#lou and alune
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localenbylesbian · 2 years ago
I sure hope nothing devastating happens and i dont get too attached to the new characters. This totally wont happen again.
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aurelion-solar · 1 year ago
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HEARTSTEEL is a virtual pop group featuring reimagined versions of League of Legends champions Kayn, Ezreal, Sett, Yone, K’Sante, and Aphelios. A group of dynamic daredevils dedicated to unapologetic individuality and bold, creative expression, HEARTSTEEL is set to blaze a path to success on their own terms after each member's failed solo careers. The group’s personality and sound draws inspiration from modern music collectives, and a range of influences from across genres and eras, culminating in a bold and fearless one-of-a-kind identity. The band’s debut single, PARANOIA, pushes the boundaries of pop music with an eclectic infusion of hip hop and electronic influences and relentless, playful energy.
SETT is the founder and co-leader of HEARTSTEEL, who started the band after being dropped from his first label. Inspired by the bold, aggressive styles of hip-hop, Sett designed the group's outfits for the PARANOIA music video and collaborated with ØZI on his rap verse.
As HEARTSTEEL’s co-leader, K'SANTE uses his talents as a singer and creative director to shape the band’s vision. In collaboration with Tobi Lou, K’Sante’s emotionally-attuned lyricism draws inspiration from R&B and hip-hop.
EZREAL first rose to stardom through a manufactured bubblegum-pop hit. As part of HEARTSTEEL, he’s found new freedom in controlling what he creates. Collaborating with BAEKHYUN of EXO, this charming vocalist takes inspiration from his fans around the world.
KAYN is a wildcard, channeling his rebellious streak through Rhaast, his onstage alter-ego. Kicked out of his former band, the multi-genre rapper and instrumentalist leans into everything new and experimental. Collaborating with Cal Scruby, Kayn pushes the envelope wherever he is.
As HEARTSTEEL’s primary instrumentalist and lyricist, APHELIOS brings a quiet genius to the band’s songwriting and composition. Though he rarely speaks, his pursuit of musical perfection guides the group. With his array of instruments (and a little help from his twin sister Alune), Aphelios aims for new creative heights.
Once a producer on international pop hits, YONE grew disillusioned with the music industry’s idea of success. Now revitalized as part of HEARTSTEEL, Yone brings an analytical focus and sharp production skills to the band. His passion for electronic music and meticulous attention to detail shapes their sound.
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hezuart · 2 years ago
For Little Nightmares III the name of the two new characters are relieved to be:
Lou and Alune
I'll let you figure out which is which, cos I only got as far as the names.
I think it has been revealed it is "Low" (The crow boy) and "Alone" (Wrench girl) Personally, I don't like those names. I don't think they fit. "Low" means "depressed" and these kids are running around what appears to be a circus and a toy factory, which are typically exciting places for children IRL. And "Alone" is obvious. Which, she's not, she's with Low now, the whole game is Co-Op. (Her name is technically also the same as Mono's tho...?) Their names don't fit the numerical rhyme scheme of Six and Mono. They don't HAVE to, of course, but it only makes them stand out all the more as odd.
I feel like instead of Low and Alone
"Row" would fit better for the boy (It's one letter away from Crow!) (and Row as in seats in a theater because he's dressed like he's supposed to be performing on stage, on top of the circus performances and mirrors)
And "Solo" for obvious reasons; but also this game's atmosphere feels inspired by some Star Wars planets? And hey, Han Solo is a pilot, and this girl is wearing an old pilot hat?
Row and Solo rhyme too, sooooooo gonna just call them this cuz it fits better personally
Also, I tried to replicate their looks in my Little Nightmares Picrew and it looks like I'm gonna have to update it at some point this year because it is not accurate to what it could be
this was the best I could do. Gotta fix that
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carolmzsz · 1 year ago
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31 Days of Simblreen 🎃
💜 Last week of the challenge by @maadsimming 💜
• Day 22: Riku Evans as Superhero🦸🏻‍♂️
• Day 23: Luke Wytte as Supervillain���🏻‍♂️
• Day 24: Keith Wytte as Black Cat🖤
• Day 25: Gwendolyn Parkih as Ursula (Little Mermaid)🐙
• Day 26: Lou Howell, Kyo, Aibek, Aku and Alune Evans as Pirates of Aarbyville🏴‍☠️
• Day 27: Lou Howell as Cowboy🐎
• Day 28: Circe Evans as Nurse🩺
• Day 29: Shiro and Kaori Evans as Cops🚔
• Day 30: Haru Evans as Prisoner🔒
• Day 31: Taku and Nanami Evans as Victor and Emily (Corpse Bride)👰🏻
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ninjagocrohw · 6 years ago
Here have some Rejago character planning :P this isnt final and it might be spoilery(hence why lloyd isnt included in this post) so read at your own risk.
this also includes my own last names for the chars so like. yknow. dont get confused by that.
[true potential is blocked by a self inflicted character flaw/problem that is preventing the master from being in tune with their element (ie. something has happened that they should be dealing with as their element would but are doing the opposite or are so unfocused because of this problem that they can't properly fall into their elements grasp)]
Kai Kajiya: Element of Fire - hot headed, stubborn, perfectionist. Gets obsessed with twitter and his fans due to the idea that he has to live up to their standards. Has a sibling hoarder problem-EVERYONE IS MY SIBLING NOW-the most protective of lloyd. Doesnt give a single shit about this ninja stuff at first-especially since their family has samurai roots wu. Just wants revenge on the skeletons for destroying he and Nya’s family home and leaving them with nothing to remember their parents by. The first to unlock his elemental powers by falling victim to OVEREMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS
Doesnt know when to give up, intensely competitive, pushes and pushes untill everything falls apart
True Potential: was blocked by jealousy, hatred and paranoia; Lloyd is annoying and obnoxious and was placed into their care without their consent. he's the son of their enemy and he took the green ninja from Kai. Kai gets the fuck over this in a split second moment where he has to decide whether he's going to save Lloyd from lava or not-he puts his bullshit aside and comes out of the experience as the ninja who loves Lloyd the fucking MOST and is able to see that he would've made a terrible chosen one.(way too emotional)(blocked specifically by leaning too far into his emotions while simultaneously leaning away from compassion)
Nya Kajiya: Element of Water - also very stubborn, quick learner who gets burnt out REAL quickly if she doesnt immediately succeed, very empathetic and protective. Besties with Wu, heart of the team alongside Cole. Is overwhelmed by this whole ninja thing and doesnt want anything to do with destiny, just wants to help people. Doesnt develop her powers right away-is super jealous of the boys though. She feels coddled and trapped by wu, and develops the samurai x persona to relieve herself of that as well as to actually help out. Finds out about water ninja shit sooner than in the show-but hides it and refuses to accept it as shes grown VERY comfortable as samurai x. Feels clunky and heavy, doesnt think shed make a good ninja. Very smart, good with machines-but more so in the greasy, oily, mechanic sense(not really an inventor, but definitely a fixer).
Gives up too easily if she isnt IMMEDIATELY good at something-doesnt happen alot because shes generally adaptable. STUBBORN. To the point that it causes problems/arguments/’i cant do that’ moments for her.
True Potential: blocked by tension and stress. unlocked by Jay telling everyone to shut the fuck up and leave her alone-its ok if she can't do this they'll find another way. (blocked by not being able to relax and "go with the flow" due to mounting pressure for her to succeed)[jays repaying the favour]
Cole Alun: Element of Earth - Sensible, Stable, heart of the team who everyone(Except kai) readily follows/instinctively turns to. Loves all kinds of different arts and music, but is worn out by his father’s obsession with it. Delights in letting people go through with their stupid decisions as long as it wont end in anything TOO awful(its fun to watch stupid people get their comeuppance kai), cANT COOK TO SAVE HIS LIFE BUT DESPERATELY WANTS TO AND THINKS HE CAN. POSSIBLY THE MOST PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE PERSON ON THE PLANET. Is tooootally fine with the whole ninja thing-he was running out of ways to avoid his dad.(‘this works’ he says as he avoids all his problems and stews in guilt and nervousness)
Talented and capable, a quick study. Generally good at alot of things, but like nya is bullheaded and cant STAND IT when he fails.(fuckin. Theatre kid.)
True Potential: blocked by avoiding his father!!!! lieing about going to some artsy school instead of confronting Lou about how he doesn't want to follow in his foot steps. (blocked by the inability to be straightforward with a loved one due to fear)
Jay Walker: Element of Lightning - Unsure about all this ninja, save the world shit at first-anxious, needy, requires reassurances-instinctively buddies up with cole and stands by his side 90% of the time. Is the last to unlock his powers and finally feels ok when he does. Seems to have a thing for muscled, tall, dark haired warriors(nya, cole). Not a mechanic like Nya, more of an inventor. Fastest of the main ninja-most agile but also SUPER SQUISHY MY GOD HE GOES DOWN QUICK. Is most intune with his element during the Tournament arc where hes just the prickliest bastard in existence(sidenote: really loved that fandom theory of fenwick being jays dad-skybound and lightning and flying ships as a jay season was such a waste by not tying it back into the cloud kingdom ;u;)
Try hard. Needs everything to go smoothly.
True Potential: blocked by insecurities self doubt and a want to be someone different. unlocked by nya letting him know that "your the best you" and reassuring his insecurities by reminding him that she chose HIM not anyone else in the world. (blocked by folding in on himself and letting his fears consume him)
Zane Eirlys: Element of Ice - Has a ‘sixth sense’ thats later revealed to actually be a danger detecting script in his brain-sort of like a spidey sense. Very naive to the world around him, but feels like he should know more-how long has he existed on this planet? Why is everything so new feeling? Lived mostly on his own for what felt like a very long time and thus is very independent-cooks, cleans, washes regularly, etc. The most adult somehow despite being so naive. The first to walk away to cool off from arguments.
Fuckin. PRODIGY. Good at anything he has an interest in-because hes super patient. Takes a long time to get good at new things.
True Potential: blocked by confusion and unfocused due to not fitting in/his amnesia about where he comes from. is unblocked after he follows the birb and comes to terms with what he is.(blocked by not paying attention to anything around him and focusing on anxieties about how people see him and where he comes from)
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arikuosmanen · 7 years ago
Siniset ansaitsee reilun mahdollisuuden (Suomenmaa)
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Pää­kir­joi­tus Si­ni­nen tu­le­vai­suus on saa­nut puo­lu­een­sa re­kis­te­riin. Si­nis­ten en­sim­mäi­nen puo­lu­e­ko­kous pi­de­tään jou­lu­kuun puo­li­vä­lis­sä Tam­pe­reel­la.
Puo­lu­eet voi­daan ja­kaa syn­ty­his­to­ri­an­sa pe­rus­teel­la kah­teen ryh­mään.
Toi­set ovat syn­ty­neet ikään kuin olo­jen pa­kos­ta, aja­maan jon­kin tie­tyn kan­san­ryh­män tai aat­teen, par­haas­sa ta­pauk­ses­sa kum­man­kin asi­aa.
Toi­seen ryh­mään kuu­lu­vat puo­lu­eet, jot­ka ovat er­kaan­tu­neet jos­ta­kin ole­mas­sa ole­vas­ta puo­lu­ees­ta. Si­ni­set ovat täs­tä hyvä esi­merk­ki.
Puo­lu­een pe­rus­ti­vat ne pa­ri­kym­men­tä kan­sa­ne­dus­ta­jaa, jot­ka ero­si­vat pe­rus­suo­ma­lai­sis­ta ke­sä­kuun puo­lu­e­ko­kouk­sen jäl­keen.
Si­ni­sil­le on ylei­ses­ti po­vat­tu oh­dak­keis­ta tu­le­vai­suut­ta. Puo­lu­e­re­kis­te­riin pää­se­mi­sek­si vaa­dit­tu­jen 5000 kan­nat­ta­ja­kor­tin ke­rää­mi­nen vei ai­kaa odo­tet­tua kau­em­min.
Tätä voi pi­tää osoi­tuk­se­na sii­tä, et­tä puo­lu­een pe­rus­ta­mi­seen ei ol­lut ko­vin suur­ta pai­net­ta ruo­hon­juu­ri­ta­sol­la.
Kan­nat­taa kui­ten­kin muis­taa, et­tä myös ja­kau­tu­mal­la syn­ty­neet puo­lu­eet voi­vat me­nes­tyä po­li­tii­kas­sa.
Lä­hin esi­merk­ki on Suo­men Maa­seu­dun Puo­lue, jon­ka pe­rus­ti Maa­lais­lii­tos­ta eron­nut Veik­ko Ven­na­mo.
Han­ka­lan alun jäl­keen Ven­na­mon puo­lue nou­si vuo­den 1970 vaa­leis­sa lä­hes 20 kan­sa­ne­dus­ta­jan ryh­mäk­si. Me­nes­tys uu­siu­tui vuon­na 1983 Pek­ka Ven­na­mon joh­dol­la.
Eron­nei­den tai­val on kui­ten­kin useim­mi­ten jää­nyt ly­hy­ek­si.
Kun SDP ha­jo­si 1950-lu­vun lo­pul­la, eron­nei­den pe­rus­ta­man TPSL:n taru päät­tyi 1970-lu­vul­le tul­ta­es­sa.
Vie­lä no­pe­am­min kuo­li SMP:stä eron­nei­den vuon­na 1972 pe­rus­ta­ma Suo­men Kan­san Yh­te­näi­syy­den Puo­lue.
Se sai vuo­den 1975 vaa­leis­sa enää yh­den kan­sa­ne­dus­ta­jan, joka hän­kin liit­tyi kes­kus­tan ryh­mään vaa­li­kau­den ai­ka­na.
    Si­nis­ten syn­ty poik­ke­aa ai­em­mis­ta esi­mer­keis­tä sii­nä, et­tä puo­lue sai huo­men­lah­ja­na kaik­ki vii­si mi­nis­te­riä, jot­ka ni­mi­tet­tiin hal­li­tuk­seen pe­rus­suo­ma­lai­si­na Juha Si­pi­län hal­li­tuk­seen 2015 vaa­lien jäl­keen.
Si­ni­sis­tä voi tul­la mer­kit­tä­vä edus­kun­ta­puo­lue, jos Si­pi­län hal­li­tus is­tuu vaa­li­kau­den lop­puun saak­ka.
Sil­loin puo­lue eh­ti­si naut­tia ta­lous­kas­vun he­del­mis­tä mui­den hal­li­tus­puo­lu­ei­den rin­nal­la ja luo­da sel­ke­än, muis­ta erot­tu­van pro­fii­lin.
Kes­kus­ta jäi si­ni­sil­le kii­tol­li­suu­den­vel­kaan ke­sä­kuus­sa.
Uu­den edus­kun­ta­ryh­män no­pea syn­ty mah­dol­lis­ti hal­li­tuk­sen jat­kon il­man ai­kaa­vie­viä ja ar­vaa­mat­to­mia neu­vot­te­lu­ja.
Sik­si oli­si rei­lua, et­tä si­ni­set saa­vat mah­dol­li­suu­den mi­ta­ta kan­na­tuk­sen­sa huh­ti­kuus­sa 2019, heil­le par­haa­na ajan­koh­ta­na.
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foulbearpizza-blog · 7 years ago
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drjuliesmith · 5 years ago
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Had a great time chatting with Alun and Lou on the BBC Radio Solent Breakfast Show this morning. Thank you to Alun, Lou, @warren_hayden and @pippajones_xox for making me feel so welcome and spreading the word for mental health awareness. 💕 (at BBC Radio Solent) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Tiz0rArvt/?igshid=d6pndjt2jb0q
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drjuliesmith · 5 years ago
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Had a great time chatting with Alun and Lou on the BBC Radio Solent Breakfast Show this morning. Thank you to Alun, Lou, @warren_hayden and @pippajones_xox for making me feel so welcome and spreading the word for mental health awareness. 💕 (at BBC Radio Solent) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9TiWIeAgLK/?igshid=q3el9fqgggc2
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