you. Like some prized possession to show off. The governor’s daughter, Lady Y/n Knightley. Diamond among the ladies of Jamaica. You wanted nothing more than to reject Mr. Norris’ advances but he insisted to your father that he was the perfect match. There was no persuading you. Once your father made up his mind there was nothing that could convince him otherwise. Your only plan to escape this marriage was to escape. Literally. You couldn’t bear the thought of looking that man in the face and pretending to like him. You had to run away.
You had packed a sack of a few items days before. Stealing hard cheeses, apples and bread in case you fell victim to food shortage. You weren’t quite sure how you would leave Port Royal, only that you would need to trespass on to a ship.
The next morning you woke up early, stars still in the sky, everyone else still asleep at this hour. You grabbed your sack and headed out the back door, careful to not come across any servants that were preparing breakfast.
Down at the harbour you noticed a ship, not too big, not too small. You saw that you were alone and took the illusion to hop on board, nearly losing your baggage to the ocean. It was quiet and only a few members of the crew paced the decks as they were getting ready to leave. You had gotten onto the ship without notice and prayed you wouldn’t attract notice until their next stop.
It was fiction if you believed that was what would happen.
“And who are you?” A voice sounded from above, grabbing you by the biceps with such force he almost lifted you up. “A ship hopper ey? Up you get. You’re gonna see the captain.”
You tried escaping him but his grasp was too tight. It had only been a few hours since you left shore and already you had been found.
“Please,” you tried wiggling. “Please I swear I’m not up to anything!”
“Tell that to ‘er.’ He said, throwing your forwards makes you stumble. Eye to eyes with a pair of black boots.
Looking up you saw the captain. A woman. She had long curly brown hair, hazel eyes. Such pretty eyes
“What are you doing on my ship?” Cockney accent, London, great you knew the ton in London perhaps it could help???
You stayed silent scared you might make yourself a fool.
“We can’t have ‘er on board, Nell.” The same man said. “Bad luck to ‘ave women on board.”
“Rupert, I literally have tits. You know that.”
“You’re different, Captain, same goes for the others on board. But she’s a real lady.”
She furrowed her eyebrows in response. “Are you saying I’m not a real lady?”
Rupert noticed the dominating tone. That he had pissed her off. He lowered his head and stepped back with a firm “Sorry, Ma’am.”
She turned around to face you, the sunset rising behind her making her look extraordinary. “What’s your name?”
“Y/n. Y/n Knightley.”
“And why is Y/n Knightley on my ship?”
“I had to run away, Captain.”
“From what?”
“What?” She repeated. “Understandably so. I myself don’t really understand it either. My name’s Nell Jackson by the way. Everyone calls me Captain, Ma’am or Nell.”
You nodded.
“But don’t call me Nellie.” She shook her head. “Don’t like that.”
“Yes, Captain.” You said with such uncertainty it sounded like a question, gathering sly laughter from the crew around you.
“Enough mesmerising our new ruby on board,” she called out. “Back to work ladies and gentlemen! You-,” she pointed at you, “with me.”
Everyone left at her command so you followed her to her office, still lit by the candles she used that night. Her office space was tidy except for the desk that bore many maps and figurines of ships.
“Are you a pirate?” You asked without thinking.
“Why yes I am.” She smiled as if you had just given her a compliment.
“You didn’t even try to hide it.”
“Why would I? I take pride in being captain of my very own crew and ship. Wouldn’t you?”
“I wouldn’t know.” You paced around the room, looking at various artefacts. “I’ve never really owned anything except for a baby lamb once. Then my father ate it.”
Her round eyes almost popped out of her skull. “How sweet,” she cleared her throat. “Look,” she came closer. “I don’t mind having you onboard as long as you follow my rules, okay?”
“Good. Now go ask Roxy to show you the food storage so you can have a proper meal and come back to me when you’re done.
“Thank you, Nell.”
“Go on.”
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You had decided that night that you would stay on board for as long as Nell allowed it. You grew fond of her and you thought she did the same. She treated you differently from the other woman on board. Like she cared differently…
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The red dress that Nell gifted you when she visited Tortuga on business fit you like a glove. It fit your chest and arms perfectly, supporting your chest yet loose past your ribs giving you free space to move about. It was perfect.
The night grew mild as the hot temperatures dropped to a more appropriate level, the night sky full of stars as the pale moonlight hit the deck. You felt like dancing. You didn’t know why or how but simply because. Taking off your shoes, you twirled into the middle of the deck as you started to lift your feet off the ground to an imaginary beat. The other’s simply stared , wondering if you were well. Your hair ribbon loosened leaving your hair flowing in the fresh air of the Caribbean. “I feel alive.” You giggled, beaming at the crew as you tried to convince them to join you. “Come on, Will!” You took his hands, pulling him in with no success.
Soon after more women and men started to join you. Simply letting the stress of tomorrow be stress for tomorrow.
A bottle of rum was being passed around, taking multiple big swigs yourself, you let the burning sensation work its magic.
Nell joined in and took sips of rum, danced, had fun.
Turning about the deck you came opposite Nell. Taking her hands you spun in circles for as long as you could without getting sick. Stumbling away from the rest you both let out a laugh as the candle light stopped illuminating. You could only see the twinkle of the stars in her eyes as you got closer. Her eyes the most remarkable shade of hazel, her eyes so big one could only stare. Heat arose from your stomach to your chest. Her lips were getting closer and your heart skipped a beat. You couldn’t move, like you were hypnotised. Your heart pounded, your knees grew weaker. The empty void that filled the space between your bodies slowly grew as she stepped even closer. Neither of you said anything. You knew what you wanted.
Your whole body tingled, the feeling of her frame leaning on yours, as Nell’s arms wrapped around you felt nearly forbidden. Her lips brushed against yours, softly, delicately, like you were a porcelain figure, one crack away from falling to pieces and being broken forever. You could only focus on how soft she felt against your mouth, how addictively she invaded all your senses. She kissed you long enough that she could inhale your breath, feel the warmth of your skin, and the taste of sea salt on your lips that would linger far after you had gone.
Realising what you had done you pulled away, squinting in embarrassment as you let out deep breaths. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me I—‘
‘—Don’t apologise for kissing me,’ Nell mumbled, placing her hands on your face, placing her lips back onto yours this time more rough. Like you were the air she breathed. The planet she rotated around. She wanted to kiss you and never stop.
Nell gently grabbed your chin, slowly pulling back from the kiss, deep down not wanting to break apart from you again. “Never apologise for kissing me again, Y/n.”
“Duly noted. O captain, my captain, kiss me again.” You giggled as you caught her lips again, throwing your arms around her neck.
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calummss · 4 months
i will be writing a LESBIAN pirate nell jackson fic. give me a week yall!!!
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calummss · 4 months
i can’t stop thinking of a pirate! nell jackson fic …
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