wineaunt · 9 years
A steve/bucky fic rec (loosely) based on the description “20k-ish, canon-ish with lots of angst and comfort” 
Shades of Red - 17k+ words
You are six years old, your name is James Buchanan Barnes, and you think Steve Rogers could teach you a thing or two.
All The Angels and The Saints - 48k+ words
In which Steve Rogers loses God and finds God and loses God, and also: Bucky.
Into That Good Night - 73k+ words
Steve Rogers has lived for entirely too long—long enough to see the world's end. The heroes are gone, and the Earth is pushing what's left of mankind towards the exit.
But when a makeshift team rises from the ashes, when a mysterious presence all but drags Steve there, he begins to think there may be hope yet. As they shoot for the stars one last time, Steve will get proof yet again that the future is nothing if not an echo of the past.
Not Easily Conquered (series) 
In 1945, Steve Rogers jumps from a nosediving plane and swims through miles of Arctic Ocean to a frozen shore.
In 1947, Steve Rogers marries Peggy Carter.
In 1966, the New York Times finds the lost letters of Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes.
rate of recidivism - 92k+ words
So here you are, in the future. The rest is more complicated.
OR: Bucky Barnes learns how to be angry again.
All the First Times - 9k+ words
Bucky starts over and finds new ways to survive.
ebb and flow - 9k+ words
“Are you avoiding me?” Bucky asks, and it’s so straightforward and so sudden after so long spent skirting around everything that it throws Steve off, leads to an honest answer, which is quite simply:
I’ve Always Been Yours - 10k+ words
Bucky's in Steve's apartment when he comes home.
(It warms him, though, to think of Bucky using his apartment, that he might feel comfortable there regardless of how he got in. It makes Steve happy to know that Bucky's been able to eat decent food and get clean, hopefully feel safe enough to sleep. And the fact that Bucky went to Steve's apartment, out of all the thousands he could have chosen anywhere in New York City…
Well, Steve doesn't want to think too hard about that part, because he doesn't want to hope.)
I Didn't Know What Time It Was - 19k+ words
It’s been two days now. He knows it would be logical to get out of the city, but he’s waiting for something. Against everything he knows about hiding, he went to the exhibit on Captain America at the Smithsonian and looked at a photo of a stranger who might have been his twin from seventy years ago. He’s not sure what he wanted. An epiphany of some kind, a feeling of doors opening and light flooding in; whatever it was, it never came.
lonely houses off the road - 17k+ words
Barnes is now glaring at him for some reason. It's somewhat terrifying but also, oddly, a little reassuring— because that's emotionright there, which means there's still somebody behind those eyes. Somebody who seems to think Sam is being a bit slow on the uptake. "Time parameters exceeded. Mission failed."
"Wait." Sam narrows his eyes. "Is this some kind of... report? Debriefing?"
"Mission report," confirms Barnes, looking pleased. Well, looking slightly less murderous than before.
In which various people deal with things they never signed up for, but at the end of the day no one's particularly surprised.
took my love, took it down - 31k+ words
The problem, Bucky thinks now that he has most of his memories back, is that his whole entire world has always revolved around Steve Rogers. Steve has been always been half of Bucky’s identity. Bucky Barnes, Steve Roger’s best friend. Bucky Barnes, Steve Roger’s wing-man. Bucky Barnes, Steve Roger’s team-mate. And now, well, now Steve had other people to fill those positions. And of course, of course he’d always been a little bit in love with Steve. So when he overhears Steve telling Natasha that he’s finally found someone he’d like to date, someone with similar life experience, Bucky clings blindly to the hope that maybe, just maybe, Steve is talking about him.
United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015) - 20k+ words
The Associated Press @AP Winter Soldier set to stand trial for Washington D.C. massacre and treason apne.ws/1og6SWE
Reflex Memories - 34k+ words
Bucky Barnes never remembers who he is.
That doesn’t stop him from falling in love with Steve Rogers.
sleepwalk back to the battle site - 21k+ words
“I’m going to track down every HYDRA agent that’s left,” Bucky says, buckling his gun deftly to his belt. “And then I’m going to kill them.”
“Oh,” Steve says.
“Come with me?” Bucky asks, dangerous hands tucked into his pockets.
What If I Told You - 8k+ words
Bucky tries to tell Steve something important. It takes a few tries before he gets it right.
4 Minute Window - 24k+ words
"Look, if they catch me," Bucky muttered, "they're either going to kill me or they're going to put me in a box with a little window and—Steve, I can't."
i can feel the cold changing us inside - 24k+ words
Months later, when he’s sitting on the bench in the park in Washington D.C. he knows Steve Rogers jogs in, when Steve stops dead in his tracks looking like he saw a ghost (and really, he did), the first words out of his mouth are, “Have you been to Brooklyn lately?” 
deep in this anatomy, buried - 72k+ words
Bucky's relationship with Steve was fairly simple. His relationship with technology - in particular, one specific piece of technology - was a little bit more difficult to explain.
sorry about the blood in your mouth - 13k+ words
Adventures in babysitting. Or, Natasha says it isn't babysitting, but Clint's not convinced that they haven't somehow adopted an amnesiac super assassin, but he's going with it.
The one where Clint Barton believes in waffles and Bucky Barnes.
cross this river to the other side - 14k+ words
Here is the truth about Captain America and the Howling Commandos that every World War II historian must come to accept at one point or another: we will never know everything. We won’t even come close.
So much was lost with the untimely death of Captain America. While the man beneath the uniform sunk to the bottom of the North Atlantic, the myth lived on, only to grow bigger and more unwieldy as the years went by. Now, it is near impossible to tell fact from fiction, to separate out truth from propaganda.
In 1943, the Howling Commandos wrote goodbye letters to be given to their loved ones in the event of their deaths.
In 2014, Sharon Carter finds those letters in a tin can in an abandoned HYDRA base.
the nightmare from which I am trying to awake - 15k+ words
"You gotta bring him in, Cap." Tony Stark, distant: on speakerphone. "You can come in to me, or you can go to—well, I don't know who else is left. But you gotta bring him in."
built it bigger than the sun - 10k+ words
“Yeah, because nothing says heteronormative like living in Dupont Circle for two years and wearing skin-tight shirts to hit on hot airmen when you go running in the morning.”
“Look, I know you’re being sarcastic but I really don’t get how no one picked up on that.”
Steve and Bucky try to work out their relationship. The Avengers keep getting in the way.
Parallel Constructions - 13k+ words
In the absence of orders, the man wearing the face of Bucky Barnes must figure out who he will be. The answer, mostly, is "somebody Steve Rogers can love." Nothing so easy should ever take this much work.
Building From The Ground Up - 4 part series
Every Door Opens - 73k+ words
Then Bucky licks his lips, tip of his tongue just grazing the sensitive skin of Steve’s ear and Steve moans. Nothing close to the surge of lust behind his ribs, but a tiny, breathy sound all the same. Bucky doesn’t react—he must not have heard. Though a minute later he curls his fingers and extends them again, moving just slow enough for it to be a caress.
Just tip your head into his touch. He’ll take the lead and trace the folds of your ear with his tongue until you can’t keep quiet any more. Then he’ll smother your desperate little noises with his mouth, fingers twisting in your hair. Kissing deeply, tongues reaching to declare your filthy intentions. Find his knee with your hand and slide wolfishly up his thigh until you reach the bulge behind his fly. Palm him through his trousers until he’s panting in your mouth, until he’s pressing his forehead to yours, hips bucking, and you can see his dark eyes, glinting in the screen’s flickering light, pleading—
Steve jolts back to the present. The credits are rolling and Bucky is reading them as well. The screen blacks and two fluorescent lights buzz to life. Bucky loosens his hand from Steve’s head, welcoming the world back in.
lilies with full hands - 100k+ words
His body is not his own.
This may not be the first thing they teach him, but it is the first thing he learns.
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ellesbee · 9 years
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louis28tomlinson replied to your post: “I got my hair done today!”:
Thank youuuu. 😘
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overyet · 10 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
one direction, anime, and teen wolf... yeah that's me
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puppermemes · 10 years
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louis28tomlinson mentioned you in a post: “fogharry I need my acrylic nails gone”
ohhh ok i thought you were burning something off or..
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katebushery · 10 years
louis28tomlinson replied to your post “@everybody what is Ur star sign i wanna kno how Compatible we are”
Cancer likes fine dining but quiet, private and romantic. Pisces is the same, however, they both have an adventurous streak. Other quiet times can be spent at home or romantic bistros.
Cancer is tough to get through to at first. Patience is needed as well as trust building. Once Cancer has security in a relationship, the softer, friendlier side emerges. Cancer is intelligent and compassionate. They look for a strong leader in a love match. Cancers are adventurous, and also love a stable home life.
To attract a Cancer woman, throw compliments around like crazy. Show your interest in the activities in which they participate. Cook a homemade meal and set a comfortable, welcoming home environment. To attract a Cancer man, get past that tough exterior. Talk about social events as well as themselves. Share your adventures and activities with him.
To attract men and women of Pisces, dress in soft colors of nature, be low key and show off some creativity. Don’t be abrasive or materialistic. Pisces doesn’t want to hear criticism but will listen and talk about Cancer’s dreams.
Cancer is responsive and full of vitality in the bedroom. This lover is very physical but wants sensual whispers and caressing. Pisces provides the seduction Cancers love. Pisces is physical and loves role play and erotic games. Cancer will try new things but will not ask. Cancer’s erogenous zone is the chest and Pisces’ is the feet. Sensual bedroom accents are candles, perfume, music and dim lights.
Astrologically, this love match is very compatible, but there will be some differences these two signs will have to overcome. Cancer is the picture of empathy and Pisces has great devotion. This relationship may experience tiffs and disagreements. They will mostly be over the Cancer’s love of home and Pisces love of wandering which makes Cancer feel neglected.
Cancer can become clingy at these times and Pisces doesn’t care for Cancer’s mood swings. Another compromise will be over Cancer’s love of money and Pisces’ detached view. It sounds crazy, but these zodiac signs form such a bond they forgive and forget and get stronger.
courtney...u n i could really have something here..............don't touch my Feet but i will never let u feel neglected xx
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boybland · 10 years
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louis28tomlinson replied to your post: “where can I buy co-ordssssssssss”:
asos have a category for them but they dont have heaps :(
yeah they have some cute ones but not any of the cut I like :(
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cametobreakhearts · 10 years
louis28tomlinson replied to your post:
its so small whats the point
it's espresso we only drink espresso here
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sumflora · 10 years
louis28tomlinson replied to your post:on the real. what are ur guys’s myers-briggs...
usually intp but i got intj once im still bitter about it
omg i am intj. that's weird how u got a different outcome one time
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overyet · 10 years
louis28tomlinson replied to your post: “”:
what is this about
People noticed the enjoy sign (that Harry gave nick) was off in the back of an instavid and are saying it's a sign gry|es is dead
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the-usurper · 10 years
louis28tomlinson replied to your photo:I kind of want to get something like this tattooed...
thank u
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zenonzequel · 10 years
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l: hmm ok I'll def have to look into it h: yee I hope they do!!
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cametobreakhearts · 10 years
louis28tomlinson replied to your post: “online shopping keeps me alive”:
where is the cool ass bag from and does it come in other colours
it's from a brand called New Look you can find it on Asos! I thiiink they also have it in orange
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terrorfried · 10 years
louis28tomlinson replied to your post “tbh i dont think solange’s getting at jay z was unprovoked he seems...”
are there enough colours on ur mobile blog omg
:~~~~) its pret buzzy aye g
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sumflora · 10 years
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@empressummer ❤️❤️❤️
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overyet · 10 years
louis28tomlinson replied to your post:
i hope he was fired
frombehindthesun replied to your post:
If only.
is there a single person who still likes him
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the-usurper · 10 years
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