#lots of varieties of the none zombie-fying kind but i was vetoed
heads up, seven up!
"Rules for those who want to participate: post 7 lines from a wip of yours and tag some other people!!!!" Thanks @sedum-lineare! I have many many Thoughts on ecology and fungi and humanity which I’m hoping will be a fic soon. Ish.
She reads about the fungi that live with humans.
The microbiome in her gut and on her skin that keeps her healthy.
The penicillium that saved Joel's life.
The microbiome which mimics that of the people you live with, and how mothers (parents, she corrects in her head) pass on some beneficial fungi and bacteria to their children during birth.
If only she could convince her Cordyceps to share and mix with Joel's microbiome in the same way, tell it he is family and a friend, and if she thinks of him as such Cordyceps should too, and protect him too.
It's a gentle fantasy, one she's angry to still think about, when she learns the truth.
Angry at Joel for taking the choice away and not treating her like an adult, angry that the doctors were going to separate her and him and the fungus from each other so violently, so completely.
@rustandruin @drumlincountry @doodleborg no pressure just if you have some writing Thots to share!
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