potentiala · 7 years
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Lotidge Ship Week: Day 1 - Trust
(Quick note that NONE of this is tied to “Golden Madness” in any way. And will follow a linear story for the rest of the week. Enjoy!)
Hostility, he expected.
But an IMMEDIATE knife to the throat? The Voltron Paladin must hate him more than he had previously thought. Said welder of the very pointy Luxite blade was the Half-Galra Paladin that had freed Acxa from the Weblum. Now, what was his name again?
“Keith, is it? This is pretty poor gratitude from someone who just stopped your suicide mission into that shield.” Something flashes in those gray-violet eyes. Something like shame and anger.
It made Lotor want to laugh.
Was that all it took to get these Paladins riled up? How cute. Keith curled his lips back in a very Galra way, pushing the point of the blade deeper. So that a drop of blood appeared right next to the Galran’s Prince’s jugular.
“YOU DID WHAT?” Thank the Stars Lotor had the sense to take a step back as the Keith whipped around at the sudden, new voice. A boy in blue armor appearing. Pretty, even as his face twisted in worry and anger.
But not his type.
“Keith?! You were going to what?”
“L-Lance, I was only trying to-“
“Trying to do what? Be a quiznacking hero again?”
“What’s that suppose to m-“
“Did I just start a lover’s quarrel?” Lotor thought out-loud. Stars, just watching these two brought another wave of aching pain to Lotor’s head.
They galred at him.
Which, naturally, resulted Keith’s knife finding its way back to its spot on Lotor’s throat. Ugh. Well give him a blade to the throat over a lover’s quarrel any-
“WE’RE NOT LOVERS!” Said lovers shouted in perfect sync at the exact same time. Lotor raising a single white eyebrow in response.
Their faces flushed red.
On second thought, having a discussion with the Defenders of the Universe might not have been the best idea. Especially if he had to deal with two pining idiots. He should’ve just flown into the sun and saved himself this misery.
“So, uh, this is the guy that just saved us?” Looking away from the oblivious males in front of him, Lotor watched as a larger male in yellow armor walked into the hanger all-to cautiously. Staring at the Galran Prince as if he would suddenly lash out and rip their heads off. And, believe him. He wanted to. But he couldn’t.
Not when they were all he could turn to.
It hurt his pride to admit such a thing, but between that witch and his father…he had to come in and save the people who dreamt of the Empire’s fall to gain some semblance of credibility. He despised the feeling of needing something so desperately, but here he was.
“Prince Lotor, a…pleasure I’m sure.” Lotor growled as he glanced between the knife at his neck and the Keith. Which only served to get said knife pushed even closer to the Prince’s neck. Damn, if his generals hadn’t taken his weapons-
“While, I’d like to thank you for what you did, I can’t afford to let our guard down. Especially not to you.” A new voice chided, not unlike a parent’s scolding of a child, as a man dressed in black armor walked up to Lotor. A man the Galran Prince instantly recognized.
The Champion himself.
But how did-No. No, this man wasn’t the Champion. Lotor knew it, felt it. This man prancing around in his father’s old armor may look just like that Champion, but he wasn’t. His scent was too cold, too devoid of any real trauma. Something was wrong with his man.
Something very, very wrong.
“I think you should worry about your guard being too high, Champion.” The man even reacted blankly to an otherwise traumatic title.
“Our guard is plenty high enough Prince Lotad.” Oh for the love of-Could no one hold a real conversation in this damned ship?! And who would dare insult-
He saw her.
The sight of her made Lotor subconsciously stand up straighter. The small woman walking to stand by the fake Black Paladin’s side. Hair short and amber-colored, curling around a pretty face. A woman in war, Lotor was no stranger to…but she looked so young. Her features still soft with youth. But her eyes…her gold, gold eyes…
They burned.
Scorched and killed as she glared at him. Seemingly more distrutive than the Half-Galra who currently had a knife to the Prince’s throat. Those eyes were not young.
Not in the least.
“Why did you do it?” The questioning outburst came as a surprise. Even to the Green Paladin who said them and the Galran Prince they were directed at. And, despite every logical part of Lotor’s brain telling him not to, he looked up into those bight eyes. Held those eyes within his own like a spoil of war. Beautiful and focused.
Just his type.
“Because I have to trust you.”
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dragbunart · 7 years
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Lotidge week day 5: Obsession
Lotor isn’t sure how managed it, but he managed to drug and drag her away without the others noticing. He stripped her of armor leaving her in her undersuit. She was so beautiful. Her intelligence rivaled his own. He wouldn’t have been able to get her alone like this if she hadn’t been so trusting and naive. Then again, that added to her charm. Now no one else would get to experience that charm. Or her adorable laughter. Or the perfect way she said his name. Slowly stealing her things to add to his bunker had been worth it. He hadn’t intended to kidnap her but he didn’t like how others kept approaching her like they deserved to share her space.  They obviously didn’t notice how the world stopped when Lotor met her. If they did they’d know she was too good for them.  To  Lotor she was practicly a goddess.  She gave him all the affection he craved growing up. She was so selfless when it came to her time. She had practicly given herself to him on a silver platter. SHe had to have known the drug was in the snack he made her. And she willingly ate it.  He finally heard her stir. “Where?” She could only form the one word. before noticing her captor. “Don’t look so surprized, my goddess. You let me do this, you must have wanted this.” Pidge looekd around scared realizing his words. She started to notice her personal items that had gone missing over the weeks. A couple of her shirts. A couple of her blankets. Pidge started to formulate an escape. Lotor held an unopened water bottle to her. “Drink, it’s going to be a few hours before i can get you anything else.” 
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potentiala · 7 years
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Lotidge Ship Week: Day 2 - Fight
Sorry guys, but applications are due soon, so Lotidge Ship Week entries might be a little late and have some weird mistakes. :( 
Curse you Princeton! Jk, please read my essays
“You can’t tell me what to do Shiro.” Scowling further, the Green Paladin sent a defiant glare at the Head of Voltron. The latter only crossing his arms as he tried to stare her down.
“I said no Pidge.” There it was again, that blankness to his look that made Pidge’s heart twist uncomfortably. That subtle detachment to her that made the young woman want to sock Shiro across the jaw, take Matt and Green, and book it for the hills.
“And I said I’m going.” Shiro was just about to open his mouth to refute her again, when a third, previously ignored voice broke through their tension.
“I could go with her.” Speak of the Devil. Or, more accurately, of the Galran Prince-turned-unwitting ally.
Prince Lotor.
He stood, leaning against the wall within their little lounge. Looking half-bored and half-frustrated. Oh great, as if Pidge wasn’t at the end of her patience already, Lotor just had to butt in.
“Oh come now Champion, you know as well as I do she’ll be killed on her own.” Lotor’s voice was all but a purr as he, very pointedly, looked over Pidge’s head at Shiro. Glossing over her with those brilliant blue eyes. 
The Black Paladin glaring right back.
“And who’s to say you’ll help her chances?”
“Well, unlike you Champion, I know these ships like the back of my hand. Not to mention the fact I’m just as much as a wanted criminal as you lot.” Pidge tried getting a word it, but the two just kept at it. 
“That’s not worth Pidge’s life.” Ok, that’s it! Pidge wasn’t going to deal with this…weird display of testosterone. She didn’t have time for this! Not right now!
Not when she found a lead on her dad.
So that’s why Pidge jumped up, strode over to Lotor, guns blazing, and grabbed his hand. Forcibly dragging a Galran Prince who was, at the very least, two feet taller than her, up and away from the Black Paladin.
Missing the look of surprise on Lotor’s face.
Shiro, naturally, called after them. But all his half-baked pleas fell on deaf ears. Pidge’s body feeling far, far too hot. A frustrated flush rising to her face and the tips of her ears. So, hand and hand with the Galran Prince, she set a course for their destination.
A Galran transport ship.
Said to hold the usual cargo. Weapons, quintessence, and mechanical supplies. But there was a unique addition to this particular ship. It was said that it was transporting a small group of especially intelligent slaves for some purpose Pidge would rather not think about. Made complete by a boosted security. So yeah.
She might need Lotor’s help.
“Going without your brother? How rebellious~” Ugh, she could practically hear the smirk in his voice. But she didn’t want Matt out there, in danger.
Not after everything he’s been through.
“Sit down and shut up before I make you.” Was all Pidge had the patience to grit out as she and Green left the Castle of Lions.
Familiar sparks dancing up her arm as she allowed herself to sink into the Green Lion’s cockpit. Ok. Ok. Breathe, you can do this. Pidge told herself, trying to calm down before anger made her stupid and reckless. Just breathe.
"Where are we going?" Oh quiznak. Clenching her jaw, Pidge turned her annoyed gaze toward Lotor. The latter raising a single white eyebrow at her. Pidge thought it over as she blocked the commutation Shiro was trying to send her.
"To find my dad." Pidge echoed as she turned back around. Watching as Green streamlined past stars and moons she didn't have the time to revel in.
She could hear the surprise in his voice.
"Your father? He's with the Empire?"
"Unwillingly yes." Pidge didn't even try to keep the bitterness out of her voice. God, look at her. Going around space in a magical giant metal lion with the son of her enemy riding shotgun. Had Pidge not been living that reality, she would've laughed.
Lotor remained silent.
Which was perfectly fine with Pidge. Give her a quiet Galran Prince over a talkative one any day. Because, like this, Pidge could actually think.
About a lot of things.
What was she doing? Disobeying Shiro’s orders? Rushing into the fray? God, she was beginning to act like Keith. But what if her dad was there, on that ship?
What if he wasn’t?
“-aladin! Paladin, I believe were getting close!” It was Lotor’s voice that brought Pidge out of her thoughts. And, with a jolt, she realized he was right. The Galran ship was quickly coming closer and closer into view. Pidge flying into action.
Quickly activating Green’ cloaking ability.
“Your lion has cloaking?” Lotor’s voice was closer, Pidge realized. He was standing behind her, arms braced against her seat. Leaning down to her level. Where, in her peripheral vision, she could see the silvery strands of hair flutter gracefully off his shoulder.
Pidge had half a mind to step on the breaks.
“Yes, so stay inside and wait for me.”
The Green Paladin nearly groaned at the immediate sense of deja vu. Setting Green up to follow the transport ship while they climbed off board, Pidge pursed her lips.
Trying to stay calm.
“I didn’t ask you Lotor.” She glared up at him then. His gaze was steady, blue-yellow eyes focused and determined as he gazed at her. But there was something more to that look he gave her. Something that puzzled her.
That made her heartbeat flutter.
But only for a tick.
“And you didn’t ask me before grabbing my hand and jumping ship...Pidge.” With that, the strange look to Lotor’s eyes increased as he turned away to put on his helmet. Leaving Pidge’s mind reeling from…that look.
That soft, soft look.
- - -
But nothing stayed peaceful for long.
Her father wasn’t on the ship. But a Galran Commander was. So between the crushing weight of losing another lead on her father, the frantic efforts to protect the slaves that remained, and staying alive. Pidge was on the edge.
Wanting to throw herself off it.
“I thought you said your father was aboard this ship?!” Came Lotor’s frantic cry as they ducked for cover against a metal crate. Pidge hissed in pain as the cut on her thigh sang with pain. Dammit! It wasn’t supposed to be like this!
This wasn’t supposed to happen!
“I thought he was!” She screamed right back, launching right back into the fray after a moment’s rest. Running low to the ground as shots flew above her. But before the sentries could adjust their aim, Pidge lashed out.
Electrified Bayard swinging toward them.
A quick, jolt of electricity and they fell. Limp limbs of metal and wires on the floor. She could feel Lotor’s gaze on her. Burning her skin even through her armor. Pidge’s clenched fist and grip on her weapon turned near choking.
“You thought? You risked our lives on a mere guess? You fool!”
She turned toward him.
“I never asked you to come with me!” She must’ve looked like a mess, but Pidge couldn’t find it in herself to care. So what if Lotor saw the huge tears streaking down her face? She didn’t care.
Didn’t want to care anymore.
She just wanted her father back. Was that so wrong? Was that so hard for Lotor to understand? Looking at him, Pidge saw that strange, soft look return to his sharp features once more. His mouth parted. As if to say something. Pidge burning against his gaze, humiliated and frustrated.
She didn’t want his pity!
“Pala…Pidge, I-I didn’t mean to-“ Still looking at her, Lotor’s eyes widened. Freezing mid-sentence as he caught sight of something over her shoulder.  
Pidge’s blood running cold.
She turned, but not fast enough. The world grew noisy once more with the sound of gunfire. Pidge bracing herself for the worst.
But the worst never came.
It was Lotor. The enemy everyone was so hesitant about trusting. It was that Galran Prince that tackled her to the side, out of harm’s way.
At his own expense.
“AHHHGH!” Lotor howled, clutching his upper back. Purple skin sizzling from the heat of the blast. Cut into his body savagely. Blood already running down his back in deep, dark maroon rivets.
Drops of it dripping onto her armor. Their collided forms poorly hidden between a wall and another crate. His weight baring down on her smaller body. Silver hair brushing Pridge’s cheek as he loomed above her. Face pinched in pain.  But that soft look remained as he gazed down at her.
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potentiala · 7 years
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Lotidge Ship Week: Day 4 - Enchanting
“Uh? Voltron to Lotor? Voltron to-“
“I heard you the first time Lance.” Lotor grumbled as he took another swing of Nunvil. Stupid Voltron. Stupid Alteans. Stupid alliances with their stupid formal-
“Ok, ok. Just checking Mr. Grumpy Galra. Jeez, you’ve been glaring into space for half a Varga now man.” Well…the Red (or was it Blue now? Blast it, its all too confusing at the moment) Paladin wasn’t entirely wrong. Lotor was, indeed, very grumpy.
But he hadn’t been glaring at nothing.
“Says the one sulking with over Keith.”
“Hey! I’m not sulking!”
“Sure, and I’m not trying to get drunk Lance.”
More specifically, he had been glaring at the little woman that had taken up far too much of his thoughts as of late.  A point further proven by the three empty Nunvil glasses next to him. Ah. 
The Green Paladin.
The two had developed a sort of…relationship as of late. Touches lingered. Lips occasionally touched. Eyes would soften.
But what were they?
What did she think of him? Just what was keeping them dancing around each other like this? Lotor didn’t know and he hated being left in the dark like this.  
Hated being so enamored with her.
His eyes never left her, as she stood there in the distance. Clothed in a pale purple dress that made his blood boil with every sort of blushing red feeling Lotor swore he’d never let himself feel. A sleeveless lilac two-piece with strips of black velvet holing the short shirt and long billowy skirt together. Slivers of warm, freckled skin shining through the gaps. Etherial and enchanting.
Talking with other men.
The sight had his fangs grinding against each other. Seeing her smile up at diplomats. Seeing their eyes linger on her skin. Lotor had half a mind to chew the Altean Princess out for introducing Pidge to these foreign diplomats. Ugh, he didn’t like this.
Not in the least.
He didn’t like the uncertainty. The secret tenderness between them. He wanted the ability to loop his arms around that slim waist without the fear of losing what little standing he had with her. The right to stand by her side without any chance that she might lash out at him.
Pathetic, he knows.
But what was a man to do? The Green Paladin had his heart wrapped around her little fingers. Maybe it started when those gold eyes first cut into him. Or when he saw those blasted tears streaking down her face. But either way, Lotor knew that whatever he felt for this small woman has long gone beyond a simple fascination.    
He downed his drink.
“Lotor? Where are you going?” Lance was deftly ignored in favor of Lotor making his way towards the small woman who left him so helpless.
The room only spinning slightly.
Then, in the corner of his eyes, Lotor saw the Black Paladin make way towards Pidge as well. Every nerve in Lotor’s body screaming in protest at the sight.
Damned clone.
It wasn’t that hard to figure out. But Lotor couldn’t bear to tell the rest of Voltron for fear of being booted out. Their trust in that copy of their leader greater than their trust in him. Though complications really started arising when Lotor found that the clone’s eyes never strayed far too long on a certain Paladin.
Which Lotor couldn’t exactly fault the thing for.
Pidge was, at least by Galran standards, an ideal, tempting mate. Young and clever. Her size never impeding her battle prowess. Small and lithe like a knife.
Never failing to excite him.
Beautiful and deadly in such a breathtaking way Lotor want to snatch her up in his arms and snarl at every male that came too close. That being said, as soon as Pidge was within an arm’s reach, Lotor pounced.
Wrapping an arm around her waist.
“Join me for a stroll, won’t you?” He didn’t look at her as he asked, choosing, instead, to glare triumphantly at that clone’s dumbfounded expression. The copy’s expression immediately souring. 
Before whisking her away completely.
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potentiala · 7 years
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Lotidge Ship Week: Day 6 - Human
Things got better for them.
Sure, Allura's eyebrow would twitch at the sight of their entwined hands and Matt took it upon himself to give Lotor the whole "Big Brother" talk.
And Shiro wouldn't look at the pair of them altogether.
But they were happy. Pidge was glad to have someone who understood her as well as Lotor by her side. Lotor was elated to have finally found an equal in the Green Paladin.
Together, they made quite the fearsome pair.
All biting intelligence and stone-cold fury, the Empire was bound to get nervous. But no one, not any one of them, would've expected the Galran Empire's next move.
They attacked Earth.
A seriously pissed-off Voltron shut the whole operation down, of course. But the terror of what could've been still froze the marrow in their bones. To make matters worse, Earth had taken notice of the little skirmish on the edge of their solar system.
Discovered them.
Allura deciding that the best course of action would be to go down to the surface and try to explain the danger Earth was truly in.
Lance nearly cried with happiness.
Matt and Pidge were overjoyed at the prospect of seeing their mother again. Of coming home. But, there was one problem.
Not that he opposed the decision or anything. The Galran Prince was beyond eager to explore the world and woman that created his beloved little Paladin. No, the problem Lotor presented was very simple in nature.
He was purple.
With silver hair and Altean ears. It wasn’t as though Pidge disliked any of that, rather, she was worried that the government might be. And suddenly, all those nights binge-watching conspiracy theories seemed like a bad idea.
Curse the undeniable proof that Mothman existed!
“I don’t think you should come.” Pidge announced as the couple got ready for bed. The pair stayed up later than everyone else most days, usually due to each other’s company, so it only made sense for them rest at each other’s side as well.
No one else knew.
Which was just fine with the young couple. Everyone knew how late they could work, and therefore no eyebrows were raised when they would walk into the dining room with sleep still clinging to their eyes. Thinking that it was their projects beginning to catch up to them, when really they had just wanted to stay in the same bed for a little while longer. Stay in each other’s arms a moment longer.
Just for a moment.
“Why not? It’s only proper that I meet your mother, considering…” Lotor sent a not so discreet glance towards their shared bed. Littered with their projects and blueprints. Lotor’s side only slightly neater than Pidge’s. The young woman only rolled her eyes, opening her mouth to retort.
When Lotor took his shirt off.
Now…you’d think with the sheer number of times he’s slept in the same bed as her, Pidge would be used to such a sight. But no.
That wasn’t the case.
Good lord, and the look her gave her after stripping! Pidge had half a mind to throw her pillow at him just for that teasing little look. Her face a blushing red mess.
“WHA-We haven’t done anything and you know it!” Came her flustered screech. Trying to take her eyes off of Lotor. Away from his defined, toned stomach. Away from the smooth way his muscles moved underneath his skin. Away from the visible V-line of his hips peaking out from his grey sweatpants.
Obviously she succeeded.
“You don’t look like you’re too happy about that though~”
“L-Look! I’m just worried that humans will see you and-“ Pidge trailed off, Lotor having joined her on their bed. Toned, purple arms on either side of her. The Green Paladin’s heart thundering in her chest at the sight of Lotor’s face watching her underneath him. Sliver hair slipping off his back and onto her shoulders. Leaving ghosting imprints along her collarbones. That soft, soft look back on his face.
Then he changed.
Shifted his features in the same way Allura did. Lotor’s purple skin growing a warmer mocha color. His bright hair running the darkest shade of black Pidge had ever seen. Fangs retreating to a normal size. Ears loosing their sharp points. Eyes loosing their yellow nightlightish hue, but remained that same brilliant blue color.  
Pidge nearly choked.
Lotor smiled. And though he may look human, that wolfish smile was still the same. Still sent shivers down her spine. And the smug Prince above her knew it. Lotor leaning down to kiss her with violet-turned-pink lips just like he always did. Pidge’s hands tangling themselves into his ink-black hair. His weight solidly pressing against her.
He laughed.
“See something you like Darling?”
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potentiala · 7 years
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Lotidge Ship Week: Day 5 - Obsession
He’s drunk, was Pidge’s first thought.
But no, Lotor looked perfectly focused as he ushered her out of the gala and into an isolated balcony. She didn’t say anything at first, the look on his face was telling enough. But curiosity and concern eventually won out in the end.
“Lotor! What are you-“
“What are we Pidge?” The question jarred her. Shocked her to a stop as they stood at the balcony’s entrance. Pale yellow moonlight shining through the open space. Turning Lotor’s silver hair a tawny gold and he stared at her.
Only an arm’s reach away.
She didn’t know how to answer. She, Katherine ‘Pidge’ Holt, was at a loss for words for once. Gazing up into Lotor’s nightlight eyes. Trying to put her feelings into words.
Trying to explain how she felt.
Make no mistake, the Galran Prince could drive her crazy sometimes, but in the short time Pidge has known him…he…he had endeared himself to her.
Crazy as it sounds.
But Pidge found his silent, thinking nature to be a great comfort. He never pushed and shoved his way into knowing more about her. Content with her secrets. He respected her opinion, looking at her like she was exactly his equal.
Exactly the person he wanted by his side.
How could Pidge ever respond to something like that? How could she ever find the words to describe the way her heart raced when she looked into his eyes as he thanked her? Or when he would smile wolfishly whenever he was about to tease her? Or how his touch, cold-blooded skin and all, sent shivers up and down her spine like signal waves? How could she describe that?
How could she tell him that?
“Or am I the fool here? Am I the only one who cares what we have between u-”
“I care!” Pidge cried, casting her eyes down. She felt as if the ground was crumbling underneath her feat. Of course she wanted to have something more with Lotor, but what they were doing…were they going too fast? Was what they were doing really-
Lotor kissed her.
A hard, passionate kiss that made Pidge’s head spin. Throwing every thought that didn’t pertain to the Galran Prince’s lips on her’s out of her head. Both too far gone in a fascination with the other to think or act rationally. Breaking for air only when it was absolutely necessary.
Lotor looked at her.
All tangled up in his arms. Warm, lively body around his own. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Had you asked the Galran Prince a month ago what he wanted most in life, he would’ve answered that his father’s throne was his only goal.
But not anymore.
Pidge looked at him.
Looked him with those big gold eyes of her’s. Always so sharp and attentive…now soft. Soft just for him. Ah, he was doomed.
Doomed to be destroyed by her hands.
Pidge could only hold his face in her hands as Lotor looked like he wanted to laugh. Laugh in a crazy, broken sort of way as he looked down at her. Entrapped in his arms. He bent his head to whisper to her. Silver hair making a makeshift curtain for the two of them.
 Eyes soft.
"You'll be the death of me."
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dragbunart · 7 years
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Lotidge week Day one: Trust
Lotor didn’t know how the plan would go. He needed a ‘date’. And Allura completely refused.  Lance offered himself as a tribute. Lotor said if Lance was his date they’d both rock dresses. Then Lance sprained his ankle in training.
Pidge offered to be his date. Lotor couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at the adorable paladin. 
While Pidge was single-handedly the cutest of the paladins it wasn’t the type of ‘cute’ where you’d ask them on a date: it was the ‘cute’ where they could cause trouble and you’d let them get away with it.
I mean Lotor had to accept, Pidge was the last resort.
He fully thought that until he saw her in the dress. A light mint green dress that made her look like a water nymph or something mystical.
“Told ya i could dress like a girl.” Pidge joked. Lotor was stunned speachless. “Guess you’ll just have to trust me.” “... From now on I will.”
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potentiala · 7 years
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Lotidge Ship Week: Day 3 - Reconciliation
(yeah...these are all just going to go up within like 5 minutes of each other, sorry)
Somehow, someway they got away.
But somewhere in between covering for the escaping slaves and getting the quiznack out of there…Lotor had gone silent. Pidge had kept him talking, awake, as they boarded and battled in the Green Lion. But now it was quiet.
Too quiet.
“Lotor! Lotor, answer me!” It took a mere flick of her wrist and a flutter of her fingers to set Green back on a course for the Castle.
Lotor sprawled out on the floor.
“Oh no. Oh no, no, no.” The words came out like knives in Pidge’s throat. Slashing the silence far too quickly. Gently as she could, she tuned Lotor face down. The wound coming into sight. The Galran Prince’s back a mess of blood.
A scream rising in Pidge’s throat.
Taking the meager, gauze-like cloth from the med kits within her Lion, Pidge pressed it against the shallow line of Lotor’s wound as hard as she could. Earning a hiss of pain from the Prince with his head in her lap.
“Lotor, can you hear me? Don’t you dare sleep on me!” Her voice sounded frantic, crazed. Even to her. But how could she not be? Oh God why?
Why did he do it?
Why did he do something so stupid? And for her no less! She…She had screamed at him. Thought he was some heartless monster. The things she thought about him…surely she was paying for them now.
“…mmmft.” Was Lotor’s only response. Heart still strangling her throat, Pidge ripped open a pack of painkillers. Popping off the cap from one of the syringes with her mouth, she sunk it near Lotor’s wound.
Tears falling once more.
Pidge was positive his scream, his painful howl would never leave her mind. It would echo within the confides of her head. Tighten her throat. Make her heart clench. But that she could deal with. One way or another, she could shoulder those things.
What she couldn’t shoulder was the memory. The memory of that soft look he had given her ticks before everything went wrong. Why?
Why’d he do it?
- - -
She knew they had to talk.
To discuss what had happened. But everytime their gazes so much as met, Pidge just ran. Flight or fight at its finest. She knew she needed to apologize for endangering them and thank him for…
For saving her life.
But Pidge didn’t know how’d he react to something like that. Lotor had emerged from the healing pods into a less-reluctantly trusting group of people, and he seemed happy about that. Busy with all the newfound trust. Fitting, only a little awkwardly, into their crew. Seeing this,  Pidge knew it was now or never.
And she was hoping for never.
“Pidge.” Oh quiznack. She just jinxed herself, didn’t she? Turning around in one of the Castle’s hallways on her way to her lab, she met face to face with the Galran Prince himself.
He looked better at the very least, no blood anywhere. Her heart, despite herself, thundered in her chest. Ok. Ok, you can do this.
“Lotor I-“
“Pidge I-“
Their responses came at the same time. Their voices smacking together like clumsy vagabonds. But, at the very least, it eased Pidge’s frazzled nerves. Lotor pursing lips with something like embarrassment. Pidge getting the idea that maybe Lotor was as on edge as she was? Maybe? Hopefully?
Kind of?
“Ladies first.” Came Lotor’s voice after a shocked pause. He didn’t look upset. And Pidge decided to take that as reason to continue. Clenching her fists at her side.
Steeling herself.
“I…I think some apologies are in order here, a-and I just wanted to say th-“
“Pidge.” When? When had Lotor gotten so close? The Galran Prince was barely a breath away from her. Heck, she could even feel the coolness of his skin as he stared down at her. Body hovering a mere breath away.
That strange, soft look on his face.
But any words she might’ve said in surprise died in her throat as Lotor raised his hand. Long, purple fingers traced the line of her cheek. Only to tangle themselves into the short mess of amber curls on her head. Those focused, intense eyes staring at her like she was the only thing in the world.
Pidge’s heart nearly bursting.
No one had…had ever touched her like that. Especially not with that look. The Green Paladin felt a red flush rise to her face. He was close. Too close. Getting too close to how she felt abo-
His thumb brushed her lower lip.
Pushed down on it. Pidge could feel the sharp point of his finger. Her warm breath soft on his cold hand. Part of her screamed to run, but the other, more insistent, part of her wanted to stay.
To see what would happen.
God, she couldn’t get over that look on his face. All his sharp edges having softened into something almost…tender. But that was impossible! He couldn’t care about her like that. He…He…
He leaned down.
To her surprise, though Lotor’s skin was cool with his cold blood, his breath was warm. Warm on her mouth. Pidge nearly jolting at the feeling. Soft and fluttery and almost too much. Lotor smiled, still watching her with those focused eyes. His fangs glinting in the light.
“And what sort of apoligizes are you referring to?” Her heart shouldn’t be thundering like that. Nor should her face suddenly feel too hot for her to concentrate. Brain a jumbled mess of the sights and sounds and feelings Lotor seemed to cause her.
“Y-You saved me…t-the l-least I can do is thank you.” Pidge’s words were coming out just like she felt. Chaotically together and unfocused. Lotor raised a single eyebrow.
Somewhere between happy and ammused.
“And do you know why I did what did Pidge?” She wished he wouldn’t say her name like that. In such a way that it sent a wave of warmth over her skin. Especially when he moved his thumb across and off her mouth like that. Or when his other arm snaked its way around her waist. But, in all honesty, she did have an idea as to why the Galran Prince had acted so brashly.
An idea that made her weak in the knees and giddy with possibility.
“Shall I give you an explanation then?” His voice a purr. Low and velvety and warm. Long, white eyelashes fluttering down as he slotted their lips together. Pidge’s hands rushing to grip at the collar of his shirt.
Weak in the knees.
It wasn’t her first kiss per se, but it was definitely the best. With Lotor’s mouth soft and hypnotic against her own. Moving in ways that made her dizzy and, at the same never, never wanting him to stop. He made a sort of rumble in throat as he braced his fingers against her neck.
As if memorizing it.
Lotor almost kissed like he fought. Intense and purposeful. Tracing invisible symbols along her neck all the while and keeping that steady, grounded arm around her. But, as their tongues brushed and Pidge wrapped her arms around his neck, they couldn’t stay like this forever.
They needed air.  
So they broke apart, Lotor having, somehow, maneuvered her so that her back was supported against the walls of the Castle. But still he loomed over her. Soft, silver hair tickling her fingers as the pair looked at each other through their lashes. Half-lidded and reeling from what they had just done.
And, though Pidge was still very much red in the face, a wily little smirk began tugging on her lips. Kiss-drunk and elated. Curling, playful lips that Lotor was all-to eager to get back to. The feeling only increasing with her teasing, snarky voice made breathless from a single kiss purring into his ear.
“Nope...Sorry to say, but still don’t understand what you mean Lotad.”
He bristled.
“Mind explaining it again?” The little minx, the Galran Prince thought as she pulled him down once more. Lotor mere putty in her small, freckled hands. This little Thief of Hearts...
Kissing him senseless like this.
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