#lotf rice
beeari · 3 months
Don't mind me just drawing some Roger because @freakyelf-ontheshelf hates him and I'm mad at her. >:(. Also because his design is one of my faves.
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Also, I don't do ships in lotf, but for people who do ship Roger and Maurice, how about naming the ship rice?
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fukia · 2 years
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More on my approach towards depicting the LOTF cast (idfk how many of these I’m gonna make), including “signature” looks
• Jack: popped collar, sometimes goes for punk, sometimes goes for classy, messier hair, slightly more roughed up, his relationships with everyone is somewhat balanced; that is to say in general, he dislikes his enemies as much as he likes his friends with Ralph-Piggy-Roger being exceptions, can be surprisingly generous if he so chooses
• Ralph: bracelet, short sleeves, knows how to pose! Stands relaxedly but exudes confidence and authority, his expressions give a small sense he’s holding some of his emotions back for the sake of others (however, Jack brings them out full swing), occasionally hangs with Maurice one-on-one for similar tastes in media, kinda protective of Simon & Piggy
• Simon: some grunge, some industrial look (bracelet, necklace), short sleeve and waist-tied or unzipped cargo/utility jacket; a bit messy but in a charming way, somewhat similar to Roger style-wise but while they have the occasionally friendly interaction, Roger always says something to purposefully ruin the mood
• Roger: I was originally gonna give him peekabangs on his beauty mark side but that’s a lot of facial intrigue on one man, track boots, oversized tops, longer sleeves to better cover bloody hands - think Ichimatsu but “slutty” lmfao, he blanches a bit quicker than he tans, somewhat clingy towards Jack (and Ralph if Jack isn’t there)
• Piggy: casual but groomed, higher socks, rarely overdresses, occasionally dons contacts, gives the vibe that he feels he’s surrounded by idiots, hates both Jack & Roger of course but Roger gives him more room to fight back because it’s more fun that way, doesn’t admit how much he still seeks Ralph’s approval despite acting as if he has matured since
• Maurice: never wears short sleeves, just long-sleeves rolled up, I feel like he and Bill had a short-lived thing once that they refuse to talk about, with the latter not particularly pleased about Maurice’s allegiance to Jack (nor interactions with Roger who’s purposefully a home-wrecker in spite of Rice ignoring it)
•Samneric: raglan, occasionally wears different clothes from each-other and they are conflicted as to what this means for them as twins, one of them might be experimenting with jewelry and the other with hats - dunno which ones, both resent Roger for reasons, one resents Piggy and seeks to be Ralph’s second in command, one resents Simon for being Ralph’s spiritual/emotional center
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reformedvoid · 3 years
I got tagged by @fiownyagallagher
Three ships: Jimmy & Kim, Tom Chaplin & Tim Rice Oxley (Band ships), Me & Tom (and Bob) (in a fantasy world)
Last Song:Cloudbusting cover by Matthew Good featuring Holly McNarland. I have Canadian roots
Last Movie: Lord Of The Flies from 1963, I loved it! I’ve seen the 90’s one too but I prefer the original.
Currently Watching: Breaking Bad, Mr Show, videos from my favourite bands & singers.
Currently reading:I’m looking for a copy of LOTF cause I wanna read it badly, Fanfiction (obviously) and Love In The Time Of Cholera.
Currently Craving: Tom & Bob…Cheese bread, chicken burgers, Wendy’s Chili Cheese Fries, chocolate, a hot shower with music in the background.
I tag @helga1031 I’m not good at this kind of thing. Who knows maybe I’ll do a more in depth thing about myself sometime.
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anonymous-mary · 7 years
This is OTT but Trevor Young(Charlie's close friend)is dating the principal violinist of the St Paul Chamber Orchestra Eunice Kim)and she just tweeted Charlie that she will see them at the Rice Park in MN because she was performing somewhere next to the park. Trevor & Kim were in Japan last year and they visited Charlie and saw LOTF. Saw pics in his insta. Funny since Chuck also plays the violin.
Interesting. Maybe Trevor plays an instrument too.
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thatwassimon · 8 years
This is @meme-rice's side blog for Lord of the Flies! I will most likely be posting my drawings and ideas on here. I will also be reblogging other LOTF stuff... So yeah! Thank you! 💕💖💕💖
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