#lottie litg
dawnsbreaking · 2 years
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Lottie couldn’t fathom why the coffee shop she worked at was even open. Snow was pouring down outside, the roads were abysmal, every other barista on the closing shift had called out for the day, and even the owners had taken off early. - marilottie coffee shop AU, holiday exchange fic prompts: chocolate, "I'll do it, but only because you asked."
holiday exchange fic for @aislinnstanaka pairing: marisol/lottie (litg) word count: 2,302 read on ao3
Lottie couldn’t fathom why the coffee shop she worked at was even open. Snow was pouring down outside, the roads were abysmal, every other barista on the closing shift had called out for the day, and even the owners had taken off early.
Staying open for a handful of broke college students that lived within walking distance couldn’t possibly be worth paying the electricity bill for the lights and espresso machines, let alone Lottie's salary.
To cope with having to close the shop alone, Lottie reminded herself that the slow business meant that she was technically being paid to read a book behind the counter and play games on her phone. With free coffee.
There were worse ways to spend an evening.
Peaceful silence, though, was meant to be broken. The bell rang, signalling that someone had entered the café and Lottie looked up to see who it was.
The girl was bundled to high heaven. Lottie had to stifle a laugh to remain a level of professionalism. She was at work, after all, even if she had been scrolling through social media in an empty café for the past three hours.
“Cold out?” Lottie asked, maintaining a pleasant enough tone that the girl would likely miss her sarcasm.
“It’s dry snow, at least.” The girl took off her glasses, cleaning them with the hem of her sweater before replacing them. “I’m going to take off my coat before I order if that’s alright.”
Lottie shrugged, glancing pointedly at all of the empty tables. “Take all the time you need.”
She returned to her phone, feeling awkward watching the girl take off her coat. Despite being a little dorky, the girl seemed nice enough. Lottie only resented her for the fact that she’d have to actually make a drink.
“I’m glad you’re open,” the girl said when she returned to the till, “I was worried I’d make the trek down the street for nothing.”
“That makes one of us,” Lottie said, “you’re the first person I’ve seen in ages.”
“Sorry to disturb your evening, then.” The girl blushed, then shook herself. “Could I get a mocha, please? For here. The largest you’ve got.”
Lottie held up a large ceramic mug, nearly the size of a cereal bowl, that she sometimes offered to customers when she was feeling either silly or generous. She was feeling neither at the moment, only a desire to avoid making loads of drinks for this girl. The giant mug front-loaded all the labour.
The girl giggled. “Sure, that’ll do.”
“Anything else?” Lottie gave her a pained smile.
“No, that’s all.”
“Can I get a name for the order?”
The girl quirked an eyebrow. “There’s no one else here.”
“Protocol.” Really, Lottie was just curious, wanting a name to curse in the back of her mind for making her actually have to do her job. And whether or not the girl knew that, she didn’t particularly care.
“Marisol,” the girl said. Marisol paid for her drink then dropped a few crumpled notes in the tip jar as a peace offering.
“Be right out, love.” Lottie watched with a frown as Marisol returned to her table and began unpacking her things. It seemed she was preparing to be there for a while.
A meager tip couldn’t buy Lottie out of her bad mood, though. She flicked on the milk frother, nearly scalding herself with steam in her hurry. Two pumps of the chocolate syrup made it into the mug, but the third landed squarely on Lottie's sleeve.
This girl had her in such a tizzy, no one would guess she'd been making coffee at this exact machine in this exact shop for the last year.
Marisol. She thought the name with a nasty intonation.
"One mocha for Marisol," she said, sweetly, emphasizing the alliteration. 
Marisol thanked the barista, Lottie, according to her name tag, for the drink. She was appreciative of the larger mug, but part of her worried that she’d spill the drink on the way back to her seat.
Lottie’s intense aura was threatening enough to make Marisol instantly self-conscious. It didn’t help that she was the only person in the café. There was nowhere to hide in the rows of empty tables.
She did her best to ignore Lottie, laying out her textbooks next to her laptop and opening her bag of pens and highlighters. At least it would be quiet. These places were usually packed during finals week, but the snow had kept everyone at bay.
“Let me know if you need anything else,” Lottie called over, “I’ll just be over here.”
“Got it!” Marisol smiled back, giving an appreciative nod, even though she sensed a sarcastic tinge to Lottie’s kindness.
It wasn’t as difficult to ignore Lottie once she put on her headphones and pressed play on her studying playlist. Marisol, in the last year of her pre-law degree, had three finals for the next week. And all of them were for some of the most difficult classes she’d ever taken. It would be a miracle if this finals season didn’t kill her.
I'm a paying customer, Marisol reminded herself when she felt Lottie staring at her again, I have every right to be here.
She looked up at Lottie, smiled, and returned to her studies.
The coffee, once it had cooled enough that Marisol could drink it, was good, at least. Despite the menacing glares from the artisan who had crafted it, the mocha was done just how she liked it. She'd forgotten to ask for one less pump of chocolate syrup, intimidated by the barista, but it still hadn't been made too sweet.
She took a sip of the drink for every page she read, powering through the designated chapter of her textbook with renowned vigor. She'd made it through half the chapter—and a quarter of her drink—when she was interrupted with a tap on the shoulder.
“I’m going to sweep the floors,” Lottie told her. “Would you mind if I got under your table?”
Marisol huffed, annoyed at having been derailed when she was finally starting to get some work done.
“Thank you,” Lottie scooted the chairs out. “Sorry to bother you.”
Wordlessly, Marisol returned to her studying, pressing play on her music again. She blushed, trying her best to ignore the barista sweeping under her feet. It was odd, the way she reacted to Lottie’s presence.
Marisol wasn’t a nervous person, usually. She prided herself on her poker face, knowing she’d make a good lawyer someday because of her ability to keep cool under pressure. All it took, turned out, was one snippy barista to have her completely unraveled.
She turned to look out the window, letting her eyes settle anywhere but on the witch with the broom at her feet. She startled when a streak of black jumped out of the snow.
“What?” Lottie frowned down at Marisol’s outburst.
“There was something in the snow.”
The blush creeping across Marisol’s cheeks worsened and she hoped that the thing would reappear, keeping her from feeling totally stupid. As if the universe had granted her one wish, the thing jumped out from the snow again, pouncing on a falling snowflake.
It was a cat.
“Oh my god.” Lottie laughed, surprised. “I won’t lie, I thought you were losing it.”
Lottie watched the little black cat through the window as it rolled in the snow, giggling, despite herself at the sight.
“It’s cute,” Marisol said, discarding her headphones to go to the window. “And probably cold.”
“Well, I’m not letting it in.” Lottie put a hand on her hip.
As cute as the cat was, she wasn’t keen on cat hair getting on the tables.
Marisol pouted. “But it’ll freeze.”
“What if I get in trouble?” Lottie said. Truthfully, the owners probably wouldn’t mind unless a patron complained. And Lottie would be surprised if anyone else came in for the rest of the night. They were already only a few hours out from closing and the snow was still coming down.
“Tell the owners it followed me in.”
Lottie frowned. “What if it hops up on the tables?”
“I’ll keep an eye out,” Marisol pleaded. “Please?”
“Urgh, fine.” Lottie stomped to the door and flung it open, letting the cat in along with a gust of cold air. “Only because you asked nicely.”
Really, Lottie wasn’t sure why she’d given in so easily. A few minutes ago she’d started sweeping the lobby of the café just to annoy Marisol into leaving, and now she was letting a stray cat in just to keep her from pouting. 
Where had her backbone gone?
Marisol watched with a smile on her face as the cat pranced into the shop. The cat stopped at Lottie’s legs, brushing up against her black jeans.
“Aw, she likes you,” Marisol cooed.
Lottie had always attracted cats. Strays followed her home from work more days than they didn’t. She wasn’t amused, though. This cat wasn’t going to get on her good side so easily.
“Are you going to take her home? Because she’s not welcome here after hours.”
“I might do.” Marisol crossed her arms. “I don’t want to leave her out in the cold…”
“Right.” Lottie sighed. “Just… Keep her off the tables.”
Before long, the cat—Marisol had taken to calling her Mocha after the drink she kept lunging after—had fallen asleep on the bench seat, resting its head in Marisol’s lap. Mocha’s company was much preferable to the moody barista’s, though Lottie had seemed to soften since letting the cat in.
There was something going on between them that Marisol couldn’t quite put her finger on. First they’d been at odds and tense, then, enter the cat, and something shifted. Lottie was trying to keep up the grumpy and aloof mood of before, but Marisol kept catching her smiling at the sleeping cat.
Another hour passed, of Marisol working and Lottie pretending not to fawn over Mocha, and Marisol pretending she didn’t see Lottie’s smiles.
Finally, Marisol grew tired of the charade.
“Do you have lots of work to do? You could come sit over here, if you want.”
“I wouldn’t want to disturb you,” Lottie said. Which wasn’t ‘no’.
Marisol gave Lottie a friendly smile, trying her best to communicate that there was no more ill will between them. “You’re ogling the cat.”
“I’m not ogling…” Lottie huffed. “Fine.”
She tossed a dish towel aside and picked up her book, bringing it to the table where she sat on the bench seat. She sat gently, so as not to disturb sleeping Mocha.
It was so clear to Marisol that Lottie was much softer than she let on. Which was a strange observation to have of a stranger, but something about Lottie just made sense to Marisol. She could see right through her. And just beneath the surface, she was a secret sweetheart.
“Isn’t she sweet?” Marisol asked, because she didn’t know Lottie well enough to say anything more substantive. Even if she felt like she knew Lottie a little. Even if, dizzyingly, she realized that she wanted to know Lottie better.
“I suppose she is.” Lottie reached out, tentatively petting the soft fur on Mocha’s back. “She’s also loitering.”
“She had a sip of my mocha if that helps her case.”
After a beat, Lottie laughed. She seemed surprised that Marisol was making a joke. “Did she really?”
Marisol giggled. “No, but not for lack of trying.”
The girls sat in silence for a moment, Marisol caught Lottie’s gaze. She almost sighed audibly at the way the girl’s eyes twinkled. Lottie was pretty when she wasn’t being rude.
“Have you thought of a name for her?” Lottie asked, looking back down to the cat. There was a pink tinge growing on her cheeks, though Marisol could almost convince herself she’d imagined it.
“Mocha,” Marisol said, “for attempted mocha-stealing crimes.”
“That’s cute.”
“I thought so.”
Lottie hummed, patted Mocha again. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
For just a moment, Marisol was unsure whether Lottie was speaking to her or to Mocha. She shook her head and returned to her work. Surely, she meant the cat.
- I hope you enjoyed this, Iris! I would have never written this pairing if it weren't for the prompt, so I hope I did them justice <3
thank you to Sarah and Margot for organizing this exchange, I'm so excited to read what everyone's put together!!
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archxvii · 1 year
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season 2 faves. realized im down bad for blond bitches?!
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ariendiel · 5 months
The Islanders at the Met Gala 2024 - Part 1
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as is kind of tradition by now, I make edits of our favourite islanders as though they were at the met gala. I've done this before as well, which you all can find here for 2022, and here and here for 2023. Like last year, I've had to divide it into two posts, with the girls first – link to part 2 here.
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styles-harriet · 5 months
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Season 2 girls fits
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You are telling me Jin had the SUPERMAN outfit and all WE got to choose as HIS Li are the Viking and the caveman one? This is a joke right ?
@libelle949 we got robbed call the police.
Credits to @longbobmckenzie for the images ❤️
Main masterlist
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crimswnred · 1 year
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litg S1 and S2 cast (plus Jamal) tweets (5/?) • part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
special thanks to Suzi, who sent me the 4th tweet 🩷
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garebearandnan · 5 months
S2 LITG OG Girls (downloadable)
by gothfamily
All the girls look beautiful, but wow... Priya is so gorgeous!
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The designer really did the girls the justice they deserve.
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nukbody · 2 years
This game is so shit but...
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fox-from-fairytale · 10 months
Me: I'm gonna miss s2 cast 🥺
Also me as soon Lottie and Hannah enters the Villa:
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mrsbsmooth · 10 months
No one I know irl plays love island so I'll just have to leave this here because I'll explode if I don't get it out - LOTTIE DRIVES ME INSANE!!!
I'm doing one last play through for Bobby and the kiss between Lottie and Gary was just exposed at the ministry of sound-party and she is so pigheaded about it!! The way she's been behaving the whole season, "girl code" & "loyalty" that when she's been a cliquey bitch so many times for literally NO reason!!!!!
When they first "found out" during the mean tweets-challenge she could've used that as an opportunity to reflect on her behaviour, why it's messed up and learn & grow from it -- but she just kept being a bitchy baby, getting on everyone's case just for looking at a boy - and now when her shit is exposed she's like it was just a kiss???? FUMING
This is like my single favourite thing about everyone replaying the old seasons, like
Literally she was such a hypocrite, but that's why I love those old seasons so much.
She's all about girl code, but she kissed her bestie's crush behind her back.
Hope is a laser-focused career woman, but gets into a tizzy over the string coming out of her hoodie
Priya is all 'I don't need no man' but is so desperately insecure that she can barely open up to talk about how lonely she is.
Lottie's entire character arc is flat. Like she is a whiny bitch baby from start to finish and I absolutely love that. She's jealous of MC's relationship with Gary from start to finish, she never really matures, she just gets better at hiding it.
I hate her so much, but I LOVE how she's written.
I'm so glad for Flo because Lottie was really out her giving Aussies a bad name fr
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duskwood-by-daylight · 5 months
I didn't make this, but if you know who did, please tell them I love them and I hope they have only good things in life.
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willkimurashat · 4 months
Lottie was a love interest. No offense but why would you want Lottie to break up with her girlfriend to date a male LI? The writers are no longer doing female routes or female friendships. They only let us couple up with one out of the two female LI sprites during the final recoupling. It'd hurt to watch Lottie lose her memory of her girlfriend as she falls in love with Finn. Queer players deserve to have happy queer couples. Broken WLW relationship are not what I'm hoping for. There are so many other female characters we could not romance
My love, why do you make it seem like we’re on different sides here? That’s exactly why I myself am against the whole concept of an all stars season - I don’t want to know my favorite canon li/mc couple broke up and now I have to see them try again in another season of love island. That’s why this concept’s been doomed from the start. But that is also what’s to be expected from a season called All Stars - it’s inevitable that they might bring an islander who was a canon endgame li before. Just because you or I don’t like it doesn’t mean they’re not gonna do it anyway or that there won’t be people who would play and enjoy it.
As for Lottie, I’m not sure where you’re getting that I want her to break up with her girlfriend and start dating a male li or Finn for that matter? If you’re referring to my previous post mentioning Lottie, I assure you it was a joke pointing out that since they revealed 2/4 islanders are Australian they might as well bring back Lottie because at least she is an All Star, not a no-name. I don’t even like Lottie, she’s one of my least favorite characters, but that’s just me - you can romance whoever you want. And just to make it abundantly clear if it wasn’t before, I don’t like this concept for s9, I was always against it even way before it was officially announced.
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styles-harriet · 1 year
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crimswnred · 1 year
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litg S1 and S2 cast tweets (1/?)
check more here.
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beccas-gf · 5 months
I miss litg season two
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ravenadottir · 1 year
ok, so the other day my partner and i were talking about characters' names, the context being "oh, some characters don't match the names they were given" and it got me thinking... what would i name the love island characters if i had that power... or what they would name themselves... it gets a little mixed, don't worry about it.
i'm doing this or all seasons, especially the ones i didn't play because... it's fun and i already don't know/care about their grace.
alright, let's begin!
gary - SOLID KYLE, and i say this as a gary stan. he looks like someone who would chug on mountain dew and post those cowboy tik toks showing off his truck. i'm sorry but if you're american you know it's true and it's undeniable. idk what the british equivalent of that is... perhaps gary LOL
ibrahim - chadwick something the third. i remember seeing someone making fun of chadwick boseman (rest in peace) because his name is so white, and by rahim's behavior and way of talking it's giving carlton from 'fresh prince of bel-air. he's a fucking chadwick and you cannot convince me otherwise.
lucas - his father would want to name him fucking archibald because they're filthy rich, but his mom knows better, so she chose lucas. i think it's perfect for him and i wouldn't change it.
henrik - a solid andreas. look at him, he's an andreas! very sweet but still nordic enough to make you wonder.
bobby - probably the day of the week he was born, because if his parents are dumb enough to name him bobby, what would stop them from naming him friday? or maybe the season he was born, spring...
jakub - his name can stay the same because he looks like a jakub, HOWEVER, he would demand everyone to call him by his nickname: white shark
rocco - fernando. and not in the way you say it in english or spanish, but in portuguese. "faer-nã-doo", he would insist because... he's a douche.
graham - a hebrew name that means lovely, so like... jeremiah, or jebediah. probably jebediah. he does not give graham, he gives "catholic mother that is a little too lost in bible lore".
arjun - because he's conceited, (i like him but that smirk is so over-the-top) rahul. every fucking raul or rahul i've ever met was a conceited jerk so... call this based off life experiences.
elijah - it's giving william, maybe willard, even wilford. definitely a nickname that leads you to believe it's william but it's every other name under the sun except for the most common.
kassam is actually perfect, the right amount of exotic vanilla that he disperses.
carl - a nerdy name that wasn't necessarily born in the 40's, so leonard. it's a solid mix between young and old for me, and that's just who carl is. leonard is leo when he's younger, then stays solid for a 30-something-yo, then it's even more solid when you get old. granted, so is carl but i hate that fucking name.
noah - ambrose. um... SHOULD I JUST MOVE ON? it's perfect for him!
felix - (my partner said "lobster" without a second thought and i thought i would share with the class) but to me he looks like a solid martin, although he tries to make a nickname like max catch on, it's not successful.
the s2 girls:
lottie - she probably has a conservative name, like anne marie but lies about it saying she was named after a witch, like piper or sybil. final name would be piper (charmed fans will get it).
hope - viola. i love it, it's simple, small and it can mean so many things depending on what language you speak. in english is a type of violin, but in portuguese it's a type of guitar, and i love that for her. she's a very musical person so that's my name for her.
marisol - she's a solid valentina, the type of name that says a lot about personality. marisol, to me, is such a whimsical name. it doesn't say "intelligent, brave, bold", it says "i sell flowers by the road and wear a dress made out of hemp. also i call my vagina sacred temple." and that's not what homegirl is giving, so definitely valentina.
chelsea - i just hate the name chelsea, despite thinking she looks like one, so i'm naming her summer, because bright, hot, a little out there. everyone named summer (except the girl in The O.C) is a whimsical person, and that's how i feel she is.
hannah - she's a fucking daisy.
shannon - she's giving "my parents gave me the whitest name they could think of but i use a cool nickname" so i'm naming her madison but she calls herself "mad". her parents though? "maddie!"
blake - she's a fully-blown yasmin. it's the type of name that makes you second guess everything you thought about the person because you're not sure where that name is from, or what it means, and that's how i feel about her.
priya - i actually love that name for her, and i don't have as much contact with female indian names to have that... knowledge you know? i like it, keep it.
elisa - beatrice, but she uses "bea" and the bea-hive, because branding. WHY CALLING HER A NAME THAT CANNOT BE USED AS A BRAND, S2 WRITERS???? what was your thought process???
jo - every single girl i've met that is like jo was named angela. girls that will be like "i'll tell you one thing: i don't play games and i don't engage in drama" and baby, that's all they're doing, they're playing games and portraying an angel. fucking angela.
r!hannah - her name is still daisy but she corrects people, wanting to be addressed as "daze", because she's a bad girl now and fucking unbearable.
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mechadria · 10 months
me on my first playthrough of s2: hugging chelsea back bc she seems nice and kind
me on every other playthrough after that: hugging my Audhd BESTIE Chelsea bc she's finally back in the house and i love her sm
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